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bindex.qxd 6/9/06 10:19 AM Page 307 INDEX ABC News, 98 Aspin, Les, 235 Abraham Lincoln, 272 atomic bombs Abrams, Creighton, 147, 148, 155, 158–159 Hiroshima and, 33, 44–45 Abrams, Elliott, 203–204 Korean War and, 42 Abu Ghraib, 277–280 mutual assured destruction (MAD) and, 48 Acheson, Dean, 39 See also nuclear weapons Cuban Missile Crisis and, 84, 87 Korean War and, 35, 36, 39, 41, 44 Baathist regime, 272. See also Iraq Vietnam War and, 131–132 Bacon, Augustus O., 23 Adams, John, 14 Baker, James, 190, 231, 237 Adams, John Quincy, 17 Panama, 223 Adams, Sherman, 55 Yugoslavia and, 237 Adelman, Kenneth, 261 Balaguer, Joaquin, 129 Adenauer, Konrad, 94 Balkans, 237–242, 245 Afghanistan, 287–288 Ball, George, 105 Carter and, 187–189 Cuban Missile Crisis, 78 Clinton and, 243, 244, 245 Vietnam War, 120–121, 124, 132 George H. W. Bush and, 222, 223–224 Barzani, Mustafa, 184 George W. Bush and, 249, 252–256, 257, Batista, Fulgencio, 61–62 269, 280 Battle of New Orleans, 15 Reagan and, 191, 193, 200–201 Bay of Pigs, 64–71, 77, 85, 235 Africa, 233–234, 245. See also individual names Beckwith, Bob, 254 of countries Beecher, William, 149, 159 Aidid, Mohammed Farrah, 234, 236 Begin, Menachem, 193 Allen, Richard, 190 Beirut. See Lebanon Allende Gossens, Salvador, 164–166 Bennett, Tapley, 129 al-Qaeda, 243–245, 249–253 Berger, Sandy, 234, 244, 249 Iraq and, 250–256, 257–269, 274–276 Berlin Wall, 34, 221 prisoners of United States and, 276–280 Biden, Joseph, 248–249 September 11 attacks and, 253–256, 269 Bin Laden, Osama, 227, 243–245, 248–256 Al-Shiraa
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