StRE: Self Attentive Edit Quality Prediction in

Soumya Sarkar∗1, Bhanu Prakash Reddy*2, Sandipan Sikdar3 Animesh Mukherjee4

IIT Kharagpur, India1,2,4,RWTH Aachen, Germany3 [email protected],[email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract guidelines for them1. Problem: The inherent openness of Wikipedia has Wikipedia can easily be justified as a behe- also made it vulnerable to external agents who moth, considering the sheer volume of con- tent that is added or removed every minute to intentionally attempt to divert the unbiased, ob- its several projects. This creates an immense jective discourse to a narrative which is aligned scope, in the field of natural language pro- with the interest of the malicious actors. Our pilot cessing toward developing automated tools for study on manually annotated 100 Wikipedia pages content moderation and review. In this paper of four categories (25 pages each category) shows we propose Self Attentive Revision Encoder us that at most 30% of the edits are reverted (See (StRE) which leverages orthographic similar- Fig1). Global average of number of reverted dam- ity of lexical units toward predicting the qual- ∼ 2 ity of new edits. In contrast to existing propo- aging edits is 9% . This makes manual interven- sitions which primarily employ features like tion to detect these edits with potential inconsis- page reputation, editor activity or rule based tent content, infeasible. Wikipedia hence deploys heuristics, we utilize the textual content of machine learning based classifiers (West et al., the edits which, we believe contains superior 2010; Halfaker and Taraborelli, 2015) which pri- signatures of their quality. More specifically, marily leverage hand-crafted features from three we deploy deep encoders to generate repre- aspects of revision (i) basic text features like re- sentations of the edits from its text content, peated characters, long words, capitalized words which we then leverage to infer quality. We further contribute a novel dataset containing etc. (ii) temporal features like inter arrival time be- ∼ 21M revisions across 32K Wikipedia pages tween events of interest (iii) dictionary based fea- and demonstrate that StRE outperforms exist- tures like presence of any curse words or informal ing methods by a significant margin – at least words (e.g., ‘hello’, ‘yolo’). Other feature based 17% and at most 103%. Our pre-trained model approaches include (Daxenberger and Gurevych, achieves such result after retraining on a set as 2013; Bronner and Monz, 2012) which generally small as 20% of the edits in a wikipage. This, follow a similar archetype. to the best of our knowledge, is also the first at- tempt towards employing deep language mod- Proposed model: In most of the cases, the ed- els to the enormous domain of automated con- its are reverted because they fail to abide by the tent moderation and review in Wikipedia. edit guidelines, like usage of inflammatory word- ing, expressing opinion instead of fact among oth- 1 Introduction ers (see Fig2). These flaws are fundamentally related to the textual content rather than tempo- Wikipedia is the largest multilingual encyclopedia ral patterns or editor behavior that have been de- known to mankind with the current English ver- ployed in existing methods. Although dictionary sion consisting of more than 5M articles on highly based approaches do look into text to a small ex- diverse topics which are segregated into cate- tent (swear words, long words etc.), they account gories, constructed by a large editor base of more for only a small subset of the edit patterns. We than 32M editors (Hube and Fetahu, 2019). To en- further hypothesize that owing to the volume and courage transparency and openness, Wikipedia al- lows anyone to edit its pages albeit with certain of policies *Both∗ authors contributed equally

