
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 99, 066003 (2019)

Gaugino condensation and geometry of the perfect square

Renata Kallosh* Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA

(Received 30 January 2019; published 13 March 2019)

Gaugino condensation plays a crucial role in the formation of de Sitter vacua. However, the theory of this effect is still incomplete. In four dimensions, the perfect square nature of gaugino couplings follows from the square of auxiliaries in the action. We explain here why the supersymmetric non-Abelian Dp-brane action, which is the basis for the theory of ten-dimensional gaugino condensation, must have a four- gaugino coupling. This term in the Einstein-Yang-Mills ten-dimensional supergravity is a part of the perfect square, mixing a 3-form with a gaugino bilinear. The perfect square term follows from the geometry, being a square of the superspace torsion. The supercovariant equation of motion for a gaugino on the non-Abelian Dp-brane also involves a supertorsion in agreement with the perfect square term in the action.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.99.066003

I. INTRODUCTION inconsistent with the results of the four-dimensional (4D) KKLT analysis [15–17]. The issue of in Dp-brane actions is well One of the assumptions made in Refs. [11,12] was the understood for a single Dp-brane. The corresponding absence of the four- nonderivative coupling on action constructed in Refs. [1–3] has a local fermionic κ D7-branes. This assumption was recently challenged in . When this local κ symmetry is gauge fixed as in Ref. [18]. The proposal of how to incorporate such terms, Refs. [4,5], one recovers the Abelian supersymmetric Dp- which was made in Ref. [18], was motivated by the heterotic brane action, which breaks the maximal supersymmetry of and Horava-Witten model [19–21], which both type-II supergravity, half of it being realized linearly. – have the corresponding four-gaugino couplings associated In [6 10] the coupling of the background 3-form field to with the perfect square structure of Einstein-Yang-Mills the bilinear of the was established for Abelian supergravity in ten dimensions. supersymmetric Dp-branes. The four-fermion nonderiva- Here, we will explain why the non-Abelian generalization tive coupling is absent in the Abelian Dp-brane action, of Dp-brane action must have a four-fermion nonderivative as one can see by a direct inspection of the gauge-fixed coupling. We will also show that the supersymmetric κ – -symmetric brane action [1 5]. equation of motion for a gaugino has a cubic gaugino The concept of gaugino condensation in ten dimensions coupling, which vanishes only in the Abelian case of a single is based on properties of N coincident D7-branes. The Dp-brane. The perfect square structure underlying these problem of finding the supersymmetric non-Abelian action features of the Dp-branes is a consequence of the superspace for the N coincident Dp-branes is not fully solved yet. In geometry. These results are quite general; they apply to particular, the four-fermion nonderivative coupling was not type-IIB theory and to the KKLT scenario. They support and – investigated in Refs. [6 10] in this context. further develop the proposal made in Ref. [18]. This issue attracted some attention after the recent ten-dimensional (10D) investigation of the Kachru, II. IN DP-BRANE ACTIONS Kallosh, Linde, Trivedi (KKLT) mechanism [34] in Ref. [11] (see also Ref. [12]). This investigation was based The Abelian Dp-brane action upon gauge fixing a local on a number of assumptions debated in Refs. [13–16], and κ symmetry has an unbroken supersymmetry. Consider the the final conclusions of Refs. [11,12] turned out to be coupling of the background 3-form with the field on the brane in the form given in Ref. [8], in which the gauge- fixed action for the Dp-brane is given in approximation *[email protected] quadratic in fermions, Z Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of pþ1 ¯ μνρ d xGμνρλΓ λ: ð Þ the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. 1 Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, Looking at the complete gauge-fixed Dp-brane action [4,5], and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. one finds that there are no four-fermion terms without

