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ROBERT E. Frieolich AGEUCY INC. INSTALLMENT — MAIN 2066 — EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK BLDG Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - City Directory Collection - 1943 618 ROBERT E. FRIEOLiCH AGEUCY INC. INSTALLMENT — MAIN 2066 — EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK BLDG. PAYMENTS GENERAL INSURANCE 6 CLINTON AVE. S. MtlTOLO MYEQS Mykct Mary Mrs matron 19 Main W r 132 Glide —Jos (Christine C) brewery dept 100 National r 88 —Elmer G (Kate J) inspr 95 Ames h 70 lUUendole Myklns Delia R wid Wm P r 448 Driving Park Of LeFrois —Elmer L (Emma B) h 10 Mcnlo pi —B Mildred wid Thos E h 635 Wcllingten av Blutrle Edith r 207 Pcmwood or —Elmer W (Evelyn G) USMC r 35 Chandler —Frank II (Clara B) brewery wkr 770 Emersoa b —Jos Jr (Mnrgt H) mach h 40 Dix —Emmett W cmp 1150 University av r at Williamson 139 Glendale pk —^Margt sealer 6 Haloid r 40 Dii —Eunice L r 356 Seneca pkwy —Lawrence W (Bessie) lab h 111 VIolelta —Richd V (Sophia) carp h 207 Femwood a» —Ford A (Lois J) sismn 114 Null h 52 Corsllne —Louis F (Maralynn A) Investigator 400 Sotrtb ov —Ruth. K Pk r 40 Dix —Frances M h 58 Edmonds h 28 Marsh Mutschier Albert (Anna A) h 300 Rueby a? —Prank J (Lena M) formn K Pk h 60 Goodwill —Maralynn A Mrs tel opr 05 N Fltihu^ r 28 U&nb —Anna I wid John F r 919 Oencsee Park bird —Frank S (Josephine M) mach opr r 57 Silver —Mildred I sten 10 Main W r 635 Wellingtca or —John B claim adjuster 130 Main E rm 639 b 25 —Fred B (Adelaide) tchr John Marshall High sch —Ruth sec r 635 Wellington av Fearwood rd Qates r 350 Seneca pkwy —Wm H (Eleanor) fence mkr b 29 Epworth —^Minnie S wid Fredk h 393 BarrinEton —Fredk F (Dorothy E) BALO Co h 512 S Goodman —Wm T h 448 Driving Park av bluttcr Albert O (Cora M) elk FO Br sta h 118 —Fi^k C button wkr r 165 Wooden Mykytyn Peter P (Mary J) USA r 17 Warreo Roxborougb rd —Fredk L jr (Elsie S) (Gray's Shoe Store) 44 Main —Virginia bench wkr 850 StPoul r 400 W Cobbds^ —Betty siswn 250 Main E r 119 Deiamaine dr B h 985 Harvard cial, E Roch —Mary M sten Central Thist Co 25 Main E r 119 —Fredk L 3d. USA r 985 Harvard 61>kytynskl Michl (Anna) mach h 68 HoUeobedt Deiamaine dr —Geo A (5UIdred M) bus opr h 85 Berlin —F Oscar. K Fk r 72 Randolph Mylacralne Herbert G elk 59 Stone r 372A Alesaoto —Geo A (Hazel H) sismn r 357 Selye ter —Nellie K wid Geo A r 141 Crosman ter —Ray J (Clara W) sismn h 30 Sheldon ter —Ceo B (Florence L) (flyers & Stonebam) 15176 —Royal J (Maty M) asst formn h 119 Deiamaine dr —Walter F (Marguerite C) purch agt 850 ^FsoD Lake av r 414 Central pk h 58 Merchants rd —Ruth M tel opr 33 Exchange r 119 Deiamaine dr —Oeo C (Magdalena C) wtcbmn K Pk b 210 Duman —Wm B (Lillian L) wall paper 526 Plymootb a S —Wm R. USA r 30 Sheldon ter —Geo B (Pearl) prsmn Times-Union h 58 Green- h 442 Cbamplain Muttacheller Louis M (Amelia) baiter 810 Ginton ar "ricw dr N h do - —Geo P (Jane B) ^ip elk h 15 Kestrel Myler