Cactus Viruses in Fasciated Plants

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Cactus Viruses in Fasciated Plants BIOLOGIJA. 2013. Vol. 59. No. 2. P. 213–218 © Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2013 Cactus viruses in fasciated plants Valentyna M. Maliarenko1*, In plants of Cactaceae A. L. Juss. family occurrence of fasciated shoots and cristation of stems is often observed. Many studies Tatyana P. Mudrak2 have shown differences in the intensity of expression growth factors and genes associated with fasciation (cristation). We 1,2 Taras Shevchenko tested nine samples on viral infection, including Mammillaria National University of Kyiv, elongata A. P. de Candolle f. cristata, growing on their own roots. Institute of Biology The Scions: Mammillaria elongata A. P. de Candolle f. cristata, Echinopsis chamaecereus H. Friedr. & Glaetzle f. cristata, 1 O. V. Fomin Echinocereus pectinatus (Scheidw.) Eng. f. cristata, Echinopsis sp. Botanical Garden Zucc. f. cristata which grow on the stocks Eriocereus jusbertii (Rebut) A. Berg., Echinopsis macrogona (Salm-Dyck). Basing 2 Department of Virology on bioassay and morphological properties the detected viruses are related to Cactus virus 2 and Cactus virus X and genus Tobamovirus. As the same viral particles were found in the scions and stocks, we can assume that viruses cannot cause fasciation in the investigated species. Key words: fasciation, Cactaceae, Cactus virus 2, Cactus virus X INTRODUCTON Fasciation (in Latin – Fascia) is a deformation of shoots of plants. Stems intergrow each other, Plants with abnormal type of growth are an branches accrete with the main shoot, several interesting phenomenon in plant morphology. growth points merged into one. The rhythm of Teratology of plant studies clarifies the essence cell division and differentiation changes too [4]. that causes an ugly form of growth and finds the This phenomenon is a widespread morpholo gy origins relevant to plants with normal form of of plant. It was found in over 100 species of vascu- growth. Scientific information about fasсiations lar plants [5] and also observed in dicotyledonous has been summarized in the works of [1, 2, 3]. and monocotyledonous plants in 39 families and 86 genera [6]. Fasciation is known in family * Corresponding author. E-mail: Rosaceae A. L. Juss., Ranunculaceae A. L. Juss., 214 Valentyna M. Maliarenko, Tatyana P. Mudrak Liliaceae A. L. Juss., Euphorbiaceae A. L. Juss., own roots. The Scions: Mammillaria elongata Crassulaceae D. C., Onagraceae A. L. Juss., A. P. de Candolle f. cristata and its stock Erio­ Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl, Cactaceae cereus jusbertii (Rebut) A. Berg., Echinopsis cha­ A. L. Juss., Asclepiadaceae R. Br. Occurrence maecereus H. Friedr. & Glaetzle f. cristata, Echi­ of fasciation among Pseudotsuga menziesii nocereus pectinatus (Scheidw.) Eng. f. cristata, (Mirb.) Franco is also known [7]. Echinopsis sp. Zucc. f. cristata, which grow on One of the forms of fasciation is cristation. the stocks Echinopsis macrogona (Salm-Dyck) Consequently, the stems of plants are wide and on viral infection. flat with wavy nature of the further growth. Plants homogenized with addition of 0.1 M The main reasons for reviewing are the inf- phosphate buffered saline (pH 7,4). For besieg- luence of external factors and genetic changes ing of cellular admixtures low-speed centri fu- in the genotype. The factors of the en viron- ga tion 7 000 rpm during 20 min was conducted. ment include: damage by mycoplasmas [8], Preparations were inflicted on copper string- gamma radiation [9], growth regulators and bags from 0.2% formvar lining. The negative light [10]; the bacteria Rhodococcus fascians contrasting was conducted by 2% uranil acetate cause fasciation and other violations in plants during 1.5 min. The revision of standards was [6]. Occurrence of fasciation phenotype is conducted by electron microscope JEM-1230 associated with mutations of genes that control (Japаn), with a resolution of 0.2 nm. Samples the development of meristems [11]. of plants of Cactaceae family were analyzed Screening of Cactaceae plants on virus by electron microscopy at a magnification of diseases in the collections of O. V. Fomin Bo- 30.000 times. tanical Garden has been conducted. In all collections cactus plants are infected by virus. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Basing on morphological properties detected viruses are related to Cactus virus 2 and Cac­ Virus diseases of Cactaceae plants have not been tus virus X. Since in the scion and rootstock sufficiently studied. The most widespread viruses the same virus particles were found, we can affecting plants of this family are Cactus virus X assume that viruses cannot cause fasciation in (genus Potexvirus, family Alphaflexiviridae): Cactaceae family. virions filamentous, not enveloped; usually Our goal is to verify fasciated plants of flexuous with clear modal length 520 nm Cactaceae A. L. Juss. family on virus diseases. and 13 nm wide; Zygocactus virus X (genus Potexvirus, family Alphaflexiviridae): virions MATERIALS AND METHODS are