f f)W } } f);' HI&"H TIDE 8-17-f''.f 8-17-69 {J 9 "t {J(;1f' 6 2 at 0642 /} [j '11, U 4 5 0 at 1906 __tOURGlASS

VOL 9, No 8475 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISlANDS Saturday, August 16, lq69

KUPlMING. Astronauts Greeted by Enthusiastic Today's Nevvs Vietnam CHINA ROUNDUP Crowd During Parade in Houston SAIGON -- Heamest ral-ds yet by U S IRELAND Catholtcs demand guT'S HOUSTON (UPI) -- The Ppollo 11 Astronauts, wavlng and wearing big grins, parad­ NANNING• ed ln triumph today before an estlmated 250,000 persons ln thelr adopted ~ome­ ATLANTA Educators and pol&t&c&ans town gather to ask N&xon to ease up on de­ If the crowds at officlal welcomes In , Chlcago and Los Angeles ear­ segrat&on efforts "BANG ller In the week were larger, they would have been hard put to keep up IYlth the JANG. Houston crowd In nOlse and enthusiasm LENN0N -- Murderer of famous father Secret Servlce Agent Everett Shafer had to Jump out of the car WhlCh Nell A st&ll betng sought Armstrong, Edwln E Aldrln Jr and Mlke Co}llns were rldlng ln to keep the ASTRONAUTS -- Houston rolls out red crowd back Suspect Charged carpet The crowd threw confeetl, ticker tape and "Moon CertiflcateE" - $100 and TATE MUPDER -- T1rJ o ee persons suspected $1,000 fake paper monEY - untll the In Lennon SlaYing streets were two or three feet deep ln LOS ANGELES (UPI)-- Chet W ~ Young, KOPEChlvE FAMILY -- Couple hopes Ken­ litter charged wlth the murder of the singing nedu w&ll testtfy tn com&ng heanng Lennon slsters' father, remalned at large today and pollce warned he was HURRICANE CAMILLE FloP&QQ res&- armed and extremely dangerous dents and tourosts warned to take Although pollce declined to conflrm coveT' he was a former mental patient, the victlm's brother, Jimmie Lennon, sald a man named Chet Young, a former Colorado mental patlent, had hounded the famlly Southern Educators Seek for years with threatening letters and telephone calls because he wanted to Desegregation Ease marry one of the sisters ATLANTA (UPI) -- Nearly 150 :'oucnern A warrant for Young's arrest was IS­ educators and polltlcians, In a meetlng sued last nlght after a complalnt was remlnlscent of the 1950's, gathererl at filed charging him with the murder of Gov Lester Maddox' manSlon today and B52s Bomb Jungles William Lennon, 54, father of 11 child­ asked that Presldent Nlxon ease federal ren, who was gunned down In the parking school desegregatlon efforts In 13 Separate Strikes lot of a golf range Tuesday Pollce The pdrtlclpants, prlmarlly offlclals said the complaint was based on Wlt­ of local school dlstrlcts across the SAIGON (UPI)-- U S B52 bombers fly­ nesses' reports and physlcal des­ South, adopted a resolutl0n bv M1SS1S S - ing thelr heavlest ralds In six weeks cription 1ppl Gov John Bell Wililams urging dropped more than two mlll10n pounds Lennon was shot twice In the back and Nixon to "VOice support and Instltute of explos1ves on jungles near Salgon we~e &squed &n Hous- leglslatlon to brIng about maXlmum In­ where the Communlsts pressed thelr new ton, Tex by a funny money manufactur­-­ as he tried to crawl away, the murderer put the rlfle to Lennon's head and fir­ dlvldual freedom to be substltuted for offenslve campalgn In ItS slxth day e~ to honor the Apollo 11 Moon m&ss&on ed agaln bureaucratlc dlrectlves " Rellable allIed sources sald that Houston's tribute tL the spacemen in­ They agreed to form a permanent or­ Unlted ~tates had dlverted all B52 cluded a gala for 55,000 persons In the Hurricane Camille Heads ganizatlon almed at rellevlng federal bombers used over Loas to battle areas Astrodome tonlght More wanted to t get pressure in matters of desegragation in South Viet Nam The sources said in but there was no room Toward fla. Gulf Coast Maddox and Wlillams -- the only gov­ the U S Command hoped the Intenslfled A show put together by Broadway pro­ PANAMA CITY, FLA (UPI)-- Hurrlcane ernors in attendance although all from B52 ralds would batter Communlst troop ducer David Merrick features Frank Sin­ Camille tralned Its 115 mph winds the South were Invlted -- and Alabama concentratlons and force the Reds to atra as Master of Cerpmonies toward a 200-mile stretch of 's Educatlon Supt Frnest Stone were des - w~thdraw from posltlons near key al11- The 30-block parade in steamy sun­ most beautiful Gulf Coast bea~hes to­ ignated to serve as an executlve com­ ed targets shine today featured the blggest col­ day and thousands of tourists and res­ mlttee that Wlll try to get other gov­ Late last nlght and today the giant lection of Astronauts ever gathered in Idents were warned to take cover ernors to partlclpate B52's streaked at 650 miles an hour to one place The space center lS on the Beachfront business places began Maddox's offlce will serve as a pound Communlst weapons sites, staging outskirts of Houston Ind all of the As­ boardlng yp durlng early afternoon and clearlng house for Ideas and suggest- areas, and troop concentratlons In an tronauts live ln or around the Clty A about 250 aircraft were evacuated from 10ns for the group About $500 was arc 50 - 70 mlles north and northwest total of 31 Astronaut' and their famil­ the Pensacola Naval Alr statl0n complex taken up at the close of the meetlng to of Salgon ies rode through cheerlng throngs and flown inland to Merldlan, Miss help get the organlzation gOlng U S offiClals the 13 B52 A huge float, contalnlng the charred Tourists jOlned local resldents in Although M~ddnx raIled the meetln~, strikes, some only a mlle from Cambod­ Apollo 9 space capsul, and models of the rush to buy storm supplies and one ~ore MisSlsslpplans showed up than la, were the heavlest since the 13 the lunar module and the Gemlni space­ store owner told a reporter "We're Georgians Fewer than 10 persons ap­ strlkes flown on July 5 craft, preceded the Astronauts seillng transistor battery radl0s like peared from the four states of Tenne&­ Untll thlS week, the elght-englne Each of the Wives of the Apollo 11 mad" The Red Cross sent 26 workers gee, North Carollna, South Carolina and planes had dlvlded thelr strlkes even­ Astronauts carried an armful of yellow and nlne mobile unit disaster vans in­ Vlrglnia ly between Laos and South Viet Nam roses to the area A spokesman said they would be deployed all along the Florida Police Informant Links Panhandle, as far west as Moblle, Ala More British Troops Enter Belfast Thunderlng tides up to 10 feet were ex­ Three to Tate Murders' pected from the storm, which the Weath­ er Bureau descrlbed as "potentlally In Attempt to Halt Conflict LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- 1\ pollce informant very dangerous " BELFAST, NORTHEPN IRELAND (UPI)-- Angry Roman Cathollcs shouted for guns to- linked three persons in the Benedict night to defend themselves against Protestant sn~pers and more Britlsh troops Canyon massacre in whLch actress Sharon moved Into Belfast to block the spread of bullets and flames blitzlng entire Tate and four others .. ere murdered and Kopechne's Mother nelghborhoods gave narcotics as the motlve for the At least eight persons have been kliled by gunflre Slnce Thursday nlght Po- slaughter, it was reported today Wants Kennedy llce sald more than 300 persons have been InJured, at least 66 by bullets Some The informant said Polish playboy 300 were left homeless Voityck Frokowsky, 37, one of the VIC­ To Testify at Inquest "Glve us guns and we'll defend ourselves," Cathohcs yelled ln the Springfield tims, was the principII target and was BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N J (UPI)-- The Road area "We don't want promlses executed because of hls deep involve - mother of Mary Jo Kopechne, the girl from the Irlsh Republic, we want guns ment with narcotics dLstrlbutors, ac­ killed in an auto accldent Involving and ammunltion " cording to a newspape r report in Sen Edward M Kennedy, said today she Sporadlc snlping erupted In the Pro­ The Los Angeles Times wants Kennedy to testlfy at an Inquest testant stronghold around Crumlin Road Police refused to eLther contirm or into her daughter's death before dark and frlghtened residents deny the story and would say only that At the same tlme, Mrs Joseph A Ko­ appealed to British soldlers to glve they had "no comment" on it pechne relterated her opposition to an them the same barbed wire and flxed According to the strJry, the informant autopsy on the body of Mary Jo, who was r,yonet protectlon accorded the de­ gave police the names of at least three killed in the accident and is burled at vastated Cathollc Falls Road area persons includlng one he believes was Larksvllle, Pa 1 The new soldiers brought to about actively involved In the Aug 9 slay­ She also added a new note of mystery l~ 1,050 the number on, peacekeeplng duty ings at M1ss Tate's canyon estate to the highly publlcized case by saying , inside the capltal They set up barb- The informant, a Pollsh Imm1grant and that offlclals had told ed Wlre enclaves and began patrols a close frlend of Frokowsky, sald her before Mary Jo was burled that they with fixed bayonets threatened wlth he had been invited to the party at the had already performed an autopsy on the Cathollc retalIation estate but worked late and dld not go glrl, but later said they did not In Dublln, about 3,000 Catholics The informant told police he 1S cer­ Both she and her husband plan to fly rallied outslde the General Post Of­ tain the kliler or killers know that he to Wilkes Barre, Pa , Aug 25 and are fice on O'Connel Street shoutlng "We can identify them anc, he has been under llkely to testlfy at a hearlng on a re­ want guns" for use in the north About constant police guard Slnce he flrst quest by Dlst Atty Edmund S DlnlS of 200 broke away and stoned the Britlsh talked to officers last Sunday, the the Southern Dlstrlct of Massachusetts Embassy before 150 police put them to newspaper sald to have the autopsy performed The '1.' ' fllght The exact nature of FFokowsky's in­ hearing IS belng held in Wllkes Barre • \ The Belfast government invoked the volvement with drug distributors was because Mary Jo's burLaL place is near­ "fjPeClal Powers Act which allows police not known but the informant claimed it by to detaln rlOt leader~ and suspected was that which led to the mass murders She sald her prlmary questlon was why criminals up to 48 hours wlthout Garretson, the onl) person found a­ Kennedy's attorney, ParI Markham and - charge Pollce can then appeal to the live on the estate, 5ald he heard noth­ his COUSln, Joseph Gargln, also a law­ CELEBRATtON Weary from 18 hours of house to house I Home Affairs Mlnister to grant indef­ ing in his guest cottage the nlght of yer, had not sought help for Mary Jo as flghtmg helmeted shield carrymg polIce f'lce a mob of lnite detention the sl8-¥ings al thoug}, he became con­ soon as the Senator told th~m of the rock throwmg- demon::.tr'liors In a n'lrrow ~treet of em Police said at least 29 persons slls­ cerned about dawn whpn he found the accident in WhlCh Kennedy's car plunged battled Londonderry North Ireland CathOlics hurlmg ,ron pected of Irish Republican sympathies bars brIck' and rocb at pdraders celebratlllg a 280 year old were detained as of this afternoon telephone in hlS cottage dead off the bndge Protestant \ lctory 0\ er a CatholiC .army Ig-nlted the fIghting- HOURGLASS Sat urday, J, Igus t 1 f, ~ 1

