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VOL. V. NELSON, B,C„ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1901? NO. 17 the NELSON ECONOMIST Is ISSUED EVERY HE Dunsmuir Government, With r^j^J^X^JJf&^'SM^w^^towft'^rtS^J m m :-*--1' i.iV-i*' it "A I NELSON, B,C„ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1901? NO. 17 life VOL. V. fell new combination, and stand by this declaration. THE NELSON ECONOMIST is ISSUED EVERY Instead of 22 the premier therefore has, for sake of WEDNESDAY. SUBSCRIPTION : $2.00 PER AN­ argument assuming his other calculations to be NUM-/IF PAID IN ADVANCE, $1.50. CORRESPOND­ correct, but 19 votes in a house of 38—or enough to tea ENCE' OF GENERAL INTEREST RESPECTFULLY produce a deadlock. And even at that it would be r SOLICITED. ONLY ARTICLES ,OF MERIT WILL BE possible for the Joe Martin fiction to control each m ADVERTISED . IN THESE COLUMNS, AND THE IN item of legislation by swinging its four or five votes TERESTS OF READERS WILL BE CAREFULLY as suited its own interest or its leader's—a possibiity GUARDED AGAINST IRRESPONSIBLE PERSONS AND 1 I; 5'. absolutely incompatible with honest government.' WORTHLESS ARTICLES. IT is announced that the English steel manu­ HE Dunsmuir Government, with the overwhelm­ facturers are arranging to enter into a large single T ing consciousness of its guilt bearing it down, company to meet the competiton of the United € hesitates before opening a constituency. As a result, States Steel Corporation. They have been handi­ there is one portfolio and one seat vacant. If Mr. capped by the expensive competition among them­ ! Dunsmuir and his colleagues had the courage of their selves for raw materials, and by an expensive system I:rl convictions they would bring on a contest in Victoria. of supervision and by the use of antiquated .If the Government is as strongly eotrenched in the machinery. The advantages of consolidation have good-will of the people as its papers would have us be­ been set before them so convincingly by John R. lieve Mr. Dunsmuir should not, by his hesitation, Bartlett, an American financier, that they propose confirm the people in the other portions of the Pro­ ? _/ to meet the rivalry of the big German and Ameri­ ft vince iu their belief that the Government is doomed can combinations by one of their own. it and fears a contest even where the field should favor it. The fact of the matter is the Government realizes AT the court of revision held Tuesday in. the court that it has alienated its support in the capital city house, 191 new voters were placed on the list. This and that the election there at the present time would looks as if considerable interest were being taken in add one more nail to the coffin it has shaped for it­ tt the forthcoming provincial campaign. self. As fur attempting to fill the vacant portfolio, the matter is simply out of the question at the pre­ THE residents of Ores ton will hail with pleasure sent time. We doubt very much if a Government the announcement that the mining recorder's office supporter, even backed by the prestige of a portfolio is to be moved from Kuskonook ^0 the former place. could be elected in any constituency in the Province. So that the Kuskonook will suffer no great incon­ Mr. Dunsmuir by consorting with his enemies, has venience it has been decided to authorize Mr. Samuel violated the obligations due his supporters, and from B. Wright to issue miner's licenses and take affidavits even the most favorable construction which can under the Mineral Act, at that place. .-,•• be-placed on hi?1, conduct is not to be trusted. The resourceful brains of his confederates may evolve THE number of morganatic marriages made by the ft attractive policies, but the voters will simply scoff at the men who have chosen to dwell in a fool's Royal Families of Europe increases every year. .paradise. Royalty is tired of hedging itself about with an un­ M real divinity, and marriages for purpoi-es of state IN this way the Vancouver World figures out Mr. convenience are at best but dreary things. As most Dunsmuir's alleged majority: " Premier Dunsmuir's people know, a " morgana tic marriage" was a com­ journalistic apologists are endeavoring to convince promise invented in feudal times, A person of royal their readers that there is some foundation for the blood could not publicly marry a commoner. When premier's claim that he has 22 supporters in the Royalty proved headstrong, however, the morgan tic House, and in their eagerness to help the premier marriage made the ceremony legal, while it denied have dared to publish the list of those whom they the wife and child the rank and title of the royal count upon