Paraplegia 31 (1993) 639-644 © 1993 International Medical Society of Paraplegia

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization in patients with spinal cord injury

K Maeder RN BSN, 1 V J Ginunas MT, 1 J Z Montgomerie MB ChB FRACP, 1,3 H N Canawati PhD SM(AAM)2.3

I Infectious Disease Division, Department of , 2 Microbiology Section, Department of Pathology, Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center, 7601 E Imperial Highway, Downey, California 90242, USA; 3Departments of Medicine and Pathology, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90033, USA.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRS A) colonization has been a problem in the Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center (RLAMC) since 1978. This study reviews the latest 2 years' use of a protocol to prevent the spread of MRSA while allowing spinal cord injured patients to continue to participate in the rehabilitation program. The protocol included management in a private room, bathing with hexachlorophene, positive sites and clearing patients after 3 weeks of negative cultures. Clusters of cases were investigated by obtaining nasal cultures from the personnel. Sixty-seven of 584 (11%) SCI patients were colonized from July 1989 to July 1991. The prevalence of MRSA colonization was significantly greater in the management service (PMS) 49/184 (27%) than in the rehabilita­ tion spinal injury service (SIS) 18/400 (5%). The body sites colonized were wounds (58/67), nares (37/67), throat (30/67), urine (27/67) and perineum (17/67). Oral therapy with combinations of sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim (SXT) or Novobiocin with rifampin together with topical (nares and wound sites), used in nine patients with healing wounds or recent flap , resulted in clearing of the colonization in all cases. Identification and treatment of carriers in the personnel and use of preadmission screening cultures for MRSA in patients with pressure ulcers resulted in reduced inpatient admission.

Keywords: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; spinal cord injury.

