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A biltmore stick – a bole – the trunk or main stem C community – a collection of calibrated to measure the of a . living organisms thriving in an The is a complex diameter of a tree at breast organized system through acre – a unit of land equal to canopy – the more or less world with its own language. 43,560 square feet; a square height. breast height – 4-1/2 feet continuous cover formed by which water, energy, and When it comes to talking parcel of land approximately above ground level. See tree crowns in a forest. nutrients cycle. about , many words that 208.5 feet on each side. diameter at breast height. sound familiar mean some- chopper – see logger. competition – the struggle browse – twigs, shoots, and between trees to obtain thing different. We at the aesthetics – the forest value, rooted in beauty and visual leaves of woody plants used as clearcut – a forest harvesting sunlight, nutrients, water, and Maine Forest Service believe appreciation, affording food by woodland mammals practice in which most or all growing space. that to Be Wise, it inspiration, contributing to the such as deer, moose and trees are removed from a site. helps to speak the language. arts, and providing a special snowshoe hare. Clearcuts are used for immedi- conifer – commonly called This glossary is designed to quality of life. ate commercial purposes and softwoods or evergreens. buck – to a felled tree Although there are exceptions, make it easier to communicate for regeneration of future into shorter lengths. A skilled most coniferous trees have with , loggers and all-aged stand – see uneven- . Clearcuts in Maine aged stand. logger knows the markets and are defined by state statute. cones and keep their needles others you may work with to biological diversity or biodi- can increase the value of the through the winter. manage your land. annual rings – see growth versity – the variety of life in tree by bucking it to fit the rings. all its forms and all its levels available markets. conservation easement – a of organization. Biodiversity legal agreement between a aspect - the compass direction refers to diversity of genetics, – a narrow zone property owner and a qualified toward which a slope faces. species, ecosystems, and or strip of land, trees, or conservation organization or landscapes. vegetation bordering an area. agency that restricts the uses B Common examples include which may be made of the – often the lowest visual buffers, which screen property. Most conservation basal area – the cross- value . Usually the view along roads, and easements limit or prohibit sectional area of the trunk 4 consists of stems, branches, streamside buffers, which are development of the land for 1/2 feet above the ground; bark, etc., that cannot be used to protect water commercial, industrial, and most commonly used as an marketed in any other way. quality. Vegetation left along a codominant tree – a tree that residential uses in perpetuity. indicator of stand density and Chipped and used as fuel. stream, lake or wetland to extends its crown into the expressed as square feet per protect aquatic life and water canopy and receives direct consulting – an acre. A tree with a 14” blaze – to remove a spot of quality. Buffer strips filter sunlight from above but independent professional who diameter has a basal area of bark from a tree, usually with sediment, provide food, limited sunlight from the provides services to private just over one square foot. an , to make a semiperma- maintain cool water tempertures, sides. One or more sides of a woodland owners. Services nent mark. Commonly painted and may increase diversity codominant tree are crowded may include expert advice, basal area factor prism – an to indicate boundary lines. within a landscape. by the crowns of dominant trees. preparation of Woodland instrument used by Foresters Management Plans, appraisal to determine the stocking of blowdown – any area on which bumper tree – trees near skid commercial clearcut – a of timber value, and planning the forest. (many of) the trees have been trails used as pivot points to harvest cut that removes all and oversight of timber thrown or broken by the wind. turn a load of logs, usually merchantable timber from the harvesting. Consulting best management practices See windthrow. resulting in severe injury to area. See . Foresters do not have direct (BMPs) – voluntary guide- the bumper trees. In skid trail connections with firms that lines developed by the Maine board foot – a unit for layout, bumper trees are left commercial – buy products, but are Forest Service and Land Use measuring wood volume in a in place to protect high-quality harvests which are aimed retained by woodland owners Regulation Commission tree, log, or board. A board trees from skidding damage. primarily at controlling the as their agents. See Forester. (LURC), determined to be the foot is 1 foot by 1 foot by 1 growth of stands through most effective and practicable inch, but any shape containing butt log – a log cut from the adjustment in stand density. means of minimizing erosion 144 cubic inches of wood bole immediately above the Trees removed are useful and and sedimentation of water equals one board foot. stump. of value for some purpose. bodies (streams, ponds, lakes, Usually used for sawlog Income from the sale or use of rivers, etc.) from material only. A common products produced exceeds activities. symbol is MBF, which ALL costs associated with designates one thousand board harvesting and removing timber. feet. 9407/glossary 9/19/02 1:31 PM Page 3

