Mumbai Assembly, 8-12 February 2017

Hosted by ALMT Legal

IAG’s first Assembly of 2017 will be held in , India’s commercial heart and a fascinating city poised between Eastern and Western, old and new, cultures. The Assembly will be based at the iconic , on the edge of the Indian Ocean, in the centre of the city, right by the ‘Gateway to India’ monument.

NB, Assembly dates, flights, extending the trip, booking deadline

As at most IAG Assemblies, the formal Assembly events in Mumbai will start on the evening of Thursday 9th February 2017 (preceded by optional golf on Thursday morning). However those coming to Mumbai from the Americas or Europe will find that most flights arrive in the very late evening or soon after midnight. So you are strongly encouraged to arrive on the evening/ night of Wednesday 8th, so as not to miss anything! Some rooms have been reserved for Wednesday night for this.

You are even more strongly encouraged to take the opportunity to extend your visit to India, and the point above may incline you towards doing so before the Assembly, although of course afterwards is also fine. The Taj group are offering discounted rates at their other hotels; please contact [email protected] for help on this. We can also put you in touch with travel agents for more general planning of your visit.

Please note too that flights to Mumbai can become full, and flight costs can increase, earlier than on most other routes. It would therefore be advisable to investigate and book flights as soon as possible.

As February weather in Mumbai is ideal, it is wedding season and hotel space is in very high demand. We have arranged an excellent group hotel rate with the Taj, but this will only remain available until 8 December 2016, which is much earlier than the usual IAG booking deadline. Thursday 9th February

Thursday morning, OPTIONAL, Golf at the Willingdon Club

The exclusive Willingdon Club is Mumbai’s premier country club, providing a beautiful green oasis among the skyscrapers and the bustle of downtown Mumbai.

Thursday evening, ALL, Drinks and Dinner at Dome, looking over , caressed by the trade wind from the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea.

Friday 10th February

Friday 9am – 4.30 pm, DELEGATES, Business Session, Rendezvous suite, Taj Hotel

Friday morning, GUESTS/ COMPANIONS

Taj Mahal Palace Hotel Heritage Walk, then car service available and time for shopping.

Friday evening, ALL

Short visit to ALMT Legal office for a cup of tea (serving alcohol in the office is not done in India)

Drinks and Dinner at ‘Tote on the Turf’ at Mahalaxmi racecourse, with a short dance performance, Indian activities, and dancing for all

Saturday 11th February

Morning, ALL

Bus tour of for about an hour.

Drop off at (near the hotel, and good for shopping) for lunch and afternoon at leisure.

Evening, ALL, then volunteers

Semi- casual Drinks and Dinner at Aer Bar, followed by Wink club for an optional after-party

We look forward to seeing you!