Latency of Concatenating Unlicensed LPWAN with Cellular IoT: An Experimental QoE Study

Alvin Ramoutar, Zohreh Motamedi and Mouhamed Abdulla School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science and Tech. Sheridan Institute of Technology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Email: {ramoutal, motamedz, abdulmou}

Abstract—Developing low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) solutions that are efficient to adopt, deploy and maintain are Database vital for smart cities. The poor quality-of-service of unlicensed Core Web Service MQTT Broker LPWAN, and the high service cost of LTE-M/NB-IoT are key Mobile-IoT Uplink disadvantages of these technologies. Concatenating unlicensed Fibre/hybrid coaxial (LTE-M or NB-IoT) with licensed LPWANs can overcome these limitations and har- ness their benefits. However, a concatenated LPWAN architecture Public Cloud Mobile Mobile Network (Internet) Backhaul will inevitably result in excess latency which may impact users’ (eNB/gNB) IoT Gateway quality-of-experience (QoE). To evaluate the real-life feasibility of (LoRaWAN) this system, we first propose a concatenated LPWAN architecture Mobile App and experimentally measure the statistics of end-to-end (E2E) (UE) latencies. The concatenated delay margin is determined by benchmarking the latencies with different LPWAN architecture schemes, namely with unlicensed IoT (standalone LoRa), cellular

