2012 Play Needs Analysis

The 2012 Play Needs Analysis seeks to present a picture of the needs of the children in the District aged 5-11yrs that have the biggest impact on their lives in being able to have full and quality play experiences. The information will inform the consultation process and review of the Bradford Play Strategy ‘All To Play For’, which is needed to help identify and remove the barriers that prevent children’s opportunities to play and to improve the quality of play opportunities in the district.

The 2010 Bradford District Children’s Needs Analysis collated an extensive range of information to provide a quantitative description of how the children and young people of the Bradford District experience their lives. The analysis identified a number of key issues for the districts children. These issues give a broad overview and an underpinning understanding of what impacts the lives of children in the district the most.

Key issues High obesity rates linked with fewer school aged children taking exercise than nationally High levels of dental disease in children Concerning proportions of school aged children who have tried smoking or are regular smokers Concerning proportions of school aged children who drink alcohol or take drugs, in particular cannabis Increasing numbers of children who have been at significant risk of harm and are now subject to a Child Protection Plan Higher rates of admissions to hospital for unintentional serious injuries than the national average Higher rates of children worrying about bullying and being bullied at school Educational attainment is behind the national average at Foundation Stage and all Key Stages Pupils in certain cohorts; those who: do not have English as their first language; have an identified Special Educational Need; are in receipt of Free School Meals; are from Asian ethnic groups have lower attainment rates than their peers nationally Unauthorised absences at primary and secondary schools are twice the national average

Bradford District overview

2011 Census Bradford District key findings The Bradford District 2011 Census population estimate is 522,500. This is a population increase of 51,700 since 2001, an increase of 11.0%. Bradford District remains the fourth largest metropolitan district in after Birmingham, and Sheffield. Bradford has a youthful population structure. A large proportion of the total population is made up of people in the youngest age groups. On Census day 2011 there were 115,000 0 -14 year olds making up 22% of the total population of the District, compared to 17.6% for England and Wales. In comparison to all other metropolitan districts in England, Bradford has the highest proportion of 0 -14 year olds. Bradford District has the third highest number of 0 -14 year olds in England, behind Birmingham and Leeds.

The number of school aged children (Year 1 – 6 cohort, July 2012) living in the Bradford District is 41,571. The largest numbers of children live in Bradford East with 26% and Bradford West with 25% accounting for over half of the population in this age range. Significantly different is the Shipley constituency which has the lowest numbers of children living in the district with 14% of the population.

The table below shows the numbers of children living in each ward, highlighted in red are the wards with the largest percentages of the population across the district, and in bold are the highest percentages in each constituency. The figures identify that the most densely populated areas in Bradford are those located in close proximity to inner areas.

Ward Population (school cohort Year 1 to 6 July 2012) Constituency Ward 5 to 10 % of 5 to 10 Bradford East Bradford East 10972 26% Bradford South Bradford South 7929 19% Bradford West Bradford West 10506 25% Keighley 6467 16% Shipley Shipley 5697 14% District District 41571

Bolton and Bradford East Undercliffe 1476 4% Bowling and Bradford East 2202 5% Bradford East 2413 6% Bradford East Eccleshill 1483 4% Bradford East Idle and 842 2% Bradford East 2556 6% Bradford South 1897 5% Bradford South Queensbury 1062 3% Bradford South Royds 1348 3% Bradford South 1522 4% Bradford South 1176 3% Bradford South 924 2% Bradford West City 1710 4% Clayton and Bradford West Fairweather Green 1409 3% Bradford West Heaton 1674 4% Bradford West Manningham 2157 5% Thornton and Bradford West Allerton 1351 3% Bradford West 2205 5% Keighley 759 2% Keighley 912 2% Keighley 1600 4% Keighley 1150 3% Keighley 1201 3% Keighley 845 2% Shipley 767 2% Shipley 1074 3% Shipley 1060 3% Shipley Shipley 921 2% Shipley 757 2% Windhill and Shipley 1118 3% Population based on school aged cohort from Chris Hoyle July 2012


The 2012 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) identified Bradford as being amongst the most deprived districts in the country; it ranks 26th out of 354 local authorities in England according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (IMD 2010) and has the widest gap between the most deprived and the least deprived areas within the district. This placed the district within the most deprived 10% of local authorities in the country and is the most deprived district in West . Bradford had a ranking of 32 in 2007; therefore Bradford's position relative to other districts has worsened.

In June 2011 Bradford launched its Child Poverty Strategy with the outcome to create conditions in the district where all children, young people and families can maximise their full potential by minimising the adverse effects of child poverty. It recognises the vast negative impact that poverty has on so many aspects of children’s lives in terms of life chances and outcomes with higher levels of health, social, economic (and some educational) inequalities than national averages.

The tables below show the numbers of children in the Bradford District living in deprivation. The figures show that there is a correlation between areas of high population and high deprivation, indicating that as the number of children increases the level of deprivation also increases. This is true of Bradford East and West, which have a high percentage of a high population, the largest number of children living in the highest deprivation. Manningham in Bradford West is the area of highest deprivation with 78.9% of the number of children living in the 0-5% IMD and 100% of the children in the 0-30% IMD. Manningham has the 5th largest number of children in the district.

The 2012 JSNA identified that the annual birth rate is increasing meaning that Bradford has a growing child population.

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2010 with school data Year 1 to 6 (Aug 2012)




0 0



Constituency %in children 0 living Bradford East 10972 33.9% 81.1% Bradford South 7929 19.7% 62.9% Bradford West 10506 27.1% 80.2% Keighley 6467 6.6% 45.9% Shipley 5697 1.3% 26.2% District 41571 20.8% 64.4%

Wards with highest % of children living in 0-5% IMD (highest level of deprivation) Bradford West Manningham 78.9% Bradford East Bradford Moor 58.6% Bradford South Tong 53.6%

Wards with 100% children living in 0-30% IMD Bradford and Barkerend 100.0% Bradford East Bradford Moor 100.0% Bradford East Little Horton 100.0% Bradford West Manningham 100.0%

Wards with highest % of children living in 0-5% IMD in each constituency Bradford East Bradford Moor 58.6% Bradford South Tong 53.6% Bradford West Manningham 78.9% Keighley Keighley Central 18.9% Shipley 6.4%

In addition, the 2012 Child Poverty Needs Assessment identified the following findings from household statistics.

