
Morehead Independent MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 14, 1944 NUMBER FIFTY I Morehead Maaona DoMcratsFdl Fohfter Morehead Net Star j^zard Brings Hotel Owner Asks I Elect Officei;? On Men, 26 to 37, EhctChainnan Gaining Place In Politics Ssow.kyRoa^ $12,500 Damages i December 27th To Drafti^ Morehead Lodge No. t54 F h BveSatvday When Lawrence ("Carbide'') Politicians predict that if the To Rowan County For Gas Portage A. M.. will bold its annual stocticB HersheySays Carter was flipping basketballs former Morehead athlete can «f officers Wednesday eventnc December 27. The lodgewill be throHch Che neoiiir to run op­ continue to ride the popoiarlty aim S—b CuedU- Mob Leuvi^ War open at 1:30 pjn. In coaosetlon ponents or the Morehead CoUe^ wave that be 1s now oo there is STbST^ tioa Of Coatiad PIbbU la Cam : ^ , one could UttM no Bmit of just-bow for be may with the meeting the lodge will iJfMiiC a quontm lien SKor surmise that not only was this fh- A storm «f near bUzzard pm- The case of Jack Cecil versus have an oyster feed. All man- Im 4i7, Rowan Coantjr's D one ef the nation's greatest scor­ For the first time in yeers all portlons brought six inches of L. C- Young Company, City of, beri and visitors have been invft- the 26-to-37 age group was or­ com- ing hardwood players, but a Republicans in Harlan County snow and tivtalng temperatures Morebead. and W C- EyL ihe.ed. dered this week to replace sol- adjourned unUi young man destined to play an and that section of Kentucky to Rowan Chanty Tuesday. outgrowth of a natural gas short- j ------tflera and sailtxr released to select Important role in politics. hsve agreed on one man. The The siom pracUcally Isolated age in Morehead tost year. Is to StandingfS III r short war plants. and seeretar Today, that is what is happen­ following dispatch this week Morehead from many sections, be heard at a fuutre date in Row Mobilization Director ing fast. Rl^t now (■'Carbide'’) from Harlan County portrays his curtailed Uis Une traffic, halted an Circuit Court, Bridge Toumey James F. Brynes announced the i that In many precincts as he was affactiopately nick­ Republican organisation some telephone service and play-; This petition came up for Ti^tening Up step as the Government drove enwatUeeinen and committee- named by Morehead court fol­ drawn at Harlan Sauirday ed havoc with highway travel, 'sideration in the closing days of U) gel 300.000 needed workers aMMen were not wiected lowers Is the Number i dtiaen Republican precinct commit­ J. C. Wrtls Bus Company. I Rowan arcult Court t. ^e Miller and Noah Kennard Into war Industries and bring certer 2. In precincts where in and around Harlan. Purthd^, teemen resolutions urging that which operates befwaen West! Cecil, who dosed The MKltond'he^"„„[^'^ togging production of rriiical no cteectoD was held the old oT- he is the man that the Repub- the Rem^Ucan Sute Central Uberty and Maysvllle. suspend-i Trail Hotel for several days tost, jj^j^ehead male bridge tourna- materials up to schedule. ftoara-win serve four store years in that heavy GW sm- Commit^ appoint Sute Senator 3,460; Boeme Sidi&i^ M* ^ forak.. . » halt jDdne- te» ly Bved la MorehSKl, bbs reccBf- tion of men ovar 9S but few sbopptagsof- ly arrived at Welch O I have been drafted since last I from SMOtber board, tet-dovro as shotv Hospital, the army's oew recon­ SepRember. when Hershey ad­ 'om Rowan Oaunty. Red Cross Ha:^ CM awl Non ABsfL at home. All stores ditioning center in Daytona. vised draft hoerds that it appear­ Brushy. No. aOt Prank Neth- to their couch Len MQler, prac­ that there Beat*, Florida -The carefully Already Started ed needs of the armed services «r^ sad Mrs. Bart Murray. ticed on the spacious fiocK- of BreckiniidKe Club would be a sharp up-turn in buv- ptonned reconditioning program for the rest of this year could be the Boston Aren^ where they ing when the weather became there should speed his convales ­ met from men under that age Remains Undefeated more temperafo. Morehead H%ii will meet LaSalle University of cence and assist In hla return to Chrktmas Giving At that time. Hershey stress- Philadelphia this evening In the Trains on the Chesapeake and;the best of health soon. |e- and has been Byrnes' action appeared cal- la the country this week, for It of the team’s to beat for the nmnmg “double-headers” in or- in service for six months, enter age Gifu Mailed 'culated not only lo secure nr- ^r to lake care of the heavyling the army at Fort Benjamin irehead High games opens the schedule at a spot state championship this year, placements for ser\-icemen re- Cnrtjrtmaa travel and mail. jHan-l.son. Indiana, last June for next week have that is vielng for Madlnon gets another real test Friday -Chn.st teased m war plants but also m as ReYou awgbfgetyour pepe to hire awo to watch ia aO the efaira- nich weather for the school^stockings and trim trees. Thev|which iraia* the bulk of heavy transportation. |Will help servicemen in some!bombardment crews m the Unit acyo eaCUearaa Eve to catch Saatt data, bat evea U they fid aet The-Consolidated Schoois were hospiuls to sand Christmas ed SUtes. neSaafoOaMCceaiac down, what would that prove? Nobet^ saH Exists in session Tuesday but the at-1greeting*home on voice record-l Lleuienam Kessler'has seen Seaza Oara, bat ttecie aoaigathat thereis ao Santa Claus the moat tendance 'was faa, below normal.|Ingsor through portable teie-!etx and one-half months action In Rowan County rial Ifdngiin ihi.wlil 111 ihme niilhn rliililrni nnt min lan an ------iphones brought to th€ir bed-lwith the armed forces in lUly SdectlTtSgTlee TNdyeaevaraaafafiiaaiha i>kigeathelawa^Ofiiumrami.baa CoUese Closes 14th ' |h , t»-n .w».ied o„ * I Canteen (>rpR volunteers will.Unguished Flying Cross and the A vaeaiu7 exists la the Row* IraSy^dinl Saaaad m serve roast turkey, pium pud-|Alr Medal with tour Oak l,e»f i Cowaty Selective Service *T«a taar apmt the habr’a rank aad ana what amhaa tha asma Board bp resaott of the rerigna- hm tkaea w a euB uiiaifog tha muMn wwld whieTaSk fift lete will end 1 Thursday. De­ fnjs to many servicemen in the j thm of or. J. D. Falla. The Iklts eember 14. United States away from home Sweetheart Baaq«ct was siRiBiltted The winter quarter will begin ™ ChrUrtr^s------d-iy Troops in | Ob Thanday Night K he has moved from More- Tuesday, January 2. 