Azzolina Eyes Indefinite Aldene Plan Stall

Weather HOME Snow ending by this afternoon THEDAILY with accumulations of one to two Bed Bank, Freehold Inches on the coast, high in low- FINAL er 30s. Fair, windy and cold to- I Long Branch 7 morrow, high in mid 30s. Out- Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1967. DIAL 741-0010 look Saturday, fair and cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS Patrt at Rert Bank anil at Additional Mailing Offices. VOL. 89, NO. 169 Issued dally, Monday through Friday. Second Class Postage THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Senate Critics of Vietnam Policy Set War Bill Slowdown WASHINGTON (A'P) — Critics Harriman said there were signs Goldberg, the chief U.S. delegate ing as the "eyes and ears" of right of opponents to debate the of the Vietnam war plan a Senate that North Vietnamese leader; to the United Nations, said in the government and naturally current money request now be- slowdown today on President were coming around to the poin New York that "the door is still would be discussing Vietnam. fore the Senate. But "it would 1 Johnson's request for a speedy where they may be willing to open ' to negotiations. Goldberg was scheduled to have been more appropriate for authorization of $4.5 billion for talk about a settlement of the Apparently setting the tone for leave Washington today. In ad- them to have done it when the military hardware, research and war in Vietnam. a 12-day trip to Saigon and four dition to Saigon, he will visit Gulf of Tonkin resolution was construction. Harriman suggested in an in- other Asian capitals, Goldberg Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei and Manila considered,'1 he said. A lengthy clash between doves terview on a National Education said, "We do not ask our ad- at the request of President John- Russell, whose committee gave and hawks appeared likely. Television program last night tha versary to accept, as a precondi- son. quick anj unanimous approval to "I don't know how long this the Allied Forces might find an tion to discussions for negotia- Today's Senate meeting on the the $4.5 billion request last week, will take," said Democratic Lead- opening by exploring potential tions, any point of ours to which Vietnam military authorization added: er Mike Mansfield., differences betweeen Hanoi and they may have objections. recalled that last year a debate "This is a supplemental bill On the eve of the debate, U.S. the Viet Cong. Goldberg addressed 1,200 com- over U.S. policies in Southeast which deals with the existence Ambassador-at-Large Averell Another ambassador Arthur J munity leaders at a conference Asia delayed action on a $4.8 bil- of a half-million Americans out on world ^problems held last lion Vietnam spending authoriza- there. It is a matter of whether night on the New York Univer- tion more than two weeks. the men over there are going to sity campus. He told a. news con- Chairman Richard B. Russell, be fed and clothed and armed ference he was not carrying any D-Ga., of the Senate Armed Ser- to defend themselves," he said. LBJWill Certify new peace proposals in his pock- vices Committee, said in an in- Sen. Joseph S. Clark D-Pa., et. Instead, he said, he was go- Succession Rules terview he did not question the (See SLOWDOWN, Pg. 3, Coi. 5) PREPARING FOR ACTION — Set to help give impetus to efforts by the Monmouth Another Ground Drive Hinted County Society for Crippled Children and Adults in the 1967 Easter Seal Society WASHINGTON (AP) — President Johnson officiates to- day at the formal certification of the 25th amendment to the campaign which began Monday and extends to Easter Sunday are these leaders shown Constitution — a change that takes two burdens from the on arrival at Red Bank Airport yesterday afternoon. From the left are Carl Brueckner, President's mind. The amendment establishes means for dealing with Presi- postmaster in Allenhursf, from where seal literature is mailed; Fran Allison of Kulcla, B52s Pound Zone C dential disability and for filling a vacancy in the office of Vice Fran and Ollie, state Easter Seal chairman; Mrs. Louis F. Albright of Spring Lake, sec- President. SAIGON (AP)-U.S. B52 bomb- arms caches in the Mekong Delta muriist troops were killed last retary and trustee of the county society, and Stephen Koehler of Newton, the Easter It actually became part of the Constitution Feb. 10, when ers, raided the Communist war which included six tons of enemy week than in any week of the war the 38th state ratified the amendment. Zone C today for the fifth time ammunition and eight 75mm ar- since the battle of the la Drang Seal Boy for 1967. Today's White House activities mostly are ceremonial. in two days, and U.S. headquar- tillery pieces. A Vietnamese Valley in November, 1965. The Johnson, who twice has undergone major surgery while ters also reported a single-day spokesman said the Viet Cong recorded toll Nov. 14-20, 1965, was President, no longer need make a private agreement with record by smaller tactical bomb- intended to use the cannon to 240 American and 2,252 Commu- Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey about who should do ers of 575 sorties in South Viet- form their first artillery bat nist dead. what in case of Presidential disability. nam. talion. The reported total of enemy Indefinite Aldene Plan Briefly, 4he amendment provides for the Vice President The concentrated B52 pound- The Viet Cong have not used dead last week, 2,029, was nearly to discharge powers and duties of the presidency if the Presi- ing of Zone C, a jong-time Viet artillery to any extent so far double the 1,058 Communists re- dent, or the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet or Cong jungle bastion near the in the war. A Vietnamese spokes- ported killed the week before. other body set by law, write Congress that the President is Cambodian border, raised specu- man said the eight cannon seized The kill ratio last week was disabled. lation that it might be the cur- were believed to be American 6.3 to 1 in favor of the Allies, Stall Eyed by Azzolina The President gets the powers and duties back again when tain-raiser to another drive on made and had been mounted on the most favorable ratio achieved he says he's no longer disabled. If the Vice President and the the ground. wheels by the Viet Cong. in the war, U.S. spokesmen said. FREEHOLD — Following up Appearing at a meeting of the was urged to get some action to previously named executives disagree, Congress decides who's U.S. headquarters also re- outcries by New York railroad stop it. right. The high-flying B52s struck to- They were found, along with American Commuters Association the haul of ammunition and 322 ported American troop strength commuters against initiation of Under the plan, shore trains ol The amendment provides that any vacancy in the Vice day at a Viet Cong base camp at Red Bank Tuesday, where individual weapons, in a Viet in the country rose to 414,000 the Aldene Plan on April 30, As- the Jersey Central Line, as wel Presidency be filled by Presidential nomination and confirma- 25 miles north of Tay Ninh City more than 159 irate daily riders Cong base in muddy coastal delta men, an increase of 2,000 from gemblyman Joseph Azzolina, R- as the Central's mainline and tion by a majority vote of both houses of Congress. and close to Cambodia. told spokesmen for the state and land 42 miles south of Saigon. the week previous. Monmouth, announced yesterday Erie-Lackawanna trains wil The country has been without a Vice President 16 times Battles Ease the participating ratlroads that The record 575 strike sorties he will seek legislation next merge in Station covering 37 years. But the President never died when the No. Ground action was reported In uncovering the base, the flown yesterday by American pi- month to put it off indefinitely. the plan won't work, Mr. Azzolina Newark. 2 job was vacant. light throughout South Vietnam spokesman said, government lots against targets in South Existing Presidential succession Jaw, which places the yesterday by both the U.S. and troops killed 42 Viet Cong and Vietnam topped by 10 the pre- New York ferries will be elim- speaker of the House and Senate President pro-tem in line captured 19 others. inated, downtown New York- South Vietnamese high corn- vious high number flown Feb. 5. after the Vice President, still is available in case a President mands. Casualty figures announced by U.S. pilots claimed destroying or bound passengers will transfer and Vice President ever die so close together in time that a at Newark to PATII tube trains South Vietnamese troops un- U.S. Headquarters revealed that damaging 214 enemy structures Burke Bars Another new Vice President can't be picked under the new amendment. covered two large Viet Cong more American and more Com- and other off-hour passenger ser- and hut* as well as knocking out vice will be curtailed on all lines. 42- fortified positions and numer- !l Mr. Azzolina told the Red Bank ous sampans. With Louisiana Pilot's Death South Vietnamese pilots flew Bid for Committee audience that. Gov. Richard J Hughes seems determined to put 99 strike sorties yesterday. .MIDDLETOWN - Republican the plan into effect to aid the American pilots yesterday en- Township Committeeman Doug- Jersey Central. If it is to be countered bad weather over las R. Burke announced yester- stopped, he said, thousands o North Vietnam again but about day that he will not seek re-elec- commuters will have to make Assassination Secrets Lost? 240 planes flew 79 missions. One flight of Air Force F105 Thun- tion. their views known to the governoi NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Dis- The coroner, Dr. Nicholas Chet- has created an international sen- contribute to this'important in- derchiefs' reported sighting four Mr. Burke Issued this state- in personal correspondence. trict Attorney Jim Garrison ta, said tests were not complete sation. vestigation," said Garrison. To Propose Probe hinted today that free-lance pilot delta-wing MrG21s 40 miles north- ment: but death seemed due to a mas- . Eyed Candid Talk "Now he's gone and if will:be northwest of Hanoi, but a U.S. "After carefully considering The assemblyman said he also David W. Ferrie carried to his sive brain hemorrhage, with no "We felt that he was really much harder to make the con- ;rave some secrets about Presi- spokesman said there was no en- the demands associated with, ser- will propose that Assembly and sign of suicide except a curious, now ready to talk candidly, to (See SECRETS, Pg. 2, Col. 4) ;agement. Senate committees on transpor- dent Kennedy's assassination. vice as Township Committeeman unsigned, undated note saying and the conflicting needs of my tation conduct a joint investiga- Ferrie, 48, who described him- family, I have concluded that it tion of the new Transportation elf as a psychologist and pri- death was a "sweet pTospect." would not be in their best inter- Department's management of vate detective as well as a flyer, Ferrie was on the brink of pro- ests for me to run for re-election commuter railroad subsidies. was found dead in his bed yes- ducing information that could Seat, Censure, Fine Powell In 1967. In another measure, he said, terday. ' have been important, said Gar- WASHINGTON (AP) — Mem- tion, would receive his seat along "My interest in Middletown he will attempt to" force the de- Garrison, the 6-foot-6 gun-toting rison, whose assassination probe This amount has been esti- partment and the Public Utility irosecutor, called the death "ap- —started long after the Warren bers of the select house commit- with a stiff censure, of se- mated at about $35,000, including government will continue, how- tee on Adam Clayton Powell nioritii y and a requiremeni t he' re- ever, and I expect to apply my Commission to schedule all hear parent suicide." Commission finished its work— salary illegally ticketed for his ings dealing with commuter in- meet today to dot "I's" and pay from his salary govern- estranged wife and personal time and efforts, on a reduced cross "T's" in their report rec- ment funds he allegedly convert- scale, to those projects in which terests at night in the counties plane trips charged to Congres- effected. ommending seating, censure and ed to his.own use. (See POWELL, Pg. 3, Col. 3) I can be most effective." setbacks for the controversial Mr. Burke, a Bell Laboratory Until now, he said, hearings India's Rulers Face Harlem congressman. executive, was elected in 1964 have been held in Newark or and has been a power in his par- Trenton in daytime hours when Although at least one mem- (See BURKE, Pg. 4,.Col. 2) Douglas R. Burke (See ALDENE, Pg. 3, Col. 1) ber confided he would be a bit uneasy until all nine signatures Losses in Election are affixed to the committee's NEW DELHI (AP) — India's decided out of a total 3,560, Con- report, agreement was reached ruling Congress Party headed to- gress had won 809 or 51 per late yesterday on the basic ac- Senior Citizens' Apartments day for its worst election showing cent. Its average was 61 per cord to be presented today to the in the 20 years since indepen- cent in the 1962 elections. House for action, probably next dence as returns began piling up 'Life Is Like That' Tuesday or Wednesday. from the fourth parliamentary Prime Minister Indira Gandhi Under the proposal, Powell, Plans to Be Eyed in Keyport elections. declined to comment on the over- who was kept from membership all returns but said of her party's Jan. 10 pending this investiga- Hazlet, is sponsoring the project, Opposition parties were making KEYPORT — Plans for con- mitted only in highway commer- considerable gains, but it was reverses in some areas, "Life is struction of a 200-unit senior cit- to be located about a block away cial zones and are restricted to like that, with its ups and downs." from the church complex. still too early to predict how izens high rise apartment at the 10 stories in height. much the Congress Party's mar- Mrs. Gandhi easily defeated six intersection of Broad and South A variance is required be- The proposed apartment, to be gins in Parliament and the state independent candidates and a Draft Law Main Sts. will be submitted Tues- cause the senior citizens project named Bethany Manor, would be Assemblies would be reduced. Communist to win a seat in Par day night to the Zoning Board of is proposed for a residential zone. built under the federal 202 pro- Results for 52 of 520 Parlia- liament from Uttar Pradesh state Alterations Adjustment. Under existing zoning regulations, gram permitting non-profit or- But four of the 15 ministers high rise apartment1: s>«> ner- ment seats gave Congress 33, St. John's Methodist Church, ganizations to enter into partner- the Hindu Communal Jan Sangh in her inner cabinet were trail- ship with the government to es- 5arty 16 and independents 3. ing. They were Food Minister Proposed Adam Clayton Powell Emanuel Celler tablish housing for citizens over Congress candidates won 361 of Chidambaram Subramaniam, Fi- WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. 62 years of age. 196 seats five years ago. nance Minister Sachindra Chaud- Edward M. Kennedy proposed to- Stop Parish Petitions Rev. Norman Riley said the The Jan Sangh, leader of agita- hury, Railways Minister S.K. Pa- day a major overhaul of the mil- church decided, through its Com- on for a nationwide ban on til and Education Minister Fakh- itary draft by executive order mission of Special Concerns, to ilaughter of sacred cows, was ruddin AH Ahmed. rather than legislation. Rain. Snow Hit State At Request of Pastor undertake the federal project when expected to win more seats in Two members of Mrs. Gandhi's The Massachusetts Democrat its studies disclosed apartments lorthern states where Hindu re- outer cabinet. Information Min- introduced a resolution which Snow and rain lashed New The storm was expected to end MIDDLETOWN-At the request Barna, "and we must respect would serve a great number of nvalism has centered. The party ister Raj Bahadur and Housing would put Congress on record in Jersey early today as a major this afternoon and be followed of Rev. Thaddeus J. Wojciehow- his wishes, even though with sad- local residents. iad only 12 seats in the old Minister Mehr Chand Khanna, favor of five major draft changes, storm enveloped most of the At- by fair, windy and much colder ski, a petition campaign by pa- ness. We must also not be dis- He said the federal 202 pro- 'arliament. were defeated. including induction of youngest lantic Seaboard. weather. rishioners to retain him in his couraged, and must co-operate gram allows complete separa- Off 1,569 state Assembly seats (See ELECTION, Pg. 3, Col. 2) registrants first, selection by lot- Between two and six inch ac- A spokesman for the New Jer- post as pastor of St. Catherine's and work hand in hand with the tion of church and state. There tery, altered deferments and na- cumulations were predicted by sey Highway Division said about Catholic Church has been new pastor who will take over." a're no government grants in- :ional induction standards. he U.S. Weather Bureau around half of its crews were out en dropped. Father Wojciehowski is in his volved. Kennedy has previously sug- the state with the largest snow sanding, salting and plowing pa- Joseph M. Barna, officer of 25th year as a priest and his The church is negotiating for jested such draft goals. fall expected in the northwest- trols in the north, central and the Holy Name Society, who 12th year at St. Catherine's. a 100 per cent loan from the Today's Index "All of these changes can be ern counties. metropolitan areas of New Jer- headed the drive, said the peti- A testimonial dinner is being federal government to finance Pro football coming to Shore Page 16 worked out by executive order," In Monmouth Beach, Weather sey. At 4 a.m., he said only rain tions have been called in, and arranged for him, with John construction, payable at 3 per Observer Wilbur Lafaye reported had been reported in the south- roydon Hall ousted from tourney .. Page 16 Kennedy told the Senate in a a meeting scheduled for tonight Kaiser as chairman. The date cent interest over 50 years. prepared speech. "They do not, a one-half-inch snow accumula- ern portion of the state which In the East Keansburg fire house will be announced. An apaTtmcnt project of this Page Page for their implementation,, need tion by 7 a.m. In Freehold, Ob- expected a one-inch snowfall by canceled. He will leave for Holy Cross size is estimated to cost more Allen-Scott Movie Timetable it 21 legislative amending or altering server F. J. Moreau said an noon. Mr. Barna said Father Wojcie- March 1. than $1.5 million. Amusements 21 Obituaries ..... 4 of the Universal Military Train- inch of snow had accumulated He said no problems had been howski, who has been given a Mr. Barna said he wished to A separate committee, com- „, ,. , Outdoor World 20 ing and Service Act." That act by 7 a.m. Snow started at 4 a.m. encountered but added that this new assignment as pastor of thank all those individuals and prised of Rev. Riley, James Nei- BWth* 2 Palette Talk 10 expires June 30 unless extended after a preceding rain of several was a borderline situation and Holy Cross Catholic Church, groups which supported the drive dinger, and Seymour Pappas, has Bridge 20 Sylvia Porter 6 or revamped by Congress. hours. It was to stop later in trouble could develop if the tem- Trenton, by Bishop George W. to retain Father Wojciehowski. been established by the church to John Chamberlain 8 Sports 16, 17 (See DRAFf, Pg. 3, Col. I) the morning. perature dropped, turning wet Ahr, personally asked that the ' Among them: Mayor Ernest (See PLANS, Pg. 4, Col. 2) Classified 18, 19 Stock Market 5 Gale warnings were in effect slush into ice. campaign be stopped. G. Kavalek, state Assemblyman Comics 20 Successful Investing 5 Al's Barber Shop off the Jersey shore and in New •The New Jersey Turnpike re- "He has told us of his obliga- Joseph Azzolina, Acting Police Come on Out Crossword Puzzlo 21 Synagogue News 7 98 Railroad Ave., Belford, closed York Harbor, with 30 to 35 knot duced speeds twice during the tion and duty to go on with the Chief Joseph M. McCarthy, and To Bonanza for lunch. Highway Editorials 6 Television 21 Feb. 27. Reopen March 20. winds and much higher gusts night, extending the reduced new assignment," said Mr. (See PETITIONS, Pg. 4, Col. 2) 35, Middletown. (Adv.) C. A. Johnston 6 Women's News 14, 15 (Adv.) ixpected. (See SNOW, Pg. 3, Col. 5) 2—ThurvV, Feb. 2\. 1967 Manalapan Officials Deal Selves THE DAILY Rf:U>TER Births fptatus (Jarihcation rrodded 50 Pet. Raise in Pay Package EIVERVJEW MANALAPAN — Township j time salary; By Highlands Plan Board patrolraen will re-jlic discussion at its next meet- Red Bank ccimmitteemen will receive an-!cejve $1,620, up $120, and the ing at which it plans to ask Tax HIGHLANDS—Planning Board has been alkicaled to the plan- The board also stresses that nual salaries of {1,500, a 50 per Assessor Anthony Arbach to ex- Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Mat- road supervisor will receive $6,- tan s made by the board. and Councilwoman Ellen M. JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL by council. The second^ adopted in May, Lynch are board members. David Ferrie Neptune — The financial position of the 1963, is a copy of the state model Chairman Albert Emery an- Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kaye board. ordinance for a strong planning nounced last might that mem- (nee Hedy David), 1145 Elberon A $40 Balance? board. Handling of subdivisions bers would no longer receive Airing City Budget TuesdaySecrets Ave., Elberon, daughter, yester- On the last matter, finances, in the two ordinances is in direct meeting notices by telephone. LONG BRANCH - The munic- yesterday, the City Council will Mr. O'Neill, who resigned Oct. day. board member Theodore Winter- conflict and must be resolved, Postcards will be sent out be- ipal budget will be introduced probably make some changes (Continued) halter noted that a $4,000 budget members agreed. fore each future meeting. 1, 1965, is suing the city for nections between certain peopL Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell formally Tuesday but some in- upward after the public hearing, $2,300 which he claims is due (nee Doranna Parker), 13 Oak- creases are expected after the which will be held 28 days after But I'm sure we'll make the him for overtime he worked. The anyway. wood Dr., Farmingdale, son yes- public hearing, a City Hall spokes- the budget's introduction. city contends that as a depart- terday. man said yesterday. One councilman said the budget ment head Mr. O'Neill was not "I'm just as optimistic today a Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gurdus Clammers Assail Dredging Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr.'s bud- as it now stands would not al- entitled to overtime pay. I was two days ago." (nee Barbara Gordon), 12 Vir- get totals $3,534,444.88 and that low the city to improve itself. In a resolution, the council will Two days ago, Garrison was 1, ginia Ter., Freehold, son yes- figure will allow the municipal The council Tuesday will au- go on record as not being opposed sisting that his effort to prove terday. portion of the tax rate to re- thorize City Attorney Juliu5 J. conspiracy in the assassination 1 to the use of the old Hollywood MONMOUTH MEDICAL For Destruction of Shellfish main constant at 90.5 cents per Golden to defend the city in a Hotel tract on Cedar Ave. for the President will result in a $100 assessed valuation. suit brought by James T. O'Neill, rests and convictions. Long Branch By JACQUELINE ALBAN Who has water rights and how Although the Shrewsbury Riv- home construction purposes. Jo- Mr. and Mrs. John Rencoukos However, the spokesman said former public works director. seph Rosenblatt of Fair Lawn The President was shot in Dal HIGHLANDS - State and pri far do they extend? Ana in the er is now condemned, prohibit- las, Tex., Nov. 22, 1963. Garriso: (nee Patricia Ackerman), 146 vate dredging operations in the case of dredging operations, ing clam harvesting, the Bay- ^ has been before the Planning James St., Board seeking a subdivision to insists that a conspiracy to mu, Long Branch, son, Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers which destroy prime shellfish re- men's Association feels future " yesterday. build about 30 houses on (Jie der him was conceived in Nev are destroying prime shellfish re- sources while aiding navigation, shellfish areas are endangered. PUC Asked to Probe tract. Orleans. sources. who is infringing on whose Was Hearing Held? No "credible evidence' rights? And are shellfish con- The association is investigating The land had been designated That was the charge last night conspiracy was found by th< of Baymen's Association Presi sidered part of riparian rights? to determine whether a public for Green Acres usage, but lack Warren Commission, which sail Explosion in Gas Plantof state funds for the planned dent James T. White, who re- These are the vital questions, hearing was conducted on the Kennedy was killed by Lee Ha state's dredging project, as re- NEWARK — The Oil Heat there was a rupture in the line park project made that impos vealed the clammers unit has the answers to which may con- vey Oswald—a former New Oi lodged a formal protest with the tribute to the demise or the re- quired by law. Council of New Jersey has asked and a spark of unknown source, sible. leans resident—acting alone. the state Board of Public Utility state over the Navesink opera- birth of the clamming Industry This municipality's Borough "then faulty maintenance is in A resolution will direct the city Garrison said his' office hac Commissioners to investigate tion and threatened court action in Monmouth County, says Mr. Council was not aware of dredg- dicated in not discovering the attorney to turn the title of two planned to take Ferrie into cus the cause of an explosion in Long against the Shrewsbury River White. ing operations, Mr. White said. weakness in the ruptured fitting, Jots behind the West End Engine tody early next week. Becausf Branch Feb. 12. and the unknown spark probably dredging project. A permit was issued for the Na- But when he informed the gov- Co. fire house over to the company Ferrie had expressed fears fo: erning body last week, it went The blast injured an employee ignited the gas, as it is hardly Dredging by an area marine vesink River dredging proj- for expansion purposes. The deed his life, Garrison said he provide< on record against them. and blew a portion of the roof likely that fuel oil would explode to the lots will carry a reverter him a temporary hideout at contractor off private waterfront ect, and apparently for the off the distribution plant of the under the conditions described.' clause that will make the land motor hotel here. property near the Fair Haven "If we find the state has not New Jersey Natural Gas Com- Yacht Works, DeNormandie Ave., Shrewsbury River project, under- complied with all regulations to Mr. Zuckerman yesterday dis- revert to the city if the fire "Evidence developed by our of pany on Long Branch Ave. is decimating one of the few re- taken by the Army Corps of En- protect our shellfish, the associa- counted the allegations of the company tries to sell them or use fice had long since confirmee The gas company said it was letter. "They admit they made no them for other purposes. maining shellfish areas of the gineers, says Mr. White. tion intends court action," der that he was involved in events Navesink left open to harvesting clared Mr. White, adding that an oil explosion. investigation and don't know the The council will approve con culminating in the assassinatioi Under authorization of the In a letter io the PUC, Irving circumstances, yet they're trying tracts for urban renewal apprais- of clams, reported Mr. White. state, Army Engineers are "tear- it's about time the state "paid'as of President Kennedy," Garrisoi much attention to cracking down Oelbaum, executive vice presi- to tell us what caused the ex- ers and land surveyors. said, A check of the area by clam- ing out sand bars piece by piece dent of the OiJ Heat Council, said plosion." mers yesterday revealed ap- outside the channels in the on operations destroying clam The nude body of Ferrie, whi beds as it does in tracking down a council investigator twice had Mr. Zuckerman said he had operated a flying service hen proximately 25 bushels of clams Shrewsbury, to use for state pur- been denied access to the acci- been asked by the Police Depart- Weather had been dredged up and left poses, rumored to be road and finding Individuals who dig was found in the calm posture o: clams illegally." dent site to make an investiga- ment if an Investigator could en- New Jersey: Snow today ex- sleep, covered to the chest by lying around to spoil, touching projects," Mr. White said. tion, and his offer to have an in- ter the plant, and he had denied cept rain and snow ending south- bedsheet. off an irate formal protest fired dependent expert determine the the permission, saying the Oil ern sections this morning snow His second floor apartment wa off last night to Robert A. Roe, cause of the explosion also had Heat Council man had no busi- ending north this afternoon. Ac Algie F. Andrews commissioner of the state De- been declined. in disarray and disorder. Ai ness being there. cumulations ranging from four American flag was in the livin partment of Conservation and Ec- . The letter also doubted the gas He offered to discuss the mat- to six inches northwest to two to room. Although 15 bottles of vaTi Appointed Air onomic Development. company's explanation of the ter at his office in Asbury Park, four inches elsewhere except lit- ous pills were on a table, th< Since January blast. but heard nothing more, Mr. tle or none south. High today in coroner said no drugs were founc The Navesink River dredging Leon Zuckerman, public rela- Zuckerman said. He added that 30s except near 30 northwest. other than those used for vascu operation has been under way tions director for the gas utility, Squadron CO he hadn't received the pro- Fair windy and cold tonight, low lar disease. He said Ferrie was since early January. It was had said. "The explosion resulted COLTS NECK — Marine Corps posal for an independent expert in teens and lower 20s. Partly born with a weak blood vessei brought to the attention of Chris- from the ignition of pre-heated to make the investigation. cloudy and cold tomorrow, high at the base of his brain. It *ur> Reserve Maj. Algie F. Andrews topher Riley, director of the state oil under pressure from a rup- in 30s. Tides one to two feet "Besides," Mr. Zuckerman tured, producing a massive cen recently was appointed as com- Shellfisheries Division, and Mr. tured fitting on a fuel oil line." said, "there was no need for fur- above normal this morning main- bral hemorrhage, Chetta said, manding officer of Marine Air Roe, in a letter sent by the Bay- The Oil Heat Council claimed ther investigation. The cause was ly northern coast. Outlook for Ferrie also suffered from high men's Association. that if, as reported in newspa- evident immediately, and we is- Saturday, fair and cold. lontrol Squadron 17, Naval Air blood pressure and recently toll The clammers group questioned pers, the explosion occurred sued a statement the next morn- High yesterday 35, low 23, In tation, Willow Grove, Pa. a friend he had encephaliti iJhe stated stand on vyater pollu- shortly after a workman switched ing. There is no question as to Monmouth Beach. Temperature (sleeping sickness). One weekend*- i iho^thj Maj. tion and scored its failure to im- the boiler from fuel oil to natural what the cause was." yesterday 34. Over- at 6 p.m. An unsigned, undated note was Andrews, a group department pose conservation measures to gas, then gas and not fuel oil was The public relations chief said night and 7 a.m. low, 32. One- found on the dining room table, manager of Travelers Insurance the cause of the explosion. he would not object if a PUC protect clamming areas as natu- half inch accumulation of snow The first paragraph said: Company office in New York City, ral resources. And, the letter continued, if vestigator were sent to the plant. reported at 7 a.m. 