AVUHSD QUARTZ HILL International Baccalaureate HIGH SCHOOL 6040 W. AVE. L LANCASTER CA 93536 Program

661/718-3100 Quartz Hill High School Mr. Jeff Cassady IB Coordinator Volume 3, Issue 1 September 2013 Ext. 327 [email protected] International Baccalaureate Club OfficersBaccalaureate-Biographies Club Officers-Biographies

Apeksha Singh-President

My name is Apeksha Singh and I I hope that through this club, am a senior at QHHS. we can expand our organization, providing these opportunities to I truly appreciate all the oppor- more students. We hope to

tunities the IB program has develop international collabora- tions for our program and pro- given me. From the rigorous courses stressing interdiscipli- mote our program throughout nary studies, to a unique net- our school and community. We admire the most is mathematics. work of supportive peers, the IB also look forward to participat- I am on QHHS’s varsity math- program provides a means to be ing as a group in volunteer ef- letes team and hope to pursue a academically challenged and forts in our local community career in that field. Beyond the open a student’s mind to the and raise funds for service classroom, I devote a great deal Inside this issue: world. It engages students in causes here at home and of time to my other passion, thought-provoking reflection abroad. music. I have learned classical and intellectual creativity. The piano and dance for nearly ten As for myself, I enjoy all of my skills the program develops in years. I am also a part of IB Club Goals 4 classes tremendously as I love its students helps them well into QHHS’s marching band and play the chance to learn something their future success. on our drumline. new; however, the subject I IB’s New Staff 5 Member—Nance Nilan Vaghjiani— Trieu Vice President IB Class of 2013 I am Nilan Vaghjiani, and I am ogy Club, CSF, Key Club, Multi- the student-elected Vice- Cultural Club, and Journalism. Alumni Profile 6 Although with all these activities President of IB Club. and IB, I do have free time

First off, it is an honor to just be which I like to spend with fam- a part of this prestigious group ily, friends, or in outdoor activi- May 2013 IB 7 of bright individuals, let alone be ties. Diploma Exam a leader. I congratulate every joined IB club not only to get Schedule candidate that has made it In the future, my long term plans include a combined PhD, more involved in the commu- through the program, in the nity, but also to give back to the QHHS 9 program, and yet to come into MD program, and focus in the Scholarship field of trauma and intensive community for without it, I the program. would not be here. I enjoy Bulletin care. My dream school is to volunteering with all my class- As a QH student, I am heavily attend The University of Cam- IB Schedule of 13 bridge in the United Kingdom— mates and look forward to all involved with extracurricular the events and activities we Events for 2013 activities such Cycling, Educa- and for me, the IB program is the key to getting there. I have yet to come! tion Network, NHS, Technol-

Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 2

IB Club Officers—Biographies (Cont.)

Julia Trenkle –Secretary

My name is Julia Trenkle. I am you wanted. The program service with my study routine. the secretary of the Interna- enticed me immediately and I I also am very interested in the tional Baccalaureate Club. was already ready for the chal- arts, of all kinds. I draw and lenge. People that had already paint in my free time and par- I decided that I wanted to be completely taken the IB ticipated in band in the past, part of the IB program before courses had told me how hard also as mentioned previously, I

my first year in high school. I, the program was and that it have participated in the QHHS

along with my friends, went to took a lot of time-management, theatre productions. I like to the first informational meeting dedication, and studying. This water-ski in my free time as in the last part of my 8th grade was my kind of program. I was well. This year will be very year and was immediately at- not afraid to work hard and I’m exciting for the IB club. We volved in the arts, sports, tracted toward it. I remember still not. I took the first class, plan to make connections with and community service lo- the speakers talking about what Health, during the summer other IB schools internationally cally. I hope that this year will be the most memorable the IB program was all about, before my freshman year, and so that we might share a sister for all of the 2014 graduating that it was one of the top edu- began my journey toward the school in another country. We IB class, and that we all cational programs in the valley prestigious diploma in the end. are also working toward other strive toward that single- and that there was a big essay I am still working very hard, goals in the club, such as raising minded goal of getting to (the extended essay) that you balancing varsity , club funds to help those in need. college and being successful got to write your senior year, volleyball, the school drama Through the IB CAS hours, the in life. and that it could be on anything productions, and community IB students are also very in-

