Basement Ice, Ward Hunt Ice Shelf , Ellesmere Island

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Basement Ice, Ward Hunt Ice Shelf , Ellesmere Island Journal o/Glaciologv, Vol. 10, No. 58,1971 BASEMENT ICE, WARD HUNT ICE SHELF, ELLESMERE ISLAND, CANADA By J. B. LYONS (Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, ew Hampshire 03755, U .S.A.) S . M . SAVIN (Case W estern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.) and A. J. TAMBURI (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, U.S.A.) ABSTRACT. Oxygen-isotope a nd chlorinity d eterminations, as well as petrographic observations, indicate that the basement ice of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf is largely composed of a unique brackish ice, w hich interdigitates with sea ice. Some iced firn occurs near the top of the basement ice, below an unconformity. Stratification in brackish a nd sea ice represents annual increments to the bottom of the ice shelf. The c-axis vertical ori enta tion and small-angle grain-boundary relations in brackish ice a re explained by nucleation and fl oating of ice d endrites from the undercooled brackish water zone to the bottom of the ice shelf, where they attach themselves sub-para ll el to the plane of the undersurface. Ice isla nd T-3 did not come from a break-up of the main part of the "~Yard Hunt Ice Shelf but probably origina ted in a nearby a rea to the west. RESUME. Glace defond dallS la Ward H unt Ice Shelf, Ellesmere IslalId, Canada. Des determinations d e teneur en isotopes d e l'oxygene et d e chlorinite, a insi que des observations petrographiques montrent que la glace de la base d e la W a rd Hunt Ice Shelf est en majorite composee d 'un type unique de glace sauma tre avec intercala tions de doigts d e glace d e mer. II a rrive que du neve passant a la glace se trouve pres du sommet de la glace de base, a u pied d 'une irregularite. La stra tification dans la glace saumatre et dans la glace de mer represente I'accroissement a nnuel par le fond d e la banquise. L'orienta tion verticale d es axes c et les lia isons a angle fa ible a ux limites d e grains d a ns la glace sauma tre sont expliques par la nucleation et le flottage de dendrites de glace a partir de la zone d 'eau saumatre en surfusion en dessous de la ba nquise, a laquell e eUes se fixent a peu pres pa ra Jl element all plan d e I'interface glace-eau. L'ile de glace T-3 ne vient pas d 'une rupture de la partie principale d e la Ward Hunt Ice Shelf mais a probablement pris naissance dans une region voisine a l'Ouest. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Eis an der U'llerseile des Ward H unt Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island, Kanada. Sauerstoffisotopen­ und Chlorgeha ltsbes timmungen wie auch petrographische Beobachtungen weisen d a ra uf hin, dass das Eis an der U nterseite des Ward Hunt Ice Shelf sich weitgehend aus einem eigenartigen brackigen Eis zusammensetzt. das mit Meereis verzahnt ist. Nahe seiner oberen Grenze tritt unterha lb ein er Unstetigkeit etwas vereister Firn auf. Die Stratigraphie des Brackeises und des M eereises spiegelt den jahrlichen Zuwachs an d er Unterseite des Schelfeises wied er. Die vertikale Orientierung der c-Achsen und die kleinen Winkel zwischen den K orn­ grenzen im Brackeis werden durch K ernbildung und Aufschwimmen von Eisdentriten aus der unterkuhlten Brackwasserzone an die Schelfeisunterseite erklart, wo sie sich parallel zur Unterseite anheften. Die Eisinsel T-3 ist nicht durch Abbrechen vom H auptteil des Ward Hunt Ice Shelf entstanden, sondern stammt vermutlich aus einem westlich nahe benachbarten Gebiet. INTRODUCTION The ice islands of the Arctic O cean on gmate from the break-up of ice shelves, such as the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, along the northern coast of Ellesmere Isla nd. As calculated from mean freeboard and ice-density relations, the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf has an average thickness of 44 m. It is composed of two major stratigraphic units: (I) a lower "basement" ice thought by Marshall (1960, p. 47 ) to be largely of glacial origin and brine-soaked, but by Nakaya and others (1962, p. 29 ) to be of a quite uncertain origin, and (2) an upper unit of inter­ stratified iced firn and la ke ice lying with angular unconformity (Marshal! , 1960; Lyons and Leavitt, 1961 ) upon the basement ice. The unconformity is easily mapped at the surface or is recognized in drill COI"es because it is marked by a heavy concentration of aeolian dust developed during an ablation cycle which separates the times of formation of the lower and upper shelf stratigraphic uni ts (Fig. I). 