FM Sch dul IT'S FUN TIME I SUNDAY & ~ONDAY, Aug 17 & 18 In the doldrums? Feellng unsettled MARCHES IN HI-FI - Arthur Fledler con­ after that vacatIon trlp? Then why ductIng the Boston Pops - 7 30 pm not have a fun nlght out? See the Grand March, AIda, March of the Toys, Kwajalein Communlty Theater's latest Semper Fldells, Marche MInIature, Yan­ play "Send Me No Flowers" a comedy kee Doodle, Up the street, Rakoczy in three acts, to be presented on March, 76 Trombones, ProcessIon of the Thursday and Frlday, the 21st and 22nd Sardar, Sambre et Meuse, TurkIsh March of August, and agaln on Thursdav and Colonel Bogey, DIxIe, AmerIcan Salute, Frlday, the 28th and 29th of August StrIke up the Band It wlll be at the n~' KwaJaleln FIDDLER ON THE ROOF - 8 13 pm Jr -Sr HIgh School audltorlum OrIgInal Cast RecordIng WIth Zero Mus­ Doors open at 7 15 pm, curtaln tlme tel, Marla Karnllova and BeatrIce Arthur 8 00 pm Tlckets are only $1 50 DON'T GO TO STRANGERS - EydIe Gorme - each and are obtalnable by callIng 8 59 pm Lou Anne Savercool at 84526 Tlckets How About Me, What's New? What DId I wlll also be sold on Macy's porch Have That I Don't Have? I'll Be Around, Llsten to AFRS for dates and tlmes If He Walked Into My LIfe, Don't Go To Strangers, I WIsh You Love, How Dld He Look, I Wanna Be Around, Tell Hlm I SaId Fire Dept Announcement Hello, When He Leaves You The KwaJaleln FIre Department SALUTE TO SATCHMO - Teddy Buckner - DIX­ wlll conduct lts annual test of all ~eland Band - 9 36 pm flre hydrants durIng the thlrd week My Bucket's Got a Hole In It, Save It of August, beglnnlng at 1 am on Pretty Mama, My Monday Date, Black and August 20th through August 22nd Blue, Potato Head Blues, Hlgh Soclety, ThIs test lS requlred by the u S Squeeze Me, Someday, Savoy Blues, I 'tTant Army and the Natlonal Flre Protectlon a BIg Butter and Egg Man Assoclatlon The tests are con­ THE PINK PANTHER - Composed and conducted ducted to lnsure that all hydrants NEW KWAJALEIN TEACHERS These "rllhng facps have Just by Henry ManCInI - 10 16 pm are operatIng proflclently and the begun the awesome task of educatIon The new t~achers PInk Panther Theme, It Had Better Be To­ flow of water IS sufflclent to ex­ are (front row left) Bernadette BonIn, Patrlcla Brown, nlght, Royal Blue, Champagne and QuaIl, tlngulsh a major fIre, should one Gretchen Galer, Marty Mliler, Patllcla Hunt and Elspeth The VIllage Inn, The TIber TwlSt, It Had occur Ellsworth StandIng are (left) SuperIntendent Ray Haugen, Better Be TonIght (vocal), CortIna, The There WIll be some lnconvenlence Lonely PrIncess, SomethIng for Sellers, Ed Brooks, Ruth Brooks, l-oward Moos, Gall Moos, Don Anson to the ~sland oopulatl0n durlng and PhyllIs Anson Plano and Strlngs, Shades of Sennett these three days of testlng The DInner mUSIC from 6 30 - 7 30 pm All cooperatlon of lsland reSIdents lS Micronesians Featured In Chapel Services tImes lIsted above are apprOXImate asked for thIS perIod Ebeye young people who are students at Mlzpah Hlgh A large amount of water lS requlr­ School of MIcroneSIa wIll be sInglng at both the 8 10 and Tonight at the YYClub ed durlng thlS operatIon and a certaln 11 00 Protestant worshIp serVlces tomorrow mornIng, August Entertalnment at the Yokwe Yuk Club amount of rust wll1 be notIced ln 17 tonIght wlll lnclude PHILIP NAVASQUES the domestlc supply MIzpah Hlgh School of MIcroneSIa IS located on Moen, ln AND THE RAINBOWS, JOHNN SORENSON AND HIS A word of warnlng about washIng the Truk DIstrIct of the Caro11ne Islands and has been ln ACCORDIAN and BEVERLY CADE sIngIng folk clothes durIng thlS perlod Clothes operatlon SInce 1966 when It was founded by the Unlted songs Corne enJoy an enjoyable evenlng washed ln the water may become dlS­ Church Board for World MInIstrIes Durlng the brlef span and dInner WhlCh wl11 feature an assort­ colored by the rust Nor~ally, they of 1 ts eXlS tance it has become a "show· place" -- acclaImed ed relIsh tray, brolled New York steak cannot be restored to the orlglnal for ItS scholastIc excellence and ItS attractlve, effI­ or LOUISIana Deep-Frled Shrlmp, golden colors It lS suggested that reSl­ clent campus The hlgh school se~ves young people from brown French-frled potatoes, buttered dents make the necessary arrangments all dIstrIcts of the U S Trust TerrItory garden vegetable, wedge lettuce wlth your so they need not wash clothes There are approxImately 25 Marsrallese young people from cholce of dreSSIng (Green Goddess lS durlng the hydrant check perlod Ebeye who are presently attendIng Mlzpah Most of them featured), ~ot dInner rolls and your fav­ It also has been notlced ln the wlll be returnIng to school next week In tomorrow's ser­ orIte beverage Dlnner and danclng be­ past that as the water dlscolors, VIces they wlll be sIngIng two Engllsh anthems, "Thou Art glns at 8 30 pm It develops a metaillc taste There Jesus" and SeraphIm Song" The group wlll be led by thelr IS no reason to worry about thlS student-dIrector, TOJ10 Clanton TOASTMISTRESSES taste because lt lS not harmful when consumed New Rhythmic ExerCise Classes Offered Pulilng yourself up by your boot­ The Flre Department wlll make every RhythmIC Gymnastlcs or RhythmIc ExercIse refers to an straps lS an AmerIcan tradltlon Well, effort to make the test run as exerClse concept borrowed from the Scandanavlan countrIes ladles, It'S less tradltlonal, but qUIckly as posslble The absolute It emphaSIzes relaxatIon and natural movements of the body Just as beneflclal wlth "go-aheads " mlnlmum tlme reqUIred lS apprOXI­ rather than the unnatural straIns and tenslons Are you a soclal drop-out? Do you mately 48 hours Each movement sequence or routIne IS made up of slmple feel that you could do more soclally, exerCIses for the entIce body such as arm and leg sWlngs, on the job and even at home wlth the KZVH· TOnlte slt-UPS and lunges If a movement IS performed on the klds If only you could express your­ rIght sIde It IS then repeated on the left thus provIdIng self better? JUST MUSIC - Three hours of unInterrupted symmetrIcal development ToastmIstress has a proven program mUSIC featurIng Freddy Bart, Jack Jones, To make the exerCIse fun and relaXIng the routInes are for self-Improvement that IS challeng­ Gunther Kallman Chorus, Raymond LeFevre performed to well-known mUSIC and often eqUIpment such as Ing, rewardlng and fun The KwaJale1n Orchestra, Hugh X Lewls, Freddy MartIn, ropes, balls, hula hoops ~nd stIcks are added Toastmlstress Club always welcomes Menescal, LeRoy PullIns, JImmy Sedlar, SInce the showIng of RhythmIC GymnastICS at the Rlchard­ guests The Walklkls, Lenny Welch, BIlly Edd son Theater there have been many requests to contlnue such Come and see for yourself how Wheeler and Roger \\tlilams a program stlmulatlng and all-InclusIve our pro­ Classes In RhythmIC GymnastICS or RhythmIC ExerCIses gram IS YYWC Luncheon wlll be offered to JunIor and senIor hIgh school glrls as Monday nIght, Pugust 18th, at 8 om Hand~crafts of M~crones~a wlll be the well as Island women who are Interested In exerClse In the Banyan Room of the Yokwe Yuk tOPIC at the Yokwe ~uk Women's Club To regIster for thIs class call Barbara Chase ?t Club we wlll have an evenlng of "Ice­ Luncheon belng held Thursday, August 21 82329 breakers" -- fIrst formal speeches gIven by newer members ln the Banyan Room of the Yokwe Yuk Keep Kwololeln Clem Corne alone--brlng a frlend--or call Club Typlcal handlcrafts from the Eastern and Western Carollnes as well HelpIng keep KwaJalein clean 1S everyone's job It 'las JoAnn Reynolds at 82216 for a Toast­ as the Marshall Islands wlll be on dlS­ been notIced recently that the amount of empty Coke cans, mlstress escort play Representatlves from the Mlcro­ paper cups and other trash has Increased In front of You'll be glad you carne and so neSlan lIandlcraft Shop "'1111 brlef1y dis­ Macy's, the Snack Bar and around the bus stops wlll we cuss materIals and methods used in 15 trash cans are prOVIded for thlS small area The I GIRL SCOUTING PROMISES TO BE BIGGER produclng the handIcrafts area IS cleaned frequently durlng the day But stlll the AND BETTER ON KWAJALEIN and mueh Electlon of offlcers for the next sldewalks and streets have trash laYlng around, especlally help ~s needed to eont~nue at ~ts busy SIx-month perIod IS also on the program ln the mornIngs WIth the number of trash cans avallable paee Leaders and volunteers ~n other agenda ~he slate of offlcers pre­ and the short dIstances between them, a couple of extra areas are presently be~ng reeru~ted sented by the nO!nnatlng commIttee steps on your part would help keep thlS area clean If you plan to enroll a g~rl ~n the "It should be clean" but It Isn't program, eall Ela~ne Jones NOW and vol­ Jody Ragan Pres~dent Let's all take as much prIde In KwaJ as you would your unteer to do your share Ela~ne's Pat Jol-i.coeur 1st V~ce Pres~dent own horne and help clean-up today In the end we wlll have phone number ~s 82483 Rose Mar~e G~asoll~ 2nd V~ce Pres~dent that pIcturesque, tropIcal, South Pac1flc lsland that Judy Conway Secretarlj malnlanders dream about Thank you School News Grona Yay Treasurer THE SANITATION DEPARTMENT The School Board has voted to ex­ Prl0r to the electlons other nomlna­ MAJURO, ~rns - HIgh Commlssloner Edward Johnston, nearlng tend the cut-off date for Klndergarten tlons wlll be accepted from the floor the end of hlS V1Slt to Majuro, met yesterday mornlng and flrst grade students from Octoher Members who wlll be attendlng thelr wlth the Marshalls Dlstrlct Dlrector of Educatlon and hlS 15 to December 31st fInal luncheon before departlng the staff Followlng that meetlng he vlslted the Peace Corps Interested parents are asked to con­ lsland are requested to so advlse one Tralnlng Slte at Laura, at the western end of the Majuro tact the elementary prlnclpa1 of the reservatl0n commIttee members Atoll AFRS Sch dul Reservatlons for the luncheor may be Johnston arrlved In Majuro Wednesday afternoon wlth hlS ThlS Sunday evenlng AFRS wlll alr made by calltng Sue 1~old at 83635 or wlfe, Clalre, and thelr daughters... Janlce and Karen Judy Steele at 82267 no later than d speclal trlbute to "THE GOLDEN A receptIon was planned for the Flgh Commlssloner's party DAYS OF RADIO" hosted by Jack Benny, 10 am August 20th CancellatIons must but was cancelled because of the death of ~aglstrate Carl from 8 30 pm untll 9 30 pm As an be made by 10 am Thursday, August 21sb Domnlck d t.:-eat a speclal "GUNSMOKE" The soclal hour begIns at noon AccordIng to a report , Johnston wlll arrlve on KwaJale'­ p_Jgram wlll be alred at 9 30 This luncheon lS served at 1 pm In the Ban­ today and wlll also V1Slt EnHletok, Blklnl lS for thls Sunday only yan Room ------Saturday, Augu~t 16, 1969 HOURGLASS Russia to Snub Romania's Festivities Moscow (UPI)--Sovlet leaders, stlll annoyed over Presldent Nlxon's VISlt to Romanla, are expected tc snub the 25th annlversary celebratlon of Romanla's Ilberatlon August 23, by sendlng a second rank delegatlon to the festlvltles For the second tlme thlS month the Kremlln's leadlng Trolka-party chlef LeonId I Brez­ hnev, Premler ftlexel N Kosygln and PresIdent NIkolaI V Podgorny wlll personally stay away from a key event In Bucharest WhlCh, If relatlons had been normally frlendly, they would have att~nded No member of the rul- Ing Trolka was Included In the delegatlon Panel Suggests 'Paper Gold' to the 10th ROmanla'1 party congress August 6, two days after Nlxon's trlumphal VISlt for Underdeveloped Nations Brezhnev had attended the 9th Romanlan Washlngton (UPI)--A Congresslonal panel congress In 19h5 and all other congresses recommended today that "paper gold" - crea­ of Allled Pullng Communlst partIes SInce ted by the World's Industrlal natlons to he succeeded Nlklta S Khruschev as flrst stablllze thelr currency - be used also COmmunlSt part', secretary In October, 1964 as a source of ald to the world's under­ The heads of other East European rullng developed natlons Communlst parties followed the Sovlet ex­ The Internatlonal Monetary Fund and the ample and also boycotted the Romanlan World Bank are expected to put In effect Party congress at thelr annual meetlng In September the The RussIans orlglnally showed thelr recently ratlfled-agreement creatlng dlspleasure at Nlxon's surprlse VISlt to "speclal drawlng rlghts", SDR, known fam­ RomanIa by can elllng a VISlt to Bucharest llarly as "paper gold " scheduled for Tuly 14 at WhlCh Sovlet The Internatlonal Exchange and Payments leaders were t) have slgned a 20-year subcommlttee of the JOlnt Congresslonal frIendshIp pact wlth Romanla Economlc Commlttee proposed that at the Tlme alone w 11 assuage the Sovlet anger same tlme the 18 member countrles of the at Romanla's fillure to coordlnate ItS the IMF should agree to earmark 25 per foreIgn POllCy wlth the SOVIet Unlon The cent of thelr SDR allocatlons to help EIGHT YEARS OF WALL--The~e chIldren do not ,eem to be RomanIans are lopeful that the Sovlet lead­ underdeveloped countrles aware of the forblddmg BerlIn Wall m background as they ers wlll go to Bucharest sometlme before The subcommlttee revealed the Industrlal play games on the eIghth annIversary of ,t, (on,tructlOn the end of the year to slgn the frlendshlp natlons had agreed to set aSlde 1 per cent They all were born aftel It \\a, buclt Improved secunty treaty of Its gross natlonal product, the value measures employed by the Ea,t Germ'lns have made the Wall vIrtually escape proof (Cah/rphnfn) August 23 Wl Ll be a red letter day In of all goods and serVlces produced each the hIStOry of the present RomanIan reg­ year - to help the poor countrles But Ime It was t le day I,hen the partles then they have fallen far short of that Blaiberg Reported 'Lot Better' In Opposltlon to Dlctator Marshal Ion An­ goal, 1 t sald Cape Town, South Afrlca (UPI)--Dr tonescu, InclUlhng the under@;round Commu­ "The Unlted Natlons deslgnated the 1960s PhlllP Blalberg, the world's flrst suc­ nlst party, stiged a successful palace as the decade of development, but the cessful heart transplant patlent, IS "a revolutlon and selzed power growth of per caplta Incomes In poor lot better" followlng an earller setback, Romanla Incr,'aslngly became a "natlonal countrles has shown no slgnlflcant In­ hIS wlfe sald today Communlst" country wlth the advent to crease over the performances of the 1950s "He's dOlng a lot better," Mrs Elleen power of the p~esent presldent and party and In some areas progress has actually Blalberg told newsmen on her way from a leader Nlcolae Ceausescu slackened," the sUbCOmIJllttee sald In a VISlt to her husband at the Intenslve Ceausescu's deflance of the Kremlln was report to Congress care unIt at Groote Schuur Hospltal expressed In growlng Opposltlon to some Consequently, It sald, "the wealthy "He says he IS dOIng well and he's talk­ of the pollcle, of Comecon, Communlst countrles should not be content to use Ing about the thIngs he']l do wh~n he goes Common Market, the Warsaw Pact, the Sovlet the SDR faclilty for reserve creatlon home " Interventlon In Czechoslovakla and to some alone Medlcal sources sald Bl'l.lberi), '; condl­ aspects of SOVIet forelgn pOllCy "It can also be employed wlthout com­ tlon was "good conslde Ine: the clrcum­ The Sovlet-Romanlan 20-year frlendshlp promlslng ItS fundamental purpose or stances," slgns of posSlble reJectlon re­ pact explred In February 1968 and has not Impalrlng ItS usefulness, to help raIse actlons WhlCh forced hIS return to Groote been renewed yet by contrast WIth such flnanclal transfers to the promlsed Schuur two days ago pacts slgned, at the hlghest level, WIth level " Doctors left no doubt they felt Blalberg Czechoslovakla, Poland, Hungary, and Bul- By turnlng over one quarter of ItS was dangerously 111 and blamed hlS "llvlng garla