Ronil Vaghjiani- Treasurer

Hello prospective IBer’s, My name is Ronil Vaghjiani and I am an IB Ubiquity freshman year, and I am elementary, one of my close friends currently the Head Copy Editor in the 2nd grade fell ill to cancer. diploma candidate and Senior at and the Editorial Editor. Addition- He did not make it. Later on, my QHHS. ally, I went to Brown University grandfather also fell ill to colon

during freshman summer and took cancer. Fortunately, after much As a high school freshman, I quickly a pre-college course called Labora- complication, he is fully well and engaged myself in a lot of extracur- tory Research in Biomedicine. There I thriving. But these are the experi- ricular activities, participating in grasped a basic knowledge of labo- ences that invoked me to pursue Multicultural, Dance, and Key ratory techniques and cell culture biomedicine. I plan to go the Rice Clubs. In addition, I co-founded treatment experience. Later on, I University and enroll in the Rice and was the former V.P. and Presi- pursued my biomedical passion and straight medicine program for my dent of Technology Club. At Joe completed a paid summer intern- undergrad and grad education. Walker Middle School, I partici- ship at the City of Hope for the Equally, my second field of interest pated in the Robotics and Science past two summers. There I investi- is engineering and I am hopeful to Decathlon for both 7th and 8th gated a relatively new chemothera- attend MIT. If all else fails, my fall- grade. Continuing this field that I peutic agent and did some charac- back career is to be a filmmaker I believe that anyone who takes loved, I helped co-found QHHS terization, functionalization, and and enroll in the USC film acad- this course will surely succeed first robotics team and am still efficacy studies on the compound emy. thanks to the amazing, inspiring, involved in the team events. in Melanoma and Prostate cancer and dedicated teachers, who cell lines. Currently, I am enrolled Out of school, I volunteered at the As for any students entering the IB work tirelessly to enlighten in a UCLA course for certification AV hospital, and over the past 3 program, I give my highest recom- their students. And from this years have contributed over 380 and licensure of EMT. mendation to go for the diploma. program, students will be well- hours in the transportation depart- I believe career interests should be This program is special in regards trained and confident, without ment. In addition, I traveled to based on what one believes to be to what it offers the individual any doubt, in their academic Naivasha, Kenya and volunteered at the thing that gets them up each student. The courses in IB trans- abilities and competency when the shelter, teaching orphans morning, not what one’s parents grades 6-12 mathematics and sci- formed me from a robotic memori- entering university studies. what them to be. As stated before, ence. As far as academia goes, I zation machine into an individual I have a passion for science and am became the assistant editor of the thinker. a hopeful MD/PhD candidate. In Entertainment page for the QHHS Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 3

IB Club Officers—Biographies (Cont.)

Olivia Mihaljevich— Senator

Hello, my name is Olivia I would recommend the IB IB doesn’t teach you to be Mihaljevich. I am a senior in program to freshman and smart; it teaches you to have a the IB program and I am the sophomores for several rea- good work ethic which can be Senator of the IB club. sons—one being that it pre- applied to every part of your One requirement is to be in- I am very involved with the pares you for college. IB is not life. IB also introduces students volved with extracurricular school and community. I hold just for the labeled ―smart peo- to new people and activities. activities. This causes students the position as the senior ple,‖ but for everybody. The IB students are placed in the to be involved with the school class vice-president in ASB only requirement for IB is ef- same classes for two years, and activities and makes their high and play on the high school fort. in those years great friendships school experience memorable. soccer team. are made.