More children live below the poverty line in working households than nationally (wages in Bradford are 16% below national average) Fewer live in lone-parent families. 54% compared to two thirds nationally (except in Tong) Living in a family headed by a couple is not lifting as many out of poverty as nationally (possibly due to under-employment or low wages)

Lone Parents



out out




ofwork ofwork

Child Benefit Child


%Lone parents


Familiesreceiving Loneparents

Constituency %lone parents out

Bradford East 19115 6415 33.6% 2865 3550 55.3% Bradford South 15825 6095 38.5% 3065 3030 49.7% Bradford West 18090 5065 28.0% 2315 2750 54.3% Keighley 12335 3210 26.0% 1835 1375 42.8% Shipley 13105 3215 24.5% 2070 1145 35.6%

District 71165 21805 30.6% 11115 10690 49.0%


Children from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds account for over half of the total population of school aged children in the Bradford District with 53.6%. Bradford West has the largest number of BME children with 83.9% of its population; Bradford East has the second highest percentage with 67.7% of its population from a BME background. The areas with the largest BME communities correlate with those areas that have the overall highest populations and levels of deprivation, which all contribute to the inequalities in outcomes for these particular groups of children.

Ethnicity (Year 1 – 6 Aug 2012) Constituency Total % BME Bradford East 10755 67.7% Bradford South 7766 38.2% Bradford West 10364 83.9% Keighley 6365 32.7% Shipley 5634 16.1% District 40884 53.6%

Constituency ABAN AIND AMPK AOPK AOTH Bradford East 628 270 1787 3071 331 Bradford South 24 189 777 846 110 Bradford West 391 349 2937 3451 287 Keighley 230 41 883 460 38 Shipley 24 66 96 224 68 District 1297 915 6480 8052 834

Constituency BAFR BCRB BOTH CHNE MOTH MWAS MWBA MWBC NOBT OOTH REFU Bradford East 89 56 32 17 107 203 12 97 194 104 23 Bradford South 108 44 34 26 116 180 34 146 155 93 8 Bradford West 92 15 16 6 76 168 15 43 118 176 24 Keighley 8 9 2 6 65 98 6 33 85 23 17 Shipley 14 11 5 22 55 87 14 73 42 19 21 District 311 135 89 77 419 736 81 392 594 415 93

Constituency WBRI WIRI WIRT WOTH WROM Bradford East 3469 13 17 363 89 Bradford South 4802 9 0 137 91 Bradford West 1669 8 0 403 262 Keighley 4285 9 1 150 18 Shipley 4726 15 8 95 12 District 18951 54 26 1148 472

KEY ABAN ABAN Bangladeshi AIND AIND Indian AMPK AMPK Mirpuri Pakistani AOPK AOPK Other Pakistani AOTH AOTA Other Asian BAFR BAFR Black African BCRB BCRB Black Caribbean

BOTH BOTH Any other Black background CHNE CHNE Chinese MOTH MOTH Other mixed background MWAS MWAS White/Any other Asian MWBA MWBA White/Black African MWBC MWBC White/Black Carribbean NOBT NOBT Not Obtained OOTH OOTH-Any Other Ethnic Group REFU REFU Refused WBRI WBRI White - British WIRI WIRI White - Irish WIRT WIRT White - Traveller heritage WOTH WOTH Any Other White Background WROM WROM White - Roma

Wards with highest % BME Bradford West Manningham 99.0% Bradford West Toller 98.8% Bradford West City 97.5% Bradford East Bradford Moor 94.0% Bradford West Heaton 91.3%

Wards with highest % BME in each constituency Bradford East Bradford Moor 94.0% Bradford South Great Horton 82.6% Bradford West Manningham 99.0% Keighley Keighley Central 83.2% Shipley Shipley 35.7%

Vulnerable groups

The tables below show the numbers of children in different vulnerable groups in the Bradford District.

There are 3084 individual children identified with a special educational need. Though, identifying true numbers of disabled children is somewhat problematic because of the use of varied definitions and recording across services. The largest numbers of children involved with a School Action Plus are in Bradford East, and the largest numbers of statemented children are in Bradford West. Compared with the overall child population for the district the figures show a proportional distribution, however, the figures indicate how disabled children are over represented in the most deprived areas in Bradford. Inclusion is a main issue for disabled children that mean they experience a limited range of play choices and are at a higher risk of social exclusion.

SEN children aged 5 - 11 at School Action Plus or statemented with additional needs

Primary need SEN stage





Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty





Profound and




Specific Learning Specific

Autistic SpectrumAutistic


SchoolAction Plus

Visual Impairment Visual


Multiple LearnDiff Moderate Learning

Constituency PhysicalDifficulties

Hearing Impairment Hearing

Behavioural, Emotionaland Social Difficulty Bradford East 38 118 33 233 1 39 46 24 191 38 23 20 654 150 804 Bradford South 37 116 16 183 0 31 25 20 151 24 17 5 498 127 625 Bradford West 34 107 36 214 1 49 50 27 155 56 21 34 620 164 784 Keighley 67 102 13 114 0 12 24 18 90 23 34 10 360 147 507 Shipley 35 72 12 105 3 9 17 5 70 13 19 4 291 73 364 District 211 515 110 849 5 140 162 94 657 154 114 73 2423 661 3084

Wards with highest number of School Action Plus children in each constituency Bradford Bradford East Moor 176 Bradford Tong 126 South Bradford West Manningham 156 Keighley Keighley Central 110 Shipley Bingley Rural 56

Wards with highest number of Statemented children in each constituency Bradford Bradford East Moor 39 Bradford South Great Horton 40 Bradford West Manningham 34 Keighley Keighley Central 51 Shipley Shipley 20

There are 148 Looked After Children in the Bradford District, the largest number of these children are placed in Bradford South. These figures show the areas where children are placed rather than where they have come from. Some children are placed outside of the district or not counted because of confidentiality and so are not included in the figures. There is a certain assumption that Looked After Children’s play opportunities are heavily adult organised and led and that they lack informal play experiences with their non-looked after peers.

