David Weber | 384 pages | 06 Jan 1998 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9780671878573 | English | New York, United States More Than Honor (Worlds of Honor Series #1) by , Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Audible Premium Plus. Cancel anytime. David Weber himself here contributes three never-before-published excursions into Honor's world, among them the story of how she first discovered her own inner strength and courage; and a chapter in the history of the telepathic treecats, who form a bond with their chosen human that can only be severed More Than Honor death. By: David Weberand others. Lady Dame Honor Harrington - starship captain, admiral, Steadholder, and Duchess - has spent decades defending the Star Kingdom of Manticore against all comers. Along the way, she has become the legend known as "the Salamander" from her habit of always being where the fire is hottest Readers and listeners can't get enough of Honor Harrington and her world, and here More Than Honor Weber is again, accompanied by some of the top science fiction writers in the field - including John Ringo, Eric Flint, Timothy Zahn and Weber himself - with new adventures of the best starship commander in the galaxy, and explorations of previously uncharted corners of her universe. It's a party - and you're invited! The hottest military science-fiction series of all time continues. The hottest series of all time continues. The mission: to boldly explore David More Than Honor ; to deliver all the action, courage, derring do, and pulse pounding excitement of space naval adventure with tales set in a world touched by the greatness of one epic heroine: More Than Honor Harrington. The Star Kingdom has a new generation of officers! And this elite group More Than Honor and trained by Honor Harrington herself is going to be needed immediately, as their first assignment turns out to be more dangerous than anyone expected. What was supposed to be a quiet outpost, far from the blazing conflict between the Star Kingdom of Manticore and the People's Republic of Haven has actually been targeted by More Than Honor unholy alliance between the slaveholders of Manpower. By: David Weber. The Star Kingdom's ally Erewhon is growing increasingly restive in the alliance because the new High Ridge regime ignores its needs. Add to that the longstanding problem of a slave labor planet controlled by hostile Mesans in Erewhon's stellar back yard, a problem which High Ridge also ignores. Rear Admiral Michelle Henke was commanding one of the ships in a force led by Honor Harrington in an all-out space battle. The odds were against the Star Kingdom forces, and they had to run. But Michelle's ship was crippled, and had to be destroyed to prevent superior Manticoran technology from falling into Havenite hands, and she and her surviving crew were taken prisoner. As the slavemasters of Mesa plot against the Star Empire of Manticore and the newly liberated slave planet of Torch, Anton Zilwicki and the notorious Havenite secret agent Victor Cachat set off on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth concerning a wave of mysterious assassinations that have been launched against Manticore and Torch. Sometimes things don't work out exactly as planned. The Mesan Alignment has a plan - one it's More Than Honor working on for centuries. A plan to remake the galaxy and genetically improve the human race - its way. Until More Than Honor things have gone pretty much as scheduled, but then the Alignment hit a minor bump in the road called the Star Empire of Manticore. So the Alignment engineered a war between the Solarian League, the biggest and most formidable interstellar power in human history. There are two sides to any quarrel Queen Elizabeth of Manticore's first cousin and Honor Harrington's best friend Michelle Henke has just handed the "invincible" Solarian League Navy the most humiliating, one-sided defeat in its entire almost thousand-year history in defense of the people of the Star Empire's Talbott Quadrant. But the League is the most powerful star nation in the history of More Than Honor. Its navy is going to be back — and this time with thousands of superdreadnoughts. After the disastrous attack on the Manticoran home system by forces unknown, the Royal Manticoran Navy stands on the brink of collapse. A shadowy enemy with the resources to hurl warships across hundreds of light years seeks to conquer the Star Kingdom for reasons unknown, while forces from within Manticore's own government seek to discredit and weaken the Navy for reasons very much known: their own political More Than Honor. Growing up, Travis Uriah Long yearned for order and discipline in his life Boot camp is rough and frustrating; his first ship assignment lax and disorderly; and with the Star Kingdom of Manticore still recovering from a devastating plague, the Navy is possibly on the edge of budgetary extinction. Fire in the forest — and a cry for help from a trapped and desperate alien mother! Unfortunately, this is one cry no human can hear. Stephanie Harrington, precocious year-old Provisional Forest Ranger on the planet Sphinx, knows something is wrong from the uneasy emotion that is flooding into her from her treecat friend, Climbs Quickly. Still, their strong and direct bond of feeling may be enough By: Jane Lindskoldand others. Stephanie Harrington had always expected to be a forest ranger on her homeworld of Meyerdahl until her parents relocated to the frontier planet of Sphinx in the far distant Star Kingdom of Manticore. It should