2470-0010=2019=99(6)=066003(7) 066003-1 Published by the American Physical Society RENATA KALLOSH PHYS. REV. D 99, 066003 (2019) derivatives on the supersymmetric Dp-brane world volume. where we use Eq. (3.14) and in Eq. (4.4) in Ref. [25],but But there is also no disagreement with the possibility to we employ here notation of Ref. [26]. As in Eq. (3) in add to the action these terms in the form ðλ¯ΓμνρλÞ2 since Ref. [24], we omit the fermions from the chiral multiplets they vanish according to Fierz identities, as shown in here and only keep fermions from the Yang-Mills Refs. [22,23], multiplets. Equations (5) and (6) give the first indication of the ðλ¯ΓμνρλÞ2 ¼ 0: ð2Þ perfect square nature of the two-fermion and four-fermion coupling in the action. This phenomenon is very general1 The situation changes dramatically when one is trying to and underlines the related examples in 10D theory and in figure out the form of the supersymmetric non-Abelian Dp- supersymmetry breaking by Dp-branes, which we will brane action. The coupling of a background 3-form (1) to discuss below. gauginos generalizes to Z IV. FOUR-FERMION INTERACTION IN 10D pþ1 ¯ μνρ d xGμνρTrλΓ λ: ð3Þ EINSTEIN-YANG-MILLS SUPERGRAVITY Once the Dp-brane is added as a local source to the 10D In the non-Abelian case, the Fierz identity shows that the supergravity action, half of supersymmetry is broken. four-fermion term is not vanishing anymore, An effective supergravity action describing this situation in an example of a single D9-brane is the action of the 10D ðTrλ¯ΓμνρλÞ2 ≠ 0: ð4Þ Einstein-Maxwell supergravity [23]. The gravitational multiplet includes the , , dilatino, m What is the generalization of the action (1) to the non- a 2-form field, and a : eμ ; ψ μ; χ;Aμν; ϕ. A Abelian case? The answer is defined by a supersymmetry Maxwell multiplet includes an Abelian vector and a of the effective low-energy action of supergravity with Dp- gaugino: Aμ, λ. brane sources. We will show below that the four-fermion The total Einstein-Maxwell supergravity action with terms with nonderivative coupling shown in Eq. (4) must be N ¼ 1 10D supersymmetry is [23] present. pffiffiffi  2 When a Dp-brane is described as a local source to the −1 1 3 −3 2 3 9− LEM ¼ − − ϕ 2 M − ϕ4λ¯Γ λ bulk supergravity action, the issue of δ pð0Þ divergences is e 2 R 4 Fμνρ 24 μνρ important and has to be dealt with, as explained in Ref. [18]  9 ∂ ϕ 2 1 1 δ2ð0Þ μ 2 ¯ μ in the case of D7-branes with divergences. Following − − Fμν − λγ Dμλ þ ð7Þ Refs. [19–21], the authors of [18] argue that the infinite 16 ϕ 4 2 terms cancel due to the presence of four-fermion terms, … ψ whereas the finite terms also involve bilinear as well as Here, terms with depend on the gravitino μ and on a χ M ¼ ∂ − p1ffiffi four-fermion gaugino coupling. dilatino . The 3-form field is Fμνρ ½μAνρ 2 A½μFνρ, We will start with the space filling coincident D9-branes and Fμν ¼ ∂μAν − ∂νAμ. The four-fermion term here is where the issue of the existence/nonexistence of the four- vanishing in the Abelian case of just one matter multiplet fermion gaugino term on the Dp-brane world volume is (2). Therefore, the perfect square term in (7) is optional; disentangled from the issue of divergences. one could have had it in the form without a four-fermion coupling, in which case it would not look like a perfect III. FOUR-FERMION INTERACTION IN 4D square term. This is exactly the case in the Einstein- EINSTEIN-YANG-MILLS SUPERGRAVITY Maxwell supergravity [23], for which, instead of the first In general 4D supergravity, the role of gaugino con- line of the action (7), one has densates with regard to spontaneous breaking of local pffiffiffi  1 3 2 −3 M 2 3 μνρM ¯ supersymmetry was explained in Ref. [24] based on the − R − ϕ 2 ðFμνρÞ − ϕ4F λΓμνρλ ð8Þ properties of the auxiliary fields Fα of the chiral multiplets 2 4 12 discovered in Ref. [25]. The supergravity action is quad- ratic in auxiliary fields and the four-fermion gaugino term is absent. The D9-brane action at the level at which we neglect α ¯ β¯ 2 higher-derivative nonlinear terms of the Born-Infeld Laux ¼ −F gαβ¯ F ≡ jFj : ð5Þ nature is precisely the supersymmetric Maxwell action in N ¼ 1 Here, the on-shell value of auxiliary field is the background of supergravity. Therefore, the supersymmetric action (7) can be viewed as an effective 1 α K=2 αβ ¯ ¯ ¯ βα¯ ¯A B F ¼ −e g ∇β¯ W þ f β¯ g λ P λ ; ð6Þ 4 AB L 1I am grateful to S. Ferrara for explaining this to me.