LAC by Reach Area 5 -10 Years (Aug 2012) District, Constituency and Ward figures exclude confidential and out of District placements % 5 - 10 District Constituency LAC total Bradford East 14 9.5% Bradford South 47 31.8% Bradford West 20 13.5% Keighley 31 20.9% Shipley 36 24.3% District 148 100.0%

Wards with highest number of Looked After Children in each constituency Bradford East and Undercliffe 3 2.0% Bradford East 3 2.0% Bradford South Great Horton 11 7.4% Bradford South Royds 11 7.4% Bradford South Wyke 11 7.4% Bradford West Clayton and Fairweather Green 7 4.7% Bradford West Heaton 7 4.7% Keighley Keighley Central 9 6.1% Keighley Keighley West 9 6.1% Shipley Windhill and Wrose 9 6.1%

There are 125 children in the Bradford District subject to a Child Protection plan. The largest numbers of these children are in Bradford South, which is disproportionately high compared with the population in this area. Bradford East has the second largest number of children and compared with its population is disproportionately low.

Children subject to a CP plan, by children centre reach area (31/08/2012)


- Age 5 5 Age

Constituency % District total Bradford East 38 30% Bradford South 40 32% Bradford West 24 19% Keighley 22 18% Shipley 1 1% District 125 100%

Wards with highest number of children subject to a CP plan in each constituency Bradford East Bradford Moor 12 10% Bradford South Tong 15 12% Bradford West Heaton 10 8% Keighley Keighley Central 7 6% Keighley Keighley East 7 6% Shipley Windhill and Wrose 1 1%

The table below shows the numbers of children in other new community groups, including Traveller children, in the Bradford District. Bradford East has the highest number of Refugee and Traveller children, and Bradford West has the highest number of EU Migrant and Asylum Seeker children. There is correlation between these new communities and high population, high deprivation areas, which indicates the level of vulnerability and need these children experience.

New Communities and Travellers (Years 1 -6 July 2012)



EUMigrants Asylumseekers Constituency Bradford East 666 69 110 61 Bradford South 326 14 34 20 Bradford West 1101 82 82 6 Keighley 124 6 7 33 Shipley 39 4 8 33 District 2256 175 241 153


Bradford Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB) has a responsibility for reducing child injuries and deaths due to accidents on the road, in the home and in public spaces and has produced the Child Injury Prevention Strategy, 2011-2014. Safety is an important factor in children’s access to play, particularly impacting on their access to the outdoors to play and roam.

Between 2004 and 2011 120 children were killed or seriously injured and 464 child pedestrians were injured in road traffic accidents in the Bradford District.

Injury accidents involving children (5-10 years) in Bradford: Casualties distribution by Reach Areas Casualty Class 2004- 2011 Driver or Constituency Ward KSI Rider Passenger Pedestrian Bradford East Bradford East 31 25 92 149 Bradford South Bradford South 19 15 42 74 Bradford West Bradford West 25 19 135 149 Keighley Keighley 17 12 89 66 Shipley Shipley 28 4 36 26 District District 120 75 394 464


Obesity in children is an important issue to consider because the links with poverty and other issues are well known. Healthy nutritional diets are essential for children to grow and develop. But obesity can also be an indication of how the activity levels of children are changing and might signal the different ways children are spending their free time, and especially in accessing outdoor play experiences.

There are issues for children in more rural areas who are more likely to be dependant on being transported to and from activities, and differences in terms of the types of activities or play experiences they have access to. Whereas for children in more inner city areas, where levels of poverty are higher, their access to play activities might be restricted because of affordability or concerns about increased traffic and road safety. There is also an increase in sedentary activity options for children such as TV, internet and computer games.

What is significant is that obesity rates are not hugely different between wards in the Bradford District and are still high in the affluent areas. Although there are some wards with higher rates, there are lots of obese children in every ward.

National Child Measurement Programme Reception 08/09 - 10/11 Year 6 08/09 - 10/11 95% 95% Confidenc Confidenc e Limit e Limit

Lower Lower

Upper Upper

Obese Obese

Cohort Cohort %Obese Constituen %Obese cy Ward Bradford Bradford 22.3 East East 5228 520 9.9% 4385 979 % Bradford Bradford 19.7 South South 3765 374 9.9% 3246 639 % Bradford Bradford 10.3 101 23.3 West West 5027 517 % 4360 6 % 18.5 Keighley Keighley 3095 287 9.3% 2977 551 % 15.5 Shipley Shipley 2609 183 7.0% 2551 395 % District 1972 188 1751 358 20.4

total District 4 1 9.5% 9 0 %

Mental health and well-being

The 2010 Bradford District’s Needs Analysis described ‘mental health’ as a confusing term that is not always clearly defined, and the term ‘emotional well-being’ as being added to emphasise the inclusiveness of actions to improve mental health. It describes children and young people who are mentally healthy as having the ability to Develop psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually Initiate, develop and sustain mutually satisfying personal relationships Use and enjoy solitude Become aware of others and empathised with them Play and learn Develop a sense of right and wrong Face problems and setbacks and learn from them

The Office of National Statistics Survey of the Mental Health of Children and Young People in Great Britain in 2004 found that 7.7% of children aged 5-10 had a diagnosable mental disorder; in Bradford District, using 2009 child benefit claimant figures, this would equate to 3,377 children and young people aged between five and 10 years. Boys (10.2%) are more likely to have a mental disorder than girls (5.1%). As the population of 5 to 10 year olds increase the numbers of children experiencing diagnosable mental disorders will also increase.

In 2010 a new source of data became available and was utilised in the 2010 Bradford District’s Needs Analysis and the 2012 JSNA. The Health and Lifestyle Survey was carried out in Bradford District schools and added greater depth to the existing information about the wider concerns of children and young people in Bradford.

It identified that pupils in Year 4 were most likely to score in the highest bracket of self esteem scores if they were male, White, from Shipley or Keighley and/or in the least deprived quintiles. Compared with an England sample, Year 4 pupils in Bradford had similar self-esteem scores and over 70% of all pupils surveyed said that they worried about at least one issue at least quite a lot. The chart below shows what young people answered when asked what, if anything, they worried about “quite a lot” or “a lot”.

What young people worry about ‘quite a lot’ or ‘a lot’

[Boxes around the figures indicate significantly higher than the average for Bradford] SOURCE: Every Child Matters in Bradford District: A report of the Health and Lifestyle Survey for Children and Young People 2009-10

The list clearly demonstrates the important connection between emotional health and well-being and the range of other issues affecting children and young people’s lives. Many factors in the child, family and wider environment are known to increase the risk of poor mental health and emotional well-being in children and young people. However, other factors appear to protect and to explain why some young people who suffer adversity are more resilient and do not develop problems to the same extent.

