1 RI E

MC Bicentennial countdown It seems that everyone is going to the Bell, Tickets have been sold out for the Officer's Ball and the X-Say's Enlisted

Ball. Besides the Balls a parade and a pageant will be held to celebrate the Corps' 200th Skthder, For an ow particulars see pegs 3 and page 8,

climbs from MISNION ACCOMPLINUEO - Captain Bob Mr*, Mato Nita r§iituck, firoadrinn435, as cockpit at 4lownins a maneuvering noon drone on s mai& whom over lilac Ftl efat4IM jet at (hobos Paint Ma wearifully Air Station insee Sept, it while ilakkis Nandi facific Wale Rana Facility an Kauai. itoptoyed at %Anna Point Naval today, RS the era y *ix pap 3, runway conatruttion work was betas done boa, the aquadynn will return to K-Hay A military look

CNC redefines the term overweight ;tad establishes guidelines for diet

and exercise programs, Those &thou who aren't up to par will be

counseled by their CO., according to 81C0 6100.36.

Grand finale If they are placed in a weight

The battle of the rain-soaked Cobras at Scbolishl control program, COs are required to make

Barracks, Oct, 25, turned up a score more like a appropriate remarks as to their condition in baseball mismatch thole an interurvice football section C of the individual', fitness report. *Wahl' as Camp Smith Cobras ciehbered the

previonsly undefeated 45th Support Greif Army for farther isforisatioa on the *ow

Cobras, 60 U, for the play 14 play tors to page 5, weight standards see page 4, Page 2, Hawaii Marine, Oct. 31, 1975 ***********************************86******************41******************* LCPL. FRANK PEO LES CAPT. KEVIN OSBORN F 2/3 MIS 1 3 I ' planning on T h e celebrating the Bicentennial is a to got Bicentennial by In my opinion chance and having a good together time and celebrate our the hopefully a day history in off. I would finest fashion. A have gotten What does the Marine Corps time when all tickets for the enlisted ball, but Marines, was never aware that one was whether they be en ate , staff or going to be taking place. Last officer, can raise their glasses to year I was in boot camp when Birthday mean to you? the Corps. I've celebrated the the Corps birthday took place Marine Corps birthday in some and we really did not have a pretty far away and strange chance to celebrate. places, but whether it be in the field or in a fancy hotel it means the same to me.

&SGT. DAVID NELSON PSB A time to celebrate and be proud of the outfit I'm in. SSGT. ROBERT GREENE PFC. DONNA JO SHIPPEE I've usually CAMP SMITH DISBURSING FORCE COMPTROLLER, FMFPAC celebrated the "Tradi- Corps "I think birthday tion, It gives me through the with friends and a chance to years it has lost even in the field. dress formally something. This will actually be the first to celebrate the Some people time that I've gone to an actual Marine Corps don't give too Marine Corps formal ball and I'm Birthday, and looking much thought forward to it. The enjoy it as if it about what they pageants and parades, are great were my own are celebrating," and every Marine should see birthday." them if he gets a chance. *******110144,111*****************************************************************1 would seem that war is inevitable I recall so clearly the 'booked looks somewhere in the wotli, on the cease of ites#qtrartere s where wary were 'rota %novo TWO MORE IFS provisional rifle company during the Offensive in Vietnam early in 1965: Just add two more "ifs" and the "Wait a minute," complained an Marine Corps is mounting out again, If overwrought specialist, "I can't go; I'm a I to American lives or Interests are threatened technician and they need me in the rear." Delta and if America needs to put a TECHNICIANS TOO highly.treined fully.compact combat "Wrong," said a hardpreued staff element ashOre to handle matters, we've sergeant, "You're now a rifleman and got ourselves another shootin' conflict. 257-2431 you're needed in the line." It happened All this speculation is fine for time end time spin until most Marino political scientists to brood over but it realized that combat readiness wits more better behooves professional Marines to than boot camp, ITS and an occasional By Gyfigt, Dale A. Dye accept the inevitability of combat and be EST test. sure they're ready for it. I'm of the The message seems clear. Just as opinion that too many of us don't there's more to being a Marine than consider future combat for the Corps successfully completing boot camp, "What this outfit needs," said my 14,533 Wall recorded in history over the inevitable and that sort of thing could there's more to saying you are combat friend with too much time in grade, "is past 5,564 years, so there's the threat of compose a costly !mistake. ready than passing the MIT and essential another good war." war almost daily if you believe history." subjects test. RIFLEMAN FIRST "Might be good for promotions," I "But what about the major nuclear For infantrymen maintaining allowed, "but combat can screw up your powers," I asked. "I mean, small arms In this age of overspecialization, it's combat readiness is a dartaiday way of health record," and ubre.rattling is one thing but I don't easy for Matinee ta lose sight of their Bfe, For specialists and technicians it's "Maybe not anything large scale," think anyone is going to start a major ultimate mission; the thing they signed on something that requires individual effort, he drawled leaning back to envision the ICBM exchange because they'd be asking in this outfit to do: fight. It doesn't pay work and study. Mk someone who has size war which would get him promoted for nuclear retaliation." to become so lost in the intricacies of our gone from mechanic to machine gunner rather than killed, something own MOS that we forget the old adage in one easy leap whether or not it's worth "but where NO DETERRENT just Marina are involved, Something like that every Marine is a rifleman first. the effort. the Banana Wars." My buddy with all the answers "We'll more likely end.up fighting looked smug. "It further happens," he over oil rather than bananas," I replied commented blithely, "that since the HAWAII MARINI with disdain. "Besides, the Vietnam nuclear age began, we have had 58 after Commando, nonnuclear conflicts in the world, so Menne Corps 441186 ffaitfie. Moon. Jahn 14,14eLsuftton thing len be a long while before we're the Offlut In Chaves committed anywhere." atomic umbrella is hardly ,deterrent to , war." argotient grata 44 "Au contralto," chimed in another Contributing adder 1141.41 aitsilf.,Ini.iv11141eDye 11177:121111 buddy with a penchant Staff Wicaritofots, WI. Tony Kemal 1174141 for French "Son of a gun," I whistled, "Maybe t, Gordy pluses and CAMM00,001, statistics. "I've done a little I'll put in for a lateral move," said my :P, Me Meting 4174111 studying NMIHeibot Cosnwoonaent Ater dine f4adatoslii 4744151 on the subject of wars friend with too much time in grade. throughout the world and the chances are Tn. Num Marne is eueinifed nimOdy an Friday for MMOnefr Nei" Poisofoloh Oolfefiefolts For the next couple of days I aid m000Nen minneyon on Morino Corps commands on Oahu. It minted with emosinelad we'll end up fighting some sort of conflict funds my Community 0%4000;06one, Inc., Kaneohe, Hove'', under this suesnmoon of Um Joint Peens before long." watched international Union.. as Anus erne., SAWA., PIO, fan Fiume*, aadit on unfitness* wed, reported in the newspapers and on TV Doetateni of tow Nagy and Meanie C4WIM 10.4010100110 NW OPTIntong ouraaook ra. roma Mann, n s rnownloor of Me Amon ram* Mows Iluoimo, Vows and snow. DAILY THREAT with a new awareness. I could be looking =T4 me net neesesenfe Mom *I Me Mame Cern, Tn. Heiveu Marino *Publistmill for M% owl istoomes only and shouil not Ito onftwereifsi m Monolosm was skeptical but my friend with at the combat zones for the Corps' next leteduts, m new*, Mention of peruseitifie and WVOillf ON MK 41411101411111 ORMIIIMIMOIN by MS 011WOOMPN Or much time in grade war nap to hear conflict, It's a sobering thought when you Om monnesnonl. All copy suenoteno Ion publosanoon must mat Om minoons1 Wm in SM.. No, an fY 4 Lon. Twangy now se Prodares ouabsetion date unless otnefimee IMPIfrold ey allaw shoo fall. "it so happens," said consider the statistics, If history holds Me NNW* Miff of Ow Hum Menne. AN copy wren Misname won olden on with milmial oseordanas , "that there have been true to Ito habit of riposting itself, it POW, Oct. 31,1975, Hawaii Marine, Page 3 Death Angels refine skills at Barbers Point