IoT (standalone LTE-M), and concatenated IoT (LoRa interfaced Unlicensed-IoT with LTE-M). Through extensive experimental measurement (LoRa node) campaigns of 30, 000 data points of E2E latencies, we show Lot Sensor that the excess delay due to LPWAN interfacing introduces on average less than 300 milliseconds. The proof-of-concept results Fig. 1. Application of system concatenation for smart cities with intelligent suggest that the latency for concatenating unlicensed LPWAN parking using unlicensed LPWAN backhauled via cellular IoT uplink. with cellular IoT is negligible for smart city use cases where To overcome these limitations, we propose a concatenated human perception and decision making is in the loop. Index Terms—LPWAN, Cellular IoT, Latency, QoE, Smart network architecture that harnesses the advantages of both Cities. unlicensed and licensed LPWAN. Consider the smart parking application shown in Fig. 1, where large or massively deployed unlicensed IoT sensors detect status changes in parking spaces I.INTRODUCTION and backhauls aggregated data via a number of cellular IoT IoT applications for enhanced and massive machine type nodes to the cloud for user access. Although this concatenated communications (eMTC/mMTC) is growing at an unprece- LPWAN architecture combines affordability and reliability dented rate, empowering connectivity in various fields such together, the main drawback is the added latency due to as healthcare, agriculture, climate and smart city applications. interfacing and data hopping of information packets. To support communications for various IoT use cases, low- In literature, various contributions have studied the through- power wide-area network (LPWAN) technologies are used put, range, and power of unlicensed (e.g., [1]–[3]) and licensed where appropriate to transmit small payloads at long distances IoT (e.g., [4]–[6]). Furthermore, a monitoring system was arXiv:2105.10852v2 [cs.NI] 30 May 2021 with minimal power consumption. tested by combining NB-IoT and LoRa [7], and a hybrid Traditional LPWAN, such as LoRa/LoRaWAN and Sigfox, 3G-LoRa-Sigfox for power grid monitoring was verified with operate in unlicensed radio spectrum. While freely available legacy technologies [8]. While these works provide valuable on ISM bands, unlicensed IoT is prone to RF interference and insights, a proof-of-concept (PoC) and quality of experience poor quality-of-service (QoS). On the other hand, licensed IoT (QoE) assessment with end-to-end (E2E) latency measurement offers a more reliable communication as it depends on cellular for concatenated LPWAN architecture is yet to be explored. infrastructure deployed with careful network planning. As a In this paper, we propose a concatenated network archi- consequence, the industry is complementing the IoT ecosystem tecture and protocols with unlicensed LPWAN and cellular with licensed LPWAN for eMTC and mMTC applications. IoT over a private core infrastructure. Due to the availability Today, this is done through the use of LTE-M and NB-IoT of 3GPP LTE Cat M1 service by local mobile operators, we technologies defined by 3GPP rel. 13-14 (4G), and rel. 15-16+ implement the architecture with LoRa and LTE-M networks. (). Granted, licensed IoT will require regular subscription Through E2E latency measurement campaigns, 30, 000 data for each sensor node with a mobile network operator, and this points are experimentally collected and statistically analyzed is a costly solution for large-scale smart city deployment. for standalone and concatenated LPWAN architectures [9]. Data-driven discussions and remarks on the feasibility of a IoT applications, LTE-M operates on closed network servers concatenated LPWAN architecture to achieve a target QoE for and on several licensed frequencies (e.g., bands 2, 4, 5, 12 smart city applications with users in the loop is also provided. and 13 in Canada). This technology uses time division duplex and a peak data rate of 1 Mbps for uplink and downlink with II.NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 1.4 MHz bandwidth. Since each cellular IoT device requires a The E2E architecture from in-field sensing to remote detec- SIM card and service contract, large-scale implementation of tion is based on three major steps: (i) uplink communications, LTE-M is expensive. The proposed concatenated architecture (ii) cloud and core infrastructure, and (iii) mobile end-user alleviates the need for a costly deployment of large or massive application. Our proposed concatenated LPWAN architecture volume of cellular IoT nodes through system interfacing with with different possible IoT technology choices is shown in unlicensed LPWAN sensors. Fig. 2. As seen first, information packets from large or massive 4) Communication from evolved packet core to cloud: The amount of sensor nodes are aggregated by fewer IoT gateways. IP uplink is made possible by the service provider which Then, the aggregated data from gateways is relayed to cellular routes data from the mobile carrier network through wireline IoT nodes for uplink communication to a mobile carrier comprising of hybrid coaxial fiber. Eventually, data packets network. The data from packets is then processed, stored, and reaching the evolved packet core are forwarded to the cloud made available to mobile clients from the core