PAGE OF PAGES SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF PAYMENTS ACCEPTED FROM A NON-FEDERAL SOURCE Form Approval.: 0416-GSA-SA 1 8 This report implements 31 U.S.C. 1353. It does not supersede other reports that may have to be filled when travel expenses are accepted under other authority. For definition and policies, see 41 CFR part 304-1. REPORTING DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY REPORTING PERIOD Executive Office of the President - White House Office/Exec. Residence OCTOBER 1 - MARCH 31 (Year) APRIL 1 - SEPTEMBER 30 (Year) NEGATIVE REPORT Agency Contact: Scott F. Gast
[email protected] X 2019 TRAVELER EVENT LOCATION AND BENEFITS ACCEPTED (Name/Title) DESCRIPTION/SPONSOR/ DATES TRAVEL DATES SOURCE DESCRIPTION CHECK IN-KIND AMOUNT Conference on Asia-Pacific Hotel $280 John Smith San Francisco, CA Asia-Pacific Forum X Relations sponsored by Asia-Pacific Air Transportation X Secretary 8/11-13/93 Pacific Rim Assoc. 825 Forum. Meals X 120 Conference on Asia-Pacific Joyce Smith San Francisco, CA Asia-Pacific Forum Air Transportation Relations sponsored by Asia-Pacific X X $825 EXAMPLES Spouse of Secretary 8/11-13/93 Pacific Rim Assoc. Meals Forum. 120 NAME DESCRIPTION LOCATION Transportation 448.00 Philip Droege ARMA Presentation Minneapolis, MN Meals 20.00 TITLE SPONSOR DATES American Records Management Association American Records Director of Records Management DATES: 4/10/2019 4/10/2019 Management Association NAME DESCRIPTION LOCATION Hotel 431.00 Heritage Foundation Annual Paul Teller Leadership Conference Dana Point, CA Transportation 570.00 TITLE SPONSOR DATES Meals 322.00 Heritage Foundation SAP for Legislative Affairs DATES: 4/26/2019 4/25/2019-4/26/2019 Heritage Foundation NAME DESCRIPTION LOCATION Transportation 509.00 Peter Navarro JFK, Jr.