
SYNOPSIS OF DEBATES (Proceedings other than Questions & Answers) ______

Friday, February 27, 2015 / Phalguna 8, 1936 (Saka) ______



TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD): On 24th February, a respectable Member of this august House made a comment about me in the Zero

Hour saying that I have called for a debate on the preamble of the Constitution and that this comment of mine is deplorable.

I would like to clarify in this context that I have never made such statement.

On 28th January, in a routine press briefing after the meeting of the cabinet, I had stated that the Congress Party should discuss whether Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was secular or not because when the Constitution was framed in the year 1950 then political leaders like Maulana Azad, Sardar Patel, B.R. Ambedkar etc. had not included the words like secular and socialists. All the newspapers did factual reporting but one newspaper 'The Hindu' published in its headline that I had called for a debate on the preamble. Thereafter, I wrote a detailed letter to the editor of

'The Hindu'. On 3rd they published my rejoinder in details. I never called for debate on secularism and socialism. I have neither made such comments nor does the Government have such intentions. The respectable Member who made these comments about me condemning my comments, which I never made, is unfortunate. I therefore would like to put the records straight and if the chair instructs me, I would table my authenticated statement in the House. In fact, I do not seek any apology from the Member however I would like that the respectable

Member should take his comments back as the record is straight and categorical in this regard. I would, at least, expect it from him.



AFFAIRS (SHRI ) moved for leave to introduce a Bill further to amend the Citizenship Act, 1955.

SHRI N.K. PREMACHANDRAN: I would like to oppose the introduction of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2015. The facts and statements of the

Minister are absolutely contradictory. This kind of legislative exercise is adversely affecting the legislative supremacy of Parliament and also the concept of the sanctum sanctorum of democracy. The specific objection of the Bill is that through this Bill, a new amendment is being incorporated in Section II(I)(e)(e) where the citizens of Indian origin have to be defined in the new Bill. There is no Statement of Objects and Reasons for the proposed amendment. There is also an

Ordinance. I would like to know as to what is the urgency of promulgating the

Ordinance. Hon. Prime Minister had made a commitment to the persons of origin. If that being the case, then my question to the Government is that in order to fulfill the commitment why this provision was not being incorporated in 2014

Bill and in the Ordinance which was promulgated on 6th January, 2015? That means, the legislative exercise was being taken in a callous way.

SHRI KIREN RIJIJU: There is no basis of these objections. This is in the national interest that we had to withdraw this Bill which was there earlier. This same Bill was passed in Rajya Sabha in 2013. But because the Lok Sabha was dissolved in 2014, the Bill could not be passed in Lok Sabha. That is why we have come out with a new Bill. As far as promulgation of an Ordinance is concerned, since the hon. Prime Minister had made a commitment on behalf of the country, it is our duty to ensure that the commitment is completely followed upon. That is why there is no basis and proper reason for objecting to this Bill.

The Bill was introduced.


SHRI HARISH MEENA: I hail from Dausa constituency of Rajasthan where the deprived section forms large chunk of the population and even after 68 years of independence this section of society is not living in a respectable condition and I am confident that the steps taken by my Government will ensure their development. The drinking water is a major problem of Rajasthan. Water is not available in most of the areas. Women, there, have to travel several miles to fetch potable water. I request the Government to make available safe and pure drinking water in each and every village through pipelines. We cannot ensure development without education. It is the responsibility of the Government to ensure education to each and every child for which my Government have launched 'Padhe Bharat-

Badhe Bharat' scheme. I request the Government to especially lay emphasis to women education institutions under the above mentioned scheme so that more and more women become literate and educated.

SHRIMATI ANJU BALA: The Prime Minister has launched a comprehensive plan 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas' . This will ensure proper utilization of man power of one hundred twenty five crore people of India. Priority has been given to sanitation. Requirement of smart city has been felt. Eradication of poverty is the commitment of the Government. The Prime Minister has launched the Jan

Dhan Yojana wherein alongwith opening bank account, provision of debit card and accidental insurance facility has been provided. Sanitation is an issue of faith of our government. The Prime Minister has taken this new initiative rising above caste consideration. Yesterday Rail Budget was presented. Several plans have been announced but simple ways to provide facilities and address the complaints and suggestions of passengers have not been put forth.

