L-THE TUFTS- - DAILY3. --d‘ Medford. MA 02155 Fridav. March 15,1991 Vol XXII, Number 43 Study predicts rise in Sexual experience surveys to be alcohol-student deaths distributed after spring break by PATRICK HEALY more information for education,” two different surveys will be by KRIS MUFFLER ages than he or she does for text- Daily Editorial Board Barrett said. randomly distributed to men and Daily Editorial Board books, and the total amount spent Two extensive Tufts surveys, Barrett explained that although women in every class,addingthat As Tufts studentsjoin college by a collective campus exceeds concerning sexual harassment and the survey is lengthy, “it will be the results should reflect a wide psers for Spring Break, the inci- the operating costs for a college sexual experience respectively, fast to fill out.” She said that the varietv. ~..,- of exnerience. -r - dences of drinking-related prob- library. will be distributed to the entire “The sexual harassment sur- lems, such as driving accidents Medically, the report contin- student body immediately follow- vey gives some ideas of what and alcohol poisonings, are ex- ues, alcohol is involved in 30 ing Spring Break, according to people may mean by sexual har- pected to increase, according to a percent of all college suicides, 69 Coordinator of Women’s Programs assment and asks students if they recent report distributed by the percent of all drownings, between Peggy Barrett. would think it is sexual harass- Office for Substance Abuse Pre- 17and53percentofallfatalfalls, Dean of Students Bobbie ment if it happened to them,” ven tion. and ultimately causes injuries in Knable and President’s Assistant Barrett said. The report, part of a program 15 percent of a sample under- in the Tufts Office of Equal Op- Although administratorshave entitled “Put on the Brakes,” is graduate population. portunity Rebecca Flew elling been working on the survey for designed to “raise awareness about worked with Barrett to create the almost a year, Barrett said the alcohol problems on college “Besides its long-range effects, surveys. Barrett said yesterday survey “is certainly timely” in campuses and to call for action,” alcohol consumption is the lead- that “the detailed survey will tell light of recent rumors concerning according to the Maryland-based ing cause of death among young the campus about some incidents sexual assault at Tufts. Associate organization. adults,” said Elaine Johnson, that have happened at Tufts.” Dean of Students Bruce Reitman According to the report, the OSAP director. “Among those “What we have found is that said this week that he has heard a

typical college student dnnks over drinking in college, between 9 effective ways to enhance our number of reports of knock-out 34 gallons of alcohol per year, 240,000 and 360,000 eventually education programs is to make it drugs being put into student’s and collectively $4.2 million is will lose their lives due to drink- -- a more personal process. We find Dai/y filephoto drinks, followed by individuals spent on alcohol. Each student ing. This equals the entire under- out the information and make our Coordinator of Women’s taking advantage of the drugged who drinks is estimated to spend graduate student body of the‘ Big programming more effective by Programs Peggy Barrett more money for alcoholic bever- 10’ universities.” it. Our major purpose is to get see SURVEY, page 2 Justice Department broadens LA Smart incriminates self police brutality investigation in taped conversations WASHINGTON (AP) -- At- its investigation of the March 3 study whether there is a correla- EXETER, N.H. (AP) -- In a carried on lengthy, animated torney General Dick Thornburgh beating of Rodney King to re- tion between brutality and the secretly recorded conversation conversations with Smart, the on Thursday broadened the fed- view other allegations of brutal- lack of proper training and effec- played at her trial Thursday, school district’s media coordina- eral investigation of the police ity against Los Angeles police. tive internal discipline. Pamela Smart warned that she tor. beating of ablack motorist in Los Conyers said there was ample “Responsible law enforcement would go to prison if police learned “Right now, I know none of Angeles to include a review of all evidence that King’s beating was officers condemn acts of police the truth about her husband’s them haveconfessed,”Smart said brutality complaints received by not an aberration but a produce of brutality by anyone in law en- murder. at another point, apparently re- the Justice Department over the a “cultureof violence” on the Los forcement.Those engaged in law In what she thought was a pri- ferring to her lover, William Flynn, last six years. Angeles force. enforcement must be among the vate conversation in her school and two fiiends who later did Thornburgh announced the “If we cannot protect citizens first to assure the observance of office, the 23-year-old teacher told confess. review after two members of the against the kind of videotaped the civil rights and civil liberties student Cecelia Pierce that if Pierce Smartischargedwithinstruct- Congressional Black Caucus urged violence that occurred in Los of all citizens,” he said. told police the truth, “you’re going ing the three Seabrook teen-agers a wider probe of the Los Angeles Angeles that night, then we are a King’s beating, which was to have to send me to the (exple- to murder her husband. police. The FBI already was in- nation in jeopardy,” Conyers said. videotaped by a passerby, was tive) slammer.” Prosecutors say Smart seduced vestigating the incident in which There were indications that televised nationwide and has Smart, whose student-lover has Flynn, then 15 and a virgin, and three white officers were vide- Thornburgh had ordered a review prompted calls by civil rights and confessed to murdering Gregory carried on an affair with him at otaped beating the motorist. of complaints against police na- community leaders for the resig- Smartwith help from two friends, his home, her home, beaches and The attorney general ordered tionwide to avoid giving the nation of Los Angeles Police Chief also warned that if one of the parking lots. He tearfully testi- the department’s Civil Rights appearance of singling out Los Daryl Gates. fiiends started talking, “That’s fied that she soon threatened to Division to review all complaints Angeles. “It seems to me that we are on when I’m going to be in trouble. end the affair unless he killed her of police brutality the department After his meeting with Thorn- the way to attempt to relieve the That’s when I’m going to get insurance-salesman husband. has received from across the na- burgh, Conyers referred only to crisis of confidence that now arrested.” Witnesses testified she feared tion in the last six years “to dis- an agreement by the Justice exists,” Conyers told reporters &I Pierce, 16, wore a concealed losing everything in a divorce. cern whether any pattern of mis- Department to review past com- Thornburgh’s decision. police tape recorder to Smart’s The defense claims that Flynn conduct is apparent.” plaints against the Los Angeles In Los Angeles, Gates, whc office across from Winnacunnet and his friends killed Smart on Representative John Conyers police. Thornburgh’s subseguent hasrefused tostepaside,satgrim- High Schoolin Hampton last July their own, then framed his widow (D-Michigan) and Representative statement referred to a nation- faced Thursday at a meeting ol 12 and again the next day. Pre- to avoid life prison terms with no Edolphus Towns (D-New York), wide review. the city’s police commission a: tending to seek advice about how chance of parole. chairman of the caucus, had asked Thornburgh also ordered the to deal with growing pressure from the Justice Department to expand National Institute of Justice to seeCOPS, page2 police and prosecutors, Pierce see SMART, page 2

. Coal miners’ strike widens across whole Soviet Union

MOSCOW (AP)- A coal strike A plunge in coal production are mushrooms I collected in the Soviet news media and union however,refused the delegation’s widened Thursday to about 140 since the strike began March 1 woods and dried myself.” officials vary widely in estimat- request for a personal meeting, mines across the Soviet Union, forced blast furnaces to shut down Anatoly Dubrov, an official of ing the number of strikers among Tass reported. and some miners began a hunger at five steel plants in the Ukraine the Independent Union of Min- the nation’s 1.2 million coal The walkout began as a one- strike to draw attention to their -- at Mariupol, Krivoy Rog, ers, said the strike spread Wednes- miners, mging from about 25,000 day warning strike in the demands, which include Presi- Kommunarsk, Yenakiyevo and day and Thursday to three new to more than 100,000. Krasnoarmeisk region of the dent Mikhail Gorbachev’s resig- Zaporozhye, the official Tass news areas: the Tula region of Russia, On Wednesday, four miners Ukraine and the Karaganda re- nation. agency said. the Lvov area of the western from the Kuznetsk region and a gion of Kazakhstan. It is organ- Moscow residents collected Ukraine, and the Ural Mountains. member of the Russian Federa- ized by the 5-month-old Inde- food to send to strikers in the Dubrov told The Associated tion parliament, Bella Denisenko, pendent Union of Miners, the 1 Inside 1 Kuznetsk Coal Basin of western Press 136 mines were on strike: announced in Moscow that they nation’s first independent trade Siberia, the nation’s second-big- 53 in the Ukraine’s Donetsk Coal were beginning a hunger strike. union. gest coal producing region. Basin, the country’s largest coal Gilbert and Sullivan and Strong? Their demands included Gor- The strikers originally de- English lecturer Jonathan Strong re- They brought packages of meat, producing area; 36 in the Kuznetsk; bachev’s resignation; transfer of manded a wage increase of 100 works G&S’s first collaboration. fish, coffee and tea in briefcases 14 in the Rostov area of southern some state-run media to the con- percent to 150 percent, earlier and plastic bags. Some gave their Russia; 21 near Lvov; eight near trol of the Russian Federation; retirement and improved work entire monthly rations of ciga- Tula; and four in the Urals. and “depoliticization”of the army, Sports ...... P. 5 conditions.They said the govern- players have retteS and ”gar* The independent Interfax news police and KGB. Depoliticiza- ment had failed to raise miners’ gotten too greedy. but Tufts’ diamond “I’m retired on a pension, but agency said seven more mines tion means eliminating the influ- living standards as promised in nine play the game for free. I’m giving what I can,” one eld- were on strike in the brkuta region ence of political organizations, settling a strike by more than erly man told a Soviet television of northern Russia. The daily particularly the Communist Party. 500,000 miners in 1989. Comics ...... p.8 crewashehandedaneatlywmpped Nezavisimaya Gazeta said Thurs- Anatoly Lukyanov, chairman The average Sovietcoal miner It‘s Show and Tell time for Calvin, white package tovolunteers load- day the suike could soon spread of the Supreme Soviet legisla- earns $660 a month, about 40 and Ken and Barbie finally decide to ing trucks outside MOSCOW’S to Sakhalin, in the Soviet Far ture, met this week with miners’ Lshow some skin. Hey, stop drooling! Olympic spom complex. ‘‘The% East. representatives. Gorbachev, see MINERS, page 4 page two THE TUFTS DAILY Fridav. March 15. 