Risk and resilience factors for mental health problems in children (DCSF, 2008) In the child In the family In the community Risk factors Specific learning Overt parental conflict Socio-economic difficulties Family breakdown disadvantage Communication Inconsistent or unclear Homelessness difficulties discipline Disaster Specific developmental Hostile or rejecting Discrimination delay relationships Other significant life Genetic influence Failure to adapt to a events Difficult temperament child’s changing needs Physical illness Physical, sexual or Academic failure emotional abuse Low self-esteem Parental psychiatric illness Parental criminality, alcoholism, substance misuse or personality disorder Death and loss – including loss of friendship Resilience factors Secure early At least one good Wider supportive relationships parent–child network Being female relationship Good housing and high Higher intelligence Affection standard of living Easy temperament Clear, firm and High morale school when an infant consistent discipline with positive policies Positive attitude, Support for education for behaviour, problem-solving Supportive long-term attitudes and anti- approach relationship/absence bullying Good communication of severe discord Schools with strong skills academic and non- Planner, belief in academic control opportunities Humour Range of positive Religious faith sport/leisure activities Capacity to reflect

Existing consultation findings

Demand for services is greater Accessibility in urban and rural areas affording different childhood experiences impacting on play opportunities More children need working with more intensely Affordability Disproportionate exclusion from play provision due to cultural and ethnic pressures Experiences of overt and implicit racism High risk of disadvantage and social exclusion Narrower range of play choices

Consultation with children and young people for the review of the District’s Play Strategy in 2007 revealed that: Outdoor play space, official and unofficial, is of key importance to most children, especially as they get older Sports are valued by many children in the 5-12 age groups, ethnicity has a bearing on sports preferences, and younger children are more interested in pretend play Children, especially younger ones, value play at home for its sense of safety, routine, relaxation and low level of challenge It is not always clear how far play at home is a positive choice and how far it is forced on children by lack of good outdoor environments What children enjoy about playing out is:  being with friends  fun, challenging things to do  freedom to get out and about  feeling good about themselves From about 8-plus, children often seek out progressively more challenging activities which may involve specialist facilities and going further afield Homeless children and refugee / asylum seeker children both tend to have more restricted play horizons and cite fewer adventurous activities, which may be linked to poverty, but little use is also made of free local facilities such as parks Disabled children’s play options are constrained by access limitations and concern about bullying, they are just as keen on sports as all other children, and days out to special destinations are also highly valued Children at risk of offending seem to want higher excitement levels than the group as a whole, e.g. arcades and fairgrounds


Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 with school data Year 1 to 6 (Aug 2012)



10% 15% 20% 30% 50%




- - - - -

0 0


5 5

10 10 15 20 30

30% IMD 30%

50 50

Minimum IMD Minimum Maximum IMD Maximum

Constituency Ward 0 in living % children Bradford East Bradford East 33.9% 30.5% 14.2% 1.6% 0.8% 13.0% 5.9% 100.0% 81.1% Bradford South Bradford South 19.7% 16.4% 4.7% 12.6% 9.5% 26.2% 10.9% 100.0% 62.9% Bradford West Bradford West 27.1% 20.9% 14.2% 5.5% 12.6% 14.9% 4.9% 100.0% 80.2% Keighley Keighley 6.6% 23.4% 4.5% 1.4% 10.0% 6.7% 47.4% 100.0% 45.9% Shipley Shipley 1.3% 1.9% 4.3% 10.0% 8.8% 12.4% 61.4% 100.0% 26.2% District District 20.8% 20.4% 9.5% 5.8% 8.0% 14.9% 20.6% 100.0% 64.4%

Bradford East 0.8% 9.8% 25.8% 0.0% 0.3% 62.5% 0.7% 100.0% 36.7% 0.2 18.9 Bradford East 26.4% 52.7% 17.1% 3.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.3 51.5 Bradford East Bradford Moor 58.6% 31.2% 10.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0 44.4 Bradford East Eccleshill 36.7% 10.4% 13.4% 6.5% 5.5% 21.2% 6.3% 100.0% 72.6% 0.9 51.3 Bradford East Idle and Thackley 6.7% 0.0% 6.8% 0.0% 0.0% 22.4% 64.1% 100.0% 13.4% 0.9 51.3 Bradford East Little Horton 43.6% 44.4% 11.7% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.6 31.4 Bradford South Great Horton 19.1% 18.2% 9.8% 23.2% 8.1% 16.3% 5.3% 100.0% 78.4% 2.3 94.7 Bradford South Queensbury 0.0% 3.7% 0.0% 1.2% 9.5% 24.7% 60.9% 100.0% 14.4% 0.2 27.9 Bradford South Royds 27.0% 14.5% 0.0% 8.0% 13.6% 36.6% 0.3% 100.0% 63.1% 7.6 52.5 Bradford South Tong 53.6% 20.5% 0.0% 12.7% 0.0% 9.1% 4.1% 100.0% 86.9% 0.2 52.5 Bradford South Wibsey 1.4% 10.4% 15.9% 20.6% 17.9% 33.9% 0.0% 100.0% 66.1% 3.2 51.5 Bradford South Wyke 0.0% 31.4% 0.0% 0.0% 11.9% 51.1% 5.6% 100.0% 43.3% 0.2 18.4 Bradford West City 20.1% 26.8% 19.8% 20.4% 8.0% 4.9% 0.0% 100.0% 95.1% 15.6 82.6 Clayton and Fairweather Bradford West Green 18.1% 12.3% 0.0% 0.0% 34.8% 20.7% 14.1% 100.0% 65.2% 3.2 51.5 Bradford West Heaton 0.9% 0.0% 45.4% 0.0% 1.4% 51.8% 0.5% 100.0% 47.7% 3.3 56.3 Bradford West Manningham 78.9% 15.0% 6.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.9 35.9 Bradford West 13.5% 11.4% 0.0% 17.0% 21.5% 14.0% 22.6% 100.0% 63.4% 0.7 61.6 Bradford West Toller 16.1% 49.1% 11.7% 0.0% 17.2% 5.9% 0.0% 100.0% 94.1% 2.5 34.7 Keighley Craven 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2.2 27.3 Keighley Ilkley 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2.4 39.1 Keighley Keighley Central 18.9% 57.0% 11.6% 0.0% 1.2% 4.2% 7.2% 100.0% 88.6% 10.7 55.7 Keighley Keighley East 1.4% 19.4% 0.0% 0.0% 26.2% 10.1% 43.0% 100.0% 47.0% 12.7 61.6 Keighley Keighley West 8.8% 31.6% 8.9% 7.3% 27.4% 0.0% 16.0% 100.0% 84.0% 2.4 65.8 Keighley Worth Valley 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 29.8% 70.2% 100.0% 0.0% 0.3 44.4 Shipley Baildon 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.1% 10.8% 0.0% 83.1% 100.0% 16.9% 0.2 35.9 Shipley Bingley 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 0.0% 8.2% 27.0% 61.5% 100.0% 11.5% 2.5 22.9 Shipley Bingley Rural 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 11.3% 78.7% 100.0% 10.0% 6.0 71.4 Shipley Shipley 0.4% 1.6% 5.4% 15.7% 24.1% 12.4% 40.3% 100.0% 47.3% 53.0 82.7 Shipley Wharfedale 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.4 12.9 Shipley Windhill and Wrose 6.4% 8.3% 14.1% 33.6% 0.0% 16.3% 21.2% 100.0% 62.5% 55.0 99.6 Population based on school aged cohort from Chris Hoyle July 2012