contract – a formal, written, crown – the live branches, deed – a legal document used dimension – wood endangered or threatened even-aged management – legally binding form of twigs, and foliage of a tree. to transfer title in real proper- products that are sawn from species – a species is managing a forest or forest communication (agreement). ty from one person to another. logs. Hardwood dimension endangered when the total stand to produce a forest of In , a contract is crown classes – a classifica- lumber is often used in the number of remaining trees of the same relative age. recommended between a tion of the position of an defect – any irregularity or manufacture of furniture or members may not be sufficient Even-aged management landowner and a logger before individual tree’s crown relative imperfection on a tree, log, or other products. Softwood to reproduce enough offspring techniques include harvesting timber, and to the rest of the forest other wood product that dimension lumber is most to ensure survival of the intermediate treatments, between a landowner and a canopy. See codominant, reduces the volume of usable commonly used in species. A threatened species clearcuts, patch clearcuts, and Forester for any work dominant, intermediate, wood or lowers its durability, construction, furniture, and exhibits declining or shelterwood cuts. expected to exceed several overtopped, and suppressed. strength, or utility value. other products. dangerously low populations hundred dollars. Defects may result from knots but still has enough members crown closure – the and other growth conditions disturbance – a change in to maintain or increase cord – a unit of volume used percentage of a given area and abnormalities; from insect forest cover caused by natural numbers. in measuring wood products. covered by tree crowns. or fungus attack; or from or human causes. Common A standard cord occupies 128 logging, or other processing forest disturbances in New epicormic branching – cubic feet of space and crown ratio or live-crown procedures. England include clearing for branches that grow out of the contains approximately 85 ratio – the ratio of the length agriculture, abandonment of main stem of a hardwood tree cubic feet of wood. It is of live crown of a tree to its agricultural fields, windstorms, from dormant buds produced commonly described as a close total height. Live crown ratio ice storms, fire, flood, logging, under the bark, usually in piled stack of wood 4 feet high, is usually expressed as a mining, and development. response to damage or an 8 feet long, with sticks 4 feet percentage of total height. increase in light. Severe in length. A cord is the legal dominant – trees whose epicormic branching increases measure of fuelwood volume cruise – a systematic, crowns extend above those of knottiness and reduces lumber in Maine. statistically valid forest surrounding trees which quality. inventory used to obtain capture sunlight from above cordwood – small diameter or qualitative information about and on one or more side of the even-aged stand – a stand in low-quality wood suitable for the forest. A cruise is often crown. which most trees originated firewood, pulp, or chips. the first step in developing a around the same time (i.e. the Cordwood is not suitable for Woodland Management Plan; den tree – a tree with holes or duff – forest litter of age difference between the sawlogs. the estimate obtained in such cavities suitable for birds or organic debris (in various oldest and youngest trees is a survey. mammals to nest in. stages of decomposition) on minimal, usually no greater cost share assistance – an top of the mineral soil. than 10 to 20 years.) assistance program offered by cull – trees or logs which are diameter at breast height Even-aged stands result from various state and federal rejected, or volumes deducted (dbh) – standard E cutting of all the trees in a agencies that pays a fixed rate in log scaling because of a measurement of a tree's stand within a relatively short or percentage of the total cost defect. average diameter, outside the easement – see conservation period of time, major natural necessary to implement a bark, taken at 4 1/2 feet above easement. disturbances (such as fire), or forestry practice. cutting cycle – the period of the ground. reversion of cleared land to time between major ecology – the study of forest. crook – a tree defect harvests in