Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2012;18 (5):424-428 Original Article Klinik Çalışma doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2012.98957

Temporal bone fractures: evaluation of 77 patients and a management algorithm

Temporal kemik kırıkları: 77 hastanın değerlendirilmesi ve bir yaklaşım algoritması

Gökhan YALÇINER,1 Ahmet KUTLUHAN,1 Kazım BOZDEMİR,1 Hüseyin ÇETİN,2 Behçet TARLAK,1 Akif Sinan BİLGEN1

BACKGROUND AMAÇ We aimed to evaluate the etiologies, otolaryngological fea- Temporal kemik kırığı olan hastalarda etyoloji, otolaringo- tures, radiological findings, management strategies, and lojik semptom ve bulguların radyolojik değerlendirmeleri, outcomes of temporal bone fractures. tedavi yaklaşımları ve sonuçlar değerlendirildi. METHODS GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM Seventy-seven temporal bone fracture cases were retrospec- Yetmiş yedi temporal kemik kırığı olgusu, yaş, cinsiyet, kı- tively evaluated for age and gender distribution, side of the rığın yeri, kırığın etyolojisi ve kanlı otore, timpanik memb- fracture, etiology of injuries, the presence of blood otor- ran perforasyonu, serebrospinal otore, işitme kaybı, hemo- rhea, tympanic membrane perforation, cerebrospinal fluid timpanum, fasiyal ve diğer kraniyal sinir paralizilerinin otorrhea, hearing loss, hemotympanum, and facial or other varlığı ve bilgisayarlı tomografi sonuçları yönünden geriye cranial nerve palsies, and computerized tomography reports. dönük olarak değerlendirildi. RESULTS BULGULAR Nearly 55% of the cases were caused by traffic accidents and Olgularda kırıkların %55’i trafik kazası sonucu meydana were predominantly male (76.6%). Otolaryngological pre- gelmişti ve çoğunluğu erkekti (%76,6). Otolaringolojik sentations in order to frequency were early conductive hear- bulgular sıklık sırası ile erken dönem iletim tipi işitme kay- ing loss (65.8%), blood otorrhea (61.2%), hemotympanum bı (%65,8), kanlı otore (%61,2), hemotimpanum (%58,5), (58.5%), tympanic membrane perforation (25.6%), facial timpanik membran perforasyonu (%25,6), fasiyal sinir pa- nerve paralysis (12.3%), cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea (8.5%), ralizisi (%12,3), serebrospinal otore (%8,5) ve sensörinöral and sensorineural hearing loss (5.4%). Most of the fractures işitme kaybı (%5,4) idi. Kırıkların çoğu petroz (%65,8) ve were petrous (65.8%) and longitudinal type (51.2%). uzunlamasına tip (%51,2) idi. CONCLUSION SONUÇ In this research, otolaryngological findings in order of fre- Bu araştırmada 77 temporal kemik kırığı hastasında sıklık quency and treatment approaches were compared with lit- sırası ile otolaringolojik bulguları ve tedavi yaklaşımımızı erature findings and discussed in 77 temporal bone fracture literatür bulguları ile karşılaştırıp tartıştık. Temporal kırık- cases. We formed a management algorithm for the system- larda sistematik bir değerlendirme ve tedavi için bir algo- atic evaluation and treatment of temporal fractures. ritma oluşturduk. Key Words: Head trauma; maxillofacial injuries; temporal bone. Anahtar Sözcükler: Kafa travması; maksillofasiyal yaralanma; temporal kemik.

Departments of 1Otolaryngology, 2Radiology, Ankara Atatürk Training and Ankara Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 11. KBB Kliniği, Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Radyoloji Kliniği, Ankara.