By Sgt. David Treadway Air Force Base, Ford Island Naval Air back to Kaneohe for a couple of other inconveniences such as distances to When Morino Fighter Attack Station and Barbers Point, weekends but we discontinued it because the flight lino for the working crews end Squadron (VMFA)235 was temporarily Squadron pilots wore quick to point of a lack of patronage, Most single our working spaces here are somewhat limited, evicted from KBay Sept, 12, change was out the good aspects of the Air Station, Merinos were content to spend the These are minor of course, but be glad to get the name of the game, Pilots changed however, Harbors Point has three runways weekend on this side of the Island," he I'll back to K-Bay," Although changes necessary runways and airways, mechanics changed compared to only one at KHay and all added, were flight linos and shops, and nearly all are longer. 1CBay's measures 7,700 feet Not all '235 Marines shared Cpl. for the short deployment, '235 Kilbane's Leatherneck' proved their versatility, personnel changed living quarters. The while all throe at Barbers Point are at views. Sergeant Jeff Carson, accepted the challenge "Death Angels" also changed Harbors least 5,000, The extra runways let pilots VMFA235 Flight Equipment, stated, "1 and accomplished is commute the mission in typical Marino Point Naval Air Station. breath a little easier because there more back and forth to KBay and fashion. of a chance of one being open in case an it's quite a drive, Of course, I could stay Tho VMFA235 "Death Angels" are Forced to find another location to emergency landing Is necessary. Better here all week but I'd rather bo with my scheduled to return to the KHay work and remain combat ready when instrumentation equipment at the Air family when I can. We have also run into flight line. today. contractors began resurfacing the Station also enabled pilots to get in runways. at KHay, squadron instrument procedures training while Leatherneck' packed their bags, climbed deployed, aboard their Fail Phantoms and transport helicopters and moved to the leeward side BEST TO DATE of the island. The squadron mission of attacking The first week of acrossthoisland and destroying any enemy in support of deployment proved hectic as the Marines the 1st Marine Brigade was not altered by shared the runways and airways with Air the Leeward move. Missile live firing Force and Navy jots that were also missions to the Barking Sands Pacific temporarily flying from Barbers Point. Missile Range Facility on Kauai were According to Major "Harold" Leo, conducted during the deployment, Squadron operations officer, the runways exercises usually conducted only twice a were at a premium and the Station year. These proved to be the most Control Tower was overloaded. The successful of any conducted by the frantic situation existed only at first, squadron to date, a fact that Maj. Lee however, and control tower personnel did attributed to "high morale and an admirable job after the first week's determination of squadron Marines," initiation, Additionally during this missile shoot, a first for a Navy/Marine Corps ONE REASON operational squadron was achieved when One cause for the crowded runways First Lieutenant Mark Mitchell and First was entirely beyond control of Barbers Lieutenant Fred Fogel successfully Point tower personnel. Unlike the employed a Sidewinder missile using situation at ICBay where a pilot received newly-installed equipment against a flight clearance almost immediately maneuvering target drone. because the Air Motion was the only VMPA-235 Marines held varied Nativity in the amp, dearenee it Ikrbers osmium on issues Nish as *soy, nisss Point must go through the, Control T or facilities and the Ass Slims as a whose. .,4 on

THE Liagnianie 0, This was memory to coo se all enjoyed the stay hero at Barbers ,Point OITTING 0 -Mot nkft Lieutenant Sim Hums*, radar Jpeereept their aircraft activity on the Leeward side from, and, will miss it when we return to,Kaay. after, mat* 41 Honolulu International Airport, Hickam liberty is great. I operated a liberty, bus, deployed prior tadoplutire kohl Barba, Point Naval Mr Station for a the Island of Kauai. The exercises, according to Major Harold Les, squids= operations officer, were the most succesoftd conducted by the squadron to date. Birthday pageant sports Tun Tavern backdrop Following extensive research Into that rowdy, Tun Tavern, the subject, Chief Warrant Officer Chet Philadelphia watering hole rum-soaked Huntley, FMFPac Photo Officer, and the birthplace of the which became artists from FMFPac Graphics section will be the setting for this Marine Corps, have created a genuinely nostalgic slice of Birthday Ball historical year's special circa-1775 Americana to act as backdrop pageant. for the 13 Marineactors who will artisans right here on Artists and represent chaisctsrs from Marine Corps a huge, portable Oahu have created history in the pageant. interior which replica of Tun Tavern's A special presentation of the for an unusual will serve as central setting plant (without the Tun Tavern setting) to be presented at all historical pageant will be conducted during a Sunset Parade Corps Birthday tells three local Marine at Marine Barrseks Pearl Harbor on Nov. and 10. scheduled for Nov.7,8 6 beginning at 5:10 p.m. All load External narration will be only a Marines, friends and guests who will not Itmall part of the Hicefitennial historical be able to attend one of the three formal pageant this year as Marines dressed in balls are urged to attend the Pearl Harbor -uniforms from earlier ern in Marine presentation to avoid missing the history will come "out of the past" to toll Bicentennial Pageant entirely. their own stories in their own words. Visitors to the Marine Barracks Pageant officials are confident that this should enter Pearl Harbor at the Nimitz special presentation commemorating the Gate, from which they will be directed to 200th anniversary of the Corps will give designated parking areas. all Marines and their friends some special The Bicentennial Historical Pageant thrills and unusual entertainment. can also be viewed on Nov, 7 at the Kaneohe Bay Enlisted Club during the A special score of Bicentennial the Marinas representing mythical personalities from Marine enlisted Birthday Bali; during VOICES FROM HE PAST -Modern music will provide background and an Marine Corps will highlight the Corps' Staff NCO Birthday colebratiort slated 101 the 200 year history of the audio trip through Marine Corps history on Oahu. Thirteen Individual historical periods will be Nov. 8 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Bicentennial celebrations here for the pageant players. The Fleet Marine by Marines dressed in uniforms from the Waikiki; and at the Marine Officers represented d ring the bicentennial meant Force, Pacific Band, under the direction are the Mexican War (1547); the Birthday Ball scheduled for Nov, 10, also past, Pictured here (left to right, standing) of Chief Warrant Officer William H. Cox, War (1775); a Marine pilot from the at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. SpanbhAmerican War (1898); the Revolutionary will interpret the score, Banos Win in Niemen= and Haiti (1919) and a Navy Hospital Corpsman (1799). the Pe. 4 Dewed Mane On 31 1975 C Os to monitor fat body program