1991 rHE TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor ovcr in regards to thc Psi Upsilon incidcnl. sea, constipation,moodincss, and fainting Anna George Student gOV’t should In f~t,it has only bcgun. spells. Editor-in-Chief Second, most researchcrs agree that ensure impartiality Stu Rosenberg A’93 precipitous weight loss typically results in Managing Editor: Georf Lepper To the Editor: TCU Senator an individual’s inability to maintain the Associate Editor: David Saltzman I am writing in response to the Daily’s new weight level as the body requires a Production Managers: Beth Geller. Michelle Frayman, Julie Comell Monday article regarding the Psi Upsilon lengthy period of time to adjust to weight plcdges (“Former Psi U pledges may face Diet ad questioned loss. As a result, individuals often gain NEWS To The Editor: Editors: Kris Muffler, Patrick liealy at least one semester suspension”). Hope- their weight back and frequently over- Assistant Editor: Janine Billy fully, the Administration’shandling of the We are writing this letter to address the shoot to a higher weight. Wire Editors: John Stone, Laura Fish incident has made one thing clear to the recent SLIMQUIK ad in the Daily be- Third, we are unable to contact SL- VIEWPOINTS student body. When it comes to the Ad- cause it caused us great concern. We ques- IMQUIK by phone to substantiate their Editors: Jason George, Eric Hirsch ministration making fair and impartial tion both the safety and the validity of the claim about use by the US Alpine Women’s Assistant Editor: Jason Graham disciplinary decision, we, as a studcnt claims made in this ad for a “crash”1iquid Ski Team. We were also notable to obtain FFATURES body should not trust the Administration diet leading to a 20 pound weight loss in the name of the cited “famous Colorado” Editor: Michele Pennell blindly. Not only should the Administra- two weeks. physician who “scientifically” developed Assistant Editor: Elizabeth Yellen tion be accountable for a public hearing this diet. ARTS and a public statement in such discipli- First, and most important, precipitous Editors: Allison Smith, Kristin Archidc nary hearings, but it should be our student weight loss, especially on all liquidprepa- Nina Edwards Assistant Editor: Caitlin O’Neil rations, can be dangerous. It causes physi- SPORTS government who should ensure that his Office of Residential Life Editors: Sean Melia, Neil Fater, Mike Friedman occurs. Otherwise, possible travesties of cal sttain to the brain, liver, kidneys, muscles Peggy Barrett Assistant Editor: Jeremy Rosenberg justice, such as thc Psi Upsilon incident, and cardiovascular system. Induced changes Coordinator of Women’s Programs in glucose metabolism, glycogen storage PHOTOGRAPHY will go unchecked. ’ Mary Sturdevant Editors: Julio Mota, Nathalie Desbiez and rclcasc, and electrolytc balancc are Director of Health Education Assistant Editors: Jcn Klcinschmidt, Also, the Daily’s coverage, as well as among the many serious hazards of such George Rizzone, MD Olivier Tittmann the Observer’s, should show the student “crash” approaches. People on such diets Director of Health Services PRODUCTION body that the issue of due process is not may experience dizziness, fatigue, nau- ,ayout Editors: Jennifer Wolf, William Enestvedt Graphics Fditor: John Pohorylo ‘lassifieds Editors: Laura Walker, Lisa Moorehead Assistant Classifieds Editor: Cristina (;awes Kuwaiti envoy calls for Iraqi reparations Copy Editors: Christophcr I’mvcn;lano, Jessica Goodman UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Kuwait’s On Wcdncsday, Abulhasan said Iraq’s Baghdad has so far repatriated 1,200 UN ambassador said Thursday that the plunder of his country will cost the cmir- of thc thousands of Kuwaiti civilians it Unilcd Nalioris should hclp crcatc a war atc $70 billion to $100 billion in damagc abductcd betwcen itsAug. 2 invasion and Sandra Giordano latc-Fcbruary rctreal from Kuwait, ac- Ilxecutive lhiness Direclor rcparations fund and that Iraq should jus1 to public propcrty. That figure did not contribute part of its oil rcvenucs to the includc the millions lost in oil revenue cording to Kuwaiti officials. Office : Michacl lil-lky fund. from wrecked wells. Before Iraq invadcd Kuwait, its pro- Receivables Manager: Gizem 0;kulahci “We are of the opinion that a mecha- The UN Security Council, meanwhile, duction capacity was estimated at 4.5 Subscriptions Manager: Monica IIeidclberg nism should be established and that a was expected to meet informally soon to million barrels a day, although it was percentage of Iraqi oil should be ear- discuss possible new resolutions on the producing about 3.4 million barrels be- The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, publishec marked,” Mohammad Abulhasan told Gulf war. A formal cease-fire and lifting cause of an OPEC quota. Oil exports onday through Friday during the academic year and dis reporters after meeting Secretary-General of the embargo against Iraq, however, are were Iraq’s main source of revenues. buted free to the Tufts community. ?he Daily is entirel! expected to await the return of Kuwaiti &dent-Nn;there are no paid editorial positions. The Dad! Javier Perez de Cucllar. printed at Charles River Publishing, Charlestown, MA. Iraq has agreed to obey all 13 UN civilians abducted by Iraq. But the Middle East Economic Sur- The Daily is locatcd at the back entrancc of CudsHall a The Allied coalition also opposes a vey, a respected oil newsletter, has esti- ufts University. Our phone number is (617) 381-3090 resolutions on the gulf crisis, which in- usiness hours are 9:OO a.m. - 6:OO pm, Monday througl clude demands that it return all Kuwaiti cease-fire before the resolution of inter- mated that Iraq’s oil production capacity hursday,l:riday 1O:OO a.m. - 600p.m. and 1 :00 p.m. - 601 property plundered during the occupation nal rebellions in Iraq led by Shiite Mus- has been reduced to one-third of its pre- .m. on Sunday. lims and Kurdish rebels. war capacity by Allied bombing. Subscriptions are $1 5 for a semester and $25 for a ful and pay war reparations. car. Our mailing address is: Ihe Tufts Daily, Post Office ox 18, Medford MA 02153. Subscriptions are mailed h eekly packages. BU ‘unfamiliar’ with knock-out drugs The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by , SURVEY ajority of the editorial board. Editorials are established b: disable potcntial victims. Barrett said she hopes to get “most of rotating editorial board designated to represent a majorit: continued from page 1 ‘editors. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individ Representatives at the BU Dean of the surveys back” so the Administration 11 editors are not necessarily responsibilc for, or in agree students. However, Reitman said no offi- Students Office and the BU Wellness can compile the results and make the ent with, the policies and editorials of The Tufts Daily. cial complaints have been filed with the said last night that they are “unfamiliar” information known to thccommunity.She The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns irtoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opin Dean of Students Office. with any rcports of knock-out drugs being said that the information may lead to an n of The Tufts Daily editorial board. “I have heard from a number of differ- used in sexual assault crimes. increase in general security measures on Letters to the Editor Policy ent people that similar knock-out drugs Barrett expressed her belief that mem- campus, adding though the main purpose are in the Boston area and are being used. bers of the Tufts community should take of the survey is for information and educa- The Tufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. Th( I’ve talked with people at different rape the upcoming survey and the assault rumors tion. .ten page is an open forum for campus issues and com mts about the Daily’s coverage. crisis centers and they don’t seem to know on campus “very seriously.” Letters must include the writer’s namc and a phone nun what the drugs are or how they are used,” “I hope that the results will make people r where the writer can be reached. All letters must bc Barrett said. “The level of fear people have and the aware of incidents at Tufts and we’ll work died with the writer before they can be published. The deadline for letters to be considered for publicatior Barrett said that she has heard of cases distrust of each other on this campus is to change those person’s behavior. We’ll the following day’s issue is 4:OO p.m. at Boston University where knockat drugs worrying us. We need to educate people see iftheir own behavior is theproblem,or Due to space limitations, letters should be no longerthar have been used by individuals commit 0 words. Letters should be accompanied by no more thar to and teach them how to protect themselves. if students are not protected enough. With ght signatures. sexual assault. She also said these drugs I find an increasing level of fear on this this survey, we want people to take a good ’The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity have been used in Boston area bars to campus,” Barrett said. look at themselves,” Barrett said. iblication of letters is subject to the discretion of tht itors. 1.eters should be typed or printed from an IRM or IRM. - mpadble computer in later-quality or near-letter-qualit) Justice Department checking 22 police brutality cases de. Letters written on Macintosh computers should bc COPS mght in on disk filcs should be saved in “tcxt-only’ continued from page 1 ciplincd. crs,” Conyers said. mat, and disks should br: brought in with B copy of the ter. Diskscanbepicked upin’lhel~ailybusinessof~cethc Thc FBI, mcanwhilc, is conducting what Thc Justicc Dcpartment rcccivcs an lowing day. politicians and civil rights Icadcrs dc- Dircctor William Sessions called a “vig- avcragc of 2,500 criminal civil rights Letters should addrcss the editor and not a particular in- manded his resignation. orous, priority, civil rights invcsiigation” complaints each ycar, about 90 pcrcent of ridual. While lettcrs can be critical of an individual’s ions, they should not attack sonieonc’s personality waits. Members of he audience chanted ‘Gates of the March 3 incident. which relate to alleged misconduct by po- The Daily will not accept anonymous letters or pen must go! Gates must go!” Conyers said he expected the number licemcn, said spokeswoman Amy Casner. nes except in extreme circumstances if the Executive lard dctcrmines that there is a clear and present danger to Curtis Tucker, a Democratic state leg- of complaints against Los Angeles police Only two percent of the cases are prose- : author. The Daily will nor accept letters regarding ihe islator asked Gates: “How long will this will “shoot up dramatically” because citi- cuted because police misconduct cases verage of other publications, unless their coverage itself go on? It is not an aberration. What is zens have not known that they could are so difficult to prove, she said. i become a newsworthy issue that has appeared in The ily.The Daily will accept letters of thanks, if space per- amazing is that we were lucky enough to complain or that their grievances would Thedepartmentwillreviewcomplaints ts, but will not run letters whose sole purpose is to adver- have it recorded on tape.” be taken seriously. that could still be prosecuted if there is > an event. At least three police officers are ex- “We know that we are going to get credible evidence and the fivc-year stat- When writers have group affiliations or hold titles or po- .oris relatcd to the topic of their letter, The Daily will note pected to be indicted by a county grand many more cases,” Conyers said. ute of limitations has not yet expired. I in italics following the letter. ‘This is to provide addi- jury investigating the incident, in which Federal investigators need to ask “if Conyers said Thornburgh told him the nal information to the readers and is not intended to mct from the letter; King was beaten withpoliceclubs, kicked this conduct is being condoned, is this Justice Department was currently investi- and shot with an clectronic stun gun. conduct being encouraged, are appropri- gating 22 cases of police brutality nation- Classifieds Information Twelvc other officers may also be dis- ate actions being taken against wrongdo- wide. All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, :paid with cash or check. All classifieds must be submitted 3 p.m. the day before publication. Classifieds may also be Smart claimed trio of killers would ‘be out in a year’-- lght at the information booth at the Campus Center. All SMART ssifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a head despite his pleas not to be hurt. them tap her telephone. continued from page 1 xk. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. Pierce at first denied any knowledge of On June 19, with her mother, Pelletier Notices and 1.os1 & Founds are free and run on Tuesdays 1 Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week per Plea bargains call for the three Seab- the killing, Deny Police Detective Daniel and another police officer sitting around :anbation and run space permitting. Notices must be rook teen-agers to serve minimum prison Pelletier testified Thursday. But he said the kitchen tableat herhome,Piercecalled itten on Daily forms and submitted in person. Notices sentences of 18 to 28 years in return for that changed after parents of the con- Smart at work, ostensibly seeking advice. rotbe used to sell merchandise or advertise major evens. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to their testimony. fessed getaway driver for the murder, Vance “If they ask you to get a lie detector iographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the F1 ynn admits burglarizing the couple’s Lattimc, went to police with their suspi- test ... just say you’re going to get yourself ertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to use to print any classifieds which contain obscenity, areof Deny apartment last May 1, then, with a cions in early June. a lawyer first and any lawyer will tell you overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a friend, forcing the 24-year-old victim to Police warned Pierce she could face no1 to,” Smart said during a series of three rson or group. his knees and shooting him once in the charges if she lied, and she agreed to let . taped conversations that day. Friday, March 15,1991 THE TUFTS DAILY page three ARTS Problems still need to be ironed out of ‘Iron and Silk’ by DERRICK CRUZ student (Sun Xudong); and Teacher arts films on the tube, especially Senior Staff Writer Pan (Pan Qingfu). Shaolin Temple, his favorite one, “Learning the Chinese way” The political tones and mes- starring Qingfu. During his kung is the operative phrase of Iron sages are both explicit and im- fu training sessions, Salzman and Silk. Directed,produced, and plicit. The mise-en-scene of the comments about how he can hear classroom consists of pictures of theRocky theme song in the back- Marx, Engels, Lenin, Mao, and ground, a cliched modem cul- FlReview US presidents Nixon, Ford, Car- tural jingle. ter, and Reagan. Salzman sings Probably the most stinging I I socialist songs extolling the vir- comment this makes is that co-written by Shirley Sun, Iron tues of Communism. During the Americans do not read; they do ’ and Silk is the story about Mark last quarter of the movie, Mark not take advantage of the free- Salzman, a young college gradu- has to deal with the campaign dom of access to literature, to ate who goes to China to teach against “spiritual pollution.” Al- tomes of knowledge, available to English and learn about Chinese though China and the West ex- them. Salzman is amazed at how culture. The film is based on the change values and ideas, there much the Chinese read and know Christopher Award-winning book are still considerable barriers in about Western literature. by Salzman, who co-wrote the China to prevent Mark and Ming Unlike most movies that treat screenplay and portrays himself from coming together as the alle- kung fu as a means of violence to Mark Salzman stars in It~nand Silk, a movie based on his own as well. gory of the performed Chinese solve the character’s conflict, Ion book- The film is told through vi- opera The White Snake Opera and Silk treats kung fu with re- The movie emphasizes that has learned to “eat bitter.” gnettes of Salzman learning the points out. spect as an art form. Kung fu mastery of kung fu is based on The best moments are the class- “Chinese way” while he teaches Although the movie is about becomes another component in both physical endurance ’ and room scenes of the “middle-aged English to “middle-aged English Chineseculture, it makes implicit Salzman’s education -- to be mental strength. In contrastto the English teachers.” Instead of teachers” over a two-year period. statements about American cul- learned for its own sake and not goofy KarareKidqeries, Salzman employing professional actors, Sun Inevitably, most of the vignettes ture as well, whether consciously to be used against a foe. Salzman exhibits his mastery not through successfully opts to use common are about the clash of cultures. or not. For instance, television is comes to China thinking that he a climax with some bully but people found in a park’s specific During his two-year stint, he an integral part of modern Ameri- is good at kung fu because of his through proving his mastery by section where citizens learn and befriends several students and can culture. In fact, television previous training and love for kung applying his skills against his practiceEng1ish.These first-time teachers. He develops a strong provided the inspiration for Mark’s fu flicks. Teacher Pan calls mentor. Teacher Pan comes to the actors and actresses neyer over- relationship with Teacher Hei desire to learn about Chinese Salzman’s technique “garbage” abandonedbuildingwhere heand act their parts. Their scenes are (Jeaneae Lin Tsui); Ming, his love culture. Salzman ruminates about and commands that he relearn Salzman trained earlier in the film interest (Vivian Wu); Sinbad, a how many times he saw martial everything. to test whether or not the pupil see page A Strong version of Gilbert and Sullivan’s very first collaboration Tufts lecturer fills in the blanks of duo ’6s Thespis’ *** The Hard Way I by VINAY PRABMAKAR sources reads like a fable. Strong, Gilbert’s libretto explores a There are some days when you don’t feel like studying, you don’t feel like Senior Staff Writer a self-confessed“opera nut,” first mythological theme. The gods are thinking, and you have nothing to do. If you have days like these, watch Thespis, W.S. Gilbert and came across the libretto when he aging on Mount Olympus and this movie. Michael J. Fox plays Nick Lang, a young actor looking to play Arthur Sullivan’s first theatrical was 12 years old. It was not until lament their waning influence on aseriousandmoredemandingrole. Inordertoget acoppartina new film, collaboration, has had a rather the age of 18, however, that he human affairs. They strike an he pulls the necessary strings to work with James Woods’ character, the stereotypical tough New York policeman trying to solve a case and at the curious history. Subtitled “A began to think seriously about uneasy bargain with Thespis, an same time start a relationship with a woman. Like the Hollywood stere- grotesque opera in two acts,” it restoring the music, and he sub- unscrupulous impresario: Thes- otypical tough cops, he can’t communicate with women. The relationship was written and first performed sequently worked towards that pis and his acting company agree between Woods and Fox’s characters is by no means an easy one, mainly during the Christmas season of goal with varying degrees of in- to play the parts of the gods for a because Lang’s amval has led to Woods being taken off a case he was 1871,afterwhichitwaspromptly tensity until 1986, when he fin- year, and in return the deities will trying to solve, and also because Lang is very successful with women, in- forgotten. The creators of Thes- ished a first draft of the score. descend to earth to find some way cluding, Wood‘s girlfriend, it seems. There are some amusing parts in this film that mock some stereotypes of policemen, criminals and Hollywood. pis then moved on to write a The year of 1990 was a water- of restoring their powers. It’s a harmless film that you won’t remember for very long, but if you have series of enormously popular shed one in Strong’s romance with When the gods return after the nothing else to do, it’s not a bad way of spending two hours. operettas, never attempting to Thespis. In January, some of Sul- requisite year, however, they find revive their first collaboration. livan’s original Thespis ballet that the humans have completely ***** I Although the libretto was reprinted music was found, fortuitously, in sabotaged their positions. Enraged, The Doors after Gilbert’s death in 1910, the New York’s Pierpont Morgan the gods banish them to earth, Oliver Stone masterfully and accurately portrays the life and times of Jim autograph score remains missing Library. Strong was quick to in- where they shall forever remain Morrison and The Doors. Rather than glamorize or make any statement I to this day. corporate the newly discovered about Morrison’s narcotics abuse, he presents us with a man whose “eminent tragedians, whom no creativity and death were largely if not entirely influenced by the same Recently, however, Tufts Eng- music into his version. This up- one ever, ever goes to see.” factor: drugs. The music and story make this film a must-see for any fans lish lecturer Jonathan Strong, fu- dated and revised Thespis, with a Given this mythic context, it is of The Doors. The outstanding photography and acting make this film elled by a lifelong passion for the charming overture by Strong’s possible to turn Thespis into an worthwhile for everyone else. Stone’s superb cinematography gives the work of Gilbert and Sullivan,has colleague John Dreslin, was suc- arena for philosophical discus- audience the impression of being under the influence of drugs, as he suc. resurrected Thespis. The,storyof cessfully performed last week- sion. The play’s Olympian set- cessfully focuses and moves around as though we were looking through his efforts to fashion a convinc- end by the Valley Light Opera in the eyes of Morrison himself. There is one small criticism: Stone’s intro. see THESPIS, page 4 duction of Andy Warhol and Ed Sullivan, two characters who look unreal. ing score from several disparate Northampton. istic and whose contribution to the film is inconsequential and farcical. Ay Carmela! **** I Indigo Girls speak their minds Oscar-winning Spaniard Carlos Saura directs this comedy about a family PITTSBURGH (AF’) -- It’s tour of the Midwest and March you as their own: ‘You’re ours theatre-comedy group during Spain’s Civil War. In what is perhaps a tempting to pigeonhole the tour of the South, Saliers and Ray because you’re women and we’re statement of the futility of the war, the group finds itself captured by the Grammy-award winning Indigo are joined.on stage by a female women’ and it’s this ‘women’ opposing army and is imprisioned. Carmen Maura (Women on the Verge) Girls. bass player and female percus- thing. Ugh. It’s choking. It’s suf- plays the female member of the group that gets the group freed through Feminists identify with these sionist. The Ellen James Society, focating,” Saliers said. the use ofher sexuality. The comedy then becomes more serious and poses independentAtlanta women. some questions about the war: what it is about, who is fightingit, and why. two, so named for a feminist character That’s not to say the two aren’t There are some funny moments in this film, but the acting of both Maura Christians relate to the religious in a John Irving novel, is the without favorite causes. Fans are and Andres Pajares shines through in the more dramatic moments. This references scattered liberally warm-up act and also plays with well aware of their support for is a film that I reccommend to Spanish speakers or Spain lovers only; it is through theirlyrics. ButAmy Ray the Indigo Girls on a few num- groups such as Greenpeace (which in Spanish with English subtitles. and Emily Saliers staunchly ref- bers. Even the road manager, a had a booth at their Pittsburgh use to be owned by either com- friend from their college days, is concert), Amnesty International Scenes from a Mall ** I munity. a woman. and People for the Ethical Treat- This is one boring movie. You could flip the $6.50 alone in a field for two “We never claimed to be on Men, in other words, are visi- ment of Animals. hours and have more fun! Woody Allen and Bette Midler star as a couple the soap box for any particular bly absent. Even the album cover and celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary in a mall. During their shop- group,” Ray said following a sold- That’s especially troubling to compact disc package on their ping spree, they confess their past infidelities. Each one’s confession is not out performance in Pittsburgh. the Indigo Girls, who, as Ray put latest release, “NomadsIndi- well received by the other and, consequently, they both storm out of the “We’re speaking for ourselves. it, are “really into the universal anssaints,” are made from re- mall. Unfortunately, this exit is shortlived and as they re-enter, we have We’re not trying to speak for thing.” cycled paper. to go through more mall scenes. Unlike Woody Allen’s own films, this one anybody else.” is almost never funny. If I ever were married to someone for 45 years, I “We got on this tour and I But not all their causes are could think of better things to do to celebrate such a milestone. Trust me “Certainly not for God,” Sali- looked around and said, ‘Oh my greeted warmly. Their pro-choice when I tell you my idea would also have made a more interesting storyline ers said. God, this is all women,”’ Ray stand on abortion has angered for a movie. In conclusion, you,will get two things out of this film: a sore “We sing about love and self- said. “We don’t ever pick people more than a few fans, said Ray. back, and a craving for the sushi that Bette and Woody keep buying and esteem,” Ray said. “I don’t want by sex at all ... Our thing is, who’s “When we have made definite throwing at each other. to sit in a room with a bunch of good at the job, who can we relate stances about being pro-choice... people and have one group feel Go see it tonight Wait for the video ... to the best.” during a show, we always get ***** ** they can listen buteverybody else **** See it when you have time * Do some homework “We really appreciate our letters from fundamentalistChris- has to close their ears.” *** What the hell, why not? women’s following, but a lot of On the acoustic duo’s winter times a group will want to claim see INDIGO, page 4 page four THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, March 15,1991 Grammy is no big deal for Indigo Girls - INDIGO ences that appear light years apart ent colleges -- Ray to Vanderbilt graduate school, but Ray persuaded , burgh Saliers wore denim over- continued’ from page 3 from the Indigo Girls’ middle- University, Saliers to Tulane her to give music a chance for a alls and a pumle shirt. Ray wore tians, who feel we’ve let them class upbringings and well-ad- University. But both transferred few years. jeans and‘a duster, and several down,” she said. justed lives. The conclusions, to Emory University, where Ray Their rise was fastand furious, crosses of all sizes dangled around Causes notwithstanding,Sal+ though, are compatible -- sin is majored in theology and Saliers, earning recognition from such her neck as she bunny-hopped ers and Ray are thoughtful, re- always followed by redemption. whose father is a minister and veteran rockers as Neil Young, during the up-tempo numbers to, flective women who write com- Saliers, 27, was born in Con- theology