a stand, usually diameter-limit sale – a interactions between characterized by a sharp bend determined by the type of timber sale in which all trees organisms and their in the main stem. management being practiced, over a specified diameter may environment. the condition and type of the be cut. Most Maine forests are crop tree – those trees in a forest, and the growing even-aged and small diameter ecosystem – organisms and stand destined to form the conditions of the soil. trees are as old, although not the physical, chemical, and final crop, usually the highest as vigorous as the larger biological factors that make up quality and value of all the D stems. Diameter-limit sales their environment. trees in a stand. Crop trees often result in high grading. may be selected from an deciduous – shedding or This type of cutting is not usu- edge – the boundary between immature stand and carried losing leaves annually. Trees ally regarded as wise, long- two ecological communities, through to the final harvest. such as maple, ash, cherry, term as it for example, field and and larch are deciduous. can cause the loss of stand woodland. Edges often provide crotch – see fork. vigor from the removal of the habitat for certain wildlife fastest-growing trees. species. 9407/glossary 9/19/02 1:31 PM Page 4

F resources including wildlife, a for wildlife habitat or to H intermediate tree – trees with liquidation harvesting – the recreational opportunities, eliminate the influence of a crowns that extend into the purchase of timberland, – the cutting of aesthetics, timber, water, soil, large tree’s presence in the habitat – the ecosystem in canopy with dominant and followed by the removal of standing trees. wetlands, unique features, and canopy without actually felling which a plant or animal lives codominant trees. These trees most or all commercial value cultural resources. the tree. and depends on for cover, receive little direct sunlight in standing timber and prompt filter strip – an area of breeding sites, food, and water. from above and none from the resale of the land. This is forest adjacent to a water body forest types – associations of grade – the rise or fall in sides. Crowns generally are generally viewed as where measures are taken to tree species that have similar ground level over 100 feet of hardwoods – a general term small and crowded on all inconsistent with accepted limit disturbance of the forest ecological requirements. horizontal distance, encompassing broadleaf, sides. principles of forest floor (natural vegetation, soil, Some common forest types in expressed as a percentage deciduous trees. management. and forest litter, or fallen Maine are spruce-fir, northern intolerance – see tolerance. leaves and branches) to hardwoods, pine-oak, and grade log – the designation of hardwood type – a forest in prevent erosion during or after poplar birch. Often types are the quality of a manufactured which hardwood tree species introduced species – a timber harvesting. simplified into hardwood, piece of wood or of logs. comprise at least 75% of the nonnative species that was softwood, and mixed wood. stand. intentionally or unintentional- flagging – the act of great pond – any natural ly brought into an area by temporarily designating the forested wetland – an area inland body of water with harvest – the cutting, felling, humans. location of a road, trail, or dominated by woody vegeta- surface area over 10 acres, or and removal of forest timber boundary by hanging strips of tion taller than 20 feet where artificially created or or other forest materials. J colored plastic on trees or soil is at least periodically increased body of water over stakes. saturated or covered by water. 30 acres. herbaceous vegetation – jobber – see logger. low-growing, non-woody forest – a biological forester – a professional, plants, including wildflowers L community dominated by trees usually with a college or and ferns, in a forest and other woody plants. university degree, trained in understory. landing – a cleared area with- forestry and forest in or adjacent to a timber forest fragmentation – the management. In Maine, all high grading – an exploitive harvest where logs or tree division of large natural Foresters must be licensed by logging practice that removes length material are processed, landscapes into smaller, more the state. only the best, most accessible, piled, stored and loaded for isolated fragments, due to and valuable trees from a transport to a or other development, road forestry – the art, science, stand, leaving lower-quality facility. See also yard. construction, or other and craft of tending woodlands trees to grow into a lower- changes. Fragmentation to derive benefits to humans. group selection – a method quality forest. High grading affects the viability of wildlife of regenerating uneven-aged should be distinguished from populations and ecosystems, fork – a tree defect charac- stands of trees by removing/ even-aged management in and may reduce options for