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EPISHMON ORGANON THS PALLAKWNIKHS OMOSPONDIAS AMERIKHS KAI KANADA Ar PALLAKWNIKHPALLAKWNIKH EPISHMON ORGANON THS PALLAKWNIKHS OMOSPONDIAS AMERIKHS KAI KANADA Ar. Fuvllou 4 Dekevmbrio~ 2003 Washington D.C. MERIKH APOYH THS SPARTHS - PARTIAL VIEW OF SPARTA PAN-LACONIAN FEDERATION Mhvnuma tou Proevdrou th~ Pallakwnikhv~ OF UNITED STATES AND CANADA Web Site: www.panlaconian.org Omospondiva~ Amerikhv~ kai Kanadav Supreme President TERRY TSAFATINOS 667 Snug Island ¡„·ÁÙÔfl À‹Í˘ÌÂÚ, À·Í˛ÌÈÛÛÂÚ, ˆflÎÔÈ Í·È ˆflÎÂÚ Ù˘Ì Clearwater, FL 33767 727.441.2660 À·Í˛Ì˘Ì. Supreme Vice President U.S. TAKIS NIKOLOPOULOS àτ‹ÎÁ ˜·Ò‹ Û·Ú ·ÂıË˝Ì˘ ·ÙÒÈ˘ÙÈÍÔ˝Ú ˜·ÈÒÂÙÈÛÏÔ˝Ú 716.519.8807 Supreme Vice President Canada ÂÍ Ï›ÒÔıÚ Ù˘Ì ÏÂÎ˛Ì ÙÔı æ·ÙÔı ”ıÏ‚ÔıÎflÔı ÙÁÚ PETER RIZAKOS –·Îη͢ÌÈÍfiÚ œÏÔÛỔfl·Ú ¡ÏÂÒÈÍfiÚ Í·È ·Ì·‰‹. 116 Hatherly Rd. Toronto, Ontario M6E1w2 416.653.6670 ƒÂ˜ËÂflÙÂ Í·È ÙÈÚ Ôȸ ËÂÒÏ›Ú Âı˜›Ú Ï·Ú Ì· ÂÒ‹ÛÂÙ Âı˜‹ÒÈÛÙ· ÙÈÚ ¢„ÈÂÚ Supreme Secretary VASILIKI KOSTAKOS-BOUTH ≈ÔÒÙ›Ú Í·È ÂıÙı˜ÈÛÏ›ÌÔÈ Ì· ÂflÛË ÙÔ 2004. 611 10th Street, Largo, FL 33770 727.584.2771 –ÔÎÎÔfl ·¸ ÂÛ‹Ú ÂflÛË ·ÓÈ›·ÈÌÔÈ ‰È¸ÙÈ Ï ÙÁ ÛıÌ·flÛËÁÛÁ ÙÁÚ ÈÛÙÔÒÈÍfiÚ Supreme Treasurer PETER ALOUPIS ·Ì‹„ÍÁÚ ÛıÏÏÂÙ›˜ÂÙÂ Í·È ÒÔÛˆ›ÒÂÙ·È „È· ÙÁ ‰È·ÙfiÒÁÛÁ Ù˘Ì À·Í˘ÌÈÍ˛Ì 8408 Old Seven Locks Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817 240.393.6090 ”ıÎθ„˘Ì Í·È ÛÙÁ –·Îη͢ÌÈÍfi œÏÔÛỔfl·. ‘Ô Ẩȷˆ›ÒÔÌ Û·Ú ÂflÌ·È