066003-2 GAUGINO CONDENSATION AND GEOMETRY OF THE … PHYS. REV. D 99, 066003 (2019) low-energy approximation of the single D9-brane interact- This can be confirmed by a laborious work, and one ing with gravity, which has N ¼ 1 10D supersymmetry. would also notice the following. Once the ðTrλλÞ2 term If, on the contrary, we would like to have a whole with the correct coefficient is added to the action, the nonlinear Dp-brane action in the background of type-IIB 3-form and bilinear gaugino form a perfect square as shown supergravity, we would be able to start with a κ-symmetric in Eq. (9). In this procedure, the appearance of the perfect action [1–3], gauge fix local fermionic κ symmetry [4,5], square in the action is not clear; it looks like an accident. and identify the fermionic terms on the Dp-brane. For a However, there is a geometric reason for the perfect single Dp-brane, the four-fermion terms are absent, in square in Einstein-Yang-Mills 10D supergravity in the agreement with (2). Meanwhile, a complete κ-symmetric context of the superspace geometry: the perfect square in action for coinciding multiple Dp-branes, which are sup- the action is a square of the superspace torsion tensor at posed to describe a nonperturbative gaugino condensation, θ ¼ 0, where θ is the Grassmann coordinate of the is not known. superspace. Therefore, we can look at the gaugino condensation The 10D superspace was constructed in Refs. [29–31]. problem from the perspective of the Einstein-Yang-Mills We represent it here in slightly more convenient notation. 10D supergravity [27] but correct the omission of the four- One starts with a superspace with coordinates zM ¼ gaugino term there (we skip terms depending on the ðxμ; θmÞ. In this superspace, we introduce the vielbein gravitino and dilatino): A B E , the connection ωA , the 2-form potential B, and pffiffiffi  the Yang-Mills 1-form A. The tangent space indices A and 1 3 2 2 −1 EYM −3 YM 3 ¯ B split into bosonic indices a and b and fermionic indices α e L ¼ − R − ϕ 2 Fμνρ − ϕ4TrλΓμνρλ 2 4 24 and β. We define an exterior derivative covariant with  9 ∂ ϕ 2 1 1 respect to general superspace coordinate transformations as − μ − ð YMÞ2 − λγ¯ μ λ ð Þ 16 ϕ 4Tr Fμν 2Tr Dμ : 9 well as local Lorentz and local Yang-Mills transformations: D ¼ d þ ω þ A. The standard definition of the torsion and YM ¼ ∂ − p1ffiffi ð − curvature in the superspace follows, as do a 3-form and a The 3-form field is now Fμνρ ½μAνρ 2 Tr A½μFνρ 2 YM Yang-Mills 2-form; see Eqs. (3)–(6) in Refs. [29] for A½μAνAρÞ and Fμν ¼ ∂μAν − ∂νAμ þ½Aμ;Aν. The four- 3 details. The torsion TA, the curvature R B, the supergravity fermion term here is not vanishing in the non-Abelian case; A 3-form H, and the Yang-Mills 2-form F satisfy the super- see (4). In Ref. [27], the four-fermion gaugino term was omitted space Bianchi identities (BIs) even in the non-Abelian case, which was corrected in A ¼ − B ∧ A B ¼ 0 Ref. [28]. The emphasis in Ref. [28] was on the fact that the DT E RB ;DRA ; corresponding four-fermion term originates from a heter- DH ¼ TrF ∧ F; DF ¼ 0: ð11Þ otic string theory in which the computation of the low- energy scattering of gauginos has revealed its presence. For example, the torsion 2-form defines the torsion tensor