'A Sweet Prospect' :ommands about 100 Marine re- At Freehold one inch accumu- "To leave this life is, for me lervists who ate responsible for Commissioner Roe ignored the lated snow reported at 7 a.m. a sweet prospect. I find nothini detecting and intercepting enemy letter. TIDES in it that is desirable, and o aircraft and missiles threatening There was a response from Double Duty Library TODAY — High 7 p.m. and the other hand everything tha' Marine combat forces. Mr. Riley indicating that under their riparian rights, owners of A WORLD FIRST — The National Geographic Society low 1 p.m. is loathsome." With the Marines since 1951, the Fair Haven waterfront land TOMORROW - High 7:18 a.m. Maj. Andrews spent three years says this is the first albino gorilla known to science. The Dr. Chetta said the time ol are permitted to dredge the Na- and 7:48 p.m. and low 1:06 a.m. on active duty and 12 as a re- Code Slated for Vote Ferrie's death had to be before vesink for purposes of making animal, now in the Barcelona, Spain, zoo and known as and 1:48 p.m. serve. He was executive officer LONG (BRANCH — An ordi- 4 a.m. yesterday because of the waters more navigable, report- Little Snowflake, was found clinging fo the body of its drawing of the bonding ordinance For Red Bank and Rumson of the squadron before his pro- nance scheduled for vote Tues- rigor mortis condition. However, ed Mr. White. is approved, a City Hall spokes- bridge, add two hours; Sea motion. mother, shot while raiding a banana patch tast October day by the City Council will do a man said yesterday, the council a newsman for the Washingto Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long Post, George Lardner, said h The major, his wife and their But state officials have main- in Rio Muni,' Spanish Equatorial Guinea, in Africa. double duty. Besides authorizing will proceed with the ordinance, Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- tained their "indifference" to the the city attorney to prepare a on the assumption that no mem- had visited with Ferrie in hii five children reside at 3 Hialeah (Copyright 1967 National Geographic Society via AP lands bridge, add 40 minutes. apartment until that hour. Dr., here. plight of clammers and the bond ordinance for a library ad- ber will change his voting"pos- Marine pleas for protection of local shell- W.irephoto) ture. . Garrison said the conflicting dition, it will formally poll the Cape May to Block Island: Gale fish areas, he remarked. council to see if an addition is statements constituted "one The addition to the library will warnings are in effect. North- of 4he mysteries we don't under- President White stated that politically possible now. clammers want the same pro- cost about $200,000. A federal easterly winds 25-35 knots well stand." A bond ordinance, because of offshore shifting to northwesterly tective conservation measures ac- grant of $30,000 will reduce the In a copyrighted story appear- corded oyster beds. He charged its nature, requires a two-third south portion this morning and ing in today's Washington Post, vote of the governing body. In cost if the library trustees can north portion this afternoon 15-25 that oystermen in southern New Lardner said Ferrie "seemed in Jersey "control" the Shellfisher this case, four of the five votes show by April 1 proof of a fi- knots and higher gusts through good spirits, not like a man about are needed. nancial commitment by the city. tonight. Westerly 10 to 15 knots ies Division. /^ to kill himself at the time they Want CUrlfication Friday. Snow and rain ending talked. Three votes, those of City Coun- The library trustees expressed On the subject of riparian 'south this morning snow ending "Ferrie said he never knew Os- cil President Henry R. Cloffi optimism Tuesday after meeting rights, the Baymen's Association north this afternoon. Becoming wald and had no recollection of end Councilmen Elliot L. Katz with the full City Council about feels there are a few angles beg- fair late today and tonight. Part- ever having met him," Latdner and Robert B. Cornell, reported- the expansion. ging clarification and, If need ly cloudy Friday. Visibility less reported. He said Ferrie told him ly are in favor of the ordinance For lack of space, students us- be, litigation. than one mile in precipitation that Garrison's inquiry would turn and subsequent library expan- ing tiie library research facilities otherwise five miles or more. sion. One of the votes of either must often sit on the floor or out to be a "witch hunt." Tides one to two feet above nor- Ferrie was brought into the Councilmen Samuel Teicher or on radiators. Seven tables, with a mal this morning. Amedco V. Ippolito will be need- seating capacity of 42, had to be scope of the assassination probe Driver Hurt ed if the measure is to pass. moved to make room for book within 72 hours after Kennedy Both of those councilmen have In stacks. Announce Speech was slain Nov. 22, 1963. Garrison In Accident the past aligned themselves with said he pulled Ferrie in for ques- Contest Winners FAIR HAVEN - Christopher Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., who has They're Unique! Ads In the tioning at that time and subse- Marshall of 136 Hance Rd. suf- indicated he feels the library ex- Daily Register Classified work MATAWAN TOWNSHIP -Ed- quently turned him over to the FBI, which took a statement and fered head injuries and face pansion can wait. for you around the clock. Place ward W. Hann, chairman of the If the resolution authorizing the yours now. First State Bank of Ocean Coun- released him. cuts early this morning when ty, Ortley Beach office, has an- his car hit a vehicle parked on A New Orleans florist, Edward Brother Stephen nounced the results of the Mon- Voebel, had seen Lee Harvey Os River Rd, near Hance Rd. mouth Chapter, American Insti- wald's picture on television and Police said the Marshall ve- tute of Banking public speaking reported that he and Oswald had CBA Head hicle was traveling west on River contest. A U.S." Savings Bond served in a Civil Air Patrol Rd. when another car going cast was presented by A. I. B chapter squadron under Ferrie. When au- At Convention in the wrong lane forced it president Norrij Horsman, Mon- thorities sought to question Fer- LINCROFT — Brother Stephen, across the road into the parked mouth County National Bank, Red rie, they found he had gone to irincipal and director of Chris- car, owned by Mary Ann Mar- Bank office, to Alfred Saunders, Texas. ian Brothers Academy, is attend- ascio of 195 Lake Ave. The im- assistant cashier at the Howell Ferrie told a newsman recent- ig the National Association of pact drove the Marascio vehicle CARNEGIE Township Office of the Monmouth ly that he and two friends took a econdary-School Principals 51st off the street onto the sidewalk. County National Bank. Second short vacation trip to Texas the innual convention at Dallas. It Mr. Marshall was taken to place was awarded to James day of the assassination "on the nds Wednesday. The theme of Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Kadrcy, Installment loan depart- spur of the moment." He said le convention is "Secondary Ed- by the First Aid Squad. Police COURSE ment of the Monmouth County they visited Houston, Galveston ition and Human Resources." Sgt. George E. Chandler and National Bank. develop poise, confidence, and Alexandria, La., before re- The meeting opened by an ad- Patrolman Ronald McDaniels in- Contestants spoke before the turning home. They did not go to •css by U.S. Senator Ralph YaT- vestigated. Mr. Marshall re- ability to deal with people I public at the Monmouth Medi- Dallas, he said. roufiii from Texas. ceived a summons for careless cal Center auditorium fo'r 10 to Garrison said Ferrie's name Brother Stephen was appointed driving. "This dress is a wonderful buy if your husband is the thrifty 15 minutes on the subject figures in 40 pages of Warren f the supervisor of Christian type. It always reminds him that he can insure his savings FREE PREVIEW "Marketing Responsibility Commission material — 36 of •others schools to submit a Te- through a permanent agency of the Federal Government by Bank Management." which he said are classified se- >rt so that a communication Aviation Safety opening one or more savings accounts at Red Bank Savings ASBURY PARK: cret and unavailable. In Wash- may be sent to al) Christian Award for Brigade & Loan Association. Brothers' Schools on the proceed- OLD-FASHIONED DINNER ington, it was reported that 19 of FORT HANCOCK — Army First ings of the convention. An old-fashioned New Englanc the pages were available for pub- Lt. Bradley M. Meade Jr., a ANTICIPATED PER Berkeley Carteret Hotel "boiled dinner" often consisted of lic examination. Pilot in the aviation section of the DIVIDEND 4V2% YEAR corned beef, cabbage, carrots, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, moth- as the get-away pilot in an elab- 52d Artillery Brigade, recently parsnips, potatoes and beets. The er of Lee Harvey Oswald, said orate plot to kill Kennedy." A accepted the U.S. Army Air De- Monday, February 27th, 8 P.M. beds were cooked separately so she was amazed that Ferric had native of Cleveland, Ohio, Ferric fense Command (ARADCOM) that they wouldn't color the other not been interviewed by the War- resided in New Orleans the last aviation safety award on behalf Tuesday, February 28th, 8 P.M. foods; the other vegetables were ren Commission. 15 years. of his unit, all added to the. kettle in which I'm shocekd and dismayed Florida Probe The award is made annually the corned beef had partly that another life may have been In >Pensacola, Fla., authorities to ARADCOM air sections with Wednesday, March 1st, 8 P.M. cooked. Nowadays we would still forfeited for lack of a thorough tiro Investigating the death of a accident-free flying records for cook the beets separately, but we investigation," she snid in Fort Fla. man two years ngo at the the previous yenr. AHV LOAN ASSOCIATION DALE CARNEGIE COURSES wouldn't add the cabbage until Worth, Tex., after learning of request of his brother who said 10 BROAD ST. • RED BANK, N. J. ' shortly before the 'beef and other Feme's'death. ho wanted a fresh probe because They're Unique! Ads In the 741-3700 Presented by: WES WESTROM AND ASSOCIATES vegetables were done because Ferrie had (ermed Garrison's of the current investigation in New Daily Register Classifed work modern tastes call for tender- investigation "a big joke." He Orleans of the Kennedy assas- for you around the clock. Pla:o f« bhnutfofl, Writ* «r Ull Box 1345, Ptatafleld, H. J, 7530358 "White You Save Does Make a Dijjcrence!" crisp rather than soggy cabbage,] said Garrison had him "pegged sination. yours now. Little Silver Appeal THE DULY REGISTER Thursday, Feb. 23, 1967—3 Makes Disbursement Girl PupiVs Letter to China LITTLE SILVER - The Little tie Silver Friends of the Library, Silver. Community Appeal recent- $1,137; Mental Health Associa- ly wade the first of two disburse- tion, $827.25; Multiple Sclerosis Brings a 'Shocking' Response ments' of the record $16,000 con- Service Organization of New Jer- tributed or pledged in its 1966 sey, $630; Muscular Dystrophy By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI Post Office to learn how it was brothers are Peter, 17, a stu- campaign. Associations of America, $689; FREEHOLD — A sixth grade mailed. dent at Christian Brothers Acad- The appeal presented a check Association for Retarded Chil- class project for information on She added that she was sur- emy, Lincroft; Pat, 15, a s«mi-' for $1,042.50 to the Little Silver dren, $1,095.75; Salvation Army, China by 12-year-old Elaine prised that her daughter re- narian at Mother of Saviour. Recreation Committee, the first $768.25; United Cerebral Palsy, Tammaro, daughter of Mr. and ceived a reply to her letter. Seminary, Blackwood; Joseph, of two payments of the commit- $673, and YIVKA, $533. Mrs. Joseph E. Tammaro, Miss Tammaro is now a 10, a pupil at the Burlington tee's share of the contributions. The balance of the funds, Dutch Lane Rd., brought a re- seventh-grade pupil at the Bar- Rd. School, Freehold Township; Gordon N. Litwin, president, amounting to $6,677, was donated sponse after 15 months but not kalow School here. Her five Paul, 5, and James, 3. said $9,323, representing all of to the appeal without specific the kind the Tammaros ex- funds specifically designated for designation. These funds will be pected. each of the 12 participating agen- distributed after the board of The letter received Monday cies, were distributed as follows: trustees iias received recommen- not only "shocked" the Tam^ Recreation Committee, $1,042.- dations from its allocations com- maros but surprised them that 50; Family and Children's Ser- mittee consisting of Dayton Mor- it could be received without any vice Inc., $696.25; Boy Scouts, gan, chairman, and Leonard Per- postage, said Mrs. Tammaro. $860.25; Girl Scouts, $570.75; Lit- ry and Noel Nilson. In a plain white envelope ad- dressed to Miss Tammaro with only a red rubber stamp cir- cling "Taxe Percu. 1967. 1.18 Aldene Peking (18)," near the address, (Continued) the printed form letter is from commuters are, at work. The re- plan. . .in the face of such strong the All-China Students' Federa- sult has been an erroneous sug- support it will not be easy to tion in Peking, China. gestion that commuters were not secure the necessary number of HAPPY EXCHANGE — Charles White, left, chairman of the Little Silver Recreation Miss Tammaro had mailed concerned with the issues, he de- votes in either house to delay it. her letter in November, 1965 to clared. "It is going to take a chorus of Committee, receives a $1,042.50 check from Philip Thomas, treasurer of Little Silver Mao Tse-tung, giving her name, The American Commuters As- demands from Monmouth County Community Appeal, as Charles Rell, second from left, and Gordon Litwin, appeal vice address, age and the reason. sociation announced a meeting commuters to make the governor president and president, respectively, look on. The presentation is the first of two She said it was part of a class will be held Sunday at 8:30 p.m. back down. project and she wanted infor- in the home of Mrs. Robert Max- "The governor can ignore one payments of the committee's share of the 1966 appeal proceeds. Funds will be used mation on China, a short-biog- well, secretary, 154 Conover La., or two lone pleas for help. He toward tennis court improvements. (Register Staff Photo) raphy of Mao and an auto- Middletown. cannot ignore the voices of thou- graphed photo of him. At that time, iccording to Ber- sands. "Deal Friend,", reads the nard Mintzner, president, a de "We cannot continue to pour letter aated Jan. 17. "Your cision will be made as to how millions of dollars into these Follow Approved Plans or Seek letter has been received. the association many most effec- railroads while we stand by and "To meet your request, under tively delay the Aldene Plan or watch commuter service dwindle separate cover we are sending at least insure that existing fa-' away. I cannot understand the New Site Hearing, Builder Told you among other material, cilities are hejd ready for re- governor's tolerance of a process pamphlets about the unprece- activation if the anticipated Al- that continually curtails service NEW SHREWSBURY — The that the building permit wouli major changes without giving dented great cultural revolu- dene Plan collapse is realized. despite fantastic residential Planning Board last night told be revoked unless the structure residents a chance to express tion of the proletariat, which is Monmouth's other three legis- growth, Airview Flying Service Inc., Red conformed to the plans. their views at a public hearing," unfolding victoriously in our lators, state Sen. Richard R. Stou "I have no intention of watch- Bank Airport, to conform to the "I object to the principle ol he said. country, and Assemblymen Alfred N. Bea- ing these millions of dollars pass approved plans for its proposed doing what you want to do an* The board didn't consider Mr. "If you wish to receive regu- dleston and James M. Coleman into the hands of the railroads office building or make formal then coming here and saying Smith's request that require- larly publications published in Jr., all are out of the county on if the ultimate goal of these com- application for a hearing on a 'Well, it's too late to change',' ments the firm construct curb- our country, please subscribe vacation during the present leg- panies is to use improved track- new site plan. Mr. Willett said. ing and sidewalks on Apple St. to them through GUOZI SHU- islative recess. Both houses re- age for freight shipments only." The board said it approved Board member Kenneth Hilt- be delayed until curbs and DIAN (China Publications Cen- convene March 6. Former Democratic Assembly- plans for a brick-faced masonry brunner said borough residents walks are constructed on the en- tre, P.O. Box 399, Peking CHINA LETTER — Elaine Tammaro, 12, shows hsr Mr. Azzolina predicted that his man Patrick J. McGann Jr., a building. But the rear wall, al- "expect to see the building con- tire street. China). mother, Mrs. Joseph E. Tammaro of Dutch Lan» Rd., speaker at Tuesday's session, ex- ready erected to a height of Walter R. Laudenslager, Lin- colleagues would join him in spon- structed as approved by the "Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the Freehold, a latter she received from tha All-China Stu- soring the promised legislation, pressed the view of most of the five feet above the ground, is be- board. croft, is president of Airview most respected * and beloved audience when he said the Al- ing constructed of masonry, 12 dents' Federation that was in response to her letter of but added "the problem is not "We have no right to maki Flying Service, Inc. great leader of the Chinese a simple one. dene Plan at best willtake two inches thick and without provi- The planners approved a site people, has taught us: 'the Chi- November,- 1965, which was part of a sixth grade class years to become operative. sion for brick facing, the board plan permitting Paul De Vegh, "The governor has given every nese people know that United project. Register Staff Photo) indication that he wants this Mr. McGann said that the said. Townfolk Sing Eatontown, owner of Monmouth States imperialism has done PATH will not be capable of Ray Smith, Shrewsbury Ave. Swimming Pool and Service Co., many bad things to China and handling its new traffic demands realtor appearing for the corpo- For 2 Groups to use a" one-story building at the whole world as well; ration, said the rear wall con- 1213 Sycamore Ave., as a busi- until planned new facilities in MIDDLETOWN — The Town "'They understand that only Draft struction was an unintentional ness office. The building is Cigarette Packs Fail New York's World Trade Center folk, local folksinging group, re- the United States ruling group (Continued) mistake made "because of the owned by Geza De Vegh. Rich- are completed cently gave performances for the is bad, while the people of the haste we're in." ard Leahey, a Shrewsbury at- Kennedy said the Senate labor And with problems over the Red Bank Chapter National Coun- United States are very good. Work Must Stop torney, represented the appli- subcommittee on employment, center rising, he said, the time- cil of Jewish Women, and Cub We Chinese youth, students and In Charity Collection The board denied Mr. Smith's cant. manpower and poverty would table may be further set back. Scout Pack 110, Lincroft. their people abiding by the begin public hearings shortly on request that construction be per- teachings of Chairman Mao, ELIZABETH (AP) — Some 15,- Another 5,00(1 wrappers were PATH spokesmen said they had The group is comprised of Dr. his proposals. mitted to proceed, with the front have always distinguished the 000 empty cigarette packages mis- collected by the Laurelton Old fed all probable statistics into and Mrs. Richard Levine, here, and sides of the building to be American people from U. S. im- takenly collected for charity Guard Club and stored in the Sees System Unfair computers and got assurance back brick-faced masonry. and Mrs. Loell Abercrombie, Bel Slowdown cluttered a Westfield garage and cellar of member Frederick that it can handle the load on perialism.' In the past the Senate Armed Councilman Herbert Willet 3d, ford.- (Continued) Kenilwnrth cellar yesterday. Huetteman, r east "We are deeply convinced Services Committee, led by Sen. the prescribed date. The three are directors of the has called f° "at ' a week a board member, said construc- that the American youth, stu- The wrappers were gathered Mrs. Brody said yesterday that Richard B. Russell, D-Ga., has Central Railroad representa- folk music workshop sponsored of debate" on "all matters in- tion of the rear wall had con- dents and people alongside the within the last month from she was told that the wrappers handled all military manpower tives made it appear that April by the local recreation Commis- volved in the Vietnam contro- tinued after a warning from youth, students and people of throughout the state under the and draft legislation. It i^ ex- 30 is a "must date" regardless John Osborn, building inspector, versy." assumption that they would be could be redeemed. She said that pected to recommend an exten- of other pressures. On that date, Russell's reference to the Gulf the whole world, will support the Deborah League was not In- the heroic Vietnamese people's redeemed by cigarette manufac- sion of the present law. Kenne- they said, the railroad must re- of Tonkin resolution was to Con- turers for a penny each. volved in the episode. dy said, "Our present system is turn to the City of-New York gressional approval in August struggle against U. S. aggres- sion and for national salvation, The money was to be used to 'All a Hoax' neither fair, nor equitable, nor two of its three ferries which<) I Jersey City Teachers Vote1964 of President Johnson's re- help defray the medical expenses just." Its policies are discrimi- it has been using on a lease quest for broad authority to "take oppose the policies of war and "This was all a hoax," »a/d aggression of their common of 3-year-old Tanya Chernak, who natory — students are deferred, basis. The third ferry will be ou Today on Classroom Return all necessary action including the died Feb. 7 of leukemia. She was Mrs. Brody. "People should fol- nonstudents are drafted; good of service by that time for safety use ot armed forces1' in South- enemy U. S. imperialism and low through and check out things. JERSEY CITY (AP) - Mem the city's four high schools were defend world peace. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. students keep their deferments, reasons on order of the Coast east Asia. Peter Chernack of Union. I'm going to call the garbage man bers of the American Federation closed and two were open for "With friendly greetings," poor students may lose them, he Juard, they added. This was after Communist Rumor Started and have ti i m take all these added. of Teachers, Local 752, were only four hours Tuesday, when concludes the letter which ends, wrappers away." scheduled to vote early today 250 AFT members stayed home forces attacked a U.S. naval "Its impact is uneven—a re- vessel. without signature, with "Gen- An unidentified woman appar- whether to return to their class- Mayor Thomas J. Whelan has eral Office, All-China Students' intly started a rumor last month A spokesman for the American turning Peace Corps volunteer •Last year Sen. Wayne Morse, Election rooms. But a spokesman said said he will not negotiate with Federation." that cigarette packages had been Tobacco Company said, "No ma- goes to the top of the list in one D-Ore., led a futile effort to re- (Continued) yesterday that he doubted they the local until its teachers return collected to raise funds for jor manufacturer has ever under- district and to the bottom in an- peal that resolution during de- Miss Tammaro said she didn't taken such a project and never Retired civil servant S. C would end their walkout. to their classes. small girl's operation a few years other." bate on the defense supplemen- think it was proper for the Chi- Would. It would be considered an Kennedy proposed these Barve, a Congress jiominee for Yesterday, after a meeting at- School board attorney William nese to say what they did and ago tended by almost 400 teachers, Massa Tuesday filed papers seek- tal authorization. He was beaten unethical promotion. changes in the present draft op- Parliament from Bombay, led 92 to 5. that "they should keep their Wrappers were collected all erations: ormer Defense Minister V. K John Schmid said, "It was the ing contempt citations in Superior feelings to themselves." over the state in the name of the "The packages are worthless. —Induction of youngest regis- Krishna Menon 42,000 votes to decision of everyone present to Court against Local 752 President Hasn't Arrived Deborah League as the story Every year the major companies trants first beginning with 18-and 27,400 in early results. Menon remain out of school until the Phil Washington, field represen When asked if she were going spread. The league, a charitable are deluged with letters from 19-year olds instead of the pres- campaigned an an independent Board of Education sits down tative Joseph Cascella and other Snow to subscribe to regular publi- organization which maintains a people who have heard that they and negotiates." AFT officials. ent policy of taking older regis- after the party denied,him sup- (Continued) cations, she replied that she hospital at Browns Mills, has dis- could redeem cigarette packages trants, first. port. Schmid is a national AFT repre- "The old scare tactic of the speed zones as snow began in didn't know. She has not yet re- claimed knowledge of the drive. for a penny each. I don't know —Establishing national induc- In Madras State, Congress Par- sentative from Chicago. injunction has never solved a different areas. Hazardous driv- ceived the packaged material. Some 10,000 wrappers were how these things start." tion standards, so deferments of :y President Kumaraswami Kam The walkout began Feb. 15 dispute, and it won't solve this ng signs were also posted along Mrs. Tammaro said her hus- collected and stored in the ga- students, married men and others araj held a narrow lead in his when the union, which repre- one," said Schmid. the Garden State Parkway at all band, who is secretary for the rage of Mrs. Monroe Brody of 32 They're Unique! Ads in the would be the same nationwide. race for the state Assembly but sents about 325 of the city's 448 "The only way to solve this toll plazas. The first was posted New York City law firm of Sandra Circle, Westfield. Mrs. Daily Register Classified work Local draft boards now make dif- only 27 of the party's candidates high school teachers struck over problem is for the AFT and at 3:18 at the Parkway's north- Hughes and Huba'rt, plans to Brody is president of the' West- for you around the clock. Place fering decisions. won in the- first 112 Assembly a wage dispute. Board of Education to sit down ern end. take the letter to a New York i field Deborah chapter. yours now. —Permitting a four-year defer- results announced. Public employee strikes are il- and negotiate in good faith," he ment for college but "eliminat- The Dravida Munnetra Kazha- legal in New Jersey. said. ing the crazy quilt pattern of de- gam, a Tamil-language seces- In defiance of an injunction is- The Jersey City Education As- ferments which has been built sionist group, won 63 seats and sued Friday, most of the AFT sociation Tuesday ratified a wage up over the years." appeared likely to have control of teachers stayed out of school and welfare proposal offered by —Eliminating all other defer- the assembly after results in the Monday and Tuesday. Two of city and school board officials. ments except in "extreme hard- 122 other contests are announced. HIGHEST RATES ALLOWED ship" cases such as work direct- Although control in Kerala state ly linked to national security. Lo- was lost to a Communist coali- Industrial Unit Formed, cal draft boards would decide tion, the Congress party led in these few cases. Mysore anj Andhra states. Manalapan Posts Filled MANALAPAN — A seven-mem- those of the new Zoning Board, BY FEDERAL REGULATIONS ber industrial committee was Abe Magid, a member of named last night as the Town- the Planning Board, questioned ship Committee also acted to fill the appointment of Mr. Mattiews, vacancies on the Planning Board claiming that he had never taken and the Board of Health. a strong position in favor of the PAID Named to one year terms on present one-acre zoning. the industrial committee were Mr. Matthews was an' unsuc- James Hanah, Kenneth Martin, cessful Democratic candidate for George Mattei, Jack Linder, Mi- the Township Committee last No- chael Gall, James Keogh and vember. Donald Lammers. Mr. Magid directed his ques- ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Mayor Patrick Madigan ap- tion to Committeeman Thoma? pointed Charles W. Matthews to Corless, one of those who de- serve the unexpited term of J. feated Mr. Matthews, who replied Lester Hann who resigned last that he had no objections to the AND month from the Planning Board. appointment. The term run* through Dec. 31, "I judge a man on the basis of 1971. whether OT not he has the town- Lawrence Cushen was named ship's interests at heart and Whether or not he is representa- CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT lo the Board of Health. Following swearing-in ceremo- tive of the township," Mr. Cor- nies for these members and less said. THE Powell (Continued) sional credit cards. It would rep- the session in mid-afternoon to CENTRAL JERSEY RANK esent more than half of the fly to Florida to fulfill a speak- $60,000 salary he Is to draw over ing engagement. he two years of the 90th Con Pepper said the report would ALLENHURST • ALLENTOWN ' BRADLEY BEACH • EATONTOWN • FARMINGDALE FOR NEW CHURCH — Alfred Zarouni, left, president gross. contain a provision spelling out f FORT MONMOUTH • FREEHOLD (2) • FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP LONG BRANCH (2) of Oak Hill Association, Middlotown, presents $200 Rep. Claude D, Pepper, D- his differences with the rest of the committee. check for building fund of Clinton Chapel, AME Zion Fla., the committee's chief ex- */ MARLBORO • MATAWAN NEPTUNE CITY • SHREWSBURY -SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS Committee members plan fo Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Church, Middletown, to William C. Johnson QUARTERLY ley, both at home; his maternal You must lose ugfy fat or your money Education and Welfare described velocity and what technical terms back. Odrinex II a tiny tablet and eotl'y grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Van the sulphurous pollution problem they can use to describe odors. swallowed. Get rid of excess fat and Boyce of Atlantic Highlands and live longer. Odrinex costs 53.00 and in the New York-New Jersey is sold on this guarantee: It not satis- TAn extensionO phone BED can be a great aid - keep? yotr his paternal grandparents, Mr. "Police seldom make arrest fied for any reason, just return the metropolitan erea as "the worst close to tamily and trlonds. It's easy on the budget, too. «nd Mrs. John Oakley of Bel for violations," Flower said, 'Jfl- package lo your druggist and get your SAVINGS & LOAM ASSOCIATION the most critical in the United .... l/ull money bock. No questions asked. The cost is just pennies a day. To order, simply call your ford. stead they point out a violation]odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: MIDDLETOWN I ATL. HIGHLANDS I " LINCROFT States." LITTLE SILVER FAMILY PHARMACY Telephone Business Ollice. NEW JERSEY BELL Funeral arrangements are un- to the offender. Or they may 671-2400 I 291-0100 I 842-4400 der the direction of the Posten And federal, state and loca draw attention to some simple Funeral Home, Atlantic High- governments have started crash lands. programs to fight the mountin air pollution menace to the WILLIAM T. RITT SR. nation's health. LAKEWOOD — William T. Ritt One New Jersey community i> Sr., 61, of 10 Darien Rd., dieddoing something extra about it yesterday in Riverview Hospital, Perth Amboy is the first com TODAY Red Bank. munity in the Garden State to Born in Newark, he resided take advantage of the offer by thru there until 1931 when he moved the Rutgers To-operative Ex- SATURDAY to Union Beach. He moved here tension Service to train police- from that community in 1962. men in detecting air pollution Employed as a confidential sec- control law violations. retary by Standard Milling Corp., Franklin B. Flower, the ex- New York City, he left five years tension specialist at the Rutgers ago due to illness. College of Agriculture and Mr. Ritt was a member of theEnvironmental Science who con- Churoh of the Master Evangelical ducts the lecture series, says United Brethren of Howell Town- that police officers fit into air ship; East Orange Masonic pollution control program ideally Lodge 208 and Ophir Chapter 60, because they are already trained Eastern Star, and Washington to view complaints objectively Court, Order of Amaranth 25 and make reports in a prescribed of Orange. manner. Surviving are his wife Mrs. The course the Perth Amboy Elizabeth R. Hamilton Ritt; his policemen took consists of four mother, Mrs. Anna Hyble Ritt of one-hour sessions. The men, Brademton, Fla.; a son, William rookies and veterans, learned T. Ritt Jr., of this place; a daughter. Miss Ruth E. Ritt, at home; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth DRESSES Millard of Bradenton, and three Burke grandchildren. (Continued) Services will be held Saturday ty since that time, even though JUMPERS at 1 p.m. in the John W. Mehlen- on occasions he has been at beck Funeral Home, Hazlet, with odds with GOP leader Joseph Rev. Edgar Filby, pastor of the Azzolina and numerous times COORDINATES Church ofthe Master, officiating. has opposed the actions of May- Burial will be in Shoreland Me- or Ernest G. Kavalek. morial Gardens, Hazlet. Government Change JACKETS FRANK H. VOGTSSR. He has been known as an "In- BRETON WOODS - Frank H. dependent Republican" and, in Vogt Sr., 72, of 635 Kenmore Rd. opposition to Mr. Azzolina and SLACK SETS died Monday in his home. Mr. Kavalek, was one of the He was a lifetime Newark resi- leaders in the move for a change OUTERWEAR dent until moving here nine years in the form of government here. Assorted colors. Sizes 3-6X, 7-14. ago. He was a retired supervisor He still strongly favors a CASHIER WILL DEDUCT AN for the Hyatt Bearing Division change. of General Motors Corp., Har- Financial Leader rison, where he worked 42 years. He was a member of the Hyatt As the governing body's fi- $ $ EXTRA 33% OFF 25-year Club. nance chairman, Mr. Burke has shaped fiscal policies. OUR REG. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Among the concepts he initi- Louise Vogt; three sons, Frank ated are an administrative code, l- 2- 3 H. Vogt Jr. of Belford, Arthur central purchasing and a code GROUP 1 E. Vogt, at home, and William of ethics, all of which are ex J. Vogt of Iselin; two daughters. pected to be put in force some- REVERSIBLE SKI JACKETS Mrs. Louise Cammann of Toms time this year. River and Mrs. Dorothy Halsted Although Mr. Azzolina and of Bloomfield; 10 grandchildren, Mr. Kavalek were not available ENTIRE STOCK OF GIRLS' Comp. Value 12.95 and six great-grandchildren. for comment last night, other $ A Requiem Mass was offered party leaders speculated that REG. LOW 99 YOU this morning in St. Benedict's these names might be among POLOS PAY Catholic Church, Newark. those considered for the GOP FUR TRIMMED DISC. PRICE 8 6 AUSTIN ROSS Township Committee candidacy: Robert P. McCutcheon, EATONTOWN - Austin Ross, GROUP 2 Charles A. Krauss and Bertram 83, of 13 Meadowbrook Ave., died H. Walters, all members of the CORDUROY Tuesday in Monmouth Medical DACRON 88' SKI JACKETS Board of Health;'Alan G. Speck, & UNTRIMMED COATS Center, Long Branch. county committeeman from dis- PILE LINED ACTION JACKETS Born in Nuremberg, Germany, trict 19; Frank W. Strickland, SLACKS Mr. Ross was a son of the late committeeman from district 20, PILE LINED CORDUROY and Emanuel and Jette Ross. He had and Dayton Beguelin, member CAR COATS resided here 12 years and was a of the Zoning Board of Adjust- TACKLE TWILL SURCOATS retired fabric merchandizer. ment. Surviving are a son, Gerald G. COMP. VALUE 1.29 EA. ZIP-OUT PILE LINED Ross, with whom he lived; a sis- FAKE FUR COATS ter, Mrs. Erna Eckmann of Lon- ALL-WEATHER COATS don, England; a grandson, Fred Petitions G. Ross of Lincroft, and two (Continued) great-granddaughters. members of the police depart- AND JACKETS Comp. Value 15.95 Services will be this afternoon ment, the Knights of Columbus, YOU $ at 1:30 o'clock in the Robert A. Solumbiettes, Masonic Lodge, AND REG. LOW <|

