GIPE-253760-Contents.Pdf (4.346Mb)
APPENDIX. MATERIAL PROGRESS OF INDIA.. HUMAN EFFORTS. NATURAL CONSEQUENCES. Agriculture promoted. Production reduced. : · Crime repressed. Wealth and Property distributed.. EarniJ?.p-s moderated. Expenditure liberated. Education extended. :Means of Support' diminished. Population increased. Life nncertained. · Imperial :viministration improved..-: Religi~us Faith dilapidated. lrrigaLion intro<luccd. Rain-fall abated. · Sanitation improved. Health weakened. Travelling facilitated by Roads, } lla.ilway11 &: SteawNavigation. - Social Feelings . enlighten~ .. War replaced by Peace. ~ubject3 enfeebled by disarmmept;. BINOU, MAHOMEDAN, JEWISH AND PERSIAN ERAS The year 5G52 of the Jewish Era commenced on .. September, 19, 1891. The year 4993 of the Hindu Era of Kaliy!l~a, commenced on April, 9, 18~1. The y~ar 19!8 ( Samvat) of the Hindu Era of Vikrama, comm.enced hi 'the :Madras Provinces, on. April, 9, 1891 ; and iu, Dcltkha.n, ,'and Konkan, it commenced on November, 2, 1891. · · . , ' The year 1813 (Shake) of the Hindu Era of,_ commenced on April, 9, 1!.191. ' ' .. The year 1309 ( Hijree )~ of the Mahomedan Era, comme~eed on August, 7, 1891. ' ' The year 1301 ( Fuslee ) commenced on July, 10, 189\, . •· The year 1293 of the Bengali Bellalisana Era, in the Bengal Provinces, com. m.enced on April, 9, 1891. The year 12iH of the Persian Era, commenced on September, 17, ·1891. The year 1067 of the Hitdu El'a of Kollom Aundu .·in the Malabar Coaat commenced on August, 15, 1891. LEAP YEA.&-Divide the date of the yeu by four, and if there be no re••ier, it is • Leap year' ; and if there·be any, it shows how many ,Y.e~a have &lapsed since the 'last leap-year.
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