SHRI PRASANNA KUMAR PATASANI: Most respected President

Pranab Mukherjee's Address to the Parliament in Joint Session was really drastically different from the past. I was the first man who initiated how yoga is scientific and my guru Maharshi Mahesh Yogi was a renowned scientist who introduced Vedo-Ayurvedic Science in European Countries. I like to draw the attention of the house that for my constituency the metro work should have been started immediately to avoid traffic congestion. I have been raising in the

Parliament through Submissions, 377, to start the flyover work at Kandgiri under

Bhubaneswar constituency. And in the health sector I have taken proper initiative to request the Central Government and the land is provided by the State

Government. It should have been a highly equipped technical hospital of the country. The Central Government should sanction more grants to facilitate Odiya people. Therefore, we are demanding always a special category state. That is not done yet. Land for poor people not for the rich. Now rich people are paying more money occupying the lands of poor farmers and India is now lacking for cultivation. The Presidential Address was an elaborate report card of the

Government and hardly projected a significant fresh idea. India, according to Mukherjee, has emerged as the fastest growing economy with an estimated 7.4 per cent growth rate in 2014-15.

SHRI DUSHYANT SINGH : The Honourable President stressed that we could not call ourselves developing unless every person in the country feels a sense of fulfilment. The Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojana is a scheme that not only has immediate benefits but large positive economic externalities in the foreseeable future. The scheme lays the foundation for Direct Benefit Transfers that will help bring down the cost and the leakages from Government programmes. Madam

Speaker, ''roti, kapda, makkan'' are the fundamental needs of survival of any person in the world. Skill Development is crucial for our economic progress. It helps in creating a highly skilled labour force that can find employment not on the basis of

''digging a hole and refilling it'' but on the basis of their own merit. With a growing youth population, this is exactly what is required for the future generations as well. I thank the President for recognizing the contribution of this particular step to the progress of our country. We have helped industry by removing obstacles from their path and revitalising industry in the state. I am happy to see that the Union Government too has decided to take this path that will no doubt lead to a more prosperous India. The Government has taken a number of steps to ease the visa approval process and encourage tourism in India as well.

Tourist visa on arrival has been expanded to 44 countries to make our country a tourist friendly country. We have also undertaken a number of initiatives to upgrade facilities at major tourist centres and for the maintenance of our rich cultural heritage. To help our farmers and increase productivity of our farm sector, the Government has made tie-ups with a number of countries for technology such as with Israel to cultivate Olive indigenously. The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai

Yojana too has been launched to address irrigations requirement for every village in the country.

SHRI ASHWINI KUMAR CHOUBEY: Our Government is working on the fundamental rule of democracy 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas'. But this can be possible only when this human resource of vast population of our country is properly utilized. A "National Skill and Entrepreneur Development Policy" is being evolved to integrate the skill of every educated, uneducated youth and bring it at par with international standards. Our government is committed for welfare of the poor, the weak and the deprived people. For this the ambitious Pradhan Mantri

Jan Dhan Yojana has been launched. The Government accords top priority to continuous social, economic development of rural areas. Keeping in view of

'Skilled India' the 'Deendayal Upadhyay Gramin Kaushal Yojana', the 'Deendayal

Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojana' and the 'Sansad Gram Yojana' have been evolved which are concentrating on integrated and overall development of our villages. In order to improve the standard of basic education, the 'Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat Scheme' has been introduced. The 'Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan' has been launched to develop scientific temper in students. In order to check continuous decline in child sex ratio the 'Beti Bachao Beti Badhao' drive has been launched. The Ganga has been the mother of the civilization and culture of our country. The Government is committed to ensure the continuous flow of this river and keep it pollution free.

SHRI B. VINOD KUMAR: The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana has supposedly had a coverage of close to 100%. I would like the Government to ensure that not only are accounts opened, but steps are taken to ensure that the accounts are used. I request the Government to clarify the status of Aadhaar, which is the foundation of the Direct Benefit Transfer Programme (DBTP). The Swachha

Bharat Mission has noble goals. I must urge the Government to note that construction of toilets is only half the job done. A huge awareness generation programme be the central focus of the Mission, while the current focus is on construction of toilets. The Government claim that it attaches the highest priority to growth of rural areas. But the Land Acquisition Ordinance marks the single biggest betrayal of this promise. I urge the Government to withdraw this ruinous and destructive ordinance that serves only to satiate private greed. For strengthening the weaker sections of our society, I also urge the government to ensure that steps be taken to ensure greater skill development and entrepreneurship amongst the Muslim community, whose poverty is on par with the SC community. The replacement of the Planning Commission with NITI Aayog throws many unanswered questions. Who will have the power to delegate funds which the

Commission did? These are serious questions and require clarification.

Government should start its work and take strong steps to check the generation of black money.

SHRI ARJUN RAM MEGHWAL: Swachha Bharat Mission has been mentioned in para-6 of the President's Address. Here Members of Parliament are required to spend at least 50 per cent of their MPLADS fund on Swachha Bharat

Mission. I hail from Bikaner Constituency in Rajasthan. There are 8 sanitation praharis in Jaynarayan Vyas Colony of Bikaner city. These praharis are the brain child of Hon. Prime Minister. I have purchased 08 vehicles with my own money.

