Deering and Access Road Improvements

Project Update Project Numbers (State/Federal): NFAPT00249 / AIP TBA August 12, 2020 Project Staff

• Jonathan Hutchinson, P.E., DOT&PF Project Manager

• Paul Karczmarczyk, DOT&PF Environmental Analyst

• Monique Garbowicz, Stantec Project Manager

• Kacy Hillman, Stantec Environmental Scientist

Project Background

Overview of past projects and how we got to where we are now.

1. Bureau of Indian Affairs developed plans and completed an Environmental Assessment in 2017 for the West Airport Road Project to provide Deering with an emergency evacuation route and more reliable access to the airport. The project proposed a new bridge over Smith Creek.

Current Project. 1. The project purpose is to remedy deficiencies at the Deering Airport by resurfacing per FAA guidance, and meet criteria identified in the Statewide Transportation Plan (ASTP) and Alaska Aviation System Plan (AASP) 2. Deering Airport has two gravel surfaced, perpendicular runways designated as (RW) 3-21 and RW 12-30. Over time, winter snow removal operations have graded most surfacing off both runways’ surfaces, resulting in persistent rutting and water ponding on the underlying runway embankment. Additionally, drifting snow collects west of the runways’ intersection, requiring a substantial snow removal effort and creating springtime meltwater ponding adjacent the runway embankments. These conditions require extra maintenance and as a result keep airport maintenance costs high. The airfield’s surface course and lighting system are also beyond their useful life and need rehabilitation and replacement, respectively.

(continued on page 3) An aircraft right before take off at the Deering Airport. The instability of the embankment clearly showing along the edge of the runway. Runway looking south east.

Page 1 Page 2 3. The Deering Airport and its access road community and the airport. The ice jam Environmental are also subject to flooding due to spring also extended to one runway threshold ice jams in the Inmachuk River and strong, embankment (Figure 2). In 2016, these DOT&PF is evaluating potential effects to the environment as periodic storm surges from Kotzebue conditions caused the State of Alaska to required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Sound. For example, in 2015 and 2016, declare a community disaster at Deering. as well as other federal and state regulations. Activities include ice jams at the Inmachuk River mouth There are no documented flood events completion of special studies, an Environmental Assessment submerged portions of the airport access overtopping the airport surfaces. document, and individual permits and agency clearances. road (Deering-Inmachuk Road). The access road, which lies mostly off airport property, Special Studies provides access between the Deering 1. Desktop Wetland Delineation: We are using the wetland delineation completed as part of the West Airport Road project to delineate and map Historic Flooding (Spring 2016) wetlands for the airport property boundary. The desktop wetland mapping will be used to permit wetland impacts associated with airport improvements through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ponding West of Runway Intersection 2. Geotechnical investigations: Geotechnical investigations will be conducted on several Inmachuk River potential material sources located on gravel bars in the Flooding Inmachuk river as well as within previously developed sites along existing roads southwest of Deering.

Environmental Assessment (EA) As required under NEPA, we will complete an EA document for the proposed project which will include an assessment of the affected environment within the project area, and an evaluation of potential impacts to the natural and human environment as a result of the proposed improvements. An important aspect of the Deering Airport EA will be identification of ways to avoid and minimize impacts, Runways and mitigation for impacts that cannot be avoided. Public participation is an important aspect of this process.

Permits and Clearances

Source: RFP 25-17-1-070 Attachment 1Deering In addition to compliance with NEPA, several other federal and state regulations apply to this project, including but not limited to Deering Airport, - Figure Spring2 - 2016 the following: Source: RFP 25-17-1-070 Attachment 1 1. Wetland Permitting: • The west airport road was permitted for wetland impacts through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2016. • A permit application will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the airport improvements. 2. Title 9 Permit Application: A Title 9 permit application will Wetlands adjacent to the be submitted to the Northwest Arctic Borough Planning runway looking north. Department for the proposed project.

PageImage 3Source: DOT 10/12/2019 Page 4

Deering ¯ Ê STATE OF ALASKA o Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 Project Location DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS DEERING, ALASKA Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Historic Flooding (Spring 2016) Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line

DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 2 Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig02_Flood.mxd Path:








! !

