Northern China Giordano Shops Province City Shop Name Address Full Address Telephone
Northern China Giordano Shops Province City Shop Name Address Full Address Telephone Shop 102, 1/F, Manzhouli Restaurant, Sandao Street, 内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔满洲里市三道街满洲里饭店1楼门 呼伦贝尔 中苏街地铺(满洲里) (+86) 15048017769 Manzhouli, Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia Zizhiqu, China 市102号 2/F, Huahui Shopping Plaza, 1 East Street, Hailar, Hulun 内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区东大街1号华汇购物广 呼伦贝尔 华汇商厦(海拉尔) (+86) 0470-8577098 Buir, Inner Mongolia, China 场2层 伊仕丹商厦(海拉 4/F, Yishidan Shopping Square, Qiaotou Street, Hailar, 内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区伊仕丹购物广场4楼佐 呼伦贝尔 (+86) 0470-8316159 尔) Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia, China 丹奴专柜 西旗佐丹奴(海拉 Shop 9, Jingjing Building, Wuerxun Street, Xinbaerhuyou, 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市新巴尔虎右旗乌尔逊大街晶晶大厦8号 内蒙古 呼伦贝尔 (+86) 15148405071 尔) Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia, China 门市佐丹奴专卖 Xinhua Bookshop East, Yima Road, Dayangshuzhen, 内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市大杨树镇一马路新华书店东侧门 呼伦贝尔 一马路地铺(呼伦贝尔) (+86) 18647084706/0470-5747555 Oroqen, Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia, China 市房 Shop 2F703, 2F705, 2F803, 2F805, 2/F, Qixinda 内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市大杨树镇鄂伦春自治旗鑫达商厦 呼伦贝尔 鑫达商厦(呼伦贝尔) Commercial Building, Dayangshuzhen, Oroqen, Hulun (+86) 13394816570 二层2F703,2F705,2F803,2F805 Buir, Inner Mongolia, China 2/F, Victory Shopping Centre, 1 Zhongshan West Road, 呼和浩特 维多利购物(呼和浩特) 内蒙古呼和浩特市中山西路维多利购物中心二楼 (+86) 0471-2650261 Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China 3F, Xinlehui Shopping Plaza, Intersection of Yanling Road 北京市燕郊经济技术开发区燕灵路与神威北路交叉口鑫乐 三河市 新世界燕郊(北京) and Shenwei North Road., Yanjiao Economic and (+86) 0316-5856280 汇购物广场3F Technology Development, Beijing, China 3/F, New World Department Store, 3 Chongwenmen 东城区 新世界崇文门(北京) 北京市崇文门外大街3号新世界三层 (+86) 010-57524883 Outer Street,
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