SDR's to the Internatlonal Development It up" untll earller thlS year The Nlxon VISlt postponed renewal of 'ssoclatlon, IDA, the Industrlal world Mrs Blalberg sald It would be at least the Sovlet-Ro~anlan treaty for the Inde­ would Increase the IDA's lendIng capa­ a few weeys ~efore she expected her hus­ flnlte future CIty to $1 bllllon a year It currently band home, even If he contlnued to rally Israeli Soldiers Slay IS lendlng about $400 mllllon a year "PhIl's taken an Interest In food," she ThlS system of flnanclng ald "would sald "He IS stlll not Ilstenlng to the Seven Arab Guerrillas obvlate the balance of payments problem radlo or talklng much because he IS on WhICh Inhlblts present aId gIvIng," the drugs and sleeplng a lot," she sald (UPI)--Israell troops kllled seven Arab subcommlttee sald guerrlllas In wldely separated clashes late It contended that uSlng the balance of yesterday and early today In the north Jor- payments problem as an excuse to curb Buy Bonds dan Valley and the southern desert, Is- forelgn ald was "~f n(lllbtful Valldlty " raell mlll tary spokesmen reported AW 0 L S Id· S • ne~~a~h:u~:~~~!:: :~~:~e~n~w;:~:~ ~~~rol 0 lers lay In Honolulu Churc~ border patrolman, the spokesmen In Tel AVIV saId Honolulu (UPI)--The church looked llke a barracks Blankets and mattresses Ilned The Arab-Israell clashes contlnued as an the alsles GIs slept on pews Some sat around watchlng televlslon, readlng or Israell mliltary authorlty dlsmlssed any chattlng about the war Cusslng the war, mostly Sovlet IntervEntlon In the Mlddle East for In a corner, a youth plcked at a gUltar A longhalred gIrl moved about the crowded the tlme belne room pourlng apple jUlce for whoever wanted some The Israell army spokesmen sald troops The scene was Honolulu's ChUrch of the Crossroads, WhlCh offers refuge to mliltary shot and klllEd flve members of an Arab men opposlng the Vlet Nam War A week commando squad mountlng Russlan-bullt ago one man, Alrman LOUIS D Parry, 21, "I'll probably go to prlson," he sald rocket launchErs near Klbbutz Shar Hagolan San Jose, Callf , sought sanctuary at the ServIcemen convlcted of desertlon face up about 12 30 ~ Three other commandos, church By Frlday, 17 others had JOlned to flve years In prlson Includlng one who apparently was wounded, hlm, representlng the Marlnes, Navy, Mliltary offlclals were sald to be "walt fled In the ddrkness, they sald The Army and Alr Force Ing out" the protesters and planned to Klbbutz IS abcut two mlles southeast of All were AWOL from thelr unItS, aware walt untll each man has been AWOL 30 days the Sea of Galllee that 30 days on the AWOL IlSt brands a untll "they come and get us " Two other ccmmandos were kllled by an man as a deserter Each man was glven a paper plate and Israell army ~atrol In the WadI Faran area, "I feel I must be here It's Just my plastIc fork as he entered the church and about mldway letween the Dead Sea and the thlng I have to be here wlth the others," Instructed "Don't throw these away Red Sea port cf Ellat late last nlght, sald Army sp4 Alan Porter, 19, Toledo, They wlll be yours to use whlle you're the spokesmen sald Another guerrIlla ap­ OhlO wlth us " peared to be tlt but managed to escape, "I'm ready to take the consequences," The GIs were belng cared for by members they sald he sald of antlwar and antl-draft groups, mostly The spokesmfn sald quantltles of Sovlet­ Porter JOlned the group yesterday after long-hal red unlverslty students In hlPPle­ manufactured assault rlfles, katyusha laun­ leavlng hIS unlt at Hawall's Schofleld type dress chers, bazookcLs and explosl ves were found Barracks He recently was sent back to Members of the communlty donated bed­ after both cl,Lshes They sald the Israells the States as part of the K Stroop dlng, clothlng and food for the protes­ suffered no CriSUaltles In elther of the wlthdrawal, after servlng nlne months ters engagements In Vlet Nam "A man came In here and gave us $60 for An IsraelI patrol was ambushed by Arab Another late comer at the church was food He just sald 'take It' and dIdn't guerrlllas abclUt two rules from the border Army Pvt Matthew Blggerstaff, 18, leave hIS name," a glrl sald wlth Lebanon last nlght, the spokesmen Westland, MICh He saId he flew here Female members of the reslstance cooked sald The ISlaells returned the guerrllla from San Franclsco after readIng about spaghettl, hamburgers and other food In flre but resu ts were not known the protest In the newspapers the church kltchen HOURGlASS SPO/(T5 ) t J ( J 1] I , , .. I ) W rid S ri s ~I4) 0 The ~low P~tc.h World (rl' "I J j })fo­ gIn Monday, August 18 at u",llj r H"l'l dt Slow P,tch Softball 5 30 pm The Weco Mets pIcked up theIr fIrst The Slow PItch season IS beIng ab­ WIn of the season last nIght at Dally breVIated because both fIrst place teams FIeld as they defeated the Hawks, cannot be dIslodged and many of ~he 12-1, In SIX InnIngs Each team scored players competIng In thIS World Serles once In the fourth InnIng and the Weco are also on the World Tournament Team Mets added another run In the fIfth The WTT leaves for Cleveland on Aug Then seven hItS and seven Hawks' errors 26 An attempt WIll be made to fInIsh gave the Mets ten runs In the last In­ the serIes prIor to the tournament nIng team's departure for OhIO Wooley held the Hawks to three hItS The best-two-of-three serIes WIll be whIle the Mets p1cked up 11 hItS played on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday HAPPY LOSERS TWo top Jun~or golfers, who nearly beat Wooley led the Mets WIth three hItS, of next week Joe "K" (left) and Co l M~ llar (far nght), begw weed- WIllIngham had two and MItchel contrI­ * * * * * * wg #1 at Holmberg Fa~Y'Ways The youths are Bruce Badey buted a three-run homer (second from left) and Dave Schatzer * * * The Pagodas collected an 18-7, SlX­ 7~fe~~/i tt!ttwo Ball y, Schatzer Nearly Upset Adult Duo InnIng WIn over the Hawallanas at tournament at Dayton, OhIO, tIghtened JunIor Golfers Bruce BaIley and Dave Schatzer nearly Brandon FIeld yesterday The WInners' up yesterday WIth two players settIng defeated Joe "K" and Col MIllar In a handlcap team bIg InnIng was the second when they course records and a host of other pros match last week The contest went 21 holes because of scored seven runs fIrIng sub-par rounds The mId-way a tIe at the end of 18 Brame led the Pagodas WIth four hItS, leader IS Ray Floyd He put together SaId Joe, "Were It not for Col MIllar's blrdle on the IncludIng a home run, Iha contrIbuted rounds of 32-34 for a fIve-under 66 and 18th, It would have been over for us then We were three hItS two-day total of 135, seven under for traIlIng by two pOInts " Toyama had three hItS for the Hawall­ the tournament The match was a result of several young golfers' In­ anas, Kealoha and Naralaro contrIbuted WhIle Floyd holds the second round terest to play Joe "K" arld Col MIllar two hIts each lead, two other super rounds were get­ So the events are set up thIS way If the JunIor golf­ * * * tIng a lot of attentIon FIrst, Gary ers beat Joe and Col MIllar, the two teen-agers wIll Sunday, August 17 Player WIth SIX under 65 set a new receIve a dozen golf balls each Brandon FIeld course record Player's sensatIonal If Joe and Col MIllar WIn, the youths must work on 12 00 Expos vs Sandbaggers play put hIm one shot behInd the lead at the greens one day (ClIff & Neale) 136 Player's record held up only a Joe added that Bruce recently shot a 33 for nIne holes, 1 30 AltaIr vs Kool Kats few hours when Don Bles went seven whIch IS only two strokes off the course record held by (ClIff & Lauten) under WIth a 64 Joe * * * * * * At thIrd place IS Bunky Henry at 137 MeanwhIle, It seems approprIate to suggest the adult Volleyball Results whIle bunched at fourth are Bles, Jack duo had better get out to the course thIS afternoon to NIcklaus and U S Open champ OrVIlle see how Bruce and Dave stroke Itl Roadrunners over LDS A Moody 15-3 12-11 * * * * * Maior League Round-up Unknowns A over Unknowns B 13-7 11-10 Golfers Tourney Juan Marlchal ended hIS longest losIng streak of hIS Monday, August 18 SpeCIal SerVIces In conJunctIon WIth career at four games wIth a four-hIt shutout over the 6 00 50th State B vs Ebeye A KGA w111 sponsor the follOWIng golf ChIcago Cubs DICk DIetz supplIed a two-run homer and 6 30 Palm Terrace A vs Ebeye B tournaments prIor to the Labor Day week­ WIllIe Mays added a solo blast as the San FrancIsco 7 00 LDS B vs Unknowns end GIants blanked the Cubs, 3-0 * * * * * * Jr age group, nlnp hole golf tourna­ Tony Gonzalez drove In three runs wIth a homer and a ment WIll be held Saturday, August 23 trIple to pace the Atlanta Braves to an 8-2 WIn over SPORTS PATROL begInnIng at 9 30 am Ages - 8 to 10, St LOUIS In a game delayed by raIn three hours In Interzone DaVIS Cup play the Roma­ 11 to 12, 13 to 15 TrophIes for the Gene Alley hIt two homers and Al OlIver added another nIan doubles team upset the BrItIsh fIrst three places In each flIght Hot to spark the PIttsburgh PIrates to a 5-1 w~n ovpr the entry In Interzone play, 10-8, 3-6, dogs and soda pop WIll be served after CIncInnatI Peds 6-3, 6-4 the tournament To e~ter call SpeCIal Don Sutton posted hIS 15th VICtOry as the Los Angeles * * * SerVIces, 83331 I Dodgers pounded the Montreal Expos, 9-2 At Saratoga SprIngs In New York, Arts Men & Women, All-Island, 36-hole medal Larry HIsle belted hIS 19th homer and Grant Jackson and Letters has been lIsted as a heavy tournament wIth full hana.lcap WIll be I hurled a fIve-hItter as the PhIladelphIa Phlllles de­ favorIte In today's 100th runnIng of held August 30 and 31 and September 1st feated Houston, 1-0 the $100,000 added Travers Stakes Play WIll be In four flIghts, 0-9, San DIego and New York were raIned out and rescheduled * * * 10-18, 19-26, 27 and over The women today as part of a double header at Shea StadIum o J SImpson got hIS fIrst taste of golfers WIll compete WIth the men In RICh Reese banged out three sIngles to lead the MInne­ pro football last nIght The Helsman theIr respectIve flIghts 18 holes WIll sota TwIns to a 2-0 Wln over the WashIngton Senators Trophy WInner was only used on 15 plays be played on any of thp above days JIm Perry chalked up hIS 14th WIn by th~ AmerIcan Football League Buffalo PrIzes In each flIght Include Southpaw FrItz Peterson hurled a sIx-hItter to gIve BIlls In a 24-12 loss to the NFL DetrOIt 1st - Golf bag the New York Yankees a 2-1 WIn over the ChIcago WhIte LIons SImpson dId very lIttle untIl 2nd - Trophy & 1 dozen golf balls Sox It was Peterson's 13th WIn the fourth quarter when he ran around end 3rd - Trophy & 1/2 dozen golf balls The game between Boston and Kansas CIty was postponed for 14 yards that started Buffalo's 4th - Trophy & 3 golf balls because of raIn and has been rescheduled for a later drIve for a second score He also An entry fee of $3 WIll be accessed date caught a 38-yard pass from rookIe drInks and p~pus on the fInal round of On the West Coast Lew Krausse gave up four sIngles quarterback JIm Harrls play September 1st and hIt hIS fourth homer of the year to lead the Oak­ * * * To enter SIgn In at the clubhouse bul­ land AthletIcs to a 4-0 WIn over the DetrOIt TIgers In hockey, the Montreal CanadIans letIn board or call the follOWIng Bob Boog Powell drove In both BaltImore runs WIthout a have announced the SIgnIng of veteran BaIley, 83705, LaurIe HeWItt, 83600 or base hIt and MIke Cuellar posted hIS 16th WIn as the defenseman J C Tremblay for the Joe K , 83768 IndIcate on WhICh day OrIoles edged the Seattle PIlots, 2-1 Greg Goosen 1969-70 season (Sat or Sun ) you ~lll play sIngled In Tommy Harper WIth Seattle's lone run * * * NOTE All those who WIsh to play but Jose Cardenal hIt a solo homer WIth one out In the top The former Boston College All AmerIcan don't have an establIshed handIcap must of the 12th to gIve the Cleveland IndIans a 2-1 WIn over and OlympIC hockey player In 1968 for tUrn fIve 18-hole or ten 9-hole scores CalIfornIa Ron Law pIcked up hIS thIrd WIn In rellef the US, Paul Hurley has SIgned a one­ to Joe K at the clubhouse before Wed­ year contract WIth the BostOn BrUIns nesday, August 27 DeadlIne for enter­ Professional Football * * * Ing IS Thursday, August 28 ThlS blg news In pro football thIS weekend IS the fact PItcher Dave Boswell returned to the * * * * * * that "Broadway Joe" Namath WIll Invade Frank Merrlwell MInnesota TwIns In a paSSIve mood after country hIS fIght last week WIth BIlly MartIn The tall sharpshooter, who quarterbacks the New York * * * * * Jets, WIll be In New Haven, ConnectIcut, tomorrow for * a pre-season game WIth the New York GIants It WIll be Soccer Opener the fIrst meetIng between the two New York teams and See the fIrst game of the soccer sea­ It has the bIg town SpIlt rIght down the mIddle son at the Soccer FIeld The Ebeye The game wlll be played In the Yale Bowl, where the Blues WIll play the All-Stars thIS Sun­ mythIcal Merrlwells had theIr days of glory day, August 17 at 5 pm Interested It's another bIg weekend In pro football WIth seven players contact Ed Hebel at 99555 Come games lIsted for tonIght and three more tomorrow on out and see all the actIon In tonIght's actIon, Inter-league games wlll send the * * * * * * New Orleans SaInts of the NatIonal League agaInst the Bowling Lessons Denver Broncos of the AmerIcan The PhIladelphIa Eagles of the NFL WIll move agaInst the MIamI DolphIns Women Interested In free bowllng les­ of the AFL sons contact Barbara Bauer, 84627 Be­ Three NatIonal Football League pre-season games tonIght gInners and advanced classes on Tues­ WIll match up the Bears and the Packers, the Browns and days, 10 to 11 am Chuck Wagner IS the the Rams and the Steelers and the CardInals Instructor In two AmerIcan Football League exhIbItIons thIS eve­ * * * * * * nIng, Oakland WIll take on San DIego and CIncInnatI Advanc d Swimm r Cours WIll face Kansas CIty In addItIon to the battle between the GIants and the Tuesday and Thursday, 7-8 pm at the Jets tomorrow, another Inter-league contest WIll fInd Dependent's Pool BegIns on Tuesday, the Atlanta Falcons meetIng the Boston PatrIots August 19 Open to certIfIed Jr and A NatIonal League game tomorrow WIll fInd Dallas takIng Sr LIfe Savers Other profICIent on the San FranCISCO 4gers SWImmers, 15 and over, may take thIS STAN AKANA scores for Palm Terrace In an exh1bItlon game last nIght, BaltImore took a course, but cannot be certIfIed SIgn as Bob Krivda reaches for the ball 1n 33-29 WIn over the Houston OIlers up at the Dependent's Pool action at Dally FIeld Saturday, August 16, 1969 HOURGLASS Page 5 Mon 18 Tues 19 Wed 20 Thurs 21 Fri 22 Sat 23 Sun 24 thurch BulletJn Bowllng Alley 0930 233U 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 0930 2330 CHURCH OF CHRIST 1-----~,-~---4------~--~------~--+_------~--_1~------~---- ____L- _____ Services will be held this Lord's Dependents Pool 0930 - 1830 0930 - 1830 0930 - 1830 closed 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 0930 - 2330 Day in Rooms 19 and 20 of the George 1900 - 2100 1900 - 2100 1900 - 2100 closed 1900 - 2100 1900 - 2100 1900 - 2100 Seitz School Worship Service at 10 am Bible Study at 11 am For Bache1or~ Pool 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 0600 - 2300 furtner information call 82367 or 82622 Marlna 1200 - 1900 1200 - 1900 1200 - 1900 1200 - 1900 1200 - 1900 0730 - 1900 0730 - 1900 LATTER DAY SAINTS Hobby Shop ('lased 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 1230 - 1730 Services are held in the Fine Arts 1830 - 2130 1830 - 2130 1830 - 2130 1830 - 2130 1830 - 2130 1830 - 2130 Building Priesthood meeting is at 8 30 am Sunday School and Sacrament Llbrary 0900 - 2200 0900 - 2200 0900 - 2200 0900 - 2200 0900 - 2200 0900 - 2200 1300 - 2200 meeting is at 9 45 am

