UPDATED 22/07/2020 Identification sheet Do not confuse Jimsonweed with New Zealand Jimsonweed New Zealand spinach Datura stramonium L. tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze (Solanaceae) ()

Foul-smelling annual measuring Annual plant growing to a height of 20- from 40 cm to over 1 m tall 50 cm

 Upright stem ’ Trailing or climbing stem

 Seedling has ’ Fleshy seedling narrow linear- with elongated lanceolate cotyledons, elliptical cotyledons, first leaves are oval first leaves are and elongated with already triangular- smooth edges diamond shaped

 Large leaves (3 ’ Leaves (2-11 cm) to 24 cm) with an are triangular- oval outline, and diamond shaped, large uneven smooth-edged, teeth ending in succulent, fleshy and sharp tips brittle, dark green above, pale green below Jimsonweed New Zealand spinach Datura stramonium L. Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze (Solanaceae) (Aizoaceae)  Solitary in the leaf axils, ’ Flowers inserted in the leaf axils, large (6-11 cm), white and trumpet- solitary or in groups of 2-3, bisexual, shaped yellowish-green, inconspicuous   ’ ’


: upright, thorny ’ Conical or globular capsule, about 5 fruit 2.5-12.5 mm in cm long, opening length, hard and through 4 valves indehiscent, with (3-)4(-5) horns  are black-brown to ’ greyish, L: 3-4 mm; W: 2-2.5 mm, with a pitted wrinkled wall and ’ Soft seeds with orange-brown +/- kidney-shaped coat, L: 2.5-3 mm; W: 2 mm, pear-shaped

Very common Species found throughout Species only naturalised in areas where France, expanding! on the coast (Brittany, the soil has been Atlantic coast, Var, disturbed: Corsica); elsewhere in cultivated fields, France it is rare and only

wasteland, grown in vegetable © FCBN ©

gardens, FCBN © patches roadsides and riverbanks On coastal sands and rocks More information on Datura stramonium: https://theconversation.com/pourquoi-et-comment-le- datura-contamine-t-il-les-denrees-alimentaires-113772

Produced by Guillaume Fried (ANSES-LSV), Bruno Chauvel, Annick Matéjicek & Xavier Reboud (INRAE) 07/2020 Photo credits: G. Fried except 2': K. Ziarnek/CC BY-SA and 5' to 6': A. Matéjicek