terized by the division of a harvesting trees in small which mature and immature forest management by bole or main stem into two or groups or patches. Group trees are removed to aid reducing woodlot size. more stems. See also crotch. selection typically encourages regeneration. the reproduction of tree forest management – the form – with reference to a species that are somewhat to I application of sound forestry tree, the degree of taper moderately tolerant of shade. principles and practices to the between diameter at the tip of improvement cut – an operation of the woodlands. a 1 foot stump and diameter at growing stock – trees intermediate treatment to the top of the first 16 foot log. capable of producing at least improve the growth rate and Forest Management Plan one 12-foot sawlog now or in vigor of residual trees. An landowner objectives – goals (also called Woodland G the future. intermediate cut made to that landowners have for the Management Plan) – a improve the form, quality, current and future use of their written document, based on growth rings – the layers of health, or wildlife potential of property. They are deliberally landowner objectives and girdle/girdling – the removal wood a tree adds each growing the residual stand. thought out and defined in resources on the ground, or killing of a ring of bark season. These rings frequently order to formulate a course of which guides future activities around the tree stem so that are visible when a tree is cut – an auger- action to accomplish them. to care for the land and the flow of carbohydrates from and can be used to estimate like tool with a hollow bit accomplish the landowner’s crown to roots is blocked. The its age and growth rate. See designed to extract cores from objectives over the long term. roots die and the whole tree is also annual rings. tree stems for the determina- Plans may consider many killed. Usually used to create tion of age and growth rate. 9407/glossary 9/19/02 1:31 PM Page 5

log – a section of the main M niche – the physical location overstory removal – see – the act of sawing residual stand – the trees stem of a tree, varying in and functional role of an shelterwood. or cutting branches from a remaining uncut (and length and minimum diame- marking – the practice of organism within an ecosystem living tree. In woodland hopefully undamaged) ters according to local market indicating by paint or other and how it interacts with other overtopped – the situation in management, pruning is done following any cutting standards, that is usually sawn visible, semipermanent means species. which a tree cannot to promote the growth of clear operation. into lumber. As a verb, log trees which are to be cut or sufficiently extend its crown wood free of knots, from which refers to the process of are to remain after harvesting. nongame wildlife – wildlife into the overstory and receive more valuable, knot-free harvesting, extracting, and A common practice is to mark species that are typically not direct sunlight. Overtopped boards can be sawn. Pruning transporting logs to a mill. trees to be harvested hunted, either by common trees that lack shade tolerance is usually done in conjunction twice–once at eye level and practice or by state wildlife lose vigor and die. See with thinning. log grading – the assignment once at the base. Marking laws. Examples include suppressed. of a quality class to a log. may also be used to designate songbirds, eagles, amphibians, trees for other treatments, insects, etc. P logger – an individual who such as pruning. harvests timber for a living. nonindustrial private forest- pallet log – a low-grade mast – fruits, nuts and seeds, land (NIPF) – woodland hardwood log suitable for log rule or scale – a method of trees and shrubs that serve owned by a private individual, producing low-grade products for calculating wood volume in as food for wildlife. “Hard group, or corporation not such as pallets. a tree or log by using its mast” refers to nuts such as involved in . diameter and length. The acorns, beechnuts, or Fifty-five percent of Maine’s – removal of all international 1/4-inch rule is hazelnuts. “Soft mast” refers forests are in this category. trees within designated small the legal rule in Maine to fruits such as cherries, wild areas in the harvest area. apples, and various berries. O Areas are larger than those pulp/ – wood log scaling – the estimation of cut in a group selection suitable for use in paper the board foot volume to be merchantable height – the objectives – see landowner method harvest. An . sawn from a log. A log scale point on a tree stem to which objectives. even-aged management volume is an accepted form of the stem is salable. technique. R measurement in log old-growth forest – a wooded marketing. mixed wood type – forest area that has no evidence of pesticide – any chemical used – the stands occupied by a mixture harvest or alteration by to control undesirable insects, establishment of a forest lopping – cutting tree tops of softwood