have been the More Than Honor new More Than Honor - a virgin wilderness full of new species of every sort, just waiting to be discovered. But Sphinx is a far more More Than Honor place than ultra-civilized Meyerdahl, and Stephanie's explorations come to a sudden halt when her parents lay down the law: no trips into the bush without adult supervision! Lieutenant Travis Long of the Royal Manticoran Navy is the sort of person who likes an orderly universe. One where people follow the rules. Unfortunately he lives in the real universe. The good news is that Travis is one of those rare people who may like rules but has a talent for thinking outside them when everything starts coming apart. That talent has stood him - and the Star Kingdom - in good stead in the past, and it's one reason he's now a "mustang" - an ex-enlisted man who's been given a commission. What price victory? The war with the Republic of Haven has resumed. Everyone knows Eighth Fleet is the Alliance's primary offensive command, which makes it the natural assignment for the woman the media calls "the Salamander. The Mesan Alignment: a centuries-old More Than Honor that seeks to impose its vision of a society dominated by genetic rank onto the human race. Old coalitions have disintegrated. New alliances have been born. Stirling, two of today's top writers of military science fiction, to join him in an exploration of Honor Harrington's universe. I must admit I am hooked on the Honor Harrington series. The Honor-universe series gives us more insight into the times and history than could be provided in the original series. This book is a collection of three short stories. The first is about young Stephanie Harrington and the first encounter with the tree cats. This is also covered in the youth series about Stephanie, which adults will also enjoy. The second covers archeology about early space travel to More Than Honor. The third book covers the history of the engineering developments of space travel and the discoveries that allow for hyperspace travel. You really must enjoy science and technical information for this story. It also covers the Winton family and it's rise to power of the Manticore system. The three narrators, Victor Bevine, L. Ganser and Khristine Hvam did a good job reading the stories. Looking forward to more in this series. Confession: I'm an Honorverse fan. If you'r reading this, chances are you are More Than Honor. This is not the More Than Honor book I would recommend to someone I'm trying to introduce to the Honorverse. We hear the back story to Honor's distant relative who settled on Sphinx. We also get a primer on the physics and math behind the methods of travel used in the books. In short, if you're already a fan More Than Honor Honorverse books - this is a great book that will fill in More Than Honor of the More Than Honor in the back story. The performance, is as good as the writing, but in spots can drag. If you are reading this, then you are completely hooked on Honor Harrington Universe. This book is a first collection of short stories and should be listened after "". Do you remember Honor's story about "missing celery"? Later this short story was turned into spin off series More Than Honor teenage readers: Star Kingdom series It was very interesting. The events take place during one of the coup d'etat attempts. This is your chance to confirm everything you think you already know about Honor Harrington Universe. This is a good book for anyone who plans to write within the Honorverse theme. It's not so great as a relaxing sci-fi read. Waste of time. First story is just the first few chapters of A Beautiful Friendship. Second story was boring AF. Third story was actually mildly interesting. Last section was a bunch of dry data that I thought was pretty interesting and is why this book gets two stars instead of one star. I highly recommend skipping this one. While some of the stories More Than Honor info presented here is new, much of it comes from other sources as well. Having said that it is a nice anthology and is read well. I'm thinking not if the reader is the same as the last story on this set of discs. More Than Honor More Than Honor turned you off from other books in this genre? What did you like about the performance? What did you dislike? I really liked the first story about the 11 year old girl and the "tree cat", I really wanted to hear more. Was More Than Honor worth the listening time? Up to the last story which I just fast forwarded through to find something interesting, the reader didn't help there either. He has a very irritating voice. Any additional comments? I'm going to try books 2 and More Than Honor since I have already purchased them More Than Honor I sure hope it gets better. More than the Price of Honor Chapter 1: Possession, an avatar: last airbender fanfic | FanFiction

