)NSIGHTSª)MAGINGª ªª3UPPLª 3n3ª $/)ªS ª Postgraduate Educational Programme Categorical Courses (CC) EFOMP Workshop (EF) ESR meets Sessions (EM) European Excellence in Education (E³) Honorary Lectures (HL) Mini Courses (MC) Multidisciplinary Sessions (MS) New Horizons Sessions (NH) Opening Lecture (OL) Professional Challenges Sessions (PC) Refresher Courses (RC) RTF - Radiology Trainees Forum (TF) Special Focus Sessions (SF) State of the Art Symposia (SA) " # # !"# "# # A B C D E F G S1 !"!"! " # A B C D E F G S2 !"!"! 12:30 - 13:30 Room E2 Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the indications for percutaneous image-guided biopsy. The Beauty of Basic Knowledge: Skeletal Radiology 2. To learn about the practical aspects of biopsy, needle selection and guidance techniques. MC 26 A 3. To learn how to approach difficult lesions and avoid complications. Plain radiographs: analysis and 14:00 - 15:30 Room C interpretation Interactive Teaching Session Moderator: V.N. Cassar-Pullicino; Oswestry/UK E³ 220 A-001 12:30 The treated breast: what you need to know Plain radiographs: analysis and interpretation I. McCall; Devon/UK (
[email protected]) A-003 14:00 A. Imaging after treatment of breast cancer The radiograph remains a quick and inexpensive imaging modality. Factors to M.H. Fuchsjäger; Graz/AT (
[email protected]) Thursday evaluate include the thickness and outlines of cortical bone, the density and pattern of trabecular bone and the presence or absence of periosteal new Imaging after treatment of breast cancer is for confirmation of lesion removal, bone. The position of lesions within the bone, their outline, size and margin and identification of postprocedural fluid collections, detection of residual or whether they are single or multiple also provide important diagnostic recurrent cancer and screening for metachronous cancers.