3962 Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 3962–3972 Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics Facebook and Myspace are social Facebook is lot better than Myspace 7000 Total Edits networking sites is every aspects. Reverted Edits 6000 Facebook formerly known as thefacebook 5000 Facebook formerly known as thefacebook is is RETARTED as well as a social networking a social networking service for high school, 4000 service for high school, college, university college, university communities communities 3000 Edit Count Edit 2000 Dr Eric Schmidt, FORMER CEO OF NOVELL, [[Eric Schmidt]], took over Google’s CEO took over Google’s CEO when co-founder 1000 when co-founder Larry Page stepped down Larry Page stepped down 0 Company Person Technology Concept Category Google is foraying into other Google is trying to become the jack of businesses, which other companies all trades have recently dominated. Figure 1: Average number of edits and average number of damaging edits, i.e., reverted edits for four different Figure 2: Examples of edits in Facebook and Google categories of pages. A fraction (at most 30%) of user Wikipedia page. The blue bubbles are the original generated edits are damaging edits. sentences. The orange bubbles indicate damaging ed- its while the green bubbles indicate ‘good faith’ edits. Good faith edits are unbiased formal English sentence variety of Wikipedia data, it is impossible to de- while damaging edits often correspond to incoherent velop a feature driven approach which can en- use of language, abusive language, imperative mood, compass the wide array of dependencies present opinionated sentences etc. in text. In fact, we show that such approaches are inefficacious in identifying most of the damag- our model to pages with lower number of edits. ing edits owing to these obvious limitations. We hence propose Self Atttentive Revision Encoder Contributions: Our primary contributions in this (StRE) which extracts rich feature representations paper are summarized below - of an edit that can be further utilized to predict (i) We propose a deep neural network based model whether the edit has damaging intent. In specific, to predict edit quality in Wikipedia which utilizes we use two stacked recurrent neural networks to language modeling techniques, to encode seman- encode the semantic information from sequence tic information in natural language. of characters and sequence of words which serve (ii) We develop a novel dataset consisting of a twofold advantage. While character embeddings ∼ 21M unique edits extracted from ∼ 32K extract information from out of vocabulary tokens, Wikipedia pages. In fact our proposed model i.e., repeated characters, misspelled words, mali- outperforms all the existing methods in detecting cious capitalized characters, unnecessary punctu- damaging edits on this dataset. ation etc., word embeddings extract meaningful (iii) We further develop a transfer learning set up features from curse words, informal words, imper- which allows us to deploy our model to newer cat- ative tone, facts without references etc. We further egories without the need for training from scratch. employ attention mechanisms (Bahdanau et al., Code and sample data related to the pa- 2014) to quantify the importance of a particular per are available at character/word. Finally we leverage this learned bhanu77prakash/StRE. representation to classify an edit to be damaging 2 The Model or valid. Note that StRE is reminiscent of struc- tured self attentive model proposed in (Lin et al., In this section we give a detailed description of 2017) albeit used in a different setting. our model. We consider an edit to be a pair of Findings: To determine the effectiveness of our sentences with one representing the original (Por) model, we develop an enormous dataset consisting while the other representing the edited version of ∼ 21M edits across 32K wikipages. We observe (Ped). The input to the model is the concatenation that StRE outperforms the closest baseline by at of Por and Ped (say P = {Por||Ped}) separated by a least 17% and at most 103% in terms of AUPRC. delimiter (‘||’). We assume P consists of wi words Since it is impossible to develop an universal and ci characters. Essentially we consider two lev- model which performs equally well for all cat- els of encoding - (i) character level to extract pat- egories, we develop a transfer learning (Howard terns like repeated characters, misspelled words, and Ruder, 2018) set up which allows us to de- unnecessary punctuation etc. and (ii) word level ploy our model to newer categories without train- to identify curse words, imperative tone, opinion- ing from scratch. This further allows us to employ ated phrases etc. In the following we present how

3963 we generate a representation of the edit and utilize an MLP. Each embedded character is then passed it to detect malicious edits. The overall architec- through a bidirectional LSTM to obtain the hidden ture of StRE is presented in Fig3. states for each character. Formally, we have

