DAY ONE |16 NOVEMBER 2016 (WEDNESDAY) 8:30 am - 9:15 am Arrival and Registration of Participants

9:15 am - 10:45 am WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS ROUNDTABLE The Women Entrepreneurs Roundtable aims to provoke sharing of ideas, experiences and best practices among women entrepreneurs and to build networking opportunities among women entrepreneurs in China and the Southeast Asia region. It will discuss and explore what women entrepreneurs can do together. What do women entrepreneurs excel in? What are new areas for growth for women entrepreneurs? How can women entrepreneurs build global and regional networks? How to engage new and younger women entrepreneurs?

Chairperson: • Dato’ Dr. Jannie Chan Executive Vice Chairman, the Hour Glass Limited, Singapore / President, Singapore Retail Association

Panelists: • Ms. Deborah Biber Chief Executive, Pacific Basin Economic Council, Hong Kong • Dato’ Dr. Jessie Tang • Founder & CEO, East West One Group of Companies, Malaysia • Dr. Mabel Miao • Executive Secretary General, Center for China & Globalization, China • Ms. Ng Yeen Seen • Chief Operating Officer, ASLI / Senior Director, Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS), Malaysia • Ms. Penny Low • President & Founder, Social Innovation Park Ltd, Singapore

YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS ROUNDTABLE The Young Entrepreneurs Roundtable will bring together young entrepreneurs to build business networks and share knowledge and experiences.

What are key success factors for young entrepreneurs? What are new business and investment opportunities for young entrepreneurs in the new economic landscape and with the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Chairperson: • Dato’ Sri David Yeat • Founder, Chairman & CEO, GD Development Sdn Bhd, Malaysia / Co-Chairman, WCES

Panelists: • Mr. Low Tuck Seng • Special Adviser and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss-Asia Chamber of Commerce, Zurich • Mr. William Lye • Barrister at Law / Chair, Asia Practice, Commercial Bar Association of Victoria / former Chairman, • • Chinese Professional and Business Association Victoria, Australia • Mr. Hao Liu • Executive Director, Starryland Australia Pty Ltd, Australia • Mr. Frank Chui • President, International Oversea Returnees Promotion Association of Liaoning / CEO, DaLian Optimize • • Green Tech Co., Ltd, Liaoning, China • Mr. Jason L. Ma • Founder, CEO & Chief Mentor, ThreeEQ Inc., USA • Dato’ Chevy Beh • Founder and CEO, BookDoc, Malaysia

10:45 am - 11:15 am Morning Refreshments / Business Networking

11:15 am - 12:45 pm ASIAN FAMILY BUSINESS AND CORPORATE PHILANTHROPY Family businesses have been the mainstay of the private sector in the ASEAN countries. The growing entrepreneurial class in China is also largely based on family-owned businesses. What are the strategies for growth for family-owned businesses? How can family businesses expand and extend their networks? With the growth of family businesses, corporate philanthropy has now become a major trend in China and Southeast Asia? What are the future trends and opportunities for corporate philanthropy?

Panelists: • Tan Sri Tan Koon Swan Chairman, Tungling Group, Malaysia • Dr. Lee Oi Kum Chairman, BarterXchange (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore • Dr Giovanni Butera Chairman and CEO, The GAIA Project / Managing Director, Nixora Group • Ms. Karen Tang Executive Director, The Better Hong Kong Foundation, Hong Kong • Mr. Jason L. Ma Founder, CEO & Chief Mentor, ThreeEQ Inc., USA • Ms. Cheri Ong • Chair & Founder, Asian Australian Foundation, Australia • Mr. Ch’ng Huck Theng • President, CHT Network, Malaysia • Ms. Lydia Kulik Managing Director, Business Council for Cooperation with Malaysia (Moscow, Russia) / former Vice President, SUN Group India 12:45 pm - 1:00 pm ENHANCING MALAYSIA – CHINA TRADE AND INVESTMENTS

Keynote Speaker: • YB Dato' Seri Ong Ka Chuan • Second Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lunch and “Business and Investment Opportunities in Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and Malacca State: Partnership for Shared Prosperity between China and IMT-GT” The growing partnership between Guangdong Province and Malacca State and Guangzhou and the city of Malacca provides new opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses. What is the future of the bilateral partnership between Malacca and Guangzhou? What are the specific business and investment opportunities available?

Moderator: • Datuk Lim Sue Beng • Managing Director, Strait of Malacca Partners Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

2:30 pm - 4.00 pm URBANISATION, PROPERTY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT – BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Urbanisation in China has stimulated large scale housing and property development. There is lately some concern whether there could be a property bubble in China. China will also be a major player in the infrastructure development of Southeast Asia building closer connectivity between China and Southeast Asia and among the ASEAN countries. What are the key trends in urbanisation for China and Southeast Asia? How to build sustainable communities and smart cities? How can Malaysia and ASEAN countries be a trading and distribution hub for building materials from China used for construction and property projects? What are the prospects and opportunities for housing, property and infrastructure development? Will Public-Private partnerships work?