What can I promise about this story? It's my More Than Honor onso I'm bound to have a learning curve on figuring out mechanics and formatting. It's a token capture fic, replete with such gratuitous classics as "forced to sleep in the same bed" and "unrequited longing. It will skip over unimportant scenes so as to get to the "good stuff" faster, thus taking on a slightly one-shot feel. Creative license might be taken, and it will have an overall heroic, romance-style theme meant for more mature readers. The ending will be More Than Honor. Every time I raised a wave against a volley of their fire, another attack of churning flame was on its heel. Water hissed into steam More Than Honor our fighting met, and I leeched the water back out of the humid air More Than Honor cascade toward the group advancing on my right. Eventually, I staggered. My shining shields, with the width and strength of well-lain masonry, became as ephemeral as sudden, summer showers. My mighty water whips were flicks of dew. Another fireball leapt through my last weakening wave, and I threw myself backward, panting. My lungs burned as I choked on More Than Honor heat in the air. Now, the fire benders I had so bravely held More Than Honor crowded around me, several holding fire in their palms that lit hard glints of malice in their sea of amber eyes. I jutted my chin out at them. If this was how it would end, then I would not show fear, not for these fire bending devils. All trace of fire vanished and the benders parted like smoke for the approaching warrior, his ponytail swaying in time with his determined stride. Zuko's red scar wavered through the shimmering view until a clean line of brightness parted my curtain, slicing like a hot knife through soft cheese. Disheartened, I let the water fall back to the earth, watching it disappear as the newly scorched ground greedily sucked it up. Zuko towered over me, and I flinched when he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to my feet, having to support me more than my pride would have liked. You should be more careful—it seems you keep falling into my clutches. I was dutifully trussed up, my arms tied behind my back, and then prodded toward More Than Honor beach where a rowboat awaited us. I stumbled into it, rushed by hands hoisting me from the shoulders of my robe. The soldiers More Than Honor the boat a shove, freeing it from the sand, and then jumbled in. The Fire Nation ship loomed against the flat, blue horizon, its massive, iron hulk growing impossibly larger as two men rowed us toward it. But I had eyes only for the patch of sky where I had last seen Appa sailing away, Aang's tight, tortured expression peering over the edge of the saddle. It had been all I could do to convince Aang to escape with Sokka, wounded by the first arrow, while I held back the fire benders. The boy had looked disconsolately between me and my brother as if trying to choose who would live and who would die. I would live, I More Than Honor made him believe, as long as the fire benders thought they could use me to lure him into a trap, but Sokka would die if we were all taken. Also, I quickly reminded him, he and Sokka, together, would be much more likely to save me while Zuko lingered here, awaiting a rescue attempt, than we would be of trying to chase him all the way to the Fire Nation, to which Zuko would surely flee the moment the Avatar was secured. Aang had seen reason, and I had given them enough time to fly away on Appa, Aang calling back a continuous stream of promises that More Than Honor would be back for me soon and Sokka calling a continuous stream of curses at Aang for leaving me behind. More Than Honor had to believe that Sokka would live, that Aang would find help for him, and that they would be able to find More Than Honor again without More Than Honor prey to Zuko's relentless hunt. When we reached the ship, I was taken below deck and placed in a holding cell. It was cold and as dark as pitch. It was difficult to tell much about my surroundings, bound as I was, and the only thing I was certain of was the echoing deadness of the metal as I clanged about and a small bunk against one wall, where I collapsed. In the darkness, fear engulfed me, giving fearsome form and feature to every invisible noise. Without my friends, with no fire benders to bolster my contempt, I cowered in the darkness, my head whipping right and left every time I felt a phantom brush on my face or thought I saw the spark of light in my peripheral vision, and I waited for whatever would come next. With a groaning sigh, the door to my cell swung inward, revealing the gloomy, subtle light of oil lamps beyond, and a lone figure entered, shutting the door behind him. As a small flame lit in his hand, Zuko stared down at me. I rolled my eyes with more courage than I actually felt. Zuko's mouth pursed and his voice sounded raw and tired as he responded, "Do I really need to answer that? Anyone who had ever encountered Zuko knew what he wanted. I turned away in passive refusal. Zuko barked out a mirthless laugh. You'll help me capture the Avatar, Water Bender, whether you like it or not. I turned to face him again, mock dismay etching my expression. He's too smart for you, Zuko," I taunted, my lips lacing his name with as much contempt as I could muster. I let my gaze travel the length of his tall, flame-lit form, assessing him with a smug look, "and he's a more powerful bender. Zuko leaned over, bringing his face close to mine. His scar, the lines cast in sharp relief by the fire light, scrunched as he narrowed his eyes at me, folding like peaks and valleys on a map, a jagged range that sheltered the smoldering volcano of his amber eye. I fought to not flinch away from its hideousness and intensity. Zuko clenched his fist to douse the flame, turned, and left, closing the door behind him and plunging me back into darkness. I More Than Honor my knees to my chest and prayed that he was wrong—that Aang would not fall blindly into whatever trap Zuko was planning to involve me in and, almost as desperately, that what I had thus far seen of the twisted prince was not just a shadow of his true malice and cruelty. I was left no water; I couldn't tell what length of time passed between my visitors, but every once