1945. with transit will meet home aimos-* bewl. and has beet unable to at- general registration of students. phere at railroad station can-j Thursdav will be sweetheart tcBd the meettBga Regular class work will begin on, teens- Many will be sent on,night for the Morehead Men's ' 'the vacaMy wUU'ba filled Wednesday morning, January 3. with indlvidua] bag* of randy or Club. This program, gateraily vouifii appoiuliueat by Govu^ at 8K)0 o’clock. small presents besides a Yuletide loaded with (rienty of wise- Bar Smeon WUUs. In addition to the regular eaL I cracks and unexpected devetap- coursea special oi^t claases in PUots grounded tag .snow ments is annually one of the Public school Art and Clothing storms will find wars com/on | features of the club, Cbnstructlor. and odellng’fnside airport canteens where] In addition to the members wiU be offered in wlnterithey can help decorate C:hrlst-*ea MH.SI.ss. A* Admiral HatieT'i Third fleet Is Slated for Overhauling aalled toward the great Phfllpploa D. C. port, It encountered a guitr atorm. C0N0REB810NAL BSOAZKlAdTS and 40 of It* piiota were caugbt Is Although eongreai baa coniU Bulk of Complaints Against the Legislative a-srSK When a ubulatlon ahowad Ig retuaed to permit ita proeeei he broadeaat to the taxpayer* Branch Are Inconsistent but Committee who foot the hillt. one New York Setup Needs Revision. radio station has now tafcn the bull by the boms, will dramatlie After an eztoislve combing of the gre*. to ita Uatcnera once a »* tea. 38 of the airmen were rescued By baukhage Then, the aaltg little admiral or­ SUOnn WMCA. New York, hat de­ -> tnnd.U dered full steam ahead tor Uanlla cided te take the most interestlog JV«s> Analyw and r------portions of each week-a debate at ! PENSIONS: the floor et the house end senate, rw WND Servien. Dnisa Trwat BMUMg tlve branch od the government In broadcast them with acton portray­ the laat two yeari can be seen when I For Vets’ Widows ing the legtsleton. give the public a It Is an old American custom to It Is realized that the two moat popu­ nftesUkia sample of what sort of reprw Iks a pot-sbot at congreu when- lar charge* offered were either Mnntog pouldoB. 1 Getting together to settle their dlf- that congrats was a “rubber terenee* on the lUblecL the bouae sentedoo It U gMUng In the nation-i and no­ jand aenate ahaped a cotton meas­ capital body elae la handy to blame, stamp” or that It was “obstnii matter whether the trouble is dust- tlonlst.” erhleh adds up te a ea ure on providing pensioiis for wld- The idea was orlglnpU, proposed tradlcdon. iowa and orphana of World War I slorma sun-spots. Jaundlct or lust to Florida's Sen. Claude Pepper by plain grouch. vets and sent It to the White Houae WMCA * Dww owner, former Federal Becaose W the fact that the for approval You may recall that this feeling the eeatry has Aw- Housing Admlnl«rator Nathan reached an unhappy high In ttu' fa­ Straus, Pepper then Introduced uaBded aa hKreaes M (ha ! Onder a bin passed by congreaa. mous "bundles - tor - congressmen” body wldowi of World War I veta. having resoluUoo In (he senate urgingthat campaign af 1942. Some practical esecvtlea law. an Income of leaf than II.000 a debates be broadeasV but has bea Jokers In Seattle seized o«the civil able te getnowhere with hie resolu- reread ts delegate DUpUylng awards captnred In natlooa] ewnpettMa at (he 44 etah-t year, would be eUgible for a 139 service retirement bill which msde ______moothly pension, while widow* with Qon. Srd annnal eutgree. In Chlcaga. m.. ehamp. tmJnde (ledt te right) MUg. employeet Inelud- BiBlstrattve branch. Ta wwr- Reed. gh-U' leadership winner; DoBsU Mowery, Meanwhile. Straus poUed the r*. dlo Industry on his plan, found that ewme this trewd M ae fhr aa 'J^f/uurjjlfauls - Mar, J. Morgw,. girl.- aehlevemeni «« »*» penslons. Bs an excuse to surt peolble wlO be eM ef list M- Hvan. beys- leadership winner. (See: < ' the first cMld s 83 tor each addl- many oths stations want to do the the boraeplay. By the Uroe the alUy lUonal. The bin i provtded pay- thingand win probably broad- ferM M (be reergaaMatlwa, M season arrived, everyone with an wUeb I wlU apeak M a me> t of 818 for 0 orphan and 8U cast dramatizations aim liar to that Overdoee of prickly heal was taking toe 4-H: GERM.ANY: for three, plus 84 tor'~each addl-,**®*^ woAed up by WMCA. Coo- .. meat MeaitwhOe. h Is totersM. iita way or saothes sn the togto BM* that flsBitor LaFel- Champs Army Comnuntds I P'S** can't stop itatloni from! peer leglalatera , Although passed four timM w-. ]^«'n»U*lngdramatizing Its debatu. so wlU ' letta Umsek called atteadsB to Left fatherless with ------Its speeeba more the aoeeapUahoMsi sf the Trto family deserted by the hired hand, ^ the great battle tor German,'fore by the bouse, such oensloo ------Ts ragmg along the western front, the bUli previously were plgeao-boled' **ien It teams what U ba- toil young Dooald P Mowery of Terre bwsdleB — and a few llwegbtfvd expestog esMBtive erases al­ Haute. Ind.. took upon himself the cot^s top arm, commanders before the, could reach the senate i peapto who kam. that the great- took over complete control of mill-'floor * ’ ‘ ready etoiunltaad and to prw man-sised job of running a ISB-acre cat daager to a demaeratle fw- veBtlBg ethars by the meta farm Ac 18. be had earned nearly HANPOWU 880BTAGB aswmeal la lack af riafiiteata The War ■■ threat af -ever prmeto sipisais 814.000. and with it. the 4-H club's M the pari Death Run la considering a drastic saw plan T bedy. The, boys' national achievement cham­ that St af the Bln Ttie one field to which eongreas pionship at (he ZSrd annual 4-B con- to provide manpower tor war plants which are now having dUDeulty get- af ewBgTeaa are doe to the faet can greatly IneresM Its elBelacic ^ greas in Chicago. IlL close to HiUer since hi* nsa to power that a. iM tof the caagreastoBai In 1BS3. German generals were ua- tingenoughlabor. and ta so doing, not col, ehaeklng ^ Adjudged the girls' national matkadi aatabllahed by the ing every tHck In the book tn an In the ahortag* areas, accord­ willful aggresatonof the admlalstre- ''' achievement winner was l»-year-old tMMiBg tathera bsva grawa effort to alow up the Allies' power­ ing to WMC* new plan. Cactorloa ttve and executive branches Mary Jo Morgan of l^aurel. Miss., a« M data. house drive to the Rhine. Masses td which have recently been pul back dcring s res) ssslstanes to them and with an ineome of J8.808.2S drawn field artUler, were concentrated As one eongresaman put it to m to th* whole oaUan. to In from nine years of club work In IB peacetlma production after bav- against vlul Allied points; tan*. , Ing worked on war eontraeta wlU be the other day: "We can't be ex­ orgaoizatloo of the commute* gardening, canning, clothing, foods, were thrown in In counleractacks toi pected te handle blUIon-doUar bud­ >eU method*. poultry and home Improvementa. doted until tha war plants have suf­ EVANSIUNE,^.«x» blunt Allied spearheads, and green ficient labor. This «h«niri remedy gets with a penny-ante setup. Congress at present li Both boy and girl winner will re­ EVMLASTiNG LOVE,S€A«CH£D troop* were seasoned on lest actlval the fact that worker* are flockingto Id July, 1943. Senator Latonetta offer aufllclenl '1 ceive a trophy from the president tPmgrcialve) of WUcoasln Intro­ FOR YEARS FOR H£R LOVER- fronu and then hurled Into the main those planu which have alraady help to and a 8200 college scholarship. fighting duced a plan tor the RXNO HIM IN A POORHOUSC. been reconverted, flgurlng that tha leglsUtton and ther . frwjuent-, To 18-year-old Donald P SulUvan Job* there are more pennanoiL of the eonunlttec structure of Aa ly, the last word goes, by default. WHERE HE 01E0 IN HER ARMS. of Potsdam. N Y , and 20-yc senate. This ,aar the senate ap­ totorestod goeerameot Mildred Reed of Bristol. Conn., went proved tha appointment of a ]otnt PBICB OF BCTTO OF ageoc, at (hat particular pressure (be national boys' and girls' 4-H Bich. this B4 I 3 organlzaUoo of both group armad with the toehnieal la- tlUes for leadership In their clubs t. «d^^ VI* - bouse., -nia Smith committee „ formatltoi ^RAMOFAMOUS I Arnold J. Burka. reuses to place home. Senator Malone, and Repre- and communities. Awards tor these meted to earth. ... —----- uvMsc, immiunmj ano A* MOOERN WAIOM bcnors an Che same at In bbHs. AHbaBgh eat, abral 1.259.