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J.t&itkl BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 46 MONMOUTH STREET 741-4310 RED BANK •ROAD AND FRONT STRUTS OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS D BANK, N.J. • SH 1-5300< FREE Parking in Rear of Store Entrance on White Street1 NOTE — WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL , iiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiunuiiiiipiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiKiiiHiii^ I V China's New Year The Register's Opinion C.A. Johnston: Courthouse Square Adam and the Law Attainment of Brotherhood The House investigation of Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, due to end today, has made two points clear, however the The observance, of Brotherhood must be launched is one of education, action against the adventurous romanticist from Harlem may Week ends Sunday. We hope that led by members of the clergy,' be treated. the programs have done some good, schools, civic organizations, political It has shown that there is no authority for Congress to keep someone elected to it because brotherhood, though often parties and communities. from being seated. It has also shown that preached, is not practiced through- The leadership may appeal to our Mr. Powell's activities deserve lots of in- out our nation, state, county and sense of fair play, but unless each of vestigation by law enforcers. municipalities. us is willing to join the crusade, in- So, what is wrong with following the leads of both of these indicators. In a speech at Congregation Bnai justices will continue. Attainment of To keep Powell, even if he is a scound- Israel this week in Rumson, Judge brotherhood can't be a one-day or a rel, away from the desk some half million Leo Weinstein commented: "Nobody one-week thing. Worthy as such ob- people elected him to fill is not one of the likes everybody, but everybody likes servances are, they only point up the things Congress is empowered to do. somebody, and that's a start." unhappy fact that we aren't a nation JOHNSTON On the othcr hand' the many P°'ice Brotherhood has made a start in of brothers. agencies, by whatever name they should be identified, that delve into affairs of people who reside in Wash- the United States, evidenced in re- To recognize the dignity of every ington, D. C, like Mr. Powell, have obligations to wrap him cent years by interfaith meetings and other human is a big task, but tackle up if these charges are as easily proved as made. a few successes in civil rights mat- it we must. It's a job that must be * * * ters. There's a long road ahead, how- approached every day of the year, TESTIMONY FROM his wife alone established enough foundation! for any grand jury to indict the congressman for ever, as was indicated in the anti- every year. There have been encour- a variety of complaints against the public interest, i.e., in- Jewish remarks published prior to the aging signs in each generation that come tax evasion, overpaying the Civil Service staff, pocket- Wayne Board of Education election. tolerance can be attractive. If each ting the wife's illegal pay, and skipping to foreign worlds with Bigotry, unchallenged, offers the household would become brothers to the other.girl, also on the payroll, under a couple of other people's names. biggest threat to our nation's great- its neighbors, goodness would spread Rep. James J. Howard indicated when the Powell thing ness. It is easy to detect it in others, across our country that would cure came into prominence in January that he was labored by it. but the bigot is not likely to admit the cancer of hatred that threatens He voted, in the Democratic caucus, to take away the New It even to himself. The crusade that us all. Yorker's chairmanship of the so-important House Education and Labor Committee. He was with the winners there and that was right. Red Bank Acts Wisely Later, however, he went with a very small minority of 66 trying to keep "Adam," as they all talk of him. on Capitol Hill, The Red Bank Mayor and Council New Jersey's policy of regionalization in his congressional position while the probe went on. acted wisely in "declaring its inten- to halt the pumping of effluent into There have been some slight criticisms from Brian Ken- tion" of becoming a customer of the •the Navesink is reasonable. Regionali- nedy, now an announced candidate for state Assembly, against the views Mr. Howard took. But they were premature, purely Northeast Monmouth County Regional zation is, indeed, a formula that other areas of the county and state should for political space-getting in newspapers — and they were fruitful toward the end. Sewerage Authority. We trust that be considering. council's studies in the next couple The question, today, before the congressman, is no easy It is unfortunate that Red Bank one. The Negro population here is sizable, perhaps 20 per cent, of months will lead to a firm com- Is too late to become a member of John Chamberlain: These Days If you believe the national leaders of those who set themselves mitment to use Northeast's facilities. Northeast, but it's not a subject up to speak for Negroes, "Adam" better win. It is going to be costly, and Red worth arguing about at this stage. But that is not fair consideration in these times of this great concern. "Adam" may have been, the most successful Bank taxpayers will have to brace The authority is composed of honor- Ideologues Take It on Chin political man with dark skin, but he is not the "end all" of themselves for that sad fact of life. able gentlemen from Fair Haven, Lit- the matter. wooing the peasants by promising them the In real life nothing ever works out as The Congress now has the opportunity to deal sensibly What will result, however, will be tle Silver, Monmouth Beach, Ocean- benefits of the "economism" that Mao has the ideologues expect. with a problem which deals both with scandal and with fair the solution of a problem that Red port, Shrewsbury and West Long denounced could be a significant straw in For example, only a few short months play. Until a few years ago, fair play was commonly accepted the wind. Bank has for too long declined to Branch. We're confident they will ago the ideologues were saying that Mao in the YMCA and many other.places as the equivalent of civil admit. That, of course, is that its deal fairly with their neighbors in Tse-tung's Red Chinese government be- If the ideologues are being proved wrong rights. about Asia, they are also taking their lumps sewer plant is inadequate and the Red Bank in the period of negotia- longed in the UN because * * * "you can't ignore 700 mil- in the United States. The ideologues have borough is guilty of polluting the tions ahead. lion people." But ever since insisted on a $l-an-hour minimum wage for SOME NOTES RECORDED here: The man who gained the Navesink River. the "Red China lobby" farm workers. Sensible economists such as widest round of congratulations after adoption of the county What is in the offing here is that budget Tuesday was Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin. Why? Home rule may be sacred in some the Navesink River will be as clean campaign to bring Mao to Yale Brozen and Milton Friedman of the the East River flopped be- University of Chicago predicted some time His temper control. Fellow Freeholder Marcus Daly got under ; avenues of government, but in health as it once was, and Red Bank's sew- cause of the unforeseen de- ago that a high legal minimum wage would the Irwin skin repeatedly, but the director held off the explo- ' matters the state has the responsi- age will be treated in the most mod- fection of some of the Afri- force marginal workers on to the relief sive swat. bility to protect all of its citizens. ern and efficient system" available. can UN nations it has be- rolls, thus defeating the ideologues' own aims. Also advisory: Sponsor of the plan to shake up the two come more and more ap- • * * state Assembly districts in Monmouth County from what had parent that the Maoists do IN MISSISSIPPI the cotton planters, orginally been talked of was Long Branch Councilman Cioffl. Library Needs Grow, Too not speak for China.' through their Delta Council, have announced Mr. Cioffi urged splitting the county along a line to put The simple fact is that that they "can't afford to have much cotton the upper seashore and the bayshore in one district. It is distressing to read that the a lot more, such as East Orange the "cultural revolution" on the Chinese chopping done at $1 an hour." The prediction The other district would include the Strong Republican Middletown Library Board may not where it's a whopping $7.33. Statistics mainland is failing. Mao is supposed to be is that thousands of rural workers will be lower seashore and the not quite so certain land in suburban get the $127,764 board members claim the peasant leader, and the Mao line is that displaced by chemical weed killers and by and rural areas. such as these are not necessarily con- Some Republicans relish the idea because it would bring is needed to efficiently operate the the rural parts of the world will eventually the further mechanization of cotton picking. 'vincing because they do not tell all. surround the citified areas and force commu- Inevitably the displaced workers and their together incumbent Assemblymen James M. Coleman Jr. of library this year. When the Township Each municipality has its own char- nism upon them. But the peasants every- families Trill join the trek to northern cities, Asbury*'Pafrk and Joseph Azzolina of Middletown. Committee tentatively approved its acteristics, which play a big part in where want control of their own plots of particularly to New York where there is no But other Republicans wonder who the party might pick municipal budget, only $116,300 was ground. They are forcing themselves on residence requirement for relief. Maybe the to run as maidens in the other district. the cost of any service. It should be a great horse race either way. If Democrats allocated for the library. Brezhnev In Soviet Russia, making enlarged automation of the cotton plantation would The figures do provide something kitchen gardens a pre-condition of better have come in any event, but without the put,; up Patrick J. McGann Jr., the former Assemblyman, with The board last year opened branch to talk about, as do the amounts farm production all around. minimum wage there would have been a a running mate of some prominence in the northern area, it libraries in Lincroft and Port Mon- requested by the board and provided * * * more orderly and humane transition. could be quite a fight. * mouth, and William J. LeKernec, li- The ideologues have also taken it on the But who have they got in the south to run against Repub- by the township. Middletown's gov- MEANWHILE, in the Chinese cities, work- lican nobodys? brary director, says he will not be chin in their attempt to force beauty on the erning body can't be faulted for ers espouse the heresy of "economism," American countryside by law. For example, * * * able to hire an assistant library di- trying to keep costs down, but the meaning they want a better shake for them- if you go north to ski country in Vermont, CONGRATULATIONS to Counciiwoman Marilyn Brenner for rector, junior librarian and clerk he $11,464 difference would be picayune selves out of factory production. Thus they where federally assisted highway building is her dogged position that the county college studies which datt needs. if the library cannot provide the ser- are actually on the side of Mao's ideological lacing the land with some excellent new back three and four years not be set aside. Freeholder Irwin, enemies. highways, you won't see any billboards. But gently rapping the knuckles of Freeholder Daly, was wisely The library's circulation was 234,- vice expected of it. It is too early to know whether Red on the distant mountain sides, blazoned in tongue in cheek. 000 last year, an increase of about The Township Committee's figure China is about to break up, into several quasi- ugly lights, you will see announcements of Mrs. Brenner, I think casually, said she hoped that the col- 40 per cent since 1962. As the town- is about $8,000 more than was ap- autonomous regional districts, each domi- various kinds. It would have been less of- lege study would not get ringed, like so many others. Mr. ship continues to grow, library de- propriated for the library last year, nated by its own warlord general, or whether fensive esthetically to put up an occasional Daly was immediately indigniant. some peacemaker (perhaps Chou En-lai, the highway announcing the virtues of the Big mands are certain to mount. Middle- so its'members are aware the board "What othej studies?" was his question. eternal "centrist") will succeed in papering Bromley or the Mad River Glen ski area. Mrs. Brenner wasn't aware she was getting -into this town residents deserve a first-rate needs more money. Perhaps, between over the conflicts by compelling Mao to The aims of the ideologues are often league of politics, but she managed back that with some help facility, and we're certain they are now and March 14, when the budget backtrack on his own type of "Mao-think." praiseworthy. But we might achieve them from the files she could gather a list. Here's a volunteering willing to pay for it. is to be adopted, the committee and But the Hongkong report that local military with less disruption if people would use hand to help her up the list. commanders in the provinces of Szechwan, persuasion to change customs, not attempt Middletown is spending about $2.50 the board will be able to huddle. Both Yunnan, Kansu, and Sinkiang have been to make society over by force of law. per capita for its library, as com- sides in this dispute want a good li- pared to the $3.50 to $4 recommended brary. Maybe a conference will be From Our Readers by the American Library Association. able to assure that the township con- Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington Some municipalities in the state spend tinues to have one. The Register welcomes letter* from IU reader*, provides they contain signature, address and telephone number. Letttrt should be limited to 300 words. They should be typewritten. AU letters are subject to condensation and editing. Endorse- Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth Rhodesian Policy Criticized tneots of political candidates or commercial products are not WASHINGTON - The Johnson Adminis- arisen, and until it does I can't discuss it acceptable. tration's approval of economic sanctions adequately." against Rhodesia came under heavy biparti- "Then there is a possibility we may put Our Forgotten Market san battering at a meeting of the House up money for a mercenary army to invade Shovel the Sidewalks Foreign Affairs Committee. Rhodesia?" snapped Gross. Rusk made 5 High Point Rd. What supermarket sells a packaged single assistant to the President for consumer af- Secretary Dean Rusk no reply. Lincroft, N. J. chop, or a quarter pound of ground beef, the fairs, "the elderly don't need guns and toys vigorously defended the Ad- Representative Clark MacGregor, R-Minn, To the Editor: amount needed by the typical elderly person in their cereal boxes; they want more ministration's policy. He also was sharply critical. "You know as Over a year ago, because of a fatal accident, sidewalks living alone? cereal." argued the purpose of the well as I do," he sternly told Rusk, "that were built on Swimming River Rd. in Lincroft, leading to the Why is the print on drug labels so small sanctions is to avert the use these sanctions are not going to be effective. Today's department stores also cater Lincroft center. However, during a snow fall, these very same that it can't be read by of armed force against the Rhodesia is having no trouble getting every- almost exclusively to the young. As one ex- sidewalks are not cleared for children to walk on, causing them many elderiy people, the Rhodesian government as thing and anything it needs. There is no pert orr fashion problems of the elderly re- to walk on the icy roadway. • nation's biggest consumers demanded by Africans. Con- shortage of any real moment there. So why ported, after a survey of clothing In retail Is it possible for the town to have the sidewalks cleared? of drugs and medicines? tended the head of the should we put 'ourselves In the position of stores: "I was dismayed to find only poorly Sincerely, How is the typical elder- State Department, "It's supporting a policy that is bound to be Inef- designed, uninteresting clothing in monoto- Mrs. Gladys Neglia ly woman supposed to get either sanctions or vio- fectual and make the United Nations and nous patterns and limited sizes for older into the typical department ALLEN lence." every country that supports sanctions look women." { store dress, which is de- Representative Wayne Hays, D-Ohio, was ridiculous." Again, Rusk said nothing. signed for a young figure Of course, some scattered efforts' are unimpressed. "I can tell you veVy positive- * * * THE EAGER VOLUNTEER! being made to serve and woo the elderly ly," he told Rusk, "that the people of my and frequently has a hard- PREDICTIONS-Chief Justice Earl War- consumer. The American Institute of Archi- state are overwhelmingly against enforcing to-reach zipper up the ren will not retire at the end of this term back? tects is spearheading a drive to make new sanctions against Rhodesia. I have received PORTER buildings more accessible to and navigable of the Supreme Court in June. The one-time When will the goods many letters voicing that by the elderly. The National Council on the governor of California will be 76 in March and services available in today's market- viewpoint not only from my Aging Is sponsoring a project to develop at- and eligible to retire with full pay, but place meet the needs of our 19,000,000 elderly own constituents but from tractive clothing suited to the tastes, con- despite reports he is contemplating that, he Americans as well as of our younger men other parts of Ohio. Senti- venience and shapes of older women. The has no intention of quitting. He is in good and women? ment is overwhelmingly Federal Administration on Aging is drawing health, immensely enjoys his work, and pro- These are questions most "Pepsi Genera- against sanctions." up a package consumer education "program poses to stay on indefinitely . . . Twenty- tion" Americans would never even think for the elderly. Representative H. R. three Air generals will retire in the course about. But they were raised over and over Gross, R-Iowa, wanted to of this year. Two are four-star officers; one again at recent hearings before the Senate -., know if 'he employment of a lieutenant general; 10 major generals, and Subcommittee oh Consumer Interests of the ~~1WDAILY troops is contemplated to . 10 brigadiers . . . The Army will establish Elderly. And the very fact the questions BEGISTER enforce the sanctions. Rusk a second airmobile division. This will be done were raised underscores the fact that, in the SCOTT strenuously denied that. "I by converting an airborne division . . . Con- words of Subcommittee Chairman Sen. Har- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 can assure you wo have no gress will vote a one-cent postage increase rison A. Williams, D-NJ, (he elderly "may <(M2 Brand SI.. Reel llfinli, .V. J. Intention of doing anything like that," he on both first class and air mail, now five be the forgotten market in today's merchan- 87(1 III. :i->., N. 3. declared. "No troops have been asked for, and eight cents. Also highly likely ore in- dising boom." 30 Kn«t Mnln St., Freehold, N. J. and we have absolutely no thought of pro- creases in second and third class mail, on * * * 279 Brofldwny, Lone Brandt, N. J. viding any." the latter perhaps as much as 30 per cent . . . OUR SUPERMARKETS are loaded with Ealah. 1H1R hv John ". Cook nnil Krnry C1«T "What about providing money for UN The Federal Trade and Food and Drug Ad- "giant economy size" packages of just about Fublithed by Th« Red Bnnli llrtlalfr Incorporated mercenaries?" demanded Gross. "Is there ministrations are preparing joint crackdowns everything for the young American family, ill. HAMoMl KEI.LV, PiiMlilitr , any likelihood the U.S. will contribute for on a wide variety of medicinals sold without but they continue to offer only a picayune Arllmr Z. Knmln. Editor military force of Africans or others to en- prescription.over the counter. They include I'linmiti J. Illv WUllniii K. Knmlford anti-acids, cough and cold remedies, and total of the smaller one, or two-serving Ext>cnllvr> lOrlltor Aflsocfntfi Killtor force these sanctions?" packages which the elderly person or couple Frnnk W. llnrlimir Olinrlps A. .lotinnlon "I can't say anything definite about that various pain eascrs ... A strong effort will may want to buy. Our supermarkets are Middletown Buremi Mdr. Freehold flurenu Mgr. be mndo in this Congress to reduce the num- Bufipcrlntlnn Prlcfi In Ativfuwt* because it hasn't come up," replied Rusk. stacked with cereal boxes aimed at the BinKlo copy at ctmnler. 1 cents: hv mull. 10 cfnti "I'm not in a position to express an opinion ber of municipal tax-exempt bond issues. 12 mnnltij—J19.80 3 monlln—».I» young, but, says Esther Peterson, special e inonun-5 1 monlii — one way or the other. The matter hasn't The Treasury favors this. ? HbunJay, Feb. Men's Club to Hear Entered Twice County Engineers ' THE DAILV REGISTER Talk on Computers Synagogue Services Mr have not yet determined what, Jf EATONTOWN - "Trip to the' and Mrs. D. C. Harper, »4 Line anything, was taken. The second Synagogue Art Moon" witt be the topic oi a tails PS B^" Rd., was broken into twice In the entry was discovered by Dttec- Entertain Students by Emanuel Kabell before mem- vw tl fl:yj p.m. F-i-oos lirti M fcr 'ut )'iiiw SA put tew days, police report. ,tive Holme* Gormerly when, on bers of the Monmwtii Reform ?J> M /fKl UNCROFT — The MmmautiaiTampe rj Mididtetown, Herf) But Program Slated ' ^ The flrrt.entry occurred Mon-'« routine patrol, he notlwd a County CJupter, National Society Temple Mer/» Club i»l ttielr ler of Henry Hudson Regional, Jo- SHREWSBURY — Mrs. Max Isiuuit -w*JI einjjt &« U>.'itty.| day at about 7; 15 j>,m.*when two,*>«*«» wtotow ifl of Professional Engineers, seph Gorman of Christian Broth- families Sunday during a 8:30 Karlman will speak and present uid Mrl. Divld Coh«n of Hoiir/.H, Bbrt*»t>ury ;transistor radix were takto. The Officer* teaming the marked National Engineering ers Academy, Francis Sweeney a.m. breakfast-meeting at the *ni«r. will b« a rv slides at a meeting of the Sister- Crystal Brook Inn iiere. will celebrite Her Bat MiUvm KM will morrow tt 6 p.m.•"""y •• 'S* *°: home was entered again Tues- tion are Detective Gormerly and Week with a special meeting of Middletown and Joseph Swag- ... nw wwara ^^ tat Mr gBd Mrj Hafper Detectivt John McCabe. _• and a dinner in the Unoroft rnn. hood of Monmouth Reform Tem- The talk is based on the ap- chuit a prophetic portion. EH*nbe>xen will offtcltte. Hl« lermon er of Shore Regional. ple Monday at 12:30 p.m. at the B&bb&th morning aervlces wlit b« at topic will b. : A Grett Amerlc«n Members toured Bell Labora- plications of computers in past 9:15 for tiie Junior Oonfreg&tlon ftnd City." Francis Sweeney has become a Presbyterian Church, here. at to a.m. for ih« artult aerviens. tories in Holmdel to view new statewide candidate for a nation- and future conquests of space. Joel fill ter»ttin, ton of Mr. and MM. FURNITURE CO. communications developments. Her topic will be "Art in the Two NASA-prepared films on Jack Stlverat#ln of Llnoroft. will be al scholarship to the University called to tue Torah ai a Bir MttzvaH Women KEYPORT, N. J. Later, at the dinner, the society of Miami. Synagogue. •' project Apollo will be included and will chmt Uie prophetic portion of WEST The program is based on this in the presentation. lh« week. Plan Dinner-Dance had six high school stu- Guest speaker at the dinner 264-0181 dents as its guests. They are all year's theme. "And So We Mr. Katell is manager, techni- TEMPLE BKTH AHM MIDDLETOWN—Ayelet Chap- science majors who have been was Orrin Riley, a consultant en Build... A Living Sanctuary," in cal support staff for analog and COSSEHVATIVB ter of Bnai Brith Women will gineer from the firm of Howard Matawan nominated by the chapter lot connection with the congre- hybrid computer products at Rabbi Morris L, Hublnstein will offl- sponsor a dinner-dance at the statewide competition for scholar- Needles, James and Bergentioff, gation's new synagogue Electronic Associates, Inc. His '^ifLle it Sal'hath sei'vlces tomorrow Cobblestones Restaurant, Satur- now honoring Brotherhood Week. The con- ships sponsored by the National who discussed the $ 300 million under construction in New duties have required frequent KreKatlon of Temple Shalom ha* b*en day, March 11, at 9 p.m. Invlled to worstilp with them. The Society of Professional Engi- program to improve the New Jer- Shrewsbury* visits to the various NASA facili- children'* and aduJt'a choir win chant Reservation information may neers. ties around the country, and close part of the iervlcei, which will be sey Turnpike. Thomas Birdsal held in the 8trathmore School all be had from Mrs. Jack Grumet, The guests were Robertjof Belmar, chapter president affiliation with the scientific com- purposa room At 8;dO p.m. 7 Opal PI., Matawan, or Mrs. McCormick of Raritan, Fred i presided. Malayan Township putation laboratories within these Saturday aerv!c*s will be st 8 a.m. Ted Furst, 7 Donnelly St., Union facilities. In the Flnt Aid bulldlnl. Church St., Open Mon. and Fri. evenings Squad Adds Mend>ers and Junior congregation at 10:30. Beach, may be contacted. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Jo- seph Kronowski, captain of the Exports.ion Planned local first aid squad, has an- nounced that the squad answered 77 calls during January. The squad's four ambulances By Colts Neck Inn traveled a total of 1,680 miles, with 214 man-hours expended. COLTS NECK - A plan to ex-,three-story English Tudor style panand the facilities nof «,the. Coltrv»s. building with 27 rooms on each New squad members include Neck Inn to include an 81-room ei _ _ . Crawford Carey, ChaTles Bouton floor. and Edward Downs. hotel complex was informally The sketches showed the build- presented to the Planning Board Gilbert Hickman was recently ing to be "L"-shaped, on the voted life membership in the Sears Monday night. east side of the 250-year-old squad, in recognition of his sev- Arthur and Joseph Ruffalo, co- Inn toward Rt. 34, but Mr. Ruf- en year; of service. A former owners of the Inn and architect falo said there would be no en- squad captain, Mr. Hickman now Gerard A. Barba of Shrewsbury trance to the highway. The Inn serves as a squad representative Showed sketches of the proposed is on County Rd. 537. to the Uth District of the New project to find out board feeling "We estimate the building will Jersey State First Aid Council. on the proposed expansion. take five to six months to build Captain Kronowski reported at a cost of about $450,000," Mr. Arthur Ruffalo told the board that the squad is seeking mem- Ruffalo said. "This is going to be bers from the Strathmore and the new structure would be a a show place." Cliffwood areas of the township. Any member may be contacted for further Information.