professor, studied Eng- who took them on his 1989 tour, she claims, help keep the beat. plex and, some critics charge, necticut but moved to Georgia at lish. and groups like REM., who Each has an apartment five depressing lyrics. the age of 11. She and Ray, 26, During the summer, Ray played helpedouton someof their songs. minutes from their parents, and “Love’sRecovery,” from their grew up in an Atlanta suburb, solo and set up bookings through Their self-titled album went each has a strong desire to main- 1989 self-titled release, contains sang in the Methodist choir and the year for the duo while Saliers gold and helped earn them two tain deep, religious roots. this line: “The whims of culture, went to school together from sixth indulged her interest in children, 1990 Grammy nominations -- one “For me, this has felt like a that swoop like vultures, eating grade through college. working as a counselor at a girl’s in the best contemporary folk natural progression,” Saliers said. us away to our extinction.” They began performing to- camp in northern Georgia. recording category, which they “We’re playing the same style, The chorus in “Prince of Dark- gether in 1980 while in high school, “I grew up a lot those four won, and the other for best new singing harmony, doing the same ness” on the same album is espe- practicing for talent shows, sing- years, and I learned a lot about artist, which they lost out to the thing we’ve done for 10 years cially graphic: “Someone’s on the ing in English class and, eventu- giving,” Saliers said. “I just got ill-fated Milli Vanilli. now.” telephone desperate in his pain, ally, playing in local bars. so much joy beingaround kids. The song “Hammer and a Nail” “Wearing the same kind of someone’s on the bathroom floor “That was heaven to us back I’ve always had this other side of on “NomadsIndiansSaints”&ed clothes,” Ray said, laughing. doing her cocaine, someone’s got then because that was our main- me that wanted to be a teacher them a Grammy nomination this “The Grammy is an honor -- his finger on the button in some stay. It became the center of our too.” year as best contemporary folk and it’s really nice -- but wedon’t room, no one can’t convince me musical lives, and a lot of our Music almost lostout to teach- recording. put stock in it like it’s a major we aren’t gluttons for our doom.” social life, too,” Saliers said. ing. Upon graduation, Saliers None of that, they say, has event of our lives. Those things Such words speak of experi- For a year they went to differ- struggled over whether to attend changed them. On stage in Pitts- don’t make our heads swim.” Salzman tries too much One hundred percent Gilbert & Sullivan- MOVIE minutes of a movie screenplay THESPIS continued from page 3 was a daunting task. Unfortunately, continued from page 3 ger beer, and a pacifist Mars takes and Thespians have just completed it upon himself to abolish all always full of sincerity, humor, as a whole, the film lacks any their bargain, is handled with ting prompts speculation on the and poignancy. intensity to hold the viewer’s in- battlcs. particular care; sections from very nature and origins of thea- Strong constructed his score The most memorable perform- terest. Salzman and Sun try to do Utopia,Patience, Ida, The Mikado, ter; the idea of humans playing ance is given by Teacher Pan. too much. The film criss-crosses using excerpts from several of The Yeomen of the Guard, Thes- too much among the various char- the parts of gods becomes a meta- G&S’s later operettas. Well-known pis, and HMS Pinafore follow Like Salzman, Teacher Pan is phor for the theatrical experience played by himself because, acters Salzman befriends. Perhaps works, including the Pirates of rapidly on each other’s heels, yet itself. Only on stage can we even Salzman says, “no one else could if Salzman and Sun worked on Penzance and The Mikado, are a continuous musical line is al- entertain the possibility of divin- portray him.”Qingfu portrays the the screenplay more, the film represented, as are lesser-known ways preserved. Strong skillfully ity, goes Gilbert’s wry commen- right amount of severity and would have had a focus. collaborations such as Iolanthe resists the temptation to degener- pompousness befitting a master, Another problem with the tary. and Utopia Limited. Interestingly, ate into pastiche. movie is that Sun directs with too This rather abstract notion is Strong’s methods parallel Sulli- There is perhaps one instance yet also effectively reveals the enlivened by a steady counter- compassion underneath his killer much earnestness.It is too sweet. van’s own, for Thespis is more of miscalculation,and it is subtle. Hampered by a “gee-whiz” point of down-to-earth humor. At than the first Gilbertand Sullivan “Rocky Mountain”appearsin the stare. one point, Thespis, in an uncan- Cramming the many anecdotes mentality, Iron and Silk degener- operetta; it is a also a score to overture, in the first large en- nily contemporary jibe, deplores in Salzman’s book and expand- ates into a glossy postcard in- which Sullivan repeatedly returned semble scene of the opera, and stead of reaching its full poten- the theater’s “current passion for for musical inspiration. “Climb- with great effect at the end of the ing the love story with Ming (a realism!” There is more than a minor aspect of the book) into 90 tial. ing over Rocky Mountain,” from first act. From this threefold repe- hint of Aristophanes in Gilbert’s the first act of Thespis,resurfaced tition it is difficult to resist the racy, irreverent dialogue. in Pirates, for example, and Sul- conclusion that “Rocky Moun- Miners must pay for losses- Regrettably, the libretto has livan actually used a number from tain” is in some sense the theme MINERS some outstanding weaknesses. It his Thespis ballet music in his of Thespis. Remarkably, however, that if a state of emergency is continued from page 1 lacks a point of genuine dramatic 1897 ballet Victoria and Merrie it never recurs in the second act. declared in the Russian Federa- tension, and the characterization England. If Sullivan “raided” One suspects that Sullivan him- percent above the national norm. tion, or if direct presidential rule is sketchy; the second act is par- However, their working condi- Thespis for ideas while writing self would have found some way is established, a general political ticularly dilute. Fortunately, his later operettas, then Strong is to bring it back. tions are grim, and union activ- strike will begin immediately.” Gilbert’s patented sense of bu- justified in “raiding” precisely Nevertheless, Thespis is indeed ists say the average miner’s life The Communist Party news- mor carries it through. Gilbert, expectancy is 52 years. paper Pravda cautioned Thurs- those later operettas for his Thes- 100 percent Gilbert and Sullivan. whose middle name was pis music. With the exception of Dreslin’s As the strike spread, its de- day that miners will be held re- Schwenck,a most ungainly name mands have been broadened. sponsible for the financial losses The result is adelicate balance overture, a reasonably satisfying for an Englishman, approximation of Sullivan’s style, Several regional strike com- of their industrial organizations. of scholarly zeal and genuine seems to have had a congenital all the music is by Sullivan, and mittees and the union’s national “The destiny of each mine is musical insight. Numbers from instinct for the absurd, and Thes- different operettas blend into each the jokes are most certainly leadership have pledged to sup- now decided by its employees. If pis is replete with characteristi- they want to strike, they can do so other with an ease that belies the Gilbert’s. Savoyards all over the port Gorbachev’s rival, Boris cally Gilbertian oxymorons: a country will be grateful for this Yeltsin, president of the Russian at their peril. If they fail to pay off effort that must have been ex- teetotaller Bacchus decrees that pended. “So that’skanged,”the eminently performable addition Federation, the largest of the the debts, the mine will have to grapes should ferment into gin- end of the first act, when the gods to their repertoire. republics. close,” Pravda said. The miners continue to supply some coal to the population to avoid paralyzing the economy and HIRING Men - WomGn. Summer, CAREER BULLETIN Year Round. PHOTOGRAPHERS, leaving cities without heat, the TOUR GUIDES, RECREATION PERSONNEL newspaper Kuranty reported. Excellent ay plus FREE travel Carlbbean. Hawaii. 8aahamas. South Pactllc. Mexico TO Minority Seniors and Graduate Students It said the miners “guarantee CALL NOW! 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Licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education. Accrediled by the Accrediting Council for Continuine Education & Trainine. . You do not need teacher certification or an education degree to be placed in the Minority Teacher Register. What you do need is a bachelor‘s degree or higher, an outstanding academic record in the discipline you would like to teach, and a strong Bob’s Foods interest in education. 324 Main Street, Medford 395-0400 / 0401 r------1 Registration is free, and excellent positions are currently available. Why not register today? Call or write: I $I.OO,off any large or I Public Information Resources, Inc. I I 556 Cambridge St. 1 I jumbo sandwich Boston, MA 02134 I 400 - 6:OO pm daily (617) 254-7415 I Tufts ID required Offer expires March 25,2992 L~~~~~~~,~~,,,,,~~,J Fridav. March 15.1991 THE TUFTS DAILY page five

by NEIL FATER Daily Editorial Board Under headcoach John Casey, winning has always been consid- ered a tradition. Last year, for

@ Baseball

I I example, the Jumbo baseball squad was an ECAC finalist, losing in its last game to Amherst College after a successful regular season Casey just may have a couple of Rounding out the outfield will Look for sophomore Paul Svagdis to have another big year. at 16-7.The year before that they veritable bazookas on his roster be either senior Julio Cayere or had taken it all. However, they capable of explosive firepower. junior Jack Ericson. Ericson, ~ Cayere in right. Although a &I-*.. J$?$Q‘ will move in at third. Other- had accomplished both of these Svadgis, who looks slated for one among the top swingers on the ior, this season represents$&y$cj *%%%e,Ganetty, who played a few feats with hitting phenom Bill of the infield corners, probably club, is a left-handed slugger, ere’s first crack at m&ng Gar- varsity games last year and has Canon, team leader and All-star third, is perhaps the best hitter on capable of both average and power?‘ sity. Once agaih, he is from the power to all fields, will be the Matt Ghanci, and last year’s co- the team. Last year’s Greater He punches the ball to all fields hard-working Casey mold. DH. captain, Mike Kratochwill. This Boston League Rookie of the Year, and will definitely start some- Not to confuse you, but should In other infield events, look year thek, along with several other Svadgis is a right-handed power where -- although that somewhere Cayere be the fourth outfielder, for Joe Murphy to take the short- of last Season’s seniors, will be may well be first base. hitter who collects his share of Ericson play right, and Svadgis see SPRING, page gone. Which leaves the question walks -- whether it’s more be- In such an event, it will be first, then sophomore Don Gar- mark that is this year. cause of his good batting eye or What will happen? Is there because of opposing pitchers’ fear enough talent? Can these players is unknown. Svadgis was also Orioles’ Palmer retires (again) be repked? Fortunately, this team, named as a Division I11 player to flowin$ over with promising fresh- watch by another publication and Bonds and Henderson live up to their brat reputations man pmicularly on the mound could make a run at the dinger by LARRY AZER looking for a junior prom date in sesses any athlete to attempt a and in the outfield, and relying on record himself. Senior Staff Wrim 1984, and wasn’t even born when comeback years after retirement? the pdwer of sophomores Paul Probable center fielder Rom-‘ . One year ago, I fdled this space Palmer shut out Sandy Koufax Hockey Hall-of-Famer Guy LaF- Svadgis and Todd Romboli, as boli is the other young power- with words like ‘‘lockout,’’ “col- in the 1966 . leur came back to play a few well ds the leadership of senior house who could batter opposing lusion,’’ and “strike.” This year, Palmer (called “Cakes” by years with the New York Rangers Greater Boston League All-star pitchers this year while raking in i teammates)was truly ineffective, and Quebec Nordiques, but as he Jim Downing, could very well an impressive total of dingers. howem. Only half of his 38 pitches now heads toward his second turn what few question marks there Though he’s moving from right were over the plate, and on top of retirement, he admits that the game are into simmering exclamation field, where he played last year, that, Boston batters swung and just isn’t fun anymore. poirits. Romboli shouldn’t have to much I I missed only once out of 15 pitches. The feeling here is that these First off, though, it must be of aproblem adjusting.Easily the the