Exploring Similarity and Complementarily in Same-Sex Friendships
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University of Tennessee, Knoxville TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Supervised Undergraduate Student Research Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects and Creative Work Spring 5-1996 Exploring Similarity and Complementarily in Same-Sex Friendships Andrea Leigh Wenk University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_chanhonoproj Recommended Citation Wenk, Andrea Leigh, "Exploring Similarity and Complementarily in Same-Sex Friendships" (1996). Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_chanhonoproj/194 This is brought to you for free and open access by the Supervised Undergraduate Student Research and Creative Work at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chancellor’s Honors Program Projects by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact trace@utk.edu. " ,.;; Th ~vC! to !J~ rr;y f/rst weekencf. ~ 0 /' orentwooci ltverklnQ t-or the Sre Ve Lui i fDr . t+ I Congress CafYJrk~71q l], i J)~'vev :' /\:1othcr fla rUfE ha.s dc(:' c-,d to lX.;'/I)I2:uJ (/.::.:;;' kVI fl', CL bltzz:ard" I wl/lnot begD,n3 anywhere vv(:y::kend. r rhoL~"9f r,r wo'!ld.r fOMe t1>15 C?Pporfun,,+y -fo expIQ/r) a /,~/e abouf , ho w' Tn I S / nterl;s,t)1 P C lYle O-C;OL.ct. /r ~)et~ Sfeve G;'/J Gt~ Whittle \;VeekerX.. L In rv larcn I qq~, ,5',ncc fh t- t~jrrl ) 5reve ncL hove rc:.rno fleet i'n c) cont'Jct. ~r(") J } Sk ve rrlcldc hiS f/rs r run r (jr).i 1cct" Stares C rl~ S Qn~ I ~ t;Y, 9Pprm:lmokly Q1 • .-L 'vIOl i' cri i -':;)"ll v Knoxville (LA ndrCl.!' rs dur/~')q/-h() f, I carr){)o '(11.1. I k0 e Vl/ i , I, tiltrr i te VG eve r ra f) -Po r 0 Pf, c eClj q1/') ,n~)~1t VI rln , Ie) be Or) ,~'lve FX)( '1" 11)01 eFfur+. rXlVe a/ways found -j-he po,l! I I ca/ wor/ci fOsc,n017ry Qt)ci vvo anx IOU To,')UIn, ;PQTOnv cr/J8 Il,J efa.:ta5,k w'car:tlp(,~/q. MJcxper/~nce VI/DU let [Je CVCf) belIer DeCQU e If wou ic& no+ pnlY,b6 Q/ /)Llq(~OPp()),'f 'ry-Ji2~{+-.r woulrL /1 15.0. be Vvdr/1/I')3 tor III n-L j ( U I V De I Jeve If'), 'On Jo()uarv L vven I() !l)(~ Corr}E)Q(qn h~ad,~,Oq, UQ, r,krs +-0 meet, the starf. the n('Jdqu,.~J/ In lac-a lea It) 8rcrrlwooc6 an;L ~J')C cC)ry)pJIO{) has fOur I JI-17rne E:doff' : .J Ton~ ~rofld €.- -- ~Qmpa\(3rlmC\na9cr Br- yQ h K0 eq \ ····T' '. d \rec:tor "(:',\1"-'" C"'lL/,' .. p ...... '1 Ir- 1CW , t .. I 1 I ~ ... ~~ Ol. WI,). , • \' l "",.><' l \ I (1 'f-\ e \Q d \ rc;c.:h)r flod Q ()f I TY"')E:" (1"\:'" (w\'-i .,1 i J • cl \S C U oS eel '~~.>c'rl,e (J\~. j e )re s p..:I" :~:-;;~~:.; .