Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-13-1912 Journal Publishing Company

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Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-13-1912 Journal Publishing Company University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-13-1912 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-13-1912 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-13-1912." (1912). abq_mj_news/2325 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ( A,'...-- MJBUQUEKQUE MORNING JOUBNMs- II jr Mall, 50 Cents Month; Single Copies, 5 Cents. THIRTY-FOURT- H YEAR. VOL. CXXXIII, No. 73. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1912, Hy Carrli'r, AO Cent Mouth, riming to soma other more con.j.'nlal THE DAY IN CONGRESS. political home. ISovernor McDonald, for some un SUIT INSTITUTED FEDERALS EXPECT V. explained reason, has been very secre- Till: SKNATK. GOVERNOR tive about hia- message, ana has re- fused to glva It Jo the press. Whether In aeasUm at 2 p. in. , he does not cure' to have people Finance committee agreed to vote the FOR DISSOLUTION Thursday on revi- TO CARRY BATTLE know Just what'he did say to the leg- house ateel tariff HID sion bill. islature, or whether he Is afraid to El trust the press of the state with Appropriations committee ordered report on ap- what h.s aeema to consider as too favorable fortifications precious a document to leave his OF RARRIMAN propriation bill carrying $4 186,235. TO GENERA he Adjourned at 7:02 p. m., until noon hands, or whether feurs, that If Wednesday, MESSAGE TO LEGISLATURE sent out alone, this dear child of his own or some one else's brain, might be too roughly handled, bus not been RAIL MERGER tiik norsi:. divulged. Of course, looking nt It Met at noon. charitably, the fact must be taken FroUht rates of the steel corpora- Into consideration that the governor tion's railroad subsidiaries were ex- factory. A convict farm Is recommend- has Just come off the tange. and plained to Stanley Investigating com- ed hy the warden. DORSUM'S SUPPORT may be unfamiliar with the customs government Formally Opens mittee by O. M. Freer. Strengthening of Garrison at RECOMMENDATIONS Ilankliis:. now in vogue, as they may differ Ilcpreseiitatlve Littleton announced The failure of banking Institutions somewhat from those the governor Fight in United States Su- he would Introduce bill to meet the Torreon and Apparent Loyal- recently has been detrimental not knew when last he appeared In leg- "legalized monopoly" patent decision only to depositors and those1 who in- islative life here. He may not know preme Court by Filing Exten- handed down by the supreme court. ty of Forces Under Tieviiio vested but also to the communities. OF ANDREWS IS that the pr-s- s has a reputation of sive Briefs, flrigadler tieneral lingers. Insular Reason for Belief. FOR NUMEROUS The banking laws need careful atten- toting fair when treated fair. A bureau chief, told the committee In- tion, A banking or commission synopsis of the message Is given else- vestigating Major Hay case that he to consist of the governor, state trea- where in today' pap r. assumed responsibility for the delay surer and attorney general should be Hew Mr. .Seder appeared on the DISMISSAL OF PETITION In transmitting some of the papers In CONFISCATION OF expense HURTING RIM a the case. ARE created and would Involve no this morning and was doing AT CHIHUAHUA REFORMS to the state except for necessary cler- little preliminary handshaking with SEVERELY CRITICIZED Adopted resolution calling on de- FIREARMS ical hire. Compiled laws, section 254, the members. 0 course, his line of partment of Justlc to make known is violated by firms und individuals goods Is, as It has been heretofore, whether it was Investigating the doing a banking hiiHiness unauthoriz- FALL LEADS 'the anti-we- t, Whether be is carrying Attorney General Wickersham 'smelter trust." Rebel Leader fjivf-- Civilians ADVOCATED ed by law and the offense should be a side line of vituperation and Adjourned at 8:02 p. in., until noon made criminal and punished with im- arraignment of New Mex- and His Special Assistant's Wednesday. Three Days in Which to Sur- prisonment. ico and Xw Mexico cllbiens, will of Appeals render Guns in Order to Es- fount y Saliirlo. probably be developed later., Take Circuit Court The constitution directs the legisla- Discovery of Former State to Task, SPEEDING LIMITED cape Court Martial. State Executive Sets Forth at ture to fix the salaries, of county of- EXPLORING EXPEDITION ficers. A fair adjustment should be Chairman's Gum-Sh- oe Cam- Length His Views on Ad- PENETRATES FAR NORTH made, reasonable compensation should B.r Morning Journal Biietclid twined Wlre.l Morning Jnnrnnt anst'liil Leased Wlrs I ex- paign Results in His Losing ly ministration of Government be given officers without imposing i Washington. March 12. The gov -- Chlbuuhua, Meg., Marcli 12. An on the taxpayers, the FREIGHT to- cessive burdens Following,'i tight to split the merger of MEETS unconfirmed rumor, reaching' here of Commonwealth, salaries to be similar to those paid Chicago. March J2.