Please contact the CONTACT US! Call: 01823 347451 Somerset Heritage Email:
[email protected] or Learning Team to Email:
[email protected] Primary Schools Programme Look book your sessions AUTUMN 2012 inside.. or to find out more. ..for lots Somerset Heritage Centre, Taunton Our archives and local studies team can provide tailor-made of exciting archive packs to support your local study. These may include posters, letters, diaries, census returns, maps, illustrations, wills activities! and inventories. CDs containing photographs and documents are available to support your teaching. ‘A Somerset Seaside Holiday’ and ‘Somerset Markets’, £7 each. Call: 01823 347451 Email:
[email protected] The Museum of Somerset, Taunton Castle Enhanced Subscribers free Standard subscribers £1.75 per child. Adults free. Pay-as-you-go users £3.50 per child. Adults free. Call: 01823 347451 Email:
[email protected] The Museum of Somerset Somerset Rural Life Museum, Glastonbury Somerset Rural Life Museum Enhanced subscribers free. Standard subscribers £1.75 per child. Adults free. Museum Loans for Learning Pay-as-you-go users £3.50 per child. Adults free. Call: 01458 831197 Email:
[email protected] In-school sessions Enhanced subscribers free. Standard subscribers £50 per group of up to 35 pupils. Pay-as-you-go users £100 per group of up to 35 pupils. A mileage charge from the resource base in Taunton applies to all bookings: 0-5 miles £5 6-15 miles £15 16-25 miles £25 26-40 miles £40 Over 41 miles £60 Call: 01823 347451 Email:
[email protected] Book us! Use real and replica objects in your classroom - free to subscribers! Somerset Harvest – Somerset Rural Life Museum (Up to 26 October) New! Do you want to bring the past alive for your pupils? Borrow a wide A stimulating and active outside session that helps children range of real and replica objects to support creative learning in school.