Gear Locker 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1730 0830 - 1130 EPISCOrAl SERVICES 1200 - 1900 • Evening prayer and sermon are held Photo Lab closed 1800 - 2100 1800 - 2100 1800 - 2100 1800 - 2100 1200 1900 1200 1900 every Sunday evening in the Chapel beglnning at 6 pm Everyone is TennlS Courts 0630 - 2330 0630 - 2330 0630 - 2330 0630 - 2330 0630 - 2330 0630 2330 0630 2330 cordlally invited to attend these services I=Go~1~f~S~h~a~c~k~~ __+-~1~6~3~0_-~1~3~0~~16~3~0~-~1Z230~~16,0 - 1 30 1630 1930,~~1~6~3~0 __~1~9~30~+-~O~7~3~0~~1~9~3~0 __~~07~3~0~~1~3~01 Emon Beach Llfe 0930 _ 1830 CATHOLIC Guard on Duty 1530 - 1830 1538 - 1830 1530 - 1830 1530 - 1830 1530 - 1830 0930 - 1830 Services are at 7 and 9 15 am ln the Memorlal Chapel and at 11 20 am on Teen Club 1530 - 1800 1530 - 1800 1530 - 1800 1530 - 1800 1530 - 1800 1300 - 1630 closed Roi Namur Dally Mass is at 4 45 pm 1900 - 2130 1900 - 2300 2030 - 2330 ln the Blessed sacrament Chapel, Mon- Plstol Range ~losed 1700 - 1800 closed closed closed closed 0900 1100 day through Saturday Confessions be- ~------~------+_------+------+_------~~------~------~------1 fore weekday Masses and Saturday from iTrap Range ~losed closed 1700 - 1800 closed closoed closed 1300 - 1500 4 to 4 45 pm and from 7 30 to 8 30 pm

