1939, New York International Congress

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1939, New York International Congress ~~TTlTT·r•TTT·rTTTT~==*******~ff~ffffiffi*t1t ........................................................................................ ·w ~ ffi i ili * i f Papers Read at the j I International Congress i i of Musi~ology I ~ t ffi Held at New York ffl W~ September 11th to 16th, 1939 *i ~ i i ffl ~ ffi i ffi ffi i i Edited by ffl ~ ARTHUR MENDEL, GusTAVE REESE, and GILBERT CHASE ~ i ffl m m i ffi ffl ffl ffl ffl m m ~ ~ f ffi ;r. ffi * Published by the im ! MUSIC EDUCATORS' NATIONAL CONFERENCE hl i* fO'T the m ffl AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY ffi ffiffl ~ ffi ! Office of the Secretary ffl I 3 East 43rd Street, New York m *ffi ffiffl ffl ffl ~ffiffimff.1t!I::J::li:I:ff.1I::t:?:H$*l;ffiffiffir1HI:!Ilffiffimffi:t:t:I:ffiffiffiffiffffiffiffffiffffiffiffl COPYRIGHT, I 944, BY THE AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Printed in the United States of America THE WILLIAM BYRD PRESS, INC. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Contents MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I I, 1939 PAGE WELCOMING REMARKS • • • • • 2 Carleton Sprague Smith, Presidett of the American Musicological Society l A LETTER FROM ALBERT SCHWEITZER • 6 A LETTER FROM ROMAIN ROLLAND • • 7 Opening General Session Carleton Sprague Smith presiding TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12., 1939, AT 9: 30 Music AND GovERNMENT-FIELD FOR AN APPLIED Mus1coLOGY 11 Charles Seeger, Washington, D. C. Music OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES IN DALMATIA 21 Dragan Plamenac, Delegate from Yugoslavia LA RAPPRESENTAZIONE DI ANIMA E m CoRPO • 52 Edward J. Dent, Delegate from Great Britain VENETIAN FOLK-SONGS OF THE RENAISSANCE • 62 Knud Jeppesen, Delegate from Denmark Session on Primitive and Folk Music in North America George Herzog presiding WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER I 3, 1939, AT 9: 30 SoME ENEMIES OF FOLK-MUSIC IN AMERICA • • • • 77 George Pullen Jackson, Vanderbilt University MoDAL AND MELODIC STRUCTURE IN ANGLO-AMERICAN FoLK Music-A NEUTRAL MooE • • • • • • • • 84 Annabel Morris Buchanan, University of Richmond V vi CONTENTS-continued PAGE ENGLISH BROADSIDE BALLAD TUNES OF THE 16TH AND I 7TH CENTURIES • • 11 l Roy Lamson, Jr., Williams College ASPECTS OF MELODIC KINSHIP AND VARIATION IN BRITISH- AMERICAN FOLK-TUNES 122 Samuel P. Bayard, Harvard University AFRICAN INFLUENCES IN NoRTH AMERICAN INDIAN Music • 130 George Herzog, Columbia University Special Session WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 13, 1939, AT 6:oo MOZART'S HANDWRITING AND THE CREATIVE PROCESS 145 Alfred Einstein, Smith College Session on Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Music Gustave Reese presiding THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 SOME MOTET-TYPES OF THE 16TH CENTURY Oliver Strunk, Princeton University THE MYSTERY OF THE BABYLONIAN NOTATION • 161 Curt Sachs, New York University NEw LIGHT ON ANCIENT GREEK Music • 168 Otto Gombosi, Delegate from Hungary Music oF THE ILLUSTRIOUS CoNFRATERNITY OF OUR LADY AT 's-HERTOGENBOSCH FROM 1330 TO 1600 184 Albert Smijers, Delegate from The Netherlands NOTES SUR LES Barzelette ET LES Canzoni a hallo nu QuATTROCENTo lTALIEN, n'APRES DES DocuMENTS lNEDITS 193 Fernando Liuzzi, Delegate from Italy THE FRENCH RENAISSANCE OF THE 12TH CENTURY IN Music • 200 Leonard Ellinwood, East Lansing, Michigan CONTENTS-continued vii Concert of Unpublished Music by Georg Friedrich Handel under the direction of J. M. Coopersmith THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939, AT 8: 30 PAGE PROGRAM NOTES • • • • • • • • 213 J. M. Coopersmith \ Session in Music and Science Dayton C. Miller presiding FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, 1939, AT 9: 30 THE PsYCHOLOGY OF TONE-QUALITY . • • • • • • 227 Otto Ortmann, Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore ALFRED DAY AND THE THEORY OF HARMONY • • • • • • • 233 Glen Haydon, University of North Carolina THE EVOLUTION OF JAVANESE TONE-SYSTEMS • • • • • • 241 Manfred F. Bukofzer, New York Music WRITTEN FOR RAmo • • • • • • • • • 251 Davidson Taylor, Columbia Broadcasting System, New York Mus1cAL ToNE-CoLOR (w1TH PHoNODEIK DEMONSTRATIONS) 267 Dayton C. Miller, Case School of Applied Science Hispanic Session Gilbert Chase presiding SATURDAY MORN'ING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1939, AT 9: 30 "AMERICANlSMO MUSICAL" . • • • • • • • Francisco Cun Lange, Delegate from Uruguay THE MUSICAL FOLKLORE OF CUBA • • • • • • • • • • 284 Eduardo Sanchez de Fuentes, Delegate from Cuba 8oME PROBLEMS CoNFRONTING MUSICIANS IN THE AMERICAS • 2 89 Gonzalo Roig, Delegate from Cuba PROGRAMS OF CoNCERTS GIVEN IN CoNNECTION WITH THE CoNGRESS .
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