Honolulu Weekly

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Honolulu Weekly �· I h e h O II e SI C A L E N D A R i D IO W D I FREEi , H O N O L U L U A New Play by Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl Volume 2, Number 11, March 11, 1992 Page7 his is a story about what it will be like to get an abortion after Roe v. Wade is overturned. And it's tough to find anyone, on either side of the issue, who thinks it won't be over­ Daisisa turned. Soon. What's going to happen after Roe v. Wade is no longer? The power to decide the issue of choice will revert to each state, and as Jenny Daughty, the director of horror the National Abortion Rights Action League in Pennsylvania describes it, the country will look like a crazy quilt. States like New York, Hawaii and Massachusetts will allow women reproductive story,a• freedom, while other states will enforce strict controls, as in Pennsylvania, or outlaw abortion entirely, as in Louisiana and the science territory of Guam. "We're going to have chaos. There's �---11111111..... going to be a 50-ring circus,"agrees Flora Davis, longtime activist and author of Moving the fidion Mountain: TheWomens Movement in America Since 1960. And it is women who aboutto live in these places become who will be fact. scrambling desper­ ately, whose lives and health will become legally less important than those of the fetusesthey carry. If they have enough money, these women will travel to the nearest pro-choice state. Or they will make use of under­ ground railroads, even now in the planning stages. Abortion rights activists are already at work developing alternativenetworks to keep abortion safe, even when it isn't legal. "We're not going to take this sitting down," says Regina DeAngelo, a vice president of the Philadelphia chapter of the National Organization forWomen. Continued onPage4 • • • • Honolulu Diary •: Whati •: act irresponsibly with its nuclear • 1930 Dredging of Ala Wai Canal it a quantum leg up - of Hawaiian •: at •: weapons. Inouye is the lone sup­ completed Capital Securities, a little group PentUp porter of the program amongst • 1939 Sponsoring firm of 28 formedless than 12 months ago with Hawaii's Congressional delegation naval air bases in the Pacific start-up assets of around $50,000. - the Union would like to see the Theater (the largest construction The new company's limited partners • • senator change his mind, and they project in the world, up to that include state fund-raiserFrank Hata, : the : urged his constituents to help him time) Capital Investment (headed by do that. From the Weekly, Knobloch • 1965 Began work on the H-1 Gannett's Stuart T.K. Ho) and The and Levinson headed for Kauai, Freeway Honolulu Advertiser's Philip which is fighting its own battle • 1976 Reef runway at Honolulu Gialanella. Last December, the com­ :• • movies : against SDI to prevent the construc­ Airport pany appeared on the list of under­ tion of a missile launch site on the • 1990-2 Construction begun on writers of the $400 million airport • • island. AES-Barbers Point power plant revenue bond deal. These new kids •. • 7 . Planning, managing and testing on the block were suddenly in the • • • the electricalpower cable between exclusive underwriter neighborhood SingingBlues Olomana the Big Island and Maui. of Paine Webber, Lehman Brothers and Dean Witter Reynolds. It's Olomana was a warriorfamed for We're leaving out all of the his great strength and hisenormous unusual forsuch a smallbond firm to swampland dredged and the huge be thrust in that kind of company - • • A Honolulu Weekly staffer height. He also lent his name to a hotel complexes built, along with : Check : mountain on Oahu's Windward side rather like a kit home going up in recently accompanied a Japan-based shopping centers, stadiums and the Kabala. There's more to this story, businessman on his search fora fee­ that is currently under seige. The H-power plant. Without question, mountain has become the darling of of course, but you're never likely to simple Honolulu-apartment. One of founderWalter Dillingham's''vision" the Japanese-owned Y. Y. Valley hear it... unless, of course, you ask the "luxury" places they visited for Hawaii has been at least partly •: • Corp., which, with help from Yukio Takemoto, the state finance with : offerssome insight into our surreal realized. And, we are told, there's Hizzoner the Mayor, is replacing the director who selects underwriters for housing market. Advertised as a plenty more constructionto come in such projects. You can read more penthouse, this two-bedroom box rain forest cloaking Olomana's this, the company's 10th decade. slopeswith a cleared site where men about these adventures in February's had 900square feetof space; it was Hawaii Monitor, published by Ian lodged in a building sandwiched can hit little balls into little holes � the with little