WASHINGTON -A revised edition In part, the Order defines military of the Marine Corps Order governing appearance as: "That appearance which is physical fitness, weight control and neat, trim, and presents the military military appearance is on the way to the image traditionally associated with the Corps' commands, Marine Corps." The Order, MCO 6100,36, provides The responsibility of evaluating the instruction and guidance to COs at all military appearance of each Marine falls levels for carrying out CMC policy on to his CO. The only time a medical physical fitness and, at the same time, officer enters the picture is when a CO establishes acceptable standards of determines one of his Marines is not up to physical fitness and weight control for all appearance standards. The MO certifies Marines. the Marine's health and ability to Though the Order details a participate in a physical exercise program significant number of major changes, two or, to prescribe a diet to return the of the most important are clarification of Marine to an acceptable military weight standards applicable to ell Marines appearance. and a redefinition of "overweight" to Conversely, the medical officer is bring It in line with the preferred medical the key factor in determining whether a definition. Marine is overweight under the new In establishing the new weight weight standards. standards, the Order charges COs with The order defines overweight thus: continuously monitoring officers and "This condition exists when the Marine's enlisted in their command to ensure that weight exceeds the maximum allowable they are maintaining proper weight weight standards as set forth in the chart distribution and are not overweight. that appeared Oct. 17. Marines exceeding' CO. must seek out and counsel the maximum allowable weight standards Marines who do not present a suitable will be referred to the medical officer for military appearance becsuse they're a physical evaluation. either outsndout overweight or they're When a medical officer diagnosis a within the new weight standards but their Marino's overweight condition to be the weight is improperly distributed on their result of an underlying or associated frame. Such Marines, the Order points disease process, the MO must either out, will be referred to a medical officer hospitalize the Marine for treatment or for evaluation to determine any medical prescribe outpatient treatment to correct reasons why they should not participate the Marine and return him to duty with in a weight control or military appearance his unit. Otherwise, the Marine will be MO concludes the Marine's 'rondos of of the Individual's t'itiiesz report. Once improvement program that could include placed on a reducing diet or exercise Wblght is due to apathy, to lack of the Marine reported on has met the 01$ end exercise. pr vi or balk Wish 2/1:61 be self-diesiplhte or, if satisfactory progress, Corps' standards by, either trimming X1 mum 'As for &egos and ine1015111. those lemry tyro Amite Marine's ,been Made, siren theliSh the. Marine down or raidiatiibutins his idrireds, got ' told to with the program can expect unit. / ". his not met his goal, one extension of up acceptablewetsht. to Irtoproveldir military further assistance ArOM their CO who Marines on **Wit control programs twain months may be granted, at the end appearance, then the CO must so note in must, by the Order, provide information are subject to counseling by their CO, of which he will be reevaluated. the next fitness. report. on dieting as well as facilities for should they fail to show weight loss or do Failure to meet weight Once a Marine has met the exercising. not lose the prescribed goal set by the retrements ' under 'an extension can prescribed pale, and has been formally Obviously, those Marines within the MO within the time frame he sets. In such res 'IP the Marine being recommended removed from either of the programs, it ie weight standards whose appearance cases, a medical reevaluation reveals if no fOr. MIAOW Asp to , him to maintain they itandwds. reflects poor distribution of their present underlying disease process to be the Fo''those Marines found to be However, th000, Mathis ;whi have weight do not present what CMC reason for falling to lose weight, two overweight need of redistributing allowed the Mils.- condition. to ' demands from all his Marines as far as courses of action are open: the Marine their paint weight, their CO is required reappeir .13an expect to be irrobSiatrilY" military appearance goes. could be processed for discharge if the to Make appropriate remarks in section C placed on the propam spin.

Ovorwotight cook SSgt. slices off 80 lbs.

By Sgt. Bob *Ifni Can, Smith in his age group), and run the three miles in 19 minutes." Weis 'Stair Serpent Rodger Macias, used to take as long as 36 minutes to assistant dining facility manger at Camp cover the threeinde distance , eight IMO, has lost what many people wish minutes over the required finishing time. they cot*, low--and never pin back.

Salf-deterndnetion made Silp. , Macho arrived in Hawaii In Mae* Ion $0 excess pounds within the February '1974 weishine 170 pounds, 1 paw two yews and the determined Marine run practically every day now," he see d, pits to keep Ni weight dawn. "Running three miles a day stlio Diego In MO 1973, Meeks, then a. got to be habit." He now tune anyibere mrpant, topped the scale it 235 pounds from three to sewn maw dally. while working as a Oak for Dining "U I notice I'm pinks& I non eft. Facility 27 at Marine , Corps Remit exercise a his extra. Its bard for me to Depot, Ilan Diego. Today, Modes is a trim maintain my 1 est a 155 pounds with a goal Of reaching 150. wet*, because ern lit* and pin lot," he steed. "1 mod to flunk the PRI. all the lino:* dated the 25.year old Marine, Manes attributes his previous overweight "but now can do I seven pullaups, 96 condition to his neglect of PhYsfeld * ups {a new mord for the *PT field at trek** Od 31 1975 Hemel Mobs Pele 5 Smith Cobras bite Army namesakes By Sgt. Bob Testing With seconds remaining in the line. Mageo took the handoff on the first Davis fumbled for the Army after opening quarter, Mageo fumbled for play from scrimmage and went 65 yards three plays with H.C. Forrest recovering Camp Smith The Cobras of Camp Smith upset with "Killer" White up the middle for a touchdown. An for Camp Smith on Army's 34. However, the previously undefeated Cobras of the recovering for Army st midfield. attempted extra point kick by Celester Camp Smith was forced to punt and Army's 45th Support Group, 60.32, After three plays and 12 seconds Ellis failed, with the score, 32-20, for Army regained possession. Saturday evening on a rain-soaked field at into the second quarter, Army scored Camp Smith. Camp Smith's defensive line held an Schofield. Barracks, their second TD on a reverse by Leroy Robert Shelly did the kicking for aggressive Army offense, forcing Nester The win was only the second the of Davis from 38 yards out. Tyrone Padgett Camp Smith and Davis received for Army to punt for the Army once again. David season for Camp Smith against five went over the right tackle for the at the nine-yard line. Davis managed to Green took the ball for Camp Smith, but game defeats. It was also their final of the conversion, bringing the score to 20.14 in outfox Camp Smith tacklers and returned failed to gain any yardage from the 45. season. The Army held a three win, no the ball favor of Camp Smith. 91 yards for another Army TD. Mageo swept right for 41 yards loss, one tie, record before the game. Army failed for the two-point conversion, Rich Rochon was quick to recover before being tackled by Army's White. James Smith led the Camp Smith trailing Camp Smith 32.26 with only another Camp Smith fumble to set a The run set up Camp Smith's next TD. Cobras to victory scoring five up seconds remaining in the first half. drive for the Army's next TD. Lester Hill added another 13-yards, setting up a touchdowns, two during the first quarter Army took control opening the Lewis passed to Billy Combs for the first and goal for Camp Smith. Hill and one during each remaining quarter. second half. Unable to move from TD, score deep in plunged over the middle of the line on Three of his TOs came on passes from Army tying the at 20 all, u their own territory, Willy Nester fumbled the next play for the score with three Camp Smith's quarterback Rich Gillespie. Army's conversion attempt failed. a punt in the end zone and recovered his minutes remaining in the third quintet. Plagued with a personal foul fumble for a Camp Smith Clayton Poole kicked for Army to safety and two Gillespie attempted a two-point penalty and two illegal procedure additional points. Camp Smith led by open the game. Junior Maggio took the conversion pass to Tom Farris but failed. penelties during their next series of eight, 3426. ball at the Camp Smith 20.yard line for a Camp Smith held a commanding 48.26 downs, Camp Smith managed another TD Camp Smith's next touchdown 17-yard return. With 12 seconds counted lead. pass of 71 yards from Gillespie to Smith. came efter a series by each team. Gillespie off on the clock and the first play from Army called the plays for the next The two-point conversion attempt felled. passed once again to Smith the score scrimmage, Gillespie passed to Smith for for series of downs, advancing from their 37 Army failed to move the ball during on a 86-yard sprint. Mageo swept to the a 63-yard touchdown run. Napo took in five plays for their final TU. Walter their next set of downs and Camp Smith right side of the line for the conversion the pitchout for the two point passed to Combs for Army's ID. A took possession on their own 35-yard and Camp Smith upped their lead, 42.26. conversion and Camp Smith led, 8-0. two-point conversion attempt failed with Camp Smith holding the lead, 48-32. had the ball Army for the next A hard-charging Camp Smith series, but were unable to move it from offensive unit controlled the ball for the deep in their own territory. They were remainder of the quarter. forced to punt from the 16 on a fourth Ten seconds into the final and 14 situation, Smith took the punt for quarter, Smith raced 59 yards on a reverse for Camp Smith at the midfield and managed another Camp Smith TD. Forrest to return it for his second TD with less attempted to kick the extra point, but than two minutes gone in the game. A Camp Smith got tagged with a procedure Gillespie to Roger Hill pan failed for the penalty, thus nullifying the point. Camp conversion, holding Camp Smith's lead to Smith 14-0. dominated with a commanding 5432 lead. The Armes first TD came after an Midway ololOPleY drive of 90 yards with Army through the quarter, Camp quetterbsck Uloyd Walter plunged oau Smith managed their final tochdown, when broke usedolve of, th/ r ,yards, Woo through over the let out. tared. said radisitt34oledioe The conversion wird, with the magi , 146 in favor of Camp Smith. feilkidiorthe cena4=404=bak Poole kicked for the Army with the Smith lead was 80.32J bill tumbling into the end zone for a Camp' Smith continued to dominate touchback. Four plays later, Camp Smith throughout the remainder of the game, was forced to punt. However, a Walter's controlling.the ball for all but two plays fumble on the Army's first play was after a four-minute warning was given to recovered by Ed Moreno for Camp Smith, both benches. Pete DeMonch intercepted Photo by set. O.L. Knew setting up their next TD, After three. an Army pass from Walter, regaining control for Camp Smith. plays, Camp Smith managed a TD when TACKLED -An Army 45th Support Group Cobra player Is stopped by a Camp Smith However, Camp Smith managed only to move Hill plunged over the middle. A two point Cobra during Intramural Football compeddon Saturday evening on a rain-soaked field at the ball to the Army conversion failed, but Camp Smith held a Schofield Smacks. Camp Smith upset the previously undefeated Army team, 60.32. 40-yard line before the final - 20.6 lead. (Photo by Sgt. D.E. Keener) whistle was Bounded.