in a while, someone More Than Honor with a small porcelain cup and let me drink. Eventually, my binds were removed—replaced, of More Than Honor, during my drinking breaks—but my newly freed arms did me little good. The Fire Benders were very cautious and thorough. I had More Than Honor down a good many of them before I had tired, and they left nothing to chance. It More Than Honor a particular frustration to know that we were surrounded by an ocean I could not access for all this blasted iron. I counted the days by how many meals I was given—I had to assume they were feeding me three times a day—and by the sounds I had learned to recognize coming from the belly of the metal beast that had swallowed me. The ship clanged and moaned as it ate up fuel and belched out flame to move its sighing, straining gears. I could hear the slow, unnatural beating of its flame-and-iron heart, the pattern of the mechanical routine in the engine room, and how it slowed during what I assume was the nighttime shift of More Than Honor skeleton crew. More Than Honor guards had given me a candle, unconcerned with what I might do with it—there was always a Fire Bender present when I was given food or water or allowed to take care of other necessities—and I had gone through a fair number of tapers. Three or four days had passed, I had decided, More Than Honor the time I saw my captor again. Aside from his first visit to my cell, Zuko had not bothered with me again. As far as I could tell, I was doing my part in his scheme, sitting securely in my cell and waiting for Aang to mount a rescue. I served no other purpose in Zuko's mind and was, therefore, otherwise inconsequential. While the opening of my cell had been a surprise, I wasn't taken altogether unaware. The ship had warned me something was coming. The momentum of the normal noises had stalled, everything grinding down to a halt, followed by the deep, seemingly endless clink-clink-clink of the anchor being dropped. As I lay on my bunk, I heard heavy thuds from somewhere above. Was that a gang plank? My senses heightened with anticipation, and I expected the guards to at least check on me, possibly replace my bindings until whatever was transpiring had passed. I hadn't, however, expected the frenzied, irate face that appeared on the other side of the flung open door to be Zuko's. I scurried to sitting, worried about what this break in routine meant. Dispensing with any formalities or threats, Zuko latched onto my wrist, dragging me off the bunk and out the cell door. My blood ran cold as I wondered whether he had finally decided to kill me. Had his plan worked? Had Aang and Sokka attempted a rescue and been captured? My heart sank—one small water bender in exchange for the Avatar; the world had lost on that deal. I was not worth his life; I was not more important than the fate of the world. I knew that Aang and Sokka would not see it that way, More Than Honor. But as I watched Zuko, I realized that he was in a fury that had nothing to do with me. I didn't know what to expect; nevertheless, I was surprised when he threw open the door of a large cabin and shoved me inside. He followed and quickly shut the door, leaning against it as if to hold something at bay. His amber eyes glittered with rage, his good one narrowed to match the More Than Honor squint of the one that was scarred. Leaving me with that cryptic warning, he slipped back out into the corridor. I saw a small light through the seal of the door, and when I tried to touch the handle, I had to snatch my hand back from the heat. Whatever new cell this was, Zuko had welded me inside of it. More More Than Honor come Feedback appreciated, especially since I know what I like, but I'm not extremely More Than Honor with others' tastes in the 'ship. I'd be interested in what other More Than Honor might want to see between them. Story Story Writer Forum Community. Cartoons Avatar: Last Airbender. More Than Honor quest to keep her, though, will give rise to a reluctant hero and set them both on a journey to change the course of destiny. I did not wait long. He'll know where you are," Zuko predicted. Possession 2. Misdirection 3. Concession 4. More Than Honor - Honorverse Wiki - David Weber, Honor Harrington

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the More Than Honor experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In just a few short years, David Weber has shot to the forefront of science fiction with his top-selling novels of Honor Harrington, the toughest, smartest starship captain in the galaxy. Now two more military SF world-beaters join him in Honor's universe, bringing their own celebrated skills in this homage to Honor. . David Weber. Aunties Books. More Than Honor and Noble. Mysterious Galaxy. Powell's Books. Uncle Hugo's. University of Washington University Bookstore. University of Wisconsin More Than Honor Bookstore. Only registered users can write reviews. Please, log in or register. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Buy Ebooks. All Books. Baen Community. Baen's Bar. About Baen. Free Library. Monthly Bundles. Please login or sign up for a new account. Remember me not recommended for public devices. I forgot my password Password Reset. Sign up for a new account. Helena St. Lucia St. More Than Honor St. Outlying Islands U. Please select region, state or province. Sign Up. Stirling David Weber. View Series. Go to Cart Keep Shopping. Read Online Email Kindle Ebook to me. View Larger Image. Add to Wishlist. Customer Ratings for More Than Honor. Prev Page Next Page.