Lone Parents




out of of out


work work

of of work

Child Benefit Child

Lone Lone parents

% Lone parents % Lone

Lone parents Lone parents

Families receiving receiving Families % lone parents out out parents lone %

Constituency Ward Lone parents

Bradford East Bradford East 19115 6415 33.6% 2865 3550 55.3% Bradford South Bradford South 15825 6095 38.5% 3065 3030 49.7% Bradford West Bradford West 18090 5065 28.0% 2315 2750 54.3% Keighley Keighley 12335 3210 26.0% 1835 1375 42.8% Shipley Shipley 13105 3215 24.5% 2070 1145 35.6%

District District 71165 21805 30.6% 11115 10690 49.0%

Bolton and Bradford East Undercliffe 4640 1395 30.1% 760 635 45.5% Bowling and Bradford East Barkerend 5570 2075 37.3% 810 1265 61.0% Bradford East Bradford Moor 4410 1365 31.0% 520 845 61.9% Bradford East Eccleshill 3235 1385 42.8% 695 690 49.8% Idle and Bradford East Thackley 2465 650 26.4% 440 210 32.3% Bradford East Little Horton 4550 1635 35.9% 590 1045 63.9% Bradford South Great Horton 3290 1045 31.8% 500 545 52.2% Bradford South Queensbury 3120 925 29.6% 535 390 42.2% Bradford South Royds 4465 1795 40.2% 965 830 46.2% Bradford South Tong 3370 1680 49.9% 710 970 57.7% Bradford South Wibsey 3270 1205 36.9% 685 520 43.2% Bradford South Wyke 1995 760 38.1% 420 340 44.7% Bradford West City 3865 1050 27.2% 350 700 66.7% Clayton and Fairweather Bradford West Green 3145 1040 33.1% 565 475 45.7% Bradford West Heaton 3805 980 25.8% 480 500 51.0% Bradford West Manningham 4365 1050 24.1% 395 655 62.4% Thornton and Bradford West Allerton 2645 910 34.4% 465 445 48.9% Bradford West Toller 3890 945 24.3% 445 500 52.9% Keighley Craven 1795 420 23.4% 315 105 25.0% Keighley Ilkley 1675 275 16.4% 205 70 25.5% Keighley Keighley Central 4070 1160 28.5% 475 685 59.1% Keighley Keighley East 2640 785 29.7% 430 355 45.2% Keighley Keighley West 3920 1315 33.5% 675 640 48.7% Keighley Worth Valley 1800 400 22.2% 280 120 30.0% Shipley Baildon 1950 435 22.3% 295 140 32.2% Shipley Bingley 2365 625 26.4% 425 200 32.0% Shipley Bingley Rural 2585 625 24.2% 450 175 28.0% Shipley Shipley 2815 850 30.2% 485 365 42.9% Shipley Wharfedale 1460 170 11.6% 115 55 32.4% Windhill and Shipley Wrose 3280 1005 30.6% 575 430 42.8% Shipley Worth Valley 210 40 19.0% 25 15 37.5% These figures are based on SOA data that has already been rounded to the nearest 5, so will only provide an approximate value SOAs cross Ward and Constituency boundaries causing the totals to differ i.e. one SOA may appear in more than one ward

Ethnicity Constituency Ward ABAN AIND AMPK AOPK AOTH BAFR BCRB BOTH CHNE MOTH Bradford East Bradford East 628 270 1787 3071 331 89 56 32 17 107 Bradford South Bradford South 24 189 777 846 110 108 44 34 26 116 Bradford West Bradford West 391 349 2937 3451 287 92 15 16 6 76 Keighley Keighley 230 41 883 460 38 8 9 2 6 65 Shipley Shipley 24 66 96 224 68 14 11 5 22 55 District District 1297 915 6480 8052 834 311 135 89 77 419