infrastructure for computation and transmission. residing in either a public or private cloud. An explanation of the various sub-components of this concatenated architecture B. Cloud and Core Infrastructure is provided below. IoT sensor payloads are transferred through the internet to the A. Uplink Communications core infrastructure for processing. Starting with IoT sensor nodes, this subsection covers com- 5) TCP/IP routing to core infrastructure: The communi- munications up to the public cloud. cation involves routing from the carrier network through IP 1) Data aggregation of IoT sensors: Payload construction communication to a broker hosted by a cloud infrastructure. by a sensor IoT node begins after new sensing data is detected This architecture identifies IoT sensor nodes and gateway and produced. The payload is then split into byte segments technology as part of the private cloud receiving MQTT and transmitted over radio on unlicensed spectrum via LoRa payloads from concentrated LoRa traffic. A private core systems. Developed by Semtech, LoRa is a physical (PHY) infrastructure could be substituted by a public cloud (e.g., and data link (MAC) layers protocol utilizing chirp spread Azure or AWS IoT). Rather than involved elaborate setups, spectrum to transmit between 0.3 and 50 kbps over public cloud solutions facilitate insights into the analytics of large distances with minimal power consumption. In North sensor payloads. For instance, Azure Monitor and AWS Cloud America, LoRa operates on the unlicensed 902 to 928 MHz Watch both enable resource metric and telemetry collection ISM frequency band. Often paired with a LoRa system is while visualizations are generated by Microsoft Power BI LoRaWAN, a network layer protocol used to route data from and AWS Quicksight. Although developers may invest effort LoRa nodes to a gateway and then to the internet. From end- into implementing these services for robust security, cloud user device to network server and at the application level, native IoT platforms deliver them automatically as pay-per- LoRaWAN uses two layers of 128 bits AES encryption [10]. use subscriptions which often scale quickly [11]. The cost and 2) Gateway to cellular IoT communication: Once the trans- offering implications make public clouds viable for corporate mitted sensor payloads are received by an unlicensed gateway, IoT roll-out with private clouds more suitable and secure for they are first extracted from the LoRa protocol and then sent testing and research. via a serial protocol to a licensed cellular IoT radio within 6) Delivering data from message broker to core service: the same device package. At this same point, the payload is To address high traffic from large-scale IoT sensors, MQTT wrapped in a lightweight messaging protocol such as MQTT messages are ingress by a broker such as Eclipse Mosquitto. in preparation for IP routing. Similar to publisher/subscriber paradigms, the broker delivers 3) Transmission from cellular IoT to mobile carrier: This sensor payload to the core service via a subscribed chan- communication serves as the backhaul, forwarding payload via nel/topic. The core service is an application that serves three licensed cellular IoT. LTE Cat M1 or NB-IoT devices will then main objectives: business logic processing, data access layer uplink to nearby eNB or gNB cell towers to connect to the rest (DAL), and application programming interface (API). They all of the mobile carrier network. The concatenated architecture can be decoupled for a service-oriented architecture. of Fig. 2 is compatible and it can be adapted with both LTE- 7) Storing sensor information in core service database: M and NB-IoT. In reality, the regional availability of cellular The nature of IoT oftentimes results in unstructured data, IoT by mobile operators will dictate which of these licensed which is best suited for NoSQL data stores that can leverage LPWAN options is accessible by users. In general, NB-IoT a variety of data models from tables to documents. The key service is widely available in Asia and Europe. Currently in benefit of going with document-based database models would North America, LTE-M service is more common, and NB- be alignment with common and modern web formats and IoT is still in its early stages. Developed by 3GPP rel. 13+ for DALs. One such technology that achieves this is MongoDB, Message App HTTP Request (GET) Serial - 7&3,3>0477>3D\ORDG -621 @@@  -621SD\ORDG  3D\ORDG %\WH'DWD E F Client VPDUWSKRQH 23  Cloud Mobile App E D - *HQHUDWHVb+773 Internet UHTXHVWVWRFRUHVHUYLFH Mobile Carrier $3, Licensed Mobile- Mobile Carrier Unlicensed IoT  *H1%  8VHU(TXLSPHQW 8( IoT Node Network Gateway  *%*J1%  77*2(63 -L7(0 -LTE-M  /R5DDVb0477 - 1%,R7 - NB-IoT 3URGXFHU  6HULDO 8$57 WR 5 D &RUH,QIUDVWUXFWXUH+RVW¬ 90 L7(01RGH Server OS Message  :LQGRZV6HUYHU - /R5D>3D\ORDG %\WH'DWD @@  ,QWHUQHW,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFHV ,,6  :HE$3, FRUHVHUYLFH App HTTP  5HTXLUHVWKHIROORZLQJSRUWVH[SRVHG Database Request  :HE$3,>@0477>@ (GET)  0RQJR'%  -621 1R64/ SD\ORDG 7 Core Service IoT Sensor Nodes F .NET Core Web API  77*2(636; - 0RQJR'%GDWDDFFHVV  /R5D1RGH  OD\HU '$/  .HVWUHO:HE6HUYHUZLWK Message ,,6DVSUR[\ :LUHOHVV/LQN - 7&3,3>0477>3D\ORDG -621 @@@  5(67IXO :LUHOLQH/LQN Broker ,QWHUQDO/LQN - (FOLSVH0RVTXLWWR 0477