Supreme Counselors ÏÈ· ›Ì‰ÂÈÓÁÚ Û‚·ÛÏÔ˝ Í·È ·„‹ÁÚ ÒÔÚ ÙÁ ”ıÎÎÔ„ÈÍfi Û·Ú Â̸ÙÁÙ· Í·È PETER GRIVOGIANNIS phone: 416.465.9355 JOHN S. MANOS phone: 215.735.7565 ÙÔÌ Ù¸Ô ÙÁÚ Í·Ù·„˘„fiÚ Û·Ú. Regional Supreme Vice Presidents ≈flÌ·È –·ÙÒÈ˘ÙÈÍfi ıÔ˜Ò›˘ÛÁ Ì· ‰È·ÙÁÒfiÛÔıÏ ÙÁÌ ÂÎÎÁÌÈÍfi „βÛÛ· Í·È New England: JOHN PATOUHEAS NY, NJ, and CT: COSTAS TSICHLIS Ì· ‰È·‰˛ÛÔıÏ ÙÁÌ ÈÛÙÔÒfl· Í·È ÙÈÚ ·Ò·‰¸ÛÂÈÚ ÙÔı ÂÎÎÁÌÈÛÏÔ˝. Mid-Atlantic States: PANAGIOTIS GLEKAS Mid-Western States: PETER MAHERAS Southeastern States: GEORGE CONITS ≈flÌ·È „„ÔÌ¸Ú ¸ÙÈ Á –·ÙÒfl‰· Ï·Ú ÂflÌ·È ÏÈ· ÏÈÍÒfi ˜˛Ò· Ï Ï„‹ÎÁ ÈÛÙÔÒfl· California: ANTONIS PETROUTSAS Í·È ÔÎÈÙÈÛϸ Í·È ‹ÌÙ· Ë· ÒÔÛÏ›ÌÂÈ ·¸ Ù· ·¸‰ÁÏ· ·È‰È‹ ÙÁÚ Ì· Province of Ontario: GUS VARLOKOSTAS Province of Quebec: HARRIS IATROPOULOS ÍÒ·ÙfiÛÔıÌ Ù· ˜·Ò·ÍÙÁÒÈÛÙÈÍ‹ ÛÙÔȘÂfl· ÙÁÚ ÂÎÎÁÌÈÍfiÚ ÙÔıÚ Í·Ù·„˘„fiÚ. Province of B.C. : IRENE NICKOLAOU Greece: AVRILIA VLAHAKI àÙÁ ÛıÌ·flÛËÁÛÁ ÙÁÚ ÈÛÙÔÒÈÍfiÚ ÂıË˝ÌÁÚ Í·Î˛ ¸ÎÔıÚ ÙÔıÚ À‹Í˘ÌÂÚ ¸˘Ú: Supreme Director of Membership ATHENA GLEKA CONITS - ≈ÈÛ͈ÙÂflÙ ÙÁÌ ≈Î΋‰· Í·È ÙÁÌ À·Í˘Ìfl·. Supreme Director of Education PETER PANAGOULIAS - √flÌÂÙ·È ÂÌÂÒ„‹ Ï›ÎÁ Û À·Í˘ÌÈÍÔ˝Ú ”ıÎθ„ÔıÚ ÙÁÚ ÂÒÈÔ˜fiÚ Û·Ú. Supreme Director of Projects GUS PLAGIANNIS - àÂÈÏÔÌfi Ì· ÂflÛÂÙ ٷ ·È‰È‹ Û·Ú Ì· ÛıÏÏÂÙ›˜ÔıÌ ÛÙÈÚ Supreme Director of Protocol Â͉ÁβÛÂÈÚ Ù˘Ì ”ıÎθ„˘Ì. JAMES SPYRAKOS Director of Laconian Village TAKIS NIKOLOPOULOS - –ÒÔ‚‹ÎÎÂÙ·È ÙÁÌ ›Ì‰ÔÓÁ ÈÛÙÔÒfl· Ù˘Ì À·Í‰·ÈÏÔÌfl˘Ì. Supreme