and hardwood tree humans. An old-growth forest vegetation or animals, or to through artificially planted and branches from felled species. Neither hardwood nor often has large individual guard against or treat a forest seed or seedlings. The vast trees, to bring them closer to softwood tree species occupy trees, a multilayered crown health problem. majority of forests in Maine the ground. Lopping can more than 75% of the tree canopy, and a significant regenerate naturally without increase visibility, improve the stocking. accumulation of large woody pole stand – a stand of trees need for planting. forest’s appearance, reduce material, including snags and whose average dbh is between fire danger, and speed up the fallen logs. 4 and 10 inches. regeneration – the process by rotting and return of nutrients which a forest is reseeded and to the soil after harvesting. overmature – a quality precommercial treatments – renewed. Advance regenera- exhibited by trees that have forestry operations that tion refers to regeneration lump-sum sale – a timber sale declined in growth rate require landowner investment, that is established before the in which a total price for all because of old age and loss of such as or weeding existing forest stand is standing trees to be harvested vigor. stands to remove trees that removed. is contracted, based on their have little or no economic or estimated total value. The overstocked – the situation in market value. Precommercial release – the process by lump sum is set before the which trees are so closely treatments can improve which young stands of wood is removed and typically spaced that they compete for species composition and desirable trees, not past the paid in a single payment. See N resources and do not reach increase the quality, growth, sapling stage, are freed from also unit sale. full growth potential. and vigor of remaining trees. the competition of natural regeneration – undesirable trees that seedlings from natural seeding overstory – the level of forest prescription – a course of threaten to suppress them. or sprouts and other plants canopy that includes the action recommended to bring representing vegetative crowns of dominant, about a desired change in a eproduction. codominant, and intermediate forest stand. trees. 9407/glossary 9/19/02 1:31 PM Page 6

riparian zone – a strip of sapling – a tree from 1 to 4 sealed-bid sale – a lump sum shelterwood harvest – a – a generic term for a softwood type – a forest in variable width, depending on inches in diameter. or unit timber sale, usually method of regenerating new, machine (usually rubber-tired) which softwood tree species the riparian functions offered with the assistance of even–aged stands by harvest- with a cable winch or grapple comprise at least 75 percent of identified, where special a consulting Forester, in which ing all mature trees in an area used to drag logs out of the the stocking. management considerations buyers submit secret bids. in a series of two or more cuts forest. may be advisable to maintain occurring within 10-20 years. springpole – saplings or or enhance those functions. seed tree – a mature tree left One or more cuts leave mer- smaller trees that are bent Riparian functions can include uncut to provide seed for chantable trees to provide over by a larger felled tree. protecting bank and channel regeneration of a harvested shade and protection for the They can be under extreme stability, maintaining shade stand. establishment of forest tension and are dangerous. and inputs of vegetation to the seedlings. The second or third water, carrying water to the seed-tree harvest – the felling cut, or final removal, removes sprout – a tree growing from a surface, maintaining water of all the trees in an area the remaining mature trees to cut stump or previously quality, and providing wildlife sapling stand – a stand of except for a few desirable give the regenerated trees full established root system. habitat. trees whose average dbh is individuals that provide seed sunlight. See also sucker. between 1 and 4 inches. for the next forest. An even- aged management technique. – the art and stand – a group of forest trees sawlog – a log of sufficient science of growing and tending skidding – the act of moving of sufficiently uniform species size and quality to be sawed seedling – trees that are less forest trees. trees from the site of felling to composition, age, and economically on a sawmill for than 3 feet tall. a leading area or landing. condition to be considered a use in lumber and other single-tree selection – Tractors, horses, or specialized homogeneous unit for products. removal of single trees logging equipment can be used management purposes. distributed throughout a for skidding. Skidding methods See also forest types. sawlog tree -– a standing tree harvest area. and operator skill vary signifi- that contains at least 1 sawlog. cantly, and as a result differ in site – the combination of biot- their efficiency and impact on sawtimber – sawlog-sized ic, climactic, topographic, and soils and the remaining stands. roadside sale – a timber trees. soil conditions of an area that harvest in which trees are determines the character and skid road/skid trail – an harvested, brought to a place sawtimber stand – a stand of productivity of forest stands. unsurfaced single-lane road accessible to a log truck, and trees where sawlog trees used by and other are sold from that location. predominate. selection harvest – a method – a measure of the extraction equipment to of harvesting in which individ- quality and potential access forest products for rot – a tree defect character- scale stick – a calibrated stick ual trees or small groups of productivity of a site based on transport from the harvest ized by woody decay in a used to estimate wood volume trees are removed to regener- the height of dominant trees area to the yard or landing. standing tree or log. in a log. ate new seedlings and main- at a specified age (usually 50 tain an uneven-aged forest. years), depending on the slash – bark, branches, uproot- rotation – the number of scaling – the process of Selection harvests are used to species. ed stumps and other woody years required to grow a stand measuring the dimensions of manage species that do not material left on a site after log- to a desired size or maturity. individual logs or trees. The need high levels of sunlight to site preparation – treatment ging, road construction or land See even-aged management. measurements are used to regenerate and survive in the of the forest floor and/or maintenance. estimate the volume of the understory. understory vegetation of an S logs or trees by applying them area to facilitate natural or snag – dead standing trees, to a log rule or tree volume selective harvesting – often artificial reestablishment of a often with tops broken off. salvage cut – the removal of table. used as a “catch all” for all forest stand. Site preparation Snags serve as perches, dead, damaged, or diseased types of partial cuttings. It is can include mechanical lookouts, and provide trees to recover maximum scarification – the distur- an exploitive cutting and often clearing, burning, or chemical important food and cover for a value prior to deterioration. bance of the forest floor to used to describe high grading, (herbicide) vegetation control. wide variety of wildlife species. expose areas of mineral soil. liquidation harvests, and diam- sanitation cut – removal of This is done to prepare a eter limit cutting. Who is skid – to drag logs or tree softwood – used to designate diseased, damaged, overma- seedbed and encourage doing the selecting and what lengths either wholly or all coniferous (cone-bearing ture, or undesirable stems establishment of desired criteria are they using? partially on the ground. species) as a class, including from a stand. species of tree seedlings. pines, hemlock, larch or hack- matack, spruces, balsam fir, and cedar. 9407/glossary 9/19/02 1:31 PM Page 7

stand density – the quantity aquatic and other wildlife sweep – a tree defect U V wetlands – ponds, freshwater of trees per unit area, usually habitat. characterized by a gradual swamps, marshes, bogs and evaluated in terms of basal curve in the main stem. understocked – a stand of veneer log – a high-quality log similar areas that are area, crown cover and stem – see bole. trees so widely spaced that of a desirable species suitable inundated or saturated by stocking. T crown closure will not occur; for conversion to veneer. surface or groundwater at a stumpage – the value of such stands typically do not Veneer logs must be large, frequency and for a duration stewardship – the act of standing trees in a forest. thinning – a partial cut in an fully occupy the site nor can straight, of minimum taper, sufficient to support, and taking care of your land for the immature, overstocked stand they achieve the site’s full and free from defects. which under normal long term. Leaving your stumpage price – the price of trees used to increase the growth potential. circumstances do support, a property in better condition offered or paid for standing stand's value growth by vernal pool – an ephemeral prevalence of wetland than you found it. forest trees. concentrating on individuals understory – the smaller body of water that fills in the vegetation typically adapted with the best potential. vegetation (shrubs, seedlings, spring, holds water for at least for life in saturated soils. stewardship plan – see Forest stumpage sale – a timber sale saplings, small trees) within a 10 days, and dries up by fall Wetlands may be either Management Plan or Woodland arrangement where a fee is forest stand, occupying the some or all years and that does freshwater or tidal. Management Plan. paid to the landowner for the vertical zone between the not contain fish. Vernal pools standing trees, accompanied overstory and the herbaceous are extremely important stocking – a measurement of by the right of the buyer to plants of the forest