Bradford East Bolton and Undercliffe 123 80 162 210 63 5 6 4 2 15 Bradford East Bowling and Barkerend 265 89 412 533 98 9 8 6 6 28 Bradford East Bradford Moor 155 42 661 1101 53 7 4 5 16 Bradford East Eccleshill 15 10 46 114 20 16 8 4 2 11 Bradford East Idle and Thackley 12 4 9 3 2 6 4 10 Bradford East Little Horton 70 37 502 1104 94 50 24 13 3 27 Bradford South Great Horton 5 94 551 522 53 19 9 4 3 30 Bradford South Queensbury 23 16 35 13 3 4 4 18 Bradford South Royds 19 58 47 12 17 7 5 2 21 Bradford South Tong 4 23 10 45 13 54 10 16 13 19 Bradford South Wibsey 15 22 127 168 13 7 12 4 4 16 Bradford South Wyke 8 15 29 6 8 2 5 12 Bradford West City 54 84 635 513 70 28 5 8 2 7 Bradford West Clayton and Fairweather Green 3 90 191 267 35 17 2 2 2 18 Bradford West Heaton 63 28 462 647 50 7 2 3 1 16 Bradford West Manningham 245 65 728 818 45 14 8 Bradford West Thornton and Allerton 13 25 94 198 44 18 4 2 1 18 Bradford West Toller 13 57 827 1008 43 8 2 1 9 Keighley Craven 14 11 2 1 1 4 Keighley Ilkley 4 2 4 1 3 15 Keighley Keighley Central 161 10 706 321 19 3 1 2 10 Keighley Keighley East 32 3 148 88 7 1 2 1 6 Keighley Keighley West 37 10 27 40 4 3 2 2 2 21 Keighley Worth Valley 2 9 Shipley Baildon 7 3 6 1 1 3 5 Shipley Bingley 6 3 26 9 4 2 6 17 Shipley Bingley Rural 4 12 13 43 8 3 1 5 8 Shipley Shipley 15 7 60 116 24 1 1 2 4 9 Shipley Wharfedale 3 2 3 2 3 Shipley Windhill and Wrose 5 31 20 34 18 5 6 3 2 13

Constituency Ward MWAS MWBA MWBC NOBT OOTH REFU WBRI WIRI WIRT WOTH WROM Total % BME Bradford East Bradford East 203 12 97 194 104 23 3469 13 17 363 89 10755 67.7% Bradford South Bradford South 180 34 146 155 93 8 4802 9 0 137 91 7766 38.2% Bradford West Bradford West 168 15 43 118 176 24 1669 8 0 403 262 10364 83.9% Keighley Keighley 98 6 33 85 23 17 4285 9 1 150 18 6365 32.7% Shipley Shipley 87 14 73 42 19 21 4726 15 8 95 12 5634 16.1% District District 736 81 392 594 415 93 18951 54 26 1148 472 40884 53.6%

Bradford East Bolton and Undercliffe 34 1 31 8 18 4 684 3 22 1 1464 53.3% Bradford East Bowling and Barkerend 46 5 19 47 19 2 480 4 10 95 21 2202 78.2% Bradford East Bradford Moor 46 9 68 19 3 145 1 69 9 2413 94.0% Bradford East Eccleshill 24 2 23 9 6 6 1125 6 2 33 1 1483 24.1% Bradford East Idle and Thackley 7 1 4 25 2 1 744 1 7 842 11.6% Bradford East Little Horton 46 3 11 37 40 7 291 3 137 57 2556 88.6% Bradford South Great Horton 56 6 12 28 48 3 331 1 45 77 1897 82.6% Bradford South Queensbury 15 4 8 23 1 2 882 1 10 1062 16.9% Bradford South Royds 22 8 38 33 1 1 1035 4 17 1 1348 23.2% Bradford South Tong 35 7 29 31 36 1137 2 37 1 1522 25.3% Bradford South Wibsey 35 3 44 9 2 2 664 1 19 9 1176 43.5% Bradford South Wyke 17 6 15 31 5 753 9 3 924 18.5% Bradford West City 10 3 1 42 51 2 43 94 58 1710 97.5% Bradford West Clayton and Fairweather Green 39 5 15 8 28 3 629 2 40 13 1409 55.4% Bradford West Heaton 33 2 8 17 32 10 145 3 91 54 1674 91.3% Bradford West Manningham 14 1 22 38 2 22 68 67 2157 99.0% Bradford West Thornton and Allerton 48 3 19 5 16 6 803 2 32 1351 40.6% Bradford West Toller 24 1 24 11 1 27 1 78 70 2205 98.8% Keighley Craven 6 1 2 19 4 2 659 1 31 1 759 13.2% Keighley Ilkley 11 1 2 27 2 5 808 27 912 11.4% Keighley Keighley Central 23 1 7 4 6 269 4 41 12 1600 83.2% Keighley Keighley East 27 3 7 10 8 1 788 1 17 1150 31.5% Keighley Keighley West 29 1 13 13 3 1 955 1 1 31 5 1201 20.5% Keighley Worth Valley 2 8 9 2 2 806 2 3 845 4.6% Shipley Baildon 4 1 7 8 3 692 3 8 7 8 767 9.8% Shipley Bingley 12 1 6 2 2 7 958 1 12 1074 10.8% Shipley Bingley Rural 12 4 18 3 6 903 3 13 1 1060 14.8% Shipley Shipley 28 3 12 2 4 3 592 5 31 2 921 35.7% Shipley Wharfedale 7 2 2 23 4 696 10 757 8.1% Shipley Windhill and Wrose 24 3 28 4 7 4 885 3 22 1 1118 20.8% Key: ABAN ABAN Bangladeshi AIND AIND Indian AMPK AMPK Mirpuri Pakistani AOPK AOPK Other Pakistani AOTH AOTA Other Asian BAFR BAFR Black African BCRB BCRB Black Caribbean BOTH Any other Black BOTH background CHNE CHNE Chinese MOTH MOTH Other mixed background MWAS MWAS White/Any other Asian MWBA MWBA White/Black African MWBC MWBC White/Black Carribbean NOBT NOBT Not Obtained OOTH OOTH-Any Other Ethnic Group REFU REFU Refused WBRI WBRI White - British WIRI WIRI White - Irish WIRT WIRT White - Traveller heritage WOTH Any Other White WOTH Background WROM WROM White - Roma Data from Chris Hoyle July 2012

SEN children aged 5 - 11 at School Action Plus or statemented with additional needs

Primary need SEN stage

15 15


2012) 2012)

sensory sensory


Learning Learning


Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty

Difficulty Difficulty




Multi and Profound


Communication Communication

Total (individual Total (individual

Severe Learning Learning Severe

Population 5 Population

Specific Learning Learning Specific

Autistic Spectrum Spectrum Autistic

Visual Impairment Visual

Multiple Learn Diff Learn Multiple

Moderate Moderate

School Action Plus Action School

(School cohort July July cohort (School

Hearing Impairment Hearing Physical Difficulties Physical

Constituency Ward or Language Speech,

Behavioural, Behavioural, Social and Emotional Difficulty Bradford East Bradford East 38 118 33 233 1 39 46 24 191 38 23 20 654 150 804 10972 Bradford South Bradford South 37 116 16 183 0 31 25 20 151 24 17 5 498 127 625 7929 Bradford West Bradford West 34 107 36 214 1 49 50 27 155 56 21 34 620 164 784 10506 Keighley Keighley 67 102 13 114 0 12 24 18 90 23 34 10 360 147 507 6467 Shipley Shipley 35 72 12 105 3 9 17 5 70 13 19 4 291 73 364 5697 District District 211 515 110 849 5 140 162 94 657 154 114 73 2423 661 3084 41571