- Mi betweoB il and 48 were said Arm, Pheto reoefda'prod-jcera.'the pr1ce"af butter ma, Bepre IS A SYMBOL OF b« ehOllBg. pie- aooo.SSSLgoup Sve cents per , s“”„S'ss;v.“ 2””..... to tha n to be af crack vmlK,. tha Mgh brightter conalderstioe b, the TMta THE PURITY ANO WV40LESOMC PEARL HARBOR: emigres* of a plan to streamUn* h out t^ point, as oitawB hsea. H GOODNESS OF TriaUOff STATE DEPARTMENT: the raheUBBr, of the guseni- report says: M farwwd aad wra Id MMM«0,THE Beeauae separate arm, and nav. Mon Changes bujrloff eream. TMe latter tee* baa to bddUta. -Toiss a Iar» piwligi ed flse ONLY AtARGARINR aveMsaO, be wrttta a«. bMter prices tor pend- CWViEOtYiTS eC to with Big Bustneasman EdwarM uets. BO have been able to pa, more MAKER TOM Stottliilua taking over aa secretary Husband E. Klm- Economic Finch for cream than the butter toetDriefl. emgress.tto result! of which have *TAEU-GRAOC: a other big bustocas oatoes <0 ba mel were guilt, Pinched on the mlllUry front. Gar- To solve this tosqualit,. the War tound (avor to eoogressionaleirclce. I thl which the Icflaiatlai onl, of errors In 1, will be equaOy'plnchrt at Pood admtniatrattoa has proposed ^ H apropos at this point to In defen­ home this winter eronoml.t. ^ oations; I “»^Secr^^_rti iL -7„ Earl, this month, the butler to-1 ^ ceedlng* against people generally but rather some Adm Bisomel them. dustry' divisor, committed;' urg«l! "'"’"J:.' special group. " OPA/-><>• to.- place a ceiling... price * oo tfata opinion: U ts possible to pick At the same Ome. Exp the departments declared that the cream at the producer level boards' findings would remain se­ Burke would not eotialder It Nssdsd ippeartog before (hern la At the height «f their Bt eommaoders’ errors In lodgment 'state, and Archibald MpeT.»i«h wu ceding cBn^iry favor of. or to opposiUoo to. a par- OVD peon eoaqoest. the Naals < were senous enough to warrant I pul to charge of public and enttural great orators.”rS ” ttenlar bUL But even a senator can't their retiremeni from service. It I relations O. S. ambassador to Ja- BEPOBT OK CmVBSB LaFoUette. subscribing to this >>• kU k> all vHk a aapaclty of M.9M.8M coMBcuwwra opinion, adds frankly, "There la. to Then there are the wen-heeled -'^666 : but here agmls. German O. 3. concern regardingthe long- C be sure, more trash — bad poetry, lobby groups with their technical UBERATION: tat resoUed to (he laM af demagogle claptrap, and clotted experts. « M.0N.M8 MBS to Ital,. served as imdersecretary tor:f°™*°* ' Qotisensc—to the Record of the past i What can a eommlttaa with a iim- Political Scuffles . Beigtom. Ln 1 time under Calvin CooUdge. 10 years than there was on the an- ' Ited approprlatlao do to eompeUdae (be Baikaas awt auBcary. and military nals of congress from 1780 to 11M." with a private group with funds to problems pressed the Allies I WORLD AVIATION: LAye. ayel) | hire th* best legal or taebnleal laUnd-to-lsland operations rope, with British troops coming to \End Con/a6' ____ ■ — - —I us. however, , brain* to th* country to present Ito tha assistance of the rightist gov. Pa^pc. This type •enalae read -that aO stx oc beck oMor end Maotoal Bey SotMk aid them to liie limit of my re­ overriding c body. ■OW CUBBSILUbS OFERATB The preaent leglalatori. If toe, Bltteea ta wh*cb be served wt beU li tatoy-t.adn«ta.l T cerrie sources. The American miaalon's report to wlahad to be as achedaled la amel at to* sai On the western fironL most spec As a whole, delegates ta' elrdro Although directly slapping at taeular advance was to Lieut. Gen principles of aUowtng flight over the White House ta a vary human many eivUlan alackera to toi* Ome aa toe earn* day. a Se trs $ooB-TAstm document It tells a vtvld story of Britain for Its resistance to the nam­ Patton's drive on the vital coal-lader their territories and landings (nr our time id oational stresa. could Another solution tor the problem ing of Ccunt Carlo Sforza as foreign Saar basin, but hardest fighting other than commercial purposes. the Ingths to which free people win answer soma of their eritiea trltb would be provUloa tor go to fight an aggressor.With m a SCOTT'S minister to a new Italian regime, tered east of Aachen, where Great Brluin. ter on*, however, • ihrug and a reminder that "there non-poUtlcal experts, both tern- the stjflentog U S. State Depart- ammunition to speak of — pv- to a war on.” When a war Is on th* U S. »tb and 1st armies eontlnuec balked over the proposal to permit porary and permonenL to advise EMULSION I decUred that aB other to grind forward toward the edgt haps averegtog 20 round* to a m- tougbesl flbered cd dcmocratle In- committees on purely technlcel mav united oatlons should be given of the sprawling Ctologne plain, will . partic­ -Chtoeae guerrUlas will sttaek MltuttoBS suffer. tor*. This arraagemant now exist* opportunity to develop their the Reich's Industrial heart abou' ular nation unless quotas were es­ lueb stronger Jap tore* to order The IneonststeDcy of toe bulk at but to such a limited degree that democratic form* of g 20 rnOef away. tablished for each one. J take away their supplies. » compUtEt* agatost toe leglxle. to bardly affecUva; One of their WAR PRODUCTION COTTON home was da dynamlU; To prevent the possibility o MISCELLANY With V. S. eottoD hard pressed by ffianufachowd from saltpetre, and BARBS . , . by Baukhage curring shortages in the Japanese cheaper foreign production. Secre­ somettmes mixed wttb odd* and war, U S. arms production trill be tary of Agriculture Oauda Wlckaxd ends of metal to moke hand gre­ maintained Even prisoners arc < propoied a plan under which the nade*. Dynamite has been too pre­ Washington 1* 84tb on a list of 88 The French air ministry has to- Hitler's fall, with only about part Cor Uncle Sam tn th would sttbaldlzc the cious to use tn btowtog up raJirnate ride* In hmg affllctiooa. SdO porarll, suspended voluntary emirt- m per cent reducUon to output mates have turned out adth the view toward the guerrillas rip up raHrosd tie* eoutof of wind, anyhow. I hear you mats to toa French air brea tm- A* I result of the govenunest's of Ind'.wtrial products . financing bis entrance into new ag- and ran* by hand. To thwart caos* "to* number of applicants o- new plans, only about 2,000.000 rath- the Japs DOW rivet their rails to­ M to. number who cm. be ^ •r than 4.000.000 people are expect­ gether Under to* HuO reriprocel agreo- rolled ohd tastrnctod." ed to be released from war indua- ments. blankets, rope, parachute gested a two-price lyste^ondm man, Megrspb poles bwve ■anta. tarifla to 3fl per cent are trte* on V-E (victor, to Europe) cords. itretcheM. camouflage net­ which parity would be paid tor do- tally I per eat tomr tou toe, Congrees to gotog to day, and manpower and materiaU ting and ammuniaon boxes. In ad-: wlth exports betore 1813 end I pm eat »Klt I wader c dltion. priBOD farm production has disposed of the trouble of wm heve to diet down E> Our UMrtjr to 848.556.343 annually. i U>« wM market*. Mihnnene ta metafa. ■iiyll.S.WariondE Timh;, Dn«iiil>«i a, IfM BAD (KI.) INDEPtJTOEN- Ernie Pyle’s Slant on the fear: SEWim CIRCLE flEEDLEWORK -^7"' I SUNDAY

