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A C B D Dd E Draper City Cemetery G a t ÍÎ e A_15A_3 A_15A_4 A_30A_3 A_30A_4 A_45A_2 A_45A_1 A_75A_2a A_15A_2 A_15A_1 A_60A_2 A_60A_1 A_30A_2 A_30A_1 Brown, Ernest NephBirown, Vonda Lawreatha Jensen, Lauris Nielsen, Soren ^ Brown, Child Brown, Child A_75A_2b A_75A_1 Jensen, Karen A_15_5 A_15_6 A_30_6 A_45_5 A_90A_2 C A_30_5 A_45_6 emete Cutler, Patricia F A_60_5 ry Ro A_60_6 ad A_75_5 Marlin, Dayna Stringfellow Pearson, Ernest Alvin Pearson, William Q. A_75_6 Barron, Kainalu Alolike' Carl Ray Brown, Child Brown, Child A_105_5 A_105_6 ÍÎ Orgill, Hazel Orgill, Ruhama A_90_6 A_120_5 A_15_10 A_30_10 A_90_5 A_135_5 A_135_6 A_45_10 Pederson, Lynette (Infant) Cutler, Carma Hill, Ann A_120_6 A_15_4 A_60_10 A_75_10 Unknown, Poor Lot Unknown, Poor Lot A_15_7 A_30_4 A_30_7 A_45_4 A_90_10 Cutler, Ben A_45_7 A_60_4 A_60_7 A_105_10 Stringfellow, Elnora DM.arlin, Jackson Everett A_75_4 A_75_7 A_120_10 A_135_10 A_150_6 Pearson, Sarah AllenPearson, James Oscar Brown, Child A_150_5 A_165_5 A_165_6 ÍÎ ^ Brown, Child Branford, Ona A_90_4 A_90_7 A_105_7 A_120_4 For Covington, Anne A_195_5 Orgill, Ivan A_180_5 ^ A_105_4 A_135_4 A_135_7 Child Soggs, Unknown A_180_6 A_199_5 A_30_8a A_30_8b Cutler, Clinton Louis Hill, Thomas A_120_7 Ellis, Everet A_195_6 A_199_6 A_15_3 A_15_8 A_30_3 Unknown, Poor Lot Unknown, Poor Lot A_165_10 Peterson, Cathy Landeen, Marjorie Evelyn C_7_5 StringfeSltloriwng, fBeallboyw, Jana Maxine A_45_3 A_45_8 A_75_8a A_90_3a A_150_4 A_180_10 Sparks, Blanche MayHarwood, Margaret G. A_60_3 A_60_8 A_150_7 A_165_7 Stringfellow, George S. A_30_8c Pearson, Henry A_75_3 Orgill, Infant S.W. A_165_4 A_180_4 Soderberg, Ardella M. C_7_6 C_14_5 µ Whetman, Velora Ruth Fitzgerald, Isaac M. Greenwood, Gene CalvCinovington, Justin Max A_195_4 C_14_6 e Cutler, Elizabeth Enniss BrownBrown, Child Orgill, Mary Collins Crapo A_90_8 A_105_3 A_105_8 Soggs, Mrs. A_180_7 A_199_4 A_199_7 for Gordon, Angie A_15_9 Orgill, Hannah Inez Stringfellow A_75_8b A_90_3b A_120_3 A_120_8 A_135_3 Allen, Pauline E. Ellis, Elizabeth S. A_195_7 C_21_5 t A_30_9 Hoffman, Bula AlbrechTterry, Maxine Nielsen A_135_8 ^ Peterson, Stephen Landeen, Glenn Richard Gordon, Terri Burtenshaw C_21_6 A_45_9 ^ A_45_2a A_60_9 Orgill, Charles H. Fitzgerald, Ann Pearson Petersen, Irene F. Allen Allen, Emily H. A_15_2 A_15_1 A_75_9 Unknown, Poor Lot Unknown, Poor Lot A_150_3 A_150_8 A_180_3a C_7_4 