words are “holdout,” “come- Thankfully for all parties in- men are adisgrace to their sports. back,” and “money.” volved, Palmer retired this past Many baseball followersasked if One of the biggest (and silli- Wednesday, ending the debate over Palmer would be able to come Dominating Pure beats est) stories of this year’s spring whether or not the Hall of Fame back after seven years off. Al- training has been the attempted should change his plaque (they though the point is moot now, I Staff in IM Final, 66-52 comeback of Baltimore Orioles decided not to), but prompting asked whether or not Palmer should Hall-of-FamerJim Palmer, who baseball people and casual fans have come back. Obviously, he minute mark, and Pure walked by CHRISTOPHER W. retired some seven years ago. alike to ask, “Why?” doesn’t have the stuff to make it SCHOENECKER away with a 66-52 victory. Palmer was rudely greeted by the Did he covet all the money back into the big leagues, but Daily Staff Writer After the game, Shar com- in his first start, being thrown around by reckless that’s not the idea. Let this be a Pure made its claim as the mented that “we worked on de- surrendering five hits and two owners? Even though his top message to all those retired greats: dominant team in the 1990-91 fense because defense wins tour- runs in two innings while throw- playing salary was no more than you had your day in the sun, now Tufts Intramural League official naments.” A confident Weissman ing a 75-mile-per-hour fastball. $600,000, he still makes a bundle it’s someone else’s turn. added, “From day one, nobody Usually that’s not too bad for a from all those Jockey underwear As for Palmer, he should just IM Game of on this team was ever in doubt pitcher’s first start of the spring ads.Ego, possibly? Palmer is still cash those Jockey checks when the Week that we wouldn’t win this tourna- after nearly five months of inac- in great shape and felt he got a they come in, and someday take ment.” tivity. But this was Palmer’s first raw deal after being released by his grandchildren to Cooperstown, Congratulations to Pure, all start since 1984. Put in perspec- the Orioles. New York so they can see their Wednesday night with a stunningly the teams involved, the league tive, 23-year-old Ben McDonald, But why wait seven years, after grandfather’splaque. easy 66-52 victory over the Staff chairman, and referees on an who followed Palmer with four already being elected for base- team. The loss in the champion- excellent tournament. scoreless innings, was probably ball’s greatest honor? What pos- see BASEBALL, page 6 ship game was the second in as Following is a very unofficial many years for Staff. For Pure, tournament All-star team based the game merely capped off a t i Chicago takes over at the top fantasticseason that saw only one loss. by GEOFF LEPPER their lives thanks to an official’s to grab his ring. The Bulls are Pure took control of the game Daily Editorial Board questionable decision: With the peaking,andwill beable tocruise early and never looked back. They The metoric rise of the Port- score 102-99in favor of Chicago, through the playoffs (facing Indi- held Staff scoreless for the first 1andTrailblazersatthebeginning the Bucks pushed the ball up to ana in the first round, then Mil- seven minutes while amassing a of this season was certainly well- Frank Brickowski, who swished waukee, whom they’ve beaten in ten-point lead. Staff made a late what appeared to be a three-pointer 18 of their last 21 games), while first-half comeback on hot shoot- This Week but was called a deuce (Brickow- Portland,Phoenix,LA,Utah,San ing from Bob Sheldon, Jim Tag- ski was stepping on the line, ac- Antonio, and Houston (all of whom gort, and Mike Rossi, but Pure’s in the NBA cording to referee Dan have records over .600) will all John Lederman, Mike Kirsch, and ~~ Bernhardt). be knocking each other silly in company kept Staff well in check. chronicled by the national media. has played the other bracket. Pure took a 32-24 lead into But now that’s it’s March and almost as well as Michael, which halftime. we’re nearing the NBA playoffs, still amazes those of us who On the final note, before Spring Lederman led the way in the guess who’s at the top of the bas- laughed when a certain Jumbo Break and W’ A games that second half by making a quick ketball mountain -- none other alum and WMFO expert paid $39 acutally mean mething: Isn’t and effective defensive statement. than King and for Jordan’s caddy in a Tufts there any way 13rCommisioner In the first four minutes, he stole his royal court, otherwise known rotisserie league. David Stem to fwm out the aw- three Staff passes that led to one Bob Sheldon’s Staff team lost as the . , Bill ful, pitiful, pathetic Sacramento Pure bucket by Greg Shavitz and their second championship game With Wednesday’s results -- a Cartwright, and Kings? The only team that’s worse two from Dave Minzer. Pure also in a row. thrilling 102-101 Bull win in are all comfortable in their roles, than Sacto’s tomatos is Denver, continued its prominence from on games covered by the Daily: Milwaukee and Portland’s 116- which is more than half the battle which has been more of a travel- the outside with three-pointers First Team: John Lederman 108 loss to Phoenix -- Chicago (the mental portion) to getting ing emergency room than a bas- from Minzer, Jon Shar, and Steve (Pure), Kenny Faunteroy (Shoot now owns the best record in the consistently excellent play. Point ketball team. Yes, their best player, Weissman. to Kill), Mike Rossi (Staff), Jim NBA, with a 46-15 (.754) mark. guard B.J.Armstrong has been a Wayman Tisdale, has been out For the Staff cause, Rossi, Tracey (DU I), Jim Taggort (Stafo Portland (46-16) and Boston (47- real spark off of the bench, and for six weeks, but any team that Sheldon, and Taggort continued Second Team: Steve Weiss- 17) are each just 1/2 game back, big man Will Perdue (!) has ac- can compile only a 1-30 record to do the bulk of the scoring, man (Pure), Minzer (pure), Bob with the Los Angeles Lakers (45- tually been playing well. on the road really should be tossed including a Sheldon three-point Sheldon (Staff), Adam Friedman 18) still sneaking in the picture. out on its ear. Don’t Jerry Tar- bomb with five minutes left. (Sig Ep B), Jon Bell (Shoot to Chicago has had everything With the bruising toll that the kanian and his UNLV ballclub ’ However, it would prove not to Kill) going their way recently in their Western Conference playoffs will have to be itching for some sort of be enough as the game turned Tournament Most Valuable recent 9-1 run. In Milwaukee, take on its eventual xepresenta- real competition? It’s not that far into a foul-fest under the five- Player: Ledennan (Pure). ’s crew escaped with tive, this is the year for Michael from Las Vegas to the Arc0 Arena page six THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, March 15,1991 Does the greed ever end?- Tufts tries to make exclamation points BASEBALL beset by injuries. They should SPRING tough choice to be made between nate between starting and relief. continued from page 5 follow the example of teammate continued from page 3 quality junior backstops Chris Wild In the pen will be sophomore And how about Barry Bonds? , who .340, yet stop role, replacing the graduated and Greg Giasson, neither will be righthander Rick Repeta, a smart The NL‘s reigning MVP is mad was also renewed. Morris said Guanci. Murphy, who guarded able to completely step into the pitcher who can pick his spots. because he lost his arbitration case that he wouldn’t walk out be- the hot comer last year, will need shoes of current JV coach and and had to settle for something cause “that’s the way the game is to adapt. However, while he might quiet leader Kratochwill. Last year, Finally, the bench is made up like only $2 million, instead of played -- play three years and we not have the range of his prede- neither Wild nor Giasson got much of a bumper crop of freshmen. the $3 million or so he asked for. have the leverage.” Reds pitcher cessor, he does have an amazing experience, because Kratochwill Eric Sholds, a with a Then, to top it off, he got in a said it seems as if gun. Aright-handed hitter, he has caught nearly every game. The promising future, comes from shouting match with manager Jim Armstrong is putting himself above firepower at the plate as well. Spring Break trip will determine Salem with right-handed power, Leyland and walked out of camp. the team. His probable -play part- the outcome at this position as while the left-handed hitters off Poor Gd. As much as.he hates Unfortunately, for every Mor- ner, on the other hand is more well. the bench are outfielders Tony hearing it, he’s becoming more ris and Browning, there are even from the Jody Reed mold. Junior The mound is where the Jum- Popuolo and Tom Walsh. and more like his father, 30-30 more players like Bonds and Scott DiFiore, one of the smaller bos can hope to be fairly strong. man Bobby, every day. The elder Henderson who care more about guys on the club, is a quality and Although they lost four-year starter Having said all that it may be Bonds had such a huge reputation banking interest rates than win- unselfish bat handler who just and top pitcher Chris Lamothe that the upcoming trek through as a troublemaker during his play- ning percentages. And the bot- might have to beat out junior John and Kerry Callahan, Casey has Spring Break will tell all about ing days that he was always being tom line is that these spoiled Antonucci.Thegamesover break brought in freshmen righthanders this team. With Zamore facing tiaded despite his great talents. If crybabies are giving baseball a may well decide that. Besides Greg Coco of Worcester and Ken Delaware on the 15th, LaVallee Barry doesn’t wise up and learn bad image compared to the other table-setter DiFiore and An- Rinker. Coco may eventually fit and Williamsslated againstGeor- that he has to pay his dues before major leagues. Would you rather tohucci, look for sophmoreAdam into the power pitcher role, while getown in a doubleheader, and the big bucks come rolling his have Wayne Gretzky, Magic Kerr, a transfer from Trinity to try Rinker is already displaying an Shortman to go against Navy, the way, it’ll be another case of like Johnson, or Michael Jordan to break into the middle infield. impressive curve. team will at least answer any pitch- father, like son. endorsing your sneaker or break- Chances are, though, he’ll be the As far as the starting rotation, ing questions it has. And perhaps Along the Same tines, AL MVP fast cereal or someone like Bonds, utility man. look for senior Ed LaVallee, and then we will know what punctua- Rickey Henderson is also un- Jose Canseco, or Roger Clemens? Behind the plate is where the juniors Marc Williams and Ron tion will characterize this team. happy with his contract. It seems Arecentpoll by Sports Illustrated Jumbos may have suffered their Shortman to be the top three, with One can just hope the punctua- Henderson signed a four-year, $12 showed that of kids’ favorite 20 greatest loss. Though there is a sophomore Eric Zamore to alter- tion isn’t a foul *@#!!$. million deal a year ago, but since athletes, the only baseball player then, the market has gone crazy was , and he plays and now Henderson is only the two sports. fifth-highest paid player on his What can be done to stop all of Write Arts! Call Allison, team. He held out of the A’s train- this greediness? Maybe collusion ing camp for a few days last week, was the answer, when salaries and now he may get his contract were somewhat held down and shortened, which will allow him players really had to work for the to sign for an even more ridicu- money. But in these days, when lous amount in a couple of years. Darren Daulton is worth over $2 Rickey is another one whose act million and the average salary is wearing thin with owners and will probably be a cool million by fans alike. He was soundly booed the turn of the century, how can at Oakland’s batting practice and you blame the players for being A’s GM Sandy Alderson is again selfish? entertaining trade offers for the superstar outfielder. The game has turned from a If you don’t think the cases of sport into a business, where top Bonds and Henderson are laugh- dollarrules themarket,andteams able enough, consider Cincinnati like Pittsburgh lose money even pitcher Jack Armstrong and though they won their division. catcher Joe Oliver, who skipped Maybe there should be just 10 or camp when their contracts were 12 huge teams in the biggest renewed at last year’s salaries. markets with only the best play- Armstrong and battery-mate 01- ers, all of whom deserve millions iver have no leverage but to hold of dollars. Or maybe the owners out, which isn’t really a smart should tighten their purse-strings choice, considering their past and show some fiscal responsi- performances. Oliver is a jour- bility. Or maybe I’ll iust rent Field neyman catcher, and Armstrong, of Dreams or Buli Durham to- although he started last year’s night and see baseball the way it All-star game, won only one ought to be, as a religion and not contest in the second half while an industry.