Air Crew InvitedJerrys .... ■: vr;.: ■ ■■■■, - ■ . v 1 SCHOOL Unusual ‘Bird Cage ’ Pot Holdea-s 5799 complicated lo make One has a To Make Daily Mail Stop HOVSWHPLP LESSON -:- yellow canary—a bluebird ;s in tha oteer "cage--all m a single era. Fighter Pilots Are Forgotten •5.iSi^svSS;'l& To obutn crocheUn* InsInjcUonj tar (he Men Despite Their Brilliant Work Leaton for December 17 ^ Bira c**, PotBajder. ^ By Ernie PjU

CHBISTIAN LIVINO AT ITS BEST uasort TEXT-Calatlana S:» -1:10. -WwiS AIRraora m FRENCH NORTH AFRICA, GOUJEK TEXT-B ». Uva In (b teunt let lu alao walk B tha SpUlt.- until ft haa reached a really violent trapo. Life and profaaalon mutt be In ac­ cord. To foHow Oudtl meant more But to tha aoldlari on (ha round teLii embracing a creed, or tellowing that tn-t asou«h. ao they lat looaa ual: It caOi for dally Uetng of with aaatTtetoc ftom CoU .«Sa tee hlghat^ type. eo both ddu and to Tammy gutti. Herein Chrlttianlty dlflen from eoutant watcUui It happana that my boat flyln* aU other reUront. It It a living patroUln*. fncDda In thia war baaa baan bomb, faith in a living Lord-whicb pin- Hem at oa* of ar man. but I wlab aomabody would dueaa a living tettlinony. Such t Ufa *te( a aong. and a gtorleua one. ter an of ut can aa- our Ogfatar pOota, They art tha ter- I L BdrttoaJ (Cal. S:S«8>. lottan mai of our aartal war. I The Cbristlan receive! hit new Ufa I in« bombwta ITot tmtu I eamo up eloaa to tha j through the ministering of tee Holy I fun. Yal tbCM African treat did I raallta what I Spirit Since that ,t> true, "let ua ' tirad, hard-wortt- our flgbtor pfloti have baan terough I also walk by the Spirit" (v. ») Ev- KMa ma tof Amarleani •ad what thay ara doing. Semetaow .ary child of God (not JuR a few. aa feklBfir dadda^. or otbar you don't hoar anu£'about aome auppotel (a to live this in ml of TTHESE unusual bird cage pot U A.Atall article has fallen into » and a talatram te AOIad baad- thorn, but (bay ara tea apoaga that apiritually fruitful life. holders wiU add a gay note some hard-to-get-Bi place, use a Wartm aaklof liiain to arranfa bar la abaorfatog tea fury of tea LuS. BoMt Port BiBQ Chxistiiutg I The works of tea fleah. horrible In your kitchen. Each one is IVt wad ol chewing gum stuck on tha Iba Janra to atop tbara each a*#. waffa oTor bara. Thay ara taking {tealr wlckednaaa and lust are Uated Inches high, and they’re not a bit end of a long stick to get at it Bbtf and pick op our mall. and taking it and taking It As 'In varaet I»-Z1. and teen by ttriklng t am Urntc at thla atrdrama ter a rarlaatlng erodll abeold ba thatra. • contraat we have tee fruit of tee ^ easy way to coal doughi ^Ua. It can’t ba oaraad. allbauch to eagtood. tea gghten dt tea Spirit In the life of the OirlatiBn. Skiing as a Sport with sugarir ist to place them____ i BAF gat tea gtory baeaMa af 'Note tee dlstiacUon: work la Mune- paper sack with powdered sugarT • in alnaa tear caQ on ui Craqtmit. tea graai BatUa af Britoto to Cranberry Pnjlt Cup telng we produce; fruit La fometelng I Shaking the bag will do the rest PuHhertnora. tear annoaneod am. Bet to Amartea a« atto*. •Crown Boaat of Pork that grows. a means of travel, especially by «Ute a >bUa afo br radio that Cbay (M one of tha mod taterattlng aaa- Julienne Carrota and I Walking in the Spirit the Chriatlan armies, for at leaR 4,000 years, Do ,'oa have an old eye-gUsa nMiU daMr«7 tea place within thraa b^abmw. Tha vaotootear am.. Urn. of tea yaar ------Green Beam finds to hij life the Inward graces as evidenced by a runner of that a# tea nytog ease around teat isn't m use? aa tor aa tood U Candled Sweet Poutoea of love. Joy, and peace. These then e now in the Nordiaka museum Employ it as a red and blue ra­ *n.hadn't bean bara Ihraa boun till ^teay waad Wai Ctamamoo Applet expreii teemaelves outwardly Stockholm, skiing did not be­ tion token holder tea Oarmaea came. Thay arrive Ittm teat •Potato BoUa come a sport, even in tee Scandi- pm « dnak. And they eama arro- |htlng out tea beat Pink Grapefruit and Onion Salad navlan countries, until I860. •entty. «ytog low. Soma of ten Aaaorlad BaUibaa and Jam The sport did not become , one of the old pm cushi ■we* hava regrattad thalf audadty, Thara U ttfll rivalry batwom tea I tovorlto tooda’i^ Beverage popula^ the United States until ■ doubtiesaly you wiU find ter thay navar got home. Tha flr*. flghtari and tea bombera, aa there 'pm s« are old pound fruit cake Note tee suggestion of special Bet>C«y eootaina up to 2 Vh times more of thea the pitots teemaelves to kaep up. tUa war to cetato to be a dead ban atand-bya tor garntohtog. Fringed mughtfutoea toward our fellow five otto widely offered rub-ina. iBPteRV are ebangea a t^etiea toom Rthln a weak. Stlektog with tea ilery. ituSed celery sticks, from yea ataaJ Cat Christians (v. 10). Some folk oper- For quiefc, aootemg relief m-iw , team and playtag It all togetherto ckledI OTRige . ro2r±•M roUMg eWt from Miu CAwoW.:hambm by wrttMg te W to tee opposite principle. They We win haee aome new Idea a gherkins cut In fan aha pea, car­ mat tealr fellow believers with a SBrprlae Germans wlte IL Nestani Nwcipapw f/aAo, HO i rot curia, stuffed oliata or green Ouemtat.nL la] da­ a aeroatsas with a surprii American sportohaataiatilIRtoam-l pepper halva filled with eregm is of tusplclon and eriticlam. TTial auBtuver. and we will have w«k Into tee Byers collectively. I chase help pretty the platter. I surety to nol ChrtstiaD living s THE.MOREHEAD (KY.) INDEPENDENT THE MOREHEAD INDEPENDENT I lough withr^w wife. Mrt?. Vert-|lng the trip to Lexington were OtT* NOW 'to THR WAR FUND DR3VE1 (Otneial Orfu of BovM Co«M7> r Tackett:t anS]^2raipily Harvey j Mrs. Mason Jayne. Mrs. was recently Installed D a *ta grande Jayne. Mrs. W J. Sam­ the achools, Finn pointed PubUshcd each Thursday morning at Morehead, Kentucky I unit and will return m Camp ple. Mrs. Austin Riddle, Mr^. that no dvUian school or univer ­ I Hood. Texas, when his leave la Walter Calvert. Mrs. C. B. sity could possibly provide such Entered as second class mail matter February 27, 1034. at die poetoffice ' completed Daugherty and Mrs. M. C. Cros- facilities for students, and indi­ at Horebead. Kentucky, under Act of Congress of March S. ISTO. I ______,, ley. cated his belief that men trained ------I Mrs .Austin Riddle Mrs Pauli for students, and andthand and HARVEY S. TACKETT...... Editor'.! RevnoltLs, and Mrs. Creed Mr. and Mrs O. P. Carr and by the navy would get the cream daughter. Bdra. Paul Reynolds, (No«- i, U S Armed For I Patrick gave a .stork shower hon- of the Jobe afteg^the war. * ______ortng Mrs. Robert Laughlln at went to Cincinnati. Sunday to FuU and detail tlie former's home la.si Thursday meet their son. Ll Walter Carr may be obtained from the Nav>' SWSCUPTION RATES; |.ifiemixin. Several guests were and his wife, who arrived from Recruiting station In Ashland. • jjpresent. Mrs. Laughlln was U Atlantic City, N. J. Sunday Ky . and those presenting 75 Trecipiem of many lovely gifts. ni^t they had as th^ guests proper educational background One Year Out of Sute ...... tnti*- ______, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Goodwin and will be given the Eddy Aptitude '’Mr and Mrs. D. B Caudill, Jr. little daughter. Ruth, of Mt. test at once, from which selec- AU Subscriptions MUOT be Paid in Advance .tnd dau^iers. Etta Jane and Sterling, and Mr. Coleman Nick- Uons tor RADAR training are Susan Marie of Sandy Hook ell of Winchester. made. ADVERTISING RATES MAOS fQOOWN UPON APPLICATION ’) R raudlll, Sr. over the week­ Radar Provides d Stares Pint! t Mr Curt Hutchinson went to end Susan Marie remained Society News spend the week with her Great Field For I Washlr.gton. D C. last Wednes- , ------day. wh,r, h. *a« Joined ty Wa Men In Service Mrs William G Brown and brother, Pvt. Alpha Huichln.-ion, and Mrs Roy Venciil re- daughter. Judy K.. returned last who Ls stationed at Fort Meade. RADAR. the navy's most MILLS osely Monday d,.n h,.,,. In Som- JW;™" H. ry.oro.nl Horn. „e„ Vonclll Uia. h. had Sunday field young THEATRE erset after a visit with her par­ ______'•''■^1 in San FranclBoo after in fightingthe V ents. Mr and .Mrs Claude Kes.s- PBONR 14* BIORRHKAD. KT. WAB ROMD MOUff ^ Tackett armed ;r HVN. MON. A TTES, DRC. WAR BOND NOW!^ ier and family. ! the same time, according }d R. Finn, recruiter in chars “Haathe jof the .Ashland Navy recruUIn oaaaieBdn to ita RepaBk Ralah yolhmok Seaman Sec- gtaitoa Conquering Hero” lor« lluU they m»t a r 4e parttaB sf their aav- ond C1as.s arrived home last Fri-[ stres.sing the importance of iBip depodte for the | r of tbene dUtll War New YOU- Luaa BoBde. visit with !oes.«fui applicants for acceptance hi.> psrent-s. Mr and Mrs Rovg,»„Rovg^t,, ra D a R .sch.wl. Finn indicatedt * tuttm nsv ’ • j Holbrook.' He will also visit his th.hat the expanding fieW of elec- * THOW- DEC. S p New « ; f !• Tauibee. Kentucky ironic engineering would ahsorbj Ralph “Sergeant Mike” y? ill return to Great I jkes j .ju.-h men m 'he i>>st w:ir vears ' retam ob yomr -owey. The S pereeat aad ! .ifter hiv 'leaie ■ 'for re-as.signment rii.nK Uu- fan that SI‘».OOOfflVi rrai Roads wU] aot be asalUMr la (hr driv Hair-do M'S I G. Rla,k is ex|iected/ homo next week-end to make KRI- A S.4T. DRT. SS—S3 himt lltaabir Peatare aad Serial) \ n--w. pxo’linB more i''latierlng her home with her p.irents, Mr • U ! hair-