Jos J (Ramona C) see-treas Neisner Bros lot Mutty Jos C (Cath 0) 97 Humboldt h 79i Frince —Harry 0 auctioneer r 100 Gibbs 40 East av rm 201 h 333 Pelham rd Br Mutual Amusement Co (Wm T Biaine Jr) amusement —Harry W pntr 406 Hayward ar b do Myles Audrey M Mrs (Bastion's Dress Sboppe) 493 machines 167 StFaul —Henry H sis asst 89 East av nn 1000 r 37 Lyell av r do —Hubert H (Audrey M) optician r 493 Lyell cr Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Nethertcn rd —Ina Z Mrs r 362 University av Mylius Arline r 80 Scrontom Association —Irene V mach opr h 158 Breck —Bertha hsekpr r 13 Mohawk —Kenneth. USA r 80 Scrantom Arthur M Holtim&n maciaosr 1214 LlRCPln-AI* —Jas mach opr r 1459 South a? liaace Bsiilt btdo 1^ Main C tels Stone 4027* —Jas 0 (Mozclle) pastor New Bethel ME Ch b 5 —Walter (Macel) do ctr h 80 Serantcm Leopold BIylus Herbert r 082 StPaul 4028 Mymlt Isadore, USA r 112 Thomas Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co —Jessie S wid Jas h 355 Bway —Jacob atndt r 112 Thomas David I. Roberts oenerol ooetit 1050 Lincoln- —John (Jean) h 236 Clinton av N —Kiewe (Anna) junk h 112 Thomas Allionee Sank bldg 183 Main E tel Stone 2661 —John (Alice) mach opr h 29 Buena pi —Leah dry clnr r 112 Thomas —CotWng Co Inc Inc NY '30 Louis Cohen pres Hobt —John J (Anna D) h 16 Bcllwocd pi —Lena elk 488 Joseph av r 112 Ihomos A Blume sec-treas 103 State —Jos lab r 329 Clinton av S , , 51ynott Harold toot repr 640 Culver rd r at N CbQi —Garage & Service Sta (Ray II Mcns and Chas W —Jos (Gertnide M) asmblr 45 Crouch h 2 Placid pi Myrick Jas H (Mamie R) porter b 13 Alma pi Sehrader) rear 535 Bway —Jos E (Mary R) crane opr The Pfaiidler Co, West av —Nathaniel N (Ruby) butler 900 Bast av b 30 extn h 34 Starling Ramum Mutual Life Insurance Co of NY —Jos L. USA r 126 Fairvlcw av —Pearl W maid r 30 Bamum ^ ^ Earl W Yaga manoncr 1350 Llnealn-Alllante Bank —Josephine witi Frank r 168 Elmerston rd —Shirley (Marguerite) mach opr h 135 Mam w bldg 183 Main E tel Main 3320 —Kathryn Mrs reporter Credit Bureau 65 StPaul Myron Apts, Wesley C Taylor supt 04 6!onroe a* —Underwriter (monthly) Mutual Underwriter Co pub- r at Honeoye Falls Myshchuk John V (Fhyllls) lens wkr EK Co b 168 ilshers 10 Main W rm 537 —Kenneth C (May) chauf b 135 Depew Avenue E —Underwriter Co inc NY 1891 Mrs Ida h Oaselle »- —L Fred (Mary T) real est 6 Amity h 125 Gorsllne —Vasyl (Frances) r 165 Avenue B pres Arth S Hamilton sec-treas publishers 16 —Leo Mrs asst 410 Main E r 5 Brighton klysRyriec Anthony (Mary) tailor h 227 BowR ® Main W rm 537 —Leonard F r 125 Gorsllne —Bernard (Irene) optical wkr r 108 Fairbanks Muusse Beatrice inspr 660 Driving Pork av r 280 —LeRoy J (Eliz 6) mach opr 860 Maple h 126 —Casmer J (Virginia M) lens molder 850 Hudsoo if Rye rd Falrview a? h 251 Alphonse —^Jennie M spooler K Fk r 865 Avery —LeRoy J (Josephine L) stock elk h 1085 Clinton —Helen J box mkr r 227 Roycroft dr —John (Jaeoba) mtce mn h 355 Aiety —Sophie box mkr r 227 Roycroft dr