Quebradillas Rio Piedras Salinas San German Puerto Rico Radio

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Quebradillas Rio Piedras Salinas San German Puerto Rico Radio N. Box 7243 (00731). (809) 842 -3260. Portorican Amaury Santiago. coml mgr; Johnny Vega, prog dir: Puerto Rico Radio American Bcstg Co. Rep: Schellenberg. Format: MOR, Jorge Fuentes, mus dir; Mike Quinn, prom mgr; A. Lu- Sp. Alfonso Gimenez- Aguayo, pres; Alfonso ciano, chief engr. Rates: $52; 48; 52; 44. Gimenez- Porrata, gen mgr; Felix Irizarry, coml mgr: WHOA(AM) -Nov 1, 1954: 870 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -1. Uriel Alicea, mus dir; Armando Clavell, news dir. munications Inc. Box V, Hato Rey (00919). (809) 756 -8700. Continental (acq 1969). Rep: Bernard Howard. Rates: $10; 8.50; 8.50; 7. Format: Adult contemp in Bcstg Corp. Net: ABC /I, NBC. MBS. Format: MOR, Con- Spanish. David F. Gleason, gen mgr; Julio Toro, coml mgr; Rey Moreira, W001(FM) -Co-owned with WPAB(AM). May 1969: temp, English. Carmina Mendez Miller. pres & gen prog dir; Johnny Vega. prom mgr; Johnny Crespo, 93.3 mhz; 14.5 kw. Ant minus 225 ft. Stereo. Prog sep mgr; Bob Bittner, mus & prog dir; W. Blanco Pi, chief news dir. Rates: $65; 60: 65; 55. from AM. Format: Sp, Puerto Rican folk music. engr; Mary Novak, info specialist; Marcia Gold, Rates: $6; 5; 5; 3. women's editor. IN Rates: $16; 14; 14; 12. WZNT(FM) -Co -owned with WQII(AM). 1959: 93.7 WPRP(AM) -1936: 910 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 w-N. Box WIAC(AM) -1947: 740 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -1. Box mhz; 50 kw. Ant 280 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. For- 430 (00731). (809) 842 -0166. Voice of Puerto Rico 4504 (00905). (809) 724 -0730. Bestov Bcstg Inc. of mat: All- salsa. Richard Santiago, prog dir; Ramon Inc. (acq 1946). Group owner: Quality Bcstg. Net: Puerto Rico (acq 1954). Net: APR. Format: Diversified. Cintron, prom mgr. Salsa 63 /La Gran Cadena. Format: Spanish pop Dorothy H. Mejia, pres; Luis A. Mejia, gen mgr; Mrs. WRAI(AM) -July 4, 1949: 1520 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -1. "Salsa" music. Alfredo R. de Arellano, pres; Glen A. Elsa Fernandey, coml mgr; Felipe Rodriguez, musdir & 74 Mayaguez St. (00917). (809) 766-5000. Radio Tryon, VP chief of opns; Albanez Figueroa, prog dir; prom mgr; Francisco Cancel, news dir; Alipio Carrion, Aeropuerto Inc (acq 12- 3 -59). Group owner: Pirallo Miguel A. Borrero, resident mgr; Guillermo Bonet, chief engr. Rates: S12; 12; 12; 12. Lopez. Rep: Contemporary Media. Format: Rock, engrg dir; Carlos Morales, sls mgr; Alfonso Santos, WIAC 1, 1961: 102.5 mhz; kw horiz. English. Carlos M. Pirallo, pres; Bob Norman, gen & chief engr. Rates: $7; 5.50; 7; 5.50. WORA -TV -FM -March 91 53 kw vert. Ant ft. Prog from coml mgr; Dave White, prog & mus dir; Tom Sherwood, affil. 310 Stereo. sep AM. For- mat: Diversified. Rafael Ortiz. prom mgr, prog & mus news dir; Rafael A. Valdes, chief engr. WIOC(FM) -Co -owned with WPRP(AM). January dir. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. WEYA(FM) -Co -owned with WRAI(AM). See 1970: 105.1 mhz; 9 kw. Ant minus 150 ft. Prog sep 26, 1948: 940 khz; 10 kw -U, -1. Bayamon. from AM. Net: Estereotempo 99. Format: Btfl mus. WIPR(AM) -Jan DA Box Hato Rey 766 Rates: $4.25; 4.25; 4.25; 4.25. 