Jerry Lewis - Congresspedia Page 1 of 15

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Jerry Lewis

From SourceWatch

Charles Jeremy "Jerry" Lewis is a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing the 41st District of (map) since 1979.


• 1 Bio

• 1. 1 Congressional career

• 1. 1. 1 2006 elections

• 2 Meet the Cash Constituents Jerry Lewis

• 3 Controversy currently serves 41 • 3. 1 and Brent Wilkes the st Congressional • 3.2 Bill Lowery and Fall-out from Duke Cunningham Case district of • 3.2. 1 Letitia White California • 3.2.2 Jeffrey Shockey

• 3.2.3 Audre. Inc.

• 3.3 Earmarks

• 3.4 Cerberus

• 3.5 Military Aide

• 3.6 Profitable investment

• 3.7 Land deal under investigation

• 3.8 Legal fees

• 3.9 Appropriations committee staff firings

• 4 Committees and Affiliations

• 5 More Background Data

• 6 Articles and Resources

• 6. 1 Articles

• 6.2 Resources

• 6.3 Local blogs and discussion sites

• 7 Contact


Lewis was born October 21, 1934 in Seattle, Washington, and was educated at University of California, Los Angeles. He worked as an insurance agent in the Redlands, then as a staff member for Representative Jerry Pettis and was elected to the California State AssemQly in 1968, at the age of 34. He was elected to the House in 1978 after the incumbent congressman retired.

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Congressional career

In 1980 Lewis received a seat on the Appropriations committee, which he now chairs. According to the 2006 Almanac of American Politics, Lewis "has been unapologetic about channeling funds into his district." The Lorna Linda University medical center received $26 million in 2000; the Perris Hill Plunge, inva swimming pool that Lewis once worked at as a lifeguard, received $1 million for renovations; the Jerry Lewis Community Center got $1 million; he brought in $40 million for national forest protection and emergency watershed protection in 2003; $13.7 million for a dining hall at Twentynine Palms [1], the world's largest Marine Corps base; and countless other projects.

In the 1980s Lewis vied for leadership posts with an "accomodationship attitude toward Democrats. " He was the Republican Research Committee chairman in 1984, the chairman of the Republican Policy Committee in 1986, and Republican Conference chairman in 1988. Eventually, he ran up against the ambitious Newt Gingrich who resented Lewis' attitude toward Democrats. Gingrich catapulted into the Minority Whip post after Rep. Dick Cheney was appointed Secretary of Defense and then pushed Lewis out of the Conference chairmanship by supporting Rep. Dick Armey in 1992.

2006 elections

In 2006, the Democrats nominated Louie Contreras to face Lewis in his November 2006 bid for reelection. (See U.S. congressional elections in 2006) [2] Lewis won the election fairly decisively.

Meet the Cash Constituents

The links below point to campaign finance

information for Jerry Lewis from the Open Spendillg ill Recent ElectiOlls Secrets website. sponsored by the Center for $2,000,000 Responsive Politics: $1,500,000

Current election cycle $1,000,000

.. Fundraising profile $500,000

$0 .. Top contributors 1 992 1 9941 996 1 998 2000 2002 2004

l1liLevvi8 ;;Ii\Opponent .. Top industries supporting Jerry Lewis

Source: Federal Election Commission Career totals (beginning in 1990)

.. Fundraising profile

II Top contributors

.. Top industries suppOliing Jerry Lewis


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Duke Cunningham and Brent Wilkes

Afterthe fa ll of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham investigators began to look at other lawmakers who had ties to the same contractors -- in this case the San Diego-based Brent Wilkes -­ alleged to have bribed Cunningham. Lewis was quickly determined to be one of those lawmakers. The Redlands legislator had a history of working with Cunningham to help secure contracts fo r Wilkes' Poway, Calif. contracting businesses ADCS, Inc. and PerfectWave Technologies. [3] One San Diego military contractor called the Cunningham-Lewis duo "pretty frightening" and stated that they were "exerting a lot of controL" [4]

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, three months after Lewis became chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee he received $17,000 from Wilkes and his associates. Wilkes was trying get a contract fr om to digitize documents in the Panama Canal Zone. However, the Pentagon did not want to give Wilkes' ADCS, Inc. the amount of money that he was asking fo r. Wilkes issued Cunningham a memo -- whieh was released in government documents along with Cunnginham's guilty plea -- stating, "We need $10 m(illion) more immediately ... This is very impOliant and if you cannot resolve this others will be calling also."[5] The "other" names have been blacked out from the document although the first letter of the first name begins with a "D" and the first letter of the second name begins with a "J". [6] Educated guesses have led some to state that the blacked out names are Duncan Hunter and Jerry Lewis. [7]

Both Lewis and Cunningham proceeded to cut funding fo r the F-22 fighterjet [8], which led the Pentagon to bow to their pressure and hand Wilkes the $10 million more for his document conversion eontract. Later, when another lawmaker would threaten the F-22's funding Cunningham would label them a "socialist".[91

Lcwis has received $88,252 from Wilkes and his associates. He is the third-highest recipient of campaign contributions from Brent Wilkes trailing only Cunningham and , who is a self­ professed fri end of Wilkes. Lewis has stated that he knew Wilkes "socially years ago" and took a trip to Guatemala with Wilkes. [10] Wilkes worked in the 1980s bringing congressmen to Central America to meet with the counter-revolutionary militias that were "disappearing" thousands of civilians while battling the Marxist Sandinistas.

Bill Lowery and Fall-out from Duke Cunningham Case

After the comiction of Duke Cunningham on bribery charges, Lewis' ties to lobbyists and local defense contractors came under greater scrutiny. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Lewis "has greenlighted hundreds of millions of dollars in fe deral projects for clients of one of his closest friends, lobbyist and former state Congressman Bill Lowery."[ll]

Lowery's firm and clients contributed 37 percent of the $l.3 million raised by Lewis' political action committee fo r the last six years. Lowery's business has boomed since Lewis' previous chairmanship of subcommitte for Defense Appropriations. The firm's income tripled from $1.58 million to $5.J 1 mill ion and the client list multiplied from 28 to 101 since 1998. Many of the projects listed above were obtained with the lobbying prowess of Lowery and his firm. [12]

Creating greater problems for Lewis is the fact that one of those clients that hired Lowery is implicated in the bribery case involving Cunningham. The client, Brent Wilkes and his defense contracting empire,

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also eontributed to Lewis' PAC.