Hannah Burk- Public Relations Officer

My name is Hannah Burk and I knew going into high school time with my family and close- I am a Public Relations Officer that I did not want to just skate knit group of friends. for the International Baccalau- by; instead, I wanted to push reate Program at Quartz Hill myself in hopes that I would be I am very involved in my com- High School. accepted into a prestigious munity and have held commu- university. nity queen titles three times. I have been in the Honors and Currently, I am serving as Miss IB program since my freshman Education is a very important Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes 2013 IB is a rewarding program year of high school, and it has factor in my life, but I and represented my commu- that embodies all that a stu- been very beneficial with im- also enjoy doing many other nity during the ten days of the dent should strive to be proving my work habits and activities such as photography, Fair where I which includes excelling in high school experience. baking, and spending quality obtained over 115 community academics and in life. service hours.

Cory Risinger- Public Relations Officer

My name is Cory Risinger. I Once I'm out of high school, I My favorite aspect of the Inter- plan on attending University of national Baccalaureate Program am a senior at Quartz Hill High Berkeley, or Cal Poly is the CAS hours. CAS stands School, and am currently en- rolled to be a recipient for the San Luis Obispo, to major in for Creativity, Action, and Ser- IB Diploma. Engineering. vice, which means that a stu- dent must be willing to be crea-

My interests are in Volleyball I joined the International Bacca- tive, active and give back to the and Tricking. I enjoy hanging laureate Program to get an community through community edge in college applications, service. This aspect of the out with my friends in my free because of how the program program encourages students time. other aspects of a student, such makes a student a well- to not only be well-educated, as sports, and artistic abilities. rounded individual. but also shines light onto the Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 4

Goals of the International Baccalaureate Club

2013—2014 School Year

The following goals reflect the three sure that not only students and par- much through this sister school primary objectives for the advancement ents, but teachers, staff, and other partnership. of the Quartz Hill High School Interna- interested community members tional Baccalaureate Program set forth by know about the program’s reward- 3. Community Involvement of the its student-run club. ing and diverse opportunities. International Baccalaureate Program 2. International Collaboration of 1. Promotion of the International We hope to increase the IB stu- the International Baccalaureate Baccalaureate Program dents’ involvement in both the Program We plan on increasing the aware- school and community. This in- ness of the IB program on our We hope to find new ways to fully cludes participating in not only school’s campus and across the engage in the international aspect of school events and fundraisers, but community. We hope to achieve our program. We plan to establish also events and volunteer work of this by better informing students communication with another IB our own throughout the community. about the program’s curriculum and World School in a foreign country, Not only will this further enrich our requirements. We want to make because our students can learn so program, but it will also help stu- dents complete their CAS hour requirements. Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 5

QH IB’s Valuable New Staff Member—Nance Trieu

As Mr. Eric Herman steps Degree in Mathematics. While as a math tutor in the Develop- down as the QHHS IB Math she attended Cal State North- mental Math Department and teacher, the IB is proud and ridge, Ms. Trieu served as the Math Department at Cal happy to announce that Ms. Treasurer for the National State Northridge, as a math Nancy Trieu has assumed our Society for Leadership and tutor in an after-school pro- IB Mathematics Standard Level Success, and she was also an gram, as a teacher at Sylvan and IB Mathematical Studies Associated Student Senator for Learning Center, and as a Standard Level classes. a semester. Teacher’s Assistant at Valley

Charter Middle School. Ms. Trieu was born and raised After graduation, Ms. Trieu in the San Fernando Valley. took a year off, and then en- Ms. Trieu says that her current She also says that she is She graduated from Reseda tered the ACT Program at Cal position, which began in August very excited to be our IB High School in 2005, and State Northridge. In that pro- of 2012, is her first teaching teacher for SL and for Stud- played volleyball for that gram, she earned her single job. ies. school. From there, she at- subject teaching credential in tended California State Univer- one year. Ms. Trieu loves to play volley- We are most fortunate to sity at Northridge, graduating ball whenever and wherever have Ms. Trieu on board! in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts Prior to accepting a position at she can, she loves watching QHHS, Ms. Trieu worked , and she is an enthu- siastic Lakers fan.

QHHS IB—Off to College!