To Busch Gardens that IS. IN TWO WEEKS! Florida’s most exciting adventure park Fluff up your feathers Famous U.S. Women’s Ski Team Diet Show us your own special brand of 4alent Spotlight your style and make us smile. smile, smile!

During the non-snow of[ season the U.S. Women’s Alpine Ski Tern AUDITIONS & INTERVIEWS members used the “Ski Teani” diel to lose 20 pound$ in two weeks. That’s right - 20pound.5 in 14 days! The basisofthediet ischemical foodactionand wacdevked Monday, March 25,1991 gam-6pm by a famous Colorado physician especially for the U.S. Ski Team. Normal energy THE HYATT REGENCY CAMBRIDGE is maintained (very important!) while reducing. You kecp “fult” -no starvation -because the diet is designed that way. It’s a diet that is easy to lollow whether 575 Memorial Drive Cambridge you work, travel or stay at home. r This is. honestly, a fantastically successful diet. If it weren’~ the U.S. 1 Comic Actors Women’s Ski Team wouldn’t be permitted IO use it! Right? So. give yourself the Prepare acomic monologue, 2 minutes long of appropriate material. You may be requested to perform same break the U.S. Ski Team gets. Lose weight the scientific. proven way. Even an improvisation. Ethnic dialects are helpful and may also be requested. if you’ve tried all the odier diets. you owe it to yourself to try the U.S. Women’s Ski Team Diet. Illat is. ilyou really do want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order Singers and Dancers today. Tear this out as a reminder. Sendonly$10.00(~10.50forRushScrvicc)- to: SllmQuik, P.O.Rox 103, We’re searching for male and female feature dancers, and for strong singers who also dance well. Singers should prepare short selections (ballad and uptempo). Bring sheet music or instrumentalbackground Dept. 2R. Hayden, ID 83835. Don‘t order unless you want to lose 20 pounds in two cassette in your best key. Accompanist and cassette recorder provided. Dancers should bring dance two weeks! Because that’s what the Ski Team Diet will do. 0 1990 attire and have a 2 minute prepared choreographed piece showing movement and versatility. Singers be prepared lo dance and dancers be prepared to sing. Musicians We seek Pianists with vocal abilities and a repertoire to consist of standards, show tunes and pop; mu- sicians who play primary and secondary instruments, marching band players (brass instruments The Tufts Daily preferred)-plus Accordian players, Tuba, Percussion and Brass players; also musicians who are ex- perienced in dance movement, marching band style. You should prepare two short selections. 01 Technical Personnel wishes evervoned Looking for experienced stage managers, skilled sound and lighting technicians, stage hands, seam- stresses and dressers. Be sure to bring your current resume. a happy and safe [lUSCH Spring Break. GARDENS. TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA Equal Opporlunily Employer MIFIHIV Friday, March 15,1991 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven IClassif iedsclassif iedsclassif iedsclassifiedsclassif iedsclassif ieds WANEDTO SHARE APT. Phlladelphla? Homes, Homie, Homer- "'RESUMES'" USED SKIS, LASERTYPESET For Spring Break. Looking for good MalelFemale. To share apt w/2 fe- need a ride to Philadelphiaieavlng iappy Birthday! I love you despite males; private bdrm. share liv rm, he night ofThurs Marl4oranytime rourparanoiddelusions!Youarethe $20.395-5921 quality skis-willingtopaygoodprice. Impressive Laser Typeset Resu- Plscall Michelleat629-8745. kitchen, etc. off-street parking. 194 Zri Mar 15. Will share expenses etc. ireatest roommate! Love, Homes. North St. Medford. $350/mo (no '1s call Man at 629-951 2 'S. Traitor mes, featuring computer storage 11 Personals until June for future updating. Your MUSiCANDSFORTS~W lease). &k for Lia or Karen. 6h- 7250. 'URGENT mus, choiceoftypestyies,incibold. italics. in SouthernMainehascunent open- 'Paul' We desperately need a ride to ANY- iappy 19thBirthday1 Were you sur- bullets, etc on Strathmore paper. ings for waterfront dlreaor (WCV Onedayserviceavailable.Lmlnfrom LGT required), drama diraor. wa- SUMMERSUBLETS Wow!AwholeyearlAndonly2major WERE in New Jersey on Mar 14! irised last night? I bet you thought I Summer and/or fall subleners operations, a few emotional crises Our need Is equally dire for a ride lad forgotten. Too bad1won't beable Tufts. (Member of PARW: Profes- terfront, land sports, and tennis sional Assodation of Resume Writ- counselors. Contact James needed. Two CWrm apts, in great (thanks to those damn synthetic... back to Tufts on Mar 24. There are o see you until after break. Love ya shape. One from campus! well. yaknow). But weboth survived. woof us (we won't take uptoo much myway,Jer ers).Also. word processingortyping Saltman, Camp Encore/Coda, Ar- Imadelt through-thankstoyoul (Hey ofstudent papers,gradschoolappli- lington. MA. 617-641 -361 2. Cheap rent. Contact Laura at 629- space). We are willing to share ex- 9336 orCorinne at 629-9343. that rhymedl)lloveyablggerthanthe penses.CallCherylorKathleen629- Shera cations, personal statements, bathtub, bigger than the ocean11 theses, multiple letters. tapes tran- DrummerNeeded 8345 Now,yougottwoofthem. Seeldldn't DinalyonCampue- You're the best. Slay tuned for brget. Happy birthday1Now you're scribed, laser printing, etc. call -for bassist and guitarist for original BNTPD 111. Ilove you! Beenle Frances anytimeat3955921. few coven. Influences: Not im- 1ODoubornRoad 3n5 Need rideto OneontaNY wer the hill. Maybe we'll see each and Lg apt avail for June 1st. New-ultra or close by on Frl. It is on the way to Jtherat home.Well,seeyou later. -H portant. Don't have to be the best, Have agreatbred "WPING AND WORD"' just willing to work a couple days a modem, 2 full baths, Ig kitchen. par- Binghamton. NY. Will pay GMx- tiallyfumished.Must seetoappred- and come backtoHalr, Torn Ticket's penses, call 6298187. ask for Dar- PROCESSINGSERVICE week. Call Gmtf393-9420 love-mckin' spring musicall Shows ate. Call 776-7484 fordetails. Sum- ren. If Jeanlne pleasecall badcl 3955921 mer sublets ok. Thurs April 4, Sal April 6. Tickets on Studentpapers.theses, gradschool salewhenweget back. DRlVlNGTOALBANY AREA? Services applications, personal statements, Sunny, -bur mommr8ilWs Ineed a ride home, preferably on Fri tape transcription. resumes. gredu- WI atehculty projects. multipleletters. in3 Wrco-op, 10minutewalkfmm Mar 15. Will pay expenses. Please Housing campus. We're into peace, music, Happy year and a half. Iwant you to call -666-8236. AMCAS forms. All documents are know Ilove you. Havea goal vaca- Laser Printedand spell-checked us- moking, CaMn & Hobbes. Rent is tion. Iwill miss you. Love, Me ing WordPerfed 5.1 or Muhimate. $350+.CallMalIheworRobat666 Driving BACKtromNY?? 21 96 If youarecomingback toTuftson Reasonable Rates. Quick tum- Mrybr Sat TRAVEL FREE! SPENDTHESUWERINTHE you wont over rrdthls ORSun beforeMonday dasses res- around. Serving Tufts students and HALLOFJUSTICE.YOU.SUpeMlan ButmaybeAnnlkisreadingthepaper Earn $290 per recuited traveler!! faaity for 10 yrs. 5 min from Tuns. FREEROOM AND BOARD ume, please call me at 6294061- Australia, Africa, Canada, Europe, Aquaman, ApacheChlef,andColeel in exchange for 1520 hrsMk of ba- toyouinthecar. Haveagreatbreak, Ma(I'm flyingdown togo to the Pal- Call Fran anytime, 395-5921 .(Mem- can enjoy thls completely renovate( Michelle! (Andyou too,Annik!) Enjoy Mexico. Club Ef Eurotours. One berofNASS-NationalAssociationof bysinlng or household chores. Call ladiumon Mar2511) Memorial Drive, Cambridge. Ma 4 Wrm apt. Vety close to campus now for Fall placement. Summer theFLAsun,andlfyougetbored. PI1 secretarialSeNices). Rent negot. Call David Jeff 629. bejustontheothermast. I Neverwlth 02142. Call 1-800-242-4686. and placementsalso avail. The Student Cralg?lt'dbelnteresIlng.Orwemuld "'EARS FOR PEERS." 9028. Housing Exchange. 277-6420. Es- 13spQTS LEFTto CANWN& tab. 1978 Pasbout and there's always ufe. A confidential anonymous hotline P.dwd Avo Love. Laura JAMAICA. 4 FOR FLORIDA. run byardforstudents. ifyouhavea CALLTODAY!IIIMONICA623-2154 3 large bdrmson2floors. ceramictlli AptsmrailtorJune Events problem or just need to talk, call 7 bath, refrigerator. pantry. hdwc Nlcole B.!N days a week 7pm-7am. ** 381- sublettingallowed. they're in great THE INCIDENTALTOURIST floors, no pets, no smoking, no fee condition. close to school. Lg and Head you thickened' out of our 3888"' callforinformation6284019 Tuesnitemeeting.Wejustw~antedto BED AND BREAKFAST, small apts. Call Frank day or nite. Winchester. CoflVenient to Tufts. CONTACTLENS WEARERS 625-7530for more info. send you PlRG love and wish you a Dr. Roy Costa, Associate Director COLLEGEAVE. speedy recovery. Take care! Love, Easy access to Boston, Cambridge, Get all major brands of contact lens for PWk Policy, dwntwn Winchester. On MBTA, 12 Adjacent to campus. Large, anrac, Churning 4 bdrm apt MASS-POX solutions at the lowest possible tive. quiet, well-maintained apt. 3 Massachusetts Council of Chur- mlntoBostonbytrain.Comfortable. prices delivered to your door! Call In 3 family house on Hillside. Newly ches, will be speaking on utopian Quiet residentialneighborhwd,ele- Wrms: 2 lg, 1 very small. Washer 6 decorated, hdwd flrs. front back HomessandWeso today for ReNu. AOSept. Consept drier. Avail June 1. Current tenants and Youtwoonteenishangtoughon your Elements In Latin American Libera- gant breakfasts. Call S. Bollinger, and all others. Also RAY-BAN sun- porches,yard,driveway.