On May 11, 2006 the Los Angeles Times reported that Lewis was the subjeet of a federal investigation forhis relationship with "a Washington lobbyist linked to disgraeed fo rmer Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham". That "Washington lobbyist" was revealed to be Bill Lowery. Of particular interest to investigators are the actions of Lewis' staff, espeeially Jeffrey Shoekey[13] and Letitia White[14] [ 15] [16]. Lewis has vehemently denied any impropriety in his aetions stating that all of his earmarks were for "my constituents and my people." When contaeted about the investigation Lewis expressed shoek. "For goodness sake, why would they be doing that?"[17]

On June 1, the San Bernardino Sun reported that the City of Redlands, Calif. and San Bernardino County. both clients of Lowery's law firm,had been subpoenaed in the fe deral investigation into possible lobbying and earmarking abuses by Lowery's firm and Lewis.[I8] Four days later it was revealed that two other clients of the law firm had also been subpoenaed, Cal State University San Bernardino and Riverside County, Calif. [ 19] Investigators are paying partieularly close attention to Jeffrey Shockey, who shuttled between Lewis' offiee and Lowery's firm. [20] On June 6, three more cities, Loma Linda, Yueca Valley, and Twentynine Palms, stated that they had been issued subpoenas. [21] [22] Yet another eity joined them on June 14, as Highland announced it had been issued a subpoena. [23] The total number of clients of Copeland Lowery Jacquez Denton & White that have been issued subpoenas totals eight to date. [24] On June 13, the city of Redlands was reported to be considering terminating its' relationship with the lobbying group and on July 7th, the eity council voted unanimously to do just that.[25] [26]

After being subpoenaed, the San Bernardino Sun reported that the San Bernardino Country released 3,500 pages of documents showing the relationship between Jerry Lewis and the Copeland Lowery Jacquez Denton & White lobbying firm. The documents show that the county used the firm to create "strategies to get fe deral funding," work on "problems with endangered species," and to "arrange meetings with senator and Congressmen". This includes meetings with Congressman Lewis. [27]

On June 16, the Copeland Lowery Jacquez Denton & White lobbying firm announced that it was splitting into two groups as a result of increased media scrutiny. Partners Bill Lowery, Jean Denton. and Letitia White comprised the group expected to lead the existing full service consulting firm, wh ile partners James Copeland and Lynn Jacquez leftin order to form a separate partnership. Each of the involved partners remain foeused on their client work, including discussing issues on Capitol Hill and working with regulatory agencies. [28]

On June 29, it was reported that the Copeland Lowery Jacquez Denton & White lobbying firm fa iled to report $2 million in lobbying fe es. Corrections were made once a federal investigation was launched, but these 90 revised disclosures to Congress led to a realization that figures had been misreported from 1998 to 2005. According to one legal expel1, the firm is in "serious trouble." [29]

On June 30, it was reported that clients of the Copeland Lowery firm continued to give fu nds to Lewis iust days after news surfaced of a federal investigation into his relationship with them. Lewis got at least $23.000 in donations fr om Copeland Lowery clients afterthis point, mostly from defense contractors. [30]

Letitia White

Lowery's firm employs Lewis' ex-chief of staff Letitia White, who is "is good at what she does." White FOIA_000167 Jcrry Lewis - Congresspedia Page 5 of 15

was known as the gatekeeper to contractors seeking appropriations from Lewis. From her position on Lcvvis' staff she helped direct hundreds of millions of dollars to clients of Lowery. She was lavished with dinners and gifts by lobbyists and contractors like Brent Wilkes and Lowery because of her ability to influence Lewis. One Lockheed Martin official stated that she "controls" Lewis. [311

In late 2002, Lewis cut White's pay by $11,000, making her annual salary only $80 under the Icgal limi t which would have prevented her from entering a private lobbying firmimmediately after leaving Lewis' office in January 2003. [32J

In 2003 White left Lewis' staff and jumpcd ship to Lowery's law firm. She quickly became one of the highest paid appropriations lobbyists and one of the most successfuL earning thc name "queen of earmarks".r33] According to the San Francisco Chronicle[34J,

"lIcr more than 50 clients, mostly defense contractors and municipalities in California, have bcen major winners when Congress doles out federal money for special projects in its spending bills.

White's success is driven by her knowledge of the appropriations process and hcr close tics to Rep. Jerry Lewis, the Southern California Republican who chairs the House Appropriations Committee."[35]

The investigation into Lcwis' earmarking practice has focused in on White's role and hcr lobbying practices. One of White's clients, San Bernardino County, has already been subpoenaed in the investigation. Also at issue are her ties to the contractors that she lobbies for and how those ties reach Lewis.

On June 7, 2006. the Nell' York Times reported that shortly after leaving Lewis' stair in 2003. White co­ purchased a $1 million Washington house with Nicholas Karangelen, president of Trident Systcms Inc., a client of the Copeland Lowery Jacques Denton & White lobbying firm.[36J Trident is one of the many companies that benefited from earmarks on bills originating in the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee chaired by Lewis from 1999 to 2005. In 2002, the company received part of an $8 million joint contract fo r technology to survey battlefields.[37] In April of 2006, the company recicved $8.4 million in earmarks for a project that was put into an emergency spending bill to fund the Iraqi war.[381 Lobbying laws require that Karangelen's contribution towards the Washington house be disclosed if it was a payment to White for services. Patrick Dorton, a spokesman for White, claimed the housc transaction was between friends. and in no way related to any, "fee arrangement or work for Trident."[ 39 J

The occupant of the CapitollIill townhouse is a political action committee chaired by Karangelcn called Small Biz Tech PAC. The PAC happens to be run by Lewis' step-daughter, Julia Willis-Leon who runs the PAC fromLas Vegas, Nevada.[40] Small Biz Tech PAC's goal is to establish support for small technology businesses by contributing to candidates that support these businesses. The PAC has taken in $115,350 in contributions, but only doled out $15.600.[41] One-third of the money taken in has gone to pay Willis-Leon's salary of $42,000. Barely topping Willis-Leon's salary is the amount of money that was contributed by Letitia White, her husband, and her clients to the Small Biz Tech PAC. Combined they contributed $46,000.[42/

Jeffrey Shockey

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Lewis and Lowery's close connections were further exposed by a February 2006 Time lv/agazine report on Lewis statTer/Lowery lobbyist Jeffrey Shockey. Shockey began his career on Capitol Hill working for Lewis fo r eight ycars. He then left his post in 1999 to join Lowery's lobbying firm. "Many of his new clients, including municipalities, hospitals and lesser-known universities, were from Lcwis's district" and had business bcfore Lewis and the Appropriations Committee. Shockey "hclped win at least $150 million in pork for an array of clients," with the help of earmarks added to appropriations bills.[431

When Lewis took over the Appropriations Committee he brought Shockey back to work for him, while Shockey's wife went to work for the very lobbying firm that her husband had just left. Shoekey received a $600,000 severance package from the Lowery firm and continued to receive payments from the buyout even as he \vorked for Lcwis.[44]

An updated version of Shockey's financial disclosure forms show that the severance package he received when he quit the lobbying firm to go back to work for Lewis was actually for $1.9 million and not the previously reported amount of $600,000. [45]

On June 14, 2006, Shoekey announced that he amended his 2004 financial disclosure form to show $2 million in yearly income rather than $1.5 million. The mistake, according to his attorney, occurred because $1. 5 million was his 2003 salary; this figure was used in 2004 because he had filed an extension for his 2004 taxes and had not yet calculated his income for 2004 at the time of the initial disclosure. [461

On September 21, 2006, thc House Ethics Committee cleared Shockey of any wrongdoing in the matter. [471

Audrc. Inc.

