Company Number 4380984 A Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in




The meeting started at 6:10pm

Operational Board Members Present:

Violeta Ekaterinina, Jim Elks, Tony Holme, Samantha Hudson, Amo Raju, Dennis Rees, Jsan Shepherd, Ian Veitch, Michael Vernon, Mick Whitehead.

Officers present:

Steve Bayliss, Murray Chapman, Matt Hands, Richard Holman, Andrew McNeil, Clare Mehrbani, Jackie Mitchell, Charlotte Quigley, Errol Harriott, Daniel Robertson, Paul Cole.

Others Present:

Derby Homes Board: Mike Ainsley, Bob MacDonald : Chris Fraser, Ben Scott, Adele Styles, Heather Greenan, Tenant Panel: Win Buchan.

15/73 Apologies

Apologies were received from Terrence Anderson and Jackie Westwood.

15/74 Admission of late items

The Operational Board received a late item on Estates Maintenance Small Scale Bids.

15/75 Declarations of interests

The Operational Board Members declared their interests as tenants and leaseholder (as defined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association) of Derby City Council.

The Council Board Member was noted as declaring their interest in matters relating to Derby City Council.

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15/76 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the Operational Board meeting held on the Thursday 25 June 2015 were accepted as a true and accurate record.

15/77 Matters Arising

Minute 15/62 ‘Pets Policy’ – Tony Holme advised that the Operational Board approved the Derby Homes Pets Policy with reservations to word changes. It also agreed to receive a report back in 6 months.

15/78 Questions from members of the public

There were no questions from members of the public.

15/79 Partner Organisation Items

Ben Scott, Arboricultural Officer, from Derby City Council provided the Operational Board with a Tree Update.

Tony Holme asked if a certain tree disease will affect Derby Homes’ trees. Ben Scott informed that it eventually would affect Derby’s landscape.

Chris Fraser from Derby City Council’s Street Pride service updated the Operational Board on Grounds Maintenance.

Chris Fraser informed that the grass cutting will now commence at the start of the third week in March 2016. Tony Holme raised issues with Grounds Maintenance in his area and Chris Fraser advised that his team will go out and assess the issues.

Chris advised the Operational Board that he was happy to attend meetings to provide further updates and answer queries.

15/80 Any Items from Part B to be Discussed

The Operational Board agreed to discuss B1 and B5.

15/81 Derby Homes Youth Board

The Operational Board received a report providing an update on progress to date and to communicate key ‘building blocks’ essential to enable the Youth Board to be fully operational with roles and responsibilities relating to this.

Adele Styles informed the Operational Board that having already met with a number of young people the following issues have already been highlighted.

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Such as a lack of activities for young people and highlighting that they feel community rooms need to be adapted to suit all ages.

Bob MacDonald suggested that the community room issue may be from the young peoples’ perspective but that they are a part of the community therefore have as much right to attend as anyone else.

The Chair noted that Derby Homes will have to be mindful of the age range of users when refurbishing community rooms.

The Chair proposed that when the Youth Board members attend meetings their agenda items are at the beginning of the agenda as this would allow them to leave the meeting after their item has been presented and discussed. Amo Raju asked for clarity of the Youth Board age range.

Adele Styles informed the Operational Board that the members will be aged between 11-19 years old.

Samantha Hudson asked whether the Normanton/Peartree area is included.

Clare Mehrbani informed that the Junior Warden Scheme doesn’t operate in that area; however Enthusiasm has a presence there.


The Operational Board endorsed the recommendations in the report.

15/82 Proposed Local Offers

The Operational Board received a report proposing a refreshed set of Local Offers and giving a clear insight into how our customers feel about the services we provide and the estates and homes where they live. The refreshed Local Offers are a result of a large door step campaign which was undertaken throughout the Summer of 2014.

Bob MacDonald questioned Offer 4 ‘Parking’ he stated that parking issues are important and should be a highlighted issue especially around properties such as flats. He thought that Residential Parking Permits in certain areas should be introduced and suggested that Derby Homes should expand the offer to survey all car owners within Derby Homes flats.