$lWhno. tlonTheology intheReligloninlnter- 729-7620. will sublet for summer, if desired Call 729-0221 Or7-28. birthdays. Welcome to adun life In glasses! Call 629-9010. $975/mO + utils. Call 625-6983, be stat-, howoff hUh?A-WeTWnl nationalRelationscourseoffered by the Dept of Religion. The lecturewill DANCE PARTY fore9pm. BostowPmtule/Chelsea sorry this is going in early but you be Mon Mar 25,7pm, Eaton Hall, YEAH BOYEEEEEEE! werebomon breakie. Bythetimeit's on WhenyouwanttoDANCEtothebest PlanningahouseparIy?CalltheDJ hac 3 bdrm. 3 fam Vic. hdwd firs, Rm 206. mix of ALTERNATIVE, ROCK. 8 $2SomrO cell. fans. modem K + D. DID, refrig, either of our birthdayswe'll be hany- devoted to theart of movin'butts. 1'11 1 or2peoplefornextyr. 15secwall ing instatoesMombayo.Takecareof POP musicatvournext oaltv callon beat any price on campus with the spacporch,onT.$795M+phg.own. COntOSl NlOS Md.pphtiOnS LASERSOUND-theprokdonalDJ from campus on Whitfield. New4 887-01 12. hr msg. yourselves. PSuite fortheAcademyofAmerican Poets latest and greatest in dance, house, Rmdld. Carpeting. Driveway. Pleas6 service. Excellent music. Excellent and hlph~tOkeeptheWallSShakin', PrizeandtheDeptof EnglishFicfion price. 489-2142 anytime. call 629-8934. Apmtmentsfor Rent Ericdearesl Prizecanbe pickedup inthe English bodiesmovin'.earsringin'.andderrl- (SorrySarah,justmakingapoint)No, eres wigglin'. So before you 'get Heat and water incl, no fees. walk- Dept, East 21 0. Deadlineforapplica- FABULOUSSUMMERSUBLET ing distance, 4Wrm units61000. Ididn'teatawholequanerofapound tions: Mar 15,12pm. RESUME ADVISOR down,'get up and call DJ Raff-E at 2rmsin SUNNY4Wrmapt. Closetc of fudge, it was a lie. Have a good 4890346 or 623-9690 and please 3Wrm units6750,PWrm unlt6EOO. 395-4647 campus, laundry, stores. Awesome AvalIJunelst.CallHerborArmand, break..Kris leave message. roommates & really CHEAP$=, You have a resume you don't like? OayS 396-8386,Nights 483-1 045 Youdon't havearesume?Givemea mo. MorelnfocallTracy391-W50 Dave call. Ican write or rewrite your res- 1'11 deal with you later. West Somenrille ume, edit and proofread. fix your for- JustawalkdownCapenSt 5 rms. gar, por. 3rd fl. Conwell Ave. II mat. laser print, and store for up- 78 persons can enjoy off-campus Birthdays availJanl.ls92.2ndflavalIJune1, Dave, dates. I also help with cover let- housing in an attractive 2 famil) Me too. (Just kkldlng, Kris!) Bruno For Sale 1991, $875.861 -8594 or 8624397 ters. Near Tufts. Good prices. call housenearNorthSt. Hdwdflrs,wooc (ans machine) babe,enjoyyourbreak.Say hitoNew Jeannie between 8am and 9pm, 7 trim, cabinet kitchens, new gas heat, Jersey for me. Snicker, snicker, daysaweek.at395-4647. ing systems, front 8 back porches snicker. T.D. 5Imply Luxurioue" bicycle storage. 3bdrm/$930 Newly co nst ructed. 3 W rrn ,contem p LieaLir(w/otheCuk Jam) HEADING FOR EUROPE 4Wrm1$1100. Lowfee4896254 apt, refrig, stove, microwave. W/D Toeveryonewhoenjoyed Kris thinks we should Stan with THISSUmR? hookups, 4 pkg spaces. fr/rear "J.C.thePoliceman"with me: 'Happy Birthday.' butwe'renot going Jet there anrime with AIRHITCH(r) LAST CHANCETO APPLY porches, NEW heat system (low Thanks for making my 21 Bday so to becauseeveryone elsedoes that. for$160! (As reportedIn NY Times & TOTHECRAFTSHOFE cost), eat-in kitchen, storage, and memorable. Believe me- 1'11 never Then she suggested 'bon anni- Let's go!) AIRHITCH (R) 212864- Interestedin crafts, communalliving las more. Call Arthur for appt and forgetthoserebskIwles.Youareal1 versalre,'but Laura and Idon't take 2Mx) good food and lots 0' fun? Come pick moredetak 729-0995. wonderful people! Ilove you! Paula French,sowe're not going tosay that up an application at 14 Professon either. So, for lack of anthing else, Young Professionals Row and return it by Thurs, 311 4. 1'11 sped whereas Iam 3or4Mrmapt. Happy St. Patrick's Day!And havea Consulting Group Avail 6A.Newly renovated. laundry. Wth water from a well,/ The E will gwdtimewiththat Kipguy-hey you'll A personalizedself-marketing pro- SummerSuMet lotsof parking. behlndCannichaelll become I,/A strong will./ Christens be legal for it. at least. Tee hee hee. gram gearedexcluslvelytograduat- I8 spots left for 5 Wrm apt. W/Dandparkingincl.Or 4mile. Economicallypriced if youare youdesire. T.D. and Bruno (That's Laura and ing students, includingselecting ca- CANCUN & JAMAICA Winthrop St behind Cannichael willingtowalk5mintocampus3Wrm Dave to you) PS. This is from Kris, reer options, development of self- CALL TODAY!@! MONICA 623- $1190/mo or $238 hdrm. June 1 t( $9OO/mo, 4Wrm $lW/mo. Call Patrick Rapunzel Healy too. sort of. marketing, targeting your resume 21 54! end of Aug. Call Amy62991 38 Tom 324-5487 Cut off your hair1 and cover letter, and networking PAULO, not OLLIE, but PAULO through leaders in various indus- 5SPOTSLEFTTOPANAMhClTY Summer Sublet 2.3, or4 Bdrm Apt8 Danlelle On Monday, while you're turning 21, trles.99ParkAvenue,NewYork,NY. BEACH 2 flrs, 4-5 bdrm, 3 min from Tufts, li\ No fees. Close to Tuns. excellent Tiens tu en as deux. Jal pas oubile. tell yourself I said Happy Birthday. 10016. (212)867-1722. FLORIDA!!! HOTEL & BUS. CALL rm,dinrm,ktchen.$250/rm.CallTlr condition, W/D. parking. Lg groups Bon anniversaire. Maintenant tu es Havefun. butnottoomuch...--- TODAY!!! MONICA. 623-2154 629-8006. Sam 629-8922 Avail Ma) OK. Call for details & appointment. "audessus1acolline:Peut-etreone dra TYPING SERVICEAVAILABLE 1 onward! 861-7954. Ask Linda or Sal about se reverrait chez nous. A bientot. -M Resumes, reports, term papers - for CAR FOR SALE! Early Sign-up bonus. TomB. any of your typing needs call 617- 1980 VW Rabbit, 4door, 4-spd in Fourand Fivebdrmapts MCHELETROUSIL Happy early birthday to the biggest 776-871O. $1 nyped page. good condition. $660. Call Megan Renovated, Winthrop St. near cam Two Thanks for being a great Big Sister stud ever. You're so hot- but you 628-1521 pus.W/D, parking. Rentsfrom8900 Bright & Clean3 Wrm apts w/modern rand forallthefro-yo)! Haveanawe- know that as well as any chick. Have SUMMER IS COMING SOON! 395-2463 bath, livrm,eat-In knchenand8 park- some time on Spring Break In Nas- a great break but don't forget where Collegiatestorageserviceoffers the Brown leather bomberjacket ingavailforgl Is2yr.l mintocampus. saul Luvya. Flip 1'11 be! Love, Reg largest network of storage services forsale. Fully lined, in excellent con- Somenille Rent very reasonable. For more Info in the United States. Professional dition, need tosellll!Any reasonable 3 Wrm modem apt for rent. A ha! callowner776-5467aher5pm. Kevin AlhsaK Pickup and delivery. Fully insured. offer considered. Cali Jenny at 776- block from Tufts. Call 354-5170 0 Hal At least mine got In1 Haven ein Happy early Blnhday Hox)! I hope Cali for info:787-7922. 0675. 776-9007. AskforSimeon. Aprtments! flippin flippln flippln great Springm you have a great birthday in Florida Two 2-bed, one 4-bed, all within one Break(7days) Comln undvisit mich! and New York. Have atemific break, THE mocEssu) WORD CAR FOR SALE POWDERHOUSEBLVD block from Tufts. $800, $1,600. Exc -Uberhund (you're real cool) too. Love, MOJO 395-ooo4 '83ChevyCavalier. Excellentcondl- Sunny 3 bdrm apt across from cam cond. Parking, laundry. etc. 628- Theses or term papers got you tion, newtlres, AMEM auto reverse pus in 3 family house. Hdwd flrs an( 4251day.628-1641 night. Krlstlna! DEANNABRYANT down?Callthe bestword processing stereo. Call6294472 big modem kitchenand bath. Privatc Thanks for being there and for being Happy 21 st birthday1Here's the per- service in town. Deadlines no prob- porch. $330/peSOn. Exc condition 2bdrmaptW such a great Big Sister to me. Love. sonal you've always wanted. Thank lems, reasonablerates. giveus your VCRforS9B Marik0:491-7717 7 Wrm apt $2400. BothwAg Wrms. lg Kristen you for ten months of happiness1 I typing. Spell-checked 8 proofread Basic model (no remote), excellent e-i kitchen. hdwd flrs. WID. Dorch. love you, much with FREE report cover. Typeset condition, 18 mo young, original Frmtank of oil shareddriveway,basementstorage. SUPERMhN- qualiliryresumes8cwerleners.tape packing. 1lkhannel cable ready, 3 Wrms, furnished. near campus 5 min to TU or Davis. Avail 6/l. Call When you return from Mekushiko, LISA M. transcription, mailing lists. flyers. 