These vehicles collect garbage from every house. But I am not allowed to spend the cost of these vehicles from my MPLADS funds. I request the Government to amend the guidelines of MPLADS so that the intent of para-6 of the President's

Address may be honoured.

SHRIMATI RANJANBEN BHATT: The Prime Minister has chalked out a plan with his slogan 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas' for the uplift of the people of our country. His drive for sanitation, making smart cities, skill development, triumph on space and empowerment of people etc. are very good initiatives. The

Government has introduced 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana'. There is facility of debit card and accidental insurance facility alongwith opening bank accounts under this scheme. Every household in village and city must have a toilet. A separate toilet is must in every school for girl- students. The 'Deendayal Upadhyay Gramin

Kaushal Yojana' and 'Deendayal Upadhyay Antyodaya Yojana' have been introduced keeping in view of 'Skilled India'. In order to ensure the development of rural areas 'Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana' has been introduced with the active participation of Members of Parliament. The Prime Minister has taken many measures to streamline trade. Make in India Scheme has been launched. He is fully committed to interlink rivers.

SHRI RAMSINH RATHWA: The Prime Minister has introduced 'Jan

Dhan Yojana'. Under this scheme there is provision of accidental insurance of rupees one lakh per person. It is for the first time in the history of banking that about 1.5 crore people opened their accounts in a day under this scheme. Every person should be linked with banking system to get rid of poverty. There is mention of Make in India of government in the President's Address. An industry or an entrepreneur needs above all faith and confidence for promoting manufacturing sector in our country. Tourism policy is being chalked out to promote tourism.

Tourism visa on arrival has been introduced for 44 countries. Tourists trains have been introduced for tourists sites of our national heritage. Swachha Bharat Mission also has been launched by Prime Minister. Despite several decades of its rule, the Congress could not provide jobs and houses to the poor. But the Modi

Government has planned to provide houses to all households, especially the poor by 2022. The 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme' has already been introduced in

Gujarat. With the launching of this scheme all over the country there will be change in mindset of people regarding the birth, security and education of girl child.


Address in a full point of view is reflected regarding welfare scheme by Bhartiya Janta Party, corruption free society, to take all people together and for development of art and culture of India. Our country is union of many states. Our Constitution has given full respect to rights of Centre as well as States.

Prime Minister has stressed the need for responsibility of each citizen towards sex ratio. Government has launched Jan Dhan Scheme to give access of common man to every government and other banking institution and people are now understanding banking system. India is primarily an agricultural country, India lives in villages. Government has shown interest in launching welfare schemes for villages. India will become strong by 'Make in India' scheme.

SHRI VINOD KUMAR SONKAR: You ridicule 'Make in India' programme and because of your policies whole of the country is dumped with

Chinese goods. whose responsibility is this ? Today, a number of people of our country defecate in open which is dangerous for the health. Today, agriculture in most of the region of the country, mainly depends on rain. When Hon'ble Prime

Minister talks of irrigation scheme then it appears farce to you. Earlier, corruption was prevalent in the sports. Even today, in the matter of sports we lag behind smaller nations. Hon'ble Prime Minister has chalked out National Sports Scheme to boost sports. We have established National Judicial Appointment Commission.

Even today most of our population is living below poverty line. Earlier government kept on tinkering with this poverty line. The slogan of 'Garibi Hatao' remained merely a slogan. The number of poor keep on rising. I want to apprise my congress fellowmen that I belong to a scheduled Caste community. The provision of reservation made by Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar for the welfare of

Scheduled Caste has not been turned into legal provision even after so many years of independence. Not even a single person from Scheduled Caste community is functioning at the Secretary level in any of the Ministry. Revered Baba Saheb Dr.

Bhimrao Ambedkar once said that from today all the countrymen have got equal political rights but economic and educational equality is yet to come. I want to congratulate Hon'ble Prime Minister that the vision of Baba Saheb would be fulfilled through the President's Address. The President Address covers every aspect required to take the country forward. SHRI JAGDAMBIKA PAL: President's Address reflects government's policies and future programmes. It is a document of the welfare schemes for the country's 125 crore population. India lives in villages. Our Government accords full priority to the constant socio-economic progress of the country. Housing is a basic necessity of our country. Our Government targets to fulfill housing necessity of poor section of Indian families by 2022 under the scheme 'House for All' as 75 years have passed after independence. Farmer of the country is the symbol of food security for our country. Our Government accords full importance to the prosperity of farmers of our country. In Defence sector FDI has been increased to 49 per cent under some terms and conditions. In selective Railways sector also necessary capital, modern technology and worldwide better procedures have been adopted for

FDI. Our government has sanctioned Rs. 43,000 crore under 'Deendayal

Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Scheme' for 24 hour power supply in power sector. Ethanol

Policy has been amended to help the sugarcane farmers to mix ethanol in petrol.

