United States Code: the Tariff Commission, 19 USC §§ 91-107
TITLE 19.-CUSTOM, 1 DUTIES § 123a station to another for duty may be allowed, within tihe discre- 96. Invcstigatios as to customs.-- Supersedecd.l tion and under written orders of the Secretary of the Treasury, This section mast5uperseded by I 1332 (a) of this title. the expenses incurred for packing, crating, freight, and dray- 97. Information to President and Congress.--[ SUplerseded.I age in the transfer of their household effects and other per- This section was superseded sonal property. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 251, § 5, -12 Stat. 145; June by J 1332 (g) of this tillO. 17, 1930, c. 497, Title IV, § G-15(b), 46 Stat. 701.) 98. Investigating tnmiff relations with foreign countries.-- This section was in part repealed by 1 015 (b) of Act June 17, [Sulerseded. 1 1930, cited thereto, which read its follows: "So much of the Act This section was superseded by 1 1132 (b) of lihs titl. entitied 'An Act to provide the necessary organization of the Customs Service for an udequate administration and enforcement 100. Documents and copies for investigations; teltimony; of the Tariff Act of 1922 and all other customs revenue laws,' ip. compelling production of books or papers; freedom of wit- proved M[arch 4, 1923, as anitided, as limits the amount of house. nesses from prosecution.-[SUlitrsededI. hold effects and other personal property of customs officers nl employees for which expenses may be allowed upon transfer from This section wits suprsedeld hy 111313(a) itn (e) of this tlil, one oflehil station to another, is hereby retlied." and the auendatory set of Selpt.
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