14day 6-event timer, one touch re- porches, clean. sunny, nearT. $855 Darin Assoc. 776-4485 for4nfo or wannaplaychess?Haveablastl (But Theday has finallycome!And Ihave- One stop secretarial service offer- cording. Indoor antenna ind (sepa- mo. PleasecallEdat395-3204 apPt. beware of sandbum) Gmr. Love. n't forgotten... Have an awesome ing: Public Fax, binding... 15 Forest ratefor$lO). Cal1489-2142. Tigger. Doosite? Doositemo... birthday and rock on... Love, there- St, Medford Sq. (opposite Post Of- Pbdrms, 4bdnncpt,.-ikkchen ceivablesdude fice) Paul Simon Tickets furnished, porches. near campu! newly remodeled bath: $1400. 7 YAS,KOLBY mdKURSTEN! March 29. Call Alex at 628-6039 or and Davis Sq. College Ave. lots o bdrmapt,Iivrm,anddinrm,2baths. Ready for your-fest? Hey Everyone!! GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS Deb at 629-9779. parking, clean and sunny. $8OOhno porch.d&: $2400.2 minwalktoTU Have an amazing trip1 Iwish Iwere TellLindaRockettthatyou'llbethink- EXPERTLYTYPED (Law,Medical, PleasecallEdat395-3204 and Hillside, shareddriveway. base- going with you1 Remember- If you ing of her on Monday cause it's her Business) *"395-,*** Inaddtion to your itsy Assoc.ment storage. 7764485forinfoorapt. Avail 6/1. Cali Darin can't be good... do it anyway11 xxoo birthday. Have an awesome one Are your grad school applications bnqteenie weenie yellow polka dot Inexpensiveapt8 avail for June Jen Linda, after break we'll find one for piled high on your desk? Are you bikini wear a pair of Ray Bans this Areyouwiiiingtowalkalittletosavei you, tool Love, Jess wondering how you're going to fit all Spring Break Call 629-901 0 for the lotonrent?lfyouarecailFmnkdayo Large7bdnn,3fIr RED, your Information in those tiny lowest possibleprices. nite at 6257530. Lg and small apt! Viiorisn house Sarah. Melissa Amy and Tam (aka DANNY spaces? Are you concerned where avail. with 2 baths, Is liv rm and din rm. e-i Slam Pigs), Dave, Ula,andStu.l love (my hot blooded Spaniard!!) Can't you'll find the time to do it all before kitchen, sharddriveway. 10 min to youguys!Thanksforalways making imagine life without you. You make the deadlines? Is your Personal Av.ilJulyl,loO1 TU. 2 to Davis. avail 6/1. Call Darin me laugh. Have an awesome break1 mydays.. .Just as good as you make Statement professionallytyped and 50r6 Wrm apt, hugea-lnkkchen, ASSOC. 7764485 for infoorappt. xxoo Jen my nights1I love you SOQO much- in laser printed in a typestyle that's at- Wanted dishwasher, 2 balhs, newly reno. truthl! Happy 21st. Love. Asha(Haz- tractive?Noneed tofret-callFranat vated w/skyiights, near Coiby Bldg 4Wrm aptwith 2) 3955921 - a specialist in making Price neg. Call Vickie 381-3564 M e-i kitchen. hdwd flrs. WID. porch. your applications and personal UNIQUEWORK STUDY 3951547. basement storage, 5 mln to TU or LIsaLl.aLlea . statement asappealing as possible. OPPORTUNITYI Davis. Avail 6/l. Call Darin Assoc. Happy 2151 blrthdaylll We are the Seekingenthusiasticstudenttobea BoctonAve. 7764485forinfoorappt. Rides legal women who no longercan only "WPINGMTORD research aide for Office of Institu. 8 rms. 4 bdrm. excellent get into places likethecomputer lab- PROCESSING***391-9709 tlonal Reseach. Familiarity witt location. Fullylnsulatednewburner. 4 bdrm apt -(Let's hitthec1ubsll)-Michele Alllaserprinted.Wedon'tjusttype- common software packages pre Mostly furnished, incl fridge. WMI, nat wood trim. hdvd flrs. Ig e-i we proofread, check spelling. and ferred but will train. Opportunity tc modern kitchenand bath.2porches. kitchen, W/D. porch, basement stor- INEED A RIDE HOME FOR DAN- read it through. Accurate, profes- gain advanced computer skills. call Good parking, 2nd 8 3rd fir. Lg stor. age.4mintoTU.Avail6/1 .Call Darin PASSOVER!!!! EIN VOGELI Neln. me1 ... drel... slonalresultsputaflnishedlookonall 381-3274 forappointment. age area Call 395-8678 iv mess. Assoc 7764485forinfoorappt. If you are heading to the Banimore/ manzig? Have an awesome blrth- your work: papers, graduate proj- DCareaon Mar28or29, I'm willingto day honey.andagreatspring break. ects,dissertations, resumes. cover Earns50 3Wrmapts $2301287.50/per(ron II shareexoenses.CallJessicaat629- -Regs letters, applications.flyers, micles. Wanted right-handedmalestudents Sunny spacious 3 Wrm apts in 3. 4/5 bdrm apt. driveway, W/D, wood 9069 Call Robynat 391-9709. for study on nutrition and behavior. family houwvery closetocampusir stove, ceiling fan. skylight, close to To KhgPerspective! Englishmust befirstlanguage. Infor- W SomeNille. Modern kitchens i campus. CallGeorge:9328495 Ride Needd Thanks forrememberingl Iknowthls -WORD PROCESSING- mational meetings: Research Bidg, baths, hdwd flrs. porch + parking. ToNYCforSpring Break. Pleasecall is three days early-but Iwant to re- 391-1306 490BostonAve. 4pm TuesMarl2or $325-$340/penon. Meg 5478926 Looking foroffcampushousing? Denaat483-3504. Ridealsoneeded mindyou how m uchyoungeryou are! Great word processlng8 laserprint- ThursMarl4. 1roommateneededfornextyearand to Syracuse on Fri 3/15. Please call Haveagreat breakandahappyand ing. We can type: papers, theses, 4 bdrm qn one needed for fall semester to live Danlelieatsamenumber.Willshare crazy 21 stl Love, Perspective dissertations, artides. applications, The Centerfor EmBonmenral Only a block from campus In Wesi with 4 other students. 2 kirchens, 2 expenses. Queen resumes, cover letters, multiple let- Somervllle in safe and quiet house. balhs. W/D. dishwasher and drive- ters. Tapes transcribed. FREE seeks Independent, responsible. Totally renovated with parking, way. $29O/mo. Call Austin or Walter TotheGirl spellcheckandstorage.Yourchoice mmputer literate- under reduate for $335/person. Meg 547-8926 at 629-8662. Headingfrom Banlmore/DCareaaf- who sits in the front row in Mary's of typeface. Rush servlce available. specialprojectslntheO\iceof Envl- terSpringBreak returningto Boston. dasswithmuitipiepenco1ors:Havea Professionaland confiential. CON- ronmental Programs. 510 hours a 5 room apt College Avo. Apts avail for next year Anybody need a ride?Help w/gas & TOTALLY AWESOME 19th BIRTH- VENIENTSmin away from campus. week at S.OOlhr th on Red Line. Newly renovated. AI They are in good condition dose ta tolls.CallMiks391-2828.So~,only DAY Love, the Basketballand Pizza Too busy to stop by? Send it by fax. utilities except elec incl. Call 625, campus and rent is low. Call Una al one way. Queens Call My Right Hand:391-1306 15. For informationcall 381 -3531 3875 or Vlckie 381-3564. 2897370eveningor6257530days. 1 I

-_-- Ken, Barbie, and The Tufts Daily wish everyone a safe, happy, sunny spring break. See ya inaweek.

iobbes by Bill Watterson Quote of the Day

I NAVE IN MY HRND AN lNV\S\8LE CRETINIZER ! "Airline passenger: Stewardess, do these big ONE SHor RENEZ WCT\M A BABBLING SIMP, planescrash often? A DOLT, AN UTTER WWd! Stewardess: Oh my, no... onlyonce."

--Have a safe trip

Two Engineers and an English Major

The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Expensive Doonesbury BYGARRYTRUDEAU 5 Writer Anita 9 Sailors 14 Decorate again BEAT 7HA77 WANK WD 15 "- Misbehavin"' UfMTER THE CDNVFAZI- 16 Poet T.S. - 17 Press 18 Entreaty 19 Dressed to the - 20 Certain NCOs 23 Decade number 24 Not him 25 Hwy. 26 - Angeles 27 Scot. hillside 29 Total 32 Fashion name 34 Castle defense 35 Cosmetic ingredient 36 Quayle e.g. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 39 Portent by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee 40 Nautical term 41 Comfort Unscramble these four Jumbles, 42 Accomplished one letter to each square, to form 43 Title Bush: ~ ._ _-- - - four ordinary words. for abbr. Yesterdav's Puzzle Solved: 44 Overhead 7 Great thing railways 8 Kind of party 45 Illuminated 9 Lawmaking %%IeL"&-z -- 46 Tavern brew group 47 Goblin 10 Skirt shape 50 Intensive 11 Fluff questioning 12 "On Your -" process 13 Aves. 55 Pay for 21 Nettle 56 Amass 22 Clio's sister 57 "I smell -" 26 Diving bird THAT BRIGHT NEW- 58 Throw 27 Make no - COMER SA117 THAT 59 Gans or Drank about (be HE RATHER WOULP I end- ' candid) OWN THAN 60 Misplace 28 Sprint COME FROM--' 61 Fished for 29 Woe! lampreys 30 Solitary Now arrange the circled letters to 62 Rower's need 31 Piloted form the surprise answer, as sup 63 War god 32 - Moore 03/15/91 gested by the above cartoon. 33 Frosted DOWN 34 Track distance 45 Depart 50 Elm or oak Answer here: 1 Be carried along 35 Amo, -. amat 46 Philosopher 51 Make better 2 Frightening 36 Turf Felix 52 - facto (Answers tomorrow) 3 Decorate 37 - Vader 47 Mistake 53 Hayworth or Jumbles: COLON NEWLY VARIED 4 Ely and Howard 38 Riot 48 Rent Gam Yesterday's TYCOON 5 Oversights 43 Pocked I Answer: What some peo le seem to take when they go 49 Elaborate 54 Celebration shopplng--INV&lTORY 6 Houston athlete 44 Clergymen parties 55 Article