Panelists: • Dr. Wilfred Wong • Chairman, Hsin Chong Construction Group & Pacific Basin Economic Council, Hong Kong • Mr. Ng Kok Siong • CEO, Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment & Development Co. Ltd, China • Mr. Edmond Yeo JP • Former London Councillor / Chair, Chinese Information and Advice Centre, United Kingdom • Mr. Cenk Aydin • CEO & Founder, Lara Holdings and Investments, Turkey • Mr. Wang Yin • Executive Secretary General, China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations, China

Moderator: • Dato’ Sri David Yeat • Founder, Chairman & CEO, GD Development Sdn Bhd, Malaysia / Co-Chairman, WCES

4.00 pm - 5.45 pm EDUCATION & TRAINING – DRIVING INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Education is the key to driving innovation and entrepreneurship which are essential for sustainable robust growth. How can we foster innovation and creativity? How can entrepreneurship be developed? What are the key success factors for innovation and entrepreneurship? What are the prospects for educational collaboration between China and the ASEAN countries?

Panelists: • Dato’ Sri Dr. Vijay Eswaran • Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Qi Group of Companies, Malaysia • Dato’ Seri Ooi Chean See • Conductor (Music) / Former Tourism Ambassador Malaysia to Germany • Dato’ Peter Ng • Founder and Chairman, UCSI Group, Malaysia • Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Augustine S H Ong • Senior Fellow, Academy of Sciences Malaysia • Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin Chairman, Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilisations (CDCC), Indonesia

Moderator: • Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam Director of ASLI / Pro Chancellor, Sunway University, Malaysia

5.45 pm End of Day One / Afternoon Refreshments

8.00 pm - 10.30 pm Welcome Dinner hosted by Malacca State Government at Malacca

Introductory Speech by Tan Sri Michael Yeoh, CEO, ASLI / Chairman, WCES Welcoming Speech by **YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Hj. Idris bin Hj. Haron, Hon Chief Minister of Malacca (Host State Government) Keynote Address Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Awardsby **H. E. TYT Tun Datuk Seri Utama Mohd Khalil bin Yaakob, Governor of Sate of Malacca and **H. E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former President of Indonesia Presentation of Mementoesby Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah, Chairman of ASLI and Sunway Group, Malaysia Dinner hosted by Malacca State Government DAY TWO | 17 NOVEMBER 2016 (THURSDAY)

8.30 am - 9.30 am Arrival and Registration of Participants

9.30 am - 10.45 am OPENING CEREMONY

Welcoming Speech by Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah, Chairman of ASLI and Sunway Group, Malaysia Speech by **YB Dato’ Sri , Minister of Transport of Malaysia / Honorary Adviser of WCES Speech by **YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Hj. Idris bin Hj. Haron, Hon Chief Minister of Malacca (Host State Government), Malaysia Opening Address by **YAB Dato' Seri Dr. , Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Vote of Thanks Presentation of Mementoes by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, Founder & Patron WCES Group Photograph

10.45 am - 11.15 am Morning Refreshments / Business Networking

11.15 am - 12.30 pm EMINENT SPEAKERS SESSION

11.15 am Introductory Speech by YB Datuk Seri , Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Malaysia 11.25 am Address by H. E. Professor Dr. Surakiart Sathirathai, Chairman, Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council (APRC) / former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thailand 11.45 am Address by **H. E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former President of Indonesia 12.05 pm Address by H. E. Ma Ying-jeou, former President of Taiwan

12.30 pm - 1.00 pm Special Session on The Asia Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB)

Keynote Speaker: • **Dr. Joachim von Amsberg • Vice President - Policy and Strategy, The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Moderator: • Mr. Steve Howard • Secretary General, The Global Foundation, Australia

1.00 pm - 1.45 pm Lunch


Keynote Speaker: • H. E. Dominique de Villepin • Former Prime Minister of France / Chairman, Villepin International, Paris • H. E. Shaukat Aziz • Former Prime Minister of Pakistan / Board Member, Boao Forum for Asia • H.E. Dr. Atchaka Sibunruang • Minister of Industry, Thailand • Dr. Wang Huiyao • Counsellor to State Council of China

2.45 pm - 4.15 pm THE NEW NORMAL IN CHINA: CHINA’S CHANGING ECONOMIC LANDSCAPE China has become an economic super-power as the second bigger economy in the world. China has recently faced some key economic challenges. The falling Yuan and the drop in the stock market and cooling of the property market have raised some issues on the prospects of the Chinese Economy. Will China’s economic reforms remains on track? Will China have a soft landing and what is the new normal in the Chinese economy? Will there be a melt-down in the Chinese economy? How will China reset its economic trajectory? Can China manage successfully its transition to a new normal? What is the impact on the Southeast Asia region?