2.1 Word encoder yi = σ(Wcci + bc), i ∈ [0,T] (7) Given an edit P with wi,i ∈ [0,L] words, we first −→ −−−→ h i = LSTM(yi), i ∈ [0,T] (8) embed the words through a pre-trained embedding ←− ←−−− matrix We such that xi = Wewi. This sequence of h i = LSTM(yi), i ∈ [T,0] (9) embedded words is then provided as an input to a bidirectional LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhu- We next calculate the attention scores for each ber, 1997) which provides representations of the hidden state hi as words by summarizing information from both di- z = σ(W h + b ) (10) rections. i c i c exp(zT u ) α = i c (11) x = W w , i ∈ [0,L] (1) i T T i e i ∑i=0 exp(zi uc) −→ −−−→ v i = LSTM(xi), i ∈ [0,L] (2) Rc = ∑αihi (12) ←− ←−−− i v i = LSTM(xi), i ∈ [L,0] (3) Note that uc is a character context vector which We obtain the representation for each word by is learned during training. concatenating the forward and the backward hid- −→ ←− den states vi = [ v i, v i]. Since not all words con- 2.3 Edit classification tribute equally to the context, we deploy an atten- The edit vector Ep (for an edit P) is the concate- tion mechanism to quantify the importance of each nation of character and word level encodings Ep = word. The final representation is then a weighted [Rc,Rw] which we then use to classify whether an aggregation of the words. edit is valid or damaging. Typically, we perform u = (W v + b ) i σ w i w (4) p = so ftmax(WpEp + bp) T exp(ui uw) βi = T T (5) Finally we use binary cross entropy between pre- ∑ exp(u uw) i=0 i dicted and the true labels as our training loss. Rw = ∑βivi (6) i 2.4 Transfer learning setup

To calculate attention weights (αi) for a hidden Note that it is not feasible to train the model from state hi, it is first fed through a single layer per- scratch every time a new page in an existing or a ceptron and then a softmax function is used to cal- new category is introduced. Hence we propose a culate the weights. Note that we use a word con- transfer learning setup whereby, for a new page, text vector uw which is randomly initialized and we use the pre-trained model and only update the is learnt during the training process. The use of weights of the dense layers during training. The context vector as a higher level representation of a advantages are twofold - (i) the model needs only fixed query has been argued in (Sukhbaatar et al., a limited amount of training data and hence can 2015; Kumar et al., 2016). Note that the attention easily be trained on the new pages and (ii) we ben- score calculation is reminiscent of the one pro- efit significantly on training time. posed in (Yang et al., 2016). 3 Dataset 2.2 Character encoder Wikipedia provides access to all Wikimedia The character encoder module is similar to the project pages in the form of xml dumps, which word encoder module with minor differences. For- is periodically updated3. We collect data from mally we consider P ({P ||P }) as a sequence of or ed dumps made available by T characters c , i ∈ [0,T]. Instead of using pre- i project on June 2017 which contains information trained embeddings as in case of word encoder, we about 5.5M pages. define an embedding module, parameters of which is also learned during training which is basically 3

3964 Resources Count Concatenation & Pages 32394 softmax U

uc w Total edits 21,848960

ퟐ ퟐ

훃 Positive edits 15,791575 휶 Negative edits 6,057385

h1 h2 hT v1 v2 vL Table 1: Summary of the dataset. h v 1 h2 hT 1 v2 vL Intuitively, the quantity q captures the propor- C C C w w w k|` 1 2 T 1 2 L tion of work done on edit k that remains in revision Figure 3: Overall architecture of StRE. The charac- k +` and it varies between qk|` ∈ [−1,1], when the ter encoding and the word encoding components of the value falls outside this range, it is capped within model are shown in the left and right respectively. This these two values. We compute the mean quality is followed by the attention layer followed by concate- of the edit by averaging over multiple future revi- nation and softmax. sions as follows