! New Bridge




! !

! Smith Creek !

! ¯




! !

! 3. Fish Habitat Permit: A fish habitat permit will be submitted

! !

New Bridge ! !

! to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for in water


! ! !

Smith Creek Proposed Action Site Plan!

! ! work to construct the bridge over Smith Creek and if

¯ ! !

! project material would be removed from a permitted

! !

! material site within the Inmachuk River floodplain. Timing !

! !

! New Bridge

! 6 of in-water work will be coordinated with the Alaska !

! ! ! Smith Creek !

! Department of Fish and Game to avoid impacts to fish. !

¯ 21 3 ! ! !

12 ! 4. Consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for !

! ! potential impacts to Threatened and Endangered Species.

! Deering Airport !


6 1 !

! 1 ! 5. Consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service for ! 2 1 2

4 !


! potential impacts to Essential Fish Habitat. 21 4

3 ! 5 !

5 !

! 12 ! 6. Consultation with the Alaska State Historic Preservation

! Inmachuk River ! 6 Officer on potential impacts to nationally eligible cultural Deering Airport 6 !

! 7 historic resources that may occur within the project area.

1 ! 1 21 3 ! 1

2 1 !

2 2 !

4 12 ! ! 4 5 4

! 5 !

5 ! 1 Project Design

Deering Airport2 ! Inmachuk River 4 We are considering the following improvements to resolve issues 1 1 ! 5 30 2 1 !

6 2 at the airport. As the preliminary design progresses, additional !

7 4 ! 5 4 details will be provided. 1 !

5 ! 2 4 Inmachuk River Proposed Action Items: 5 1 6 3 2 ¯ 7 Deering 1. Rehabilitate the runway, taxiway, and apron surfaces by Ê 4 1 30 adding a new layer of gravel. 5 2 4 5 Map 2. Repair the runway embankment that has started to show 1 Location surface cracks due to settlement. 2 8 Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation 4 Program, Geographic Names Information System, 30 National Hydrography Dataset, National Land 3. Construct a new airport access road, including a new 5 Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global 3 ¯ Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 (See Figure 6) 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line bridge over Smith Creek. Deering Ê Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 0 500 1,000 1,500 Proposed Action Items: Feet 4. Apply dust control to the runway, taxiway, and apron. 1 inch = 800 feet 1 Rehabilitate and Resurface Airport Surfaces 5. Replace the airport lighting system. Map 2 Repair Runway Embankments 3 Location ¯ STATE OF ALASKA 3 Construct a New Airport Access Road andDeering New Bridge (See Figure 4) Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 8 6. Improve airport drainage Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: Ê 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation 4 Apply Dust Palliative to Airport Ground Traffic Surfaces Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land 7. Resolve issues with snow drifting at the airport, including Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and 5 Replace Airport Lighting System DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line DEERING, ALASKA (See Figure 6) 6 Improve or Re-Establish Airport Drainage Map considerations for prevailing winds, embankment Location geometry, snow management practices, and possible use Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 0 500 1,000 1,500 7 Construct New Snow Fence (See Figure 5) Proposed Action Site Plan Feet 8 8 Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: of snow fencing. Proposed Action Items: Utilize Existing Gravel Bar(s) for Material SourceNational Boundaries (See Dataset,Figure 3DEP 6). Elevation Haul 1 inch = 800 feet Program, Geographic Names Information System, Material to Airport using Existing Barge LandingNational Hydrographyand eveloped Dataset, National Roads. Land 1 Rehabilitate and Resurface Airport Surfaces Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 3 National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global 8. Utilize existing gravel bar(s) within the Inmachuk River Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line 2 Repair Runway Embankments STATE OF ALASKA (See Figure 6)Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig03_Site_Plan.mxd Path: floodplain for a material source and mobilize these Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 3 Construct a New Airport Access Road and New Bridge (See Figure 4) Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 - Figure 3 - 0 500 1,000 1,500 materials and other equipment to the airport construction 2301Proposed Peger RoadAction Fairbanks, Items: AK 99709 Feet 4 Apply Dust Palliative to Airport Ground Traffic Surfaces 1 inch = 800 feet area using the combined existing community barge 5 Replace Airport Lighting System DEERING1 AIRPORTRehabilitate AND ACCESS and Resurface ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Airport Surfaces landing and developed roads. DEERING, ALASKA 6 Improve or Re-Establish Airport Drainage 2 Repair Runway Embankments STATE OF ALASKA