V. GEOMETRIC SUPERSPACE ORIGIN 1 OF THE PERFECT SQUARE A ¼ B ∧ C A ð Þ T 2 E E TCB: 12 One could perform a brute computation of the local supersymmetry of the Chapline-Mantone action [27] (or To find the solutions of the BI, one has to impose certain one can compute the four-fermion amplitude in the heter- constraints on the coupled Einstein-Yang-Mills superspace, a a otic string) and find out that the four-fermion gaugino term for example, that Tαβ ¼ −iγαβ, etc., as shown in Table 1 in is required. For example, one can show that the terms with Ref. [29]. The solution of BI was presented in Refs. [30,31] 2 two gauginos and a gravitino and a dilatino, λ ψχ, and the and is given in terms of the following superfields. There is a 2 2 terms with two gauginos and two dilatinos, λ χ , in the superfield with the first component, which is a dilaton, non-Abelian case have a variation of the form φðxÞ, and all higher components are computed by the repeated action of spinorial derivatives Dα. There is a Yang- ¯ 0 0 0 ¯ 0 0 0 δLM ∼ Trλγabcλχ¯Xabca b c ϵTrλγa b c λ; ð10Þ Mills (YM) superfield with the first component being a λð Þ 0 0 0 gaugino field . Finally, one more superfield is required where Xabca b c is a complicated combination of the γ with the first component being a combination of the 3-form matrices. In Abelian case, a cubic in the λ expression and a gaugino bilinear, ¯ abc λγ λγabλ vanishes, and it can be used to show that δLM ¼0 λ4χϵ 1 2 in the sector. However, in the non-Abelian ≡ − − Λ ð Þ case, the expression in (10) does not vanish, and the Yabc 72 Habc 3 abc; 13 cooperation with the variation from the four-fermion term ðTrλγ¯ abcλÞ2, with a specific factor in front, is required. where