On June 8, 2006, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Tom Casey, founder of Audre Inc .. told l\'J3(' Newsthat Lewis asked him for favors at a time when he was lobbying Congress fo r federal contracts. In 1993. Casey claims that Lewis requested he provide Canadian stock options to scveral Lewis' associates, including Bill Lowery. The request for Canadian stock was reportedly driven by the fact that the Vancouver Stock Exchange has more relaxed reporting policies than that of U.S. exchanges, making its' transactions more difficult to follow. Casey also claimed that Lewis asked him to hire Low'ery to lobby for his firm, which was seeking federal money to develop technology to convert government documents from paper to a computer-readable format.

Lewis immediately denied these charges. He said, "I have never recommended a lobbyist to any constituent contractor or anyone seeking federal funds ...I have absolutely never told anyone to provide stock options or any other sort of compensation to someone who is their advisor or lobbyist. To do so would be extremely unethical, and it goes entirely against all of my principles of good governing." [481

Casey reported to /vBC that he never followed through with the stock options, nor hired Lowery to lobby. He and his associates did, however, give $9,253 in political contributions to Lewis in 1993. In return. Casey said that Lewis added funding for Casey's firm to the fe deral budget, using exact wording drafted hy him. Following his contributions. Casey said that he met with Lewis' chief of stafl Letitia White. in the hasement of the Rayburn House Office Building. In the cafeteria, Casey and White \vorkcd on the language which would add a document conversion project to the Pentagon's budget. I,ewis admitted supporting funding for Audre Inc., but argued that he did so because the technology shO\ved

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promise. Over the following four years, Congress appropriated $190 million in earmarks for document conversion into the Pentagon budget, despite the fact that the Pentagon never requested the funding. Casey's firm, Audre Inc., received about $14 million in federal dollars before closing down in 2003. [491


As the head of the House Appropriations Committee, which Abramoff infamously called lithe favor bctory," Lewis has taken a lot of heat, especially for defending the practice against his more conservative fellow Republicans. Lewis defended earmarking in a February 16,2006 Washington Times article,

Rep. Jerry Lewis, California Republican and chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said the Predator unmanned aerial vehicle, used for missile attacks on terrorist lairs, is a shining example of the best of earmarks.

He said the Predator proved its success in Bosnia after he stuck an earmark into a spending bill in the mid-1990s, long before the war on terror.

"We pushed funding by way of an earmark that moved [research and development! way ahead -- two, three years ahead," Mr. Lewis said. "There's little doubt Predator would never have been in Bosnia if we hadn't done that." [50]

While opposing bans or imposed restrietion Lewis has favored more transparency in the earmarking process. He has also imposed his own loose internal restrictions on members earmarks coming out of his committee,

Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) directed each of the cardinals [Appropriations subcommittee heads] to set limits for their specific subcommittees. with the bulk of the panels setting that ceiling at five requests per lawmaker.

Among those panels allowing more was the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education subcommittee, which restricted members to 10 requests. [5 I I

On June 14, 2006, Reds,tate. com reported that in both 2005 and 2006, House transportation appropriations bills included $250,000 for construction and renovation of a city pool in Banning. California. [52] This finding led to outrage from Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ). He said, "It's just ridiculous. Cities ought to pay for their own pools." [53J

On June 29, 2006, the San Bernardino Sun reported that a top technology 1irm, ESRI, has received a subpoena in the ongoing investigation into Lewis (R-Calif.) and his ties to Copeland Lowery Jacquez Denton & \Vhite. From 2001 to 2006, Lewis "earmarked more than $90 million for ESRI projects that included defense intelligence systems such as database mapping to assist in rebuilding war-torn Iraq." From :2000 to 2005 ESRI paid the Lowery firm $360,000 in fees to lobby Congress. 1541

On August 15, 2006, Lewis defended the practice of earmarking during a visit to Mt. San Jacinto Community College in Menifee, California. The college had recently received a $1.49 million federal grant (from a Lewis earmark) to help expand their nursing program. Lewis stated, "One of our jobs (in Congress) is to help California and my district get as much of their money back as possible." He continued by arguing that earmarks comprise less than 1 percent of the $900 billion in federal funding

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that passes through the House Appropriations Committee. [55]

In September of 2006, Lewis announced his opposition to a House resolution that would require the identification of earmarks' sponsors in tax, authorization, and appropriations bills, believing it to unfairly target members of the Appropriations Committee, which he chairs. [56]


According to USA Today, Lewis, after attending a fundraiser for the New York-based hedge fu nd, Cerberus Capital Management, came to fund's aid by saving a defense contract that was slated to be el iminated. US';l Today reported,"One day after a New York investment group raised $110,000 for Republican Rep. Jerry Lewis, the House passed a defense spending bill that preserved $160 million for a Navy project critical to the firm. "157] Lewis, who saved the program by passing it through his Defense Appropriations subcommittee, continued to receive PAC contributions fr om Cerberus and those connected to the fund like former Vice President Dan Quayle. In 2004 Lewis was aiming to win the coveted Appropriations Chair and fu riously raised money to spread around to showcase his abililty to provide cash for candidates.[5S] His political action committee, Future Leader's PAC. paid out $407,000 to 69 candidates in 2004 with a third of that money originating from Cerberus. The previous year Future Leader's PAC pulled in $522,725 - a quarter of it coming from Cerberus. [59]

Le\\is has denied any wrong doing declaring his innocence in a statement, "It is absolutely and unequivocally false to suggest that any decision on fu nding for the Navy-Marine Corps Intranet was in any way based on a lobbyist's request, or as a favor to someone who was donating campaign funds."[60]

Principally as a result of these scandals, Lewis was named in 2006 by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington as one of the twenty most corrupt US legislators. [61]

Military Aide

Le\vis' aide in charge of tracking defense appropriations "is a military officer on the Pentagon's payroll. an apparent violation of House rules and a possible conflict of interest"[62J. Department of Defense regulations state that military personnel can work on committee statTs but not on the personal staff of an individual member. Lewis' aide, Marine Lt. Col. Michael Kime, has apparently worked for Lewis since 200 1 while being on the Pentagon payroll. Congressional watchdogs call Kime's role a conflict of interest and defense experts state that his position may give the Marines greater leverage over contracts and earmarks in the Appropriations Committee.

On February 22. 2006 The Hill reported that the Pentagon was recalling Kime from Lewis's office. Kime's "service for Lewis appeared to violate the Members' Congressional Handbook issued by the Committee for House Administration,which definesa detailee as a 'non-congressional fe deral employee assigned to a committee for a period of up to one yeaL' The handbook also states that 'detailees may not be assigned to a member oftlee' and cites the relevant section of U.S. law: 2 USC Section 72a(f)."163J

Profitable investment

In early 2005, Lewis was given the opportunity to purchase stock in Security Bank of Cali fornia. In less than two years, Lewis' $22,000 investment grew to nearly $60,000. The profitable investment is

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controversial for several reasons. First, Lewis has a close friendship with James Robinson, chairman of the bank. In addition, several board members have contributed to his campaigns and are linked to busincsses which have benefited from federal money generated by Lewis' earmarks. One membcr. Bruce Varner, also sits on the board of the National Orange Show Events Center in San Bernardino, vvhichhas received more than $800,000 in federal funds.

The stock was recommended to Lewis by Robinson, whose wife, Barbara, is a former chair and member of the board of the Lorna Linda University Children's Hospital Foundation. The center has benefited tremendously fr om Lewis, who has helped direct more than $200 million in fe deral money to it.