Marine Aircraft Group. (MAG-24) During pre-season action, Jenny Commentary also was very impressive up to the Jones, then coach for PSB, commented play-offs,holding a 6.1 record. The only about other teams boasting on how good loss encountered was at the hands of they were. He said that talk is cheap; the Sports editor reviews Third Marines, who shut them out, 14-0. real teat comes when these teams meet No predictions were made by head coach head to head. It makes you wonder if ho Don Amlotte, but he claimed his team was talking about the playoffs. would be better than last. year's. With Mother surprise that went in the them losing only one game it hay to be, other direction was the Station team. fluting football season Before season play, coati( Richard One team who surprised everyone Caddie stated that he wasn't worded Sgt. Gordy Coe consist of one unit only. At the start By of was Brigade Support (PSB) who finished about his team and rated MAG-24 over the season, it was okayed by Special final standings. My With this year's football season now In third place with a 5-2 record. They Third Marines In the Services to let Third Marines combine a to about. and stepped off on the wrong foot early in feelings are that he has lot fret nearing the end playoffs starting with their supporting element to make tomorrow, I think it's time we looked the season,losing their first two league Being In fourth place and havinito meet one team due to numerous deployments. the Third Herd right the bat in the back to the start of the season, when games The team had great potential but off way of sitting on top various team coaches were making their It is my opinionithat if there war a they were lacking something. It came play-offs isn't my of predictions. problem, it should have been taken care down to the basic need ot" leadership, the world. Many comments were made on how of long age, and if Special Services aren't someone who could control members of The red teat comes tomorrow as strong Third Marines would be. Almost the people to take care of it, then who is? the club. MAG-24 takes on an underestimated PSB everyone thought have a powerhouse at 10 a.m. followed by they would Coach Ted- McLymen of Third strong their number one PSI POWERHOUSE fourth-ranked Station locking heads with team considering Marines didn't make any placing the teems the Third Herd at 2 p.m. position last year, but other predictions, but said that size would be Just before the start of their third Next week's Sports Commentary didn't worry shout it at that point, their big problem. because they felt they could best them. pme, MB get a new Battalion will eye the intramural championship However, about halfway through The Herd hasn't had many Commander, IMIelor Leroy Govan., who matchup scheduled for Nov. 10. Sports the season,. teems and pigskin fans started problems, if any, this year. They are immediately took over the head coach enthusiasts are encouraged to air their to change their attitudes as the Herd undefeated with a 7-0 record and the position and started firing his team up. views in this weekly column by writing remained undefeated. Some were saying dosed anyone came to beating them was They went from last place to third, to Hawaii Marine Sports Editor, JPAO, that the Third Maybes' Herd should a 204 win over Brigade Support (PSI). winning their last five games in a row. KMCAS, 190, Sao Francisco 96615. Page 6, Hawaii Marine, Oct. 31.1973 Women golfers merge to compete in tourney