flexuous with clear modal length 519 nm and 10 nm wide; Opuntia virus X (genus The investigated plants were selected in the Potexvirus, family Alphaflexiviridae): virions collection of succulent plants in O. V. Fomin filamentous, usually flexuous with clear modal Botanical Garden. There are 28 species of fas- length 520 nm and 13 nm wide [13]; Sammons’ ciated plants of Cactaceae family. They belong Opuntia virus (genus Tobamovirus) virions rod- to 20 genera [12]. Most of these plants retain- shaped, not enveloped, 317 nm long and 18 nm ed on the stock, but some species are grown wide [14]; Cactus mild mottle virus (genus on their own roots. Collection of species Tobamovirus): virions 320 nm long and 18 nm forms of cristata reproduces by the method of in diameter [15]; Saguaro cactus virus (genus grafting. Carmovirus, family Tombusviridae): virions not enveloped, isometric nucleocapsid, 32 nm in diameter [16]; Cactus virus 2 (genus Carlavirus, Plant Material family Betaflexiviridae): filamentous virions We have tested species: Mammillaria elongata with normal length 650–655 nm and 11–13 nm A. P. de Candolle f. cristata growing on their wide [17]. Cactus viruses in fasciated plants 215 Fig. 1. A – Mammillaria elongata f. cristata A. P. de Candolle, B – Echinopsis chamaecereus f. cristata H. Friedr. & Glaetzle The following cacti were assayed and found All studied plants were probably virus in- infected, external symptoms: Mammillaria elon­ fected. To confirm our assumption about virus gata A. P. de Candolle f. cristata (Fig. 1A), grow- infection and to study the morphology of the ing on their own roots. The Scions: Mammil­ pathogen we carried out transmission electron laria elongata A. P. de Candolle f. cris tata and microscopy. its stock Eriocereus jusbertii (Re but) A. Berg. In the sap of all plants we registered Echinopsis chamaecereus H. Friedr. & Glaetzle filamentous virions with size 650 × 12 ± 2 nm, f. cristata (Fig. 1B), Echinocereus pectinatus which is typical for Cactus virus 2 (Fig. 3A). (Scheidw.) Eng. f. cristata, Echinopsis sp. Zucc. Also in Echinopsis chamaecereus f. cristata, f. cristata, which grows on the stocks Echinop sis Echi nocereus pectinatus f. cristata, Mammilla­ macrogona (Salm-Dyck). ria elongata f. cristata and stocks Eriocereus Indicator plants were inoculated with sap jus bertii, Echinopsis macrogona we found fila- obtained from cactus plants. Necrotic lo cal mentous virions with typical size for Cactus lesions were observed on Chenopodium mu­ virus X 580 × 13 ± 2 nm (Fig. 3B). rale L. and Gomphrena globosa L. and mosaic In the sap of Echinopsis sp. f. cristata and its on Nicotiana alata Link et Otto (Fig. 2) was stock we found filamentous virions with typical typical for Cactus virus X. size for Cactus virus 2 650 × 12 ± 2 nm. A rod- Fig. 2. Mosaic symptom on an inoculated Nicotiana alata leaf 216 Valentyna M. Maliarenko, Tatyana P. Mudrak Fig. 3. Electron micrograph of negatively stained crude extract from Mammillaria elongata f. cristata showing filamentous: A – Cactus virus 2 (650 × 12 ± 2 nm), B – Cactus virus X (580 × 13 ± 2 nm) shaped viral particles with size 317 × 18 ± 2 nm the Sammons’ Opuntia virus infects only the belong to the genus Tobamovirus. plants of genus Opuntia, though quite often It is noteworthy that in species Mammillaria a symptomless infection takes place. Virions elongata f. cristata and stock Echinopsis mac­ have length 317 nm and diameter 18 nm. The rogona we found three types of virions – two Cactus mild mottle virus affecting different filamentous and one rod-shaped. cactus species causes spots and mosaics on The discovered rod-shaped viral particles plants, virions have length 320 nm and diameter belong to virus from the genus Tobamovirus 18 nm [15]. As cactus had mixed infection, (Fig. 4). In accordance with literature [14], it is possible to assume that Chamaereus Fig. 4. Electron micrograph of Tobamovirus Cactus viruses in fasciated plants 217 silvestrii f. cristata, Echinopsis sp. f. cristata and 6. Goethals K, Vereecke D, Jaziri M, Van Mon- Mammillaria elongata f. cristata were infected tague M, Holsters M. Leafy gall formation by with Cactus mild mottle virus [15]. Rhodococcus fascians. Annual Rev Phytopath 2001; 39: 27–52. CONCLUSIONS 7. Duffield JW, Wheat JG. A common fasciation in Douglas fir. J Hered 1963; 54(5): 240. Viruses were detected in all the studied plants 8. Stumm-Tegethoff BFA, Linskens HF. Stem (scions, stocks and fasciated plants growing fasciation in Lilium henryi caused by nema- on their own roots) by electron microscopy. todes. Acta Bot Neerl 1985; 34: 83–93. Thus basing on morphological properties the detected viruses are related to Cactus virus 2 9. Abe K, Osakabe K, Ishikawa Y, Tagiri A, and Cactus virus X. The nature of rod-shaped Yamanouchi H, Takyuu T et al. Inefficient virions are still studied. double-strand DNA break repair is asso- The obtained results confirm the high ciated with increased fasciation in Arabi dop­ capacity of plant Cactaceae family to be infected sis BRCA2 mutants. J Exp Bot 2009; 60(9): with viruses.
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