Ilouse ethics rules prohibit members fromus ing their position fo r personal gain. Fred Wertheimer. prcsident of Democracy 21, a watchdog group which focuses on the influence ofmo ney in poli tics, believes members must avoid receiving preferential treatment when given access to initial public offerings of stock.

Robinson argued that Lewis received one of 1,500 invitations sent to potential investors. but that anyone who contacted the bank could receive offering documents. When asked why Lewis was one of the L500, he stated that it had no connection to the medical center. Rather, he cited Lewis' reputation as a well-established local businessman as the motivating factor. [64]

On the same day Lewis invested in the company, his campaign committee also purchased $25,000 worth of stock in the bank. While campaign committees are legally allowed to make stock purchases. some campaign finance experts have commented that the practice is highly questionable. Bob Stern, president of the Los Angeles-based Center for Governmental Studies, said, "It is very unusual fo r a campaign to bc investing in a stock offering.. .!t is very risky. You shouldn't be gambling with your campaign money." In a statement, a Lewis spokeswoman said the purchase was properly disclosed in FEe filings, but offered no explanation as to why the committee chose to invest in the stock. [65]

Land deal under investigation

On September 6, 2006, it was reported that federal investigators were looking into a land deal which protected nearly 41 acres in Lewis' neighborhood from developers. The land was given to the city of Redlands by Jack and Laura Dangennond. The couple, who fo unded and operate Environmental Systems Research. 1nc., haw received tens of millions of dollars in government contracts fr om the House Appropriations Committee that Lewis chairs. Protecting the land from development keeps property values high, as it is part of a scenic canyon. [66]

Legal fees

On July 15.2006, campaign finance documents released by Lewis' campaign office revealed that he had spent S200,000 of his campaign contributions on legal expenses. Specifically, the money was spent to hire Gibson. Dunn & Crutcher LLP, a law firm that specializes in crisis management and represents both individuals and firms accused of white-collar crimes. [67] As of October 2006, Lewis had spent $800,000 on legal fees. [68]

Appropriations committee staff firings

On October I (), 2006, Lewis fired all sixty of the House Appropriations Committee's contract


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investigators. See the Congresspedia article on the committee for full details. [69] [70]

Committees and Affiliations

iii House Committee on Appropriations - Chair

More Background Data

III Background information on Jerry Lewis from Project Vote Smart

III Interest group scorecard ratings for Jerry Lewis from Project Vote Smart

III Voting record for Jerry Lewis fr om database

III In formation on Jerry Lewis from Congress Merge vVikipedia also has an article on Jerry Lewis. This article may use contentfiAOln the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL Wikipedia also has a separate article on the relationship of Jerry Lewis to lobbyist Bill Lowery and Lowery's lobbying firm

Articles and Resources


III Jerry Kramer. "A Steady Flow of Financial [nfluence: Close ties make Rep. Lewis, lobbyist Lowery a potent pair," San Diego Union-Tribune, December 23, 2005.

III "Watchdog calls fo r investigation of Rep. Lewis," Associated Press, January 9. 2006.

III Laura Rozen, "Duke of Deception," The American Prospect, January 14, 2006.

B Matt Kelley, "The Congressman and the Hedge Fund," USA Today, January 19, 2006.

III Kelly Rayburn and Jacob Ogles. "Pressure is on popular Lewis," San Bernardino COllnty SUI1. January 23. 2006.

III Scott Horsley. "Lewis Rejects Bribery Allegations," NPR, January 27, 2006.

ill Alexander Bolton. "Lewis's use of military aide may break the rules," The Hill. February 2. 2006.

III Kelly Rayburn. Jacob Ogles and Andrew Edwards, "Earmarking Under Scrutiny." San Bernardino County Sun, February 5, 2006.

III Timothy J. Burger, "The Lobbying Game: Why the Revolving Door Won't Close." 71\;fE' Magazine, February 16, 2006.

II Alexander Bolton. "Pentagon recalled Lewis's approps staffer," The Hill, February 2006.

iii Peter Pae. "Lewis Surfaces in Probe of Cunningham," Los Anf.{e/es Times, May 11, 2006.

• Paul Kid. "LAT: Cunningham Probe Spreads to Rep. Lewis," TPiv!Aluckraker. May 11. 2006.

• Jerry Kammer and Dean Calbreath, "Lewis subject of 'earmarks' investigation, source says," .\'an Diego Union-Tribune, May 12, 2006.

II Laura Rozen, "Lewis' Name Blacked Out in Cunningham Letter," War and Piece, May 12. 2006.

II Paul Kid. "NYT: "Several Members" Under Investigation" and "SDUT: Lewis and Cunningham. 'Frightening' Duo," TPJIfAluckraker, May 12, 2006.

III Justin Rood. "Hookergate: If Feds' Requests Are Any Clue, This is Big," TPA1 Mlickraker. May 15. 2006.

B Justin Rood. "Former GOP Aide's Ties Make Lewis Case Knottier." TPA1 iV/uckraker. May

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III Justin Rood. "General Atomics Had A Frequent Flier in Duke's Office," TPAf A;fuckraker, May 2006.

III Guy McCarthy, "FBI eyes county records," San Bernardino Sun, June L 2006.

III Erica Werner, "County, city subpoenaed in probe of congressman, lobbyist." Associated Press. June 2, 2006.

III David Kirkpatrick. "Rise of Lobbyist Shines a Light on House Ties," Neyj! York Times, June 3. 2006.

III Paul Kid. "NYT: Feds Investigating Lewis 'Gatekeeper,' 'Queen of Earmarks'." 71)Af Muckraker. June 3. 2006.

III Guy \1cCar1hy, "Investigation isn't fazing Lewis," Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, June 4, 2006.

III Mark Hosenball. Jamie Reno and Evan Thomas, "Man in the Middle." lVew.nveek. June 5. 2006.

III John Bresnahan, "Subpoenas Indicate Lewis Probe Is Heating Up," Roll Call. June 5. 2006.

II George Watson and Andrew Silva, "Subpoenas revealed: 2 more cities asked to give documents related to Lewis," San Bernardino Sun, June 6, 2006.

III Guy \1cCarthy and Andrew Silva, "Yucca Valley tied to Lewis Inquiry," San Bernardino Sun. June 6, 2006.

III Justin Rood. "Former Aide. Target of Fed Probe, Owns House with Lobbying Client" and "Report Shows General Atomics Gave Most Trips to Lawmakers, Staff," TrAf /vfuckraker. June 6. 2006.

III Ken Silverstein, "Politics Makes Strange Homeowners,", June 6, 2006.

III David D. Kirkpatrick, "Lobbyist Says Client Paid Half the Cost of Town House," New York Times. June 7. 2006.

III Aram Roston. Lisa Myers & the NBC Investigative Unit, "House Appropriations chairman under fire. Did Rep. Jerry Lewis use his powerful position to enrich a friend?" i�/BC Nightly News. June 7. 2006.

III Justin Rood. "Seven Confirmed Subpoenas in Lewis Probe", "At Little House of ScandaL Nobody Home," "Lewis' Daughter Runs Defense PAC Tied to Lobbyist." "Lewis. Daughter Used Same PAC Lawyer." and "CEO: Lewis Pressured Me to Use Lowery, Give Him Stocks." TP:Vf Afuckraker, June 7, 2006.