7 Construct New Snow Fence (See Figure 5) 3 Construct a New Airport Access Road and New Bridge (See Figure 4) Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Proposed Action Site Plan 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 Cracked runway edges. 8 Utilize Existing Gravel Bar(s) for Material Source (See Figure 6). Haul 4 Apply Dust Palliative to Airport Ground Traffic Surfaces Material to Airport using Existing Barge Landing and eveloped Roads. 5 Replace Airport Lighting System Page 5 FIGURE DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Page 6 DATE: June, 2020 3 DEERING, ALASKA 6 Improve or Re-Establish Airport Drainage Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig03_Site_Plan.mxd Path: 7 Construct New Snow Fence (See Figure 5) Proposed Action Site Plan 8 Utilize Existing Gravel Bar(s) for Material Source (See Figure 6). Haul Material to Airport using Existing Barge Landing and eveloped Roads. DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 3 Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig03_Site_Plan.mxd Path:






! !

New Bridge !



! ! ¯ ! Smith Creek

New Airport Access Road and Bridge Proposed Snow Fence ! ¯ !

Smith Creek !

! !


! !

! ! ¯ ! ¯

! !

! Smith Creek


! 6


! New Bridge !



21 3 !

West Airport Road !


! ! 12 ! ! !


! ! ! !



! Deering Airport ! 12 Deering Airport


! ! ! 1 !

! 1

Smith Creek 1 ! ! 2

New Bridge 2 !

! 4

! !

5 4 West Airport Road !

! ! ! 5

! ! !

! ! ! ! Proposed

! Inmachuk River ! Snow Fence

! 6 !

7 ! ! Inmachuk River

Smith Creek 1 ! ! 2

4 ! ! 5

1 ! ! 2

! 4 Deering ! 30 Airport 5

! !


! 30

! !

! !

Airport Road ! 3 Deering !

! ¯ Deering ¯ Deering Airport !

! Ê ! BridgeNew Airport Access Road (West 3 Ê !


! ! ! Airport Road) and BridgePermitted under ! Map

! Deering Road POA-2014-00121-M2 andLocation evaluated under Map Inmahuk River Location ! the2017 Bureau of Indian Affairs approved 8 Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: Airport Road ! “West Airport Road ProjectEnvironmentalNational Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, Program, Geographic Names Information System, ! ¯ Deering National Hydrography Dataset, National Land National Hydrography Dataset, National Land ! Assessment” Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and Ê National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global ! National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line ! Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 (See Figure 6) 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line !


! Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 ! 0 500 Map1,000 1,500 Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 0 500 1,000 1,500 New Airport Access Road (West Airport Road) and Bridge Deering Road Inmachuk River Feet Inmahuk River Location Proposed Action Items: Feet Permitted under POA-2014-00121-M2 and evaluated under the 1 inch = 600 feet 1 inch = 800 feet 1 2017 Bureau of Indian Affairs approved "West Airport Road Project Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: Rehabilitate and Resurface Airport Surfaces Environmental Assessment" National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, 2 STATE OF NationalALASKA Hydrography Dataset, National Land Repair Runway Embankments STATE OF ALASKA Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and Department of TransportationNational Transportationand Public Dataset; USGS Facilities Global 3 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 1 inch = 5 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line ImageConstruct Source: DOTa New 10/12/2019 Airport Access Road and New Bridge (See Figure 4) 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 - Figure 4 - 4 Apply Dust Palliative to Airport Ground Traffic Surfaces - Figure 5 - Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 0 500 1,000 1,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 New Airport Access Road (West Airport Road) and Bridge DEERINGInmachuk River AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTSFeet 5 ProposedReplace snow Airport fence Lighting to protectSystem the entire airport. DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTSFeet Permitted under POA-2014-00121-M2 and evaluated under the 1 inch = 600 feet DEERING, ALASKA1 inch = 833.33 feet DEERING, ALASKA 6 Improve or Re-Establish Airport Drainage 2017 Bureau of Indian Affairs approved "West Airport Road Project Snow Fence Environmental Assessment" 7 Construct New Snow Fence (See Figure 5) Proposed Action Site Plan New AirportSTATE Access OF Road ALASKA and Bridge STATE OF ALASKA Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 8 Utilize Existing Gravel Bar(s) for Material Source (See Figure 6). Haul Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 Material to Airport using Existing Barge Landing and eveloped Roads. 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 4 DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 3 Page 7 Page 8 Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig03_Site_Plan.mxd Path: Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig04_New_Airport_Access_Rd.mxd Path: DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS DEERING, ALASKA DEERING, ALASKA