sticks. - in other words, Sayonara, Simone Lind. � between a strip ofelevated freeway golf courses. The attendant club and a noisy scliool playground. The house will be built too -currently Let box contained a narrow living room there are plans fora 56,000 square­ Us Praise (separated from the kitchen by a foot facility. On a recent Sunday, FamousMenus � authority� mockbar), a shallow lanai, two small Collectibles aren't what they used bathrooms, bedrooms with windows activists from around the island, to be - or, more precisely, the col­ • • along with residents of Maunawili lectibles genre is expanding in all •. sealed shut to keepout freewayemis­ kinds of unpredictable directions. • sions, a short hallway and some (the community at the base of the • •I • mountain) and City Councilman Collectors are now receiving hand­ built-in storage space in the bed­ John Henry Felix, joined to protest some prices not only fortraditional rooms. There was a marble-covered the latest indignity wrought against memorabilia but forexistential minu­ step-up entrance in the L-shaped the mount: a bridge, roughly 50 feet tiaeas well; yesteryear's menus from penthouse, but by far the biggest long and 12 feethigh, that has been famous restaurants; celebrity before­ thing about the place was-the ask­ � built across Maunawili Stream.The Apparently, political correctness and-after plastic surgery photos Honolulu� ing price. How much forthis archi­ $300,000 bridge, which Felix (Marlo Thomas, BruceJenner, David tectonic wonder? Just short of - or what passes forit - catches up described as "the work product of Duke and Michael Jackson are par­ $600,000.Our tycoon founda better with everyone sooner or later. The ecological vandals" houses two large ticularfaves); clothing once allegedly bargain in another part of the city, newest victim of PC moralizing is pipes:one forwater, one forsewage. owned by such notables as Imelda �• but this place, he told us, was fairly University of Hawaii President Al Weekly �• The activists claim the bridge was Marcos, Jackie Kennedy, Claire typical of what he was offered at Simone, whom, it would appear,the • built without a. permit and thus ille­ Boothe Luce and Marilyn Monroe; • (nearly) every tum. Boys Downtown (you know, the • • gally. The City Council apparently ones who really run the university) and photos fromporno movies pop­ • also had questions about the bridge have decided no longer has The ulated by stars early in their careers UnionTwo representativesRues of the Union and passed a unanimous resolution Right Image forthe university. UH (Sly Stallone's Italian Stallion HONOL UL U of Concerned Scientists - lobby­ asking the mayor to explain its pres­ has seen some high profilediscrim­ porno-release,for example.) But not ists Kevin Knobloch and Lara ence. To date, Fasi and his city Land ination cases as of late, and it looks to worry - old standbys are still Levinson - were in town recently, Utilization Director, Donald Clegg, as if The Boys now think the time going great guns: you know, pedes­ hot on the heels of Hawaii's most have failed to answer why permis­ is right fora Woman of Color or a trianstuff like firsteditions of cele­ ardent Congressional supporter of sion was grantedfor the bridge with­ Man of Hawaiian Descent to appear brated books, baseball cards and Vol. 2, No. 11 preserving the monolithic might of out a hearing. The activists milling on TV news snippets representing coconut button Hawaiian shirts (the March 11, 1992 the American military, Sen. Daniel about on Sunday held signs reading the university in living color - a latter a big item in the new "casual" Publlsher and Managing Inouye. The two were in town to everything from "Protect Local semiotic signpost of "Progress." Hollywood). • Editor Laurie V.Carlson urge support for deep cuts in Farmers" to "Support Public Those who followsuch matters say Senior Editor Julia Steele America's nuclear arsenal (which Hearings" but the one that asked the that the Community College(s) Calendar Editor Derek Ferrar question that was on everyone's Edltorlal Assistant still contains more than 10,000 mis­ Chancellor Joyce Tsunoda is firstin Ann Marie Swan siles). They also urged support for minds read: "Where's Mayor Fasi?" the running,but if the Boys can't get Contributing Writers the NuclearNon-Proliferation Trea ty, Mike Wilson of the Save Sandy that flagto fly, they've got Hamilton Oops! Bob Green, Mary Brennan, which is up for renewalin 1995. One Beach Initiative Committee put it McCubbins coming on board - and Cecil Adams, Alan Bunin, another way: "What do you do when Karyn Koeur, Dale Moana morning the two stopped by the the nationally-known Kam school Gilmartin,John White, Sue Weekly office to share an interest­ it looks like laws are being violated graduate would do nicely.
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