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abc Trλαλβ ≡ γαβ Λabc: ð14Þ VI. GAUGINO EQUATION OF MOTION ON DP-BRANE γð θÞ The component of the superspace torsion Taβ x; which For the D7-brane, it is more difficult to use the perfect solves the superspace BI depends both on the dilaton square structure of the action in the component form in (9) superfield φðx; θÞ and on the superfield Yabcðx; θÞ, or in the superspace form in (16), as we did for the D9-brane. Indeed,R the 10D action originates from the 1 10 abc γ b γ bcd supergravity action d xGabcG , whereas the gaugino- Taβ ðx; θÞ¼− ðγ γaÞβ Dbφ − Γa Ybcd: ð15Þ 2 Rdependent terms originateR from the brane action 8 ¯ abc 8 ¯ abc 2 d xGabcTrλγ λ and d xðTrλγ λÞ . Therefore, we There is also another third-rank antisymmetric tensor have to deal with some singular terms from the local 1 i 5i superfield, Kabc ¼−72Habc −3Λabc − 2 χabc, which includes sources. also a dilatino bilinear χabc and has a mix of Habc with Of course, one can rely on the simple fact that the four- Λabc, which is different from the one in Yabc. It is a second fermion term existing on D9 should remain on D7 after spinorial derivative of the dilaton superfield, and it does not dimensionalR reduction. To support this argument that the 8 ð λγ¯ abcλÞ2 have superspace tensor properties like Yabc, which repre- term d x Tr must be present in D7-brane action, sents the superspace torsion. we may look at the supersymmetric equation of motion for The component action perfect square term in (9) orig- the gaugino which interacts with the supergravity back- inates from the square of the superspace torsion term ground. Such an equation was derived in the context of the superspace geometry [29–31] in the noncompact EYM γ aβ abc 10D space. L ⊃ Taβ Tγ ðx; θÞjθ¼0 ∼ YabcY ðxÞ; ð16Þ The manifestly supersymmetric field equation for the where we have neglected the terms with derivatives on a gaugino is presented in Eq. (21) in Ref. [31]. It depends on dilaton which are present in a superspace torsion (15). the background 3-form only via the torsion tensor Ybcd,  The Einstein equation for the 10D curvature also 1 2 depends only on the same perfect square γa ˆ λ ¼ 3 γabcλ ¼ 3 − − Λ γabcλ ð Þ Da Yabc 72Habc 3 abc : 19 ⊃ abcð Þþ ð Þ R10 YabcY x 17 ˆ Here, Da ¼ Da − 3Daϕ. The three-gaugino coupling term in the manifestly supersymmetric field equation for a Thus, the superspace geometry clearly explains that gaugino in (19) is given by supersymmetry does require the four-fermion term ¯ μνρ 2 ðTrλΓ λÞ in the action, and moreover, it has to come abc ¯ abc γ Λabcλ ∼ TrðλγabcλÞγ λ; ð20Þ with the coefficient which forms a perfect square in the action, as shown in Eqs. (9) and (16). Therefore, the ¯ since Λabc ∼ Trλγabcλ. This cubic gaugino coupling van- solution with gaugino condensation, which makes the first ¯ ab ishes in the Abelian case in which ðλγabcλÞγ λ ¼ 0,butin component of the superfield vanish, the non-Abelian case, the cubic coupling is not vanishing. 1 2 This confirms unambiguously the presence of the four- ¼ − − hΛ i¼0 ð Þ gaugino coupling on a non-Abelian Dp-brane. Yabc 72 Habc 3 abc ; 18 VII. STRING THEORY AND FINITE is consistent with local supersymmetry of the theory. VOLUME ISSUES abc In such a case, the term in the action YabcY does not contribute to the vacuum energy. The next conceptual step away from supergravity, Thus, in the case of a noncompact geometry, described defined in the infinite 10D space-time, was an observation by the superspace in Refs. [29–31], gaugino condensation in Refs. [19–21] about an M theory compactified on a one- dimensional finite-size interval. The localized source in this requires a nonvanishing 3-form. It backreacts so that the 11 total square vanishes. This is in agreement with the earlier case of the form ∼δðx Þ is present; however, it is argued in observations on this in Ref. [28]. Refs. [19–21] that supersymmetry requires the presence of We conclude that if a complete supersymmetric non- a quartic gaugino term in the action. In Ref. [21],itwas ≡ linear non-Abelian Dp-brane action is available it must suggested to shift the field strength 4-form GIJK11 Gabc have on its world volume the four-fermion term to provide by a term supported at the boundary and bilinear in the the perfect square term shown in Eq. (9) in the D9 case. gauginos and to define the modified 3-form field as This is necessary to satisfy a condition of supersymmetry follows: of a non-Abelian vector supermultiplet interacting with ˜ ¼ þ δð ÞΛ ð Þ supergravity. Gabc Gabc c x11 abc: 21