93 Downloaded from 29 Sep 2021 at 10:58:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. Downloaded from from Downloaded + 83'1~ ' 1- + . 29 Sep 2021 at 10:58:17 at 2021 Sep 29 , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , 1960 DRILLIN G SITE 1969 DRILLING SIT E !::>l CH I EF LY ICED FI RN IZl ICED FIRN a LAKE ICE El BAS EMENT ICE 9 '? S C ALE I N MILES 78 ' + 82'4~ ' + 7 5' + 72' + + + + + Fig. I . Map of Ward Hunt fee Shelf and adjacent ice rises. Ice types identified partly by field and laboratoT.Y study, and partly by aerial photography. WARD H U NT I C E S HELF , ELLESMERE I S LAND 95 This picture of the stratigraphy of the ' I\fard Hunt Ice Shelf is, to som e extent, an over­ simplification. Radio echo-sounding (Evans and others, 1969; Hattersley-Smith and others, 1969) suggests that the ice shelf may have a total range in thickne s of from 25 to 80 m . Cores from the northern edge of the Ward Hunt ice rise and from the shelf north-east of the ice rise (Ragle and others, 1964) show no heavy dust layer nor any basement ice; instead. the lower 20- 25 m consist of sea ice. Thus the outer part of the ice shelf, a large part of which calved off in 1961 - 62 (Hattersley-Smith, 1963; NUlt, 1966), has a sea-ice basement which differs significan tly from the inner basem en t ice de cri bed originally by Mar hall (1960) for the Ward Hunt I ce Shelf, and by Nakaya a nd others (1962) on ice island T -;l . The petro­ graphic recognition of a difference in the nature of the ice of the lower part of the W ard Hunt I ce Shelf in its inner and outer parts is a lso consistent with Crowley's ( 1961) seismic studies of the ice shelfwhich showed acoustic differences in the basement ice in these two place. It is the inner' basement ice which is the chief su bj ect of the present communication. PETROGRAPllY OF I3ASEMENT ICE Most of the inner basement ice, where exposed, shows a remarkably well -developed stratification (Fig. 2) reAecting cyclic variations in the abundance of entrapped gases and average grain-size of the ice. On both T -3, where it consti tutes a major part of the ice island. and on the Ward Hunt I ce Shelf, the strata a re 20-25 cm in average thickness, and are locally warped into a series of folds with wavelengths of the order of 100 m , and dips on the limbs of as high as 90° (Lyons and Leavitt, 196 1, p. 14- 19; Nakaya and others, 1962, p. 12; . T exturally, much of the stratified ice is characteri zed by what appear to he very large columnar crystals with indistinct grain diameters of up to 120 cm. The large crys tals, however, consisl of mosaics of smaller sub-columnar grains showing a sub-parallel orientation of theil' c -ax e~ normal to the stratification planes, and small-angle grain-boundary relations to one another (Nakaya and others, 1962, p. (3). Salinity in stratified basement ice is extremely low (Table I ; Nakaya and others 1962, fig. 28). This fact, as well as the optic ori entation (c-axis vertical Fig. 2. Stratified basement ice . W ard HI/Ilt Ice Shelf. Downloaded from 29 Sep 2021 at 10:58:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. 96 JOURNAL OF GLACI0LOGY rather than horizontal) and the lack of a characteristic platelet substructure, effectively rule out the possibility that the stratified ice could be sea ice recrystallized in situ. Similar petro­ graphic arguments may be marshalled against iced firn, glacial ice or lake ice as possible prototypes of the stratified basement ice. Not all of the basement ice is of the stratified type. Iced firn has been identified in the upper basement ice of both the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf and T-3 by Lyons and Leavitt (1961 , p. 8) and by Nakaya and others (1962, p . 20), respectively. The latter investigators also identified 2 m of sea ice at the bottom ofT-3. In holes drilled into Ward Hunt basement ice during the 1969 field season (cr. Fig. I) at locations 1.6 and 2.6 km south-west of the south­ western tip of the island, stratified basement ice and sea ice alternated in the core samples in the manner shown in Figure 3. Identification of ice types was based upon petrographic criteria in the field and was confirmed in the laboratory by chemical tests (Table I ). TABLE I. (jISO AND CHLORI NITY DETERMINATION ON ICE AND WATER SAM PLES, NORTHERN ELLESMERE ISLAND OISO Sample D epth (relative to Number of Average ChloriTlil)' number m Petrographic description SMO W standard) analyses deviation 0 / 00 2 6 Stratified basement ice - 2 1.56 3 0.07 0.
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