Fig. 2. Proposed E2E concatenated LPWAN network architecture with unlicensed IoT (LoRa), cellular IoT (LTE-M or NB-IoT) and a private core infrastructure.

where documents are stored in a superset of JSON known as for the concatenated LPWAN architecture with LoRa and LTE- BSON. M networks. Using the architecture detailed in Sec. II, we C. Mobile Application and Core Service divide the E2E latency TE2E into several components based on where we have measurable insight with data entry and exit of The consumption of IoT sensor data by clients is identified in architecture subsystems to capture timing information. These this final subsection of the architecture. components are defined as follows: 8) Mobile client request: In this concatenated LPWAN net- work architecture, the user equipment (UE) performs an action • TUL: uplink communication latency of IoT sensor pay- requesting data over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This load to the core infrastructure (Fig. 2, links 1 to 7). request is sent through the UE’s connected network, eventually • TQ: queuing delay in the core service database before reaching the internet. Once it reaches the core services, the client request (Fig. 2, core infrastructure). request is routed to the core service API. • TDL: mobile client request and resulting core service 9) Core service response: The core service follows the rep- downlink response latency (Fig. 2, links 8 and 9). • T resentational state transfer (REST) architecture for web service REND: internal latency for graphical user interface communications. RESTful APIs are ideal over simple object (GUI) rendering at the UE (Fig. 2, client’s application). access protocol (SOAP) and others since it not only provides For further clarification, the time measures are also shown in clear separation between data producers and consumers, but it Fig. 3 as the sensing packets pass across different OSI layers is also data format agnostic. This enables developers to create and network components of the architecture. The resultant E2E highly compatible APIs to consume and deliver a variety of latency is represented as the sum of the time measures; namely IoT sensor data with minimal coupling to UE’s application. While REST is modern, it is unsuitable and often unnecessary TE2E = TUL + TQ + TDL + TREND . (1) for certain applications. For instance, when a core service must constantly stream data to a client or vice-versa, a persistent The experimental setup that implements the proposed con- bi-directional communication channel should be established. catenated LPWAN architecture is detailed in Fig. 4, where the WebSocket is one protocol that serves this purpose, creating a key specifications for the communication system and network TCP duplex connection that enables message pooling without equipment considered for the data collection campaign are the need to wait for a response like HTTP [12]. listed in Table I. The PoC experiment was conducted in an outdoor parking lot in the suburbs of the Greater Toronto Area III.EXPERIMENTAL SETUPAND METHODOLOGY using the smart parking LPWAN sensor node shown in Fig. 5. As a critical key performance indicator (KPI) for QoE This particular sensor is intended for efficient deployment assessment, we experimentally evaluate a precise E2E latency and use at the center of a 2-by-2 parking lot configuration. User Equipment Unlicensed IoT Node IoT Gateway Mobile IoT Node Carrier Mobile IoT eNB/gNB Internet (UE) (LoRa) (LoRaWAN) (LTE-M/NB-IoT) (LTE-M/NB-IoT) (4G/5G/B5G) (cloud) TREND APP MAC NET NET NET NET - Network Operator - Core Network MAC MAC PHY MAC MAC MAC - IP Network - Servers T Sensor PHY PHY PHY Q PHY PHY IN OUT data T UL TDL

