Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2009 John M. Cooksey: Choral Music Educator and Conductor Roger H. Hale Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC JOHN M. COOKSEY: CHORAL MUSIC EDUCATOR AND CONDUCTOR By ROGER H. HALE A Dissertati n submitted t the C llege f Music in partial fulfillment f the re,uirements f r the degree f D ct r f Phil s phy Degree A.arded: Summer Semester, 0112 The members f the C mmittee appr 3e the Dissertati n f R ger H. Hale defended n May 00, 0112. ____________________________________ Ke3in A. Fent n Pr fess r Directing Dissertati n ____________________________________ Christ pher M re Outside C mmittee Member ___________________________________ Andr5 J. Th mas C mmittee Member ____________________________________ Alice-Ann Darr . C mmittee Member The Graduate Sch l has 3erified and appr 3ed the ab 3e named c mmittee members. ii I dedicate this t my dear .ife KayDe, .h has pr 3ided supp rt at e3ery le3el during this pr 7ect. I c uld n t ha3e d ne it .ith ut y u8 iii ACKNOLEDGEMENTS This pr 7ect . uld n t ha3e been p ssible .ith ut the enc uragement and supp rt f many pe ple in my life. First, I . uld li9e t than9 my ma7 r pr fess r Dr. Ke3in Fent n, .h spent many h urs helping me thr ugh e3ery aspect f this pr 7ect.