1 L We extract a subset of pages related to the Com- q = q k L ∑ k|` puter Science category in Wikipedia. Utilizing the `=1 category hierarchy4 (Auer et al., 2007) (typically where L is the minimum among the number of a directed graph containing parent and child cate- subsequent revisions of the article. We have taken gories), we extract all articles under the Computer L = 10, which is consistent with the previous work Science category up to a depth of four levels which of Yardım et al.(2018). accounts for 48.5K Wikipedia pages across 1.5K Edit label: For each pair of edits we compute the categories5. We filter out pages with at least 100 edit quality score. If quality score is ≥ 0 we label edits which leaves us with 32K pages. For each an edit to be −1, i.e., done in good faith. However page in our dataset we performed pairwise differ- all edits with quality score < 0 are labeled 1, i.e., ence operation6 between its current and previous damaging edits. We further check that bad qual- versions to obtain a set of pairs with each consist- ity edits are indeed damaging edits by calculating ing of a sentence and its subsequent modified ver- what fraction of low score edits are reverted and sion. what fraction of high score edits are not reverted. Edit quality: In order to train our model to iden- This result is illustrated in Figure4. Information tify quality edits from damaging edits we need a whether an edit is reverted or not can be calculated deterministic score for an edit. Our quality score by mining Wikipedia’s revert graph following the is based on the intuition that if changes intro- same technique illustrated by (Kittur et al., 2007). duced by the edit are preserved, it signals that the The results clearly show that a large proportion of edit was beneficial, whereas if the changes are re- bad quality edits are indeed reverted by the edi- verted, the edit likely had a negative effect. This tors and similarly a large fraction of good quality idea is adapted from previous work of Adler et al. edits are not reverted. Though bad quality edits (2011). are often reverted, all reverted edits are not bad. Consider a particular article and denote it by vk Malicious agents often engage in interleaving re- its k-th revision (i.e., the state of the article after verts, i.e., edit wars (Kiesel et al., 2017) as well the k-th edit). Let d(u,v) be the Levenshtein dis- as pesudo reverts. Hence we use quality metric to tance between two revisions. We define the quality label damaging edits which is well accepted in the of edit k from the perspective of the article’s state literature (Adler et al., 2008). We provide a sum- after ` ≥ 1 subsequent edits as mary of the data in Table1. Our final data can be represented by a triplet < si,s f ,l > where si is the d(vk−1,vk+`) − d(vk,vk+`) initial sentence, s f is the modified sentence and l qk|` = . d(vk−1,vk) indicates the edit label. 4 Experiments 5Typical categories include ‘Computational Science’, ‘Artificial Intelligence’ etc. In this section we demonstrate the effectiveness of 6 our model compared to other existing techniques.


− − − − − − − −

Figure 4: Distribution of the quality score for the revert edits (left) and non-reverted edits(right). The y-axis is in log scale. The plot shows that a large proportion of low quality edits are reverted and a large proportion of high quality edits are not reverted; hence this observation acts as a validation for our quality score metric.

Typically, we consider two sets of experiments - cators as additional features obtained from the Em- (i) category level and (ii) page level. In category path tool Fast et al.(2016). This tool scores edits level experiments (see section 4.3) we first form a on 16 lexical dimensions such as ‘ugliness’, ‘irri- random sample of data points belonging to pages tability’, ‘violence’ etc. We also use the count of in a fixed category. Our objective is to first train POS tags following Manning et al.(2014) as well on edits related to a fixed page category and test as the count of mispelled words as features using on new edits belonging to pages of the same cat- aspell dictionary Atkinson(2006). egory. We further show through rigorous experi- 4.1.3 Interrank ments that existing approaches of transfer learning and fine tuning (Howard and Ruder, 2018) can be Interrank (Yardım et al., 2018) is a recent quality- applied to increase the efficacy of our approach. In prediction method which does not use any explicit page level experiments in section 4.4, we abandon content-based features but rather predicts quality the category constraint (as in case of category level of an edit by learning editor competence and page experiments) and train (test) on edits irrespective reputation from prior edit actions. The perfor- of the category of the page which it belongs to and mance of Interrank has been revealed to be very demonstrate that our model is equally effective. close to ORES.