Directors of Publicity MARTHA KARAKITSOS - US - –ÒÔ‚‹ÎÎÂÙ·È ÙÔ ÂÒÈÔ‰È͸ ÙÁÚ œÏÔÛỔfl·Ú. GEORGIA MENEGAS - US DEMETRIOS MANTALAS - CAN ”ıÏ‚‹ÎÎÂÙ ¸ÛÔÈ ›˜ÂÙ ÔÈÍÔÌÔÏÈÍfi ‹ÌÂÛÁ ÛÙÁ Û˜ÔÎÈÍfi DORA THEOFILOPOULOS - GREECE - ANNITA PREKEZE - GREECE ÂͷȉÂıÙÈÍfi ÂÈÙÒÔfi Í·È ÛÙ· ›Ò„· ÙÁÚ –·Îη͢ÌÈÍfiÚ œÏÔÛỔfl·Ú. Commander of Knights & Ladies of Sparta Historian and Archivist ºÎÔÈ Ï·Ú Ë· ÍÒÈËÔ˝ÏÂ Û˝Ïˆ˘Ì· Ï ÙÁÌ ·ÙÒÈ˘ÙÈÍfi Ï·Ú ·„˘„fi. PERRY P. MICHAEL Directors of Laconian Youth GEORGE VARVITSIOTIS - US à·ÙÒÈ˘ÙÈÍÔ˝Ú ˜·ÈÒÂÙÈÛÏÔ˝Ú STEVE GEORGITSOS - US CHRISTINA KOKALIARIS - CANADA »Â¸‰˘ÒÔÚ ‘Û·ˆ·ÙflÌÔÚ Pan-World Convention PERRY MICHAEL - US æ·ÙÔÚ –Ҹ‰ÒÔÚ JAMES KOKKOROS - CANADA Web Site: ELIAS and ALEX PANAGOULIAS PALLAKWNIKH is published by the Steivlte ma~ ta Neva sa~, Fwtografive~, Mail your News, Photos, Articles, and Pan-Laconian Federation of U.S.A. and Canada Inc. VArqra, kai Epistolev~. (Parakalouvme Letters, (Please include your phone Issue No. 4 . December 2003 ovpw~ shmeiwvsete kai ton ariqmov thle- number) to the address bellow: Editorial Committee fwvnou sa~), sthn dieuvqunsh katwtevrw PERRY P. MICHAEL JOHN D. DIMOPOULOS 301.949.4692 301.937.9285 Perry P. Michael Design & Production 13212 Hathaway Dr. John D. Dimopoulos 4806 Manheim Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705 Silver Spring, MD 20906 or: e-mail: [email protected] 2 PALLAKWNIKH o Sunevdrio 56Pallakwnikhv~ Omospondiva~ Amerikhv~ kai Kanadav ÙÔ ”ÈÍ‹„Ô ›„ÈÌ ÙÔ 56Ô ”ıÌ›‰ÒÈÔ ÙÁÚ –·Îη͢ÌÈÍfiÚ œÏÔÛỔfl·Ú ” ·¸ 24 - 29 …ÔıÌflÔı 2003. ‘Ô ”ÈÍ‹„Ô ÂflÌ·È Á „ÂÌÌ›ÙÁÒ· ÙÁÚ –·Îη- ͢ÌÈÍfiÚ Í·È ÔÎÎÔfl ·Î·ÈÔfl ›ÌÔÈ˘Û·Ì ÙÈÚ ÁÏ›ÒÂÚ ·ıÙ›Ú ÔÎÎ›Ú ·Ì·ÏÌfiÛÂÈÚ Ôı Ï·ÒÙıÒ‹Ì ÙÁ Ê˘fi Í·È ‰Ò‹ÛÁ ÙÁÚ œÏÔ„ÂÌÂÈ·ÍfiÚ ·ıÙfiÚ œÒ„‹Ì˘ÛÁÚ. ¡ÌÙÈÒ¸Û˘ÔÈ ·¸ ÙÔ Ï·ÍÒÈ̸ ‘ÔÒ¸ÌÙÔ, ÙÔ ÃÔÌÙÒ‹Î, Õ›· ¡„„Îfl·, Õ›· ’¸ÒÍÁ, œı‹ÛÈ„ÍÙÔÌ, ¡Ù΋ÌÙ·, N. ·ÒÔÎflÌ·, ÷βÒȉ· Í·È ÙÔıÚ ÙÔÈÍÔ˝Ú ”ıÎθ„ÔıÚ ‰˛Û·Ì ÙÔ ·Ò¸Ì Í·È ›Ò·Û·Ì 6 Ï›ÒÂÚ Û·Ì ÏÈ· Ï„‹ÎÁ ÔÈÍÔ„›ÌÂÈ·. ¬ÒfiÍ·Ì „Ì˘ÛÙÔ˝Ú, ›Í·Ì·Ì Í·ÈÌÔ˝Ò„ÈÔıÚ ˆflÎÔıÚ Í·È ‘Ô ”ıÌ›‰ÒÈÔ ÙflÏÁÛ·Ì ÂÒ˜¸ÏÂÌÔÈ ·¸ À·Í˘Ìfl·Ú Í·È ÛÙÔ ¸Ò·Ï· Ù˘Ì ÔÎÎÔfl ÛıÌ‹ÌÙÁÛ·Ì Ò¸Û˘· Ôı ÙÁ À·Í˘Ìfl·, Á ÕÔϷҘȷÍfi ”˝Ï‚Ôı- ¡Ô‰fiÏ˘Ì À·Í˛Ì˘Ì. ∏„ÈÌ ·ÒÔı- Âfl˜·Ì Ì· Ù· ‰Ô˝Ì ˜Ò¸ÌÈ·. ‘· Ôˆ›ÎÁ ÎÔÚ Í. √È˛Ù· ÃΛٷ, Ô „È·ÙÒ¸Ú Ûfl·ÛÁ ÙÁÚ ÙÔÔËÂÛfl·Ú Í·È ÔÈ Û˝Ì‰ÒÔÈ Ù˘Ì ”ı̉Òfl˘Ì ÂflÌ·È ÔÎ΋. –Ò˛Ù·- –·Ì·„È˛ÙÁÚ ¡Ï›ÒÙÔÚ, Ô ÔÔflÔÚ Ôϸˆ˘Ì· ·Ô‰›˜ÙÁÍ·Ì ÙÁÌ ÒÔÛˆÔÒ‹ Ò˛Ù· ·¸ ÙÈÚ ·Ì·ˆÔÒ›Ú Ù˘Ì ‰˛ÒÁÛ ›ÍÙ·ÛÁ 220 ÛÙÒÂÏÏ‹Ù˘Ì ÛÙÁÌ Í·È Âı˜fiËÁÍ·Ì Í·Îfi ÂÈÙı˜fl·. ·ÌÙÈÒÔÛ˛˘Ì ·ÌÙ·Î΋ÛÂÙ·È ÂflÒ· ÙÔÔËÂÛfl· ¢„ÈÔÚ ÷˘Í‹Ú ÍÔÌÙ‹ ÛÙÁ ¢ÎÎÔ Ë›Ï· Ôı ÛıÊÁÙfiËÁÍ fiÙ·Ì Á „È· ÙÁ ‰ÈÔflÍÁÛÁ Í·È ÎÂÈÙÔıÒ„fl· Ù˘Ì ÃÔÌÂÏ‚·ÛÈ‹ „È· ÙÁ ‰ÁÏÈÔıÒ„fl· ÙÔı Û˝„ÍÎÈÛÁ –·„͸ÛÏÈÔı ”ı̉ÒflÔı ”ıÎθ„˘Ì Í·Ë˛Ú ÂflÛÁÚ Í·È Á ‹ÏÈÎη "À·Í˘ÌÈÍÔ˝ ◊˘ÒÈÔ˝" Í·È Ô ÏÁ˜·ÌÈÍ¸Ú À·Í˛Ì˘Ì Í·Ù‹ Ù· ϛ۷ ÙÔı …ÔıÎflÔı ÛÙÁÌ ÂÍÎfiÒ˘ÛÁ Ù˘Ì ÒÔ„Ò·ÏÏ‹Ù˘Ì ÕÈ͸ηÔÚ ˘ÌÛÙ·ÌÙÈÌ‹ÍÔÚ. ≈flÛÁÚ 2004 ÛÙÁ À·Í˘Ìfl·. ‘· Ï›ÎÁ ÙÁÚ Í·È Ù˘Ì ÛÍÔ˛Ì ÙÁÚ œÏÔÛỔfl·Ú. 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