Public Document Pack SOUTH LAKELAND DISTRICT COUNCIL South Lakeland House Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4UQ You are requested to attend a meeting of the Council on Tuesday, 26 March 2013, at 6.30 pm in the District Council Chamber, South Lakeland House, Kendal Note – As previously notified, there will be a presentation for Members in the Georgian Room at 3.30 p.m. on the topic ‘Are Cultural Organisations Beneficial to South Lakeland?’. A light buffet tea will be served at 5.00 p.m. in the Assembly Room for those Members who attend the presentation. For those who wish to attend, Prayers will be said in the District Council Chamber at 6.20 p.m. Membership Councillors Caroline Airey David Evans Mary Orr James Airey Clare Feeney-Johnson Bharath Rajan Giles Archibald David Fletcher Vivienne Rees Ben Berry Andrew Gardiner Amanda Rigg Roger Bingham Gill Gardner David Ryder Rob Boden Clive Graham Sue Sanderson Jonathan Brook Brenda Gray Andy Shine John Clough Anne Hall Hilary Stephenson Stephen Coleman Heidi Halliday Jo Stephenson (Chairman) Stan Collins Tom Harvey Ian Stewart Brian Cooper Chris Holland Peter Thornton Nick Cotton John Holmes Graham Vincent Joss Curwen Helen Irving Evelyn Westwood (Vice- Julie Dawson Janette Jenkinson Chairman) Philip Dixon Pru Jupe David Williams Sheila Eccles Sonia Lawson Janet Willis Sylvia Emmott Ian McPherson Mark Wilson Mary Wilson Friday, 15 March 2013 Debbie Storr, Director of Policy and Resources (Monitoring Officer) For all enquiries, please contact:- Committee Administrator: Chris Woods Telephone: 01539 793186 e-mail:
[email protected] Roll Call : Apologies AGENDA Page Nos.