~ 1 unci \rr\tIC'~:::,;; ,\N\\\ resp(')r\£' b\, of Be \.lpr'i : \ i/\ 'r ~ • -.L rV:Jks) l (f':rrc I ~)c}el\ 1:"v 'fj 5-\-off, \Jo\u \ .' \ \ c:. I -t-l-'r ( "'. C' ". " (\(""J C\.. ' .I ·-'V,f":) por .1.,..... ,,_, r- . -1 V'{'"l'i i. r.!..... ('\) I a. n cL ass \S tn'-v:,~ (J n \ t ::i+oJ!- f'f1 cr'j , I \" 1....;.; , " "\ ,'\"r -/.1," I:}J,J \ A!' 1\, \' " ,,.., \c/r"~'" \}, J 1 \ r \ '\ \ ' 1 ,._, I ,J 1 I k. \ H \ \J t..;.; t'., .Iv '\, \ i 1 •• ..,.1 (1 f \ r cJ 0 ~}2 ~y 'I), " \/",~ or)Ct cl r \\j e... l1J rn \dd \e . :L Y\\ l\ CheCK \ n tIne ~ffl v.pon (1: r \'I \ ng J ~1 \~ VVO~, k f~'r \cl Oly ) vet'! j J ,./ ,)T ;I-L p: r t u ~ \" cl wher"). W I \ \ r e.. Rl r r'l tD ~ f\ X\J i i to . (11; (;; I'! Y'V'O'''t : . ciopc:., rVJ4.1 '~( "\' 0 n, c...\ I nr.,l··l\i i Ct".), Iii \ "_~. ,'; " .... ~....- ~ V 1 V ~ • ~,) \..\ 'I ' / 0.'0,';:::" :;.;.,.; ~ (" 'Alkr..-L -,-- " '.l- appc>()I '~+y\ r-> -,,' {, ..... <'-.... k." ~"'J I )\J. r L- : \ \ ,~_~~ \ 1 l , S{e\J flO __ "" bhxL (L. ver q pob tearY! arvL rY~1 hOf'lDfCcL Q~cl It<::LL- tv be Cl p=} r -1 Of'l't. The Sixth Congressional: District, of Tennessee. The Sixth Congressional District lies in middle Tennessee, stretching east from the Nashville suburbs through the rolling countryside to the Cumberland Plateau. The district includes the Counties of Williamson, Marshall, Rutherford, Wilson, Sumner, Trousdale, Macon, Smith, DeK.alb. Cannon, Clay, Jackson, Putnam, and Overton, as well as part of Davidson County: Major clties and towns in the district include Murfreesboro, Gallatin, and Cookeville, as well as several of the eastern and southern suburbs of Nashville, the state capital. Economic growth has fanned out into the distrlct from Nashville. The Nissan plant in Smyrna and the nearby General Motors Saturn plant in Spring Hill are well known symbols of the area's industrlal prosperity.· But Japanese companies and American start-ups have created thousands of jobs as well. Many of the new voters in the distrlct are Republican, not only in the affluent suburbs of Williamson County just south of Nashville, but in the more modest suburbs spreading to the east. The Sixth Distrlct is now competitive in national elections. George Bush received 61 % of the vote for President in 1988, and Senators Fred Thompson and Bill Feist both won the Sixth District in 1994. Republicans have also won seats in the legislature from Williamson, Sumner, Wilson, and Rutherford Counties in the ring around Nashville. Seventy percent of General Election voters in the Sixth Distrlct come from these four counties. Whlle the Democrat incumbent won