Introduction documented in 1982.10 Earlier, in 1978, a protocol had been established to prevent the Within 2 years of the introduction of spread of MRSA while allowing the patients methicillin in 1959, the emergence of a to continue participation in their prescribed previously unknown bacterial strain, rehabilitation program. methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA colonization has continued to be a (MRSA) was reported in Europe.1-3 In the problem at RLAMC. This study examines USA, the first large outbreak of MRSA was the most recent 2 years' use of the MRSA reported in 1968 by Barrett et al.4 Similar protocol, including the adaptations made outbreaks in acute care institutions5•6 have recently to deal with the increasing numbers been documented, and more recently of patients with MRSA. MRSA in long term care facilities7,8 includ­ ing spinal cord injured patients9 has been described. Methods At the Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center (RLAMC), a 450 bed Los Angeles Since Rancho Los Amigos is a rehabilitation County/university affiliated rehabilitation facility, most of the patients are referrals center, our first experience with MRSA was from other institutions. After discharge 640 Maeder et at Paraplegia 31 (1993) 639-644 from hospital many patients have been seen Definitions as outpatients in the various clinics. Definitions of colonization (used inter­ For the purpose of this study, we have changeably with carriage) and nosocomial reviewed MRSA colonization and protocol acquisitions of MRSA have not changed effectiveness in two spinal injury services, since 1978.10 Patients were considered col­ the rehabilitation spinal injury service (SIS) onized with MRSA when two or more and the pressure ulcer management service consecutive cultures of any body sites were (PMS) which admitted patients with estab­ positive for MRSA. Colonization was lished pressure ulcers. Patients were ad­ considered to be nosocomial (RLAMC­ mitted to SIS within a few weeks of their acquired) if MRS A-positive culture was injury. reported greater than 7 days after admis­ The SIS consisted of two wards each with sion, and was considered to be community­ approximately 30 patients. After admission acquired if identified within the first week of to RLAMC, bladder drainage was managed admission or if the patient had a previously by intermittent catheterization carried out positive culture from the transferring facil­ by a team of technicians. Patients who ity. Clustering was considered to occur developed reflex voiding used an external when two or more nosocomial cases were condom connected to a drainage identified on the same ward. bag. The PMS consisted of one ward with approximately 26 patients. Patients ad­ Epidemiological measures mitted to PMS were usually managed with The first protocol outlining control indwelling until the musculo­ measures was introduced at RLAMC in cutaneous flap wounds were healed. 1978.10 The plan of action included active surveillance for all MRSA isolates, recom­ mendations for type of isolation, and cul­ tures to be obtained from body sites poten­ Bacteriological cultures tially colonized. Body sites cultures are Cultures of both nares, throat, perineum shown in Table 1. and woundsll were collected with cotton All colonized or infected patients were swabs (Culturette II; Marion Scientific, isolated in private rooms. Patients were Kansas City, MO). Urine samples were cohorted in rooms with up to six patients obtained by clean-catch midstream collec­ when clustering occurred. A procedure­ tion or by catheterization. oriented isolation system, category 1, 2, 3 Swabs and urine were initially cultured on and 412 developed by Donna Gilmore, RN, mannitol salt agar and blood agar containing MPH, CIC at RLAMC has been used in our sheep blood (Clinical Standards Labora­ facility since 1985. The majority of MRSA tories, Carson, CA). Isolates were identi­ patients were on category 2 isolation (glove fied on the basis of Gram stain, hemolysis, and gowns are used with direct patient colonial morphology, catalase production, contact). Patients continued with physical coagulase and/or Staphaurex (Wellcome Diagnostics, Greenville, NC), and DNase production (Clinical Standards Labora­ Table I Potentially colonized body sites cul­ tories). susceptibility testing for tured for MRSA methicillin was done by the Bauer-Kirby disk diffusion method using Mueller-Hinton Nose(bilateral nares) agar containing 4% NaCl, as well as the agar Throat overlay method. For all other antibiotics, Perineum Mueller-Hinton agar without salt was used. Urine Incubation temperature of 35°C was used Wounds (open or healed) GT sites for methicillin susceptibility testing. Zone Tracheostomy sites inhibition diameters were read after 18-24 Tracheal aspirate hours of incubation. Paraplegia 31 (1993) 639-644 MRSA colonization in SCI patients 641 and occupational therapy. Colonized pa­ (8%) infected or colonized with MRSA. tients were separated from other patients in Because of an increase in the number of the group therapy areas. Equipment used by colonized patients in September 1989 a patients in these areas was cleaned with a combination of measures was introduced to phenolic disinfectant. The personnel in deal with the problem. From July 1989 to these areas were instructed to carry out July 1991 two outbreaks of nosocomial isolation precautions. acquisition were identified. The first Daily hexachlorophene bathing was occurred on the SIS in September 1989 and recommended for all colonized patients.l3 the second on PMS between March and The use of hexachlorophene for open October 1990 (Fig 1). The first involved an wounds was avoided. All personnel, exclud­ unidentified index case. Both involved nasal ing pregnant women, washed their hands carriage among personnel. with hexachlorophene soap after direct con­ tact with patients. Body sites found to be positive for MRSA Results of outbreak investigation were cultured weekly. These cultures were The index case for the first outbreak on the obtained only after patients had discon­ SIS was identified when a tracheal aspirate tinued all antibiotics. The patient remained culture from this patient was positive for in isolation until three consecutive negative MRSA. Further culturing of this previously cultures taken weekly were obtained. unidentified patient revealed colonization in If clustering of cases was identified in a multiple body sites. Within 1 week a second multipatient room, cultures were obtained case was identified in the same room as the from all patients in the room. Also in the index case. The factors involved in this event of clustering of cases in any ward, spread were unclear but may have included nasal cultures were obtained from person­ the frequent tracheal suctioning required by nel. Personnel that were nasal carriers were the patient. Further control measures in­ made aware of their status and treated by stituted at this time included cohorting of the Employee Health Service. No restric­ patients in the room with the index case, tions were placed on colonized personnel and culturing of all patients in the room with regarding areas where they could work. the index case. Culture results showed four Cultures of nose, throat and perineum were of five patients were colonized with MRSA. taken from personnel at initial visit. Topical During this time nasal cultures of person­ bacitracin or mupirocin to bilateral nares nel identified three nasal carriers, two of and bathing with hexachlorophene was whom had antibiograms identical to the recommended for 7 days. If personnel were index case. All cultures were confirmed by colonized in the throat, a combination of screening cultures (nose, throat and peri­ oral antibiotics for 10 days was recom­ neum) taken by the Employee Health Ser­ mended depending on antibiotic suscept­ vice. One of three also had a positive ibility of MRSA. perineal culture. All employees responded to decolonization with bacitracin ointment and daily hexachlorophene baths. While Results these employees were being treated they Sixty-Seven patients with SCI were colon­ continued to work with patients and thus no ized. Frequency of positive body sites in loss of time occurred. all SCI patients colonized with MRSA Nosocomial acquisition subsided on the were wounds (58/67), nares (37/67), throat SIS once unknown carriers in both patients (30/67), urine (27/67) and perineum (17/67) and personnel were identified and treated. (Table II). The prevalence of MRSA colon­ One nosocomial case was identified during ization was significantly greater on the PMS this time on a different SIS ward. The 49/184 (27%) than on the SIS 18/400 (5%). isolate from this patient did not appear to be Sixty-seven of 584 (11%) SCI patients epidemiologically linked to the outbreak. were colonized from July 1989 to July 1991. Order sheets outlining the current hos­ In the previous year we had 24 SCI patients pital protocol for management of patients 642 Maeder et al Paraplegia 31 (1993) 639-644

Table II Body sites colonized with MRSA

Site PMS ( n = 49) SIS ( n = 18)

Nose(bilateral nares) 24(49%) l3 (72%) Throat 21(43%) 9 (50%) Perineum 10(20%) 7 (39%) Urine 20(41%) 7 (39%) Wounds 46(94%) 12 (67%)

= Rehab service (SIS)