- -A cable to the day, says that government forces, ill other states or In private business. Daily Xu' from Unhurt, Tasmania, the Colon Pacific and Southern Pucll either those of Villa or those who Assessment. reads: osteins opened today in the supreme crossed the line at OJIniiga, will cut to SENATE FIGHT RESTS -- N The message calls attention The Aurora, the ship used by the court of the United .Suites. Attorney TRAIN READ-O- the railroad north or here within the MOUNTED POLICE NOT glaring inequalities in assessment, head- PRACTICALLY WITH LUNA Australian exploring expedition, General Wickersham and his special next twenty-fou- r hours. The report which in some Instances In the same ed by Captain Douglas M. Wilson, re- Is derided headquarters. TO BE MUSTERED OUT H. Kellogg and Cor-deni- o at Orusco's counties, assesses some property at its to Hobart today. It had land- assistants, Frank government will wait for turned A. Severance, filed n compre That the full cash value and other property at ed one party on Adelie lund and an- Oroxco to carry the fight to Torreon per of value. hensive brief of their argument to be less than iive cent tho National Committeeman Could other on Jhe most westerly point Two Killed and Three Badly In- Is doubtful. The strengthening of Instead It is Urged That Ranger The law prescribing a cash valuation expedition made orally In court shortly after ap- Decide Now if He reached by the American April tho garrison at Torreon and the is disregarded in every county, for on Contest 1st. jured in Disastrous Wreck on loyalty of (Jenerul Geronlmo Force' be Augmented That It of in 1904." In addition to the brief of argu- parent a cash valuation, the assesMiiient Would Get Into the Game Trevlno, commander of the third the state would exceed $300,000,000 ments, a second brief of 000 pages wot Big Four Near Terre Haute, headquarters . May the Better Perform Its military zone, with at instead of being only $60,000,000. The Opinion of Wiseacres, required to set forth the "facts" In as Indie'atloitg case. The court wus told In the Indiana. Monterey, are taken Duties, state board of equalization is endeav- ROOSEVELT'S TIME the that the federals' will take the figure to $80,000,-00- 0. second brier that the railway combi- oring to raise that offensive. There should be some per cent nation now sought to be dissolved EdWHrd (By Morning Journal nflu! I.rad Wlre.l All firearms and other munitions oi of valuation to which all assessors originated with llarrlman. bo surren- ami associates. It Terre Haute, Ind., March 12. Kast-boun- d war In Chihuahua must should be compelled to conform. The Special to FOR Jacob Hchlff within days the Journal. TOO VALUABLE : to the rebels three board of equalization should be given brought under a common control, th-- passenger train No, 20. on the dered Special ti the Journal. Santa Fe, X. M.. Murch 12. Pacific, or their owners will be considered as !., March 12. power to inquire into assessments of government states, the Union Hlg Four, known as the Twenty-Four-Hour i Santa Fe, N. H. O. Hursum, who has been Pedro, "enemies of the revolution," and tried gov- - in each county. g the Southern Pucllle, the San Aside from listening to the property caught gum-shoein- for An- St. Louls-to-Ne- York train, ii.,i,,eia u ooiirtmiirtlul. according to a message In joint session State .Museum, drews, Is losing his following. Los Angelea & Kult Lake, with various einor's DUTY among crashed head-o- n Into a freight train jdocree published by tieneral Paacual today, the state legislature The rooms occupied by the Histori Tide hug turned in Fall's favor JURY ocean steamship lines, which of gover- - Steamship Company on th'" track within 200 yards uroxcu tociay. no business. Caucuses cal Society In the palace the ho has a good start tonl.tht. the Paellie Mull main Is Informed transacted to and n The public thut the were held following the adjourn- - nora should be turned over the . KJytg t.h((lu.,.g Hr) BUm Ijimil which forms part of the Panama of the station at Oreencastle, at 9:45 revolutionary" army re- from New York to San Fran "national ment to consider matters for .ev .Mexico museum unci uinu mi could practically decide the sen- route o'clock tonight.
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