4.1 Baseline approaches 4.2 Model configuration We use two variants of our proposed model – word We use 300 dimensional pre-trained word Glove embedding with attention (Word+Att), character vector (Pennington et al., 2014) and 300 dimen- embedding with attention (Char+Att) as two base- sional ASCII character embedding (Woolf, 2017). lines to compare to our model. We also compare We also use 64 dimensional hidden layer in our existing feature based and event based approaches model, followed by attention layer and three stacks for edit quality prediction. We give a brief descrip- of dense layer. Our context vector in the atten- tion of the other state-of-the-art baselines in the tion layer is of 64 dimensions and dense layers subsequent subsections. are 256, 64 and 16 dimensions. We further utilize dropout probability of 0.5 in the dense layers. We 4.1.1 ORES also employ binary cross entropy as loss function The Objective Revision Evaluation Service and Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) optimizer with (ORES) (Wikimedia, 2019) is a web service learning rate 0.01 and weight decay of 0.0001 to developed by that provides train our model. The batch size is set to 250. a machine learning-based scoring system for edits. More specifically, given an edit, ORES infers 4.3 Category level experiments whether an edit causes damage using linguistic In this set of experiments we essentially train and features and edit based features (e.g., size of the test on pages in the same category. revision etc.) 4.3.1 Page specific model 4.1.2 ORES++ As a first step towards determining the potential of In order to make it more competitive, we further our model, we train our model on a set of edits of a augment ORES by adding linguistic quality indi- particular page and predict on the rest. To this aim

3966 we manually annotate top 100 pages in terms of to- category pages with large edit counts. tal number of edits, into four categories, i.e., com- Transfer learning results: Our results can be fur- pany, concept, technology, and person. Such gran- ther improved by applying ideas of transfer learn- ular level category annotation is not available from ing. For each new page, we can initialize our Wikipedia hierarchy which directs us towards an- model by pre-trained weights learned from train- notation. In each category we tabulate the count ing on other intra-category pages. We can then of positive and negative datapoints in Table2). train the dense layer with only 20% of new data- For each page we randomly select 80% edits for points randomly selected from the new page and training, 10% edits for validation and 10% edits test on the remaining 80%. This approach is as held out set. We train our model on 80% and adapted from the state-of-the-art transfer learning tune it on the validation set. We finally test on approaches (Howard and Ruder, 2018; Dehghani the held out set. The same procedure is followed et al., 2017) where it has been shown to work on for Word+Att, Char+Att, ORES++. For all these diverse NLP tasks. Such an approach achieves at models the AUPRC (mean,std) across all pages are least 3% and at most 27% improvement over prior presented in Table3. Since ORES is already a pre- results. trained model we test on the combined held out set of the pages. Note that Interrank is not designed 4.3.3 New page: different category for page level training and further requires large We now probe into how our model performs when training data. Hence, for Interrank we train on the tested on a page belonging to a previously unseen combined training set of the pages and test on the category. As a proof of concept, we train on all combined held out set. Results obtained on the pages belonging to three categories (inter-category held out set are reported in Table3. Our exper- training) and test on a new page from the fourth iments clearly show that StRE outperforms base- category. We perform this experiment considering lines by a significant margin (at least 10%). We each of the four categories as unknown one by one also see that individual components of our model, in turn. The obtained results are presented in Ta- i.e., Char+Att and Word+Att do not perform as ble4(b). Clearly, the results are inferior compared well as StRE which further validates our architec- to intra-category training which corroborates with ture. Moreover, Interrank performs poorly despite our argument that different category of pages have combined dataset which shows that language mod- unique patterns of edits. elling is essential in edit quality prediction. Transfer learning results: However, we alleviate the above problem by utilizing transfer learning Edits Company Concept Technology Person +ve examples 813400 227308 294125 79035 approaches. In specific, we initialize our model -ve Examples 649078 124323 169091 28505 with weights pre-trained on inter-category pages Total examples 1462478 351631 463216 107540 and train only the final dense layer on 20% of Table 2: Total number of data points along with posi- the new edits from the fourth category. Results tive and negative samples for the top five pages in terms point that we can obtain significant improvements, of edit count in each category. i.e., at least 10% and at most 28%. This is very a promising direction to pursue further investiga- tions, since it is very likely that abundant edits may 4.3.2 New page: same category be present in distant categories while very limited We now explore a more challenging setup for our edits may manifest in a niche category that has low model whereby instead of training and testing on visibility. edits of a specific annotated category, we train on edits of pages of a particular category but test on 4.3.4 Multi category training a previously unseen (during training) page of the Finally, we proceed toward a category agnostic same category. Specifically, for a given category, training paradigm. Essentially, we hold out 10% we train our model on 90% of pages and test our pages of the annotated set for each category. We models on unseen page edits in the same category train on all remaining pages irrespective of the cat- from our annotated dataset. The obtained results egory information and test on the held out pages are tabulated in Table4(a). Results show that such from each category. We report the results in Ta- an approach is indeed fruitful and can be applied ble4(c). Since our model learns from edits in all on pages which has very few edits utilizing intra- category of pages, we are able to obtain better re-

