PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND VOLUME 35 FORTY SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE HELD IN COMBINATION WITH THE AUSTRALIAN NUTRITION SOCIETY HELD AT QUEENSTOWN, NEW ZEALAND DECEMBER 2011 Published by the Nutrition Society of New Zealand (Inc.) Please address all inquiries and correspondence concerning the purchase and back issues to: Dr Louise Brough Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health Massey University Private Bag 11222 Palmerston North New Zealand
[email protected] [ISSN 0110-4187] Edited by: L. Brough The assistance of members of the Nutrition Society in proof reading and reviewing the papers published in these proceedings is gratefully acknowledged. Printed by:- Massey University Press, Palmerston North, N.Z. CONTENTS MURIEL BELL MEMORIAL LECTURE 2011 The politics of nutrition J REID 1 Human Nutrition An evaluation of a healthy eating on a budget programme DJ ANDERSON, K SMALLMAN, K PICKERING 2 Psychosocial determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among New Zealand university students: results of focus group interviews DP WADSWORTH, H HARTMAN, P VAN ASSEMA, SJ PENNY, RA PAGE 7 Food and Nutrition The release of peptides by in-vitro digestion of fermented red deer (Cervus elphus) and cow (Bos taurus) milk. NL OPATHA VITHANA, SL MASON, AEA BEKHIT, JD MORTON 12 Oxalate availability in raw and cooked rhubarb HHV NGUYEN, GP SAVAGE 20 Selenium-rich (Seleno) green tea: A possible chemopreventive activity against breast cancer in rats 25 AL MOLAN, W WEI, J LIU 25 Antioxidant capacity of cooked spinach prepared