Bolton and Bradford East Undercliffe 9 12 1 22 1 4 8 1 25 3 6 1 73 20 93 1476 Bowling and Bradford East Barkerend 4 27 5 44 18 8 5 42 1 3 6 138 25 163 2202 Bradford East Bradford Moor 9 19 15 73 7 17 6 54 9 1 5 176 39 215 2413 Bradford East Eccleshill 10 28 2 32 5 2 3 30 7 5 1 102 23 125 1483 Idle and Bradford East Thackley 2 15 2 8 2 2 19 4 4 1 46 13 59 842 Bradford East Little Horton 4 17 8 54 5 9 7 21 14 4 6 119 30 149 2556 Bradford South Great Horton 8 18 10 50 5 8 5 38 11 2 2 117 40 157 1897 Bradford South Queensbury 5 13 19 2 2 5 13 1 2 48 14 62 1062 Bradford South Royds 2 27 1 35 2 2 4 22 3 3 88 13 101 1348 Bradford South Tong 11 32 1 34 16 3 3 43 4 2 2 126 25 151 1522 Bradford South Wibsey 8 15 3 25 3 5 2 15 4 5 1 63 23 86 1176 Bradford South Wyke 3 11 1 20 3 5 1 20 1 3 56 12 68 924 Bradford West City 5 11 3 21 2 13 3 17 8 1 6 69 21 90 1710 Clayton and Fairweather Bradford West Green 6 15 4 20 8 2 3 20 2 4 67 17 84 1409 Bradford West Heaton 6 20 5 50 4 6 1 24 6 1 8 105 26 131 1674 Bradford West Manningham 4 16 8 48 22 14 9 30 20 7 12 156 34 190 2157 Thornton and Bradford West Allerton 8 19 3 29 6 2 2 17 7 5 2 75 25 100 1351 Bradford West Toller 5 26 13 46 1 7 13 9 47 13 7 2 148 41 189 2205 Keighley Craven 10 9 2 8 4 5 1 1 1 29 12 41 759 Keighley Ilkley 6 8 6 4 1 4 3 3 2 19 18 37 912 Keighley Keighley Central 18 35 7 29 3 9 9 33 9 4 5 110 51 161 1600 Keighley Keighley East 12 25 1 30 2 4 6 16 6 14 1 89 28 117 1150 Keighley Keighley West 10 18 3 19 2 6 2 22 3 6 1 66 26 92 1201 Keighley Worth Valley 11 7 22 1 1 10 1 6 47 12 59 845 Shipley Baildon 14 2 18 1 2 1 1 9 3 5 50 6 56 767 Shipley Bingley 9 6 3 23 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 44 14 58 1074 Shipley Bingley Rural 11 11 5 17 3 5 1 14 1 7 56 19 75 1060 Shipley Shipley 8 16 1 19 2 2 1 14 6 1 50 20 70 921 Shipley Wharfedale 4 9 13 1 1 5 5 1 3 1 37 6 43 757 Windhill and Shipley Wrose 3 16 1 15 1 2 1 18 1 2 2 54 8 62 1118 Jan Census 2012

LAC By Reach Area 5 -10 Years 5 - % 10 District Constituency Ward LAC total Bradford East Bradford East 14 9.5% Bradford South Bradford South 47 31.8% Bradford West Bradford West 20 13.5% Keighley Keighley 31 20.9% Shipley Shipley 36 24.3% District District 148 100.0%

Bradford East Bolton and Undercliffe 3 2.0% Bradford East Bowling and Barkerend 2 1.4% Bradford East Bradford Moor 2 1.4% Bradford East Eccleshill 2 1.4% Bradford East Idle and Thackley 3 2.0% Bradford East Little Horton 2 1.4% Bradford South Great Horton 11 7.4% Bradford South Queensbury 5 3.4% Bradford South Royds 11 7.4% Bradford South Tong 9 6.1% Bradford South Wyke 11 7.4% Bradford West City 3 2.0% Bradford West Clayton and Fairweather Green 7 4.7% Bradford West Heaton 7 4.7% Bradford West Manningham 1 0.7% Bradford West Thornton and Allerton 2 1.4% Keighley Craven 3 2.0% Keighley Keighley Central 9 6.1% Keighley Keighley East 5 3.4% Keighley Keighley West 9 6.1% Keighley Worth Valley 5 3.4% Shipley Baildon 6 4.1% Shipley Bingley 2 1.4% Shipley Bingley Rural 8 5.4% Shipley Shipley 4 2.7% Shipley Wharfedale 7 4.7% Shipley Windhill and Wrose 9 6.1% *From 31st August 2012, figures drawn from LAC data sharing file from ICS Sonia Bleau (Transformation - Information Management and Performance Support) District, Constituency and Ward figures exclude confidential and out of District placements

New Communities and Travellers (Children in years 1 -6 Jul 12)



EU EU Migrants Asylum seekers Asylum Constituency Ward Bradford East Bradford East 666 69 110 61 Bradford South Bradford South 326 14 34 20 Bradford West Bradford West 1101 82 82 6 Keighley Keighley 124 6 7 33 Shipley Shipley 39 4 8 33 District District 2256 175 241 153