The effective action depends on the 3-form Gabc only via 4D N ¼ 1 supergravity. String theory constructions in 10D the perfect square, space compactified on calibrated manifolds were mostly compared with 4D N ¼ 1 supergravity with chiral mul- ˜ 2 L ⊃ ðGabcÞ : ð22Þ tiplets. The dictionary between the Kahler potential Kðz; z¯Þ and the holomorphic WðzÞ and 10D theory The presence of this four-fermion term in the action was established. Moreover, in the presence of pseudocali- precisely cancels the divergence due to a perfect square brated anti–Dp branes, the 4D supergravity also involves a structure analogous to the one we explained above. In a nilpotent chiral superfield; see Ref. [33] and references sense, the 10D non-Abelian supersymmetry is an under- therein. Meanwhile, the presence of the vector multiplets in lying reason for the four-fermion term in the action. 10D supergravity, which live on the Dp-branes, can also be The four-fermion term plays an important role in studied. In particular, one may associate the known gaugino condensation, as shown in Ref. [18]. The authors structure of 4D theory with N ¼ 1 vector multiplets with have proposed that gaugino condensation in D7-branes 10D theory with Dp-branes. The dictionary between string should be described by the effective action in their theory models and N ¼ 1 4D supergravity in such a case Eqs. (39)–(41). The presence of the four-gaugino coupling will also involve the holomorphic vector coupling func- on the D7-brane, according to Ref. [18], resolves the issues tions fABðzÞ. of divergences and allows a comparison with the 4D theory. In Ref. [18], evidence was given that the authors’ In view of the compact volume of compactification, proposal for the D7-brane action with four-fermion terms things are more complicated than in the case of the infinite with careful account of a compact volume of compactifi- six-dimensional (6D) space described above in our Eqs. (9) cation leads to a 4D action with the vector multiplets. and (16) for 10D Einstein-Yang-Mills supergravity and for The action of N ¼ 1 vector multiplets interacting with non-Abelian D9-branes. supergravity has the following relevant terms [26]: However, the perfect square structure of the effective action in non-Abelian D7 is not just reminiscent of 1 heterotic strings or M theory compactified on the interval; − ð Þð A μνA − 2λγ¯ μ λAÞþ 4 Ref z FμνF Dμ the perfect square terms in the action in all of these cases 1 Kðz;z¯Þ α are actually inherited from the 10D Einstein-Yang-Mills 2 ¯ ¯ ¯A A þ e f;α∇ Wλ PLλ þ H:c: superspace geometry. 4 3 2 If the D9-branes are compactified on a torus of a square þ ½ ð Þðλ¯Aγμγ λA 2 ¼ 2 ¼ Σ 2 Ref z area AT L , and the total internal space is X × T 64 with VΣ being the finite volume of the Σ manifold, one 1 − ¯ αλ¯A λAλ¯B λB ð Þ would expect that our action (9) would lead to Eqs. (39)– 16 f;αf; PL PR ; 24 (41) in Ref. [18]. This would result in cancellation of the relevant infinities and in clarification of the gaugino where we consider the case with the diagonal holomorphic condensation on D7-branes. vector coupling fABðzÞ¼fðzÞδAB. This expression is in Specifically, once the conjectured supersymmetric action agreement with Eqs. (5) and (6) above. Clearly, 4D of D7 non-Abelian branes is derived from a compactifica- supergravity if derived from 10D string theory with branes, tion of D9-branes on T2, it is plausible that the remaining should have no singularities, and must have four-fermion finite terms in the action are of the form given in Eq. (41) in gaugino coupling. Ref. [18], If fðzÞ is a gauge coupling on N coincident D7-branes 2 2 2 2 and 10D theory is compactified on a compact T × T × T ð0Þ λλ ¯ −gs G3 þ pffiffiffiffi Ω3 : ð23Þ space with finite volume, one finds that, indeed, the 4D g A 2 s T action (24) with terms bilinear and quartic in gaugino follows from Eq. (23), as observed in Ref. [18]. If one admits the terms bilinear in on a non-Abelian In conclusion, here, we have shown that the perfect D7-brane, also the quartic terms must be present, as follows square term in the 10D Einstein-Yang-Mills supergravity from (9) and from (19) and (20). originates from the superspace geometry. Namely, the The technical issues with singularities may still require action includes a square of the first component of the some clarification. The issue of supersymmetry in singular supertorsion superfield, as shown in Eq. (16), which is a spaces is complicated, as was shown in the past in a unique combination of the 3-form and a gaugino bilinear in different context in Ref. [32]. Eq. (13). The same torsion superfield is present in the gaugino equation of motion consistent with supersym- VIII. RELATION TO 4D SUPERSYMMETRY metry, as shown in (19). This means that a cubic gaugino It is known that type-IIB supergravity with local sources, coupling is present in the gaugino equation of motion, which involve calibrated Dp-branes and O planes, leads to a and the quartic fermion coupling must be present on a

066003-5 RENATA KALLOSH PHYS. REV. D 99, 066003 (2019) non-Abelian Dp-brane, as follows from the superspace ACKNOWLEDGMENTS geometry. I would like to thank S. Ferrara, M. Dine, A. Linde, E. A better understanding of the impact of the four-fermion McDonough, B. Nillsson, and A. Tseytlin for helpful terms in condensing D7-branes, particularly with regard to comments and discussions. This work is supported by a finite volume of compactification, would be useful for the SITP, by the NSF Grant No. PHY-1720397, and by the purpose of relating 10D string theory to cosmological Simons Foundation Origins of the program observations described by the 4D physics. (Modern Inflationary Cosmology Collaboration).

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