909, (00919). (809) -5701. Dept of Education, Puerto Rico. Mrs. Celeste Benitez de WRSJ(AM) -See Bayamon. WZAR(FM) -Listing follows WLEO(AM). Rexach, sec of educ; Jose M. Garcia, gen mgr; Felix WUNO(AM) -Oct 15, 1949: 1320 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- Rodriquez Baez, prog dir; Luisita Rodriquez, mus dir; N Box Q, Hato Rey (00919). (809) 765 -4720. San WZBS(AM) 1, 1973: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Jose Manuel Alverez. news dir; Manuel A. Collazo. -Feb Juan Bcstg Corp. (acq 5.1 -70). Group owner: Mooney. N. Box 7612 (00731). (809) 844 -1490, 840 -1490. chief engr. Format: Top 40. George P Mooney, pres; Reinaldo Zaba Radio Corp. Format: Top -40. Dr. Renne Bar - Royo Jr., VP & gen mgr; Manuel Rivera Morales, coml tolomei, pres; Dr. Humberto Zayas Chardon, gen mgr; WIPR -FM -June 3, 1960: 91.3 mhz; 125 kw. Ant mgr; Joaquin Radin, prog dir; Carlos Figueroa. news Jose Manuel Rodriguez, coml mgr & prog dir; Pedro 2720 ft. Dups AM 100%. *WIPR -TV affil. dir; Tuto Gomez. chief engr Garcia Luciano, news dir; Jose Luis Torres, chief engr. WKAO(AM)) 3, 1922: 580 khz; 5 kw -U, Box Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. -Dec 4668 (00936). (809) 764 -0058. Telex 385751. El San Sebastian Mundo Bcstg Corp. (acq 10- 31 -49). Rep: Inter- Ameri- Quebradillas can Publications. Format: All news. Mrs. Argentina WFBA(AM) -Feb 15, 1965: 1460 khz; 500 w -U. Box Peter Albi, VP; CC (00755). (809) 896 -1024. Pepino Broadcasters WREI(FM) -Nov 16, 1974: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus Hills, pres; exec Huberto Biaggi. gen mgr; Ivan Vazquez, coml mgr; Raul Muxo. An- Inc. Format: Variety. Felix Bonnet -Velez, pres, gen 40 ft. Box W (00742). 895 -2725. Jose J. sls mgr; (809) mgr; William Rivera, coml mgr; Felix Bonnet, prog dir Arzuaga (acq 7- 10 -79). Net: APR, Radio UNO. Format: tonio G. Caballero, news dir: Luis Oquendo, chief engr. Rates: $95; 28; 69; 18. & prom mgr; Guillermo Bonet. chief engr. Salsa & Disco sound. Jose J. Arzuaga, pres, gen mgr. & chief engr; Gloria Parez, prom mgr; Jose Sanchez, WKAO -FM -Oct 8, 1958: 104.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WOVE -FM -Co -owned with WFBA(AM). See news dir; Idalia Arrieta, coml mgr; Junior Feliciano, 1,120 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 10 %. Format: Top -40. Hec- Mayaguez. mus dir; Edwin Hernandez, prog dir. Rates: $3.10; tor Marcano, prog dir. WKAQ -TV affil. Rates: $18; 3.10; 3.10; 3.10. 18; 18; 18. Utuado Rio Piedras WKVM(AM) -1951: 810 khz; 25 kw -U, DA -1. Box WUPR(AM) -April 18, 1964: 1530 khz; 1 kw -D. 250 4189 (00907). (809) 722 -0151. American Colonial w-N. Box 868 (00761). (809) 894 -2460. Central Bcstg kw. WFID(FM) -Nov 17, 1958: 95.7 mhz; 50 Ant 800 Bcstg Corp. (group owner). Format: Sp. Ralph Perez Corp. Melvin Villanueva, pres; Benito Martinez, gen ft. Box 767 -7018. Stereo. 