ov, Hughes Pays Debt to New York NEW YORK (AP)-The gover- nor of New Jersey paid his debt to the city of New York Tues- ie*- **>. day — a $15 ticket for parking il- EINffi? legally outside the Pierre Hotel at 61st St. and Fifth Ave. on We want to reduce our inventory on rugs so we've chosen Valentine's Day. Gov. Richard J. Hughes sent a special group and slashed the price . . . the savings are a personal check to the Traffic 2 yours if you shop tomorrow and Saturday. Bring your 2 Summons Control Bureau, al- Get an extension phona now. II can save you hundreds of steps though the ticketed car was his room measurements and he prepared to take advantage of In the busy dtys ahead. The cost? Only 3? a day.» To order, official limousine with special lust call your Telephone Business OtUce. NEW JERSEY BELL license plates clearly identifying DAYS some wonderful values! DAYS it as the governor's. *WE WILL ARRANGE TO HAVE ANY RUG CUT TO A ONLY! SMALLER SIZE AND BOUND AT A SLIGHT ADDITION. ONLY! FRI. & SAT. AL CHARGE. FRI. & SAT.

Quantity Size Type Color Regular SALE 3 9'xl2' Nylon Assorted 69.95 44.00 5 9'x9' Nylon Assorted 59.99 39.00 4 Wool Floral Beige 144.95 9900 4 8'xl2' Nylon Assorted 129.95 79.00 1 Il'6"xl5' Nylon Avocado 224.95 "159.00 1 7'xl4V Acrilan Green 120.95 63.00 1 14V15' Acrilan Beige 319.95 233.00 1 15'x30' Nylon Sage Green 499.95 349.00 2 12'xl5' Nylon Beigetone 159.95 100.00 1 12'x23'9w Acrilan Reseda Green 415.95 311.00 1 4'8"xll'9" Nylon Cocoa 56.95 26.00 1 4'xl5' ' Acrilan Peacock Blue 81.99 46.00 1 Il'8"xl5' Acrilan Green 291.95 212.00 1 29'6xl5' Nylon Amber Gold 439.95 350.00 WELCOME ABOARD! 1 14'xl5' Nylon Rose Beige 239.95 161.00 1 9'6"xl5' Nylon Fawn Gold 169.95 105.00 1 12'xl2' Nylon Rose Beige 159.95 90.00 1 12'xl8' Nylon Avocado 259.95 FIRST MERCHANTS 168.00 1 12'xlO' Nylon Martini 144.95 108.00 10 27wxl2' Assorted Assorted 39.95 17.99 BOAT LOANS 7 27"xl5V Assorted Assorted 49.95 GET YOU UNDER WAY FAST 21.99 1 13'xl5' Nylon Tweed 189.95 108.00 If you've decided to get the most out of boating fun 1 12'x22'6" Nylon Beige 249.95 150.00 next summer, buy the boat you want NOW ... on an 1 12'xl2V Acrilan Sage Green 209.95 140.00 advantageous "cash basis" . . . with an easily arranged 1 12'xl5' Nylon Avocado 219.95 Bank Loan from First Merchants. Just make your choice 14700 1 13'6"xl5' Nylon Shell Beige 239.95 . . . compare finance charges . . . then come in to any 150.00 ••Nme'o'f- our nine Community Offices and our PEOPLE 1 15'x31'6" Acrilan Peacock Blue 579.95 , 441.00 will arrange an easv-to-repay boat loan with installments 1 15'x30T' Acrilan Rose Beige 569.95 357.00 tailored to fit your budget. <. 1 15'x27' Nylon Olive Grove 314.95 225.00 1 15'x21' Nylon Seascape 244.95 175.00


NINE CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES Athur r«rk • *ti nank • Minuqnan • North tiba'r Park • Fair H»ra aolmdrt • Brlrllf • coin Nrrk » Aton.Ntplnni City 1500 HIGHWAY 35 Phone Head Oltlce: SOI Mention Ave. Atburu Park SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Drlve-ln or Wolk-Up Facilitlo. and Extended Houri At All Office! MIDDLETOWN 671-3800 M«mb«r federal Rntrv* St/iiem — federal Dapoilt Jniuronce Corporation Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEA** ROEBUCK AND CO. Open Every Evening 'til 9:30 p.m. See Girls' Honesty Democrats Propose Slash In Freehold Twp. Budget FREEHOLD TO'WSHIP -Tb« it v> the ev*! oori • picked it up and gave it to her manager. A token of apprecia- two cents .to boost the budget of 000 to $2,000. poses.1 CarlseL n Home Modernizing older sister . tion was enclosed. the recreation committee from —Legal fees, cut $3,500 to $19,- Mr. Galcher declined to say • ° 542 1482 • Elizabeth then asked Denise "Where today do you find such the $3,000 proposed by the Town- 500. what the recreation committee P• AluALn L WORK GUARANTEED MB tampion, 17, and a teenage honesty?" Mrs. Campion won- ship Committee to $11,500. The —Inspection of buildings, sal- friend, shopping nearby, whethe dered, thinking, perhaps, of her•resulting net savings would put aries and wages, cut $4,160 to they .iad lost it. The girls checked daily experiences in her job. the 1967 tax rate at $3.18. $7,500. their pocketbooks. Their mone; Cutting the municipal purposes —Roads, other expenses, cut seemed to be intact. They an tax by eight cents would return $20,000 to $45,000. swe'red no. GOP to Honor Later Miss Campion, daughte of Mrs. Sally Campion, court and Hall at Confab violations clerk of West Long FREEHOLD The regular « Branch, went to Ormond's to monthly meeting of the Affiliated MONMOUTH MEATS Republican Club of Monmouth 110 Mon. St. I 13 Main St. I Branch Ave. 2 County will be held Tuesday Red Bank I Eotonrown I Little Silver M Hold Pastor, at 7 p.m. in Bahrs' Restau- rant, 2 Bay Ave., Highlands. 741-5292 I 542-0743 I 741-5350 2 2 Others On Former Highlands Mayor Frank ALL STORES OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. M daughter? J. Hall, will be honored for his STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS — Shown here are offi- years of distinguished service to LEAN - FRESH Give her an extension phono other own. She'll love you lor It. The daily cost ol an extension is small — cers of newly formed Student Council at Indian Hill Bingo Count his community, county and state. j More information can be ob- GROUND CHUCK less than a pack ol gum. To order, just call your School, Holmdel. It is first council to be established in ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) - The tained from club secretary, John Telephone Business Oltice. NEW JERSEY BELL history of township school system. Top to bottom, are Rev. Paul Pekarik, of St. Ann's J. Miraglia here. Roman Catholic Church,, Era eighth grader Mark Uglesich, 13, president; fiffh grad- mans, and two other men are er Miles Coates, II, treasurer, and fifth grader David under $500 bail each after thei Therlcelsen, II, recording secretary. Other officers in- arraignment on charges of op- 1 erating an illegal bingo game. clude Gary Spencer, seventh grade, vice president ; Paul Bound over yesterday for the Therkefsen, eighth grade, corresponding secretary, and grand jury, in addition to thi Mark Landers, parliamentarian. Teachers Ervin Summers clergyman, were Walter R. Krat zer Jr., of Allentown and Charles and Robert Rosenshine are council advisers. Sorrentino of Bethlehem. The three were charged in war- rants sworn out by Emmaus May- or Joseph Zeller, who also is 2 New Forestburg member of St. Ann's parish. He said at yesterday's hear- ing before Alderman Raymond Campsites Donated Roedell that bingo games con- SAVE NOW DURING PROWN'S WINTER SALE!!! ducted each Tuesday, Friday and OAKHURST - Some 300 more their own meals by patrol groups. Sunday night in the cafeteria of Boy Scouts will be able to go toTHiey will be on the southeast the church school were illegal be- the Porestburg, N.Y., Boy Scout corner of Hope Lfeke and will cause they offered cash prizes I Rubbermoid.l Camp this summer because of boost the total weekly capacity of up to $150. recent gifts of two more camp- SPECIAL of the camp to 350 scouts and Lehigh County District Attorney sites which will be added to the leaders. George Joseph said that while Dan Beard Camp Section of the The summer season opens l condoned in 1,200-acre scout reservation. bingo generally is June 24 with a leadership train- Pennsylvania when operated by Edwin Ambler, Interlaken, ing camp followed by an aquatic a non-profit organization such as chairman of camping for camp school and eight weeks of a church, he has issued guide- the Monmoutih Council of Boy troop camping. ines in his jurisdiction limiting Scouts, said one site, Mohawk, prizes to merchandise not ex- was a gift of E. Murray Toddof ceeding $20 in value. NOW! Holmdel, a member of the scout 'board of directors and the other Open Scout YOU CAN BUY AN ALL by a foundation grant which Columbus Club ALCOA ALUMINUM asked to remain anonymous. The Fund Drive second site will be known as Will- Cites O'Rourke Storm and Screen Combination omoc. Saturday LONG BRANCH - The Chris- Each site will accommodate a topher Columbus Club has named WINDOW troop of scouts and will be LINCROFT - The annual Boy Dr. William O'Rourke "Irishman equipped with tents, boats, Scout Fund drive will start Satur of the Year." "That Has Everything" canoes, washstands, latrines, pa- day in the Lincroft area. Dr. O'Rourke, a chiropractor trol kitchens, campfire circles Jack Kay is drive chairman- with offices at 120 North Broad- and patrol work areas. Fifty men who are members ol way, will be honored at a dinner- the troop and cub pack commit- Mr. Ambler said the new camp- dance in West End Manor March tees will meet at the Bamm Hol- sites would be of the self-reliant 11. DISHPAN low Country Club for a breakfast type where the scouts cook all kick-off. The recipient, who will be the fourth person to receive the REGULAR $1£9 Scoutmaster Andrew Lennert of award, lives at 329 Lowden St. Landscape Unit Troop 110 will speak prior to the starting of the drive. Funds are Others honored in the past were Installs Officers being raised for the over-al Patrolman Jrw-ph McGarvey Jr., NOW scouting program in this area Monmouth County Sheriff "Paul Buy now and save on this Rubbermaid Dishpan. Fits both MIDDLETOWN — John C. Rob- Kiernan' and James Moran, a twin and single sink bowls. Protects dishes, glassware. which provides for the Scou INSTALLATION OPTIONAL erts of R & R Landscaping, New camps and other activities. former Board of Education mem- ber. Monmouth, has been installed as Members of the steering com • MINIMUM 6 • TRIPLE president of the North Monmouth mittee are Chris Pellegrineili There will be a corned beef TRACK • CLEANS FROM SAVE NOW ON Landscape Association at the John H. Paraskevas, Frank and cabbage dinner starting at unit's annual dinner in The Cob- INSIDE • FULLY WEATHER- Braun, Miln Palmer, Earl W 7 p.m. Dance music will be by blestones, Rt. 35. Larry Rimo's Orchestra.. STRIPPED ALUMINUM GUTTERS and Korf. Allen Lemmon, Thomas UP TO 101 UNITED INCHES John Robson of Little Silver is Iheridan, Richard Connerty, Rob- A. A. Anastasia is chairman of the association's vice president ert Nimon and Mr. Lennert. the event. Joseph Emmons is LIMITED OFFER LIMITED OFFER ALUMINUM SIDING! vice chairman. and John Butler, Atlantic High- ACT NOW ACT NOW lands, was installed as secretary. FREE ESTIMATES W. Warren Palmer, Leonardo, is Class Hears Rienzi treasurer. ABERDEEN PROVING Post Dinner Set . About 100 perwns attended the [ROUNDS Md. — Brig. Gen. KEYPORT — Raritan Post 23, event. Walter Walling, of the 'homas M. Rienzi, commandant American Legion, will honor its Middletown Garden Center,, out- of the U.S. ATmy Signal School, past commanders with a dinner going president, was master of Fort Monmouth, N. J., gave the Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the post LIVE PLANTS ceremonies. Donald Mohr, Mon-graduate address to the Officer home, 81 West Front St. ANY GALLON mouth County agricultu'ral agent, Career Class of the Army Or- Post Commander Elbert Van OF LUCITE was guest speaker, and Edmund dnance School here. Oharldorp announced that Hom- Hanlon of the Red Bank Shade r Matteson has been appointed Tree Commission was a guest. They're Unique! Ads in the to serve on the arrangements 25' FKEMTONE Richard Cole, Sandy Hook State Daily Register Classified work committee for the 50th anniver- &UP Park naturalist, also spoke at thefor you around the clock. Place sary celebration of the state F NO LIMIT TILL 2/25 event. ift>urs now. American Legion. HASSOCKS SQUARE OR ROUND ROUND • Beige 98 Roller & Tray Set BOARD COVER 0 OR PAD AND LIMIT 1 F COVER SET TRIPS TILL 2/25 49' F NO LIMIT TILL 2/25 To New York Every Day! COLONIAL PRINT PILLOWS VALUABLE COUPON For Complete Schedule CALL . . . REG. 98c — 46 oz. SIMONIZ *jA O'Cedar Plastic Vinyl Floor Wax "=a y H p Broom or O'Cedar Keyport-Matawan —264 - 2222 88' ^ FOAM FILLED p Sponge Mop LIMIT 2 5UITABLE FOR ALL ROOM! TILL 2/25 c Middletown-Lincroft —671 - 2100 Colors: Gold > Green - Brown GOOD TILL 2/25 59*

Red Bank —741-0285 PLAID PLASTIC Table Cloths We Reglaze • FLANNEL BACK and Rescreen • GREEN, BLUE, RED ASBURY PARK-NEW YORK TURQUOISE PRO All Types of THREE CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE 149 32 BROAD ST. • Budget • Easy Charge • Prawn's Credit 52x52 .... Aluminum RED BANK Daily and Saturday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. TRANSIT 198 Wednesday and Friday 'til 9 p.m. 52x70 Frame Windows Rollo Bus Terminal Asbury Park Free Delivery — 741 - 7500 Hurry in tor beat selections! Some Untiled quantities. Sale ends Saturday* Feb, 25th, 9:39 p.m.


10-ft. aluminum New 24-in. modern Save! Heavy-gauge Quality Powr-Kraf t pram for fishing! vanity bath cabinet aluminum building! tools-one low price! Ideal for storing barbecue Great for kids, too! Easy* (£•••• Counfertop in Cremo mar- pit, furniture and mower. '/••HP UTILITY DRILL boasts * i care lightweight aluminum «p # |* ble; cabinet in white Tide- $ Pressurecoat plastic finish double reduction gears. *p design, built-in safety flota- • ZE wood Formica®. Includes 18- won't chip, peel. b'xb'xJK" 119 SABRE SAW cuts patterns, EACH tion and oarlock sockets. *^ In. white bov/I and rim. Easy 44 REG. 149.95 designs. Bronze bearings. 7 5x6' Steel Building for $69. Weighs only 63 Ibs.l *•«• 589 to assemble. With faucet. SPECIAL SANDER gives 14,400 SPM. «** M» t* 10.9?