3967 Company Concept Technology Person Models AUPRC AUPRC AUPRC AUPRC ORES 0.72 0.76 0.71 0.63 ORES++ 0.84 ± 0.03 0.85 ± 0.03 0.87 ± 0.02 0.85 ± 0.03 Interrank 0.35 0.47 0.42 0.38 Word+Att 0.63 ± 0.02 0.74 ± 0.03 0.72 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.02 Char+Att 0.91 ± 0.01 0.84 ± 0.02 0.83 ± 0.02 0.81 ± 0.02 StRE 0.95 ± 0.02 0.89 ± 0.01 0.91 ± 0.01 0.87 ± 0.02

Table 3: AUPRC scores, with the best results in bold and gray background on the annotated dataset.

Testing without Testing with Testing without Testing with Testing without Testing with Category Category Category Retraining 20% Retraining Retraining 20% Retraining Retraining 20% Retraining Person 0.81 0.85 Person 0.67 0.82 Person 0.71 0.83 Concept 0.77 0.91 Concept 0.63 0.81 Concept 0.85 0.90 Company 0.76 0.88 Company 0.71 0.82 Company 0.74 0.86 Technology 0.68 0.88 Technology 0.72 0.89 Technology 0.77 0.84 (a) Intra category AUPRC. (b) Inter category AUPRC. (c) Category agnostic AUPRC.

Table 4: Results for intra-category, inter-category and category agnostic predictions without and with transfer learning. The transfer learning approach is always beneficial.

Training Testing sults from inter category setup. We further employ Model AUPRC AUPRC transfer learning (as in previous sections) on the ORES 0.77 0.75 new page which improves the results significantly Interrank 0.41 0.42 (at least 6% and at most 16%). Word+Att 0.64 0.77 ± 0.1 Char+Att 0.92 0.83 ± 0.09 To summarize the results in this section, we ob- StRE 0.95 0.88 ± 0.09 serve that testing on a previously unseen category leads to under-performance. However, retraining Table 5: Comaprison between StRE and baselines on the dense layers with a few training examples dras- complete dataset. tically improves the performance of our model.

4.4 Page level experiments maining pages in our data we first utilize our pre- trained model from the last step. However, we We now consider an experimental setup agnostic train the dense layers with randomly selected 20% of any category. In this setting, to train our model datapoints from the page to be tested. The remain- we form a set of edits which comprises 20% of our ing data is used for testing. We follow this pro- total edits in the dataset. This edits are taken from cedure for all remaining pages and calculate the the pages which have largest edit count. Quan- mean test AUPRC along with standard deviation titatively, we impose a cap on the total number which we report in Table5. In case of ORES we of edits to be 20% of the entire edit count. Sub- evaluate on the 80% data. In case of Interrrank, sequently, we start pooling training data from the we merge all remaining data into a single dataset largest page, followed by the second largest page and use 90% of the data for training and 10% for and so on until our budget is fulfilled. The whole test. We show that transfer learning approach can data so accumulated is divided into 80% training, be useful in this setting and we obtain 17% im- 10% validation and 10% test sets. Results on this provement compared to ORES and 103% improve- 10% held out data are reported in Table5 as train- ment compared to Interrank. ing AUPRC. We compare our model against other text based and event based quality predictor base- 5 Discussion lines. Since ORES is an already pre-trained web based service, we obtained AUPRC on the 10% Model retraining: We demonstrate in our exper- held out set. In case of Interrrank, 90% of the iments that a fraction of edits from unseen pages data is used for training and 10% is used as held results in the improvement over pretrained models. out set (as reported in the paper (Yardım et al., We further investigate the model performance if 2018)). Results show that our model performs sig- we increase the volume of the retraining data (re- nificantly better than the baselines (by 24% in case sults shown for the intra-category setup, all other of ORES and by 131% in case of Interrank). setups show exactly similar trend). We vary the Transfer learning results: For each of the re- unseen data used for fine tuning the model from