Our government is implementing new tourism policy. In 44 countries visa on arrival policy has been implemented in tourism area. Buddhism circuit should be developed by providing connectivity through National Highway and Air Services.

SHRI SUNIL KUMAR SINGH: As part of discussion in the House for thanks on President's Address, I would like to urge a view suggestions in Need for cleanliness, it has been a very praiseworthy step to free India from toilet in open places by October 2019. Central Government plans to construct one toilet in each school under the scheme. Present Central Government is in the favour of farmer and it has made no compromise with the interests of farmers regarding payment of compensation to them. Art and Culture has been mentioned 'Swadesh Darshan' named new scheme is praiseworthy. Places of art and culture should be linked which are neglected. In development of India full efforts should be made by all.

DR. YASHWANT SINGH: In the President's Address, the attention has been drawn towards development for all and unity for all people. Attention has also been paid for people belonging to Pandit 'Deendayal Upadhyay. Where priority is given to save the interests of all people of country stress is also laid on benefits for people of backward regions. Jan Dhan Scheme is a ambitious scheme.

This scheme is initiated with a higher level viewpoint. Hon. President has shown interest in providing housing to all people by 2022, it requires higher degree of determination and higher thinking level. This document aims at eradication of untochability and provision of essential items such as food, house and clothing.

Educated youth have very good capabilities, but to exploit these capabilities is the responsibility of the government. 'Skill Development' and 'Make in India' schemes have provided opportunities to youth of our country.

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI NARENDRA MODI) replying said: I have risen in this august House to speak on the Motion of Thanks. Several hon. Members including the leaders of various opposition parties have put forth their views. The President's Address has outlined the problems, the country is faced with, the efforts being made to resolve them and the direction in which efforts are being made. The scheme is new or old, there could be a dispute about it but this fact cannot be disputed that the problem is acute and chronic. We are trying to explore the solutions to the problems which we have inherited. Therefore, such issues should not be criticized. In the year 1999, our former Prime Minister, Shri

A.V. Vajpayee had launched the Total Sanitation Project. Was the Nirmal Bharat another name for the same project? I believe that the real issue is problem and what is there in a name. Cleanliness is linked to our attitude. The filth causes diseases and a poor has to bear, on an average, an expenditure of rupees seven thousand as a result thereof. The cleanliness and sanitation are also linked to the dignity of a woman. We have to give the women a life of dignity. The girl children drop from schools because there are no toilets for girl children in the schools. Therefore, this campaign has been launched on this premise. Even people at large have liked this campaign. A group of media people launched a program to collect money for this campaign and the people very generously contributed Rs. 400 crore for that purpose. This campaign has to be carried forward by all 125 crore people of the country. The Governments come and go but the country is made by its people. Every country has his philosophy. Ideologies change but the country is run on the essence of its philosophy. Therefore, I say that he have to explore the solutions to the problems. A point was made that the

Government has or is likely to discontinue the MNREGA scheme. The leaders of opposition parties may have some doubts about my capabilities but they would agree that I have robust political sense. My political understanding says that

MNREGA should never be discontinued because this very scheme MNREGA is the live example of your utter failures. After 60 years of country's independence, the people have been put on work for digging only. My Party would launch a huge campaign to tell the people and the world that this scheme is the direct result of your failures and misgovernance. I believe that the corruption has eaten into the vitals of our country. The issue of corruption should not be discussed on the political lines. We all should come together and decide that now onwards we shall not allow the corruption to happen in our country. The States should be policy driven and when the processes and systems are based on policies then there is hardly any room for gray area. For instance, auction of coal, even CAG could never imagine that corruption could be of so high magnitude. The figure of

1,86,000 crore rupees had shocked the country. When auction of coal took place, the supreme court cancelled 204 coal blocks. So far only 18 or 19 blocks have been auctioned and more than rupees one lakh crore has been received. When all

204 coal blocks are auctioned then the estimated figure could go beyond what CAG had quoted. This is the simple example which shows that corruption free system can be evolved. The issue of black money was also raised during the discussion. The Supreme Court had asked to constitute an SIT on black money.

The SIT was not constituted for three years. Our new Government constituted SIT in the very first meeting of its Cabinet. I would like to congratulate the hon.

Finance Minister who after studying the relevant national and international laws persuaded the Switzerland Government for sharing the important information in this regard. We utilised the G-20 platform for the purpose. A joint declaration was issued after the G-20 Summit and we urged the G-20 countries to take steps against the black money and drug trafficking. It is not necessary that all the persons involved in such activities may be political leader but whosoever will found involved therein will not be spared because it has caused loss to our exchequer.

We have come here after making a promise to the people. We shall keep making all out efforts and finally we shall resolve the issue and I can assure the House that we will bring this issue to the logical conclusion.