II Jerry Kammer and Marcus Stern, "Lobbyists' money flows to Rep. Lewis' stepdaughter." San Diego Union-Tribune, June 7, 2006.

III Justin Rood. "Lewis Represents His District -- Via Pal's Lobby Firm," TPAlMuckraker. June 8. 2006.

II Paul Kane, "Lewis, Calvert Records Eyed," Roll Call, June 8, 2006.

III Petcr Pae. Tom Hamburger and Richard Simon, "Powerful Lawmaker's Relative Linked Financially to Contractor," Los Angeles Times, June 8, 2006.

II Dean Cal breath, "Ex-contractor says Lewis asked him for favors," San Diego Union-Tribune. June 8. 2006.

II RS Politics, "$ 1 Million for a Swimming Pool: Jerry Lewis At Work," Reds· Junc 13 2006.

iii Naomi Kresge. "Redlands reviews lobbyist contract," The Press Enterprise, June 13.2006.

iii George Watson, "Banning pool aid provokes ripples," San Bernardino Sun. June 14. 2006.

iii George Watson, "Highland's turn in Lewis inquiry," SanBernadino S'Ztn, June 15. 2006.

II Guy McCarthy, "Lobbying firm splitting up," San Bernardino Sun, June 17. 2006.

III Andrew Silva, "Papers reveal firm's agenda." San Bernardino Sun, June 20.2006.

II Massie Ritsch, "Clients of Lobbying Finn Under Investigation Contributed $6 Million to Lewis and Appropriations Committee," Capital E)e, June 22, 2006.

II Jerry Kammer, "A close-knit circle of money, power," The San Diego Union-Tribune. June 24. 2006.

iii Justin Rood. "Two Subpoenas Public in Lewis Probe," TP j\;fuckraker, June 27, 2006.

III Guy \;1cCarthy, "ESRI is Subpoened," San-Bernadino Sun, June 29, 2006.


L iA II Jerry Lewis - Congresspedia Page 12 of 15

iii Justin Rood, "Lobbying Firm in Lewis Scandal Failed to Report $2 Million in Lobby Fees. rPM ,\;fuckraker, June 29, 2006.

II Justin Rood, "For Lewis, News of Probe Didn't Stop Funds Flow." TPM A1uckraker, Junc 30, 2006.

II Naomi Kresge, Duage Gang, and Ben Goad, "Redlands drops lobbying firm," 171e Press Enterprise, July 6, 2006 .

• Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, "$2 Million Payment to Former Lobbyist Raises Eyebrows," Washington Post, July 10, 2006.

III Claire Vitucci, "Filing: Campaign paid legal fees," Press-Enterprise, July 15.2006.

III Michael R. Blood, "Calif. Congressman Saw Profit From Bank," Associated Press (delivcred by Newstex). July 19. 2006.

III Duane W. Gang, "Lewis campaign bought bank stock," The Press-Enterprise, July 20, 2006.

III Paul Kid. "Roll Call: Pay Cut Let Lewis Aide Dodge Ban," TPM jVfuckraker, July 27. 2006.

II Duane Gang, "Congressman Jerry Lewis defends the use of 'earmarks'," The Press-Enterprise, August 16, 2006.

II Jcremiah Marquez. "Probe targets land deal," San Bernadino Sun, September 6, 2006.

III Elana Sehor and Patrick O'Connor. "Lewis balks at earmark reform," The Hill, September 14. 2006.

III "CREW releases second annual most corrupt members of Congress report." Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, September 20, 2006.

III Paul Kie!. "CA Rep Drops Nearly $800.000 on Legal Fees," TPM Aluckraker, October 18. 2006.


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II San Bernadino Sun: Jerry Lewis Investigation Page

III Open Secrets - 2006 congressional races database

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FOIA_000177 f War and PIece: Page 1 of 1

« I Main I »

Delay's former deputy chief of staff plea agreement? National Journal's Peter Stone [�Q9Its in a piece on troubles for the :

'" The close links that Abramoff had with , who runs the firm and is a former chief of staff to Rep. Tom Delay, R-, and with Buckham's partner Tony Rudy, a former deputy chief of staff to Delay, is causing headaches for Alexander Strategy. The Justice Department's public integrity and fraud units are investigating Abramoff's lobbying activities and the possible bribery of public officials.

According to legal sources familiar with the probe, Rudy, who was a partner of Abramoff's at the firm Greenberg Traurig, may be close to a plea bargain agreement with prosecutors. Meanwhile, Buckham is reportedly being scrutinized by investigators interested in whether some clients that Abramoff shared with Alexander Strategy may have been used to help pay the $115,000 that Delay's wife, Christine, received from Alexander Strategy over four years while serving as a consultant to the firm. ....

Rudy is clearly someone who knows where the proverbial bodies are buried. With a possible Rudy plea, the Kidan plea yesterday, the Scanlon plea, the Safavian indictment, the new Wilkes-Delay subpoenas, the case is picking up steam.

Posted by Laura at December 16, 2005 09:04 AM

FOIA_000178 http://www.warandpiece.comlblogdirs/003280.html '7/1 '7/?007 THt. VAIL Y VELA Y' StatlerA IS Tony Rudy Page 1 01'2

Stogger ..

c...... �c.•.. .:.:.:.:.c.c.:.c:...: .. :. . · Blog Thi s!

Tuesday! January 03, 2006

PI€ Staffer A is Tony Rudy New WWW.�fi

The Department of Justice's 'C='.'.'.. �.'.::C . . .�.��.��"� .. �:'�- .."'.'.'='.�:"" (pdf) against Jack Aramoff include this:

The Delay, 20. On or about June 6, 2002, defendant ASRAf'vl0FF and a lobbying Campaign Action colleague, who was also a former congressional staffer ("Staffer A") Delay as tile mo: successfully solicited one of Firm S's clients, a distilled beverages in Was company, for a $25,000 payment to CAF. Instead of using the money for CAF and contrary to CAF's tax exempt purpose, defendant ABRAf'v10FF used this money for ills personal and professional benefit to pay for a to Scotland for officials, members of his staff and others.

Staffer A is Tony Rudy, Delay's former chief of staff.

Rudy was registered to lobby for SPI Spirits in 2002 when he was at H.� Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff's former firm. Roll Call previously Q.i'1.yjc RLe reported that SPI Spirits gave Capitol Athletic Foundation (CAF) ['{.:me't $25,000.

But the kicker: last November, he New York Times reported about a certain email exchange on November 4, 2005.

K�eRing�tb.j:U::: M0-11�J)ntinu "Did you get the message from the guys that Tom wants us to raise BU\brgDl some bucks from Capital Athletic Foundation?" Mr. Abramoff asked a 8i:>Li'HnQftEle' colleague in a message on June 6, 2002, referring to the charity. "I � have six clients in for $25K. I recommend we hit everyone who cares

II Erom.AQ[.fl. about Tom's requests. I have another few to hit still. S.®rce: HgliJ Co The e-mail was addressed to Tony Rudy, who had been Mr. Delay's lessons f chief of staff in the House before joining Mr. Abramoff's lobbying

FOIA_000179 httn)/t1:lilVt1pl:lV hlnocmnt �nm/?OOf\/ol/"t:lffpr-i,,-tnnv-mt1v html ?/1 ?J?007 The Grand Ole Docket Page 13 of 14

Permalink I Updated 9/26/06

James Tobin, the former New England Regional Political Director for the Republian National Committee, was found guilty on December 15th, 2005 of two counts: Conspiracy to commit the commission of interstate telephone harassment and Aiding and abetting the commission of interstate telephone harassment. He was acquitted of a third count, Conspiracy against voters' rights. Tobin faced up to seven years in prison and $500,000 in fines.