New Airport Access Road and Bridge Proposed Snow Fence

DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 4 DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 5 Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig05_Snow_Fence.mxd Path: Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig04_New_Airport_Access_Rd.mxd Path: Kotzebue Potential Material Site Locations and General Land Status Project Location ¯ Sound Deering Airport Project Activities and Milestones

Potential material site locations, developed from aerial Deering photography will be evaluated to determine viability 1. Geotechnical Investigations – for use as potential material sites for this project. 2020 Crew proposes to perform investigations Geotechnical evaluations will be performed to determine in Deering by late Fall 2020, and will Kotzebue if these material sites are viable for use on this project. coordinate approvals with the Community Project Location ¯ Sound Deering Airport and NWAB Unified Command. (subject to 4-Mile Pit change re: COVID). Geotechnical Deering Investigations 2. Draft Environmental Assessment – Kotzebue 5-Mile Pit Project Location ¯ Sound Currently in development, with proposed Deering Airport 2021 completion by Winter 2021.

10-Mile Pit 3. Final Design – Deering Scheduled to be complete by December 4-Mile Pit 2021. Draft Final Design Environmental 5-Mile Pit Assessment 4. Advertise the Project for Bid – January 2022.

4-Mile Pit 2022 5. Proposed Construction Timeframe – 10-Mile Pit Advertise to 2022-2023 5-Mile Pit 14-Mile Pit Bid

Construction 10-Mile Pit } 2023

14-Mile Pit Deering ¯ Construction Project 14-Mile Pit } Location

Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, 2024 National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and 1 inch = 8 miles National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Deering ¯ Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line 0 1 2 3 4 Potential Material Site Location Miles 1 inch = 3 miles Project Existing Roads Location Native Allotment Deering ¯ STATE OF ALASKA Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: Department of Transportation and Public Facilities National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation General Land Status Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and BLM National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Project Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 1 inch = 8 miles Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line National Park Service Location DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS DEERING, ALASKA 0 1 2 3 4 - Figure 6 - Native Potential Material Site Location Miles Service Layer Credits: USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation 1 inch = 3 miles State Program, Geographic Names Information System, General Land Status National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Existing Roads Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Image Source: DOT 10/12/2019 1 inchState = 8 miles and Native Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line Native Allotment STATE OF ALASKA Page 9 DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 7 Page 10 General Land Status Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 0 1 2 3 4 2301 Peger RoadPotential Fairbanks, Material AK Site99709 Location Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig07_Land_Own.mxd Path: Miles BLM 1 inch = 3 miles Existing Roads National Park Service DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS DEERING,Native ALASKA Allotment Native STATE OF ALASKA General Land Status Department of Transportation and Public Facilities State General Land Status 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 BLM State and Native National Park Service DEERING AIRPORT AND ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 7 DEERING, ALASKA

Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig07_Land_Own.mxd Path: Native State General Land Status State and Native DATE: June, 2020 FIGURE 7 Document U:\2047062400\gis\mxd\agency_scoping_figures\2047062400_SC_Fig07_Land_Own.mxd Path: Deering Airport and Access Road Improvements

Project Update Project Numbers (State/Federal): NFAPT00249 / AIP TBA August 12, 2020