Terry, Robert Scott C_28_5 C_28_6 a A_30_2 A_30_1 Droward, Marie Pearson A_45_1 A_90_9 A_165_8 ^ C_35_4 Sparks, Jeffrey Harwood, John A_60_2 A_60_1 A_105_9 A_165_3 Allen, Jackson R. A_180_8 Johnson, Paul Raymond C_42_4 Orgill, Richard Wright A_45_2b A_75_2 A_75_1 A_120_9 A_135_9 Erickson, Child of NieGl ordon, Ruth Garfield A_199_3 Soderberg, Arnold W. C_7_7 C_14_4 MacPherson, James C_49_4 Whetman, George Phillips Brown, Frank A_90_2 A_90_1 Soggs, George A_180_3b Allen, Elizabeth Cottrell Snow A_195_3 A_195_8 C_14_7 Gentine, Leonard C_56_4 G Brown, Child Orgill, William Croxall Orgill, Phoebe A_105_2 A_105_1 Unknown A_199_8 for Gordon, Dan Cottrell, Elizabeth Allen, Golda Louise Allen, Harriet M. A_120_2 A_120_1 A_135_2 A_135_1 A_165_9 Allen, Matilda Day for Gordon, Bill C_21_4 C_21_7 ^ Anderberg, Charles ^ Hoffman, Charles Lester Terry, Harvey A_180_9 Parker, Lizzie E Cloud C_63_4 C_70_4 Allen, Heber James A_150_2 A_150_1 A_14_5 A_14_6 A_29_5 Unknown, Poor Lot Unknown, Poor Lot A_180_2 Terry, Rosie C_28_4 C_28_7 Adamson, Estella Smith C_77_4 A_29_6 A_44_5 ^ Erickson, Child of Niel A_165_2 A_165_1 A_180_1 A_195_2 C_84_4 A_44_6 ^ Sutcliffe, Allyne C_7_3 C_105_6a Orgill, Helen Kimball Wilde, Lillian Robbins A_59_5 A_59_6 A_104_5a Spencer, Child A_195_1 A_199_2 A_199_1 C_7_8 C_14_3 Johnson, Norma Lou C_35_3 C_91_4 McDonald, Virginia HarrHisarris, Connie Orgill Cottrell, Catherine A_74_5 A_74_6 A_89_5 A_119_5a Allen, Ben R. Ellis, Charles Everett C_42_3 C_98_4 Spencer, Shari Chamberlain, Phoebe Day, Lewis A_89_6 Hansen, Child of Peter A_134_6a Unknown Petersen, Sharon C_14_8 C_49_3 Bergman, ECla_i1n0e5 (_D6isbinternment) A_14_10 Day, James H. Lewis, Arthur James A_104_6 Beck, Alreck (Baby) A_119_6 Gordon, Barbara Brierley Maxwell C_56_3 C_63_3 C_105_5 A_29_10 Allen, Child of T.W. Allen, Thomas W. A_104_5b A_134_5a A_134_5b Buchannan, Infant for Stone, Linda Ilene C_21_3 Fitzgerald, Eric Glade-DISINTERNECD_112_5 A_44_10 Fitzgerald, Myrtle Kirkham A_119_5b A_149_5 A_149_6 A_164_5 ^ C_21_8 C_70_3 C_105_6c A_14_4 A_14_7 A_59_10 ^ A_74_10 Day, Allen K. SoderbeCrgra, wInffoarndt, Daniel WilisA_134_6b A_164_6 A_179_5 C_28_3 C_28_8 Hatch, Joseph Ray Joos, Lois Gordon C_112_6 C_119_5 Doyle, Ann Fitzgerald Adamson, Arnold G. C_77_3 C_84_3 A_29_4 A_29_7 A_44_4 A_89_10 A_104_10 Beck, Sherman R. Nielsen, Lois R. MilleGrarfield, Robert Michael Garfield, Marian N. A_179_6 A_194_5 A_194_6 A_198_1 