With warm wishes for a bright future, we send off our IB Class of 2013 to the following colleges:

Nikita Bakhru—Dartmouth College Christopher Noone—California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Reina Bassil—University of California at Davis Allen Park—University of California at Berkeley Matthew Binkley—Purdue University Ryan Penrose—California State University at Northridge Chelsea Chartier—University of California at Berkeley Sabrina Ramirez—Arizona State University Christine Cody—University of California at San Diego Naomie Ranatunge—California State University at Andraya Elia—University of New Haven, New Haven Long Beach (President’s Scholar) Connecticut Jonathan Salamanca—California State University at Jeffrey “Cameron” Gates—University of California at Long Beach Los Angeles Miranda Self—University of New Mexico Whitney Gomillion—The Masters College, Valencia Jasdeep Singh—University of California at Riverside Kirsten Greene—California State University at Bakersfield Stephanie Stawinski—Arizona State University Matthew Greene—Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona Nisha Sunku—University of California at Los Angeles

Alison Haddad—University of California at Berkeley Samantha Trujillo—California State University at Fullerton

Cerrah Kegel—California Lutheran University Manuel Urbano—California State University at Northridge

Seyun Kim—University of Southern California Eric Velasquez—California State University at Long Beach

Lindsay Melendez—University of California at Riverside Melissa Walman—College of the Canyons, Valencia

You will be missed! Congratulations on your successful years here at Quartz Hill High School. Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 6

IB Alumni Profile: Ms. Shivani Dharmaraja, IB Class of 2007

Undergraduate Education/Experience

Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering, University of California at Los Angeles 2011 Summa Cum Laude

Undergraduate Honors and Awards:

. 2011 UCLA Edward K. Rice Outstanding Undergraduate Students . 2011 UCLA HSSEAS Schoolwide Outstanding Bachelor of Science . 2011 UCLA Bioengineering Department Scholar Award . 2010 UCLA Amgen Scholar

Undergraduate Activities, Employment and Publications:

. Summer 2009: Studied at Cambridge University in the Pembroke-King’s Programme . April 2009 Through June 2011: Research Assistant in the lab of Dr. Dino Di Carlo Observed the effects of shear stress on the binding of Staphylococcus epidermidis on fibrinogen; led the pro- duction of a microscope incubator allowing for cell monitoring in a controlled environment; Published as co- author of The Effects of Shear Stress on Isolated Receptor-Ligand Interactions between Staphylococcus Epidermidis and Human Plasma Fibrogen Using Molecularly Patterned Micro fluidics . September 2010 Through March 2011: Bioengineering Capstone Design Project, UCLA—worked in a team to load anti-cancer drugs into nanoparticles functionalized with ligands for proteins overexpressed on prostate cancer cells to accomplish increased killing of targeted cells. . April 2011 Through June 2011: Undergraduate Tutor, UCLA School of Engineering and Applied Sciences . June 2010 Through June 2011: Logistics Committee Chair, UCLA Colleges Against Cancer . June 2010 Through June 2011: Board Treasurer of the UCLA Biomedical Engineering Society . June 2009 Through June 2010: Board Secretary of the UCLA Biomedical Engineering Society

Graduate Education /Experience

Master of Science Candidate in Bioengineering, University of Washington; Expected Graduation Date June 2013

Graduate Activities, Employment and Publications:

. September 2011—Present: Graduate Research Assistant in Bioengineering lab of Dr. Barry Lutz; selected to pre- sent research findings at the Gordon Research Conference in June 2013 in Italy’s Tuscany region . January 2013 Through March 2013: Teaching Assistant for junior-level undergraduate bioengineering course

Career Goals, Future Plans:

Ms. Dharmaraja plans to defend her Master’s Thesis in May 2013. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue a career related to diagnostics in global health.

Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 7 IB Diploma Programme May 2014 Examination Schedule

Morning examinations must start after 0700 and finish by 1300 hours (local time) Afternoon examinations must start after 12 noon and finish by 1800 hours (local time) Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 8 Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 9


September 2013

Date Due Scholarship Criteria for Selection Various Asian Pacific Fund Senior

Each scholarship has a dif- Banatao Family Filipino American Education Fund ferent due date. Check $Various Filipino Bar Association of Northern California Legal Scholar- each website. Follow the links to the right ship Helen and L.S. Wong Memorial Scholarship Human Capital Scholarship Jack and Jeanette Chu Scholarship Fund Lapiz Family Scholarship Maria Elena Yuchengco Memorial Journalism Scholarship Sang Chul Lee and Donald O. Cameron Memorial Scholarship Shui Kuen and Allen Chin Scholarship Tina Yeh Memorial Fund REGISTER ONLINE:www.asianpacificfund.org

September 27, 2013 Questbridge Senior Full Four-Year Scholarships The College Match offers full four-year scholarships covering with No Loans tuition and room and board for high-achieving low-income students. All College Match scholarships cover 100% of dem- onstrated financial need and are loan-free. Most of our partner colleges include the cost of travel and books in their scholarship packages and auto- matically renew the scholarship for all four years of college. Last year, 268 students were selected as College Match recipients and received admission and full four-year College Match Scholarships to partner colleges. Junior The College Prep Scholarship provides more than 1,000 awards to outstanding low-income high school juniors.

College Prep Scholarship awards equip students with the knowl- edge necessary to compete for admission to top-ranked col- leges and benefit from these colleges' generous financial aid. Awards include full scholarships to summer programs at leading colleges, individualized college admissions counseling, invita- tions to QuestBridge College Admissions Conferences at Stan- ford and Yale, and all-expense-paid visits to top college cam- puses. For more details on these scholarships go to http:// www.questbridge.org September 30, 2013 L. Ron Hubbard Writers No age given December 30, 2013 of the Future Works of prose up to 17,000 in length March 30, 2014 Not having been published before June 30, 2014 $500 - $5,000 http://www.writersofthefuture.com

Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 10

Date Due Scholarship Criteria for Selection

September 30, 2013 No age given L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators December 30, 2013 Themes of Sci Fi and Fantasy Illustrations welcome of the Future March 30, 2014 Not having been published before June 30, 2014 $500 - $4,000 http://www.writersofthefuture.com/

September 30, 2013 Shout It Out Scholarship 9-12 Grade (Over 13 years of age) Be legal residents of the fifty (50) United States or the District 2012 of Columbia Be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2019) $1,500 in an accredited post-secondary institution Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the scholarship topic:―If you could say one thing to the entire world at once, what would it be and why?‖


September 30, 2013 Siemens Westinghouse Any student or Team of students Enter Research Project in the Math, Science or Technology Competition Field. $3,000 - $100,000 See web site for details / ONLINE ONLY http://www.siemens-foundation.org/en/ competition.htm October 2, 2013 Wendy’s High School Heis- Senior Cumulative 3.0 GPA man Scholarship Judging is based on academic achievements, community ser- $Up to 10,000 vice, and athletic accomplishments. List of acceptable sports in Career Center www.wendyshighschoolheisman.com October 4, 2013 AES Engineering Scholarship Senior Based on character as evidenced by essay $500 You are not required to be in engineering to apply for this scholarship. http://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm

October 12, 2013 Dale Fridell Scholarship Senior Open to anyone currently attending or aspiring to attend a $1,000 university, college, trade school, technical institute, voca- tional training or other post-secondary education pro- gram in the 2013-14 academic year. The scholarship is awarded four times annually. Our scholarships are $1,000 each, and they’re granted every three months. Unlike most scholarship programs, the checks are written di- rectly to you instead of your school, so winners may use the money not only toward tuition, but books, living ex- penses, etc. In addition, eligible students may not have already been receiv- ing or awarded a full-tuition scholarship or waiver from another source. International students are welcome to apply. http://www.outlawstudent.com/college-scholarships/ Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 11

Date Due Scholarship Criteria for Selection October 18, 2013 National Foundation for Ad- Age 15 – 18 Applications accepted in the following disciplines: vancement in the Arts Cinematic Arts, Dance, Jazz, Music, Photography, Thea- Various Amounts tre, Visual Arts, Voice, Writing Online submission www.youngarts.org

