General Terms constitutional powers convention absentee ballot conventional participation absentee convention delegate agenda corrupt practices acts Amendment (Constitutional) Council of Economic Advisors American Independence Party credentials committee amnesty Credit Mobilier Scandal anti-Federalist critical apathy appointment power dark horse candidate appropriations dealignment assassination democracy Australian ballot democracy, Constitutional democracy, direct Balanced Budget Act of 1997 democracy, representative bellwether Democratic Party Bill of Rights Democratic Republican Party binding demographics bipartisan diplomacy Bi Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) diplomatic powers blue state disenfranchise Bull Moose Party divided government bureaucracy bureaucrat elector cabinet elite candidate emergency powers candidate-centered politics ethnocentrism campaign finance reform executive agreement capital gains executive order caucus executive privilege chad exit poll checks and balances Chief Administrator faction Chief Diplomat Fair Deal Chief Executive favorite son Chief Legislator Federal Election Commission chief of staff Federalist Chief of State first ballot citizen first lady clemency power flip flop coattail effect fourth estate commutation franchise Commander in Chief fundamentalists conservative constituency gender gap Constitution constitutional democracy constitutional government GOP Green Party

Greenback Party minor party gridlock moderate gross domestic product moral majority mudslinging hard money Hatch Act name recognition honeymoon effect national convention high crimes and misdemeanors National Security Council natural rights impeachment New Deal imperial presidency New Hampshire primary impoundment news media inauguration non-binding referendum incumbent non-governmental organization (NGO) independent agency non-partisan independent regulatory commission non-partisan election oath interest group objective reporting Iowa caucus off-year election Office of Management and Budget judicial powers oversight

Kitchen Cabinet partisan politics Know Nothing Party party activist party chief laissez-faire economics party participation lame duck patronage left wing photo ops legislative powers platform liberal plausible deniability line item veto pluralism literacy test plurality litmus test pocket veto lobby political action committee (PAC) lobbying political bias lobbyist political capital political culture mainstream news media majority New Deal Coalition majority rule Pendleton Act mandate political spectrum margin of error politics mass media political predisposition media political socialization media bias poll tax media consolidation polling merit system pollster middle of the road popular consent mid-term election popular sovereignty military powers pork

pork barrel projects straight ticket potus powers, constitutional Super Tuesday powers, delegated supply side economics powers, emergency swing state powers, inherent President of the Senate talking points President Pro Tempore of the Senate Teapot Dome Scandal presidential coattails third rail presidential pardon turnout (voter turnout) presidential succession treaty presidential ticket trusteeship theory press secretary press conference veto veto message primary, closed veto override primary, direct veep primary, open voter participation proportional representation voter registration public opinion voter turnout voting behavior qualifications (legal) voting booth qualifications (unofficial) voting machine quid pro quo War Powers Act recess appointment Watergate red state West Wing referendum Whig Party Rendezvous with Destiny whistle blower republic winner take all Republican Party writ of certiorari “rally round the flag” effect writ of mandamus right wing RINO Yellow Dog Democrat yellow journalism safe seat silent majority 527 organizations single issue voter single member district smear campaign smear tactics soft money socio-economic status (SES) sound bite special interests split ticket split ticket voting spoils system Square Deal State of the Union address stewardship theory