CORO The Sixteen Edition CORO The Sixteen Edition Other Sixteen Edition Blest Cecilia recordings available on Coro Britten Volume 1 COR16006 Iste Confessor "A disc of Samson exceptional quality, The Sacred Music of reinforcing the George Frideric Handel Domenico Scarlatti Sixteen's reputation COR16003 as one of the finest The Sixteen “Outstanding... astonishing choirs of our day." The Symphony of Harmony and Invention stylistic and expressive range” GRAMOPHONE BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE HARRY CHRISTOPHERS The Call of The Beloved The Fairy Queen T HOMAS R ANDLE Victoria Purcell COR16007 2CD set M ARK P ADMORE "If one can ever achieve COR16005 complete emotional "A performance like L YNDA R USSELL expression through the this shows dimensions of power of music, then Purcell's genius that are all L YNNE D AWSON here it is." too rarely heard on disc" HARRY CHRISTOPHERS GRAMOPHONE C ATHERINE W YN -R OGERS Gramophone magazine said of The Sixteen’s recordings “This is what recording should be about...excellent performances and recorded sound...beautiful and moving.” M ICHAEL G EORGE Made in Great Britain J ONATHAN B EST For details of discs contact The Sixteen Productions Ltd. 00 44 1869 331544 or see; e-mail
[email protected] N The Sixteen For many years Handel’s G.F. HANDEL (1685-1759) Samson was every British SAMSON choral society’s antidote to SAMSON Messiah. However, over the n 1739 at least two Miltonic projects were urged upon Handel by a circle of wealthy supporters An Oratorio in 3 Acts by past two or three decades it including Jennens, the philosopher James Harris and the 4th Earl of Shaftesbury.