floor. habitat for a variety of how fully the trees in a forest harvest the trees from the amphibians and reptiles. stand occupy the available property under agreed uneven-aged stand – an area growing space of the site, conditions. of forest composed of trees of virgin forest – see old-growth expressed in terms of trees per similar species, in which trees forest. acre, basal area per acre, stump height – the distance of several age classes are volume per acre, or percent of from the ground to the top of represented. See all aged W crown closure. Stands are the stump. Good logging prac- stand. often classified as tice dictates that stumps be as timber stand improvement water bar – a small earth understocked, well-stocked or low as possible (preferably as (TSI) – any practice that unit sale – a timber sale in berm or dam constructed at an overstocked. low as 12 inches) to reduce increases the rate of growth or which a separate price is angle across a skid road or waste and to minimize visual improves composition or agreed upon for multiple trail to direct surface water to stratification – the tendency impact on the logging site. quality in a developing stand species/product combinations, a stable vegetated surface or of competing trees and shrubs of trees, thus enhancing its and payments to the filter strip. in a developing stand to succession – the natural potential value. Pruning, landowner are based on the separate into different layers. replacement of one plant (or thinning, and weeding are actual measurements of wood watershed – a region defined The stratification of a stand animal) community by another considered TSI. products shown in mill by patterns of stream can provide distinct niches for over time in the absence of receipts. Payments under a drainage. A watershed wildlife. See canopy, understory, disturbance. timber trespass – the unit sale typically occur within includes all the land that and herbaceous vegetation. negligent curring or removal of an agreed-upon time frame for contributes water to a suppressed – a tree condition trees on a property without wood trucked since the last particular point of interest stream channel – a channel characterized by low growth landowner permission. payment. on a stream, river, lake, or between defined banks rate and low vigor as a result coastal feature. created by the action of of competition with overtop- tolerance – a tree species' surface water and ping trees. See overtopped. ability to grow and thrive in weeding – the removal of all characterized by the lack of shade. plants competing with a crop terrestrial vegetation or the sustainability – the ability of species, regardless of whether presence of a bed, devoid of the natural environment to trim allowance/trim – the their crowns are above, beside, topsoil, containing waterborne supply goods and services to extra 4 to 6 inches left on a or below those of the desirable deposits or exposed soil parent humans for the indefinite bucked log to allow logs with trees. Removal of diseased, material or bedrock. future. end checks, pulls, or slanting damaged, and poor quality buck cuts to be trimmed to trees. streamside management sustained yield – an idealized standard lumber lengths. zone – a forested area beside forest management objective well-stocked – the situation in a stream or other body of in which the volume of wood twitch – see skid. which a forest stand contains water which is managed to removed equals growth within trees spaced widely enough to protect or enhance the values the total forest over an prevent competition yet associated with the water appropriate period of time. closely enough to utilize the body, such as water quality, entire site. 9407/glossary 9/19/02 1:31 PM Page 8

wildlife habitat – the native Note: adapted from the Maine environment of an animal. Forest Service “Women and Habitats ideally provide all the the Woods” program and the elements needed for life and growth: food, water, cover and Pennsylvania State space. University Cooperative Extension bulletin “Forestry windfirm – the ability of the root system of a tree to Terminology.” withstand wind pressure and keep the tree upright.

windthrow – a tree felled by wind. Windthrows, also known as blowdowns, are common among shallow-rooted species and in areas where cutting has reduced stand density.

wolf tree – a large older tree with a spreading crown and little or no timber value, but often having great value for wildlife. The same function as a snag, except the tree is still alive and possibly producing mast.

woodland – see forest.

Woodland Management Plan (also called Forest Management Plan ) – a written document, based on landowner objectives and resources on the ground, which guides future activities to care for the land and accomplish the landowner’s objectives over the long term. Plans may consider many resources including wildlife, recreational opportunities, aesthetics, timber, water, soil, wetlands, unique features, and cultural resources. Y

yard – see landing.