We talk about farmers but should we not find ways to bail out farmers of their miseries. There are several measures to this end. We are working on several measures like per drop more crop. There is shortage of water in our country. Is it not the responsibility of the Governments to work on a long perspective plan of say

30-40 years to find a solution to this problem. We have introduced soil health card scheme for farmers. Our mantra for farming is swastha dhara to khet hara. We should prepare entrepreneurs for soil testing labs in each and every village. The youth of rural areas who are literate enough should be imparted training in soil testing. I have also asked to convert the laboratories of schools into soil testing labs during the vacation periods. This move not only result in some income to schools but to the youth of villages as well. We should make the optimum utilization of our existing infrastructure. This is called good governance. Our

Government is committed to the welfare of the poor. We have setup a expenditure commission to check the unnecessary expenses so that the money so saved could be utilized for the welfare of the poor. We believe in the simplification of processes. We want to do away with red-tapism so as to avoid inconvenience to the common man. We have started work in this direction and its results will be before us very soon. I visited Japan recently and I met there with noble laureate

Mr. Yamanaka who has done a research on the stem cell. It came to my mind that this research could be to our benefit because I know that people of tribal regions of our country are suffering from a disease called sickle cell. This disease is more dangerous than cancer and passes on from generation to generation and till date no cure has been found to this disease. There is some hope that stem cell could be helpful in getting rid of this disease. Our young scientists at the institute of science in Bangalore are working in this direction. I had attended G20 summit in Australia. I met there with agriculture scientists in a lab as they have done a research by which farmers could get more production of grams per hectare. Our country is lagging behind in the production of pulses. If our farmers also could get more production of pulses per hectare, it would not only boost their income but the poor of our country also get nutritious food in the form of pulses. I also met another scientist who has been able to add additional nutrition value to banana.

Generally, it is called the fruit of a poor man and if we are also able to add this nutrition value to banana in our country, it would give energy to the poor. It is interest of the poor, tribal and farmer that always find place in my mind. It is said in the House that we already had a Jan Dhan Yojana like scheme in the country but

40 years have elapsed since the nationalisation of banks yet the poor of our country are still outside the ambit of our banking system. I had announced on 15th August last year that we would complete the work of opening the bank accounts of the poor before 26th January this year and I am happy to say that we have been able to complete this work well within the time limit. Now we will transfer the wages under the MNREGA directly to the accounts of the beneficiaries account opened under the Jan Dhan Yojana and this will also help in plugging the leakages. I had made a reference of toilets in schools. We need 4.25 lakhs toilets for schools and out of them, 1.50 lakh new toilets need to be constructed and the remaining toilets require repair work. We have a separate online portal for the purpose and we have also worked out on other details. Several hon. Members have also participated actively in this work and they have used MPLADS funds for this purpose. And I am sure that when the new session will begin in June in schools, we will be able to construct the toilets well before that. The Swachta Abhiyan has had a good impact on tourism in the country. We have also started online 'arrival on visa'. Both these schemes have had a good impact on the tourism. There has been a good increase in the tourism as compared to last year. There has been no Government in the country when there occurred no natural calamity but the methods of calamity management have also changed. When the State of Jammu Kashmir witnessed floods last year, I first of all asked to prepare a list of all officers of Jammu

Kashmir cadre. And then we sent the then Home Secretary of the Jammu Kashmir cadre there to supervise the relief work and he stayed there for a week. And we fully supported them to combat the natural calamity. I myself visited Kashmir during that period and I interacted with various groups in this regard. I have heard several Members today speaking on the Land Acquisition Act in the House. When this Act was enacted we fully supported the previous Government in the passage of this act. After the enactment of this Act, all the Chief Ministers of the States said in a voice do something for the farmers of the country as well. We talk of federal cooperation on the one hand but we are not ready to hear what the Chief Ministers of our country say. Is it right thing not to hear them and not to respect their feelings. Some officers of the army met me and they told me that it was not possible to construct infrastructure for setting up defense installations under the existing land acquisition law. If at all there are some lacunas in this law it is our responsibility to plug them.