Correspondence (İletişim): Gökhan Yalçıner, M.D. Ankara Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1. KBB Kliniği, Bilkent Yolu Lodumlu Mevkii No: 2, 06800 Ankara, Turkey. Tel: +090 - 312 - 291 25 25 / 4338 e-mail (e-posta): [email protected]

424 Temporal bone fractures

Nowadays, head trauma is a common injury to Table 1. Distribution of cases according to age, gen- which all of us are susceptible because of high speed der, fracture side and mechanism of injury travel.[1] Skull fractures affect 23%-66% of patients with head trauma and approximately 4%-30% of head Total n % injuries involve a fracture of the cranial base, includ- Age 8-10 3 3.89 ing 18%-75% of temporal bone involvement.[2,3] 11-20 10 12.98 21-30 28 36.36 After a severe head injury, the maintenance of life 31-40 12 15.58 is the most important concern. After providing stable 41-50 10 12.98 vital functions like breathing, circulation and neuro- 51-60 8 10.38 surgical evaluation and evaluation of the chest and 61-70 5 6.49 abdomen, it is appropriate for an otolaryngologist to 71+ 1 1.29 evaluate the patient. The importance of temporal bone Gender Male 59 76.62 fractures according to the otolaryngologist is the facial Female 18 23.37 nerve and the structures related to hearing and balance Side Right 38 49.35 located therein and prevention of functional losses. Left 34 44.15 The most common physical examination findings of Bilateral 5 6.49 temporal bone fractures are blood otorrhea, tympanic Mechanism Traffic accidents 42 54.54 membrane perforation, hearing loss, hemotympanum, of injury Falls 19 24.67 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea, and facial and oth- Industrial accidents 12 15.58 er cranial nerve palsies. Assault 3 3.89 Gunshot wound 1 1.29 In this research, we retrospectively reviewed the causes, gender distribution, otolaryngological fea- tures, radiological findings, and outcomes of 77 tem- The facial and other cranial nerve palsies that were poral bone fracture cases between March 2007 and found in the first examination were counted as imme- April 2011. diate and those found later (after the first few hours) were evaluated as late. The patients who were uncon- MATERIALS AND METHODS scious and were not appropriate for evaluation of hear- Seventy-seven patients who were evaluated and ing loss and facial function were ignored during the treated for temporal bone fracture by our clinic be- calculation of the percentages. Therefore, when cal- tween March 2007 and April 2011 and whose required culating hearing loss and facial and other nerve func- data were obtained from their files were included in tions, the total number of fractures was accepted as 73, this retrospective research. Age, gender distribution, and the other ratios were calculated on the basis of 77 side of fracture (right, left, bilateral), etiology of inju- patients with 82 temporal fractures (5 patients had bi- ries, presence of blood otorrhea, CSF otorrhea, tym- lateral fractures). Results are seen in Table 2. Fourteen panic membrane perforation, hearing loss (conduc- patients died of severe intracranial and other injuries. tive, sensorineural or mixed), hemotympanum, and facial and other cranial nerve palsies, computerized DISCUSSION tomography (CT) reports, and follow-up results were Temporal bone fractures occur from high energy evaluated. The collected data were then analyzed and mechanisms, particularly as a result of side impacts, [4] compared with the literature series. typically but not limited to motor vehicle accidents. In the literature, risk factors for and causes of temporal RESULTS bone fractures are: younger age, male gender and mo- [5-8] Ages of the patients ranged from 8-76 years. Age, tor vehicle accidents. Similarly, in our series, traffic gender distribution, side of the fracture, and etiology accidents were the primary mechanism of the injury, of the injuries are seen in Table 1. In addition to the with a 54.5% ratio; 76.6% of the cases were male and otolaryngologic examination, all patients were evalu- the mean age was 34.1 years. This result may be relat- ated with axial and coronal CT. In CT, the fractures ed to the fact that young males are greater participants were evaluated according to two different classifica- in traffic and industrial business. tion systems as petrous-non-petrous and transverse- When otolaryngologists were consulted for the longitudinal-oblique-mixed. The presence of blood treatment of these patients, their primary concern otorrhea, tympanic membrane perforation, hearing was the evaluation of the external ear and tympanic loss (conductive-sensorineural-mixed), hemotympa- membrane, the presence of blood otorrhea and CSF num, CSF otorrhea, and facial and other cranial nerve otorrhea, hearing status, facial nerve function, and palsies was noted according to the above classification the presence of hemotympanum. However, not infre- systems. quently, the severity of the injury, the patient’s uncon-