Vacuum Bottle Auto Floor Mats Light Fixtures Paint Thinner 1 pt. size, screw down heavy duty rubber for bath, living, eachl gallon of Wards stopper, cup-cap with handle regular to 2.98 dining or bathroom du-purpose thinner

Front or Reg. 1.65 rear reg. 1.22 Reg. 1.69

Hand Tools 10 ft. Guttering Extension Cord Heavy Duty Oil hand drill, propane refill, 5" galvanized 9 ft., 18 go., plastic Yitilized 10-20-30 mitre box, wood chisel, others section, reg. 1.79 covered, 3-way tap. weights—-5 one-quart cans

each 10' section 2 for Reg. 65c Reg. 1.79 each

• Save now on 2.99 Save 59c on Wards \ Save 95c. Molded Install Riverside* boating cushion! 9 inch roller kit i wood toilet seat sparkplugs teday

$ Reg. 2 2 2.59 1 2.95 6 FOR Enjoy safer boating! Good looking—yet low Modacrylic roller cov- Thrifty Riverside* *park Buoyant cloth cushion pricedl Pressure molded er will provide out- plugs give you more- is U.S. Coast Guard for strength, seamless, mileage, power, and approved. Assorted standing results with resists chipping. In savings. Priced to fit colors. 15xl5x2-in* all latex paints. Kir glossy white only. includes metal tray. your budget. WRENCH SET 8-PC. OPEN END Made of the finest steel alloy. Siies 3/t I to I" V Powr-Kraft® river 1 Reg. 3.69 Plastic Regular 3.59 a pair Fantastic low pricel Beginner * 78-pc. 4.95 staple gun — Reg. 4.9S Super gun kit—reg. 4.49 Garden Hose bike saddle boskets 6-trani istor radio $ ball catling sell a tremendous buy! latex flat paint Secure rivets Heavily Rod and reel, W hoto de- Pocket size; AM C hooks, lures, Drives Vi to Driesodor-fre* from 'outside.' chromed wiro; reception; big ™ 3 livers 17 gal. '/i6-in. heavy and line! 3 in minutes. 20 30 asst. rivets. easy to Install. REG. 4.49 per mlnutel gauge itaplei. 3 3 2!4-in.speaker. Reg. 4.95 3 colors, white. 3


J v •/ Handy broom-vac Reg. 15.45 spreader 1.95 off! 19-inch Folding camp bed Wardi handy bath- 3-hp rotary mower 16 ft. aluminum Reg. 29.95 Airline* for quick cloan-ups dispenses any seed! flat top tool box matfress—reg. 14.95 room storago cabinet $9 off! 20-inch extension ladder 10-transistor radio Strong suction Has 70-lb. ca- Heavy gauge 9 Aluminum bed, Wall mount $*t JL Complato £ Spring loadod for floor, rugs. steel. Lift-oul locks — Big station- pacity, turf- Toss-out bags, polyurethano cabinet, gen- | %J wifh grass- * pulling power; froy. 19x7x7'. R«g. 6.9S foam marrresj. .erous storage. R . 23.95 catcher reg. 14.88 cushion tiros. 10 eg 10 rugged case. Open Monday thru Saturday MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER. EATONTOWN N.J. TO A.M. to 9:30 P.M. i t 10—Thurwfev, M> 23, 1967 THE DAILY REGISTER Palette Talk Fantasia Beats With Color By ELEANOR MARKO an alert at deadline that he's PAINTINGS BY HELEN The exhibition of works by JOSEPH GRANATA OF NEW There's a touch of Op in Betl\ also coming up with something TOULME will be shown in the Monmouth County artists is YORK, will open in a one-man Hart's silent fantasia of colorfu1 unusual this weekend. We'll Alida Lovett Gallery of the hung in the corridors of the show of oil paintings and draw- linear arrangements. Her Wiz- see. Guild, concurrently, with the hcspilal and they are for sale. ings Sunday at the Matawan Art ard of Oz landscapes have No matter, plans for the re- Hart show. Mrs. Toulme, who A percentage goes to the aux- Gallery, Rt. 34. Inspiration for swoeping curves and ghosth pption continue. The artist is resides in River Plaza, is top iliary to be used to purchase his subjects is from his travels trees that frighten no one. And etermined to make the hors winner in oils In the current paintings for the hospital's per- to the Mediterranean and his her drawings are visionary fili oeuvres herself just as soon Art Auxiliary Spring Exhibi- manent collection — the object concern for people. The exhi- grecs that leave her intuitive- s the framing of the paintinps tion at Monmouth Medical Cen- of the Art Auxiliary in addi- bition will continue through ness revealed. ; done. It is slated to take ter. "Across the River" was tion to beautifying the halls. March 18. lace Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m., the title of her winning paint- The Little Silver artist, we pre /hen the public may meet the ing. diet, will woo the most compla- rtist — all 98 pounds of her. cent viewer out of the winter Other winners in the exhibi- doldrums with 40 of her new Founder and first president of tion which was judged by Nick works. They'll hang in the he Art Auxiliary of Monmouth Caivano of Red Bank, and Arie Guild of Creative Art,. Shrews- Medical Center, Long Branch, Rozeboom of Phalanx and Red bury, where she has been on the Setty Hart keeps a crammed Bank, are Raymond Maher of teaching staff for six years. chedule of painting and classes, Freehold, first prize in water- ihe has been represented in lo- Yet, there is a touch of melan- color for "Winters End"; Don- :al shows, including the Mon- cholia -T- never gloomy, just pen- ald Voorhees, Lincroft, second, outh College Fine ArtsFesti- for "Polhemus House"; Tony sive. We see the oil "Sen- r Minals of the Past", which illus- al, Monmouth Art Foundation Annecharico, Oakhurst, third, trates the artist's involvement hows, and has had paintings for "Amsterdam in Spring." with structure, color and illu- nd drawings at the Montclair Runner-up in the oil paint- sionism. "Her Favorite Doll" tit Museum, Westfield Art As- Ings, was Betty Trlbhle, As- OMING? is another nostalgic composition ociation and Art Center of the bury Park, for "Winter >ranges exhibitions. Brook," and third, to Ruth An extension phone can be a real step saver both that brings attention to the sen- before and alter your new baby arrives. And the cost "SENTINALS OF THE PAST', a 3^ by 40-mch ml panning by Belly Hurt oj Little Siher, timental nature of Mother Hart. The show here will continue Caruso, Deal, for "Blue Morn- is tiny - just a tew cents a day. To order, simply call who opens in a one-man show Saturday in the Guild oj Creative, Art, Shrewsbury. These particular two works, in irough March 31. Ing." Honorable mention went addition to two decorative water- Consult your Astroguide and to Ruth DeMarsche for a batik your Telephone Business Otlice. NEW JERSEY BELL colors and draftsman's point o. "Girl in Caribou." Fashion-Art drawings help to exemplify how she has broken' away from the Art Calendar In Combo severe Hart stylism which she exhibited in shows at the Old Typical Examples GUILD OF CREATIVE ART, LITTLE SILVER LIBRARY, Benefit Event Mill several years ago. She 484 Prospect Ave., Men of His- Of The 620 Broad St.. Shrewsbury, SHREWSBURY -The Shrew studied at Syracuse University Betty Hart, Painting* and tory in Miniature by William College of Fine Arts, Newark Hundreds Of Bellows, through Feb. 28. bury Garden Club will presei Drawings, main gallery, opens fashions by Wilhelmina Dobbi College of Engineering and pri Other Famous Saturday. Reception Sunday, vately with Van Deering Per- 0 OLD MILL GALLERY, Syca- of Red Bank, co-ordinated wii 4 to 6 p.m. Helen Toulme, oil paintings from the Guild of Cre; rine. All this led to her disci Rt. 35 at Patterson Ave., Shrewsbury Brand Items paintings, Alida Lovett Gal- more Ave., Tinton Falls, HA- plined approach to painting. OPEN 4 DAYS ONLY RA PAPATHEODOROU of tive Art, 620 Broad St., as 100 ft. North of Shop-Rite Not Advertised lery, through March 31. Greece, one-man show, con- special feature of a benefit lu We are not suggesting that 741-5019 Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6 tinuing. cheon March 8 at 12:30 p.m. Betty Hart's paintings have MATAWAN ART GALLERY, the River House Inn, Rumson. the ethereal quality of attract- Rt. 34. Matawan, Joseph Gra- ON SALE FRIDAY ONLY - 10 A. M. TO 9 P. M. MONM0UTH MEDICAL CEN- Mrs. Virginia S. Montgomer; ing extremes In weather. But nata, Oil Paintings and Draw- TER, Long Branch, Art Aux- director of the gallery, is co for her two other shows the ings, onens Sunday, through ONLY 150 TO CHOOSE FROM Only 350 Pair To Choose From ONLY 125 TO CHOOSE FROM iliary Spring Exhibition, con- ordinator for the paintings, am weatherman worked up two March 18. extremes — a blizzard one SPECIAL GROUP tinuing. Mrs. Ruth Key will do a com LADIES' mentary on the fashions. Mrs year, and the hottest days in LADIES' MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM, Frank Walsh will be. piano ai the year for another. There's LADIES' and CHILDREN'S South Mountain Ave.. Art in IKE'S DEBUT NEW YORK — The paintings companist. UNIFORMS Science, through March 12. Proceeds from the lunchec TRIP TO WYETH SHOW BULKY SWEATERS Early American Portraits, of former President Dwight D. * Daeron SNOW BOOTS Eisenhower will be exhibited for will be wed for civic planting LITTLE SILVER - Mrs. Hors Twentieth Century Prints, and Kedesdy, 18 Laurelwood Dr., is the first time beginning May 17 the Borough of Shrewsbury, • Cotton • Val. to 8.95 * Vol. to 19.95 Hina Matsuri, Japanese Girls charge of tickets is Mrs. Ea in charge of reservations for the 00 Doll Festival. in the Gallery of Modern Art, Columbus Circle. The exhibition Frick.. Monmouth Arts Gallery bus trip • Nylon • Mix 'N Match * Cardigans 50 of 60 paintings, on loan from March 21 to the Andrew Wyeth NEWARK MUSEUM, Wash- friends and associates to whom retrospective exhibition at the * Seersucker 2 • Near Mates * Pullovers ington St., Recent Trends In Where to Show Whitney Museum of American Vol. to 17.95 Eisenhower gave them, will The Red Bank Methodi 50 2 Art, through Sept. 4. Ameri- Art, New York City. benefit the new Eisenhower Col- Church will hold its sixth annu can Folk Art, continuing. lege in Seneca Falls, N. Y. The religious theme art exhibition b( Be Modern, use the Daily Reg- FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE show will continue through July ginning April 16 in the churc N. J. STATE MUSEUM, 4. ictpr riaceiFipH West State St., Trenton, Ar- library, 247 Broad St., Red Bard thur Burdett Frost (1851-1928) SAllToNHBREMEN There will be a jury of seleclio retrospective exhibition, Main HIGHLANDS - Mr. and Mrs. and awards. Herbert Burtii Galleries, to March 12. A Sur- James A. McGTath, owners of minister of music and fine art vey of American Porcelain, McGrath's Square Bar, Rt. 36, the church, is in charge of thj closes Sunday. Good Design sailed yesterday aboard the S.S. exhibition. In Toys, Auditorium Galleries, Bremen on a two-week Carribean to March 12, and South American cruise. RECEIVING FOR THE STAT MUSEUM Second Annual Juri Exhibition ends Saturday. Su missions of paintings, sculptui and graphic works may be d livered to the museum on We State St., Trenton, daily froi 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Extend hours for tomorrow only will to 9 p.m. A Uiree-tman pan' of artists: William Kienbuscl chairman; Calvin Albert an Benton Spruace, will select tl \m works which will be exhibited m rjhe N. J. State Museum's ma galleries from March 18 throug May 14. PRICES! The museum will purcha works from the exhibition for i permanent collection. Puroha awards will be based on irecom mendations by the jury of selec tionand will include $5,000 mad available through the Governor1 TakeaCamara MakB it a Rally Sport with hideaway headlights. Annual Purchase Award. Inte ested private citizens and grou .. on the COLOR TV nearly are expected to contribute adi everybody wants I tional purchase award monie this year. Last year's award totaled more than $12,000. Graphics and sculpture shou be brought to the delivery er trance of the museum auditoriui and paintings to the rear deliver entrance of the main museui RCA VICTOR building. ' Dr. Kenneth W. Prescott, d rector of the museum-, slated th exhibition is open to all profe sional artists who live or wo in New Jersey.

RIVERVIEW PATIENT MIDDLETOWN - John E. Dur. yea, 10 Kings Hwy., is a patieni in Riverview Hospital, Red Bank, Mr. Duryea is a member of th township Shade Tree Commis sion. MakB it an SS with Caraaitfs new325-hp VB. Or both: SB with Rally Sport equipment. custom interior front disc brakes sports console vinyt roof cover 4-speed transmission air conditioning stereo.tape system Wait No More! The Price is Right! Immediata delivery on table models . . . Consoles •,. 3-way combinations ... rectangular screens . ., now as low as $399.95 Buy the Dependable One that's No. 1. Service In the big-volume production required by today's popular demand for Color TV, NO competitive Delicatessen maker has yet been able to approach RCA VIC- TOR'S superior quality and performance. Departments That's why there are only 2 kinds of COLOR TV: 1. RCA VICTOR-//ie one that NOW AT experience made dependable! ASBURY PARK 2. All other brands—from A to Z! CLIFFWOOD DEAL LITTLE SILVER uum or ticfuiwcc Cort^ LONG BRANCH

PORT MONMOUTH »7H* Not connected with any other ttoro. RARITAN TOWNSHIP 30 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY RED BANK SUPER CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY OPEN WED. t'ffil. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 MARKETS 325 MAPLE AVENUE - RED BANK 741-3130 9 • . TWday. Feb.. IX 19(57—11 Gerard Greeted on Return From War| THK DAILY REGISTER Gerard says, "arvj he even ol- By PENNY FISHER go," she explains. Even then, she trymen nlo battle. As operations natural r-v/*r or a V.emarr.ese Ifired 'o spjesor Bovby ID an !a- cor.s.dcred herself one of the for-r/lficer, Col. Gerard always flew in W ea'.h child. "It took t*fl HEW SHREWSBURY - A lit- a/jy r In tM'A'jjn, Mrs. Gerard's jrar- sge frwn 2 to 11, were enjoyingjVietnam," she zz'A, "frjt we had Jlrn UiT, it is checked. Enclosed U $1,000 housing co-ordinator, and Joan or more $ . • Pleaia tend folder for detail). Minor, an MCAP regional repre- one low price! Soft beige tone in sentative in Long Branch. misses' sizes 8 to 18. Please open a Regular Savings Account ai checked. Enclosed Is $ , They will discuss what is being Sn6titution done to improve housing for low Similar styles in Junior sizes 3-13 [J Individual Account income families in the county Serving Savert Since 1857 I now, and the role of MCAP, the HEAD OFFICE: 768 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. coMMUNirr [~ Joint Account with —— • county's official anti-poverty BRANCHES IN NEWARK: agency, in stimulating progress. The Shore Citizens is a member CHAROf PLAN Bloomfleld Avenue at Clifton Avenus South Orange Avenue at Sondford Avenue rj Trust Account for ' Sprlnefield Avenue at Bergen Stroot University Avonuo at Raymond Boulevard organization of the New Jersey Chancollor Avenue at Clinton Place Committee Against Discrimina- Sign here___ . . lon in Housing. USE OUR FREE LAYAWAY PLAN IN SOUTH ORANGE: 11 South Orango Avenue, noar lackawanna Station IN NORTH CALDWEU: 27 Bloomfield Avenue, near Mountain Avenue Print name here. Ibo tribesmen of Africa, vic- IN IRVINGTON: tims of recent massacres, be- KEANSBURG: RT. 36 on MAIN STREET 918 Springfield Avenue at Garden State Parkway AddresL. long not to n rhomogenotis tribo 1065 Stuyveiant Avenue, near 40th Street but lo one is made up of ASBURY PARK I PERTH AMBOY City _Stal»_ _2lp_ moro than 200 groups, totaling R>. 35 at Aibuiy Park Circlt | 365 Smith St., W«it of RR Statin Inuirtd by Fidiral Oipoill fniurance Corporaf/M




Capt. James A. Flanagan FORT MONMOUTH - Capt., James A. Flanagan, a native of the shore area who recently re- turned from a tour of duty in Vietnam, was honored at pro- OVER 1,000 motion ceremonies by Brig. Gen THURS. THURS. Thoma3 Matthew Rienzi, Signal School commandant, last week. FRL FRL BETTER Capt. Flanagan reported to the SAT. SAT. school in December of last year and is new assigned to the staff DRESSES as special projects officer in the Office of Academic Operations. 1 and 2-pc. In Vietnam he was commander of the 362nd Signal Company. SPECIAL PURCHASE He attended Bradley School in STYLES Asbury Park, Wanamassa Gram- LADIES' ORLON mar School, and one year at As- • PET1TES bury Park High School, complet- \ ing high school in Randolph, SHELLS • JUNIORS Mass., he took his degree in bus- iness administration at Murray ., Lovely lace patterns in • MISSY .State College, Kentucky, in 1964. \k spring's most wanted • WOMEN'S SIZES He was commissioned an offi- PATENT ! COMP. 150 cer in the Signal Corps from : VALUE shades. Sizes Small, me- ROTC in August of 1964" and was VALUES UP TO $8.00 graduated from the Signal Offi- HANDBAGS $3.97 dium and large. cers' course at Fort Gordon, Ga., before shipping overseas. Smooth glassy patent so easy The son of Mr. and Mrs. James to clean. Mostly black in east - FINAL CLEARANCE A. Flanagan of Englishtown, west pouches. Dressy frames and Capt. Flannagan is married to the former Miss Sara Jane Spring- single handles inside zippers. LADIES' er of Murray. Ky. The couple Many new clasp designs. and their two children now live in Deal. COATS To Manage DOMESTIC DEPT. Car Agency Men's Long Sleeve lift! SPORT PLAIDS • CHECKS • SOLIDS SHIRTS Some Furred Collars SIZES Sizes 6 to 14 • Plaids SMALL • Solids MEDIUM 1 LARGE 21 INCH LARGE BOYS 10 OZ. DENIM • Checks X-LARGE YES, EVEN PERMANENT PRESS DUNGAREES T.V. CUSHIONS SHIRTS INCLUDED —VALUES TO 3.77 Rugged reinforced [cans. Sturdy Exciting color coarse weave. Authentic western FOI* choice in useful OF styling. Sizes 6 to 16. handsome 37 e