Panelists: • The Hon Prof K C CHAN • Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Hong Kong • Mr. Steve Howard Secretary General, The Global Foundation, Australia • Dr. Keyu Jin Professor of Economics, London School of Economics, UK • Dr. Xiang Bing Founding Dean, Professor of China Business and Globalization, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, China • Professor John Wong Professorial Fellow and Academic Advisor, East Asian Institute (EAI), National University of Singapore • Mr. Naoki Tanaka President, Center for International Public Policy Studies, Japan • Dr. Renwei Vice President, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) / Secretary General, World Forum of China Studies, China

Moderator: • Tan Sri Michael Yeoh CEO, ASLI / Chairman, WCES

Co-Moderator: • Mr. Alexander Wan Senior Advisor, China Daily Asia Pacific 4.15 pm - 5.30 pm BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE: HARNESSING OPPORTUNITIES, CONNECTING BUSINESS AND THE GLOBAL DIASPORA China’s Belt and Road initiative connects our 60 countries and more than half of the world’s GDP. China’s Belt and Road initiative has generated a lot of interest in the region and excitement among entrepreneurs and the business community who see more new business and investment opportunities arising from the Belt and Road. It will also mobilize the Global Chinese Diaspora which China’s Vice President Li Yuanchao entrusted to be responsible for 60% of China’s foreign direct investors to invest more in the region. Where are the new business and investment opportunities? What are risks to manage and challenges to overcome? How to further strengthen China-ASEAN Cooperation?

Panelists: • Dr. Yan Lijin • Chairman, Law and Globalization Research Center, China / Co-Chairman, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Council • Tan Sri Lim Hock San • Managing Director, LBS Group, Malaysia / Chairman, Malaysia-Guangdong Chamber of Investment. Promotion • Mr. Tan Yew Sing • President, Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce / Founder & Chairman, INTI International University & Colleges, • • Malaysia • Mr. Raymond Yip • Deputy Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council • Mr. Bundit Limschoon • Secretary General, Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), Kuwait • Dr. Guo Wanda • Executive Vice President, China Development Institute (CDI), China • Prof. Denis Galligan • Director, One Belt On Road (OBOR) Institute and Chair Professor for Socio-legal Studies, University of Oxford, United • • Kingdom

Moderator: • Prof Dr. Kriengsak Chareonwongsak • President, Institute of Future Studies for Development / former Member of Parliament, Thailand

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm COMMEMORATING 25 YEARS OF DIALOGUE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CHINA AND ASEAN – BUILDING PEACE, HARMONY AND SHARED PROSPERITY China has had 25 years of close and harmonious relations with ASEAN as a Dialogue partner. China has become ASEAN’s biggest trade partner since the China-ASEAN FTA came into force in 2002. The declaration by Premier Li Keqiang at the China ASEAN Summit in 2014 in Myanmar to upgrade CAFTS and the bilateral relationships to a stronger partnership will further strengthen bilateral ties between China and ASEAN. At the same time in many of the ASEAN countries the local Chinese business communities have contributed to the economic prospects of these countries and are dynamic players in the domestic economy of the ASEAN countries. The 25th Anniversary of China-ASEAN relation is therefore a significant milestone.

Panelists: • HRH Prince Norodom Sirivudh • Founder & Chairman, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace / Supreme Privy Counselor to His Majesty the • King, Cambodia • Ambassador Delia Albert • Former Foreign Secretary of the Philippines / Senior Adviser, SGV & Co, Philippines • Dr. Xiang Bing • Founding Dean, Professor of China Business and Globalization, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, China • H. E. Dr. Marty Natalegawa • Former Foreign Minister of Indonesia • Prof. Han Feng • Research Fellow (Professor), National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (NIIS, • • CASS), China • Dr. Ying Yu • Research Fellow, Wolfson College and Director, One Belt One Road (OBOR) Institute, University of Oxford, United • Kingdom

6.30 pm End of Day Two / Afternoon Refreshments

8.00 pm - 10.00 pm Patron’s Gala Dinner

Welcoming Speech by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, Founder & Patron WCES Address by **YABhg. Tun , former Prime Minister of Malaysia Presentation of Patron’s Benevolence Award by • **H. E. Ma Ying-jeou, Former President of Taiwan • **Sir Liu Changle, Chairman, Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Limited, Hong Kong • Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, Founder & Patron WCES Address by H. E. Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia

Gala Dinner

NOTES: • (**) - subject to confirmation • The Organiser reserves the right to alter the content and timing of the programme in the best interest of the forum and is not responsible for cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances. • The Organiser accepts no responsibility for statements made orally or in written material distributed by any speaker at the forum. In addition, the Organiser is not responsible for any copying, republication or redistributions of such statements. • Copyright © 2016. ® All rights reserved. • Programme as of 29 September 2016. THE WORLD CHINESE ECONOMIC SUMMIT The World Chinese Economic Summit (WCES) is a premier international event which started off as the World Chinese Economic Forum (WCEF) 8 years ago. It is a flagship event created by The Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI) to enhance connectivity and business linkages between China and Southeast Asia and China and Europe in line with the Chinese leadership’s Belt and Road initiatives. The WCES also promotes global and regional dialogue on the emergence and role of China as the world’s second largest economy. It also brings together the global Chinese Diaspora and promotes entrepreneurship and innovation through business networking and sharing of knowledge and best practices.

Over the past 7 years, the WCES had been held in Malaysia, China, Australia and United Kingdom. WCES is an internationally recognized high-Ievel platform for business, trade facilitation and investment to build new partnerships.

During the 6th WCES held in Chongqing, China, the Vice President of China, H.E. Li Yuanchao delivered the Keynote Address and highlighted the crucial role of the Chinese Diaspora as a bridge connecting countries. He noted that 60% of investments into China comes from the global Chinese Diaspora and hoped that overseas Chinese entrepreneurs would realize and seize the opportunity to invest and trade with China and other countries and contribute to world economic recovery.

For over 2000 years, the Silk Road had connected China to Southeast Asia and China with the West. China’s new Belt and Road initiatives will reignite these historic links. The World Chinese Economic Summit is well placed to be a premier event to discuss the actualization and the business potential of the Belt and Road initiative.

HONORARY PATRON Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew Founder & Group Adviser/Deputy Chairman, Country Heights Group

CHAIRMAN Tan Sri Dr. Michael Yeoh CEO, Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI)

CO-CHAIRMAN Dr Jonathan Choi Chairman, Sunwah Group Hong Kong & Permanent Honorary Ribbon cutting ceremony to signify commencement of the 7th WCES in President, Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of London with former President of Indonesia, HE Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Commerce and Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Dato’ Sri David Yeat Founder, Chairman & CEO, GD Development Sdn Bhd

CHAIRMAN, GLOBAL BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng Chairman, MUI Group & Laura Ashley

BUSINESS MATCHMAKING Alongside with the forum, a Business Matchmaking Lounge will cater for participants to meet face-to-face with business and academic contacts from different countries with the purpose of generating relationships and businesses; At the World Chinese Economic Summit Reception in Kensington Palace London. promoting commercial, economic exchanges and Sir Liu Changle, Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Sir John Boyd, collaborative alliances. Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah, HRH Sultan Nazrin Shah, HRH Duke of York Prince Andrew, Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew and Tan Sri Dr. Michael Yeoh.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Entrepreneurs and Investors; Bankers & Financiers; Company Directors and Corporate Managers; Investment Managers & Private Equity Managers; Business & Investment Finance Consultants; Property Developers; Finance Directors & CFO’s Economists; Architects, Engineers, Designers; Government Investment Promotion Agencies; Academic Scholars & Researchers Co-Organisers:

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Airline Partner:

Media Partners: THE 8TH WORLD CHINESE ECONOMIC SUMMIT 2016 16 - 17 November 2016 • Hotel Equatorial, Malacca, Malaysia

For registration, please contact: Prabhu Menon Edora Rhazali Direct Line: +(603) 2093 5194 Direct Line: +(603) 2093 2996 SUBSTITUTION/CANCELLATION General Line: +(603) 2093 5393 ext 205 General Line: +(603) 2093 5393 ext 208 Substitution is allowed for a registered delegate. Please note that all payments must be made prior Mobile: +(6016) 387 9832 Mobile: +(6013) 281 6718 to the event proper. For cancellation, a refund minus 10% service charge will be sent to the said [email protected] [email protected] delegates if cancellation is received in WRITING by 11 NOVEMBER 2016. No refund will be made for cancellation received after 11 NOVEMBER 2016. Mohd. Radhi Nurul Rashidah Rashid Direct Line: +(603) 2093 7393 General Line : +(603) 2093 5393 ext 210 REGISTRATION General Line : +(603) 2093 5393 ext 223 Mobile: +(6018) 225 4281 Send/fax this entire form (or a photocopy) to: Mobile: +(6013) 757 2395 [email protected] [email protected] ASIAN STRATEGY & LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (ASLI) No. 1718, Jalan Ledang, Off Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +(603) 2093 5393 Fax: +(603) 2093 3078 Toll-free: 1 800 88 3096 |