this seat in 1994, he did so only narrowly (a margin of 2,174 votes) despite outspending his Republican challenger, Steve Gill, by a margin of nearly three-to-one. In fact, Gill ran ahead of the . incumbent in the ring of counties around Nashville-where most of the votes are cast-by a 52% to 48% margin. ( MONTGOMERY TROUSDALE PICI<ETT HANCOCK MOORE HAMILTON BRADLEY .K - Congressional dislrict boundaries effective May 7. 1992. W*S Y Miles Copyright © 1993 by Election Doto Services. Inc. o 10 20 30 40 tatl1P(1; qr) ",', ' C\ J,' ---.' Co m e f\ 1:'f\ to d \ pp:-)\, ,e ('1\ 1-' "'" I " \ " 'Ii l SC}ct r ~,f"~ \ I orn \jedv i bIer)'" 5~ 30, Tr-'/ U,":.j,J i \fJor \,J+::" Of\ Thu rscj(r~jhTS, T' ',¥va (th'fj , '1'" (')(j! ',\.!p'" i +C'; \./" r k Br u('"'1 r-'" '~'I] I ! q ~"\ + )-,-, I 'J .. "", 1 , \ .,~V hi \t. \ :.J'-' I I" '-\.~ I J , rr)C t-) , t:' ()C:fX:CO+t t ,anrt va r) - Oh the ~IJYYlpJ ·~Il}(=.. .e:y\-c r \ \re.Qd~ OJthoru:L1Ql did wo C\1(lf)ge ~"hc (jOfc.. Th 1'r"o Ou.;2", r-e, ~ .:~. '1, b~ d.ePCY::) J,,' ,for piC) p\u.go cL \1 n Jan t t.t du - Fc,t)t' u r \/ t> Qna 'gc)"t- ClJ fu\ \ Q\ p'rilbe-\-\ i hsh n6 of. eli Tho.se who hO\JC e ...) ('!' I,', ••'J 'hI +lJ +h(::,,)...... ( ~, Thl="r"--..y} US\f)9 Ct (,f",o'C)', i\\C r",OfY'i '. 'jdrJ r )Q'()d 50 \ \;'t-o~n 0 ns are... ced-.J on TriC i e'f '~~2r U U-.1'1w) rY')0. \'1 \ \ \~, I eGrr)ecL \Nhere~ i"rH;;! ctel; str",rccL r'j~ This was -tobe rn~ BrsT fu\\ da~ onthe CQrI)p:u.9n Q,nQQ1- work... W\t+) the entire s+oJf. r wa6(l't 9":li-te ~\..JJ'""e W t-\O was who OJ-")(i..; W~l(1+ tt)elr Job was. To maJ~e rroJ-\ers N"1oreCO()fusinq , I reoJ \y dId noT hrow W~1- rnJ joDwt)u.\cL be elt-Ke.r, Neeci\ess to say? I was 0.. \ ,ttle UJJsure., of Whe(\" +h\'S dO-'1 \NO'-\.\ ct be. M~ .t\rst jab \N~S -to Qcc\o.rnQ-\e 5'\,~e>e\f V'J!'+htne offi'ce l+s:lf. Tof)~ exp\o\l\ecL -\-hQ,t port of m~ .lob WI \ I be 10 hC!.e? ~ 'Nrrn me I'Iccess=:ar:J r\-oc1: of' 5U?P" es such o.~ eop\er put:)er, jetterheQQ.,,) en\Je\opes'} fu)( ~per) and..pe.ns. It" is 0.\ '0 0 rn~ job -to 0 rg o.n \t::e.., 01 r-e organi'l:;e OJ,,, ~Tof The office as I~ee -ht. Thej ob\JiOUS\'l \iS1"ened. -to \fie. \Nhefl r \ci 1: wns Q,na \ - re1F..rrh vel Af-ter e'Aox'n\n\nq our o1Uch I -the on\~ fu\f\q J: fOu.(1d....t wos tho.¥ OU-I current s+ocYJ a\ \ llClcL 0 ur old.o.d.d.ress on it. I Then 'oeg(J.,nworkins on the eOYnpu'1-er. T urn f\o-t bj o.n,,-\ means 0... compx\er 3eJ'"l\US'} 50 worlZ.\fl3 on the. .compu:\er CQn De o....Q..ollger ous Q55I<jr\ment. fir:;,t} I ho<i to generu-\e the eti'Je\oees 1-hoj- V'VOLl\Q, encJo~e the '\-han k ~OU5 IJ'O"dvprlnted., lastniqht-.