Muxeka Kath bench wkr 850 StFaul h at Victor —lx>ttie w]d Isaac M died No? 1, 1041 MyakhMw »lary wid Andrew h 41 Mark —Lucy M shoe wkr 250 N Goodman r 1852 Clifford Naos Bernard 51 (Mary J) rcstr 370 and 874 Sontti Myer piadys B Mrs sec 190 Chestnut h 368 (Mver av h 59 Ellicott pbwy Irond —Lynn 0 (Lena M) elk PC h 208 Main Webster —Irene K married John 5Ie5Iahon Myers see hiaier. Mayer. Meier. Meyer. Meyers and —Mabel wid Albert r 1822 StPau! Naaskans Peter J (Mary M) gdnr 1127 Bast av b 8W Maers —Mabel P wid Jacob P h 30 Ford Atlantic av —Ada r 409 Garlssa —Mae mach opr 850 .StPaul r 135 Depew Nab-A-Luneb (Oeo P and 5Irs Grace J JobosoDi 859 —Ada M waitress 10 Hanford Landing rd E r 250 —Marcus A (Martha T) USA r 202 Arbordale av Norton and 180 Bast av State —Margt A r 16 Bellwood pi Naber Carrie C r 23 Buena pi « —Adelbcrt W (Bertha F) elk Symington Co 12 Sym —^Marie E vdd Saml J h 366 MtHope av —Harry (Lydlan A) Inspr K Pk h 1130 Btdgs rd ington pi h 619 Olenwood or —Marion G wid Pi^ M r 1225 Park av —Katharine J b 23 Buena pt —Adolph r 43 Richmond —Mary R hairdrsr r 1854 Clifford av —l^dia r 6 Hawkins —Albert (B«lyn) factory wkr h 671 Clinton av —Mildred E r 406 Hayward av —Willis h 870 Portland av —Alonxo D (Hfle M) dairy wkr h 85 Crittenden blvd —Oliver 0 (Cora B) beveler h 203 Fulton ov Nabodano Josephine died Aug 15, 1941 —Anthony S (Luey M) shoe wkr 250 N Qoodmon —Oliver T sismn 42 av rm 225 r 125 Gorsllne Nabosny Beatrice optical wkr r 57 Zygmal b 1854 Clifford ov —Oswald J (Edna N) h«p wkr h 1309 Dewey av —Veronica G optical wkr r 57 Zygment —Antoinette C supt h 350 Seneca pkwy —P C r 460 Exchange —Vincent (Anna) h 57 Zygment —Arth W (Emma) mdse broker h 78 Argyle —Raymond V (Loralne M) bldg supt 80 East av —Wlost bakery wkr r 57 Zygment —BcnJ (Anna) supvr r 408 Park av h 1057 Wlnona blvd Imnd Naeea Alfonslna wid Pasquallno h 826 Bmosao Chas (Jennie) r 217 Aberdeen —Rlchd (Mildred) glazier 92 Front h 50 Worcester —Alphonso (Fllomena) tailor h 75 Frankfort Chas elk 818 Brown r 21 Wooden rd Or —Angelina studt r 300 Emerson —Chas plnihr 300 Andrews r 97 Cottage —Robt (Grace) mach opr h 16 Parker p! Anthony (Phillt^ina) me^l^plstu h 300 Chas H mgr 100 Olbbs r 87 Nctlierton rd Irond —Robt C (Edna E) h 48 Lyndhurst —Anthony (Anna 51) taller h 068 Plymoutb as H —Chas H (Marie W) title searcher 47 8 Pltahugh —Robt C stadt r 085 Harvard —Elmer elk r 40 Costar r 151 Lapham —Robt B (Gray's Shoe Store) 44 Main B h 1225 —Blmer M studt r 223 Saratoga av —Chas J night elk Unlrerslty av at Andrews r 242 Park av —Fanny asmblr r 300 Emerson Ormond ^ jjg —Roy H glass 439 Lyell av r do —Frances asmblr 277 N Goodman r 2 Wangouui —Saml lab Monroe County Home r 100 4th —Frances M elk r 75 Frankfort Chas W (Cora) s"P' rd h do —Sarah Mrs r 75 Avenue E —Geo L (Cormola B) elk 603 Tbuiston rd r 1T3 HdSSi W (Florence 0) trucker 200 Exchange h 71 —Theresa M wid Geo F instrument wkr h 165 Wooden .
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