Clare Mehrbani informed the Operational Board that she will ensure that Derby Homes continues to carry out work around this area of concern.

Ian Veitch questioned who will be monitoring the Parking Scheme.

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Claire Mehrbani confirmed that monitoring of the parking scheme is already in place and it is run by an outsourced company, she advised that Derby Homes does not pay for the scheme as the company makes money from enforcing the parking charges.

Tony Holme questioned Offer 1 ‘Litter’ and said this has been an issue for a long time and suggested that educating tenants around tipping/removal of large items would be beneficial.

Clare Mehrbani said that this offer is a starting point for the litter issues that Derby Homes faces.

The Chair noted that many of the offers will need publicising.


The Operational Board approved the new Local Offers for Derby Homes.

15/83 Furnishing Standard for New Build

The Operational Board received a report regarding the furnishing standard for New Build. The report looked at an alternative to the current standard which could be included in the initial letting.

Bob MacDonald asked for clarification on the current furniture packs mentioned within the report.

Andrew McNeil informed that there are various items which tenants can chose from to form their own pack.

Ian Veitch asked if tenants will have a choice of items when choosing their packs.

Andrew McNeil advised that if items are within the standards and early enough, yes, but not on re-lets.

Tony Holme positively highlighted that with carpets throughout flats it will reduce noise and asked for clarity on damages.

Andrew McNeil informed that the normal rechargeable repair cost will be in place.

The Chair enquired about the 5 year cycle, asking would the tenants get new furniture after having it for 5 years.

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Clare Mehrbani said that a decision is currently being made between Derby Homes and Derby City Council on this.


The Operational Board agreed to increase the specification of Derby Homes new build properties to include flooring in the kitchen, bathroom and ground floor living areas and carpets to bedrooms and stairs where applicable. In addition an electric oven and hob with extractor hood above to be fitted, enabling the properties to be let part furnished with a furniture pack.

The Operational Board also agreed to recommend to the Council that it agrees to the same increase in new build specification to properties developed in the HRA.

15/84 Voids Lettable Standard Review

The Operational Board received a report informing them of a review of the Voids Lettable Standard which has been carried out by a projects team consisting of members of the Operational Board and staff from the Voids and Housing Management Teams. The report contained amendments to the Lettable Standard and a proposal on the decoration works in difficult to let properties.

Jsan Shepherd asked at what stage the decision will be made to redecorate a difficult to let property.

Steve Bayliss said that the Allocations Team will approach the Voids Team when struggling to let a property. Clare Mehrbani advised that difficult to let properties may also be highlighted within the notice period.

The Chair noted that this may encourage tenants to look after their homes if the property is already decent when they move in.


The Operational Board agreed to approve the amended Lettable Standard and the proposed decoration works for difficult to let properties.

15/85 Tenant Panel Review of Day to Day Repairs

The Operational Board received a report presented by Win Buchan, Tenant Panel Member, which showed the findings of the Tenant Panel’s review of the service provided in relation to Day to Day Repairs. It also presented the Panel’s recommendations for improvement.

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Tony Holme voiced his disappointment with Derby City Council charging Derby Homes for permits for their vans when they are working on the Council’s properties.

Jim Elks asked why Derby Homes’ operatives are not aware of the need for permits in certain areas and suggested that there is a lack of communication.

Steve Bayliss advised that there are only a small number of parking permits available and so operatives need to return back to the depot to collect them if they are needed. He added that managers are making every effort to inform operatives of the process.


The Operational Board noted the information detailed in Appendix 1 and approved the recommendations at the end of the document.

15/86 Estates Maintenance Small Scale Bids 2015/16

The Operational Board received a late item requesting approval on Estates Maintenance small scale bids above £10,000.

Residents have requested that we improve the parking provision on Buchan Street, Fenwick Street, Adrian Street, Tower Street, Campbell Street and Latimer Street. The work will involve the removal of ten carriageway build- outs, which have assisted in traffic calming, but by their nature remove the ability to park in their location.