IIsSsi'wicKR aisrsi' VlwISS TRAIL AC t:.-:!.;) MOREHEAD. KV. “W^‘

, TI F-S. A WED- DEI - l»—» ; “Dr. Takes A Wife” M>0 “SWEET HIOfT” ^ THI RS. A FRl- DET. 51—25 “Big Noise” Si

[ SATURDAY, DEC. S3 ■ ritaoMr Pralarr and Serial I So you don't i “Saddle Leather Law” ! "Two Yanks h believe in SANTA CLAUS! j Trinidad” [ “ZORROH BI.ACK WHIP” ■ .ILL. we do’ It’s just that i t SasiUs don't go hi for whiakei'a and fancy dreaa. r High QualitY! Take the American farmer, for iistanceHe’s done things with GOSHIWHO WOULDNT LIKE TOSTHE DOWN HERE his up-to-date tractor and farm machbiery that Santa Clans Low Cost! TO SOLID COMFORT? CrhereU*o, ------r «6 o ■ I «------comfortable ceold never have done with hU riindeer! Or. take modem indno- Valuable chair, such aa thi* one, that chaaea aaeay trial workers, bringing ihore and more things into the reach of :^^morriea for the time being. It ia the everybody. —Out-Santa-mg SaataJ And there must be a SANTA Coupon! GIFT aupreme. Spring fiUod throaighout, and priced at only CLAUS behind our modem stoiTss. When yon step into a glis­ *27 tening. sanitary food store, and f.nd government-inspected pro­ ducts from all over the world, wilting to be transferred to year Floor'Toor Lamp* own pantry shelf, bow can yoo h)lp but Uin^ and vrotoder? Did $Ijsa fip -CHRISTMAS- r say be didn't believe lo SanU QAiu? FURNITURE SUGGESTlOfB: ^way relfector type." a MIRRORS • MAGAZINE RACKS -WelUedo! IM.QR vtdlBg s warU of eae • PIN-UP LAMPS • COCKTAIL TABLES teece. BxNaWtoty stgR e COFFEE TABLES • PICTURES REFLBCtOB B BEAUTIFULLY DECPiKATED SOFA PILLOWS;, SANTA’S OTHER NAME IS PROGRESS! bAMP ...... M 5 Ke^p Pmee Wi’.h the Time* .At SsMfO Table Lampa 599511; M^BRAYER I , REGAL GROCERY furniture 1 MRBAms AyEM E RAY LYTLE. Mgr. ^ COMPANY i^^se^^scts^'eisssessegteweigieisie'eeeieeieeeaaaaaaa THE MOEEHEAD (KY./ INDEPENDENT • sumps A-S through home, the Red Cratis has arrang-1 and Home Service at na» •5. A-2 and B-2 in War Stamps 30. 31. 32 33 and 34 in ed direct communication service I tional headquarters. Washing- SELL tors TOMCCO WITH -THE ook Four now good for 10 Bonk Four now good f< between Its field directtmy Initon. D. C. through army tadi» Rationing^ pougpls each indefinitely. MAYSrtUE, KENTUCKY Meats and PaU Stamp 40 in Book Four good A Glance Red sumps A-8 through Z-S Barley ft hdepadent Warehoow. and A-5 through P-S in Book Four good for 10 polnta each in­ ffOiEmMCk definitely. CLAWr SBASOirs MABEBT LEADERS) \^irplane scamps 1. 3 and 3 in WM. tS. for . hrfiK» the War Ration Book Three each Haltdar.. good indeTmiteiy for one^lr of COULDYOUR .shoes. J. F. AardynoB, Nhufcr To speed transmittal of emer­ WIDOW gency messages from servicei in France to their families We are prqtared to serve day and BORROW? night and to meet any possible WANTED! emergencies. TORY DUPLICATINC machine. • Hxll or larger.-CEOL U CLARK, 101 Betbei Street Wil- Lane Funeral Home raare, Ky. Itp. /f any emergency requiring immediate cash should arise today yon NOTICE 09 DISSOLUTION would arrange to m^eet it. You. with a regular income, Haldeman. Kentucky, the 27th could go to the bank and borrow money; you coaid borrow on *'our life insurance; or you may have a little fund set aside for just that purpose. Kentucky Fire Brick Company is jcloains up its business and wind- But suppose you were not here. Would your I ing up Its affairs. sridow be able to meet such emergencies.’ Sbe would ; THE KENTUCKY FIRE BRICK if you arrange now for a Jefferson Standard Emer­ COMPANY, by R. B Cushmg. gency Fund to be used for expenses she doesn’t as­ TJifom president. pect. Without cost, we sbaU be gUd to give you com­ NOTICE OF SALE plete details today. THE ROWAN COUNTY BOARD of Education offers for sale the Minor school house and lot LUSTER t BLAIR Don't Let Up Nowl Sealed bids will be received at \JL0USA the county supenntendent’s of­ REPHESENTATIVE fice until 7:30 DJn. Monday, The hoys who win our beachhea«l« on foreign Jan-uary I, 1945. The property chores expect u< to hold the home-front in­ tact. for those who will come back. They will be sold (o the highest and have every right to expect this best bidder The board retains JEFFERSON STANDARD the right to reject any and ail The War BondsI you buy now do just that Please youi family bids. Terms: Cash. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY —in two vlullyvitally importantimpn ways. First, they CR:E.>iSS0R0. VOBTH CAIOllNA answer 's belle that our home-front s '•loo-soft" to carry o the w with the things you bake They firmly expect us to quit and give them an easy peace, because they think we are unwilling to sacrifice any of our comfor- Here’s a flour worthy of your baking i living. Japan knows the B-29*s that bomb cost $600JXX)------eat d_ that__ e skill. . . A quality product to help you atorpedo to sink a Jap ship costa $12,000. They think we'll stop paying before they stop please your family with the biscuits and Give them your answer—IN ~ pastries you make with it. You’ll like to work with SNOW GOOSE. Try a Peoples Bank Of Morehead sack next time you need flour. . Fegeni Deposit I lUaourret Over Two MiUUm DoUsrt 5liK.?y-O0Rv GROCKRi: K- practical thi, Chriitma, ■ ■ ■ five upmvthing ptefpl... utmethipf that icill he appreciated lonf after the hpUdaft have parted. The C. E, Birhop Dmf Company, oldest drop store in Morehead. is proud to offer you this year a rnllerlioa of fijl s u f g e , I i o a s thot ire hove spared no effort to mure from every available market. Shop aott for our supply on many gift items U

M,I* y.