as 'government.' Curiously enough the husband. Among them are the marriages of the J.J' list contains such names as Helmcken, Clifford, adventure-loving grand-aunts of the present King Kidd and Ellison. The member from Vernon is the of Spain, the Princesses Isabella and Josephine. only one of these who by any stretching Princess Josephine married a Cuban poet and news­ of pledges might be won over to the tot­ paper reporter, who had previously been infatuated tering government. Messrs, Helmcken, Clifford with the daughter of a rich Cuban planter. Ac­ and Kidd have declared themselves opposed to the cordingly he went to Madrid, where Princess Jo*e- ft Ifci 4 THE NELSON ECONOMIST phine was liv ing at the royal palace with her sister- election pledges, but it is doubtful if any province in-law, Queen Isabella. Soon the young reporter won has ever been saddled with a ministry which had so a name as a poet. Several poems addressed to Jose­ cynically cast off every vestige of political honesty,, phine aroused her warm interest. So she carried out and which was so clearly hanging on to office in the her wish of making his acquaintance, they fell in love, teeth of a very manifest anxiety on the part of the eloped and were finally permitted to return to the people to be rid of it. And the irony of the situation Spanish Court with honour. The Cuban journalist's is that the people of the province never wanted Mr. three sons are now the most accomplished members of Dunsmuir as Premier. At the time of their last the Royal Family. An American actress, Elise general election their one desire was to free them­ Hensler, was the. heroine of a morganatic marriage selves from Joseph Martin, and they were ready to with Prince Ferdinand of Coburg, who was formerly vote for anyone who would help them in their praise­ the husband of Queen Maria of Portugal and one of worthy efforts. Had there been any idea that Mr. the handsomest men of his time. The Prince died a Dunsmuir would be elected to lead the somewhat few years since, but his American widow is still heterogeneous party which thus came into power, it is living. not probable that his own constituency would have One of the most remarkable romances of the cen­ sent him to the legislature. But having been tury is that of John Orth, whose name still frequently chosen to form the new government^ he was given the comes up in connection with his supposed discovery. opportunity of inaugurating in British Columbia a John Orth was the Archduke John Saivator of sound, stable, and independent administration. The Tuscany, a nephew ofthe present Emperor of people were tired of politicians, and Mr. Dunsmuir Australia. He fell in love with an actress and being known to be no politician, but rather a man of singer, Ludmilla Hubel. Family opposition to the business, it was hoped that his regime would be rrarriage was so great that the Archduke renounced marked by the ordinary business virtues of common hisrankand privileges, took the name of Orth, was sense, honesty, and adherence to pledges.." married to the actress, and shortly afterward sailed away with his wifein a ship which he renamed the WHEN the darkness was most intense in London Santa Margarita, and which has never been heard of last Monday, we can just imagine Hon. Mr. Turner since. remarking to his friends: u Yes, this a pretty dense Only recently Princess Elvira, daughter of Don kind of a fog ; but you ought to see the political Carlos, Duke of Madrid, eloped with a Roman artist, fogs we have out in British Columbia." Tolchi, to whom she was afterward married. The house of Hapsburg, however, is most remarkable for IT is estimated that the Manitoba wheat crop for its .list of morganatic marriages. , Early in this cen­ 1901 will amount to 53,000,000 bushels, 48,000,000 tury the proud Archduke John startled all his of which will be for export. The total amount of relatives by marrying Anna Pldchl, the daughter of grain already shipped this year, according to figures a peasant postmaster of a small Styrian village. The furnished by Chief Grain Inspector Horn Archduke stopped at the village oh his way to Vienna. is 10,300,000 bushels, a third of which has 'graded There was no postillion at hand, so the postmaster's No. 1 hard. daughter, in the dress of a postillion, drove the Arch­ duke to the next station. The youthful Prince dis­ JUST where the miner's union stands since the covered the identity of his coachman, fell in love with shake-up at the Le Roi no one appears to know. , It her and married her. She was afterwards made seems as if Mr. McDonald's policy was not fully en­ Coqntess of Meran.
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