By Sgt. Gordy Coe Blumberg (1st low gross championship flight). Sue Mitamura (1st low net Our:natant More than 140 women golfers from championship flight); Gene parts of the island gathered at the list low gross "A" flight); Grace all "A" nigh* K-flay Course Oct. 23.24 and participated Liepernura (1st low net flight): in the 14th Annual Kaneohe Women's Connie Reed (1st low gross "B" Open. Maylien Grospian flat low not "B" Golf Invitational "C" This year's event wasn't just a itet- flight); Carol Noescn low gross low together for the women to talk over old flight); and Janie Westmorland (1st ) times. They came here to play golf and to net "C" flight). help celebrate the Marine Corps' 200th The women during the luncheon birthday. were entertained by Kimberly Johnson, a The wilipetition began on ate tomer lead singer for SUMO very popular morning of the 23rd with a shotgun start, hands in the early '50s. Some of her The Marine Corps grunt and Bugle Corps contemporaries during her entertainment was on hand to commemorate the career included Bob Crosby, flossy Les occasion, Carmichael, Charley Barnett and After the second day of Brown. Kimberly is the wife of retired i'competitiort,.the women nockatt to the Merino Colonel James C. Johnson. Staff NCO Club for an awards luncheon. Colonel John H. Women's golf tournaments at K-Bay Air Station Commander, Photo by Set, Pat 01mev among the honored guests arc open to all otolfers with a handicap of Miller, was COURSE CHAMPS -Standing tall after capturing the top slots in the Kaneohe Women's who presented the awards. 36 or below,. However, they mutt be Golf InvitatIonat Open are Tura Nagatoshi and Dorothy Bonham. Negatoshi took Tournament winners arc: Tura military dependents of either active or the honore in the overall Low Gros with a 155 while Bonham grabbed the overall Low Nagatoshi (overall low gross); Dorothy, retired personnel. For more information. Bonham (overall low net); Isabel/ contact Jane Jenson at 261.4534. Net with a 132, vresumarroveriwarromiumera" will be belt! Oct. 28 at 9:30 a.m, in the SHOOTERS NEEDED The Joint Special Services -Family Theater Station Rifle and Pistol Team is Gordy's Lobby (bldg. 219). looking for Interested Marinas to form Tennis tourney Ft* more information, call the a team to represent KMCAS in the Joint Special Services Office at 1976 Pacific Division Matches. sponline 257-3520 or 3108. For information concerning held at Smith requirements, contact Chief Warrant LAST STUISPER Last week's Officer Conner at 257.2067, The Hawaiian Interservice Tennis 257441 sports quiz final one due to a was the YOUTH BASKETBALL Association (HITA) held its ennuis) Junior chins, in the Hawaii Marina staff. The for Youth Basketball will $%WflIDAY to Registration Vst Men and Woman Singles Tennis sadists sbanaters, wars.; most points Las Mid t4overnber 1 tram 6 a.m.-to I Tournament last weekend at Camp A t swear *ism was mem elsonater), thew Family Services Center. Att`meiei longest field p.m., in Smith, which was hosted and coordinated miles) run goat In a Super Bowl Interested personnel must trans their for the genre (Jan Stenerus1), moat Super Sowl by dr Port AO's*, Motor of the MITA,. Marine Corps will The cost for the flret child in 4 games played (Mary Fleming), most , be held Nov. family to register is $10 and $5 for Approximately 25 men and 15 10, completions in a Super Bowl game starting at Bailing each additional child. women participated in the tournament (Fran Tarkenton), most field goals in a 215. The run will CoaChes for this activity are held specifically for contestants 35 years Super Bowl game (Don Chandler). be divided into five needed, For more information, and older. Bill Plummer from K-Bay took divisions according contact Family Services Canter at top honors in the contest last week Don Andrews of Schofield Barracks to age groups. 257.3606, The divisions are: 1124 while Nei Kiley again took first place captured the men's top prize with a and below, (2) 25 to 29,(3)30 to 39, on the leeward side of the island. convincing 60, 6-0 victory over Brad (4) 40 and over, (5) women Marines. Pigskin Rap-up Bassett of Pearl Harbor. Registration will be held in front of bldg. No. 215 at 7:30 MABS-24 TOPS AGAIN Marine TEAM W L Bea Coffee of Barbers Point, a a.m. on the Mr 10th, Interested Marines Base Squadron24 took the Third Marines 7 0 newcomer to HITA tennis, defeated that want to Intramural register earlier, should Volleyball Championship MA24 6 1 Sheila Zadd of Pearl Harbor for the contact October Sergeant Major Irma at 257.3653. 14 at the Station Gym by Brigade Support (P58) 5 2' women's title with a 6.3, win. defeating Headquarters and Station 4 3 INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Maintenance Squadron in the best of a Camp Smith 2 5 NITA sports over 500 tennis - The Intramural Basketball three enthusiasts, League game match, ft to the second MB, Pear) Minim 1 6 consisting solely of active will begin Nov. A 24. meeting for alt year in a row that MABS has won the Naval Magazine' 1 6 duty and tetited military personnel and team coaches and unit representatives championship. Finals up to the pierott, their dependents.

Two Marines from let Battalion, result of their outstanding efforts Third Marines in and their inmates were training the 3d Merinos' Super Squad guests of the Marine Corps last weekend competitors, Who won the Marine Corps' at the opening of the Hate Kos (House of Annual Rifle Squad Competition at Warriors) hotel at Waikiki, (*entice. last month.

Two Marines Second Lieutenant Donovan Moorman of Charlie Co., his wife Kathy They were among the 191 invited and their daughter Shannon, along with enlisted and junior officer guests from all Gunnery Sergeant John 0. McKay, services selected to receive a attended Headquarters and Service Company, and complimentary weekend at the hotel. his wife Teresa, enjoyed a weekend of festivities surrounding the opening of the Lieutenant Moorman and Gunny 416-room Waikiki hotel for active duty' McKay were among the first Marines to Hale Koa opening military personnel, dependents and lounge away a weekend at Hate Koa, but retirees. the management, which designed "The House of Warriors" as a respite for The two Marines were selected to vacationing military families, hopes they represent the Corps at the celebration as a will be followed by many more. 'Oct, 31, 1975, Hawaii Marine, P