For Her-Manicure Sets Gift Toiletries. An Exciting .A perpsnial ('brii>tiaa.H«are .ALL OF THF-SF AND MANY MOHK and I Uiidik the soldier koiUs mors than he is getting, beinghurled at the Naais every month. TIMKLV tilFT OFFbaUNGS MAY both now and in the future. .. Unless everyone aO BF FOUND IN OUR STORK GIFT the war throughthe nation,thoseatthe frontand Guns Find With Pidpu»od PA aw, awwv GODTSMY JIatory and Legend of Trees and Cribs sewing attciE PATTERNa ^ CO-PILOT I Grace and Dignity in This Frock Col. Robert L. Scott I I'llTVIV^kSa* ET**vv.»1>- M L’l ____ W-KU. R&LZASe Tb« ttCTj tau tar: after ira^Oa* Jumper Frock a Figure-Flatterer Well now. you hold that picture of fram We.i Polat •• « •eeaad UmueBaaa no Oilnese in tbe city of Hengyang Te» Hill for a minute while ^rt SeM „„ a,, „ K.,,, would ever forget the night mi«.re*a», aad take. ■»par.aU tjla(. him to you In another light We gotour four ships Into the air 8712 »bea ifea war.kreik. eat be u aa la- One day over Hengyang. after we IM8 la Caltforala aiul CoW a. U too bad broiien the Jap.-inese wave with at staggered alutudea. We beard: the radio reports from Rlchardaon' our aaaauJt and support and thera aeTrral GeaeraJi tor a eaaace^C*« a were aome fifteen Zeroa burning givmg Che latest positions of th< «e»aatpUae aad taaDy lai. a kreak. Japs. Reported over Changsha around among the pagodaa of tbli ■e aie. a bomker to Into, .here be Hunan eapiuL I saw an odd light Then N^ of the field. 'Then al bacomei a lerrf pOM bat lai. doe. aM was sUelb while we waited. In oui appeal to bun. after etilBaa Geo Ck.o- down below. There was one lone . posltlorib over the field we placed rfm be cell a KJtq>aa«k aad won Jap. doubtleis of the auiclde Samu­ rai ichooL for though bia buddies ourselves ds|i-n-moon—that Is, where had either been abot down In their the bombers would have to fly be­ «t the Mrd «|h(er (roap. Caklaf etumpted strafing atuck or had tween us and the moon and thus [be aVG. and leave, lor the KaeUla turned for home, this arrogant fol­ silhoueRe themselves against the <0 take ebarta at a«biereperatkaa. ‘•jIt orange light lower of tbe Shinto Shnse was Then I saw the five bombers \Wi strafing tba field-alone. Two of uj ' CBAFTEB ZVn rolled to go get him. but from the against the moon. They were at 13.000 feet I know I .wore be­ end of the field towards the river I /i£I The aurprUe wai that another I saw a P-40 puD out of a dive and cause they were below me, and I plane had now been found aeveraJ head for tha Jap. It was Te* Hlli could Imagine the cursing of every mllea from tbe bomber. It vaa aup- As the two fighters drew together poied to be a flghier, being amaUer. In this breath-taJdng. head-on attack. SL? i -ir rr ” and II bad burned upon crabbing, t I taw their tracers meeting and for therefore received credit for two en­ a second I didn't know whether Che emy planea deatroyed July 31, It bhlpi ran together or both exploded taUM. U.J 1 „ „ L-,„d-niT ti» dam Child I bad been ray Hrit aenal combat, and li> the air. As the smoke thinned I h. - .h-d.. di, h..„.d „rhd„ ^ I "-•“i.-s:: they told ua later that ; ‘ “'r* I i log to tasplre f I felt very proud Indeed. U>e P-40 fiaah on through and could tered the Holy Family during tha ' 0 the , but the Jap hear the moan of one Allis'™ en^e•nvln* flivht Intn • wr among tbe faithful received spe-1 We found the reported prlaoner. I flight Into Egypt. eraabed and. burned on the field of as a P-40 moved to ter the attack, the Pope u but he waa dead. While being quea. A strahga child was received hoa- present Hengyanj Hill and tbe Jap bad could bear It abow thf sound of tbe > Ublcau of tbe Nativity Honed he had tried to ebcape. had PlUbly Into tbe but of a poor wood scene. killed beveral Chlneae. had wound- soul n oui nose to nose, aad once ten radial engines on the enemy cutter who lived on the edge of a bombers. •d otberi, and In turn bad been again I thought of the days of West- great toresL At midnight tbe fam- On Christmas eve of that year to em gunplay. mortaUy wounded. Lieutenant duck The seconds dragged, and then we Uy was awakened: looking out of Grecclo, , representatives of tbe Wise Men and other bibhcal charac­ gotto him before he died, but waa heard Johnny say. "Okay, I see the wtodo^ they beheld the Uttle ters (a youngmother laid her "bam­ ^ble to gel any vai&abla taforma- Things kept right on happening at ’em." And oow we saw their cx- stranger eUd to gleaming radiance Hengyang for after all there are hausta. looking like ten buahel-bas- aad iumiunded by a choir of angela: bino" to tbe Hanger), real Uvt anl- mail, sheep and oxen, finally obedi­ Uy Oral aerial engagementtun­ Japaneae bases fanning out In many kets of blue fire. For a full aeeond. the Sr tree beneath the window was ent after hours of tuggingand ibov- ed a atory in Delhi—1 found out dlreeUons—EaaV North, Northeaat. aa the enemy bombers moved to­ covered with silver nuts «t»h Ughta. Ing.took their ptoee wuhto the about It four montha Uter The South, and Southeast Some of them wards the Urget that waa our field, apples and threads of geld: and tbe _____ ccl of the village chutch. etory tnld there waa to the effect were within an hour’# flight of our an was quiet, and I wondered If Quid his Identity: that I had engaged an enemy bomb­ field. Hankow was tbe one to the Johnny bad lost them to tbe dark­ Qinstkm]^ bringing | **» an limna- er over , and regardlaia of Ita North on tbe Yangue The Jape ness. Then I saw him, go ni,^.y (g ood chUdren. This fir ' sensation that the preienU- eaeort of two Zero#, bad ihot it the enemy dtlp* that be seemed to w toy emblem." i ^ of the Nativity scene at GrecOo down. It had eraabed Into tbe be to tormatlon with them—end Tie“ Druids were wo:__.,„worshipers of ! “ annualinual event sRraettogetfraettog' ground, and when they located It. clearly over my radio I beard John- Xhorher to whom the Thunder Oak wsIn uermany,Germany, it lata ' Jrapcf------_ rraek mg tSaui: km coofete. polaonlng from alz fifty . ealihre ^get area and very scattered. kul to your own hornet i ^ Krlppe. —to —Cxechoslovakla—w.M,a.i/vawie. jes-Jas- * I * Hp l.tniMr .a-. i a American machine gun* bad Johnny's tracers were itill going ~ ^ SpamSpato and otoerother C.toolicCatoolie T^tifr a d to do with IL Into tbe enemy ships and I could “u oe surrounded with » . - ^imlento „or K.o«.Nativl. attractive m2el hlTbroS'atoS lovtog gifts utd nigstf kindness." Major Ter .uuHill waawas uiethe aquaurOD their return fire oow, but It irywhere—to ctaurcbea. A>rw .-us m_ —i_. ______vo uii.ianoer of the outfit that I had »««»ed to go to no cerUin dlrac- Wbat toe Chrlstraai free U to eome to live with at Hengyang Ha tioo. I had moved to closer, trying oartomii countries, tha erfb is to was a blue-eyed Teian. lean and to getto the altitude of tbe fight snitbem Europe and Catholic eoun- Qirtstmaa custotna and tradltlims. thoulder treatment and ,1-niw wJi'S Unky. ilx-feei-two of fighting blood. On tbe ground the mechanics and haa taken toe tree and toe crij to Its toe eloaing. A amartly tailored I imagine If be had lived to the Owtog to toe widespread Inability -le Chinese Imerprrteri bad a ‘ hlooae ia Included in the patter® frontier days of ine American Wert, grandstand seat tor «• of tha best «f water a few ha would have been * vi —— mo«ng ptoturks that hsa ever been No eaoktor needtd. Or yen ow thera areund the -««ept that this was real They Christmas Customs Vary Around the World ------n tbe aids eg the Law. I *?“ My. "WaS SU'S'.SS'JLr" “■ to shut my cyea out there, sit­ tha flreworta," and had aaeo and ting on Aa alart la wim... ^ h^ tba heavy gima of ft, p^fi. think about him. I could picture sent their Imbert to wony u from They eenU aee pieees the that drawlingTexan walking slow, up there, and befora » m. vauaut uu coming off and going back toto the Toes Gmcened for Valor ft*'* ly through a border town wltb two ------_ ^ they made life mla- sUpstream. reflecting the glow »» I could almort bear the hot lead Juxt when the fun moon to the The lone lighter now was sliding spitang from thoae guns as Che two clear sky would begin to Ughl tbe over behind the other bombers, and shot It out, and 1 could always see ground like daylight the telephone the second one was exploding and tha villain taU, with Tex standing would sUrt nngtng. the Chinese In­ turning over. The third one tried to A Hi there looking at hli amoktag giina terpreters would begin to stick tbe turn, seemed to hang for seconds Tex would aJwaya have won, f» he Unle flags into tbe Map. and we'd against the full moon, then to ■ Mighty Good Eating/ waa the greatest fighter that I^er know that tbe Jap was on tbe way. flames to . pitch that got steeper aaw. the most loyal oAcer. andlttae We'd be Just about to sit down to sad steeper. Several thousand feet best blend. supper after a hard day's work on -below------our ...e,level n- exploded• • ____ rd seen Tex shoot down Japs to the alert We'd leave tbe rice and hunting gaaolme feU with it The the aky and I had followed on hia fish and squash, amid tbe bouseboys' light of toe three burning bombers to learn tbe toctlcs of the calls »*later,“. they could bear tbe dinner bell and the plamove voice of with drumi, trumpett, bella, or per- can hear him saying; "WeU. genUe- flfty-caUbre gunsabove tbe noise of more recent date—during the one of the bouseboys—"Jin-hao.Jln- heps with the poker and shovel taken men. I think we'U take off." And be Christmas season the barnyard the smaUer calibre Jap guns With­ from their humble Are. A furmety would amlle as he pulled on his beL bao—please.- get up. master—Jto- eoeki crow with more »>.» in secoodj after the stuck, there' or ynle cake, on^or each member met and goggle#. bao." Off we'd goagain toto were three ihlpa burningaround toe force and frequency. the sky. Sometimes the Jap would of the family, la^way* „rved. Ta was tbe eon of the ChapUto city walls, and none of the torma- The Christmas feeding at birds is feint two or three times to make ua • The ancient custom of sword-danos tioD got home. pwalent to-Norway tnd parU of R^"*'*-* Before the — valuable------le gagasoline.------Sometimes ing at Chrlatmas U kept op at Shrou AVG days he had been a Navy pilot Sweden. Bunches of oeu are placed he'd circle Hengyangby fifty mllea ihlre. Grotesquely dressed dsme- flying off carrier deck#,and In the But something waa the wisnyf M houses, frees and fences. The and then goback to Hankow. We'd en perform their routine of flying Tigers be bad been second with AUaon. We could aee Itis ship dtildren save toelr money to be spend tbe nightbetween toe hoital warlike evolutions, some accompa­ only to ftob Neal aa the leadingace and it was not flying normally. Ev- used to purebase bundles of oaU •nd toe alert aback; but after all nied by Imitations of the Ourtag toe early inh century. Tex was tbe moat truthful man I ^ now and then It would stream hobby-horse. j -. , Jte used to say. you weren't sup­ met-even hia aubeonacloua Are that was more than Just a back­ ^ of the parishioner. M the Brit. The ptoata U the Merican equlva-1 ^ posed to be eomfortable to a war isb Isles who paid vicarial tithes, thoughU were truthful He used to fire. On toe ground they could bear lent of a Chriifrnaa free. It Ji_a' and we were no exception. claimed ■ custom thst engine began to fade with a croaked stick to a gtven' H^xnEle to toe floor AUaon was i superior airman, mantle story of how we had met toe out toat ni^ Whether or not he fighterpilot and officer, and was tbe barbaric Japaneseand had seen toe had shot <^wD three bombers, be Ideal combat leader. A PTorida boy Madame’s face to toe akiei aa we could have-"hit toe silk" and floated Cwnitj Prieu aruf SeWmaster Compo,* ‘SiUnt Niglu’ be knew toe AUison engine well to safety to bis chuU. But Johnny The— Christmas hymn. "Silent by the v.i.w_ shot toe enemy down . . and had man Chthniic bishop of enough to have designed it. He must have said, "Tbe hell with that Ni^t" was written by a CJennan thou^t of ber and toe peopl*-of Salzburg------Jm.ADdp,..,, when„„ be wrofo- knew the P-40's bettor than anyooe I eemfry prleri and his friend, tot Qtina. But not-Tex Hil^e waa we need this shlp-we always need the song was assistant have ever seen, for he had Instruct­ too honest for that He told me. ships." To keep old P-40's that we schoolmaster ol a neighboring vil- on tba Salza. near Sahburg. Later ed toe British to their use to toe lage. tor a Christmaa now a cen- "Colonel 1 promised h^ that and flew— - —In flying condition we ggghad jq he held pastorates In various other United Kingdomand then bad gone I really meant It Ahd I've shot rob perta from every airplane toat gone. After It. first use to plaeee. aad died In 1848. over to show the Russians bow to we could salvage after a crackup. 1818. to a UtUe Austrian town, it down about twelve Japs smee that The schoolmaster of Aiasdort fly and repair them near Moscow. This Is called "cannibalising'' adually made frioids until it came promlae tour months ago But you near Laufen. who wrote the Tonightbe was about to carve hia - be known to aU Gnmany and to know I never can remember to tomt, name with hi, ^x flfty-cabbrv guna fraction to many other countries. of this and a number of lesser kBown about ber when I'm in a batUe-I'm '”mtSl^““ to such a manner that few of ns hymns, was Pram Gruber, bois in too busy." author of toe verse* was Jos­ Hochburgto 1787 He died In 1883 would aver forget It. and cartalfily eph Mohr, bom in Salzburg.Austria, rro BE CONTUiUEO) HaOeto. near Salzburg, wtaera to 1782. He was'ordatoed a priast organist Tna>d*y, December U, 1 i (KY.) INDEPENDENT A Thrfllzn^ Surprise. For This Christinas CLASSIFIED T^O TOtr know ■ rouB( hoose- depart M ENT ^ke*per who would lov* to m«k* m home tor a family of doUa tn this charming Colonial house* THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE HELP WANTED It la easy to make from acrapt cd plywood or from panels with alight flaws now availabU tor ci»- fllaa use. It is even possible to make the front, partltlona and Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Younz