I have connected all the departments with Railways. I have also given instructions that work be carried forward by striking coordination among all the departments. We have taken this definition of development as a theme and this is the reason why I talk about cooperative federalism because we are required to address the problems of all those states. The country cannot march forward if we continue to level allegations and finding faults with others. If we want to carry our country on the path of progress then the progress of the states will have to be ensured. The prosperity and empowerment of the states is absolutely imperative for the prosperity and empowerment of the nation. We revised the royalty rates by one and half times as soon as we came to power. Where is that money going? It will certainly go to the states and who are those states? These are the states which are rich in mineral wealth. As the eastern states of our country are rich with minerals, so they are going to be the maximum beneficiary of this step. Coal auction took place. Where will this money go? All this money is going to the exchequer of the states. Some of the states might not even have thought that there will be a day when they will be having such a large amount of money with them which even exceeds the total amount of their budget. Is this not a way to strengthen the federal structure and thereby strengthening the states. Recently, we have accepted the recommendations of the Finance Commission wherein we have decided to give 42 per cent share of the central revenue to the states. This we have done despite the fact that there was no unanimity in the Commission about the said recommendations. We could have taken advantage of this lack of unanimity but our intent is not so and ultimately we are committed for prosperity and strengths of the states. This exactly is the reason why we are parting with 42 per cent. It is not a small amount. For the first time in independent India we have come to a stage when, in totality, the states are having 62 per cent of the total exchequer of the country leaving only 38 per cent with the central government. We are of the opinion that states should be made powerful and they should be given opportunities to grow. We are exactly doing the same by rising above partisan politics.

Venom of communalism is being injected into the blood stream of the country and this is being done for political reasons. This is not a new phenomena but has been a long standing one that has continued to devastate the country and divide the countrymen. Our country is full of diversities. Unity in diversity is our identity and strength. We are not in favour of uniformity but rather in favour of unity. Flourishing of all the communities is something which is unique to our motherland. I would like to emphasize that our constitution is the expression of our contemplation and thought spanning thousands of years. It is a constitution reflecting the general behaviour hopes and aspirations of our countrymen and our country can continue to move forward only within the ambit of the constitution.

No one has any right to discriminate against others in the name of religion. We have a duty to carry all the countrymen together and it is my responsibility to see how this government should function. I would like to apprise you about our commitment. I have repeatedly said that my government has only one religion that is India first. My Government has only one religion that is the Constitution of

India. My government has to follow only one scripture which is the Constitution of India. My government has only one Bhakti which is Bharat Bhakti. My government has only one worship which is centered on the welfare of 125 crore countrymen and my government has only one style of working which is Sabka

Saath Sabka Vikas. Therefore, when I say Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas then I also need your cooperation as well because everyone's development is to be ensured.

All the amendments moved were negatived.

The motion was adopted.



CARE) BILL, 2014 -- Contd.

SHRI BHARTRUHARI MAHTAB continuing said: The population of senior citizens as a percentage of the total population which was 2.75 per cent during the 2001 census is likely to increase to 12.40 per cent in 2026 as per the

Report of the Technical Group constituted by the National Commission on

Population. The United Nations' projection which says that by 2050 the overall population in India will grow by 55 per cent, but the 60 plus group will grow by

326 per cent and 80 plus group will grow by 700 per cent. With increased Life expectancy, elder people become vulnerable to a whole array of diseases and infirmities and need special care. Dementia is a syndrome usually of a chronic syndrome caused by a variety of brain illness and that affects memory, thinking, behaviour and ability to perform everyday activities. Form Dementia, it graduates to Alzheimer. It is still very distressing as about 3.7 million Indians aged over 60 comprise 2.1 million women. The WHO has said that worldwide, nearly 35.6 million people live with dementia. This is expected to double by 2030 and treble by 2050. At old age special treatment both medically and emotionally should be given to them. Although India will be the youngest country in the world by 2020 with an average age, the number of elderly people is likely to increase significantly after that. By 2021, the elderly people in the country will be 143 million. The aged or elderly people cannot be clubbed. This matter relate to two Ministries i.e. The

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Social Justice and

Empowerment. Appropriate Governments should set up a Geriatric Care Unit and a Day Care Unit in every District Headquarter hospital for senior citizens. Every

State should develop at least one medical college situated in the State with facilities for imparting education in geriatric medicine and also imparting training in geriatric care to nurses and other para-medical staff. Sub-speciality Dementia

Care Unit should be constituted. Those who suffer from this disease should be identified and should be provided with a separate financial support from the

Government. The duty of the children has to be specified. If some children do not take care of their parents, there should be a punitive action against them. This abandonment and disregard of dementia patients by their children should be an offence which shall be punishable with imprisonment up to six months or fine up to Rs.5000 or both. They need to live a dignified life and the State has a responsibility as a welfare State.

SHRI HUKMDEO NARAYAN YADAV: This is not only responsibility of the Government but also of the society as a whole. In the old age, even the rich people suffer because their family do not take care of them. In the old age, people usually suffer from dementia. The brain gets weak and people become unable to think. I would like to request the non-government organizations to come forward and take initiatives in this regard. We should make special arrangement for the old people who belong to the poor family. The Government should set up old age home in every district where the elderly people should be kept. The age old tradition of our country to serve the elderly, the patients and the destitute has been forgotten in this age of materialism. We should impart moral education to the children in the schools in this regard so that they learn how to treat the elderly people with love and kindness. Both the society and the government has to bear responsibility for taking care of the elderly. The medical community should carry out research to find a solution to this problem. The public as well as the private sector undertakings should give priority to help the elders at the time of fulfilling the corporate social responsibility. By mobilizing funds from them, the

Government should constitute social security fund and set up age old homes where the elderly people should be take care of. I request the Government to take initiative to convene an international seminar to combat this disease.