John C. Clark _^ 2.&9 ea SHOWER SHEETS *2 COAT OR PULL-OVER STYLE Colors ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Ronald McCarthy, president of j SELECTION OF PATTERNS •' White • Pink the McCarthy Chevrolet Agency, | SIZES B-C-D — REG. VAL. 3.87 UNCLE TRENCH COAT Blue • Gold 158 First Avc,, has appointed Green John C. Clark as general man- BY MARX A terrific buy ager and Fred Elkins as service at this low price manager. Complete with Mr. Clark has been with the attache case firm since last June as a sales- PINCH PLEATED man. He is married and has Sizes two children and resides at 152 Sm. • Med. • Lg. Highland Ave. DRAPERIES Mr. Elkins had been working Junior vinyl raincoat and a "walking arsen- in the service department until IF PERFECT VALUES TO 4.95 his appointment. Mr. Elkins, his al" cleverly concealed in over a dozen wife and two children live at 57 High sewn-inside pockets is everything a secret 'Assorted sizes, fabrics Forman St., Fair Haven. count agent needs. Includes weapons, handcuffs, cotton and colors. Many fiber- broadcloth. disguises, make-up, also agent tools. Seven County Men Collar styles medium glass numbers. Floral & On Rutgers Council PAIR LONG spread 2.97 '- solids. NEWARK — Seven Monmouth SLEEVES •"»»<>» volii* County residents have been ap- Sixes 14VJ to 16V; pointed to the Rutgers Law Scaool tab. Alumni Council for 1966-67. SLINKY Council members arc George Costello, 504 South Boulevard, Spring Lake; John Halleran, 120 AUTO CENTER The famous walking Ridge Rd., Rumson; Granville Magee, 1113 New Brunswick Ave., FINAL CLEARANCE! spring toy. Walks Manasquan; Norman Mesnikoff, down stairs. FABRIC FABRICS 1202 Third Ave., Asbury Park; Thomas F. Shebell, 25 Roosevelt Ave., Deal; State Senator Rich- ard Stout, Wickapecko Dr., West SNOW TIRES BY PRESSMAN Allenhurst, and Stanley Yacker, BLACKWALLS BENGAL SHEATH Fredwood Rd., Matawan. STANDING DELUXE Factory Fresh NINE KILLED First Quality BURLAP/I UC LINING ,98 LARGE SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)- 2 year guarantee 36 INCHES yd ASSORTMENT A freight train hurtled into a against mfg. plus BLACK BOARD s'ation waRon at a crossing yes- defects. fed. lax WIDE OF COLORS terday and killed nine members of a family. Add $1.00 for White Walls —Most Sizes in Stock With the (rain horn blowing 72" WIDE —NYLON 36" WIDE —COTTON and signals working nl \hc .South $1.25 VALUE Sacramento area crossing, a PRESTONE Stops Oil Southern Pacific Co. train coing Burning NET FUNNEL 60 m.p.h. rammed hroiulside in OIL • r\ t<> the vehicle, scalterini; bodies Restores NEW HI-LOW TWO-SIDED and dehris as far as 201) feel. \ BUILT-IN SHADOW MAP YDS.$' Lost Power YDS.$' MISER • FIREMEN TO MEICT 42 Polyethylene Letfers and Numbers Inserted in the Ends Piston RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP — A, Frame. Map Outline Including States and Capitals. regular meeting of the Monmimthi' SAVES OIL Slap FOR FOR County Firemen's Association! will be held Monday Jit 8 p.m. in the North Centeivilie Firr House, STORE HOURS: We Reserve The Right MONDAY THRU SATURDAY it has hw'ii announced by Thomas t:3O A.M. to 10 P.M. Clayton, the president. To Liinir Quantities ICHWAY 35 & SHREWSBURY AVE. / NEW SHREWSBURY SUNDAY 'TIL ( P M. A discussion will he held con- cc-ninfi legislative mailers. Use Our Want Ads HOME DELIVERY 741-0010 For Quick Results THEDAILY / RAIN OR SHINE pr2 Red Bajik Raster, tec. I%7. 741.1110 NIGHT 40c PER WEEK SECOND NEWS SECTION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 7c PER COP5T As New Yorkers Press for Revision Jersey Ponders Abortion Laws By BOB DUBILL Assemblyman Lee M. Carlton, a will authorize creation of thestrongly" urging all Catholics toStates and I try to make my Associated Press Writer Catholic from Bergen County, are study commission when it returns oppose with "all their power" ef- judgment in these matters not TRENTON — The controversial sponsors of a resolution to estab- from its mid-winter recess next forts to liberalize the abortion based upon religion but upon :ampaign to revise New York's lish a commission to study pos- month. law. how I feel as a senator," Ken- S4-year-old abortion law is gener- sible reform of the New Jersey "Maybe the present laws are "I see where Senator Kennedy nedy was quoted as telling a ating cross-currents in New Jer- abortion statutes. okay," ,ie said. "But the last touched on this point," said A;- ;roup of students in Syracuse. ,ey. The commission would be com- change was in 1898. That's a long banese. Catholic doctrine holds that The neighboring states have prised of three senators and time." Kennedy's View bortion is murder of an unborn lmost identical laws. three assemblymen. Albanese recites many of the U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, mman being. Pastorals state the "T.iere's no doubt about it," It would be empowered to hold arguments raised by proponents D-N.Y., said that speaking as a hurch's position but are not ;aid Assemblyman Vito Albanese, public hearings, summon med- of revision in New York. He also senator and not as a Catholic, linding on individual Catholics as Bergen County Democrat. "The ical, hospital and police experts acknowledges the opposition of "obvious changes" are needed in doctrinal statements are. jublicity in New York is caus- to testify and recommend what- many Catholics. New York State's abortion law. Restrictions Set ng New Jersey to take a second ever reform it considers neces- Two weeks ago, New York "I took an oath of office like New York's present law per- ook at its own laws." sary to the full Legislature. State's eight Catholic bishops is- any other public official to uphold mits abortions only to save the Albanese, an Episcopalian, and Albanese hopes the Legislature sued a pastoral letter "most the Constitution of the United prospective mother's life. New Jersey law permits abortions when a mother's life or health is threatened. Breakdown in Communications It is estimated there are over 200,000 illegal abortions in the United States each year," said Albanese. "The percentage May Affect 3 School Districts in New Jersey is not known. But there is concern over conditions BROTHERHOOD SESSION — At yestarday's observance of Brotherhood Week by under which many abortions take By WILLIAM L. HAGEMAN both," he said. But no one has made its first informal request but Dr. Walling's absence may place. Unsanitary conditions not the Long Branch Kiwanis Club at llvento's West End Manor are, left to right, William revealed whether they contain RED BANK — Where will Lit- for a long-term high school com- affect that. only endanger the life of the child J. Scott, chairman of the club's support of churches committee; A. L. Puterman, recommendations for regionali- tle Silver and Shrewsbury stu- mitment from the sending dis- The Walling reports were to ex- but the mother as well." dents be going to high school in zation without Red Bank, or a chairman of the public and business affairs committee; Anthony Gentile, president, tricts. It was repeated March plore four alternative courses of A bill pending in the New York coming years? new high school building outside 28, 1965, and again Jan. 22, 1966. and Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman of Congregation Brothers of Israel Synagogue, guest of Red Bank. action: continuation of the send- Assembly would add additional Two years have passed since A Year Ago ing-receiving relationship with speaker. (Register Staff Photo) legal grounds for abortions, :he Red Bank Board of Educa- A joint meeting of the Little Red Bank in the same or a new Silver and Shrewsbury boards is Red Bank asked. for written ncluding substantial risk in con- tion first put that question to statements by March i — a year building, regionalization with Red tinued pregnancy to the prospec- :he Little Silver and Shrewsbury scheduled for Monday night in Bank, Little Silver and Shrews- Challenges Compton to Debate Shrewsbury for the purpose ofago next week. It still has not tive mother's physical or mental wards. received a clue, and high schooi bury in all grades, regionalization health, and substantial risk that ;oing over the Walling reports, of Little Silver and Shrewsbury in Both are sending districts to but the author won't be there. expansion plans are still hang- the child would be defective. ing fire. The board went ahead all grades and high school grades, Red Bank High School, but their Dr. W. Donald Walling, direc- It also would allow abortion for with its elementary school con- and possible sending-receiving re- 10-year contracts with Red Bank tor of the Division of Field Stud- any unwed prospective mother struction plan, but it was de-lationships with another high Betterment Unit Backs expire come spring of next year. ies and Research in the Rutgers aged under 15, and for any preg- feated in a referendum. school. V r'~~ Red Bank wants to know their University Graduate School of nancy resulting from rape or in- intentions so it can .start plan- Education, is ill and won't be Little Silver started looking in- What Little Silver and\shrews- cest. In addition, abortion would ning a high school expansion able to keep his date with the to alternative high school ar- bury want is regionaliza^ipti of be permitted if any pregnant program Revised School Budget sending districts: It will-be a rangements last February, and the high school only, so they can woman were judged mentally ill. The answer to Red Bank's last May 12 voted to hire Dr. retain complete control over their closed meeting. Court Cases Grow question may be contained in the Walling for $2,400. The consul- elementary schools and have packed and headed for double The silence of the sending dis- MIDDLETOWN — The execu- newspapers, giving budget fig- so-called Walling reports on tant's report was to have been voice in the administration of the There have been a grow- tive board of the East Keans- ures and asking for a budget de- sessions. We say to Mr. Comp- tricts is "causing problems" ing number of court cases in New school buildipg needs in Little here, according to President Ed- completed by Oct. 1. high school. burg Betterment Association yes- feat, Mr. Praskai declared: ton, let's get on the stage and Silver and Shrewsbury. Jersey concerning abortions. terday went on record in favor debate." mund J. Canzona of the Red The completion date was later Time Running Out "Mr. Compton has twisted and The reports are in, but despite An appeal is pending before the of the proposed 1967-68 school Bank school board. advanced to Nov. 1. On Nov. 10 Red Bank's K-12 regionalization distorted the facts and the fig- Mr. Praskai said the associa- prior promises to make them state Supreme Court growing out budget — and at the same time "When we got our Rutgers sur- the board received phase 1, deal plan may have gained weight, ures beyond recognition, and hetion will start distribution today public, both boards are sitting on of a suit by a deformed North challenged J. Crawford Com?; vey, we sent it right along to ing with elementary school needs, is afraid to come out to a pub- of 1,000 flyers, asking for support them. Not even the Red Bank however, with this week's repon Arlington child and his parents ton to a public debate. lic board meeting or any other of the revised budget. the sending districts," another and it was made public over the by the U.S. Commissioner on Civi alleging malpractice against two board has had a look. board spokesman said. objections of Charles A. O'Malley, Mr. Compton, a former Town- kind of public meeting to defend He added: "I believe that the What's Recommended? Rights, which recommended Con doctors for allowing him to "be ship Committeeman, is opposing his so-called facts and figures. parents at this point need an Red Bank Report Public board president. gressional action to end racia! born." According to one source, the It was Red Bank's Rutgers re- the budget, and has called Board Await the Reply education as to what is going on Little Silver and Shrewsbury re- On Dec. 8 the board said the imbalance in the nation's publi of Education budget reductions 'We challenge him to a public in the schools today. Find out port that started the ball mov- second phase was due "no later schools. Some districts may be The parents charged the doc- ports are similar. "If you've ing. It was received in the tors with negligence in allowing "peanuts." debate, and eagerly await his for yourselves what the Board een one, you've seen them than next Wednesday" and would able to achieve racia! balance summer of 1964 and was re- only through arrangements witi the birth of the boy, now seven 1 e $8.9 million spending reply. One of the things we will of Education is doing for your be made public soon after that— leased at a press conference. Be- neighboring districts, the comyears old, who is blind, deaf, schedule was defeated at theask him is what he ever did tochildren. Find out where your as soon as the members had sides new elementary school fa- mission said. That could mea dumb and retarded. The family polls Feb. 14, after which the help the school system when he money is being spent and how, glanced at it. It was finally re- cilities, it recommended demoli- Red Bank would be required tc contends the doctors didn't advise board cut it $129,700. , was on the Township Committee. this is your job. A 'no' vote is a No Prayers? ceived Jan. 13, but a motion to What did "he ever do besides vote against • your children and tion of the Branch Ave. section make it public died for lack of aregionalize with the sending dis of the danger of defects to the Trimming Praised knock the school system and the their future. Vote 'yes'." of the high school and additions second. It still hasn't been made tricts in the lower grades as wei: unborn child because of German Saying the board had done a teachers? Board President Warren C Raps Sex to the Harding Rd. section. public. as the upper ones. measles suffered by the mother good job in trimming the bud- In the fall of the same year, in her first month of pregnancy. "We know what he has done DeBrown conceded after th Silent Boards Time is running out. Even if get, Andrew J. Praskai, associa- Red Bank announced plans for a that is destructive. We want to Feb. 14 budget defeat that there Little Silver and Shrewsbury de- The defendants replied that tion president, asked residents Study Plan new elementary school, a second A similar situation occurred in know what he has done con is a "communications gap" be- cide to go it alone, it would be even though the mother had to vote "yes'\.Feb,^8. structive.. So far, all we knowtween the board and the public, MANALAPAN — Former and possibly a third story on the Shrewsbury. That board ordered a Walling report last June. It nearly impossible to hold referejw German measles, there still was Noting that Mr. Compton has is that he wants apartment and said the board will attempi Mayor Anton Skwarko Is op- Harding Rd. high school, and a community auditorium on thwae s due Nov. 1. da and erect a high school before a reasonable chance - that the taken paid advertisements in buildings so the schools will be to correct it. posed to sex education in the their contracts with Red Bank baby would be normal. public schools. site of the Branch Ave. building. In November Dr. Walling sent a About the same time, there was letter to the Shrewsbury board expire. A lower court dismissed the At last night's Township talk of. Red Bank-Little Silver- promising the report by Dec. 9. In the meantime, Holmdel suit on grounds that an abortion Committee meeting, Commit- Shrewsbury high school region- On Dec. 12 the board announced Township continues its sending would have been Illegal because Youths' Top Role as Culpritsteeman Skwarko asked to be alization, but that proposal died it expected to get it the following agreement with Red Bank on a the mother's life had not been in put on record as opposed to when Red Bank said it wanted week. It arrived last month, and year-to-year basis pending con- danger. including sex education In (he the kindergarten through 12th is still under wraps. struction of its own facilities. It school curriculum. The Supreme Court heard ar- grade regionalized, and the send- President Monroe G. Marx said is not involved in the decision to guments on the appeal in Novem- Cited in Drive on Car Thieves"If we can't have prayers ing districts said they didn't. he might be able to release the be made here, and is not inter- ber. It has not yet handed down In the schools, I don't want On Jan. 27, 1965, Red Bank report after Monday's meeting,. ested in regionalizatiqn. its decision. EATONTOWN — A proclama- from the state sales tax. (Eaton- of a new garbage truck will be sex education. I think it's tion by Mayor Herbert E. Wer-town, a "federally - impacted Wednesday, March 8. demoralizing" Mr. Skwarko ner at last night's Borough Coun- area," is ineligible for additional Advertisement of bids on thesaid. cil meeting designated today as state aid • for schools deriving garbage truck, to be opened at A discussion on whether starting date for the borough's from the sales tax.) the March 22 meeting, was such Instruction should be in- Army Chaplain Praises Today's Youth participation in the National Au- "The strongest argument for authorized. cluded in the schools is sched- By BOB BRAMLEY tomobile Theft Prevention Cam- the sales tax was local tax re- Public hearing of the municipa Wood to continue his spiritual without complaint and doing it (including four new ones) which uled to be held at the meeting SHREWSBURY — Father Joe's ministrations to more than 47,- well," Father Sheehan advised. ring the post. paign. lief," the mayor stated. "But budget was scheduled for 8 p.m of the Parent-Teacher Asso- back in town. 000 men stationed there. The chaplain talks to new sol- more than 200 school districts," March 8. ciation on Monday night. Besides regular services, reli- Noting that 41 cars were stolen Interviewed at the home of hisdiers at Fort Leonard Wood, in- In Eatontown last year, Mayor he said, "will receive less state John Lucyk of 8 Campbell Dr He came in last weekend from gious education is dispensed not The state Board of Educa- Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where sister,. Mrs. Marion S. Kearney fantry basic training center, ev- WerneT emphasized the predomi- aid next year, not more." was appointed by Mayor Wer- tion has adopted a resolution only to soldiers, but to their fam- Councilman Melvin J. Kohn ner to the Recreation Commis- he is deputy post chaplain and of 16 Parker PI., the veteran ery day. About 1,500 new recruits ilies, from grade school children nant role played by teenagers in favoring the inclusion of such priest was full of praise for to- these crimes. agreed. "It seems unfair," he sion. Council confirmed the one- senior Catholic chaplain, on a 10- are processed daily, and Father through adults. Special rehabili- instruction in the curriculum day leave. Saturday he baptized day's youth. Sheehan's job is to supervise said, "that the 12,000 residents of year appointment. of the public schools. tation procedures are provided Four of five persons arrested Eatontown pay the sales tax, but A formal resolution containing a new grand-nephew, Kevin Mi- "Parents of these healthy, fine their spiritual welfare. for soldiers unfortunate enough for car thefts are undeT 25, the youths ought to be reassured," •receive no benefit. I don't know a tribute to Barry N. Evert, local chael Kearney, young son of Mr. His spiritual program is direct- to be confined in the post stock- mayor went on, and 50 per cent and Mrs. James F. Kearney of the chaplain said. "Their sons if that's taxation without repre- soldier recently killed in Viet- ed at the young soldier's morale ade. are under 18. 5-B Magnolia La., Eatontown. are being cared for, expertly sentation, but it brings to mind nam, and extending condolence and morality. Every soldier is "We urge our young men not "Eatontown's car owners 3 Nabbed trained, and are almost to a man Revolutionary days on Washing- to his family and friends, was On Sunday, he offered Masses given a real opportunity to exonl- y to be good soldiers, but mor- should be more aroused than ton's Birthday." adopted unanimously. A certified in St. James Church in Redready to do the job their fathers and big brothers did before them press his faith, be it .Catholic, al soldiers," the priest explained. they apparently have been over Both mayor and councilman copy of the resolution will be On Charges Bank, his old parish. "The Army has always had good • the monetary losses," Mayor . . . Forget the few oddballs—no, Protestant or Jewish. Father urged residents to write letters sent to the young soldier's father, MIDDLETOWN — Detectives This Saturday, he once again soldiers, but we can always use Werner declared, "but much say 'traitors'—making the head- Sheehan's command • pro- to state legislators asking for spe- Theodore A. Evert of 28 Camp- here made three arrests yester- becomes Lt. Col. Joseph F. Shee- more moral so'diers," he added. more important in my mind is lines and say a prayer for thevides support to 23 chaplains of cial legislation to get a better bell Dr. day, acting Police Chief Joseph han, Chaplain Corps, U.S. Army, He called today's soldier the the start toward a criminal ca- all faiths operating in 13 chapels break for .the borough. The police department seeks McCarthy reported. and returns to Fort Leonard thousands who are doing the job "finest ever—he has proven that reer given a teenage boy when he Two ordinances were intro- one and possibly two civilian po- he is willing to be the premium sees how careless motorists make James Van Pelt, 81 Drift duced last night. The municipal lice dispatchers, Councilman Rob- Rd., Belford, was arrested on an of an insurance policy to keep it so easy to commit the crime salary ordinance will be heard ert B. Dixon, police committee America free and great. of auto theft." Eatontown warrant and charged publicly Wednesday, March 22 chairman, announced. Applicants with auto larceny. The complain- "Those who fear for today's The mayor urged all drivers Public hearing on a measure ap- should see Police Chief William ant is James Roebuck, 12 Mon- who leave their cars even for a youth," Father Sheehan went on, propriating $i6,00O for purchase Zadorozny. mouth Rd., Eatontown. "had better check their own spir- short stop to make sure fiieir 'Booked on a charge of issuing Ignition and car doors are locked. itual lives, because our youth can worthless checks was Paul H. do the job that needs to be done He said surveys disclose that Giese, 22 Commodore Ave. more than 40 per cent of cars in the tough world of today . . . Freedoms Foundation Keansburg. He allegedly issued "If you think I'm high on the stolen had the ignition keys in bad checks totaling $54 to Sears 1 the lock. youth of today,' the chaplain and Co., on Dec. 10, 1966. added, "I am. Not just because He warned teenagers that Awards to 5 in Area Arrested on the same charge some of them died in my arms itepped up police activity will was John W. Leuck, 38 Highlands VALLEY FORGE, Pa. - Five Cross St. and Margaret Kennedy in Korea, but because they are lessen chances of getting away Ave., Highlands. He is charged Monmouth County N.J., persons of 84 Queens Dr. the greatest when they have the with taking cars in the borough. with writing a worthless check opportunity to be great." He appealed to the parents of have received Freedoms Founda- The essays were submitted by tion Awards for essays and let- in the amount of $25 to Sears Father Sheehan, curate at St. teenagers to give guidance to Fort Monmouth Chapter, Nation- Jan. 16. their children so they will avoid ters on patriotic subjects. al Sojourners, when the trio we're James and also of St. Gabriel's Court appearance for both men in Bradevclt before entering Ar- the car theft door to crime. Three Little Silver. students eighth graders at the Little Silve has' been set for March 2 at 9:30 Apathy Scored were recipients of the George elementary school. They are now my service 16 years ago, is proud Speaking on the budgets of theWashington honor medal for es- freshmen at Red Bank (N.J. of the Silver Star he won in the says on "W'hat the United States Korean War. He has also been Eatontown and Monmoulh Re- High School. FOUR DIE IN FIRE of America Means to Me." They thrice honored with the Army gional Boards of Education, both Another recipient is Col. R. R. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) - Four Commendation Medal and won defeated by Eatnntown voters, are Morna Bailey of 95 Laurel Dr., Robert Fiedler Jr. of 100 Tourtillott, USA-Ret., of 47 men died this morning as a [ire, two awards from his church: the Mayor Werner scored the light Laurel Dr., Little Silver, Ameri- moving swiftly and silently up Gold Medal of Merit, which he vote. Only 11 p« cent of the canism Committee chairman ol the back wall, trapped them in won in France, and the Diocesan borough's approximately 2,70(1 HoncBl Man Finds tihe Fort Monmouth Sojourners' the old three-slory resident Ivy Award, won in Korea. voters turned out for the local Wallel With if 147 unit. Col. Tourtillott received th> Hotel. Before taking up his present board election, hn noted; fewer Deputy Fire Chief Steve Camp- RED BANK — A wallet con- Freedoms Foundation's honoi assignment, he served three, yet cast their ballots in the re- certificate for his work on a pa- bell said seven persons were taining $147 was found Tuesday years with the Second Armored * gional election. per—published in The Daily Res- treated a t Grady Hospital. on West Front St. by W. Warren Division, IP/-; years with the First In addition, only a handful of istor—defending Army officials in Campbell said the blaze ap- Palmer of Leonardo, treasurer of Armored Division, a year in tho residents turned up at public court-martial proceedings against parently started in the base- the North Monmouth Landscape Korean campaign with the 45th hearings of the budgets—eight three soldiers at Fort Dix, N.J. ment and mushroomed through Association, as ho was returning Infantry Division, another tour the mayor declared, at the loca for refusing to obey orders to b the rear of the structure. to his car from the offices of in Korea as division chaplain to school budget hearing. transferred to Vietnam. Notice FATHER JOE SPEAKS — Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Joseph F. Shoohan spoaks out for to- ] Trie Daily Register. (lie Second Infantry Division, 3 /2 "Wo ouffht to be more alert day's youth during intorviow at homo of his sistor, Mrs. Marion S. Koarnoy of Shrews- years on the Chaplains' Board, Mr. Palmer turned the wallet Second Lt. lion D, Pettitte, U.S To Lot Owners of Fair View nt the Inception of these things," Cemetery. Any lot owner desir- bury. On 10-day leave from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., whoro ho is doputy post chap- Department of the Army, in Mayor Wor-nor said. over to police, ami Patrolman Jo- Army Reserve, of Ocean Grove WHS cited for a letter on "De to retain Christmas decora- Washington, and a stint with the He went on to note that Hie seph Scslito returned it to its lain, the former curate of St. Jamos Catholic Church, Rod Bank, says today's young Fourth Logistical Command in owner, Dorcen Clapp of 102 Wal-fending ' Freedom Safeguard tions will please, remove same tax rise in the borough lias been before Mar. 1. (Adv.) mon are "the graatost." (Register Staff Photos by Don Lordi) France. caused largely by lack of relief lace St. America." 14-Thurwiav. f».. 23. 196 THK DAILY RUAhTr.R Married County At Mass Offer Class Fare In Trenton in Family -St. A&n'e By Church v/3.s the setting here Jen. MARGUERITE HENDERSON 28 for the marriage of Mass Kath- Finances They had more queens than leen A. Saybolt to FTG2/C FREEHOLD - A class in fam- does a deck of cards ... at J. Wenz, U.S. Navy. He is the son ily financial planning called the first annual "Torch Ball of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Wenz, "Pruning the Money Tree" will Sponsored by the Red Bank Dutch Lane Rd., Freehold. Their be offered by the Monmouth City Council of Beta Sigma vows were solemnized at a Nup- County Extension Service. Two Phi. The party, held at Eaton- tial Mass celebrated by Rev. Jo- series of classes will he held, ac- town's Crystal Brook Inn was seph Keenan. A double ring cere- cording to Mrs. Sylvia F. Mee- attended by more than 40 mony was included. couples. han, county home economist, one The bride is the daughter of Mr in Freehold and the other in Beta Sigma Phi Is a "ser- and Mrs. F. Merton Saybolt of Eatontown, vice, social and cultural" so- this city. Immediately after the "Decision Making and Family rority with chapters here and ceremony, a reception was held Values" will be the topic for the overseas. In (he Red Bank in Nassau Inn, Princeton. first morning session of this Rut- Council alone, five chapters gers adult education class, taught Mr. Saybolt gave his daughter are Involved. And since each in marriage. She wore a gown by Mrs. Mechan. "Using Credit chapter had its own queen plus of white velvet appliqued with and the Bank" will be discussed an over-all "queen bee" (you at the second meeting by Roger might say) you'll know why satin, and a triple fjow headpiece J. Fitzsimmons, trust depart- crowns were practically com- of matching velvet trimmed with ment, MonmouSi County Nation- monplace! crystals and seed pearls secured her veil. al Bank. "How Personal Insur- Taking the tip-top tiara was ance Fits into Family Financial CUP OF FRIENDSHIP — At welcoming coffee hour held in quarters of the Army Signal Mrs. David Hull, Fair Haven. Miss Patricia Ohomicki, Tren- Planning" will be reviewed by Because he was married to the ton, was maid of honor. Also at- Jarvis L. Robinson, field under- School commandant, Brig. Gen. Thomas Matthew Rienii and Mrs. Rienzi, at Fort Mon- tending the bride were Mrs. Pe- mouth, Gon. Rienii stops to chat with wives of newly-arrived officer students, while city council queen, Mr. Hull writer, New York Life Insurance had the privilege of crowning ter Bagley, Boston, Mass.; Miss Co. new friendships are cemented over a cup of coffee. Here, left to right, standing, are all the other ladies. Oh, you Louise Rossi, Lawrenceville, and Homemakers in the Freehold Mrs. Melvin Fowler, Mrs. Rienzi, Mrs. Paul J. Weisz, and, pouring, Mrs. Gary F. Mims. know what we mean . . . Midge Fountain, Morristown. area may attend on Tuesday Glenn Carl, Trenton, was best mornings, Feb. 28, March 7 and Capturing the title in the XI Alpha Kappa chapter was Rose man. Ushers were Peter Bagley, 14, at Koos Bros, meeting room, Boston, Mass.; Bud Keefer, Har- Rt. J. In the Eatontown area (Mrs. J. P.) Van Exter, Fair- Cite 'Phenomenal Qrowth' view, and doing likewise in risburg, Pa., and Barry Satter- classes will be held on Wednes- FAMILY FASHIONS are modeled by a Belford mother field, Glassboro. days, March 1, 8, and 15, in the Gamma Epsilon was Mrs. Alan Monmouth Shopping Center audi- Ganson, Lincroft. Sweetheart and her children in a preview to spring fashion show The bride, who attended Notre torium. All sessions are from 10 of Beta Chi was Lynn (Mrs. planned by the PTA of Bayview School. Mrs. Joan Cor- Dame High School and Rider to^ 11:30 a.m. Richard) Joline, Oakhurst, and College, here, was employed at Family Service Budget Up Miss Jeanne Fahey, Fair nelius, chairman of the show, is joined by Cathy, 9, and Mathematica Inc., Princeton. Preregistration with Mrs. Mee- Haven, was the Thi Tau prin- Craig,- 11, all modeling fashions from Sears, Middletown. Petty Officer (2/C) Wen* is a han, 20 Court St., Freehold, is LONG BRANCH - The board tive director, cited the "phenom- Agencies, which will be held April cess. Mrs. John Pinto, Key- The show will be part of a Fathers' Night program fire control technician with the Tequested. The class is free to of directors of Family and Chil- enal" growth of the agency's ser- 3. Guest speaker, Mr. Long, will port, was queen of Mu chap- Submarine Service stationed Monmouth County homemakers dren's Service of Monmouth Coun- vices to Monmouth County resi- have as his topic "Study of Allter. planned for Wednesday. (Register Staff Photo) aboard the USS Dace, New Lon- through the co-operation of thety accepted the proposed budget dents during the past year: 120Family Agencies in New Jersey." don, Conn. He is an alumnus of U.S. Department of Agriculture, children placed in foster homes Southern-Monmouth Auxiliary Mrs. David F. Baker, Nep- of $340,700 for 1967 at a meeting tune, said grace. Dixie Hollins High School in Flor- Rutgers University, and thhere e In the agency building, 191who received 5.809 days of care; president, Mrs. Joseph E. Pilling Bayview PTA Program ida. The couple reside in New Monmouth County Board of Cho- 103 babies placed in adoptive presented a check for $600 from The aforementioned Mrs. Bath Ave. As presented by the Ganson was dinner - dance London. sen Freeholders. treasurer, Mrs. Francis P. Druck- homes; 426 families helped by her members. Mrs. Pilling an- the Homemaker's Service, all a nounced two spring fund-raising chairman. She also assumes er, the total shows a 32 per cent presidency of the City Council No Matter What You Are Look- increase over the 1966 budget. an all time high, as were the projects: A dessert-bridge party counseling services to unmarried to be held at the Spring Lake now that Mr». Charles Boyd, A Family Affair Ing For Find It fast In fhe Daily In his annual report to the Eatontown, has resigned be- Register Classified section. joard, James M. Long, cxecu- parents, to couples with marita Branch of the Central Nationa' problems, and to children with cause of her husband's transfer BELFORD — Family fashions the fashion show, assisted by IMMMWWK Bank, March 14, 1 p.m.,. and a WWWHWIIMtl behavior problems. Mr. Long bus trip to the Milburn Play to Vietnam. for spring, courtesy of Sears, Mrs. Ruskin. noted tflat for the fourth con- House to see "On a Clear Day' Although Mrs. Boyd will be Roebuck and Co., Middletown, Hospitality chairmen are Mrs. secutive year Family and Chil- April 5. Further information and taking up residency elsewhere, will be modeled by members of Louis Marashino and Mrs. James HUFFMAN & BOYLE'S ; dren's Service had offered super- tickets may be obtained from you can bet she'll be seeking: the Bayview School PTA at a Koisa who will be assisted with vised training for two Rutgers any member of the auxiliary. out some other chapter of Fathers' Night program here decorations by Mrs. Donald Wednesday in the school. Special Bedding Section . . .. | students in the field of social wel- Navarumsunk Auxiliary presi this international organizatiog n Kempson and Mrs. Joseph Reldy. fare work. dent, Mrs. William J. Ryan 2d, whosh e fdfoundini g date'd' s bbackk The evening will begin with a Special decorations are by tend members will sponsor a bene- some 30 years. buffet supper at 7:30 followed by Joyce Mura, fifth grade, daugh- Yearly reports were given by a short business meeting. i Great savings on one-of-a-kind quality mat- other officers, chairmen of stand- fit luncheon and fashion show. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene The event will March Financing projects while hav- Fashions for men will be shown Mura. tresses and boxsprlngs from famous makers ing committees, and from auxili- ing fun is an unbeatable com- ary presidents. Mrs, Edwin J. 21 at noon at Shadowbrook by Joseph Ruskin, Carl Enger- Shrewsbury. Spring fashions wil bination. The members andmatin and A. B. Washburn. Route 35 Circle • Eatontown • 542-1010 Fox presided. guests of the Woman's Club An announcement was made be presented by Bambergers of Raritan Township will do Models for women's styles wil NY Show Same Day Delivery Service regarding the conference of theServing on the committee are just that on Saturday, March be Mrs. Joan Cornelius, Mrs. Ab New Jersey Council of Family Mrs. Alfred E. Beck Jr. and4, when they shift into spring ba Daniels, Mrs. Edward Dodd Mrs. William A. Meeker, lun- with a dinner and dance at the Mrs. Gerald Tarantola, Mrs To Open cheon; Mrs. Barry A. Cruik Cobblestones, Middletown. A.B. Washburn, Mrs. Alex De shank and Mrs. Earl L. Hallman Cicco, Mrs. Daryl Maloney and awards, and Mrs. Gordon Wil- The meal will start with a Mrs. Robert Parker. March 4 lits, reservations. champagne cocktail and end Teen fashions will be seen on with creme de menthe frappe. NEW YORK — A sparkling wa- Mrs. Charles C. Schock Jr. Miss Carol Jean Schulz and Miss terfall falling into a quiet pool, HOT OVEN In between are entree selec- Susan Manning. White bread loaves, made with tions of roast chicken or top bordered with rocks covered with yeast and baked in 9 by "5 by 3 sirloin of beef with all the Children's outfits will be mod- creeping evergreens is being de- inch loaf pans, are usually baked tasty, trimmings. eled by Mary Jann Sprouls, Cathy signed by the National Associa- Thrift Shop Cornelius, Gail Washburn, Peter tion of Gardeners, Central New in a hot (400 degrees) oven for Mrs. Robert S. Moleti (who 40 minutes. Jones and Craig Cornelius. Jersey Branch, Princeton, as is In charge of ways and Mrs. Cornelius is chairman for one of the many major gaTdens means) also serves as general in the Golden Anniversary of the To Benefit chairman of this affair. As- International Flower Show. The sisting her with reservations spectacular, a harbinger of spring are Mrs. Arthur T. Cannon and Engaged spring, will run from MaTch 4-12 Mrs. John Iazzetta. All the at the New York Coliseum. Hospital ladies are from Hazlet. is Dennis Doornckamp of Prince- MATAWAN — After more than NEWCOMERS MODEL ton, is designer and chairman of a year of planning, Mrs. Charles EATONTOWN — Modeling the National Association of Gar- C. Schock Jr., Matawan, presi- casual 'ashions from Main Street Ltd., deners s.'iovv committee providing dent of the Affiliated Auxiliaries This Year at Holmdel, for the Lincroft New- the gaTden entry. The pool will of Bayshore Community Hospi- comers Club luncheon and fash- be bright with narcissi, tulips, tal, announces the opening Thurs- ion show Saturday were Mrs azaleas and perennials. day, March 2, of a thrift shop to William Corbin, Mrs. Robert Many of the major gardens in be operated by the auxiliaries at Crawford, Mrs. Stuart Edlngton, the international show have their 88 Broad St., KeypoTt, adjacent Mrs. Edward Hemmer, Mrs. Da- origin in New Jersey. to Raritan Hose Company Fire vid Horton, Mrs. William Moore House. and Mrs. Russell Olnhausen. The Rumson Garden Club Mrs. Schock will serve as di- Mrs. Franklin Cobb was chair- members will participate In the rector of the thrift shop project man of the event, held here in competitions in the Garden Club and will be assisted by the fol- the Old Orchard Country Club. of America section of the flower lowing committee composed of Commentator was Honey Staple show, See our collection of the representatives appointed from ton of Main Street Ltd. The 50th anniversary of the ultimate in fashions non-profit International Flower each of the hospital's eight auxil- iaries: Mrs. Joseph Knittel, At- by world famous makers LOBSTER WITH EGGS Show will be marked with ti. biggest and most interesting show lantic Highlands; Mrs. George An interesting way to make Runge, Holmdel; Mrs, K. A. ROUTE 34, COLTS NECK lobster salad is to cut up the in its history. An additional floor has been takeni at the Coliseum Frantz, Keyport; Mrs. Russell Open 10 to 5:30—Fri. 'til 9 whites of hard-cooked eggs and Mallett, Matawan Borough; Mrs. add to the lobster. The hard to accommodate the various new at the exhibits. It k expected that 350,- Jonas Berger, Matawan Town- cooked egg yolks should be ship; Joseph Meyer, Middletown Cornelius Cobb Settlement mashed and blended into the Miss Barbara J. Banta 000 people will visit the show dur- ng the nine day period when the Township and Mrs. J. Carlton FS brings "Spring to New York." Cherry, Raritan Township, and RED BANK - Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Delancey Rose, Union Edward E. Banta, 3 Fisher PI., Show hours are March 4 and 5Beach. announce the engagement of from 1 to 10 p.m.; March 6-11, their daughter, Miss Barbara 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and March 12, At the start, according to Mrs. eanne Banta, to Lt. Bradford 1 to 7 p.m. Schock, the thrift shop, the first Munroe Booth, U.S. Air Force. major project of the joint group, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. will be open Thursdays, Fridays ard-of Flower Show and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 Leslie L. Booth of Tribes Hill, N. Y. Planned for May p.m. and Friday evenings from An August wedding is planned. 7 to 9. It will be staffed by vol- MIDDLETOWN — The Village unteer members of all the auxil- Miss Banta, a graduate of Garden Club will hold its first earing gumson Country Day School, is iaries. standard flower show in the Old You should know about our special senior at Skidmore College, 'irst Church, Kings Hwy., on Saratoga Springs, N. Y.t where BROWN PROMOTED phone with a volume control built righ: May 25 from 2 to 9 p.m. LEONARDO — Neil Robert into the receiver. Adjusts with a Hick she is majoring in art. Lt. Booth, who is stationed at Chairman Mrs. James W. Smith Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs, Neil ol a linger. Makes phoning a pleasure. fopsham Air Force Base, Maine, announced the theme will be "Say H. Brown, 12 Highland Ave., has To order, just call your Telephone s an alumnus of Union College, It With Music." been promoted to Army Sp. 4. Business Ottlce. NEW JERSEY BELL Schenectady, N. Y., where he Mrs. Roger B. Kellner, 48 But- Stationed in Germany, Sp. was a member of Kappa Alpha. xmwood Rd., Middletown, is hor- Brown is a 1965 graduate of Mid- ticulture entries chairman, and dletown Township High School. Mrs. Oscar Agel, 159 Heights Ter., Middletown, is artistic de- Be Modern, use the Daily Reg- sign chairman. ister Classified. Give Your Room a Spanish Accent This is what the grown-ups call our CORNELIUS Sunday Best . . . (left) an Aqua toned pebble-textured Do it with a pedestal table lamp in dark red with Orion knit embroidered with colorful flowers • black antique distressing. - COBB, Ltd. and butterflies. 4 to 6x, 13.00; 7 to 12, 15.00. Do it with a covered box In gold or smoked wood. Custom Collected Early American Furniture (right coot, dress and bonnet set in a Do it with a medieval warrior. 8" tall, handcarved cotton brocade fabric. Aqua with buttercup trim. from wood. Toddler 2 to 4, 18.00; 3 to 6x, 20.00. ANNUAL Do it with an ashtray in a footed wrought iron stand , , with a handle. WINTER and EXPANSION Do it with carpet colors — tha blues and greens of the Mediterranean. SALE But DO if. You'll lova it. GLASS SHOP Now In Progress and continuing thru Sat, March 11 gifts 264 Norwood Ave. BROAD at HARDING, RED BANK ROUTE 34 COLTS NECK furniture I** daily 10 to 5:30 CALL 462-1788 (Just south of Freehold Rd.) DEAL interior designers wad. ave, 7 to 9 Open Mon.-Thura. 10 to 5; Fri. 10 to 0; Sat. 10 to 8 WE DELIVER . y-h 23, 1967-15 Ann Landers Making Allowances t.nn iJsrAt-.n.. Vs-gun- iioft. he slop* 'At »t his rrvAh- ing the letter from the wife tr's house for coffee sr.d a who felt "left out" because bagel. If he isn't there by her husband refused to let her 8:45 she calls up and says, see him without his partial "Is Irving sick?" plate: On his way home from work Our wonderful father used a he slops at his mother's again. hair-darkener for years. He She gives him a bowl of chick- kept the bottle hidden in his en s*ip or some chopped herr- tackle box on the closet shelf. ing _ just enough to spoil his Mother knew it and so did us appetite for my supper. kids, but we wouldn't have let Before he goes to bed lie on for anything in the world. telephones his mother to say We allowed Father to keep his good night. If he doesn't call "secret" because to have done her by 11 she calls and asks, otherwise would have been "Is Irving all right?" cruel. This has been going on for Part of successful living is 23 years and I am fed up. Am Miss Carmel Fornarotto Miss Francine Gorcey Miss Karen E. Kelch the ability to make allowances I unreasonable? Tell me what for the harmless personality to do. — IRVING'S WIFE quirks of others. It cost us Dear Wife: If this has been Brides-to-Be Set Wedding Dates nothing to let Father think he going on for 23 years you had "put it over," and I'm should be used to it. Irving is LONG BRANCH — Mr. and LONG BRANCH - Announce-1 LEONARDO — The engage- sure he felt good about it. — not going to change, so ac- Mrs. Nicholas Fornarotto, 6 8 8 ment is made by Mr. and Mrs. j merit of Miss Karen Elizabeth FOUR CHILDREN WHO cept, with grace, his attach- Broadway, have announced the Leo Gorcey, 65 Pavilion Ave., of'Kelch, to Robert Stanley Holds- LOVED HIM ment to his mother because it engagement of their daughter, the engagement of their daugh-j worth is announced by her par- 1 Dear Children: Somebody will last as long as she lives. Miss Carme! Marie Fornarotto, ter, Miss Francine Gorcey, to ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. put some solid ideas into your to John B. Giglio. He is the son Philip Weinstein, son of Mr. and j Kelch, 63 Leonard Ave. He is the heads and I'll bet it was your of Mrs. Jennie Giglio, 27 Tabor Mrs. Meyer Weinstein, 17 Grant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. mother. To solve some of the frus- St., Little Silver, and the late St. HoldswortA Sr., 133 Seventh St., trations, disappointments and Michael Giglio. One of the most admirable of A May 28 wedding is planned. Belford. disillusionment of married An Aug. 5 wedding is planned. all traits is to be in the know life, send for ANN LANDERS' A July 1 wedding is planned, The bride-elect, a fi'rst grade and not have to advertise it. to take place in Holy Trinity Cath- teacher at tie Broadway School, Both a're graduates of Middle- booklet, "What To Expect town Township High School and from Marriage," enclosing olic Churc'.i, here. here, an alumna of Long Branch High School and Trenton are employed at Lily-Tulip Cup Dear Ann Landers: I am 23 with your request 20c in coin The bride-elect, a graduate Of State College. Corporation, Holmdel. Mr. Holds- DON'T EAT THE DAISIES — Mrs. Henry Friedel, Hazlet, garden chairman of the Ran- and have been going with an and a long, self-addressed, Long Branch High School, is em- Mr. Weinstein, an alumnus of worth also is a graduate of the dan Township Woman's Club, recruits her daughter, Jennifer, 8, center, and young attractive girl who Is 20. A stamped envelope. ployed at Electronics Associates few weeks ago she threw a Long Branch High School and Aviation Structural Academy, Ann Landers will be glad to Inc., Eatontown. friend, Laure Ann Cannon, 6, to help with daisy decorations for the dub's charity half-eaten ice cream cone out Rutgers University, is merchan- Memphis, Tenn. help you with your problems. Mr. Giglio, an alumnus of Red of the car into the street. I dise manager for Affiliated Drug benefit. The dinner dance will take place March 4 at 8 p.m. in The Cobblestones,' Send them to her in care of Bank High School and Monmouth pulled over to the curb, got Corporation, New York City. Middletown. Mrs. Robert Moleti, Hazlet, ways and means chairman, is in charge of this newspaper enclosing a College, West Long Branch, is a DEFINITION out, Scooped up the mess and stamped, self-addressed enve- teacher in the Middletown Town- Old-fashioned recipes Involved the event. put it in the nearest trash con- lope. ship school system.. DQNT R)RGET GREASE with deep-fat frying, usually di- tainer. She said I must be When you are steaming a pud- rected cooks to drain the fried some kind of a nut. ding, be sure to grease the inside food oh "unglazed" paper. That The US and the Dragon On our next date she threw of the cover of the mold. If your direction meant that heavy brown a candy wrapper out of the To Wed on April 29 mold has no cover, grease foil paper with a dull surface could car window. Again I stopped, and tie in place so the pudding be used—the kind of paper used picked it up and kept it in the OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Mr. will be securely covered during for wrapping packages and from AAUW to Discuss Red China glove compartment. She called and Mrs. Ivan Francis Dodd, 425 the steaming. If the mold cover which grocery bags are usually me a "prissy old maid." Redmond Ave., Oakhurst Manor, tight-fitting one, cover made. If you use a grocery bag, SHREWSBURY — "The United The Drama Club will meet at Miss Helen Herrmann, Baysholtn Last night she threw a malt- announce the engagement of the mold with foil before adding just split it and open out so the States and the Dragon," a dis- the home of Mrs. Axel Palm, Farm, Freehold. ed milk container into the their daughter, Miss Andrea paper lies wide and flat. cussion of the present Commu- 52 Pelican Rd., Middletown, on Mrs. John Jacoby will be the street. I told her THIS time Frances Dodd, to Roger E. Kon- nist regime in China, is sched- Wednesday, March 22, 11:30 a.m., hostess to the Gourmet I Group SHE was going to pick it up. drup. He is the son of Mr. and uled for a meeting of the North- and at the home of Mrs. Edward at her home, 15 White Oak Dr., She got mad, said I was a Mrs. John E. Kondrup, 63 Wash- ern Monmouth County Branch of Osborne, 3 Greenwood PI., on Colts Neck. William Kizzi will jerk and refused. I picked up ington St., Rumson. the American Association of Uni- Thursday, March 23, 8 p.m. The demonstrate the preparation of a the container and drove her The wedding will take place versity Women, Monday, March plays to be discussed are "No gourmet dinner. home. She got out of the car, April 29 in the Red Bank Church SUPERAMA 6,. at 8:15 p.m. in the Presby- Exit" by Sartre! and "Jacobow- The Gourmet 2 Group will meet and slammed the door in my of Christ. terian Church House, Shrews- sky and the Colonel." at the home of Mrs. Robert Keev- face. Miss Dodd, an alumna of As- bury. Mrs. Morgan Buchner, 56 Wind- bury Park High School, attended ers, 36 Partridge La., New This morning I received a SEWING MACHINE The Afternoon Literature Group ing Rd., Little Silver, will be Shrewsbury. The topic is "Sea the Barbizon School of Charm, will meet Monday, March 20, 1:30 hostess to the Evening Literature telegram saying that unless I New York City, and Abilene food Specialities." sent a wire of apology she REPAIR SPECIAL p.m. at the home of Mrs. Leland Group. John Daniels, Riverview Hos (Tei.) Christian College, where Crafts, 170 Hudson Ave., Red would never speak to me she was a member of the a cap- Mrs. Travis Gordon, Hazlet, pital administrator, will discuss again. Am I petty and domi- • Singer • Weirinahouw • White, and JopoiiM* Moltei Bank Mrs. Donald Jacoby will and Mrs. Norman Marlow, Mata- "The Cost of Health" at the meet- pella choir and appeared in the lead a discussion of "The Prime neering as she insists? — MR. student production of "Camelot" wan, will lead a discussion ing of the Health Group. Mrs. CLEAN Admit Mochlnt FOR of Life" by Simone de Beau- of "Tom Jones" by Fielding, John Maggio, 1 Wallace Rd., Mid for the homecoming weekend. As LOOK Chick TMislofif, voir. French I will meet at the dletown, will be the hostess on Dear Mr.: The girl sounds Candy Striper at Monmouth balann ONE immature and plenty sloppy. Lubricate all port Mrs. Leon Abel, 107 Queens home of Mrs. William Young, 1 Wednesday, March 15, 8:15 p.m. Medical Center, Long Branch, LOW Some cities fine litterbues as she has given more than 1, WHAT Install new ntttflt Dr., Little Silver, will be hostess Kingfisher Dr., Middletown, Legislation Group will meet Insptct all wiring PRICE for the Art Group on Mondays, Tuesday, March 7, 9:30 a.m. and much as $50 for such antics. hours of service and in 1964 was ler laftty Thursday, March 2, 8:15 p.m. Miss Andrea F. Dodd March 13 and 27, at 12:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. E. R. Kretz- You owe her no apology. cited by the Monmouth County YOU GET at the home of Mrs. Harold Ohaf- Mental Health Association "The Problems of Water and mor, Blue Hills Dr., Holmdel, on kin, 69 Tatum Dr., Middletown. And think twice before you ac- cept hers. She sounds like bad her work in a teen drive for Pollution" will be discussed by Tuesday, March 21, at 9:30 a.m. "Air Pollution—What Is the Gov participated in intramural sports, at ATLANTIC SUPERAMA, New Shrewsbury the Community Concerns Group French II will meet Thursday, 1 news. funds in Ocean Township, ernment Doing About It? ' will has appeared as soloist with the including wrestling. on Friday, March 17, 12:45 p.m., March 9, 1 p.m. at the home of be subject for discussion. The at the (iome of Mrs. Frances Mrs. Robert Batchelor, 72 Button- Dear Ann Landers: My hus- choir of the First Presbyterian They're Unique! Ads in the NECCHI SEWING MACHINE CO. study of the New Jersey Consti- Church of Long Branch. Eulner, 17 Whitman Dr., River wood Dr., Fair Haven, and Thurs- tution will be continued. band is 48 years old and we Daily Register. Classified work Open Sunday 'HI 4 p.m. P'aza. day, March 23, at the home of have been married for 23 Mr. Kondrup, a student at Abi- Mrs. Arthur Naylor, 480 Hard- years. I am telling you this lene' Christian College, is a grad- for you around the clock. Place ing Rd., Fair Haven, will be host- at the beginning so you* won't uate of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- yours now. ess for the Morning Literature get the idea that we are teen- Model JK-2B—Double ovin, ._ 27" wall openlnc. All Oeluxt Group. The books to be discussed age newlyweds. feature*. $449.95* are"Capable of Honor" by Allen Before my husband goes to Drury, "The Jury Returns" by Louis Nirer and "Territorial Im- IMtllf f 5 MODELS TO perative" by Robert Ardrey. nUwwl CHOOSE FROM; The Philosophy Group wil! meet on Tuesday, March 7, 1 p.m at the home of Mrs. Robert Brig- GENERAL ham, 325 Silverside Ave., Little Silver. Mrs. Scott M. Smith will TSorden's'tit. Cut, Oldsmobile is lead the discussion on "The In ELECTRIC dividual in Society." Science, A Creative Discipline P-7 Wall Ovens that Group, will meet Monday, March Famous 13, 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs Joseph Horzepa, 8 Mulberry La. Names today's beautiful buy. Colts Neck. Mrs. Herb Burton CLEAN will speak on "The Human Use of Human Beings—Computers and Society." The Spanish Group will mee Tuesday, March 14, 10 a.m., at THEMSELVES the home of Mrs. Robert Leslie, 31 Canfield La., Matawan, and ELECTRICALLY! Tuesday, March 28, 10 a.m., at the home of Mrs, Michael Nero, PRICES TO FIT EVERY BUDGET! 111 Grange Ave., Fair Haven. Yss,, they make quit* a as The American Association of Award-winning pair. Yes, they stand for low Model JR-1Z University Women is open to as 209 women graduates of accredited quality. Yes — Pay less NO DOWN PAYMENT! EASY TERMS! colleges or universities. for Brand Names with Mrs. Julian Livingston, 27 "BIG W" Single Ovens! Double Highland Dr., Englishtown, is Discount Pricesl performance is Ovens! Slide-in Sizes to fit membership chairman. •II standard 24" and 27" wall openings—replace your old wall oven IN MINUTESI Model JR-12—Singla JUST SLIDE OUT the old oven—slide in oven, (its 24- openFng. lg, Spring the new, self-cleaning G-E that fits the S4fmati:ci»aningc oven Timer!.with, Autooven- one reason why. same standard wall openingl No mess— light, Kitchen clock. costs less! Then kiss oven-cleaning drudg- House Party ery goodbye! Set "clean" control and timer. When you open the door, your oven •Minimum RtUH Prlei Weekend Is as gleaming-clean as the day you bought itl at the Denni? You miy ordtr thi modeli shown through us, your Irmchlwd OS diiter, Sit cur current display, prices and terms.