HOGS ptmocs—a«(. o**a cun: wt




Directions in Sections Should Not Confuse Him The salesman asked a farmer the way to the nearest boteL “You turn left at the schooW house." the farmer advised. “T^en go straight ahead tiD yoa cume to Gad Sbor's bouse. Th«k take the left fork in the road and keep on tor five miles." “That's clear,” the s_ said. “Where does that meT'* "Wal." the fanner announced, “that brings you right back here.’* “Right hetel" the shouted, '^y should I come bdek here?” “To get flu ram of the

TOD CANT BUT an fa wpitfa thaa tlw mw


Shoulder a Gnu— Or the Cost of One T-A ☆ ☆ BUY WAR BONDS Beware Conghs frM ti— mU s That Hang On

fadao phlagm. a

dmtandlns yoo nust like the way B ontAly allays the cough v you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Couhi. Chest Colds. BmacUtO

Watch Your Kidneys/ Help Them OeauM tbe Blood of Banafol Bodr Waste .ir.Sircn.rss;^.sra srscTSKS-ii-ssriri

-sssSr;."a.srttES^'.c.Ss.sSri.'™ btntat. aBacr m Tkm&sldb.BodoobttfeM PRM mataaol 0 wtmi tbaa Mclwt. On Onm’( POa. Omi'i Iut « bmi wmetm« m trUoS* lot ear* ikaa lonr nan, Tbw ter* • utlm-vM* rvtxudm. ••t Into A cHm Ss;:srii‘irs2£r-“ y for Full VIctaryl Doans PILLS THE MOREHEAD (KY.) IXDEPENDENT Mr. Elmer and Jimmie ams of Panama. Kentucky. v IbU- ed their mother, Mrs. Grace Ad- ama, who is making her home with Mr and Mrs. D H. Geve- ‘ion. last week-end. GOOD nCTUIIB!