Runway Alien registration New Ws Marines and News WASHINGTON - WASHINGTON Marines can who aren't citizens of their dependents look forward to "new" identification the U.S. have an important cards soon because of a DUD to make in January. reopening commitment instruction last March to the services and The immigration to issue combined military and Geneva topics Naturalization Service requires all Convention Ms. When the "Death Angels" of Marine aliens in the U.S. and its possessions to Fighter Attack Squadron OIMFA)-235 report their addresses to the Attorney At that time, the Marine Corps and the "Lancers" of Marine Fighter CFC results General by Jan. 31. Aliens who are had some $27,000 worth of blank IDs Attack Squadron (VMFA)-212 return temporarily absent from the country and couldn't just throw them away. from deployment to Barbers Point and should report their addresses within 10 The forms have been available Yuma, Arix., today, tomorrow and Kaneohe Marines and civilian days of their return to the U.S. Supply Center Sunday, they will touch down on new workers have Joined together to sky- Address reports may be made by from the Philadelphia since 1. But, there is no big push asphalt. rocket this year's Combined Federal filling out a card obtained from any Oct. Campaign into a highly successful U.S. post office during January. The for the entire Marine Corps to rush During their training absence , civilian orbit with over $57,000 in total U.S. Department of Justice. admin offices to get the contractors set to work resurfacing down to their contributions. Immigration and Naturalization new cards. However, officials say a approximately 1.5 million square feet of Designed as an annual appeal for Service, Washington, D.C. 20536, will the main runway and truciways. deadline date for possessing the card support of human care, health and also have cards and will mail them Another contractor is also repairing may eventually be announced. social service agencies &Baynes dug upon written request. The cards the aircraft parking aprons adjacent to deeply into their pockets between Oct. should be filled out completely, hangars 102, 103, and 104. Accoeding to New cards will be issued 1 and Nov. 15 to raise funds for the signed, and mailed to the above Public Works; total cost of the following the normal admin national campaign. address. procedures. When maintenance work is $657,328.83. The 1st Marine Brigade overran a Marine's rank Work began Sept. 15 and is last year's total by nearly $16,000, changes, or the card expires. the Price increase combined scheduled to be completed before the contributing over $42,220. Even cards will replace the units return. However, continuing current ones. repairs though the unique air ground teat has K-BAY - Due to an increase in on the taxiways are not expected to had many units deployed., they were movie rental fees charged the Navy, interfere with arrivals. A notation stating the card their able to muster 67.7 evening entertainment at the Base a respectable meets the requirements set by the The repair work was necessary to contribution Theater will increase at Camp Smith . Geneva Convention will appear on the correct normal detilrivation on the Ninety per cent of the Station Marine Barracks, Pearl Harbor and at parking apron and to beef up a portion Marines and civilian personnel K-Bay. Prices at K-Bay and Marine card. And, a Geneva Convention code on near the Bay to support the weight of contacted came forth to surpass their Barracks, Pearl Harbor will be 75 number will replace the fingerprints heavier Jet aircraft. The six-inch thick last year's total by over $5,000. Total cents, effective tomorrow, while Camp the new card. This code number will platform, originally designed to support Station contributions amounted to a Smith's will increase to 65 cents from be assigned to the member according light 'seaplanes, was replaced by an healthy $15,416. the current price of 50 cents. to rank. eight-inch slab. Local locomotion Scout °inference Room at the 1.8C. Cost is A counselor from the Office of Spacial TOMORROW - Valvetone will present $10 per month. Programs Is evolabielat the faint Education tbdistymm 1k ahem soh Wedgy said Wednesday from 0900 fSMITIMPAtilerM4 to 1430. SUNDAY - Dinner served from 5 to 8 Gbh ony, between the 7 vie of and IS, Por more Info, os11 the Joint Education p.m. WO, welcome to Join TONIGHT Happy Hour on the Lower chasm to be held In the Canter at 257-2061 or Chaminade College at THURSDAY Dinner served from 6 to FSC auditorium Lanai from 4 to 6:30 p.m. with entertainment - between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. 732-1471 ext. 155. on Mondays, Tuesdays and by Cecily Urban. Englishstyle fish and chips or p.m. Wednesdays. Cost Is $10 PR month. UNIVERSITY OF tried chicken in the Pacific Room from 6 to CAMP SMITH NORTHERN COLORADO 8:30 p.m., including salad bar and bread board. ENLISTED CLUB The University of Northern AQUANASTICS Colorado The Frank Williams Quartet will entertain in offers a Master of Arts in Psychology, up now for the Taps Louhge from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 cm. TODAY - Stratus will present the Sign classes at FSC to be held Counseling & Guidance aboard the Station, SATURDAY - Gourmet dining in the entertainment from 8 p.m. until midnight. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from There is continuous enrollment, non-sequential Pacific Room from 6 to 8:30 p.m. "The Whole TOMORROW - New Born presents a 8:30 to 9:30 am. course offerings and an intensive weekend Nine Yards," new stage show comedy, will be variety of entertainment from 8 p.m, until TAP DANCING seminar format. There are no thesis, GRE or performed at 9 p.m. on the Lower Lanai. midnight. Classes will be given for children 3 to 6 GPA requirements, You are eligible if you hate Cocktails and pupils begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets WEDNESDAY - Dun and Lloyd spin the years old from 4 to 4:30 p.m., for those 7 to 8 received a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited are on sale at the office, and will be on sale at discs on the DJ scene with DJ Variety conege years old from 4:30 to S p.m., for or university. The Base Coordinator, the door. Entertainment from 8 p.m. until midnight. Jeanne Michael, Intermediates from S to 5:30 p.m., and for is available to answer questions SUNDAY "Build Your Own Brunch" advanced students from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 257.2263 Monday 0730-1230 and from 9:30 cm. to 1 p.m, serving a variety of Classes will be in the FSC youth room and cost Wednesdays It Fridays from 1130-1630. The breakfast and luncheon specialties. King Volunteers needed is $6 per month. November course starts Friday the 7th Room from 6 to crablegs and beef in the Pacific BALLET 8:30 p.m. The USO needs volunteers to greet TUESDAY - Spaghetti plate or veal traveling military &tallies at the airport. These Classes will be given on Tuesdays and assistance on from 3 4 parmesan served in the Pacific Room fromor - to volunteers would provide Thursdays for beginning children to Halloween Treat transportation and lodging accommodations p.m., for intermediate adults from 4 to 5 p.m., 8:30 p.m., including salad bar and breadboard, and recreational activities, For more and for beginning adults from 5 to 6 p.m., in MI ghosts, ghoulies, witches, animals WEDNESDAY Mongolian Barbecue on and to report information, call 847-2551 during office hours, the FSC youth room. Cost is $12 per month. other costumed creatures, remember the Lower Lanai from 6 to 8:30 p.m. with to Mokapu Elementary School at 5:30 p.m., the Rolani 8 cm. to 5 p.m. Hawaiian entertainment provided by Friday, Oct. 31, for the Halloween Parade, Brothers. No reservations required. Ladles night Don't forget, after the judyings there will be THURSDAY Steak Night in the Pacific Scouts Ladles night will be held weekly at the games and refreshments, a Jack-olantern Room-from 8:30 p.m. serving New York Girl 6 to Camp Smith Weight Room from 6 to 9 on contest and the Haunted House. Everyone sandwich or steak, top sirloin, mahimahl, steak lley Gin Scouts will hold their annual Mondays. welcome, but not as yourself, of course. Ham ow "super Including salad bar and snack," Calendar Sale starting tomorrow, Nov. 1, thru The sauna and the weight room alloween!!!! breadboard. Dec. 10. The calendars will be sold at the PX, equipment will be available for the exclusive commissary, 7-day Store and housing area. Cost use of servicewomen and dependent wives. K-BAY is 75 cents per calendar. Bowlers needed STAPP NCO CLUB Education Women bowlers are needed to fill the TODAY Join us for Halloween Night Classes for the MI interim semester of Monday night Wicked Wahines handicap Family Services convene and the Kay Adams Show at 11 p.m. Chantisade College of Honolulu will Iambs Wye rtarting Nov. 17, if you're Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Statics Country will entertain from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. aboard the introalkl, rall 254-2295 AWH. term ends Dec. 19, 1975. Free to members. CAKE DECORATING Dec. 8, 1975. The This is special 2-week session with class SATURDAY - Albatross will provide the will be held sounds Beginning Nov. 3, classes Monday thru Friday from 0800 from 9 p.m. to 1 cm. meetings Special Services from 9 cm. to noon in the Boy Scout room. A SUNDAY Brunch will be served from 9 1200. class fee includes decorating kit. for Kaneohe me: PHOTO CONTEST a.m. to 1 p.m. $30 The course offering; For more information on any class, all Entries are due at the Joint Special TUESDAY - Election day, the club will or 257-3606. BU 0409 Labor Relations 3 sem. hrs. Family Services at 237.3168 by Nov. 1 for the Marine Corps 5e dosed until 6 p.m. There will be a History of Mile I 3 sem. hrs. Services Office H10230 Rules for the contest as Mongolian BBQ from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Photography Contest. ART OF SELF-DEFENSE MCBuI 1710 end MOO 1710.204 Entertainment by Cediy Urban from 7 to 11 Registration for there cisme will be pertaining to are available for review at the 1550. p.m. Tar Kwon Do classes will be held accepted by the Registrar's Office (on campus) beginning Nov. 3 from 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. on 3 Nov. 1975. At the present time, no ARTS AND CRAFTS CAMP SMITH beginning Mondsys. Wednesdays and Fridays. Cost is $20 provisions have been made for a registration Registration doses nest Friday for %NCO CLUB per month. day an base. beginners and advanced classes in totemic% and information on the course macrame. lapidary, jewelry, pottery and TODAY Dinner coved from 6 to 9 YOGA Schedules - at other military campuses are sculpture at the Special Services Hobby Shop. Happy Hour will go from 4:30 to 6:30 Beginning Nov. 6, classes will be held on offerings Pa" hr the Boy available at the Joint Edshationi Center. For further information telephone 2S7-2541, P.m. Thursdays from 9 to 10:30 cm. Y 8, HISWIll Marine, Oct. 31, 1975 Classified ads