He appealed the verdict December 21st. On May 17th, that appeal was denied by a U.S. district court, and he was sentenced to 10 months in prison, 2 years probation, and a $10,000 fine. The judge also denied his bail pending appeal. He was due to enter prison June 23rd. However, shortly before he reported to prison a federal appeals court overturned the district court decision and granted Tobin's request for release pending appeal.

It is unclear how long Tobin will remain free pending his appeal, but appeals often take several months to be decided. A hearing before the U.S. Court of Appeals has not yet been scheduled.

Tobin conspired with Chuck McGee, executive director of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee, and Allen Raymond, president of GOP Marketplace, to jam the phone lines of Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts on Election Day, November 5, 2002. Both McGee and Raymond pled guilty and testified against Tobin.

For more on Tobin, see TPMmuckraker's Reference Section.

f's:rmQlirlf< I Updated 6/21/06

Neil Volz, a former aide to and member of Team Abramoff, was named ("Staffer B") as a coconspirator in Abramoff's plea.

On May 8th, 2006 Volz pleaded gulty to a single count of conspiracy. In the plea Volz admits to conspiring with Abramoff and others to commit fraud - by giving and taking bribes - and to violate a federal ban on lobbying within one year of his congressional employment. A status conference is scheduled for February 2nd.

Volz faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, but he could receive a much lower penalty depending on his cooperation in the continuing corruption investigation.

For more on Volz, see TPMmuckraker's Reference Section.

FOIA_000180 ')/1 ')f')()()7 The GrandOle Docket Page 140f 14

Perrnalink I Updated 10/28/06

• Mitchell Wade, President of the defense contracting firm MZM, Inc., pled guilty on February 24th, 2006 to one count of conspiring both to bribe Congressman Randall "Duke" Cunningham and to tax evasion; one count of Use of Interstate Facilities to Promote Bribery; one count of conspiring to deprive the Defense Department of the honest services of its employees; and one count of election fraud. A Status Conference is scheduled for March 12th.

In addition to bribing Cunningham in exchange for help procuring defense contracts, Wade also provided "illegal benefits to Defense Department officials," and attempted "to curry favor with two other members of Congress by making illegal campaign contributions."

He faces up to 11 years and 3 months incarceration.

For more on Wade, see TPMmuckraker's Reference Section, and go to TPMmuckraker for news about Wade's involvement in the Cunningham scandal.

Permalink I Updated 8/22/06

Brent Wilkes, owner of the defense contracting firm ACDS, Inc., bribed Duke Cunningham, according to Cunningham's plea, where he appeared as "Coconspirator #1". Wilkes has not been charged, but is currently under investigation by a grand jury.

For more on Wilkes, see TPMmuckraker's Reference Section and follow breaking news at TPMmuckraker.

�es}:rlj:tJl!lf< I Updated 7/13/06

Instructions fQLtontributil19

To send in additions or corrections to the TPM Grand Ole Docket, please send email to [email protected]. Include the words 'Grand Ole Docket' in the subject of your message and, if at all possible, include links to the source.

FOIA_000181 httn' //www t::llkinO"nointsmemocom/ grand 0 lddocket. nhn 2112/2007 #06- 197: 03-3 1-06 FonnerLo bbyist Tony Rudy Pleads Guilty To Corruption And Fraud .,. Page 1 of2

lllepartmcnf of J)unfirc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CRM FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2006 (202) 514·2007 Y\lWW.USDOJ.GQY TOO (202) 514·1888

Former Lobbyist Tony Rudy Pleads Guilty To Corruption And Fraud Conspiracy

WASHINGTON - Former lobbyist Tony C. Rudy pleaded guilty to conspiring with , and others to commit , , and a violation of conflict of interest post-employment restrictions, Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division announced today.

Rudy, 39, entered his plea today in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia before Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle. Under the terms of a plea agreement, Rudy faces up to five years in prison, a fine of $250,000, mandatory restitution estimated to be approximately $100,000 as well as supervised release following his incarceration. Rudy has agreed to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the ongoing investigation. Rudy's named co-conspirators, Jack Abramoff and Michael Scanlon, previously pled guilty in this investigation, and are also cooperating with law enforcement officials.

"The American public loses when officials and lobbyists conspire to buy and sell influence in such a corrupt and brazen manner," said Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the Criminal Division. "By his admission in open court today, Mr. Rudy paints a picture of Washington which the American public and law enforcement will simply not tolerate."

According to the plea agreement signed by Rudy, from 1995 through December 2000, he was employed in the leadership office of a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, described as Representative #2. In December 2000, Rudy left the leadership office. He joined Abramoff in January 2001 in the Washington, D.C., office of a law and lobbying firm, where he worked until late July 2002. Beginning in 1997 and continuing throughout his time as the deputy chief of staff in Representative #2's leadership office, Rudy corruptly accepted a stream of things of value from Abramoff and others while he repeatedly took officialaction on their behalf. Once Rudy became a lobbyist with Abramoff, Rudy's role in the conspiracy changed to providing a stream of things of value to other public officials, including a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, described as Representative #1.

According to the information filed with the plea agreement, while Rudy was a public official, he created a company called Liberty Consulting, LLC, and through the consulting firm, received approximately $86,000, some of which was for services not rendered. He also received meals, tickets to sporting events and golf trips. For example, the information states that Rudy received an all-expenses-paid trip by private jet in March 2000 to the U.S. Open golf tournament at Pebble Beach, Calif.

Also according to the information, within one year of leaving his official position in the leadership office of Representative #2, Rudy communicated with employees in the leadership office of Representative #2 with the intent to influence official action.

According to the information filed with the plea agreement, after leaving government service andjoining

FOIA_000182 ')/1 ') f') ()() '7 #06- 197: 03-3 1-06 Former Lobbyist Tony Rudy Pleads Guilty To Corruption And Fraud '" Page 2 of2

Abramoff at Firm B, Rudy, Abramoff and others offered things of value to Representative #1 and members of hiS staff, including tickets to concerts and sporting events in lUxury suites at the MCI Center, Camden Yards Stadium and FedEx Field; use of lUxury suites during entertainment events for campaign fund raisers; and golf outings. For example, Rudy invited Representative #1 and his chief of staff to travel to Scotland in August 2002, and said that the trip would involve golf, "drinking and smoking cubans."

Rudy concealed his receipt of this largesse by failing to disclose many of the numerous gifts or trips on the disclosure forms required by the rules of the House of Representatives. As Rudy admitted to in the plea agreement, he repeatedly took official action for Abramoff or his clients during this same period.