3968 Original version Revised version Google Maps offers detailed streetmaps Google Maps offers detailed streetmaps and route planning information in and route planning information. United States and Canada. Proponents of trusted computing argue that privacy complaints have been addressed in Proponents argued that privacy complaints the existing specifications - possibly as a are baseless. result of criticism of early versions of the specifications.

Table 6: Anecdotal examples of edits in Google Maps and Internet Privacy wikipage. Here the general model fails to identify negative examples while retraining the dense layer learns better representations and identifies the negative examples correctly. Page specific tokens are colored in blue.

5% to 50% and show that growth in AUPRC sta- other version only up to the dense layer. For our bilizes (see Fig5) which validates our proposal to model, the average time taken per epoch achieves utilize a smaller fraction. ∼ 5x improvement over the traditional approach. The performance in the two cases are almost same. In fact, for some cases the traditional end-to-end

0.880 training leads to inferior results as LSTM layers fail to learn the best weights with so few exam- 0.875 ples. 0.870

0.865 6 Related work AUPRC 0.860 Edit quality prediction in Wikipedia has mostly 0.855 been pursued in the lines of vandalism detection. 10 20 30 40 50 Kumar et al.(2015) developed a system which Training Size utilized novel patterns embedded in user editing Figure 5: AUPRC using transfer learning in intra- history, to predict potential vandalism. Similar category setup with gradual increase in retraining per- feature based approach has also been applied in centages. Similar trends are obtained with the other both standard (Green and Spezzano, 2017) and sis- setups. ter projects of Wikipedia such as wikidata (Hein- dorf et al., 2016; Sarabadani et al., 2017). Yuan Anecdotal examples: In order to obtain a deeper et al.(2017) propose to use a modified version understanding of the results, we explore few ex- of LSTM to solve this problem, hence avoiding amples where the general model fails while re- feature engineering. A complementary direction training the dense layers leads to correct classi- of investigation has been undertaken by (Daxen- fication. In Table6 we present two such exam- berger and Gurevych, 2013; Bronner and Monz, ples. Note that our general model (without re- 2012) who bring forth a feature driven approach, training the dense layers) wrongly classifies them to distinguish spam edit from a quality edit. A fea- as damaging edits while retraining leads to cor- ture learning based approach has been proposed rect classification. We believe that retraining the by Agrawal and Dealfaro(2016); Yardım et al. dense layers leads to obtaining superior represen- (2018) which observes all the past edits of a user tation of edits, whereby, page specific words like to predict the quality of the future edits. Tempo- ‘streetmaps’, ‘route planning’ in Google Maps or ral traces generated by edit activity has also been ‘privacy complaints’, ‘trusted computing’ in Inter- shown (Tabibian et al., 2017) to be a key indica- net Privacy are more pronounced. tor toward estimating reliability of edits and page Timing benefits: Another potential benefit is the reputation. One of the major problems in these ap- amount of time saved per epoch as we are only proaches is that they require user level history in- back propagating through the dense layers. To formation which is difficult to obtain because the quantify the benefit in terms of time, we select same user may edit different Wikipedia pages of a random sample of pages and train one version diverse categories and it will be time consuming of our model end-to-end across all layers and an- to comb through millions of pages for each user.