= Pressure management (PMS) i = Index case

NC = Nasal carrier

�c \l) IN 21 .'::; co y a. 5 -0 ci z

JAS ONDJFMA MJJ ASON DJ FMA MJJ L--1989 ----.I 1990-----� L--1991----.J

Figure 1 Number of spinal cord Injury patients with nosocomial acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from July 1989 to July 1991 identified on the rehabilitation spinal injury service (SIS) and pressure management service (PMS). with MRSA were approved by the hospital detection of MRSA. Because of the poten­ committee (HIC) and introduced tial for unrecognized MRSA colonization of in September 1989 (during the first outbreak wounds, preadmission screening of all of this study) (Fig 1). To increase efficacy patients on PMS was begun in September and reduce confusion among care providers 1989 (Fig 1). A number of patients being the protocol has been printed directly onto transferred to PMS from extended care the physician's order sheet, clearly and facilities were identified with MRS A at conveniently outlining the protocol pro­ multiple body sites greater than 7 days after cedures. The sheets were placed on each admission. Because we suspected that these patient's chart as they were identified as patients were colonized prior to admission, MRSA positive. preadmission screening was introduced. The Nosocomial acquisition was arbitrarily use of preadmission screening between Sep­ considered to have occurred when coloniza­ tember 1989 and July 1991 resulted in tion was reported greater than 7 days after identification of 17 patients colonized with admission. Colonization of patients may MRSA. have occurred weeks to months prior to In March 1990 the second outbreak began Paraplegia 31 (1993) 639-644 MRSA colonization in SCI patients 643 which lasted through October 1990 (Fig 1). protocol outlined the type of isolation In March, July and October 1990 nasal necessary, the screening cultures, orders for cultures of nursing personnel were ob­ daily hexachlorophene bathing and hexa­ tained. Nasal carriers were identified in chlorophene hand-washing for nonpregnant March (one person), July (two persons), personnel. The protocol outlined the man­ and October (two persons including a sur­ agement of these patients so that they could geon). All five employees had MRSA with attend therapy or go to scheduled appoint­ identical antibiograms similar to new cases. ments. The protocol clarified control One of the five employees also had a measures to manage patients with MRSA. positive culture of the throat, and another Because increasing numbers of patients had a positive perineal culture. All were colonized with MRSA were admitted to treated with bacitracin or mupirocin oint­ PMS unrecognized, preadmission screening ment and daily hexachlorophene baths, with (nose, throat, wounds and urine from a four or five clearing. The treatment failure collection device) of all patients on this was an employee who was also colonized in service was introduced in September 1989. the throat. This employee later cleared after Screening identified 17 patients prior to a 10 day treatment with SXT and rifampin. admission and assisted in the planning of Nosocomial acquisition fell after October admissions so that control measures could 1990 (Fig 1) after identification of the nasal be instituted promptly on admission. carriers. Elimination of MRSA carriage with During the study some patients were either oral or local antibiotics, or a combin­ treated for 7 -10 days with combinations of ation of both, has been used in patients with SXT or Novobiocin with rifampin if colon­ SCI9 and in patients or personnel in acute ization persisted. Susceptibility of 57 MRSA hospitals and long term care facilities. 14-17 In isolates to Novobiocin and rifampin was the only other study of patients with SCI, 100% and to SXT was 65%. Oral therapy colonization with MRSA cleared in six of together with topical antibiotics (nares and seven patients treated with antibiotics with wound sites) used in nine patients with adequate follow up. The MRSA isolated healing wounds or recent musculocutaneous from our patients were susceptible to Novo­ flaps, resulted in clearing of colonization in biocin and rifampin while only 65% were all cases. Few of these patients have spon­ susceptible to SXT. We used combinations taneously cleared during their stay without of these agents to treat patients. Treatment treatment of infection or colonization. of colonization was addressed on all SIS patients after screening culture results were obtained. Of the 18 patients colonized, nine were treated and cleared, six were dis­ Discussion charged prior to treatment. Treatment of Because of the nature of our institution, two patients resulted in negative cultures management of MRSA has been difficult but these patients were discharged prior to because patients have stayed for long clearing and were lost to follow up, and one periods of time and new patients colonized patient refused treatment. On the PMS, with MRSA have been continually admitted attempts at treating colonization were not from other facilities. At RLAMC we have addressed until the patients' wounds had used a protocol for the management of healed (superficial) or after flap surgery. patients with MRSA since 1978. In 1982 we Treating colonization with oral and topical concluded that this protocol was of use in antibiotics on the PMS resulted in clearing preventing the spread of colonization while of all nine patients. Few of these patients permitting patients to take part in rehabili­ have spontaneously cleared during their stay tation programs. In 1989, in response to a in hospital without treatment of infection or record number of new MRSA patients, a colonization. protocol outlining the management of Treatment of colonization of hospital MRSA patients was placed on the chart of personnel with topical antibiotics resulted in each patient colonized with MRSA. The the clearing of seven of eight personnel. 644 Maeder et at Paraplegia 31 (1993) 639-644

Oral antibiotics were effective in one em­ of colonization in patients when appropri­ ployee who was a throat carrier. ate, and eradication of colonization in em­ Prompt control measures upon admis­ ployees have all contributed to controlling sion, identification of new cases, treatment colonization in patients with SCI.


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