QoE ( TE2E ) Fig. 3. Trace of E2E latency measurement of data from sensing to UE’s application passing across the different OSI layers of the network architecture.

Contained within this integrated unit is a TTGO LoRa32 mi- Unifi UAP AC LITE Unlicensed (LoRa) crocontroller that processes data from four MB1232 ultrasonic [4 m, LOS] Wi-Fi sensors. We designed the sensor with openings on the top-side [8 m, NLOS] of the casing where the angles of the port holes was determined 802.11n 915 MHz based on North American parking lot dimensions with each 915 MHz CAT M1 ESP32 SX1278 ultrasonic sensor pointing towards the center of a parking spot. Wi-Fi LoRa SX1278 SARA LoRa R410m

During initialization, the LPWAN sensor node with TTGO Internal Clock Packet Payload Verifier Payload Verifier ESP32 LoRa development board establishes a 2.4 GHz radio (synced once) Builder TTGO LoRa32 MKR 1500 link connectivity once over IEEE 802.11n. Time is synchro- Serial IoT Sensor Node Gateway nized via network time protocol (NTP) server before discon- tUL Mobile IoT (LTE-M) necting. LoRa packets of 28 bytes are then built with a 2 bytes Hybrid fiber-coaxial [Bell IoT] MQTT2HTTP label, 10 bytes Unix timestamp, 15 bytes static padding for Agent sensor data fields, including device identification and token- Cloud Payload based authentication (auth token), and finally with a null Processor Eclipse Internet Bell Network eNodeB terminator byte to indicate the end of the packet. Timing for Core Web Service Mosquitto TUL begins immediately once a new data packet is transmitted Infrastructure Host by a LoRa sensor node. To gather a large sample size of Fig. 4. Experimental setup for data collection of E2E latency for the latency measurements, the process is repeated every 500 ms, concatenated LPWAN network architecture. with data flowing at a rate of 28 × 8/500 ms = 0.448 kps. Another TTGO ESP32 development board is used as a LoRa hypervisor installed bare-metal onto an HP Proliant DL380 gateway that scans for a payload of 28 bytes and validates its G5 rack-mount server. Key software running on this VM integrity against a 2 bytes label. Once validated, the payload are MongoDB (v4.2.3), Internet Information Services (v10.0), is sent serially to the MKR 1500 which assembles an MQTT Eclipse Mosquitto (v1.6.11), and MQTT2HTTP (v0.1). The UDP packet. The MKR transmits the packet via LTE-M UE is a Samsung Galaxy S7 G930W8 running the latest through Bell Canada’s network to its final destination at the supported build of Android 8.0 Oreo with TouchWiz GUI. core infrastructure host that runs the Eclipse Mosquitto broker. Continuing to TDL, a GET method is written for the core Subscribed to this channel/topic is a custom lightweight ser- service API which responds with a 28 bytes JSON payload. vice agent MQTT2HTTP forwarding to the core service API. This method is invoked via barebones flutter application Measurement of TUL concludes when the payload is received running on the client timing request until core service re- at the core service, its timestamp difference calculated, and a sponse. Finally, the measurement of TREND is obtained as persistent entry written to MongoDB database. time taken to render a data-driven GUI component on the Meanwhile, the core infrastructure host is a Windows mobile application. We designed the mobile app to display Server virtual machine (VM). This VM runs on as ESXi 5.5 the availability of parking spaces (see Fig. 1) in a specific lot of Sheridan’s Davis campus that features 183 spots. The application redraws equiangular polygons in Flutter Maps onto TABLE I SPECIFICATIONS OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND NETWORK a MapBox PolygonLayer on the client UE’s GUI to illustrate COMPONENTSUSEDFOREMPIRICALMEASUREMENTS the parking availability and information. hardware equipment CPU/MPU storage radio access Overall, the latency measurements were collected during TTGO LoRa32 ESP32 520 kB 915 MHz, 150 Mbps (LoRa/LoRaWAN) DOWDQ6 SRAM 20 dBm (Tx), −148 dBm (Rx) business hours, i.e., 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays, over a period MKR NB 1500 SAMD21 256 kB Bands 4, 5, 12, 375 kbps (UL) (LTE Cat M1) Cortex SRAM 23 dBm (Tx), −105 dBm (Rx) of two weeks. For benchmarking purposes, the experiment HPE ProLiant DL380 G5 Intel Xeon 40 GB disk Broadcom NC373i was repeated twice more with similar parameters for stan- (core infrastructure) E5440 4 GB RAM Gigabit server adapter Samsung Galaxy S7 Exynos 8890 32 GB flash GSM/HSPA/LTE dalone LoRa connected through WLAN to the internet service (mobile client) Octa SoC 4 GB RAM IEEE 802.11n, 2.4/5 GHz provider, and LTE-M through Bell’s . Ultrasonic Sensor TTGO LoRa32 MB1232 TABLE II Openings Board Ultrasonic Sensor STATISTICS AND DENSITY ESTIMATION OF EMPIRICAL E2E LATENCIES

