• • BAPTIST PRESS (61511144C2355 Wilmer C.Fleldlli Director Newlservlce 01 the South M Blptlll Cony'ratlon Dan Martin, News Editor Cralg·Blrd,Feajureeditor
NATIONAL OFFICE sac Executive Committee 460 .James Ro~rtsonParkway Na$hvHle,Tennessee37219 • • BAPTIST PRESS (61511144c2355 Wilmer C.Fleldlli Director NewlServlce 01 the South m Blptlll conY'ratlon Dan Martin, News Editor Cralg·Blrd,FeaJureEditor BUREAUS ATLANTA Jim Newton, Chief, 1350 Spring St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30il67, Telephone (404) 873-4041 DALLAS Thomas J. Brannon, Chief, 103 Baptist Building, Dallas, Texas 75201, Telephone (214) 741·1996 NASHVILLE (Baptist Sunday School Board) Lloyd T. Householder, Chief, 127 Ninth Ave., N., NaShVille, Tenn. 37234, Telephone (615) 251·2300 RICHMOND (Foreign) Robert L. Stanley, Chief, 3806 Monument Ave., Richmond, Va. 23230, Telephone (804) 353-0151 WASHINGTON Stan L. Hastey, Chief, 200 Maryland Ave" N.E., Washing/on, D.C. 20002, TelephOne (202) 544-4226 March 14, 1984 84-41 Former Missionary To Enlist Pr achers For Foreign Field RICHMOND, Va. (BP)--A former missionary to the Philippines, now a seminary missions professor and administrator in the States, will direct a new department to enlist Southern Baptist preachers for foreign missions work. John David Floyd, who worked in the PhiltppineR from 1965 to 1976 8S a church starter and later as director of ohurch growth, has been named to head a new Foreign Mission Board department effecti~e April 1. He is a vice president at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Memphis, Tenn. Th new missionary enlistment department will expand the board's efforts to find more preachers willing to be evangelists and church developers overseas. Nearly three-fourths of the most urgent requests for missionaries are in those two categories. Last year the board appointed only 52 general evangelists.
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