SHRI PREM DAS RAI: This Bill was long overdue. The Indian tradition of taking care of the elderly has been forgotten. We are going to be an ageing society, but, our expenditure which we spent on the elder is less than 0.038 per cent of the GDP. The Government has not taken its own initiatives. It has relied on society for this purpose but now there is slowly a breakdown in our society. The young do not have enough time. Therefore, I completely support this Bill. We need to build the security structure for the elderly. We need to have the data and for that, we need to have a survey to be done. I urge upon the Minister to conduct this survey. And after you have got hard numbers you can provide solution. And today in the flavour of the Prime Minister's speech we can find a solution to this particular problem. The second is the question of setting up of care centres with trained personnel. Therefore, you need to have capacity building, creating awareness and NGOs and civil society have to be pulled along. I think it is the moral responsibility of every child and for this we have to raise our children inculcating moral values in them. We have a long tradition of taking care of our elders.

SHRI BHAIRON PRASAD MISHRA: Today condition of senior citizens in our country is very miserable. It is a need of an hour to discuss this Bill in this august House. We should take care of health of our senior citizens. For that all of us will have to understand the old social and moral values. Senior citizens need affection when we give them such affection, they will feel a sense of belongingness. Many senior citizens are not getting pension in the rural areas and they are compelled to do labour at the age of 70-75 years. Government should endeavour to provide pension to such senior citizens. There should be a social binding on children to take care of their parents. NGOs should also be roped in to facilitate the health care for senior citizens. Today, elderly people are ill due to various financial and social problems because there is no one to take care of them.

There should be a discussion in the House on this issue and an Act should be enacted thereon. Hon. Prime Minister has given relief to pensioners by launching a scheme regarding self attestation of life certificate with regard to their pension. I hope that this Bill will be thoroughly discussed and atleast one care home should be set up in each district for taking care of dementia patients.

SHRI B. VINOD KUMAR: This Bill is drafted in such a manner that it tries to solve the problems which are being faced by the dementia patients. There are more 4 million senior citizens in our country who are dementia patients. It is expected by 2020, the number of patients will increase by 10 million. There are only 350 care centres in India and majority of them are in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

There are no trained professionals in this country for this disease. The Clause 4,5 and 6 of the Bill are very important. I request the hon. Minister to see that one medical college in each state should give training for para-medical as well trained doctors. In MD General Medicine College they should treat some geriatric students also. I request the hon. Minister to take cognizance of these facts. As per the analysis or study made by ARDSI, even a lower middle class family has to shell down around Rs. 50,000 to Rs.60,000 in a year for treatment. The family members who take care of these dementia patients they are also facing psychiatric illness. In this context it is good for us to start some geriatric centre at least in urban centres. I hope that financial expenditure is not a big issue for us because we have having a very good budget. I request the hon. Minister to pass this Bill.

SHRI P.P. CHAUDHARY: Senior citizens normally suffer from geriatric disorders and the most common among them is Alzheimer disease and other forms of dementia. Even the children in most of the cases have abandoned their parents suffering from such disease. This is a right time that an enactment is passed by this august House. The Bill seeks to provide suitable punishment of 6 months to such children. It is a moral duty on the part of Parliament to protect the moral rights of its senior citizens. The Union Government had made public the draft of National

Health Policy, 2015 which intend to provide health care services. Government expending on the health care is a dismal 1.04 per cent of GDP which is lowest in the world. The draft policy has increased it to 2.5 per cent of the GDP. However, insufficient funding over the years combined with other faulty practices has lead to a dysfunctional health care system in the country. Constitution of such care units in hospitals is necessary. The Bill seeks to provide suitable punishment of six months to children who abandon their parents or persons suffering from this disease. This basically is an issue of human rights. Protection of human rights in a democratic setup is the primary duty of Parliament. These are moral issues. it is a moral duty on the part of Parliament to protect the moral rights of its senior citizens. The Union Government had made public the Draft National Health

Policy 2015. Basically the policy is a first step in achieving universal health coverage by advocating health as a fundamental right. This is a right step taken by the Government. The Government spending on healthcare is a dismal 1.04 per cent of Gross Domestic Product, one of the lowest in the world. The Draft Policy has addressed this critical issue by increasing government spending to 2.5 per cent of the GDP. Undivided focus is a imperative to strengthen all the elements of healthcare delivery. This is the need of the hour and it is high time that a Bill like this regarding protecting the senior citizens from serious diseases be enacted.