Mr. Herman Cooper returned FETE HALL. home last week after undergo­ Ike .\ooe. Sr., spent last and Mrs..Ariie Caudill and( Mrs. J F Hacknev and Mr rnZTcZZ^. ~ ,7 ' . . ing an operaUon at the Sl Jose­ rM,y U.U1.V11I. „„ 1« Mt S.erllne, Mrs. A B. H.rk'sHackney " were j ington. The ph Hospital In LouisviJle. His ------shopping I Lexington, last Frl-lnamed Bruce Ronald. condlUon is reported to be much las Frances Voi MIS.S Katherine Powers of 01- attending school at the Univer ­ Htv Ramah Johnson l.s visit- sity of Kentucky In Lexington and Mr-s S ,M Bratlley for ,s • Good Samaritan Hospital In Lex- Mrs. OUie L.von spent era! days. spent last week-end visiting week-end In Frankfort as I Ington, Mrs. Caaslty is the for parents, Mr and Mrs. o. M. Ly- ggeoceppcecciwee guest of Mrs. Howard Bender ! !mer Grace Jones. jon and family Miss Lyda .Mane Caudill spent Mre. a w Whitaker returned the wc^k-end tn HunUngion with I .Mrs. hame Friday after attending the her sister Mrs. F ...... wKi. rv ^ Pafton and son.| Mrs. Len Miller vjalted ftxneral of Bill (Milleri Coleman. Mrs Roy Caudill and son. and Mr. Whitney Whitneyreturned to -Aon .Arbor.jparems. Mr and Mra. H. n. it's Snail...It's Good ____ Dale, left last Friday for a visit Micmgan. Sunday, where Donald'Smith in Frankfort, last week. IS u^ei^ingmedical v ratment, Her brother, pbll Smith of Ux- Mr, Walh™ ^bfleit, „t Mrs. 1 M Oarrefl and daugh. Dr Blair acce Carmichael in indionapoli.s with tnsr C«HW*&MeT»WS*wll^ ' • Tents. Mr and Mrs. George Cun- 'to spend several days. Mm^ E. D Patton and daugh- ls. ft, Lexuiglon. this week, Mrs Mary Myers Mr and Mrs C I ter, liD^ Rebecca Ross of .Ash­ Caudill land. Usefui the Year Around! spent last Thursday i ">> C. C .Mnyrull and Lexing- TTAVadlll 1.,..# C..M,u*Ky ' and ’ * urn. J C tended -Mrs Robert Tacketv Mrs. Par-icrays^m '^mela.std withHe U h^rthV;expected to return home Mrs. T. it Crawford and Mrs. f MsrtiQdale’t Have b Whetker Wt For Dr and .VJr.s C <_> .V nell Marimdale, and Mias Ruth Friday mghL , _ Carl Crhwford and families. were bu-siness vi.sitors In 1 exing- Martin were shopping in Lexing-1 ton. last Wednesday. Young Or OW last Wednesday. - The Mi-ssionari' Society ,.f the Mr and Mrs Charles Holbrook! ■.Methodist Churr.n will meet Frl- Mrs ,r I. B^gewB^l of Grayson day night at the home of Mrs were shoppingin Lexingtdr, and. May W* S^gexi: BUM of her daughter, IC L, Cooper wl.b Mr- Ber, T"l GRAYS’ WAREHOUSES HmUngton. list w«tk. „r, PaulII CombsComb. soveral day. liver and Mr., c, B ,MoCulloua, I I last week. aaaisting. MAYSVILLE """" •“ Mr T P -Anderson of Flem- ingsburg. spent last week-end Mrs A. L. Miller was in Lex Mrs Taussaud Pa Ubert: Fameifi with his family here. gwo Sunda^Sun visiting Mrs. little daughter, Vicki, Phone‘27 PboBe 916 Ralph Miller ahd her new land, are visiting this week son at the Good Samaritan l the home of Mrs. ParrardV e home of pital. par MT and Mrs. Roy Hoi- -Now Conducting Sales- ■ W C Lappin and Mr I IZ U IZ or IZ U AINT Jesse iiay attended a foothau' banquet in Raceland la.st Friday UBERTY& FARMERS HOUSES GOT UR COAL IN? Mr. Lappin was the speaker for nnsT—CtM.. to Vwbville. No uitM win bo.o . bo,Ur Im of nnjoitb IF U AINT ~ U BETTER IS Mrs. Mary Johnson Clark and bat few. if uy M gwri. Mrs Clarence Allen and daugh­ ter. Martha .Atm. are visiting SECCM61U.«ra)r.< No Rqim, Martindale Furniture Ci ^xlnglon. Mrs. e. Hogge' ^„d Morehead Ice & Coal Company Mls-s Mary Hogge. Ni^iuc^n. -MORmilK.Am CAMPIAV A.BD ElBott Comty Coti ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ral]Iph Miller an- noimce the arrival of an eight-elght- GRAYS’ WAREHOUSES FVKiriTURs grow

Haalag 'enable with year gift owee^heart, gtaadpa or grand- Um thin year? U It a probk-M to ■ta. »rae, the war preveau ae flad maietklag for that yong. tr*m haring aU the i >4er? Wrtl. yew oMdat look tar- UtoT, for BRCCBW eaa aotve »«Ml prahliaa. whether it he M eae of the aaw__ •we gut •« rtw ar thin aawdoa of t.'ards. Wrapping Paper. Heals. for tM or teem, an other, dad, Eeatwcfey. Bright Colored Cord, la ouke These and Many Other Gifts to Choose From: PCZZLEN lOc. ISr. 2Pr PCZZLES BL.4CKBOARD8 S|,»tijg. si.«.CLss FOR THK TRRfS: m

Si-Si?c^;‘SS,£,-SlSr"SS!S.-itaaea . glAS •. Sow, lianeL d-wi balbN. gurlaads. belln, aagrl bale ... la fart, er- king Seta. Like Mothers : f erythlag c« make yonr Chrlntatas morning bright. And to give It prrNenlN that added uparitir wr have bright and glazed I wrappiiig paper*, -eal*. rord and ribboa. r Ghn ■ Something Educatmual— Give Books SI

Games, Toys, Mechanical Sets IJ™*: TOTS:

r Toy Tanks. Barges.Anti-Aircraft (;aaa. Trarka . OPr to SlJOi C.O.U, a*„ Is Your Gift List (or (irown-Ups & Toy Tralaa, (We Hroared the Market for Tbr*r) ansa ^ fXTS B.UV rgSi. ObH... Caddlr Aaimals aad DoUa. A Large Setartiow ^ DRl'MH, (FtH-a ChrlMauM wtoh a'Baag) . Sc and She of Theae. That WIU Make Aay Child’s Heart BoSmmg You? 5 FLETTRU; WOOMl-HVISG SBT8 ...... SIAP; Ochem Me t«c AND J»r ...... SIMP to ClAa ^ UNCOLN apd AMERICAN LOG BVTLOING SETS LAUNDRY SETS DOLLS, All Slae...... gta: Up f MARMoB/Ati-ATE SETS, with IWh Complete with Iroaiag Board. Ctathea Basket, Hmnrmaa Delia, the v «t boat to «7AS We Suggest Soweihhig From the Folowiag: Board. Tab, Bench. Clothes Llae. f Flghilag Plaiie Madeli tar that HadMaiihl.MlBded Bap. .. ti ff DOLL c Ra DLES ...... pf IP to a SALAD SETS a SHAVING SETS f »ART boards ...... 5fc ta ttJI • COSMETICS. LfPSTICaCS a CREAMS, LOTIONS f EAST-MONEY GAMER ...... gjjj • PERFUMES. TOILETRIES a MILITARY SETS • FIESTA SETS f CHINESE CHECKERS ...... »*. Me. fUl a LADIES DRESSER SETS • COOKIE JARS a DISBBSl CROOKBRY f RING TOSS GAMES w SWEATERS a MANICBRE SETS • BRIDGE SETS f PCPF-PliPF AC'TION GAME . a MIRHORS, PICTURE Frainei a GUEST TOWELS a BOOK ENDS I PIKNOCHIO PVPPET SBOWB BRUCE'S 5-10 & 1.( a LADIES. MENS PURSES a ASH TRAYS a BILL FOLDS a DESK SETS 1 BCILDING mad ABC BLOCKS • LINGERIE a MEXICAN POTTERY a HOSE. SOX jf COMBINATION PRINTING*aM Cnyow Seta a HAND ^LOWN GlkMware a SCARFS, BLOUSES J OCJLA TALKING BOARDS a PYREX OVEN WARE Ot^ Article* In Thla Radi STORE a BOXED STATIONERY a And Couatle-to Hundreds of a GLOVES. Men's. Women’k Sanu Claus Store;