LPWAN meanSD MAD KDE BW SD of KDE 0 schemes µˆT (s) σˆT (s) σˆT (s) h σeT (s) 30mm LoRa/LoRaWAN 2.57891 .2051 0.43210 .07251 .2072 Height 3GPP LTE Cat M1 2.90000 .5571 0.42210 .07090 .5616 LoRa + LTE-M 3.18360 .5079 0.38310 .06430 .5119 3.7V 1200 mAh TTGO 915 MHz LiPo Battery Antenna 170 mm Diameter From the results, we observe that the concatenated LPWAN Fig. 5. Smart parking LPWAN sensor with four MaxBotix ultrasonic narrow architecture has an excess latency ∆ˆµ that is on average beam sensor module with up to 40 Hz read rate, and a TTGO LoRa32 T microcontroller with a 2 dBi omnidirectional antenna operating at 915 MHz. 284 ms more than the standalone cellular IoT with LTE-M communications. In fact, the excess delay was expected as a IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS consequence of interfacing unlicensed LPWAN with cellular In order to yield reliable statistics, in excess of 30, 000 IoT, as this introduces more data transmission hops on the E2E latency measurements are experimentally collected for the path to the core service. Although the comparison of the standalone and concatenated LPWAN architecture schemes. concatenated scheme to cellular IoT is more relevant, it is Using the dataset that is openly available in [9], and examining still worthwhile to notice that the excess latency with LoRa the order of magnitude of the time measures in (1), we notice over WLAN is nearly double the average value with LTE-M. that T T T T . The probability density func- UL ' DL ≈ REND Q Moreover, it is interesting to remark that the spread of tion (PDF) of the aggregated E2E latency T for unlicensed E2E LPWAN schemes with cellular IoT is approximately half that IoT (LoRa), cellular IoT (LTE-M), and concatenated LPWAN of unlicensed IoT with LoRa technology. This essentially (LoRA interfaced with LTE-M) are respectively plotted in means that E2E latencies with cellular IoT, irrespective of Fig. 6. The fˆ(T ) histogram plots are obtained with a E2E being standalone or concatenated, have lower entropy. In other statistically significant sample size of n = 10, 000 data points S words, these LPWAN networks that are dependent on mobile for each LPWAN scheme, and n = 150 bins is considered B operators have T values that are more predictable. for distribution accuracy (see blue histogram bars in Fig. 6). E2E The shape of the E2E latency PDFs in Fig. 6 are also In addition, the empirical distributions of TE2E are approxi- mated analytically using the kernel density estimation (KDE), unique from one LPWAN network to the other. In essence, this gives us a signature for the latency profile of each LPWAN nS   1 X TE2E − Ti fˆ (T ) = K h > 0 (2) architecture. In particular, unlicensed IoT exhibits a long-tailed kde E2E n h g h S i=1 distribution that is positively skewed with a left-leaning curve. √ On the other hand, cellular IoT and concatenated LPWAN have −t2/2 where a Gaussian kernel function Kg (t) = e / 2π is E2E latency distributions that are more symmetrical, where the used (see red curves in Fig. 6). The bandwidth (BW) of KDE former is more dispersed than the latter. is determined using Silverman’s rule, i.e., h ' σˆ0 p5 4/3n , T s To assess the feasibility of an LPWAN architecture to meet a where σˆ0 = med ({|T − med ({T })|}) /0.6745 is the me- T i i certain target QoE, it is insightful to also look at the cumulative dian absolute deviation (MAD), with med (T ) representing distribution function (CDF) of the particular KPI under study. the median of the finite set T = {T }, i = 1, 2, . . . , n for i S As plotted in Fig. 7 for the three LPWAN schemes, the CDF E2E latency measurements. MAD is a variation metric that TE2E is determined by Fˆ (T )= fˆ(τ) dτ. The E2E latency provides a more robust estimation for the standard deviation E2E −∞ probability P (·) that LPWAN´ sensors data is received at the (SD) through greater resiliency to outliers and extreme values T application layer of an edge user from the cloud can be used to within the dataset. As evident in Fig. 6, the KDE closely assess the QoE performance. This can be determined from the match the experimental plots for the three LPWAN architecture CDF, i.e., P (τ ) = Pr (T ≤ τ ) = Fˆ(τ ), where schemes, where σ is the SD for the smooth KDE curves. T target target target eT T∼fˆ(T ) is the random variable for latency and τ is The KDE can be used to analytically characterize the E2E target the stipulated E2E target delay. randomness of the underlying E2E experimental latencies, which is paramount in predicting and measuring end-users’ Meanwhile, we notice that the CDF plots of KDE (see QoE. A larger sample size of latency measurements from square marked plots in Fig. 7) almost perfectly overlap the PoC experiments will certainly yield a more robust analytical curves from experimental measurements. From the plots, we predictor that can be used to randomly generate reliable E2E also identify intersection points that help us in distinguishing latencies for performance evaluation of networks. the different regimes of the probability distributions of E2E The statistics and estimation parameters from the density latency for the LPWAN architectures. These values are: P1: ˆ ˆ plots are shown in Table II, where the sample mean and SD F (TE2E = 3.391) = 0.8961; P2 :F (TE2E =3.571)=0.9063; ˆ (see vertical lines in Fig. 6) are accordingly evaluated by and P3 : F (TE2E =3.998) = 0.9855. This means that if v τtarget 3.4 s, unlicensed LPWAN outperforms cellular IoT. ns u ns 3 1 X u 1 X 2 For example,> if a s E2E latency is accepted, LoRa surpasses µˆ = T ; σˆ = |T − µˆ | . (3) T i T t i T with nearly PT (τtarget ' 3) ' 88% likelihood of meeting ns ns − 1 i=1 i=1 the latency target, while standalone LTE-M and concatenated 1.0 1.0 1.0 positively-skewed 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 quasi-symmetric 0.6 symmetric 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 long-tailed 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50

(a) Unlicensed IoT: standalone LoRa (b) Cellular IoT: standalone LTE-M (c) Concatenated IoT: LoRa interfaced with LTE-M

Fig. 6. Probability density function of E2E latency based on ns = 10, 000 experimental data points for each LPWAN network architecture scheme.

1.0 IoT by roughly 1.5 s at the typical QoE threshold of 95% for users’ satisfaction. Overall, this experimental study suggests that a concatenated LPWAN is technically feasible and offers 0.8 an affordable alternative for real-world smart city deployment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 95% QoE threshold 0.6 This research work is supported, in part, by Sheridan’s Research and Creative Activities Growth Grant, and by Bell Canada’s IoT Solutions for eMTC (3GPP LTE Cat M1) 0.4 1.00 network access and services. The authors are also grateful to 0.95 ENCQOR-5G program for testbed access. They also would 0.90

0.85 like to acknowledge Keysight Technologies for research dis- 0.2 0.80 cussions regarding implementation and measurements.

0.75 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 REFERENCES

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