and the Battle to be a god. By Lazia and Harmony A little bit about Hercules

• Hercules is the son of Zeus sins Hercules mother was a mortal he was not aloud to be a god but Zeus was willing to make a dill. Hercules had to slay twelve beast. Many year later Hercules got super strength then he started to training to fight The first laborer It is time for Hercules to do his first laborer he had to sly the that was the cause of distraction. Of corse he killed it but after he killed it he he skinned it and wore his head for a hell meant

The second labor

The second labor was the that was a really big snake that had nine heads. One of the head where immortal you are probably thinking how will he kill it then Hercules kill it first eight head killed the and burned them then he smashed the immortal head breaking his skull and buried them and never to be seen agin

The third labour was to bring the wild boar of Erymanthus back to the castle but not dead alive. A boar is a huge wild pig that was smart an very mean that was very dangerous. Hercules chased it up and down the mountain for week till one day he found a stick and knocked him out with it. The fourth labor

• The fourth labor was to capture the stag of this creature was beautiful but not dangerous and remarkable fast and it's two horns are made out of gold he capture it and gave it to king eury The fifth labor

• The fifth labor is the stymphalian birds were plain nasty the people where afraid of theses scary bird has a pointed peek ripping claws and their feathers made out of razor sharp bronze.hercules made a shield made out of sturdy bronze,to protect his body from the feathers. To kill them he used poisoned the shot all the stymphalian birds.

The sixth labor Augean the king of Eli's had many sheep and cattle Hercules labor was to clean the Augean stables in one day. These stable is deadly I should say it has not been clean in several year and it smell would take lots of water to clean. But Hercules used his strength to push the feces out and change the river course so it would flood it Seventh labor

• The seventh labor is the it had walked out of the sea. The bull is huge with sliver horn and Snow White skin. Hercules had to kill it and take one of his silver horn to king eury. The eighth labor

• For his eighth labor he had to bring back the golden girdle of the amazon queen. The amazon was a very angry woman named hear and any man that meat her was capture and used as slaves this was especially difficult mission even for Hercules. This was not hard at all for Hercules at first the queen thought that he was a friend. She knew that Hercules would e good in battle so she was willing to give it to Hercules. Then when Hercules reached for the girdle she thought that Hercules was reaching for the queen so they fought Hercules mange to sneak out with the girdle and give it to king eury daughter The ninth labor

• The ninth labor was to capture the entire herd of the cattle of Greyon but this was not any normal cattle this was part man part monster that had two legs the size of tree trunks. Three body's grew from the wast with their own heads and arms. Hercules had to fight the Greyon and his two head dogs to win Hercules killed them and won Tenth labor The tenth labor is to capture the mares horse of king diomede this horse eat human flesh Hercules knew that he needed some friends to help. Together they brought this horse The eleventh labor The eleventh labor was to bring the legendary golden apples of the to eury. The apples were hidden in the garden of Hesperides and any one who ate them would have immortal life. He reaches the garden then there where gaur dans of the apples and Hercules killed them and got lots of golden apples The twelve labor

• The finally labor was to capture the . A Cerberus is a dog that has three heads it is every mean they guarded the gate to the underworld home to a powerful god hades. Hercules asked hades permission to capture them he said he said you can try. Hercules uesd his bare hands to scoop up all there heads and knocked them out. Then he gave them to king Eury the dogs came to then he strangled them agin so they can go to sleep he should king eury then returned the dog when he came back made him each god!