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TV Repair Put some spring In your ttepi March down to the Dennis for our convivial Spring House Party Weekend. You'll be regaled with deli- cious food (a,nd champ«gne!) In honor of St. Patrick and yourself. Oldsmoblle's trophy You'll dance and be fabulously entertained all weekend long. Sea room Is crammed. Over the "Visit Our New TV- two different and exciting shows In our special House Parly Theatre. Revel in trie music and gaiety at the Terrace Night Club and our years, Olds has walked off with Sfereo Demonstration. famous Fjord Room. Swim in our glass-enclosed pool, bicycle along trophy after trophy after trophy, Reasons? Atlantic City's world-famous Boardwalk. Enjoy a luncheon-historic Room" excursion to Smithvillo Inn. Aplenty. Rocket Engines, up to 375-hp strong. Turbo Show oft your new spring Hydra-Matlc Drive, slipstream smooth. Twin-Triangle APPLIANCE finery at a special Fash- ion Show (and maybe win a HOTEL/MOTCL Stability. Newly designed, high-capacity rear axles. All harnessed dtlA 141 First Avo. prkcl). For a most inviting Palm Sunday Weekend, the with brawny dual master cylinder brakes. Next test m Atlantic Highlands Dennis is the place! And the takes place at your nearest Oldsmobile Dealer's. Your show) DEALER...! time is March 171819. | WE WILL COMPLETELY- VISIT YOUR INSTALL 0 jSERVICE For information, ratr-r, and TRANSPORTATION Vtr PLUMBING; rcs»nMlinr>5: wriic nr call Hotel , . , , CENTER direct at (MM) 344-8111. on the boardwalk at Michigan Ave. OLDS DEALERS \fOR THE UFE OF 291-0890 New Vork ti^-iina: WAIker 5-3970. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY VYOUR MfEHmr Pro Football Slated for Shore WALL TOWNSHIP - Profes- Jersey Sport*, Inc., j North American Football League", tra! J*rt*/ Sports, Iri sional football is coming to the tion of business executives from the Southern Professions! Foot- Herbert J- A*hley of Bay Htvi, Jersey Shore next summer. The Monmouth and Ocean Counties. ball League and has been a free president; John F, Raker, Jersey Generals -will represent The North Atlantic Football lance professional football scout Brielle, vice president; Jack F. the entire state in the newly- League includes five other teams He lives in Manasquan. Sinn, Brielle, secretary, and formed North Atlantic Football which will represent New York, Already working on the per- Alan J. Abbott, Elberon, trea- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 16- League, playing all their home Connecticut, Massachusetts and sonnel of the Jersey Generals surer. games here at Wall Stadium, New Hampshire. Each team will team, Kelly has reached agree- The Jersey Generals will have starting early in Aupust. play every team in the NAFL ment with more than a dozen their business offices in the All games will be played under twice, with one game home and outstanding players. Smith Building Rt. 70, Brielle. lights specifically installed for the other in its rival's stadium. "We're going for first place Season tickets for reserved seat the fans. Games will be played The league will employ NFL in the NAFL, starting right now," locations will be made available Croydon Hall Is Edged, for advance purchase. Prices and under standard professional rules, rules with some innovations to Kelly said. "We know that Jer- following NFL procedures. The make it more enjoyable for sey sports fans only like the ticket offices will be announced Jersey Generals will carry 30 the local fans. best in professional football, so shortly. professional ball players on the In making the announcement tJiat's what we're going to give The other five teams in the 73-72, in NJSIAA Play active squad, and will be sup- today, Central Jersey Sports, them!" NAFL will play at Nashua, New Organizational work has been plemented by a "taxi" squad of Inc., appointed Jack Kelly as Hampshire; Pittsfield, Mass.; eight players. general manager. Long associ- continuing for the last three LAWRENCEVILLE — Fouljround game of the NJSIAA State i test and Rutgers Prep folding a Albany, N. Y., and New Britain shots paved the way as Rutgers Qass "B'1 Prep School tourna- narrow 70-69 lead, Pete Lampen The new pro football team is ated with professional football, months in preparation for today's t and Bridgeport, Conn. Prep edged Croydon Ha!l Acade- ment at Lawrenceville School. sank a pair of foul shots and owned and operated by Central Kelly has been active in the announcement. Officers of Cen- my, 71-72, yesterday in a first With 65 seconds left in the con- Laird Davis added another a few seconds later to extend Rutgers' margin to four points, 73-69. With 27 seconds remaining, Croydon Hall's Bill Mancini was fouled in Mulvihill Wins Vault St. Agnes Is Upset lic Track Conference's freshman the act of shooting, but converted NEW YORK (AP) - Ed Mul- Daniels (:07.(i) o[ Mount Vernon, only one of the two subse- vihill, Manhattan College junior who upset unbeaten George Smith and sophomore championships quent foul shots to make the from'Red Bank, N.J., won the of Perth Amboy and Dom Mazza yesterday on Roselie Catholic score 73-70. Mancini also scored pole vault, postponed from Tues- of coach Merrick Tomaine's Long High's outdoor board track. Host By Star of Sea In day because of wind, with a leap Branch squad was fifth in the Roselle won both team titles. the Cardinals' last basket on a fast break just before, the final of 13 feet, 2 inches yesterday in shot put with a toss of 56-8% as In the sophomore division, CBA buzzer. the 25th annual Metropolitan In- Bob Trylor of Canadaigua won scored nine points on Phil Mai- Mancini took individual scoring tercollegiate Indoor Track and with 60-3^. mone's second in the 60-yard Casey Tournament Field Championships. dash (:06.7), third in the high honors with 41 points, includ- Jim McCaskill of Long Branch RED BANK - Justin Rich, a foul shot with five seconds left ing 14 of Croydon Hall's 18 points Neil Murray of Manhattan also ran sixth in the hurdles final jump by Bob Harkins (5-4) and feventh grade student, scored 34 in regulation. Thirty-seven fouls in the third quarter. Art Sheri- cleared 13-2, but the title went after hitting the first hurdle and fourth in the mile by Joel Frie» points to pace defending cham- were called against Tinton Falls, dan followed with 12. Joe Jacobs to Mulvihill because of fewer Russ Taintor of Brick Township bautn (4:54.7). pion Star of the Sea, Long with the entire starting five foul- was the top Rutgers Prep scorer misses. John Wolyniec of St. was among the also-rans in the Freshman scorers who totaled Branch, to an 47-42 upset victory ing out in regulation time. with 23 points. Davis, who took John's was third at 12-8 and Ken- two-mile run on a clocking of four points were Andy Hercha- over previously undefeated St. Pete Brewin and Ed Crosby over for tie injured Frank Cipot neth Cevoli of Manhattan fourth 9:43. kowski and Paul Madden, who Agnes, Atlantic Highlands, (16-1) each had 13 points for St. Mary's, early in the third period, fin- at 12-2. Frosh, Soph Meet went 4-5 in the high jump with as first round action was com- while Dunn finished with 10. Jeff ished with 16 points, including Greg Farah of New York Uni- Christian Brothers Academy both clearing 5-2 and sprinter pleted yesterday in the fifth an- Ruhrer of Tinton Falls had 16. nine in the third stanza. Al Mos- versity, the only 15-foot vaulter took six places in the N.J. Catho- Tony Migliaccio, fifth in the 60. nual Casey Invitation Grammar Mike Mosco tallied 13 points to kowitz had 12. entered, failed to clear his first School Basketball Tournament at pace Union fieach, while Roger Croydon Hall concluded its sea- vault at 1-12. Red Bank Catholic's gymnasium. Taylor's nine was high for St. son with a 7-8 record. Rutgers The placings in the pole vault wortfe l In yesterday's other games, St. Catharine's. Kevin Biilerman was Prep is 18-2. gave Manhattan the lead going Crojrdon Hall <1I> I Duller* I'rep (73) into today's track events. Manhat- Mary's, New Monmouth, defeat- the high scorer for St. Dominic's G F P | O P V ed Tinton Falls, 49-44, in over- with 16. Bob Cullcn and Chris Mancini 16 9 41 I Jacob! 10 3 23 tan had 23 points to 22 for St. Boutate each had 10 for St. Rose. Bherldan 5 2 12 I MoskowlU 6 2 12 John's, which won the three field time; St. Dominic's, Brick Town- Halty •- 4- 1 9 1 Clpnt 4 19 MY STYLE — Long Branch hurdle aces Frank Jones, left, Hunt 2 S 9 | navfl 5 8 18 events held Tuesday. B ship, downed St. Rose, Freehold, The quarter-final round will be Lee 0 111 Miltman 1 3 37-32, and Union Beach ousted held this weekend. Saturday's Buelgtar 0 0 0 L&mpen 3 5 9 add Jim "Snooty" McCaskill, shown at Tuesday's Mon- Other teams with points were St. Catharine's, Spring Lake, 34- game3 and times are top-seeded 27 18 72 27 IS 73 mouth • Ocean County championships «t Lalcehurst, NYU, 6; Rutgers and Fordham, St. James, Red Bank, vs. Key- Ornyiinn Hall 11 K 18 14—72 3; Seton Hall, 2; and Queens 1. 29. yesterday placed third and sixth, respectively, in the Rich, scoring with outside jump port Public, 2 p.m., and Ruti-era Prep 19 II 23 14—73 At lona College, Long Branch shot;, netted 21 of his points in St. Mary's, Deal, vs. St. Rose, Goldie Sellers and Netniah Wil- Eastern States Interscholastic meet's 60-yard high hurdles High athletes won two medals the first half to pace his team to Belmar. Sunday's games are St. son both returned kickoffs 100 at lona College in New York. Saturday,- they seek the in the Eastern States Interscho- a 29-23 advantage. St. Agnes, Mary's, New Monmouth, vs. St. yards in AFL games last fall. lastic championships. Dominic's, 3 p.m., and Star of the Both played for the Denver Bron- ifata title in the annual NJSIAA meet at Jersey City. !JJ E. Newman Spring! Open 8 a.m. 809 Railroad Aye. which won the Northern Division Frank Jones ran third in the 60- Red lank—842-2500 to 5 p.m. Aibary Part—774.4109 championship of the Monmouth Sea vs. Union Beach, 4:30 p.m. cos. (Register Staff Photo) yard hurdles behind winner Bob County' Parochial Grammar School League, did manage to take a slight scoring edge, 19-18, after the break. Mark Mihok paced the St. Agnes scoring with Swim Championships 15 points. St. Mary's held an 8-3 scoring edge in the overtime period to WHAT MAKES 1 down Tinton Falls. Steve Dunn of rRAYcq. St. Mary's sent the game into Saturday at Fort Pool the extra session by making a RAYCO A/UMBER-I L. AUTOSERVICE ^ War ol the 8n (47)1 SI. AIM (42) FORT MONMOUTH - Shore sets of sisters on the 1966-67 co-ordinator. Members of the par- OFPI Area YMCA will host for the first team. ents swim committee also will Rich I 3r , 1p p7 1 Odom 4 I Mlhnh 7 ! 1.1 time the Northern New Jersey Mrs. Joseph Monteparo, Asbury assist. 1 11 12 34 | Lorr Reed 2 1 .•> | Pf truck 2 (I 4 Bihram oil Meriotvjin 2 YMCA Girls Swim League "C" Park, is meet director. Mrs. Har- Coaches Dick Martin, Wynn I" AMERICA'S NO. 1 i Peel 0 0 0 I KarrlKin 0 4 CHECK THESE'VALUES! I Division championships at the old Beegle, Interlaken, is in McDonald 1 1 3|Vmto 0 4 Phillips and Steve Carton will SuplewHkl 0 0 Field House here Saturday. charge of the officials; Robert ^ SAFETY SPECIALISTS .J be in charge of over 50 girls IS 17 47 | 19 4 42 Check-in time is 9 o'clock for Segal, West Deal, marshals; Mrs. Star or Ihe 8M. 13 ID 12 B—47 William Wishart, Wanamassa, competing for the Shore club. Bt. Agnu 14 S 6 13—U the diving events which will start 10 a.m. Swimming events will awards committee; Mrs. Charles Maj. Gen. William B. Latta, 1 1 St. Mury . <4B> | Tinton Full. (44) Samuels, Elberon, admissions; (New Monmouth) I get under way at 12:30. The commander of Fort Monmouth, MORE COLORS! MORE PATTERNS! r, F PI meet is being run for individual Walt Wahl, YMCA, entries; Mai co-operated in providing the fa- Brewln 3 7 13 I Bclbaut 0a 0vv 0 Thompson 0 2. 2] Ruhrer S tlR championships. Hampton, Long Branch, regis- cilities In order to hold the cham- MORE FABRICS! Baemelster 0 6 8 I Papp 3 17 trations, and Mrs. Hugh Mc- pionship meet here in Monmouth Conrad 0 0 01 D.Butterwel 2 0 4 Represented in the meet are Vonateltten 2.0 41 Neman 0 1 1 Laughlin, Deal, public relations County. CronbCb y .1 3 13 I Bechtel 0 2 2 teams from Rahway, Central Ber- Dunn 3 4 101 Carpenter 0 0 0 gen, Bayonne, Orange, West- FAMOUS V»mo 0 0 OIKohIn n 0 0 0 O'Bhaui'iy 0 11111 R.RutterweRRt l 1 2 4 field, New Brunswick and the Bennett 2 1 5 oreen oil Shore area. . __. I , Shore Area Girls team is this Rumson Boys Help 13 23 49 | • 16 12 44 it. Mar»'« a 11 15 12 »-4S year's "C" Division undefeated Tinton FalU 8 IS 6 12 3—44 champion. The team is composed 8t, Domlnic'i (37) I SI. Roar (32) Freehold, Beachwood and a large I (Freehold) O v p i O F P representation from Red Bank, Set Swim Record Blllernun 5 4 2 10 C»vallaro 14 8 Brunahan 0 1 1 Long Branch and the Asbury LAWRENCEVILLE - "Ruffy" Lohlein, a. senior, and Direct from America's largest Hlbhert 1 l 3 - 4 2 10 Park area. Wltamnri 12 4 0 3 3 Bobby Nagle, a sophomore, both of Rumson and members of maker of auto seat covers comes Metcher 8 2 8 0 0 0 Five experienced swimmers the Shore Aquatic Club, were on the Lawrenceville School's Creka 1 2 4 big, new savings on the brand Boblnlc 1 2 4 will compete after six years of 400-yard freestyle relay team which broke the national prep 11 15 37 | 10 12 32 Shore area club competition. In- school record yesterday in a dual meet against the Columbia new styles for '67. All with lock- •t. TJomlnlc'i 11 7 io B—37 cluded are Nancy Beegle, Inter- University freshman team. tight seams Guaranteed not to •'. Ro«e 11 T I J—ja laken; Barbara Coleman, Nep- The team, with Fred Tullis~and Phil Hogan as the other To fill jobs fast, place "Help tune; Lauri and Diane Hager- swimmers, was clocked in 3:17.3. The previous standard of open! Vinyl trim and welting Wanted" ads In The Daily Reg man, Oakhurst, and Marie Mo 3:19.6 was set on Feb. 1 against the Peddie School with a team Guaranteed not to crack or peel! Ister Classified. Laughlin of Deal. There 'are 1( of Loblein, Nagle, Hogan and Les Shaw, Loblein and Nagle Only America's number-1 maker were also members of the 1966 team which set a record of could offer all this selection, 3:20.8. The other members of that team were Bill Crooks and Dick Tuggle, who are both standouts on this year's Yale Uni- quality arid saving.,,and only versity freshman team. Rayco is number-1 in auto seat Loblein equalled his own school and pool record for 100 covers! yards by swimming the first leg of yesterday's event in : 49.1, a mark he set against Peddie. Laurenceviile won the meet, 63-26. IS THERE A KILLER RIDING UNDER YOUR CAR? Rangers Win IT COULD BE YOUR OLD WORN-OUT MUFFLER! REPLACE IT WITH...