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Table 2. Distribution of findings due to two different classification systems Total A B C D E F (n, %) (n, %) (n, %) (n, %) (n, %) (n, %) Total fracture 82 54, 65.8 28, 34.2 42, 51.2 21, 25.6 5, 6.1 14, 17.1 Blood otorrhea 51, 62.1 43, 52.4 8, 9.7 33, 40.2 11, 13.4 3, 3.6 4, 4.8 Tympanic membrane perforation 21, 25.6 20, 24.3 1, 1.2 12, 14.6 6, 7.3 2, 2.4 1, 1.2 Hemotympanum 48, 58.5 41, 50 7, 8.5 29, 35.3 12, 14.6 3, 3.6 4, 4.8 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea 7, 8.5 6, 7.3 1, 1.2 4, 4.8 1, 1.2 – 2, 2.4 Conductive hearing loss 50, 64.9 Immediate 44, 57.1 6, 7.8 35, 45.4 9, 11.6 1, 1.3 5, 6.5 9, 12.3 Late 7, 9.5 2, 2.7 4, 5.4 3, 4.1 – 2, 2.7 Sensorineural hearing loss 4, 5.4 4, 5.4 – 3, 4.1 1, 1.3 – – Facial nerve palsy 3, 4.1 Immediate 2, 2.7 1, 1.3 – 2, 2.7 – 1, 1.3 6, 8.2 Late 6, 8.2 – 4, 5.4 1, 1.3 1, 1.3 – Other cranial nerve (CN III, IV, VI) palsies 2, 2.7 2, 2.7 – 2, 2.7 – – – 1, 1.3 1, 1.3 – 1, 1.3 – – –

A: Petrous; B: Non-Petrous; C: Longitudinal; D: Transverse; E: Oblique; F: Mixed or comminuted. scious status, and other severe injuries requiring ur- tion (25.6%). The hearing loss ratio in the early period gent intervention lead to a delay in the otolaryngologic is determined by the diapason test results of the first ex- evaluation and management. After a physical exami- amination. This high ratio may be due to the high rate nation for the establishment of an accurate fracture di- of hemotympanum and tympanic membrane perfora- agnosis, axial and coronal temporal CTs have a critical tions. After the average 4-6 week follow-up period, in importance.[9,10] We formed a management algorithm patients with hearing loss, the CHL ratio was 12.3%, for the evaluation of temporal bone fractures. This al- which was determined by the audiologic examination. gorithm format of temporal fracture management may In the literature, the reported incidence rates for CHL offer a rapid experience opportunity for inexperienced were 10%-57%.[3,7] CHL generally resolves over time practitioners (Fig. 1). To our best knowledge, no such (usually within 3-4 weeks).[2] Pure hemotympanum algorithm has been reported to date. generally resolves without sequelae within this time period as well.[2] Small tympanic membrane perfora- There are several classification systems for the tion also heals within 4-6 weeks. If CHL and tym- evaluation of temporal fractures with CT. Some of panic membrane perforations persist after 3 months, them are longitudinal-transverse-oblique or mixed, then tympanoplasty and, if necessary, ossicular chain petrous–non-petrous, and otic capsule sparing–otic reconstruction should be performed.[2] The most com- capsule violating.[2,3,6,7] In the different series, statis- mon ossicular chain disruption is incudostapedial dis- tical correlation between clinical findings and these location (11%-14%), followed by dislocation of the classifications has been reported.[3,6] In our series, we incudomallear joint.[3] In our series, 5 patients under- also evaluated the distribution of clinical findings ac- went tympanoplasty, and 2 of them underwent incudo- cording to petrous-non-petrous and transverse-longi- stapedial joint repair with bone cement. tudinal-oblique-mixed classifications. The distribu- tion of fracture types and clinical findings due to these According to our research, the most common three classifications are seen in Table 2. In our opinion, symptoms (apart from early CHL), blood otorrhea, these classification systems may be important for sta- hemotympanum and tympanic membrane perforation, tistical results, but are not clinically important, as we were seen above the rate of 90% with petrous frac- evaluate the patients according to the existence of the tures. Therefore, if a classification system has to be above-mentioned symptoms and findings and not the used, petrous-non-petrous classification seems more classification systems. appropriate for otolaryngological purposes. In our research, the most common otolaryngologi- The sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) rate was cal findings were conductive hearing loss (CHL) in the found as 5.4%, and all of these cases were caused by early period (64.9%), blood otorrhea (62.1%), hemo- petrous fracture. In the literature, SNHL rates were re- tympanum (58.5%), and tympanic membrane perfora- ported as 0%-14%.[2,7] As is well known, there is no