EVANGELISTIC HOUR An lnformal worship service is held * ** /Vext Week '$ )i{lvies *** ln the Memorlal Chapel each Sunday evenlng beginning at 7 pm There wHERE EAGLES COLOSSUS OF CHARRO SMITH RICHARDSON BUSTER HIRED TOUCHABLES wlll be a song and testimony service, KILLER DARE N Y THEATER KEATON closlng with a sermon 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 7 45 PROTESTANT Sunday Mornlng Worshlp Services WHERE HIRED COLOSSUS OF BUSTER SMITH TOUCHABLES OCEAN VIEW CHARRO wlll be held at 8 10 and 11 am at the EAGLES DARE KILLER N Y KEATON THEATER Island Memorlal Chapel Rev Elden 7 30 & ]2 30 30 & 12 30 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 30 & 12 30 7 7 M Buck wlll preach the sermon entitled ------4------+------4------~------4_------~ "Conslder the Lliles of the Fleld" based on Matthew 6 25-33 HIRED COLOSSUS OF SMITH BUSTER CHARRO TOUCHABLES WHERE EAGLES YOKWE YUK Nursery facillties are available KILLER N Y KEATON DARE THEATER at the Island Day Nursery durlng Sun­ 7 & 9 7 & 9 7 & 9 05 7 & 9 7 & 9 7 & 9 7 & 9 45 day School and the 11 am worship ser­ ~------+_------_t------+_------t_------+_------~------_+------~ Vlce The Nursery lS open from 9 15 WHERE EAGLES TOUCHABLES COLOSSUS OF HIRED SMITH BUSTER CHARRO am to 12 20 am IVEY HAlL Sunday School classes for all ages DARE N Y KILLER KEATON THEATER are held at the George Seltz School 6 30 & 9 15 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 35 6 30 & 8 30 6 30 & 8 30 at 9 30 am Adults are present to ~------+_------~------~------~------t_------~------_t------asslst newcomers in flnding their classrooms Sunday School on ROl TRADEWINDS SMITH BUSTER CHARRO TOUCHABLES WHERE EAGLES HIRED COLOSSUS OF Namur lS at 9 am ln the Communlty THEATER KEATON DARE KILLER N Y 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 BUllding The Sunday Evenlng Worshlp Service on Roi Namur wlll be held at 7 pm ln the Communlty Buildlng and wlll be led MECK ISLAND SEX AND THE TWISTED BACKTRACK MURDER MOST SKIDOO MONKEY IN REWARD THEATER SINGLE GIRL NERVE FOUL WINTER by Rev Elden M Buck 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Those lnterested in holdlng Chrlstlan 1 ~------L------_r~~--L---~--~----L-----~~~--L-~r_------~------L------~ Science services please contact Mrs CHARRO ATC Western 105 Mln Color-WS Pic 01 ~lte WeeK ~~= KILLER 102 Mln co1~r Hinnant a~18r~:~ Notes Elvis Presley, Ina Balin Robert Webber, Jeanne Valerie A new image for ElvlS Except for WHERE EAGLES DARE ATC A hlred gunman promises his shop The purpose of the Protestant Women's an over-the-title song, Elvis and his Adventure 158 Min Color-WS keeper brother he wlll qUlt his racke Chapel Fellowshlp is to create an celebrated tonsils are restricted to Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood after a current job, but vengeful enVlronment in WhlCh women can mature dialog He is a reformed outlaw, who The wrlter of "The Guns of Navarone" gangsters track him down and klll his toward Christlan wholeness through mean­ gets captured by the gang he used to brings another hlgh adventure story brother Seeking revenge, he accepts lngful relatlonship with each other ride with The gang has stolen Mexico's to the screen Alistar McLean's another Job in Europe and soon flnds To every new woman resident on the Victory Gun, a golden cannon, and con­ fanciful idea this time sends he is belng duped by a young gangster lsland to every woman on the island vinced town authorities that Presely seven Ailled spies to rescue an Ameri­ who lS glvlng hlm false leads not lnvolved in one of the Protestant was responsible Buxom Ina Balin is can general being held priqon~r in a (ReI 1966) Clrcles the Fellowship extends a Elvis's girlfriend fortress atop a mountaln in the hand of welcome and warm invitation to (ReI 1969) Bavarian Alps manned by what looks THE TOUCHABLES A belong like Hitler's entire army There are Farce 105 Mln Color The August meetings will be held SMITH ATC surprising developments Seven trai­ Judy Huxtable, Esther Anderson soon Choose which clrcle you would Western 119 M~n Color tors among the Ailles instead of the The Touchables, ln thlS British sex like to ViSlt, and glve its hostess a Glenn Ford, Chief Dan George usual one and ~he Amerlcan general is fantasy, are four sensual English call We're sure you'll be glad you The small Smith ranch in Idaho is really a corporal doing an impersona­ glrls, dallYlng erotically in thelr did the refuge of the aria's Nez Perc tlon Burton is not required to act Pleasure Dome near London Not con- FLORENCE SASSER CIRCLE - They wlll meet Indians, who have come to know its much but none the less does hlS usual tent with a statue of Mlchael Calne August 26th at 7 30 pm at the home of owner (Ford) as a ju~t white man When good job Eastwood enacts an expert stolen from a wax museum, or the com- Ronna MagSlg, 464-A Alice Wright will one of the tribe is Iccused of killing ln assasslnation as he knocks off pany of an apelike wrestler wlth show pictures of her trip to Truk Call a local storekeeper, Old Antoine, the Germans left and right Production erudlte tastes, t~e glrls kidnap a Shirley Johnson the Circle's chalrman chief, hides the wanled youth on the values are extravagant, the fllm hav­ young pop slnger named Chrlstlan and at 82648 ranch Chief Dan George plays the ing been shot in color on location ln splrit him away to their bubble-domed MARY RUTH HANLIN CIRCLE - Susan Herbert' part of Antoine Thls well made Austrla pleasure palace home, 423-A, will be the meeting place Dlsney western, both humorous and ~------~(=Re~1~1~9~6~9~)~------L------~(~R~e~1~1~9~6~9~)~ ______fthis month on the 26th for this Clrcle dramatic, carries on its fight for Susan will be happy to see that you justice without guns or vlolence have an escort for their meeting (ReI 1969) It'll be at 7 30 pm with Nancy Wells talklng about her trip to Ponape as the BUSTER KEATON STORY ATC program Comedy 97 11in B&W CHARLOTTE EVANS CIRCLE - On August Donald O'Conner, Peter Lorre 25th at 7 30 pm, this Circle will hold Story of the famou3 deadpan comedlan an election of offlcers and a get of silent film days Tells of his acqualnted coffee at Lombre Hepburn's, early vaudeville struggles, his rise 465-B Call Alice Wright, the Circle and fall in action plctures and the chairman, if you would like to visit devotion of his wife During the day she can be reached at (ReI 1965) 81430 or in the evening at 82272 TORELANG LAlIMO CIRCLE - Ernie Willing­ COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK AT ham's quarters 4l2-A will be the site Science Fiction 77 Min B&W for this Clrcle's meetlng, at 9 30 am Ross Martin, Mala Powers on August 26th Lyle Karner will talk A brain surgeon, following his to the ladies about the Mormon Church I scientist son's deatrr, transfers the Call Lu Clark at 82637 lf you would like latter's brain into the body of a to visit mechanlcal man The monster runs ANNA DEDERER CIRCLE- August 26th at wild in New York, its eyes ralning 9 am, these ladies will be at Joyce death and destruction (ReI 1953) Savage's home, 450-A, for their meet­ IVEY HALL MATINEt. ing Call Joyce at 82234 if you would like to visit "THE MOONSPINNERS" Starrlng AlIudInl """""' ...... ami 0guI mlSl dII obaI IIt ....1 em flt 1I!ey 111"_ !lie 4l'e11jd SdIJ,,, Adler. tile 1IIIJ!!pHIe!lan IdtIrISs ...... lI1IIlle - ,.w 01 Wymark •M1Chc Haley Mills Miss Mills and her aunt "l 11 dl HOUSEHOLD HINTS IlleBmriaDAIps.W'IhIIIIiI...ns"_aml ..... capto.. AIIitd.- .. 1oodg ~no-£r~ LyAhsturMdCLean are on vacation on the island of Crete poImII'" II> .....1111< '''M plus lor the D-Day ...... , .. "Eorupo._lot_ r' Elholl 'Castne For a new taste in tea, add a small Illeymuleilllf'lI!StUinm or_ .... BaIIlD$ ...olaILUIIIey-..p.h and find themselves up to their ears bl!ll