3969 There has also been no work to understand the fer learning in this problem and obtain significant possibility of predicting edit quality based on ed- improvements in accuracy without compromising its in pages in a common category. However, there training times. We believe this work will usher has been no work to leverage advanced machinery considerable interest in understanding linguistic developed in language modeling toward predicting patterns in Wikipedia edit history and application edit quality. of deep models in this domain. Transfer learning: Several works (Long et al., 2015b; Sharif Razavian et al., 2014) in computer vision (CV) focus on transfer learning approach References as deep learning architectures in CV tend to learn B Thomas Adler, Luca De Alfaro, Santiago M Mola- generic to specific tasks from first to last layer. Velasco, Paolo Rosso, and Andrew G West. 2011. More recently (Long et al., 2015a; Donahue et al., Wikipedia vandalism detection: Combining natural language, metadata, and reputation features. In In- 2014) have shown that fine tuning the last or sev- ternational Conference on Intelligent Text Process- eral of the last layers and keeping the rest of the ing and Computational Linguistics, pages 277–288. layers frozen can have similar benefits. In natu- Springer. ral language processing (NLP) literature, (Severyn B Thomas Adler, Luca De Alfaro, Ian Pye, and Vish- and Moschitti, 2015) showed that unsupervised wanath Raman. 2008. Measuring author contribu- language model based embedding can be tuned us- tions to the wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 4th ing a distant large corpus and then further applied International Symposium on , page 15. ACM. on a specialized task such as sentiment classifica- Rakshit Agrawal and Luca Dealfaro. 2016. Predict- tion. This approach of weak supervision followed ing the quality of user contributions via lstms. In by full supervision to learn a confident model (De- Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on hghani et al., 2017; Howard and Ruder, 2018; Jan Open Collaboration, page 19. ACM. et al., 2016) has been shown to reduce training Kevin Atkinson. 2006. Gnu aspell 0.60. 4. times in several NLP tasks. In this paper we apply a similar framework for the first time in predicting Soren¨ Auer, Christian Bizer, Georgi Kobilarov, Jens the edit quality in Wikipedia pages in one category Lehmann, Richard Cyganiak, and Zachary Ives. by initializing parameters from a trained model of 2007. Dbpedia: A nucleus for a web of open data. In The semantic web, pages 722–735. Springer. a different category. This is very effective in cases where the former category page has limited num- Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Ben- ber of data points. gio. 2014. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. arXiv preprint 7 Conclusion arXiv:1409.0473. Amit Bronner and Christof Monz. 2012. User edits In this paper we proposed a novel deep learning classification using document revision histories. In based model StRE for quality prediction of edits Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European in Wikipedia. Our model combines word level as Chapter of the Association for Computational Lin- well as character level signals in the orthography guistics, pages 356–366. Association for Computa- tional Linguistics. of Wikipedia edits for extracting a rich representa- tion of an edit. We validate our model on a novel Johannes Daxenberger and Iryna Gurevych. 2013. Au- data set comprising millions of edits and show ef- tomatically classifying edit categories in wikipedia ficacy of our approach compared to approaches revisions. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Process- that utilize handcrafted features and event based ing, pages 578–589. modelling. One of the remarkable findings of this study is that only 20% of training data is able to Mostafa Dehghani, Aliaksei Severyn, Sascha Rothe, boost the performance of the model by a signifi- and Jaap Kamps. 2017. Learning to learn from weak supervision by full supervision. arXiv preprint cant margin. arXiv:1711.11383. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work which attempts to predict edit quality of a Jeff Donahue, Yangqing Jia, Oriol Vinyals, Judy Hoff- man, Ning Zhang, Eric Tzeng, and Trevor Darrell. page by learning signals from similar category 2014. Decaf: A deep convolutional activation fea- pages as well as cross category pages. We fur- ture for generic visual recognition. In International ther show applications of recent advances in trans- conference on machine learning, pages 647–655.

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