426 Eylül - September 2012 Temporal bone fractures

Insignificant Aspiration Blood otorrhea Massive Temporary Packing

Tympanic Follow-up Healed Membran (3 months) Perforation Non-healed Tympanoplasty

Haematympanum Follow-up (3-4 weeks)

-B transferrin 2 Healed -Follow-up Medical history and physical examination CSF otorrhea (2 weeks) -Cause of injury Non-healed Surgical repair -Consciousness -? -Other injuries Follow-up Healed Conductive Exploration and (3 months) heraing loss Persistant ossiculer chain reconstruction Evaluate/Stabilize -Airway -Otolaryngological Healed -Circulation Examination Sensorineural Steroid TEMPORAL Hearing aid -Cervical vertebrae hearing loss (?) TRAUMA Non-healed or cochlear -Major system or -Temporal bone CT implant life-threatinhg injuries axial-coronal

Meningitis Antibiotics therapy

Other cranial Laboratory Neurosurgical consultation nerve paralysis -CBC -Coagulation tests -Radiological evaluation of other injuries Surgical -Screening of alcohol and other toxic Immediate exploration substances Facial nerve palsy Healed Late Corticoste- roids Non-healed

Electrodiagnostic testing

Regeneration signs Non-regeneration signs

Follow-up Exploration

Fig. 1. The algorithm format of temporal bone fracture management. effective treatment for SNHL, and rehabilitation with cemia. When his general condition improved, he had hearing aids, and if necessary cochlear implant, is rec- blindness due to optic atrophy and 3rd and 6th nerve ommended. Although there is not enough data in the paralysis on the facial paralysis side. His family did literature about the usage of steroids for the treatment not accept surgery for facial nerve exploration. of SNHL due to temporal fracture, there is a possibil- ity that they can be applied. We also do not have any experience about such treatment, but we intend to ap- ply it in the future. In our research, there were 9 facial nerve paraly- sis cases, with 3 of them having early or immediate and 6 having late onset (Fig. 2). All of the 6 paralysis cases with late onset were seen with petrous fractures and 2 of the 3 cases with early or immediate onset pa- ralysis were seen with petrous fractures, while 1 had non-petrous, mixed type fracture. In the literature, fa- cial nerve paralysis rates were reported as 10%-25% for longitudinal fractures and 38%-50% for transverse fractures.[3] For transient and persistent facial paraly- sis, rates up to 65.5% were also reported.[11] In our se- ries, all of the late onset cases were given corticoste- roid therapy and then followed up. All of them almost completely recovered. One of the early onset cases who also had 3rd, 4th and 6th cranial nerve paralysis died. One of them remained unconscious in the neuro- Fig. 2. CT of a patient with early facial paralysis showing surgical intensive care unit for 6 weeks and had septi- transverse fracture.

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During the follow-up of the third patient in the in- which there is evidence of neurocranial injury on CT, tensive care unit for improvement in general status for angiography should be obtained in order to detect vas- the facial exploration operation, on the 20th day, signs cular injuries.[13] of regeneration were detected in the electromyography In conclusion, temporal bone fractures generally and the operation decision was abandoned. occur as a component of a severe head trauma, and A generally accepted principle of the treatment of traffic accidents are the most common etiologic factor. facial paralysis is that the management depends on the An otolaryngologist is an important part of the team timing of paralysis related to the injury.[3] Rapid loss together with the neurosurgeon who cares for patients of facial nerve function (immediate or within the first with temporal bone fracture. The event starts with the few hours) is likely due to transaction and is tradition- first evaluation of the patient in the emergency depart- ally managed with surgical exploration after imaging ment and may continue with follow-up and treatment and electrical studies indicate a need for nerve decom- of otolaryngologically important features, such as CSF pression or repair. On the other hand, a delayed loss is fistula or facial nerve paralysis, repair of tympanic more likely due to edema and is typically treated with membrane, and management of hearing loss. In some high-dose with further intervention cases, a prolonged follow-up, up to a year, may be re- based on results of the electrodiagnostic testing.[2,3] quired for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Kim et al.[12] reported that the patient with trau- REFERENCES matic facial nerve paralysis who had nerve conduc- 1. Işık HS, Bostancı U, Yıldız O, Ozdemir C, Gökyar A. 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