1973 MG MIDGET, low mileage, low price. GOLF CLUBS and accessories - 14 irons. plus 2 Boat for sale Leaving island, must sell. Call Jan at 257-2038 PW and 1 SW; 2 putters; 2 nags; 1, 3, 4, 5 WANT TO PUT AN AD IN THE HAWAII OWN, 261.2155 AWH. the form woods, 01(s) w/matching head covers (brand MARINE? It's simple. Just fill out balls, tees, etc. Must sell - retail $715 that's found periodically on the back page or 1975 24' REINELL CABIN CRUISER; twin new); shag than 90 hours of 1964 OLDS convertible, good top and tires, sell for $300 or best offer. Call 2541619. come by the Joint Public Affairs Office, Bldg. 140HP OMC engines with less excellent transportation, 8300/best offer. Call 301, and fill out form there. You can either operation; fully equipped; sleeps 6. Trailer 257.2061 OWN or 254-1120 AWN. Included. Must be soon to appreciate 525 SOFA AND CHAIR; 9x12 carpet; must sell, mail or hand deliver it. Deadline for submission $125. Call 254.4619 (or) 257.311e/2047, ask ads 1 publication. Reeves Rd.. KMCAS. Cell 257.3222 OWN, of is p.m. the Friday prior to 1965 CHEVY, 4-door, P/S, needs tune-up, for Sgt. Coon. 254.4521 AWH. auto., good tires, $100. Will Nil parts. Call 257.2581 OWN, 239-9980 AWN. 17' CRUISER, 4 years old, glass over PAPA-SAN chairs (2) blue print, gold print, CABIN $115 each. Phone 239-7947 anytime. wood, wheel steering, chrome rails all around, 1973 Holley carb., headers, good radials, stereo Lost and found 45.1-4P Merc, excellent condition, canopy, radio-tape deck, excellent cond., $2,500. Call 1/. seats. All for $2,000. Call 257-2219 ask WHIRLPOOL deluxe dishwasher, $100; 12,000 folding 254-3285. LOST; small tricycle, has 19808 painted on for Ron, BTU air conditioner, $100; gold velvet recliner, back of seat, in vicinity of Hansen Circle. Call $170 (2 mos. old). Call 257-3208/3215 OWN. 254.3166 anytime, 1968 AM REBEL WAGON, needs bodywork, runs well, everything works, $300. Call (4) TIRES and rims (2) 0.60 by 14 and (2) Garage sale 254-3285. F.60 by 14, 6 bolt pattern, lugs and locks. Fits any Chevy vans or Toyota flat bed trucks. Call .. Free TOMORROW ONLY -9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1761B 1972 PINTO, hood scoop/locks, vinyl top, 257-2834, ask for Sgt. Lawson anytime. Lawrence Rd., KMCAS. Large recliner, $50; mags, 8-track, AM/FM, full Instr., Including WANTED-a loving horns for our beautiful 15 antique child rolltop desk, $20; baby clothes; tech and clock, burglar alarm, $1,995. Call BROWN shag rug, blue rug, living room drama, lbs. Tabby cat. Male-neutered, gentle and very knicknacks; scuba equipment. 254-2426 anytime. washer and dryer. Call 257.3572 OWN. loving. Twelve yrs. old, but healthy, has had reg. rabies and enteritis shots. 'Cat-house' and TOMORROW Starts at 10S cm. - 2413C 1974 PINTO StaWgn. with A/C, auto., 15,000 OUTBOARD MOTOR, IOOHP, 6 cyl.. 3 years shipping cage incl. (all free), Please - only kind Cochran St., KMCAS. Clothes, baby items, miles, good gas mileage, good tires, no rust, old, little use, long shaft, $750. Call 257-2219 and gentle people apply. Phone 254-3724 bowling ball, baby furniture and much more. excellent condition. Will trade for older small esK for Ron. anyti me. car and you take over payments or best offer. TOMORROW AND SUNDAY - 12420 Call 257-2790 DWH, 254-3344 AWH. WEST BEND electric coffee pert., 55 cups and TWO ADORABLE kittens, female. Call Manning Court, KMCAS. Household 75 cups; Magnavox console TV, needs 254.1683. power tools, dishes, clothes, etc. 1973 FIAT 128 SL, good gas mileage, 27,000 attention. Call 262-7545 anytime. miles, rustproofed, front wheel drive, good condition. Call 839-6820 after 3 p.m. Avail, "'DINING TABLE, leaf, 6 chairs, chrome legs, Houses Nov. 10. $75; 18,500 BTU, 220 volt, air conditioner, Services offered $100. Cali 254.3867 anytime. AIKANI PARK, KAILUA 3 bdrm., 2 bath, OPEN AA MEETING every Tuesday at 8 p.m., family room, covered lanai w/sun deck, fenced VINYL high . back Kansas Tower. For more Information call yard, carpeting, lounging rocker, $40; 537-1030. drapes and appliances Included. Wanted Yamatar 750X microscope, $25; General Call 254-1120 after 5 p.m. Electric broaster, $30. Call 254-4291. TOYS FOR TOTS, Trolley Car KMCAS ?.Day AUTO BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEMS, done Store; Little Red Caboose, Main Gate; may also PAINT SPRAYING OUTFIT, on base in usually less than 2 hrs., as low as $25 be left at 2450-F Cochran St., KMCAS or call Sears 42HP, $50; Including installation. Call Autos for sale Fodder, 5,000 BTU air conditioner, 110 vac, 254.2426. 257-3187 for pickup and leave address and $50; dishwasher, Westinghouse, phone no. $45; weight AUTHORIZED cleaner government quarters, 1970 TOYOTA lifting set, 115 lbs., 1115; auto parts; 340 cu. In. of COROLLA 1200 2-dr. sedan, Buick V-8 engine, radio, will clean your house for final inspection. new paint job, good mileage and runs power steering and good. SOFA BED in good condition, reasonable price. brake systems, misc, other parts. All for $175 - Reasonable rates. Guaranteed. Yard work also Must mil, $900 or best offer. Call 257-2047, Call SSgt. Haley 254-4291 AWH, done. Phone 254-4263 or 254.2982 anytime. ask for Sgt. Griffin. sell parts separately. Call 254-1976 anytime. 29 GAL. silent Giant I AM AVAILABLE to baby-sit for the Marine 1959 MG, good condition, $600. Call AQUARIUM, air pump Corps Officer, Staff and Enlisted Balls. Call 254-3239. Misc. for sale filters, fluorescent lighting, stand, tank top, and 477.6886 DWH, 422.0675 AWH. more, also comes with assorted tropical fish. Call 254-4291 AWN. 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200cc, 4 speed, (2) BICYCLES - (1) boy's, $10, (1) girl's, $12; MOVING? Want your house Mitered? Will clean excl. Cond., $1,350, Available Nov. 19. Call record player w /speakers, $15; shoe skates, size all or part. Floors my specialty. Guaranteed, 239.7947 anytime. 5 or 6, $3; console color TV, works but Meads BABY crib and mattress, $15; GM infant car reasonable and Phone work, $75; B/W table model 19" TV, $65, good Mat, $10; misc. baby things, linens, walkers, approved. 254-4621. etc. Call 254-3166 1969 FORD GALAXIE convertible, one owner, condition. Call 254-4801 anytiMe. anytime. good mechanical condition, good tires. asking MARINE $850. Call 261.3008 anytime. GREEN REFRIGERATOR, good for small officer's sword (never used), $75. Call Cycles for sale apt., $75; AKC small Collie, black and white. 235-5245 anytime. 1972 FORD TORINO StaWgn., P/S, P/B, A/C, must PM $45 must Mil. Call Sgt. Alverio 19119 ..500'. KAWASAKI. Call 257-2264 OWN, good condition. Call 254.3223 anytime. 257-3264 DWH. ANTIQUES - grandfather clock, wall clock, 164.116, AWN, ode for OM. SoldWin. Blue Flow china dishes, picture frames. Call 1967 257-3679 0711 040N01111. 0144110, %/oboist onollno, now CHEVY convertible, stick, needs 14IDE MACS with*, (set of two) for $45/each. OWN, 254-1244 after 7 p.m. skis, me., ommodoot consobon mob. body wOrkirod transportation Fits Pinto, VW, 257.2983 moo. 11111117.2111110111, 10 OWN. car, $160. Call Datsun and other smell can DWH. mum isocivitehrojineworst served. AKC DOBERMAN red femolurkakolfinag 1968 COB MUSTANG FASTBACK, 351 engine, inquiries 1975 HARLEY DAVIDSON 125cc motorcycle, speed, needs a 4 only. Call 257-3600 OWN, 254.2994 excellent cond.. little work, runs good, $400 CRIB w/mattress and four crib sheets, good AWH. $730. Call 257-3310 OWN. below book price. Call 257.3600 condition, $30; kitchen 257.2949 AWN ask for Cpl. Cadimn. 254.2994 AWN. DWH, tables w/four chairs In mod condition, $30; movie screen, sio. Call 8' GREEN AND WHITE Bat. Trolinger 257-2245 sofa; wood frame 1975 HONDA 550 brand new 1966 OWN, 254-5269 AWN. recliner with black vinyl upholstery; Keystone with padded MUSTANG, six cyl., 3 speed, new tires movie camera Sissy bar. crash bars with highway Pegs. with chrome rime, with projector (reg. 11). Will take asking good running condition. Call best offer. Call 254-2653. 112.000. Call Cpl. Person at 257.2951 254-3366 anytime. AMF ROADMASTER 27", brand new, OWN or see . speed 10 at Barracks 1043. w/light and gen. First come, first served, FORD MUSTANG 1972 MUSTANG FASTBACK, $75. Call 257.2974 OWN, 254-3611 parts, "Bose' 351 gnome. 1972 KAWASAKI 650 Call 257-3572 AWH. 4-speed transmission with shifter, "4111" rebuilt engine, perfect OWN. IMM dual rear condition, leaving island soon, must sell. DRAFT BEER tap, feed cars., "289" heads. All very Compare $650. CO.2 tank, and refrigerator, reasonable. Call 257-3600 at much higher prices. Call Cpl. 1968 MERCURY MONTEGO, $125/offer- Call 254-4272 anytime. OWH, 254-2994 George 257.2061/3572 OWH, 262-9474 4 dr. PS, PB, AWN, AWN. radio, good condition. Call 2614610 anytime, 1973 HONDA CL 350, runs great, needs paint 1970 PONTIAC lob. $450. See at Bldg. BONNEVILLE 2 dr. HT. 1640 BEQ No. 119. Call Sealed bids being taken at MCAS LCpi. Hopkins 257.2046 anytime. Union, Federal Credit FPO SF 96615. May be seen at Bldg. 401 MCAS, Kaneohe. Runs but 1972 HONDA 70cc minibilm, licensed, safety The needs repair. chock, street Credit Union reserves the right to refuse legal, 5,000 miles, excellent any and all bids, For information Birthday condition, $250. Call 262.5612 call 254-1334 Ball anytime. DWH. wrap-up

