HOW TO AVOID ANOTHER PLASTER ON A WOODEN LEG PUBLIC INQUIRY TESTMONY Exhibition Hall Kingsley Village Penhale Fraddon MARCH-APRIL-MAY 2010 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Appeal by SITA CORNWALL LTD against the decision of the former Cornwall County Council (now Cornwall Council) to refuse Planning Permission for the erection of an Energy-from-Waste plant and ancillary development, including a bottom ash facility, bulking up facility, chimney stack, administrative and visitor facilities, gatehouse and weighbridge, vehicle efuelling area, cooling units, parking and circulation areas, security fencing, drainage and landscape woks, pipework for heat transfer to existing china clay dryers, and other ancillary works, togetther with site access road, private haul road and bridged river crossing, junctions with the existing public highway and diversion of footpath at Rostowrack Farm and land at Wheal Remfry, and Goosevean and Parkadillick dryers, Saint Dennis, Saint Austell Cornwall (Cf. Procedural Note : 14 JANUARY 2010 APPEAL REF : APP/D0840/A/09/2113075) RESEARCHER : PAUL MATTHEWS courriel :
[email protected] CERC - PREAMBLE TO A HEAVY METAL AND DIOXIN READERS DIGEST “It is a popular misconception that the weight and volume of the raw waste are reduced during incineration. It is often quoted that the volume of waste is reduced by about 90% during incineration. Even if only the residual ashes are considered, however, the actual figure is closer to 45%. The weight of waste is supposedly reduced to about one third during incineration. However this once again refers only to ashes and ignores other incineration emissions in the form of gases, which result in an increased output in weight.