Furthermore, the information alleges that the conspiracy committed by Rudy included advising members of Congress, while still employed in the leadership office of Representative #2, to vote against proposed legislation limiting gambling on the internet, without disclosing that he gave this advice in part because Abramoff asked him to oppose the legislation and provided him with things of value.

Rudy also admitted that, as a lobbyist working for Abramoff, he violated the conflict of interest post­ employment restrictions by lobbying staff members in the leadership office of Representative #2 within one year of having left his position as Deputy Chief of Staff to that office.

This case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Mary K. Butler and M. Kendall Day of the , which is headed by Acting Chief Andrew C. Lourie; and Guy D. Singer and Nathaniel B. Edmonds of the Fraud Section, which is headed by Acting Chief Paul E. Pelletier. The case is being investigated special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the General Services Administration Office of Inspector General, the Department of the Interior Office of the Inspector General, and Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation.


06-1 97

FOIA_000183 2/1212 007 Revolving Door Page 1 of2

QQtlATE; The . Election Who Who Get HQME News Databases St=A8CH ope _ _ _ nsecrets:org c-Basics i-Overview �Gives ,Gets _ �Local! .--1 ..- Personal Finances I Revolving Door I Travel RevQMlIi Door

A direc tory ofpe ople passing between go vern ment andthe priva te sect<

Summary Data Top Members Take a spin through the Revolving Door database Top Agencies Top Congressional Cmtes Although the influence powerhouses that line Washington's K Street are just Top Lobbying Firms miles from the U.S. Capitol building, the most direct path between the two do necessarily involve public transportation. Instead, it's through a door-a revo Top Organizations door that shuffles former federal employees into jobs as lobbyists, consultant strategists just as the door pulls fo rmer hired guns into government careers. ' Search the Database members of the executive branch, Congress and senior congressional staffe l Search by Person in and out of the private and public sectors, so too does privilege, power, acc and, of course, money. Search by Employment

Whether they are a presidential appointee plucked from an elite position in c( Other Information America to run a government commission or an outgoing member of Congre! By Administration looking for a more lucrative job in the influence industry,'s By Party Revolving Door database tracks anyone whose resume includes positions of

Methodology influence in both the private and public sectors. Government employees may had the president's ear or may have simply been the doorkeeper of the Disclaimer congressional cloakrooms. Influence-peddlers merely have to be in a positior influence government policy on someone else's behalf, commonly as a "hirec at a K Street firm, an executive of a professional trade association or as a vic • Tips? Corrections? Contact our research staff at @[email protected] president of government relations for a large company.

Use the search options below to discover which public relations firms have si up former White House employees, which lobbyists have brought their intere: them to the powerful appropriations committees, which interests are employir former members of Congress to lobby on their behalf ...and much more. Search by person:

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Keyword: Enter name of current or former ISearch by keyword employer, agency, committee, etc. THE CENTER FOR RESPONSIVE POLITICS Select a Former Member of Congr Former Members of Congress: See I Or pick a Former Member of Congre current employer information �lQhabetical list.

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FOIA_000184 httn:llwww .onensecrets. ondrevolving/ 2/1212007 Revolvmg Door Page 2 of2

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FOIA_000185 ")/1 ")f"){\{Y7 Citizens Against Government Waste : Pigbook Page 1 of J

View 2006 Pig Book by Fis State Cost Description Status Appropriation y€

State Military operations on urban terrain NBR, CA $21,000,000 MILCON 06 (Phase I), H r Twentynine � ��_�� Itwentynine Palms (Navy) Submit Improve wastewater treatment NBR, CA $3,000,000 facility, MILCON 06 The Abbreviation Index H Twentynine Palms Status N[3f� No [3udget Request (Navy) N8R, S " No [3udget Request, only requested by the Seriate City of NBf�, H " No Budget Request, only Twentynine requested by the House NBR, C No Budget Request, added in Palms, for CDnference development NBR, S Only requested by tile Senate CA $250,000 of a visitors TRANS 06 Ii " Only requested by tile House C C " /\dded in Conference center UA " Not authorized (Economic NSA Not specifically authorized Development Initiative) APPROPRIATION /\LL. " ALL /\C Agriculture COM Commerce F Defense

Interior L!II1HliS = Labor/Hi lS/Education LEG Legislative Branch MILCON Military Construction TRANS Transportation

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 l i-800-BE·,A,NGRY

FOIA_000186 j ., 1 I' zens Against GovernmentWaste : Pigbook Page 1 of 1

View 2005 Pig Book by F State Cost Description Status Appropriation '1

Range enhancements at JNTC MOUT facility at Twentynine NBR, CA $13,000,000 DEF 0: Keyword Palms H r.u>"'�----�· -�- !twentynine (Operation and SUbm� Maintenance, Marine Corps)

Twentynine Palms The Abbreviation Index NBR, CA $15,700,000 Operational MILCON 0: H Status Training Nfm No Gudgel Request Center (Navy) Nf3R, S No f3 udgel Request only by the Serlate H No Budget Request, only �equested by the I lOJse

NSF, C = No Budget Fequest, added in Conference S = Only requested by the Senate H Only requested by the HOLse C = /\dded in Conference Uf, Not authorized NSfI= Not specifically authorized

APPROPRIATION I\LL ,I\LL fiG = Agriculture COM = Commerce/State/Justice DEF = Defense DC District of Columbia ENERGY = Energy & Water FOPOP Foreign Operations HS = Ilomeiand Security iN r = Interior L/\BHI1S = Labor. HHS, & Education LEC; = Legislative Branch i\ll II_CON = Military Construction n�/\NS = Tl'3nsportationlTreasury V/\HUD Veterans flffairs/Housing

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 i 1·800·BE·ANGRY

FOIA_000187 Citizens Against GovernmentWaste : Pigbook Page of l

View 2004 Pig Book by F State Cost Description Status Appropriation ,

Adobe Road Twentynine Palms NBR, CA $3,800,000 DEF 0 (Operation and H Maintenance Keyword Marine Corps) Itwent� ynlne-.------� Enlisted dining facility, NBR, CA $13,700,000 MILCON 0 Twentynine H Palms

Twentynine The Abbreviation Index Palms Airport - runway Status parking skirt NBR No Bud(Jet Request renovation NBR, NBf�. S No Budget Request, only CA $250,000 TRANS 0 requested by the Senate (Grant in Aid C NflR H No f3udget Request. only for Airports - requested by the !l ouse NBR C No Budget F{ equest. added in Federal Conference Aviation S = Only requested by the Senate Admin istration) H Only requested by the House C Added in Conference lJA Not authorized NSA Not specifically authorized

APPROPRIATION ALL i\L� i\G f, gnculture COM Commerce/State/J ustice Defense [)C District of Columbia Lt,EF�(;Y & Water For�OfJ = Foreign HS Ilomeland Security INT nterior LA[3HHS = Labor. HHS. & Education U0C; Legislative Branch MILCON Military Construction fRANS T ransportationrrreasury VAI-i Ui) Veterans Affa irs/Housing

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 4(J0, Washington, DC 20036 i 1·80Q·BE·ANGRY

FOIA_000188 Citizens Against Government Waste : Pigbook Page I of 1

View 2003 Pig Book by Fi State Cost Description Status Appropriation y

City of Twentynine Palms for construction of the NBR, CA $121,500 Twentynine VAHUD H 02 Palms Visitor Center (Economic Development Initiative)