WTltten E~pec"'lly for Cpntrai > and Thl~ Nell spa per LEGEND HAS IT that sail aI's pd.Ssmg :::'aba (auld hear the Island women wallins; for theIr men who had gone to sea However few nf the passmg vessels ever stopped for Saba one of three bmall Dutch pos HAPPY ENDING FOR AIRLINER-TillS Canbal~ AI~lmes DC 9 Isn t stoppmg at the service seSSlOfib m the Canbbean was statton fo~ a fill up The plane crashed th~ough a fence at the end of the St Thomas -untIL the advent of the air plane-a most dIffIcult Island VI~gm Islands airport runway when Its brakes faded as It was landmg No one mJured to reach Even today s aIrfIeld carved out cf the lava at Hell s Gate permits only smaller planes to land Yet Saba fIVe mIles square a volcamc speck about midway between Samt Maarten and Samt EustatlU~ IS one of the lovhest stopoff attrac bons of the three Islands com prlsmg the N ethellands Antlles Wmd"alds Before the III pOl t pa'sen gel's d"embalkeu onto ,mall boatr;; and \\etl 10\\£'(1 l~'lOre by natne S ,han~ \\Ith the long boat provldll1g ad",]u Ik canvas protEctIOn to buth pd"enger and baggage fron1 Gce In \\ 'tves and bpra\ A step road on Saba leads clImber past Island cottages postcard VIllages splendId cool, I'lndmg Clock are'l-one has to ALTHOUGH owned by the clImate lush vegetatIOn soft I travel 2000 feet to \Irtually Dutch EnglI'h h generally spoken smce many of the resl ~~~i: ::~ ~~:t1:b:etc~thOefr t~e i ~~)~n~oio ~;~e ~~l~'~~I"'~g(h~~~: dent:.:. arc £01 nlPl Pntlsh ., ulors lands "here tounst traffIC IS Bettmn 7(10 feet lbO\e sea who took up I e Hint e \ uteI' zoommg lie, el "I,I< h IS the bottom of theIr seahrmg da}" \\ ere over 'With the eshbllshment of a the crater The e' Cl pre m a small gallery 'lnd see the ILd roofs whIte pare for home hased hob days Bemg of volcamc ongm Saba bOlh" and green valleys - a and retIlemcnt prOVIdes for hlkmg For exam panor