Bradford East Bolton and Undercliffe 30 7 14 2 Bradford East Bowling and Barkerend 157 14 20 39 Bradford East Bradford Moor 120 19 29 4 Bradford East Eccleshill 36 3 4 9 Bradford East Idle and Thackley 3 0 0 0 Bradford East Little Horton 320 26 43 7 Bradford South Great Horton 200 10 11 2 Bradford South Queensbury 5 0 0 0 Bradford South Royds 20 1 4 2 Bradford South Tong 61 2 13 7 Bradford South Wibsey 32 1 3 1 Bradford South Wyke 8 0 3 8 Bradford West City 246 33 18 1 Clayton and Fairweather Bradford West Green 65 3 9 0 Bradford West Heaton 215 0 5 0 Bradford West Manningham 253 41 34 5 Bradford West Thornton and Allerton 35 1 9 0 Bradford West Toller 287 4 7 0 Keighley Craven 9 0 0 0 Keighley Ilkley 8 0 0 0 Keighley Keighley Central 68 0 2 28 Keighley Keighley East 11 5 0 2 Keighley Keighley West 27 1 5 3 Keighley Worth Valley 1 0 0 0 Shipley Baildon 3 2 0 29 Shipley Bingley 6 0 0 0 Shipley Bingley Rural 1 0 1 1 Shipley Shipley 11 0 1 3 Shipley Wharfedale 3 0 0 0 Shipley Windhill and Wrose 15 2 6 0 Data from New Communities Team/Crystal report (Paul Johnson)

Injury accidents involving children (5-10 years) in Bradford: Casualties distribution by Reach Areas Casualty Class 2004- Driver or Constituency Ward 2011 KSI Rider Passenger Pedestrian Bradford East Bradford East 31 25 92 149 Bradford South Bradford South 19 15 42 74 Bradford West Bradford West 25 19 135 149 Keighley Keighley 17 12 89 66 Shipley Shipley 28 4 36 26 District District 120 75 394 464

Bolton and Bradford East Undercliffe 4 2 11 11 Bowling and Bradford East Barkerend 1 6 46 30 Bradford East Bradford Moor 11 5 15 46 Bradford East Eccleshill 2 8 7 21 Idle and Bradford East Thackley 6 3 6 Bradford East Little Horton 7 4 10 35 Bradford South Great Horton 3 1 8 26 Bradford South Queensbury 0 1 5 6 Bradford South Royds 9 5 5 11 Bradford South Tong 1 2 16 13 Bradford South Wibsey 2 3 6 7 Bradford South Wyke 4 3 2 11 Bradford West City 8 3 47 41 Clayton and Fairweather Bradford West Green 0 2 11 11 Bradford West Heaton 4 5 29 11 Bradford West Manningham 3 5 25 46 Thornton and Bradford West Allerton 7 2 8 8 Bradford West Toller 3 2 15 32 Keighley Craven 5 3 7 4 Keighley Ilkley 3 9 0 Keighley Keighley Central 2 2 50 27 Keighley Keighley East 6 4 5 11 Keighley Keighley West 1 1 7 17 Keighley Worth Valley 0 2 11 7 Shipley Baildon 2 1 10 1 Shipley Bingley 8 0 5 6 Shipley Bingley Rural 11 1 3 6 Shipley Shipley 6 11 3 Shipley Wharfedale 1 5 1 Windhill and Shipley Wrose 0 2 2 9 Road Casualty Reduction, Highways and Transportation, Leeds Council (Jean Siakeu)

National Child Measurement Programme – Obesity Reception 08/09 - 10/11 Year 6 08/09 - 10/11 95% 95% Confidence Confidence

Limit Limit

Upper Upper

Lower Lower

Obese Obese

Cohort Cohort

% Obese % Obese

Constituency Ward Bradford East Bradford East 5228 520 9.9% 4385 979 22.3% Bradford South Bradford South 3765 374 9.9% 3246 639 19.7% Bradford West Bradford West 5027 517 10.3% 4360 1016 23.3% Keighley Keighley 3095 287 9.3% 2977 551 18.5% Shipley Shipley 2609 183 7.0% 2551 395 15.5% District total District 19724 1881 9.5% 17519 3580 20.4% Bolton and Bradford East Undercliffe 607 49 8% 6% 11% 517 111 21% 18% 25% Bowling and Bradford East Barkerend 1111 121 11% 9% 13% 950 221 23% 21% 26% Bradford East Bradford Moor 1215 125 10% 9% 12% 967 240 25% 22% 28% Bradford East Eccleshill 704 69 10% 8% 12% 584 122 21% 18% 24% Idle and Bradford East Thackley 494 33 7% 5% 9% 450 75 17% 14% 20% Bradford East Little Horton 1097 123 11% 9% 13% 917 210 23% 20% 26% Bradford South Great Horton 868 85 10% 8% 12% 705 161 23% 20% 26% Bradford South Queensbury 503 50 10% 8% 13% 434 69 16% 13% 20% Bradford South Royds 690 76 11% 9% 14% 578 105 18% 15% 22% Bradford South Tong 736 70 10% 8% 12% 631 129 20% 17% 24% Bradford South Wibsey 512 50 10% 7% 13% 449 90 20% 17% 24% Bradford South Wyke 456 43 9% 7% 12% 449 85 19% 16% 23% Bradford West City 780 76 10% 8% 12% 690 176 26% 22% 29% Clayton and Fairweather Bradford West Green 641 58 9% 7% 12% 552 114 21% 17% 24% Bradford West Heaton 757 85 11% 9% 14% 687 149 22% 19% 25% Bradford West Manningham 1145 118 10% 9% 12% 973 241 25% 22% 28% Thornton and Bradford West Allerton 650 69 11% 8% 13% 517 103 20% 17% 24% Bradford West Toller 1054 111 11% 9% 13% 941 233 25% 22% 28% Keighley Craven 377 35 9% 7% 13% 426 58 14% 11% 17% Keighley Ilkley 381 19 5% 3% 8% 387 33 9% 6% 12% Keighley Keighley Central 833 98 12% 10% 14% 729 175 24% 21% 27% Keighley Keighley East 521 39 7% 6% 10% 493 99 20% 17% 24% Keighley Keighley West 566 67 12% 9% 15% 580 112 19% 16% 23% Keighley Worth Valley 417 29 7% 5% 10% 362 74 20% 17% 25% Shipley Baildon 407 25 6% 4% 9% 404 50 12% 10% 16% Shipley Bingley 420 34 8% 6% 11% 460 64 14% 11% 17% Shipley Bingley Rural 425 30 7% 5% 10% 433 78 18% 15% 22% Shipley Shipley 393 25 6% 4% 9% 348 48 14% 11% 18% Shipley Wharfedale 328 16 5% 3% 8% 363 34 9% 7% 13% Windhill and Shipley Wrose 636 53 8% 6% 11% 543 121 22% 19% 26% http://www.noo.org.uk/NCMP/National_report