Fitzgerald, Serenity-DISINTERNED C_119_6 Orgill, Robert Shipley Turner, Alice T. A_44_7 A_59_4 A_59_7 Buchannan, Infant Harrington, Emma Lucile Spencer, James C_7_2 C_14_1a Terry, Laura D. C_35_2 Greenwood, Paulene Boyce McDonald, Oliver J. Harris, Wilford H. A_74_4 A_74_7 Beck, Doris LaRae A_119_10 A_134_10 Rasmussen, Emma McDonough, Mary F.Rasmussen, Rasmus C_7_1 C_14_2 C_42_2 McClure, Kristin C_91_3 Smith, Shirley Dawn D.T. C_126_5 Cottrell, Joseph F. Cottrell, Carolyn Chamberlain, Herbert A_89_7 Fox, Benjamin Alan C_49_2 C_56_2 C_98_3 C_105_4 Day, Ina S. K. Day, Lucy Lewis, Viola Day A_89_4 A_104_4 A_104_7 A_119_4 A_164_10 Gordon, Arval Park C_21_2 ^ Allen, Charlotte Rasmussen A_119_7 A_134_4 A_134_7 A_179_10 C_21_1 For: Patterson, Lesa C_105_7 C_112_4 Fitzgerald, Alvah K.Fitzgerald, Alvah Heber A_149_4 A_149_7 C_14_1b Garfield, Earl J. C_28_2 Dunn, Ted Merrill C_63_2 C_112_7 A_14_3 Beck, Glenn Day, Samuel M. McGuire, James B A_164_4 A_164_7 Garfield, Mae C_28_1 C_70_2 Joos, Garth C_119_4 A_14_8 A_29_3 A_29_8 Buchanan, Eva T.M. Nielsen, Wyman Garfield, Joan A_179_4 A_194_4 A_194_7 C_6_5 Terry, Joseph Lynn C_77_2 C_84_2 Chavez, Jaime F. A_44_3 A_44_8 Garfield, Willard H. Harrington, James E. A_179_7 A_198_2 C_6_6 ^ C_35_1 Greenwood, Ray Parry Jr. C_119_7 Orgill, Martha Turner, Amelia ^ Terry, Scott Allen C_126_4 Orgill, Luella S. A_59_8 ^ Davis, Larry Karl Crane, F. Emma R. C_13_5 McClure, Ericka C_91_2 C_98_2 Orgill, Martha S. Cottrell, Elizabeth O. A_59_3 A_74_8 Carter, Merlyne RRaasmsmuussesenn, Fannie Dorothy Vester C_42_1 Legend Cottrell, Caroline LaVon A_74_3 A_89_8 A_134_8a Kimball, Chadd Lloyd C_13_6 ^ C_49_1 C_105_3 Bradford, Maurianne Sadlier Day, Marg A_89_3 A_104_3 A_104_8 A_119_3 Garfield, Alexis C_20_5 ^ Smith, Kay D ^ A_14_9 Newton, Lucy Ellan Day A_119_8 C_56_1 A_29_9 Allen, William Venar Fitzgerald, Orson Manassah A_134_3 Buchanan, Laverian West, Henry E. Jr. C_20_6 C_63_1 C_70_1 C_84_1a For: Jensen, Eva Ladeen C_105_8 C_112_3 A_44_9 A_74_9 Fitzgerald, Malissa A.F. Day, Maude McGuire A_149_3 A_149_8 A_164_3 Fitzgerald, Sherman A_14_2 A_14_1 A_59_9 Day, Blanch K. McGuire, Sarah E.W. A_134_8b A_164_8 A_179_3 A_179_8 Fitzgerald, Lowell Darwin C_27_5 Joos, Hessie S. C_112_8 C_119_3 A_29_2 A_29_1 A_89_9 Nielsen, Pearl Martha MeyeGrhaorffifelrd, Celestia Ann A_194_3 A_194_8 C_6_4 C_27_6 C_34_4 Scott, James Emanuel C_77_1 McClure, Erin C_119_8 A_44_2 A_44_1 Andersen, Kip Randolph A_104_9 