NEW YORK (AP) - Bob Nevin off. Twice In the first period, scored a goal with the game Giacomin turned back breaka- just 70 seconds old and goalie ways, stopping Paul Henderson Ed Giacomin made it stand up the first time and then,sbeating with his seventh shutout of the Gordie Howe. National Hockey League season The Wings put tremendous pres- as the New York Rangers blanked sure on the New York goalie in Winter driving is closed-window driv- the Detroit Red Wings, 1-0, last the final period, when they out- night. shot the Rangers, 13-3. Giacomin ing. Time when dangerous exhaust The victory was the third wound up Witi 26 saves. fumes can silently slip into your car Ever looked for a deed, a straight for the second-place w i. T ri«. (AP) — Ken Ice Palace at Brick Township, club. Jersey City and Seton Hall are ness and Art Apy, Little Silver, strong team. dians from Newark are rated the favorite, the title should be up for Macker, Manila newspaper pub- League games are played at the favorites in NortJi Jersey with are part of the 15-man squad of Team members are spread Along with league play, this top high school quintet in the grabs among Tenafly, Lodi, Haw- lisher, was named commissioner two Trenton Teams, Cathedral ver a wide area with other club has met Wilmington, Wash- nation by Scholastic Magazine thorne, Clifford Scott, Irvington of the National Professional Soc- and St. Anthony's, rated tops in players residing in Long Branch, ington and several college teams. and are an oddi—on favorite to Tech, Shore Regional, Glouces- cer League yesterday. ter, Riverside, Middlesex, Central the south. However, any one of capture their second straight Robert Herman, league presi- Spurt Foils Knicks NJSIAA Group 4 championship. Regional, Southern Regional, Bor-them could easily be sidelined by FOURTEENTH ANNUAL dentown and Ocean City. the likes of Essex Catholic, Ro- dent, said Macker would begin BALTIMORE (AP) — The Chi- v**™ imisi,,n Some 177 schools are entered in elle Catholic, St. Joseph's of his new assignment when the JERSEY COAST the tournament and eight of them cago Bulls outscored the New Montvale, Don Bosco, Christian league offices move to New York York Knickerbockers, 20-6, over luston .n n .r.m get under way tonight in a light within a few weeks. York :i:t :w .HH 24'/, Brothers, St. Joseph's of Camden, the final seven minutes of the 'ItH'Innatl ..._ 29 37 .439 27 four-game schedule. Hawk Five, tnltlmore. 17 51 250 40 BOAT SHOW St. Joseph's of Metuchen or Red Members of the league, which third quarter and went on to Western Division Patetson Eastside and Fair Bank Catholic. will start coast to coast com- record a 117-103 National Basket- W I. I'ct. G.B CONVENTION HALL, ASBURY PARK. N. J, Lawn meet at Cliffside Park High n 1'rnnclHco Jtt 2fl .flofi — Matmen Fall Parochial "B" — The state's petition April 16, are Atlanta, ball Association victory last School, East Brunswick faces it. Louis :n ;u; JM 91/, i FEBRUARY 18-26 i scoring leader is 5-10 John So- Baltimore, New York, Philadel- night. Angrlcj SK 37 .431 ]1',4 Woodbridge at Highland Park and WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — Mon- mogyi, a junior at St. Peter's phia, and Pittsburgh in the East- Chicago trailed 66-62 early in Mrolt 20 4(1 .394 14 a doubleheader at New Bruns- mouth College's basketball team Wednesday's KeKiiltg CRUISERS, OUTBOARDS, SAILBOATS, SPORT FISHERMEN, ENGINES, of New Brunswick. He is averag- ern Division, and Chicago, Oak- the third period before Guy Rod- ;hlniKo 117, New York 10:1 MARINE ACCESSORIES, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT wick High School matches Long was defeated, 98-73, last night by tmtan 1.15, BuHlmaro 120 ing almost 40 points a game this land-San Francisco, Los Angeles, gers sparked the rally which put '"- SEE BOATS DEMONSTRATED .*'' Branch with Springfield and King's College for only its fourth .»H Angeles 10:t, ciitrlnnuli 102 season and his career total is St. Louis and Toronto in the the Bulls ahead to stay. Chicago Today's Games IN OCEAN Watchung Hills against Ocean loss in 25 games. 'eff Vork at IIOKton, afternoon fifth best in New Jersey history. Western Division. had blown leads of eight and 11 Tomorrow's (lames Genital Adminion: $1.50 . chiltlttn 7St - AmpU FREE PARKINS Township. In other sports, Montclair State I Hour from N. T. vlo lurnpik. * Parkway He seems a cinch to erase the Macker, 50, joins the NPSL af- points in the first half. Hlnclnnntl nt Sun l-'i-Hnrlftro defeated Monmouth, 25-6, in Angeles at Detroit JERIY CASQUE, Dirtctsr --.Noun 1-10 Dully, 1-7 Sunday! ' Twelve games are set for to- all-time mark of 2,171 points held ter 6J4 years as publisher of Rodgers, who scored 21 points, Baltimore, vs. rhUadelnhla at Pittsburgh wrestling, while the Hawks' girls morrow and six more on Satur- by Bill Raftery of St. Cecilia's of three daily newspapers headed by made eight during the spurt of swimming team completed its day. The tourney swings into full Kearny. The Philippines Herald. He also the Bulls. The Chicago playmak- dual meet season undefeated (7-0) force next week with nine games was president of a 12-station tele- er also wound up with nine as- by edging Centenary Junior Col- The Cardinals are not a sure on Monday, 34 on Tuesday and vision and radio network. He is sists and 12 rebounds. lege, 36-32. thing, however, with strong op- 25 on Wednesday. Most of the top- position expected to come from married and the father of five. The Bulls, shooting for a play- YOUR SAFETY rated teams begin play next Monmouth's cagers led, 8-7, af- St. Rose, Gloucester Catholic, off berth in their first NBA sea- week. ter the first six minutes of action, Macker has been active in Eastern Christian, Lady of the sports ever since he was gradu- son, pulled to within two games Since the original list of en- but King's soon went ahead for Valley and Phillipsburg Catholic of the fourth-place Detroit Pis- IS OUR good. Monmouth pulled to witihn ated by Loyola of Los Angeles in tries was announced two schools .Parochial "C" — St. Patrick's 1938. He was a partner of Pete totis in the Western Division. firtston* one point, 61-60, on a basket by have been dropped from the has lost only once and just won Rozelle, now commissioner of the Rookie Brwin Mueller also add- BUSINESS tournament. New Milford's rec- John Haas, but again King's its first Union County Tour- ed 21 points for Chicago, while pulled away. National Football League, in the ord was found to be under the nament in 23 years. The Celtics San Francisco firm of P.K. Mack- teammate Bob Boozer was high jrequired .500 level while Rpselle In wrestling, the Hawks' Bob have two outstanding players in er & Co. when they were com- for tine game with 23. Park, Group 2 Section 2 cham- •Jeranek completed the dual meet 6-4 Tom Sinnott and 6-5 Ron Bil-missioned in 1955 by the city of Cazzie Russell topped the pion a year ago, is on a year's season with a 12-0 record by win- lik. They should have too much Melbourne to publicize the 1956Knicks with 21 points. probation for walking off the ning the 145-pound bout. Bill Ack- Chicago (in) I New York (103) for the likes of Immaculate Con- Olympic Games in Australia. O F P I G F P court during a Feb. 4 game. erman (152) was the other**^**. ception, St. Michael's of Union Boozer 9 .1-5 23 Reed 7 «-12 20 Besides Weequahic, St. Pat- Kojls 5 0-0 10 | Varle 5 2- 2 12 ner for Monmouth, which com- City, St. Anthony's of Jersey City Mueller 9 3-1 211 Bellamy 7 O- 0 14 rick's of Elizabeth in the Paro- pleted its season with a 7-5 rec-Sacred Heart of Vineland, St. Jo-Ralston Defeated Rodgera 8 5-5 21 i RUHBell S 3- 4 21 chial "C" division is the only ord. Sloan 4 4-5 12 Bryant 5 5- 6 15 seph's of Hammonton and Wild DUNEDIN. New Zealand (AP) Erisnn 3 1-2 7 Stlwth 3 2-58 ether 1966 champion favored to The girls' swimming team wood Catholic. McLere 1 77-8 9 Z 3- 6 7 retain its crown. Burlington, —Fred Stolle of Australia de- Clens 1 2-3 4 Jonson 2 2-26 BRAKE scored its victory when its 200- 10-0 2 which won in Group 2 a year The .eight public school semifr feated Dennis Ralston of Bakers- Ward 2 0-0 4 yard medley relay team of Sue nals will be played in Atlantic field, Calif., 1(^8, 1-6, 6-2, last Wilson 1 0-0 2 GUARANTEED 10,000 ago, has moved up to Group 3 Steadman, Anita Wriggens, Lin- Slhase 1 00 2 MILES OR ONE YEAR and is given a good chance of City's Convention Hall the week- night in a pro tennis match. In da LaRue and Katy Sutherland end of March 10-11. The seven a second duel, Rod Laver of Aus- winning. won in 2:17.5. The team will Chicago ....30 27 25 35—117 West New York Memorial did state titles will be decided on thetralia, downed Pancho Gonzales New York 26 32 14 31—103 compete in the Eastern Intercol- same floor a week later. of Los Angeles 6-0, 7-9, 13-11. Fouled out—none. not qualify to defend its Group legiate Diving and Swimming Total fouls—Chicago 24, New York. 23. 3 laurels while Park Ridge is Championships March 11 at Phil- given only a slim chance to re- adelphia. RELINE peat in, Group I. Don Bosco of Monmsuih (73) Klnn (m Ramsey and St. Rose of Bel- G F P GPP OUR EXPERT BRAKE MECHANICS Korncgay S5 6 166 Benz 0 2 2 mar are not expected to make I! 0 12 Cuss no 4 4 12 Group to Send Champ • Replace old linings and shoes with successful defenses in Parochial 6 2 ill Williams 11 0 31 8 6 21• Bandusk" ' • y 1 1 Firestone Bonded Linings "A" and "B", respectively. Byer 0 0 Holecky 0 0 0 Bprger 2 1 BelBellnncl s 4 19 • Adjust brakes for full This is thle outlook, by division: 0 0 01 Zurner 1 0 10 21 Kraft 0 0 GUARANTEED 20,000 drum contact Group 4-^-Weequahic is unbeat- GUflh 8 117 en in 36 games, 22 this season, Sweeney 0 o n MILES OR TWO YEARS • Inspect drums, hydraulic system, Babusks. Mat Team to Europe and has won the Essex County 9 4 22 return springs and grease seals Tournament, the Newark City 29 15 73 | 38 22 98 MIDDLETOWN — The Red the fund-raising schemes being in the tradition of People-to-Peo- StonmoclUi _ 30 34—73 GUARANTEE League and the Essex County Bank area chapter of People-to- ple. Kings 17 SI—OS used. The students are We guarantee our brolio Coaches Association Tournament. People, Inc., international orga- also selling pen kits containing "They will be sports ambassa- Monmouth (38) — Centenary (3!) relining service for the In 6-foot-10 Dana Lewis, 6-8 50-yd. butterfly—1. Dunn (0), 2. Ltniia nization to promote understand- six ball-point pens as another dors," Mrs. Frances Moran of 87 specified number of George Watson and 6-7 Leroy LaRuo (M), 3. SolleweJd (C). Time ing aniong nations by personal means of collecting money. It is Swimming River Rd., Lincroft, miles and years from Cobb, the Indians have a front 50-yd. freestyle—1. Reeves (C). 2. contact, is sponsoring a Euro- estimated that the cost to send mother of two of the wrestlers, date of installation, line bigger than most college and Boetlser 'C>- , " Anita Wrlgglns (M). pean tour by the Widdletown each boy to Europe will be $446. said yesterday. whichever comes first. Time :28.0. Adjustments prorated on some professional teams. Dennis 50-yd. backstroke—1. Sue Steadman Township High School champion During their trip, to be super- Asking support from the com- (M>. 2. Mellm to, 3. Hurd (C). Time mileage and based on Lay.on and Bill Mainor are an ship wrestling team. vised by wrestling coach Rich- munity, Mrs. Moran added that prices current at time of outstanding backcourt pair. 50-yd. breaststroke—1. Anita'Wrlggcns ard Kleva, the boys will wrestle (M). '2. Stieryl Stein , visit homes and schools of En- come from unbeaten Camden 2. Reeves

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