Mick Whitehead asked who had originally built these on the roads and suggested that it was the Council’s responsibility, not Derby Homes.

Matt Hands informed the Operational Board that he was unsure who originally built them.

The Chair explained that the Council does not have the funds to carry out the work, therefore Derby Homes needs to do it, otherwise the work will not be done.


The Operational Board approved the bid for the improved parking provision in Osmaston, forecast at £28,000.

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15/87 Service Delivery Update

The Operational Board received a joint report by Heads of Service providing a general overview and update on current issues.

Tony Holme asked what the average installation cost to Derby Homes is and what the estimated, average heating savings are per annum.

Matt Hands informed the Operational Board that the average cost over the year is £4,700, but having recently changed materials the approximate expected saving is £150, therefore the approximate current cost would be £4,550. The Energy Savings Trust quotes £260 as average fuel bill saving for a semi-detached house, which is by far the most common type we are insulating.


The Operational Board noted the report.

15/88 Creation of Lifetime Membership of the Operational Board

The Operational Board received a report which advised the Operational Board of the creation of an Honorary Lifetime Member position for Dennis Rees OBE for his services to Derby Homes.


The Operational Board noted the Derby Homes decision to create an honorary position for Dennis Rees OBE, to commence on his retirement from the Board.

15/89 Performance Monitoring Quarter 1

The Operational Board received a report presenting a summary of performance for quarter one 2015/16 from key performance measures reported to Derby City Council.


The Operational Board noted the quarter one 2015/16 performance results.

15/90 Rent Arrears and Welfare Reform Update

The Operational Board received a report giving details of the following:

 July Position on rent arrears

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 Current impact the under occupation charge  Update on Universal Credit  Update on Overall Benefit Cap  Detail of the summer budget.


The Operational Board noted the report.

15/91 Estate & Flat Inspections Quarter 1

The Operational Board received a report providing details of the numbers of cases by type arising from monthly flat and estate inspections carried out by area for the last quarter.

Tony Holme said that garden problems seem to be a major issue in all areas apart from the north west; he asked what actions are being taken and queried the reasoning for the difference in numbers in comparison to other areas of Derby.

Murray Chapman advised that the reasons for the North West having less garden cases are due to a combination of 3 things

 The area has some of the most high demand family housing in the City – Mackworth, and and there are relatively few garden problems in these areas. In high demand areas tenants tend to respond more quickly and positively to tenancy enforcement work  The area has a higher than average proportion of flats  It is a smaller area than the other 3 with less Housing Officers.

Managing garden cases is one of the key tenancy management activities of Housing Officers. Derby Homes manages around 8,000 houses, and arguably 311 in progress or around 4% isn’t a high proportion. Every key housing management activity is monitored on Academy including gardens and has a workflow which sets out when actions should be taken and due dates. For gardens, managers receive exception reports to show when staff have taken actions or not taken them and these are discussed with staff in 1:1 meetings.

Andrew McNeil added that Mackworth properties were built in the 1970’s/80’s therefore built with smaller gardens whereas other properties were designed with larger gardens.


The Operational Board noted the content of the report.

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15/92 Complaints & Compliments Quarter 1

The Operational Board received a report providing detailed analysis of complaints received between 1 April and 30 June 2015 (Q1) 2015/16. It was also highlighted that the report had been amended to include the recommendations and comments from the Operational Board.


The Operational Board noted the report.

15/93 Estates Pride Small Scale Improvement Work

The Operational Board received a report with an update on Estates Maintenance small scale improvement work across the City.


The Operational Board noted the report.

15/94 Draft Minutes of Derby Homes Board Meeting held on 30 July 2015

The Operational Board received the draft Minutes of Derby Homes Board meeting on 30 July 2015.


The Operational Board noted the draft minutes.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 22 October 2015 at 6pm.

The meeting ended at 7:25pm.



Signed as true and accurate record of the meeting held on 20 August 2015.

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