20079 (00928). (809) Perry Sr., pres; Ralph Perez Perry Jr., prom mgr; Ileana mgr & news dir; Melvin T. Villanuevo, mus dir; Manuel mus. Fidelity Bcstg Corp. Format: Btfl Jose Julian Quinones, coml mgr; Eduardo Gonzalez, prog dir; E. Andular, coml mgr & prog dir; Benito Martinez, prom Acosta, pres, prog dir & chief engr; Victoria S. Acosta, Georgina Rivera, gen mgr; Hiram Collazo, news dir; mgr; Carlos Arroyo, chief engr. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. gen mgr; Jose Lomena, coml mgr; Victoria S. Acosta, Efrain Rivera, chief engr. news dir; Carol A. Camero, stn mgr. WERR(FM) -Co -owned with WUPR(AM). Feb 1, WKVM -FM -105.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 1,100 ft. Format: 1970: 104.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 710 ft. Stereo. Radio Re- WRAI(AM) -See San Juan. Sp WKBM -TV affil. dentor (acq 6 -75). WUNO(AM) -See San Juan. WNEL(AM) -See Caguas. Vega Baja Salinas W0430(AM) -Nov 21, 1977: 1030 khz; 10 kw -U, WEGA(AM) -1972: 1350 khz; 500 w -D, DA -2. (CP: DA -1 Box 4349 (00905). (809) 724 -4242. Cavallaro 500 w -U, DA -2). (00763). (809) 858 -2575. Vega 6, 1967: 1210 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- WHOY(AM) -April Bcstg Corp. Net: CBS. Format: MOR. Augustine L. Broadcasting Co. N, DA -2. Box H (00751). (809) 824 -3420. Island Cavallaro. pres; Robert Clark, gen mgr; Christopher Broadcasting Corp. Net: APR. Format: Spanish. Crommett, news dir; Herchel McClure, chief engr. Vieques Johnny Ortiz, pres, gen & coml mgr & chief engr; Mar- Rates: $12; 12; 12; 12. tin Colon, prog dir & prom mgr; Nequin Delgado, news WIVV(AM) -Dec 8. 1956: 1370 khz; 5 kw -D; 1 kw -N. WPRM -FM 1959: 98.5 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 1910 dir. Rates: $5; 5; 5; 5. -April Box A, San Juan (00936). (809) 761 -4242. Calvary ft. Box ARSO Stereo. 5725 (00906). (809) 744 -3131. Evangelistic Mission Inc. Format: Relg, div, English. Radio Corp. (acq 4- 1 -73). Format: Top -40. Spec prog: San German Spec prog: Sp 9 hrs wkly. Donald D. Luttrell, pres & Farm 1 hr wkly. Jesus M. Soto. pres. gen mgr & chief gen mgr; Ruth Luttrell, coml mgr: Jim Brandt, prom WPRA(AM) -See Mayaguez. engr; Victor J. Falcon, coml mgr; Felix Echevarria, prog mgr; Janet Luttrell, prog dir; Norman Blornstad, chief Rates: 20; dir; Herman O. Davila, news dir. $20; 20; engr. WBOZ(AM) -1090 khz; 250 w -U (00753). South- 20. western Bcstg Corp. WZVS -FM -Nov 4, 1978: 98.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 952 WRTU(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 89.7 ft. Stereo. William Font 49, Culebra (00645). (809) WRPC(FM) -Co -owned with WPRA(AM). Feb 1, mhz; 50 kw. Ant 796 ft. Box AU, University Station 742 -3535, 3844. Carlos J. Colon- Ventura. Format: 1969: 95.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 1970 ft. Box 113 (00753). (00931). Format: Spanish, Variety. Salsa soul. Carlos J. Colon-Ventura. pres & gen mgr; (809) 890 -3030. WPRA Inc. (acq 8 -76). Progs sep Jose Julio Martinez, coml mgr; Nydia A. Rios, prog dir; from AM. Format: MOR. Ederlinda C. de Tamayo, WOSS(AM) -Jan 11, 1960: 630 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Raisacc Colon Rios, mus dir; Jorge Blanco Galdo, coml mgr. Rates: $8; 8; 8; 8. Box 13427, Santurce (00908). (809) 725 -4020. prom mgr; Wifredo Blanco Pi, chief engr. Rates: Quality Bcstg.
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