  • CROSSWORD -- By Eugene Sheffer

    HORIZONTAL 46 Merchan 60 Female 7 Bad 1 Machme dlse ruff tempered part 50 South 61 Slltch 8 Fuss 4 Bounder Amencan VERTICAL 9 Chmese 7 Arrived country 1 Currency leader 11 Wildox 53 Also 2 Poker 10 Sea eagle 13 CItruS 55 FIxed stake 12 ProfeSSIOn dnnk quantIty 3 Groan 19 Erode SUB ORDNANCE--World War II submanne USS Runner IS towed out of South Boston 14 Hebrew 56 Always 4 Metal 21 The unal contalner 23 DIamond Mass Naval Annex by the ocean gomg tug USS Keywadm as the pair begIn a 2500 month 57 Conclu 15 Heavenly Slon 5 MIne 25 . --LIsa mile Journey to ChIcago by way of the Great Lakes The sub wIll be turned over to the body 58 Withered entrance 26 Redact 9th Naval Dlstnct and "'Ill be used for trammg naval resenlstb 16 Nothmg 59 Yawn 6 Removes 27 Hardens 17 Follows 28 Tree stump fore and Answer to yesterday s puzzle 29 Noted poet 30 Itahan after OIL 18 Away TE L L .D AB .S name 20 Examma AR EA .A GE .H IDE 31 Turf tlOn PR DT DC OL .0 L L A 35 Caress AW STORK REPORT - Accordmg 22 Crone • H UE .L YER 38 Haul BRIDGE 24 Disgraces ••CA RE T. LO BE 40 Haze CONTRACT to the weekly newspaper 28 Falnes HI ES .R EW AR •OED •• 42 Saltpetel By B Jay Becker France dlManche pubhshed 32 Electrode AD S. RA VE S. OVA 45 Notany m Pans Mrs A I' 1St 0 tIe 33 Blow RE TR AC ED .S LOW 47 Smgle umt (Top Record Holder In Masters' Individual Championship Play) Onasbls 40 " expectmg a 34 Household • A RI L. MA TES 48 Extreme 49 Simmer baby early next year She need ••CR AV EN .P 01 TEST YOUR PLAY 36 Interweave 50 Girl of son has two survlvmg chIldren 140 PE .E TI OL •••OGY 51 Topsy s 1 You are declarer WIth the lead hp IS forced to establish 37 CapsIze OP EN Ie .E R IE John and Carol me born dur­ 39 Conquers .5 frrend West hand at Four Spades and your last club on wh,ch you Will E NT 41 SIgnal WE OS E T .D 52 Corded North leads the four of spades later dIS car d a heart from mg her marnage to Presl .s fabnc dent John F Kennedy The 43 HIgh lull South follows WIth the kmg dummy 44 Double A\erage time 01 solutIon 25 mlDutes 54 Lyncpoem "hlch you wm WIth the ace If on the fIrst club lead from photo of Mr and Mrs Onas Ho\\ "auld you play the hand? aummy South produces the ten SIS "as made June 5 or Jack you cover With the .A109731~I·QJ865 queen It then becomes easy to • J 105 WE. A 6 3 bUIld up an extra club tnck .Q .A8 after North takes the queen ",AQ92 _S_ ",854 WIth the kmg 2 You ale declarer WIth the In other words even If you 'Vest hand at SIX DIamonds and gIve South the guarded K Q of North leads the ace of spades hearts behmd dummy s ace and Assummg the trumps are dl North the K J 10 x of clubs­ \ Ided 2 2 how wouln vall play whICh IS the worst possible he the hand? of the cards for you-you sbll make the contract by careful play :AQ4 -IN I :~;3 2 Ruff the spade draw two .AKJ105 WSE .Q972 ",AJ1063 __ ",K754 lounds of trumps and ruff an other spade Then play a low 1 ThIS IS one of those perfect club to the kmg If both oppo­ hands where If }OU play cor nents follow SUIt you are home I ectly no he of the cards can Contmue With a club If South defeat you shows out take the ace and eXIt Cash the ten of spades and With a club forcmg North to Ice of diamonds ruff a dla return a heal t or lead a spade 1II0nd cash the ace of clubs -on whIch you would ruscard I thiS IS Important) cross to a heart from dummy as you

    Hatlo's They'll Do It Every TIme ® BIG GEORGE! "y VI(gll Part,.h


    CZECHS OUT - The bIggest rCdson for Ill' defectIon to England say' top SOvlet author Anatoly Kuznetsov (above) "as dIsgust over the InvaSIOn of Czecho 10 vakla Kuznetsov 40 g'lV( hIS mterprder it ,,:,OVlct secret servIce 1gent the "Jtp ~ WISHING WELL~~I ... I ...... - .-- GOOD MORNING HOW DO 't'OlJ .- -- MAIolA6ERS ARE Ii'EAL NICE Reg.stered U S Patent OffICe 7 FEEL 7 DID YOU SLEEP WELL I TO ~Uf'ERSTARS HOPE 'fOi) HAVE A GOOD GAME 8 3 4 6 2 ~ 5 4 7 2 6 5 3 10DA4' CAll r GET '(ou AN"'Tfll!iS 1 B S A W K P A C S E A C I 4 2 6 3 7 5 4 3 2 8 6 5 8 f R E T R U A E I P E C N A a 6 8 2 6 5 3 6 4 7 5 3 8 2 n H U G N D T A A N I U T 0 j ~ 3 4 5 7 6 2 8 3 4 6 8 5 u ",-,,,J!~ ~ A A T D N T L Y L I U A T t 4 6 3 2 8 6 7 4 6 3 2 5 7 ~ -- ~ V R F I D E Y E A I N A D s 3 8 2 6 7 4 3 6 5 2 8 6 3 -~ V T M T A J N W L I I 0 E 2 3 7 4 8 6 7 5 2 3 6 4 B N S Y 0 C R S K D S K B E

    HERE .s a pleasant Ilttle game that w.ll gwe you a message every day It .s a numerical puzzle des.gned to spell out your fortune Count the letters m your f.rst name If the num ber of letters IS 6 or more subtract 4 If the number IS less than 6 add 3 The result .s your key number start at the upper left hand corner of the rectangle and check everyone of yoU! key numbers left to nght Then read the me_sage thl'> Ipttprc:; under the checked figures gwe you With Sgt MI ke i) fa !!>~I

    @ 5A~GE, THAT ~ Z' HAG TO DO WITH I ;;¥fJr~ MI,""I

    How COME=- '\ IV~ HAD If Wlfti YouR.~ WHlrE:'", fHIS INTf;6RAnof\J B. [MIT;/"? j MlrCH? GrUFF", 51 D , C. ~;J ~\ ~ J ,\ ~il

    __ -Ii~ ------=-c:::::~ ~~-- ~ --~~- to -~ j~-1

    rldF! J ____-" e IE>

    SII<'~1 Wf; RAVe: &VIDt::NC~ To-i/:5E'Mf=;N AK'E" PAE"]"" OF AN EiXT~E'l.-Y WSl.-L­ ORbANIZSD ~E:VO/""T' -.-!----'--'---.!!....!...