Continuation The Abbreviation Index of water

Status infrastructu re improvements "JIlF No [judget Request NBR, NUI( S No Budget Request, only CA $270,000 in Twentynine VAHUD 02 H requested by the Senate Palms (State NSf", !! No Budget Request, only requested by the House and Tribal NSF" C No Budget Request, added in Assistance Conference Grants - EPA) S Only requested by the Senate Ii Only requested by the House C Added in Conference Aircraft UA Not authorized Surveillance NSA Not specifica!ly authorized Radar NBR, CA $13,700,000 MILCON 02 system, H APPROPRIATION Twentynine /\ G (I griculture COM Commerce, State, and Judiciary Palms DC District of Columbia l)[ F = Defense [e NERGY = Energy and Water HS Ilomeland Security I'or,op Foreign Operations INT Interior U\BHHS" l.abor/HIIS/Education lEG Legislative MIL CON Military Construction fRANS T ransportatioll mEAS Treasury/Postal Service VI\!IUD Veterans Affa irs/Housing and Urban Development

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 1 1-ll0Q-BE-ANGRY

FOIA_000189 Citizens Against GovernmentWaste : Pigbook 1 of I

View 2002 Pig Book by Fis, State Cost Description Status Appropriation Ye

State City of Twentynine Palms for the Twentynine NBR, CA $200,000 Palms Visitor VAH UD 02 C �yword Center . !twentynine (Economic Development Initiative)

Continuation of water infrastructure The Abbreviation Index improvements NBR, CA $500,000 in Twentynine VAHUD 02 Status C NBf� No Budget Request Palms (State NllR S = No Budget Request, only and Tribal by the Senate Assistance H = No Budget F� equest, only requested by the House Grants - EPA) NllR, C No Budget r� equesL added ir, Conference Twentynine S = Only requested by the Senate Palms II Only requested by the House C = Added in Conference MAGTF UA Not authorized MOUT facility NSA Not specifically authorized feasibility NBR, CA $1,300,000 study DEF 02 H APPROPRIATION (Operation l\C /\ gncllltlire COM Commercc:, State, and Judiciary and DC District of Columbia Maintenance DEF Defense - Marine = ENERGY Energy and Water Corps) HS = Ilomeland Security FOr,Op Foreign Operations tNT Interior MAGTFTC [j\flHfIS Labor/HI 1SW:ducat,on Twentynine LEC Legislative MILCON Military Construction Palms mANS Transportation (Operation NBR, CA $2,200,000 DEF 02 THEAS Treasury/PostalService and H VAHUD Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development Maintenance - Marine Corps)

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 1 1-800-BE-ANGRY

FOIA_000190 • 1_ � . j I _ L l' I 1 Citizens Against Government Waste : Pigbook Page 1 of 1

View 2001 Pig Book by Fi State Cost Description Status Appropriation y

State Fire California suppression equipment for bill the Twentynine NBR, CA $64,500 VAHUD 01 Palms Fire C Department (Economic Development Initiative)

Continuation of water The Abbreviation Index infrastructure improvements Status NBR, = CA $500,000 in Twentynine VAHUD 01 N13f'< No Budget Request C NBI�, S = No Gudgel Request, only Palms (State by the Senate and Tribal 11 No Gudget Request, only requested by the House Assistance Nlm. C No ,)udget Request, added in Grants) Conference S = O"ly requested by the Senate Navy, II Only requested by ttle House Added in Conference Twentynine Ui\ Not authorized Palms, NBR, CA $21,770,000 MILCON 01 NSA Not specifically authorized Bachelor H Enlisted APPROPRIATION Quarters

State, and Judiciary DC District of Columbia DEE Defense ENERGY = Energy and Water HS lIome'and Security FOROP Forelgr Operations tNT Interior LAE3HI IS =0 Labor/HilS/Education LEG = Legislative MILCON = Military Construction n�ANS Transportation H,EAS Treasury/Postal Service

V!\HUD = Veteraps Affairs/Housing and Urban Development

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 i 1·800·8E·ANGRY

FOIA_000191 Citizens Against Government Waste : Pigbook Pagc lof2

View 2000 Pig Book by Fi State Cost Description Status Appropriation y

City of Twentynine Palms for the completion of NBR, CA $50,000 the mural VAHUD OC C project (Community Development Block Grants)

Continuation of water reuse demonstration The Abbreviation Index projects in NBR, CA $600,000 Twentynine VAHUD OC Status H NBf� No Budget Request Palms (State NBR S No Budget Request, only and Tribal by the Senate Assistance H No Budget Request, only requested by the House Grants) NBR, C No Bud(let f�equest, added in Conference Navy, S Only requested by the Senate Twentynine H " Only requested by the House Palms Marine " Added In Conference CA $1,250,000 NBR MILCON OC UA Not authorized Corps Base, NSA Not specifically authorized Cast Trainer Addition APPROPRIATION AC = Navy and COM = State, and judiciary DC District of Columbia Marine Corps, DEF Defense Family NBR, ENERGY = Energy and Water CA $5,1 00,000 Housing, MILCON OC HS Homeiand Security H FOPOF' Foreign Operations Twentynine !NT Interior Plams I,AE3HHS '" Labor/HHS/Education MCAGCC :,EC = Legislative MIICON Military Construction ff,ANS = Transpcrtation Navy, mEAS Treasury/Postal Service Twentynine VAHUD Veterans Affa irs/Housing and Palms Naval Urban Development CA $5,710,000 Hospital, NBR MILCON OC Bachelor Enlisted Quarters

Navy, Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base, CA $10,540,000 NBR MILCON OC Tactical Vehicle Maintenance Facility

Navy, Twentynine CA $14,290,000 Palms Marine NBR MILCON OC Corps Base, Bachelor

FOIA_000192 • 1 I 1 Citizens Against Government Waste : Pigbook Page 2 01'2

Enlisted I Headquarters

© Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 i 1-800-8E-ANGRY

FOIA_000193 1 J ir:.IJ ()()(, Citizens Against Government Waste : Pigbook Page 1 01' 1

View 1999 Pig Book by Fisc State Cost Description Status Appropriation Yea

State Water Distribution system study in Twentynine NBR, CA $800,000 Palms VAHUD 99 H Keyword [Environmental .--� ! itwentynine Programs & Management] Submit (EPA)

The Abbreviation I ndex

Status NBf� = No fludget Request NFlR S No r3 udqet Request, only requested by the Senate Nfll" II = No Budget Request, only requested by the House NBf'\, C = No Budget Request, added in Conference S Only requested by tile Senate H Only requested by t1e House C = Added in Conference UA = Not authorized \JSA = Nct specifically authorized


AG = i\ gnculture COM cc Commerce, State, and Judiciary DC District of Columbia Df F Defense

ENEf,GY = Energy and Water HS = Homeland Security FOROP Foreign Operations INT = Interior LAI3HHS = Labor/HHS/Education U.: G = Legislative MILCON " Military Construction TRANS = Transportation mEAS Treasury/Postal Service VAHUD = Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development

Citizens Against Government Waste 1 1301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 400, WaShington, DC 20036 1 1-BOO-BE-ANGRY