The 200th Anniversary of the traditional cake cutting ceremony, the Marine Corps is less than two weeks Bicentennial Pageant and dancing until away. Leathernecks worldwide will 1:30 a.m. movie memo celebrate the historic and festive The SNCO Ball will get underway occasion. at 6:30 p.m. BOONDOCKER Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue% Wed Thur with a "no-host" cocktail b p.m. The Marine hour, followed by the traditional cake 14 1 S 16 11 I 4 Officers' Ball, slated for 5 cutting 7 p.m. II hursday I Nov. 10, at the Hilton Hawaiian Coral ceremony and a Bicentennial FAMILY THEATER. Ballroom, is already sold out. Tomorrow Pageant at 7:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7.15 p.m. I I marks the final day 8:15 p.m.,- followed by dancing 12 13 I 6 in which Staff CAMP SMITH. Noncommissioned Officers may purchase until 2 a.m. A "pay as you go" breakfast will be served beginning 7 p.m. 4 9 10 5 8 tickets at Camp Smith. Monday will be at 1:30 a.m. MARINE the deadline for K-Bay SNCOs. The Bicentennial commemoration BARRACKS for K-Bay Marines will get under way at Camp Smith enlisted Marines will 7 p.m. the E-Club at 6:30 p.m. The traditional 1 2 3 4 5 6 also have a Monday deadline to purchase cake cutting ceremony will be held during I. BLUEBEARD tickets to their ball. Kaneohe enlisted - Richard Burton, Raquel Welch, R, comedy-drama the "no-host" cocktail 2. CAHILL, U.B. MARSHAL Leathernecks, time slot , George Kennedy, PG, who haven't bought tickets 3. OUR beginning at 6:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. the TIME - Pamela Sue Martin, Betsy Slade, PG, drama to the K-Bay ball, are out of luck. The 4. PRISONER IN pageant will begin with a guest speaker THE MIDDLE -David Janssen, Karen Doe, none, drama last tickets were sold earlier S. THE this week. TERRORISTS -Sean Connery, Ian McShane, PG, drama appearing at 8:30 p.m. A buffet line will 6. DAUGHTERS OP SATAN - Tom Selledc, Bum Grant, R, horror The traditional Historical Pageant follow at 9 p.m. with live entertainment 7. DAN CANDY'S LAW Donald Sutherland, - G, drama will be highlighted at the Officers' and dancing until 1 p.m. 8. TROUBLE MAN Robert Ball, - Hooks, Paul Winfield, R, action drama SNCO Ball, K-Bay Enlisted 9. °CABARET - Liza Mimed& Joel Gray, Ball and at Enlisted Marines from Camp Smith PG, musical Marine Barracks, I& PARTNERS IN CRIME -Lee Grant, Lou Antonio, TV, surmise Pearl Harbor, Nov. 6, will start their Ball at the Camp Smith II. DEATH RACE 2ND David during a - Carrsdbie, R, science fiction special Sunset Parade. The SNCO Club at 6:30 p.m. with a cocktail 12. IMPULSE -Willem Satan, Ruth Roman, PG, horror pageant has been expanded and hour and the cake cutting ceremony 13. HOUSE OP SEVEN CORPSES - John Ireland, PG, honor dramatically 14. THE revised to portray a "Return starting at 7:30 p.m. PROUD AND THE DAMNED - Chuck Connors, PG, western A gourmet dinner IS. to Tun Tavern." THE CONVERSATION -Gene Hackman, Alen Garfield, PG, drama will begin at 8 p.m., featuring prime rib BORN 16. LOOMS - Tom Laughlin, Jeremy Slate, PG, drama The officers' celebration begins au jus. Dancing starts at 9:30 p.m. with a 'Extra long mob% time. with cocktails at 6 p.m., followed by a variety of sounds by the Lovin' Souls. The children's matinee at the Family Theatre will be /OILY. dinner of roast sirloin of beef, the Both Enlisted Balls will be held Nov. 7.