Buchanan, Joel Russell Harrington, Mikelyn Garfield, Ida Jane C_6_7 ^ C_91_1 Orgill, Leslie Joseph Turner, William A. A_59_2 A_59_1 Nielsen, Carl PeteEr rnstrom, Jennie Nielsen A_198_3 C_84_1b Brynolf, Elizabeth C_126_3 Orgill, Martha Maria ShipleOy rgill, Joseph C. A_74_1 A_119_9 A_134_9 Rasmussen, Mary ROa.smussen, Mary Jane A. Crane, James Ray Oliver, Myrtle E. C_41_4 Humprhey, Shirley F. Cottrell, George Cottrell, W. Alvin Newbold, Gary Dean A_74_2 A_89_2 A_89_1 Williams, Wallace L. C_13_4 C_13_7 C_48_4 C_55_4a Smith, Eugene T. C_98_1 C_105_2 Sadleir, Bonnie Mae Myrup Faucette Day, Leland H. A_104_2 A_104_1 A_119_2 A_164_9 C_20_4 McClure, Terese C_105_1 ^ Newton, John J. Eddins, John Eddins, John W. A_119_1 A_134_2 A_179_9 West, Mary C_20_7 Jensen, Lawrence F C_112_2 ^ Taylor, Martha Fitzgerald A_149_2 Birchell, Robert C_62_4 C_69_4 ^ Fitzgerald, Manassah ^ Cannon, Emmet G. (Disinterred) A_28_6a Day, Samuel C. A_134_1 A_149_1 A_164_2 Fitzgerald, LaVonne Palquist Veteran A_13_5 A_13_6 A_43_6a Day, William A. McGuire, James Ben A_164_1 A_179_2 A_179_1 Fitzgerald, Sherman Kent C_27_4 Joos, George C_112_1 C_119_2 Grave Status Nielsen, Wyman I. A_194_2 For Sadler, Barbara C_76_4 ^ Riding, John E. A_73_6a Garfield, Northrup E. Garfield, Jane Enniss A_194_1 A_198_4 C_6_3 C_6_8 C_27_7 C_34_3 C_83_4 C_90_4 C_119_1 Stevensen, Gladys K.Fitzgerald, Henry Day A_28_5 A_43_5 Sorensen, Lola LaRae Hansen A_58_5 A_58_6 ^ Garfield, Brigham Ernstrom, Reed L. Ernstrom, Carl L. C_55_3 Brynolf, Henry Verner C_126_2 A_28_6b A_73_5 Rasmussen, Rasmus Anton C_13_3 ^ C_41_3 Humphrey, Max Edward A_43_6b Ferre, Venna Jean A_88_5 A_88_6 ^ Rasmussen, E. MillerRasmussen, Maurice Williams, Agnes C.P. C_13_8 Oliver, Charles E. C_48_3 Zeller, Katherine Ann Andrus C_97_4 Thompson, Christena Mitchell, Eleanor T. Orgill, Rhea Lowe A_103_5 A_103_6 Morgan, Jane Garfield Birchell, Virginia C_104_5 ^ Sadlier, Earl W. Roth, Baby A_118_5 ^ A_13_10 A_73_6b A_118_6 ^ Rogers, Rex George A_28_10 Sorensen, Dale AndrusA_43_10 Hansen, Hyrum Allen, Alva Ralph A_133_5 A_133_6 West, Henry C_20_3 C_20_8 C_104_6 ^ Dufin, Child of Bill ? Jensen, Elise A_148_5 C_55_4b C_62_3 C_69_3 C_111_5 C_111_6 ^ A_58_10 Erickson, Guymon (Cremated) Day, Samuel F. McGuire, Lucy A_148_6 A_163_5 A_163_6 Fitzgerald, Raymond S. C_27_3 C_27_8 C_118_5 A_13_4 A_13_7 ^Turner, Harold Ormus A_73_10 Newman, Child
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