DR. KULMANI SAMAL: Dementia is a syndrome and it mainly affects older people. About 2 per cent of the cases start before the age of 65 years. After this, the prevalence doubles every 5 years. Dementia is one of the major causes of disability in late life. India is gradually undergoing a demographic change.

Nowadays the joint family, the concept of integrity has been disintegrated because of urbanization and industrialization which has caused the movement of people from one place to another. In most of the cases the senior citizens are neglected by their own children. There is growing number of insecurity, injustice and abuse against elderly people in India. Most elders are ill-treated by their own children.

We have old age homes for protection of elderly people either affected by dementia but they are not up to the mark. We need an Act which could be a solace for the old aged people.

SHRI JAGDAMBIKA PAL: Our Government will certainly formulate guidelines in respect of the people suffering from dementia and take action thereon. I associate myself with the sentiments expressed by several hon.

Members. Earlier every members of our families used to discharge their responsibility towards their aged people and take pride in serving them. Every family member used to serve their elders till the last moment. Even today that tradition is existing to some extent. Be it village or city, elderly people gets separated from their families or their family members desert them. A report - namely the Dementia Report, 2010 was published in the country. I would like to request the Hon. Minister of Health to please state as to what study the

Government has conducted on the report of 2010 and whether the action taken report submitted after said study. In this report this apprehension has been expressed that by the year 2030, the number of people suffering from dementia will be doubled and the societal cost to be incurred thereon would increase three times. Certainly, it is a matter of concern. Our Government will take measures in this regard. This problem is increasing in every part of our country today.

Opening of centres in this regard in all the states should be considered. Today, those people need these centres who have been deserted by their children. We are a welfare state, therefore, it is the responsibility of the society. NGOs can also do commendable job in this regard. There should be a Helpline for this in the

Ministry of Health. There is a need of creating a capacity building and health care team. The 'Asha Bahine aur Bahuen' should be linked with it. Affordable treatment can be provided to them through Anganwadi workers and generic drugs should be used in such treatment. I express my gratitude to the Central

Government for sanctioning funds to convert five district hospitals into medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh. Long term care and community based programme would prove effective in this regard. Such people should also get legal support.

With all these measures in place India can proudly say that we treat our elders like


PROF. SAUGATA ROY: I not only support the Bill but I also support every clause and every point of the Bill. Good modern tradition demands that the nation takes care of its old people. We have not even done basic research in dementia. In our country, old age pension does not even cover 20 per cent of the old people. I only want to say that it is the vice of the modern affluent chattering classes that they do not look after their parents. In our lower middle-class families, there is still some respect and care for the parents. But they do not have the knowledge as to how to help them in the case of either dementia or Alzheimer or

Parkinson. The Minister of health is present here. I am sure he will assure that proper care will be taken to tackle this problem. We do not have geriatric institute nationally. We should think very seriously about this matter. Youth is always proud. They think that the world is for them. But the world is also for us, the older people.

SHRIMATI JAYSHREEBEN PATEL: I support this Bill and congratulate the concerned Member for bringing the Bill . Large part of our population consists of senior citizens whose numbers are increasing day by day.

Almost all senior citizens are geriatric patients who are abandoned by their children. In 2010 more than 3.7 millions suffered from dementia. Our elders and senior citizens are not a burden on the society. More and more camps on

Ayurveda treatment, Yoga and Pranayam camps should be held. Such patients should be insured. Home and Day care Centres should be opened for the elders.

Certificate course should be started especially in Dr. Ambedkar and Indira Gandhi

Open University. Special Senior Citizen and Medical Cards should be provided.

Asha workers and nurses should be trained in this treatment.

DR. A. SAMPATH: Even in Delhi we can see hundreds, if not thousands, of elderly persons languishing in the streets, lying on the pavements and begging.

In Clause 3 (i), I would like to add the worlds, 'or at a separate place where the atmosphere is more suitable and with adequate infrastructure'. As per Clause 8, the maintenance and care of the dementia patients shall be the responsibility of their children. But what should happen to a poor man? Our nation is spending very little for the health sector. We talk about private hospitals and Government hospitals. What about hospices? Europe, United States and even developing nations have started hospices where the patients at a terminal stage, even geriatric patients, can be admitted and treated. They have a feeling that they are being loved as wanted citizens of the nation. On this Bill we need a very positive reply from the Government of India, not only the action but the financial support also.

SHRI C.R. CHAUDHARY: All my colleagues made pertinent observations on this Bill. Without taking much time I would make 2-3 points. In fact the senior citizens are an asset to the society and the country. (Speech unfinished)

The discussion was not concluded.

ANOOP MISHRA Secretary General

© 2015 BY LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NOTE: It is the verbatim Debates of the Lok Sabha and not the Synopsis that should be considered authoritative.

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