October 25, 2013 Horatio Alger Scholarship Senior Minimum 2.0 GPA Various amounts Demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming ad- versity Financial need / good academic record Pursuing bachelor’s degree

Be involved in co-curricular and community service https://www.horatioalger.com/scholarships/apply.cfm October 31, 2013 Coca-Cola Scholars Pro- Senior gram GPA of 3.0 or higher Recipients are well-rounded individuals with highly developed $20,000 (50 given) interests in their community. Them must show the fol- lowing: $4,000 (200 given) Demonstrated leadership Commitment to community Academic achievement Employment http://www.college-financial-aid-advice.com/coca-cola- scholarship.html October 31, 2013 Zombie Apocalypse Schol- 9-12 Grade (Over 13 years of age) Be legal residents of the fifty (50) United States or the District arship of Columbia $1,500 Be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2019) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher edu- cation Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the scholarship topic: “Imagine that your high school/ college has been overrun with Zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Use your brain to flesh out a plan to avoid the Zombies, including where you would hide and the top 5 things you would bring with you to stay alive.” http://www.scholarshipexperts.com November 1, 2013 Veterans of Foreign Wars 9th through 12th 3 to 5 minute essay on "Does My Generation Have a Role Voice of Democracy Essay in America’s Future?" Contest www.vfw.org - click on ―programs,‖ ―Voice of Democracy‖ Up to $25,000 Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 12

Date Due Scholarship Criteria for Selection November 1, 2013 Ron Brown Scholar Pro- Senior gram African American Demonstrate academic achievement, exhibit leadership ability, par- $10,000 annually ticipate in community service activities, and demonstrate finan- cial need. See Mrs. Cowan for applications www.ronbrown.org

November 5, 2013 Prudential Spirit of the Senior Community Award African American is in grades 5-12 as of November 5, Up to $5,000 is a legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C., has engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred at least partly dur- ing the 12 months prior to the date of application Submit your application to the Career Center by November 5, 2013 http://spirit.prudential.com and www.nassp.org/spirit.

November 15, 2013 Stokes Educational Schol- Senior arship Program NSA SAT of 1600 (1100 Critical Reading/Math – 500 Writing) or ACT of 25 (National Security Agency) GPA of 3.0 or above Tuition paid / reimbursement Interested in Computer Science, Electrical or Computer Engineering, Languages (specifically Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean), Mathe- for books/housing/employment matics after graduation November 28, 2013 Safe Jobs for Youth Poster Between ages of 14-18 Contest Design a poster highlighting job safety and health for teens. http://www.youngworkers.org $200 to $400 November 30, 2013 ―Education Matters‖ Applicants must: 9-12 Grade (Over 13 years of age) Be legal residents of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Scholarship 2012 Columbia $5,000 Be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2016) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education Submit an online short written response (250 words or less) for the scholarship topic: ―What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?‖

December 1, 2013 AXA Achievement Senior U.S. legal resident with valid Social Security number $2,000 - $10,000 Must apply and enroll in an accredited college or university in the st Fall ONLY the 1 10,000 Applica- Ambitious, goal setter, respectful tions will be accepted. First www.axa-achievement.com come-First Served

Ask for an application or more information in the Career Center. Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 13

Schedule of Events

IB Calendar

. October 2013: Registration for May 2014 IB exam session.

. November 15, 2013: First candidate registration deadline.

. January 15, 2014: Second candidate registration deadline.

. January 14 & 16, 2014: Coordinator Presentation to Parents.

. February/March 2014: Predicted Grades/Internal Assessments prepared by IB teachers and submitted to IB Coordinator.

. March 15, 2014: Absolute deadline for submission of ToK essays.

. May 1, 2014: Deadline for withdrawing candidates.

. May 2 - May 23, 2014: IB Testing.

. June 1, 2014: Deadline for CAS Status submission by IB Coordinator.

. July 2014: Test results sent to IB Coordinator.

. August 2014: IB sends Diplomas to Quartz Hill High School.