    )DOl 01 NlI'1A B '£)09 ~ 3JN3~ £: 1139 Al1l3911 l: ''1INlIO~IWJ l-uMoa '11'9'0)1 II 11'13 6 'A3)1 L. ~ ______~£)Oll 9 1I3Hl'13~ Y Page 8 HOURGLASS Saturday, August 16, 1969 CLASSIFIED PUBLISHED BY GLOBAL ASSOCIATES AT THE FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, OFFICIAL BULLETIN KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL IS­ DATE DUTY OFFICER PHONE Cosco aluminum and nylon mesh playpen To members of the KwaJalein Atoll with pad, $10, Cosco jump cha~r, $5, LANDS CONTRACT DAAG-4 3-67 -0001 Art Gu~ld who l~ke articles made from infant seat, $3 -- all in excellent The HourGlass is publ~shed da~ly, l6Aug69 MAJ Schaaf 82438 copper enameling -- A f~ve week course condition, 20" girl's bike with tra~n­ Monday through Saturday l7Aug69 MAJ Deley 84486 -- to be taught by Masayo Morgan, ing wheels, $10 Call 82696 Mater~al for publlcatlon on the l8Aug69 CPT Belknap 82466 starts August 18th at 9 am ~n the AROUND TOWN page must be sublll1 tted ~n 19Aug69 CW3 Sands 82629 Art Gu~ld Room ~n Spec~al Services Brown~e uniform -- s~ze 10 w/acces­ wr~t~ng to the HourGlass 72 hours 20Aug69 LTC Whitehorn 82602 Build~ng The Art Gu~ld Room (newly sories -- will sell or trade for pr~or to deslred publlcat~on date 21Aug69 MAJ Thompson, Jr 84555 acquired) ~s located upsta~rs oppos~te Jr Girl Scout uniform size 10 or 12 Materlal for the AD and SPORTS pages 22Aug69 CPT Metelski 82667 the Gear Locker The course is grat~s, Call 82680 must be submltted In WTltlng tn the 23Aug69 CW4 Keeling 82896 the cost is for copper used -- even HourGlass Off~ce 24 hours before de­ 24Aug69 MAJ Walker 82867 enameling ~s free But, the workshop Panasonic RE-767 FM/AM stereo radio s~red publ~cat~on dates 25Aug69 CW4 Keeling 82896 w~ll be lim~ted to ten If ~nterest­ with separate speaker system Match­ Telephone not~ces and ads wlll not Duty hours of 11 30 - 12 30 Monday ed, please call M~ldred Gartland, ~ng RD-7673 player All for $50 Call be accepted All copy and photographs through Fr~day, phone 81419 for Duty 82276, or Elaine Wh~tehorn, 82602 Officer 83564 dur~ng day or 83689 evenings become the property of the HourGlass Add~t~onal classes w~ll be started Republlcatlon of mater~al conta~ned Duty Off~cer ~s Kwajalein Miss~le if there is a b~g enough response Command~ng Off~cer's Used Kenmore portable sew~ng machine hereln ~s not authorlzed w~thout the Range representa­ t~ve dur~ng other than normal duty ~n good condit~on, $30 Call 82536 approval of the Commandlng Offlcer, ~ajalein Toastmistress Club pre­ Kwajale~n Mlsslle Range hours sents "Icebreakers" aga~n Monday, If you have not rece~ved your copy Golf shoes, toys - cheap, stuffed August 18, at 8 pm ~n the Banyan of the HourGlass by 6 15 pm please trust Territory News an~mals & games, records - stereo Room of the Yokwe Yuk Club Guests call 83539 between 6 15 and 6 45 pm and monaural Call 82592 and ask always welcome Come alone, bring and a copy w~ll be dellvered to you Saipan -- Representative Benjamin for Diane or see her at 4l5-B a fr~end or call JoAnn Reynolds at Maglona of Mar~anas has introduced a 82216 for a Toastm~stress escort EDITOR Larry Cors~ resolution ~n the Congress request~ng the Soviet Un~on delegation to t~e One pair Western boots (new), 1 5/8 STAFF G~nger Storme United Nat~on5 to persuade the United ~nch heel, size l3D, $20, one pair swim Marcla Chrlvla States government to complete the im­ fins size 10-13 and snorkel masK, $5 Rudy Baldwln Call 83456 ask for Bob provement of Rota Channel (Mar~anas) Lu Clark The 1500 residents of Rota have Lucy Bloedel "practically prostrated themselves be­ The Sunday SCUBA Club dive w~ll be Lady's 26" bike -- brand new tire FEATURE fore the government of the Trust Ter­ an early one w~th the boat leav~ng at WRITER Bob Ph~lllPS & tube, $10, two rugs, washable, rItory pleading for ~t to exped~te the 8 30 am The first dive, weather 4 x 6, $3 each Call 82747 improvement of the Rota Channel for & winds perm~tting. will be on the CIRCULATION 23 years," the resolution stated Metal patio cover 10 x 18 ft, $125, ocean s~de of the Bigej-Meck reef MANAGER James McCowen The second dive w~ll be on the lagoon The resolution also cited the fact Fridgedaire dishwasher -- front loader that 22 boats have been lost along w/cutting board top, $125, lady's 26" side D~vemasters are J~m Clark and with l~ves of a number of people ~n b~cycle w/3 baskets, $7, golf cart, Charlie Dahl L~fe vests are this channel, and st~ll the Trust Ter­ $4 50 Call 81382 days -- 82784 even­ mandatory ritory government st~ll does not take ings any action The complet~on of dredg~ng What ~s a "Happen~ng?" Ii the Rota Channel w~ll enable the people Pair of light blue sandals with small GLOBAL ASSOCIATES The Crossroads d~ctionary defines of Rota to produce to the~r fullest heel -- ordered wrong size -- 7B, $6 ~t as gett~ng out of the humdrum capacity and prov~de for themselves a Call 83539 and com~ng down to relax ~n the ocean­ viable economy through agricultural A meeting of the KwaJale~n Sa~l Rac­ side happy atmosphere of the Cross­ production and rattle ra~s~ng WANTED roads Meet old fr~ends and make ~ng Assoc~ation will be held on Wednes­ new ones as you enJoy your favor~te day, August 20, at 8 pm ~n the Com­ A male k~tten -- 3 months old or mun~ty Center Matters to be con­ beverage and dine on a hearty, man­ POT LUCK SHOW older Call 84632 s~dered include the Labor Day Race, size steak or taste tant~l~z~ng sea­ "100 RIFLES" W1.-th hm l3r>own and food In br~ef, a "Happening" is a const~tutional amendments and the next SERVICES Raquel Welch A Western adven­ happy n~ght at the Crossroads sw~ng~ng Sa~ling Party Movies ~f we can get them All sa~lors should at­ ture drama f1.-lmed 1.-n Spa1.-n Re­ commended for A aud1.-ences I w~ll babys~t anytime dur~ng the day tend Show tune 9 45- -- take the k~ds off your hands -- Ladies Duplicate Br~dge meets every to the beach or to the pool I am Monday afternoon at 12 30 at the ten-years-old and cons~dered very YY Club No Duplicate Bridge ex­ respons~ble Call Lesl~e at 82592 perience is necessary Call Kiala Re~ch at 82656 for further informa­ I am a conc~entious l5-year-old g~rl tion or help in locating a partner eager to babys~t anyt~me I spent my summer car~ng for ch~ldren at the DIVEMASTER'S MEETING Honolulu Publ~c Health Cl~nic If Thursday, August 21 at 8 pm in the you are ~nterested ~n my services, Community Center All divemasters Sunday please call 82592 for Nancy Kuhn are wequired co attend this most important meeting One of the item3 LOST on the business agenda will be the placing of names in nom~nation for the We were told that "Flame" passed away M 0 vies position of Chief Divemaster ten days ago Ne~ghbors say they've seen h~m recently Our cat is a The following Kodak and Technacolor beaut~ful bright orange and white, processed p~ctures and film have RICHARDSON------BACKTRACK------______7 30 very gentle, large, three-year-old been at Macy's Camera Department for male pet If anyone knows where he OCEAN VIEW------MONKEY IN WlNTER------7 30 & 12 30 over three months If the process­ YOKWE YUK------REWARD-MAN INVADES THE SEA------7 & 9 10 ~s please call us at 82471 We love ing isn't cla~med within two weeks "Flame" very much IVEY HALL------SKIDOO------6 30 & 8 30 it will be disposed of by Macy's MATINEE------SAVAGE SAM------l Dolan, W 0637 TRADEWINDS------TWISTED NERVE------8 Golf club -- First Flight -- 7 ~ron Rousseau, L 1641 MECK ISLAND------SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL-MONDAY NIGHT----8 on 9th Green, Monday, August 11 Rousseau, L 10083 Reward Call 82813 Mills, W 3444 Breda, J 000974 The person who d~sassembled the bike Andresen, W 000594 rack at the KMR Electronics Lab may Hensley, C 1181 p~ckup the remaining sect~on anytime Jones, W (Roi) 0589 after 4 30 pm Reynolds, D 1471 MOVIES TONIGHT Hughes 3267 HELP WANTED Fellhoelter, K 000583 Fellhoelter, K 000584 Kentron Hawai~, Ltd will have two Fellhoelter, K 000585 openings ~n the near future for sec­ Satermo 001127 retar~es w~th shorthand or speedwrit­ Satermo 000709 ~ng exper~ence Forty hour week, Mon­ StiDnet 000400 Ivey Hall Trade Winds day thru Fr~day Applicants should "SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL" contact Kentron Administrat~on at "MURDER MOST FOUL" The Community Band needs help" 'I Comedy Color AT Range Operations Build~ng 1009 or Comedy B&W ATC There is a need for 4 c1ar~net~sts, Margaret Rutherford, Arthur Str1.-nger NataZ1.-e Wood, Tony Curt1.-S call 83596/83446 2 French horn players, 4 trumpeters, 2 trombonists, 1 baritone horn player, 6 30 & B 30 pm MATINEE --"Savage Sam" at 1 pm B pm Looking to get back into the newspaper 2 tuba (Sousaphone) players, I snare game? Had news story writing ex­ drum/percussion~st, 2 saxophonists perience? Interested in meeting in­ If you play any of these instruments, teresting people doing interesting meet with the other members of the Richardson Ocean View work? If so, Bell Telephone Labora­ band each Monday at 7 30 pm in the "BACKfRACK" tories has a current opening for an "SKIDOO" Fine Arts (Teen Center) Bldg on the Comedy Co lor AT Western Color ATC experienced individual To obtain ad­ ocean side of George Seitz School A James Drury, Doug McClure ditional information or arrange for Jack1.-e Gleason, CaroZ Chann1.-ng concert a month ~s planned but your 7 45 pm an interview, contact J M Youhas at talent is needed Bpm 81439 POT LUCK - Showtune 9 45 WATER OUTAGE CHILD CARE - Continuous attention given There will be a Salt & Fresh Water by a responsible adult Fenced yard Outage on Tuesday, August 19, between and patio for supervised play Lunch the hours of 0800 and 1300 The Yokwe Yuk Meck Island provided Daytime hours Please following facilities w~ll be affected "MONKEY IN WINTER" "TAMAHINE" call 82539 Trailers 700 thru 706, 708 thru 711, comedy CoZor-WS AT 713 thru 716, 719 thru 732, 737, 738 Drama B&W-WS AT Jean PauZ Belmondo, Jean Gab1.-n Nancy KWan, John Fraser, and 595 Other tra~lers ~n the gener Denn1.-s Pr1.-ce Buy Bonds al area may be affected 7 & 9 pm B pm (tomorrow n1.-ghtJ