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Assoc. Prof. RIDVAN YAMANOĞLU RIDVAN YAMANOĞLU EAmSaiSl : OryaCma. [email protected] FOathxe Prh Eomneai :l +: r9y0a m26a2n o3g0l3u @30g8m3a A41d3d8r0e sKsO :C KAoEcLaİeli Üniversitesi, Umuttepe Yerleşkesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi A Blok Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü Learning Knowledge 2D0o0c7to -r a2t0e11 (KDorc)a,e Tliu Ürkneivyersitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Metalurji Ve Malzeme Mühendisliği 2P0o0st2 G -r 2a0d0u5ate TKuorckaeyli University, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği, 1U9n9d7e r- G2r0a0d1uate TKuorckaeyli University, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği, Certificates, Courses and Trainings Vocational Training, SAitnotmeriiznagti oAnd vFaonrc Mede tParlo Pcoewssdeesr, sE, PPMerAd, a2c0, 1P2ersonal Development Advanced Courses, 2015 Vocational Training, PSionwtedreinr gI nFjuecntdioanm Menotladlisn, gE,P EMPAM, A2,0 210110 Dissertations EDnoscttiotürsaüte, ,M Aetotamluizrajis Vyeo nM taelkznemiklee rMi üilhe etnodz iüslrieğti i(mDi,r s)i, n2t0e1rl1enmesi ve karakterizasyonu, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri FPaoksüt lGtersaid, uMaettea, lTuirtjai nV vee M aalalzşeımm eto Mzlüahrıennınd ipslriğeip B yöölnütmemü, i2 il0e0 ü5retimi ve karakterizasyonu, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Supported Projects 1. DAVövCmU eE .S, oYnILrDasIıR DAeNğ iAşVenC UM Yik.,r ÇoAyaLpIMı - EM., eYkAaMniAk NÖOzeĞlLliUk İRli.ş, kPirleorjeincitn S Yuüpzpeoyratletdı M beyk Haingihke Örz Eedlluikc aHtaiornit aIlnasmtiatustı ivoen sİl, eBriilyalı 2. YEAleMktAroNnO ĞMLikUr oRs.,k YoAbVisUi ZY öHn. tİe. m, Plerorij eilcet İSnucpepleonrmteeds ib, y2 0H2ig1h -e Cr oEndtuincuaetison Institutions, TOZ METALURJİSİ İLE ÜRETİLEN ATİLTAAŞNIMYULMAR-HINİDINR OÖKZSEİLALPİAKTLİETR BİNİYEO EKTOKMİSPİONZİNİT İ NKACEPLEANMMAENSINİ, 2B0İY2O1 M- CEoDnİKtiAnuLe AsLANDA KULLANILAN TİTANYUM 3. NCAiCNrD kAatNk ıİl.ı, ZYnAOM sAeNyOreĞltLilUm Riş., mPraonjyeecti kS uypaprıoilrettekde nblye rHinig shıecra kE dpurecsa tyioönn tIenmstii tiulet iüornest,i lSmpeinstir voen mik aanyygeıtt oueylgeukltarmonailkarı için 4. YöAzeMllAikNleOrĞinLinU iRn.c, ePlreonjmecets Si,u 2p0p2o0r t-e Cdo bnyti nHuigehser Education Institutions, GÜMÜŞ TOZLARININ KİMYASAL VE 5. YAATMOMANİZOAĞSLYUO NR .T, PErKoNjeİKctL SEuRpİp İoLrEt eÜdR bEyT İHMigİ,h 2e0r1 E9d -u Ccaotniotin uInestitutions, BİYOMEDİKAL ALANDA KULLANILACAK 2M0E2T0ALİK MALZEMELERİN ELASTİSİTE MODÜLLERİNİN TAHRİBATSIZ TEKNİKLER İLE BELİRLENMESİ, 2019 - 6. GYAelMişAtirNilOmĞeLsUi, 2R0., 1P9r o- j2ec0t2 S0upported by Higher Education Institutions, FDM 3D Yazıcılar İçin Flamar Özelliklerinin 7. AYALAMŞAIMNOINĞILNU S RIC., ABKA ŞPCRIE ÜS. İGL.E , PSEroRjTe cNt İSKuEpLp oTrOtZeLdA bRyI HKiAghPeLrA ENdAuRcAaKtio AnŞ InNsMtiAtu ÖtioZnEsL,L SİAKFL ETRİTİNAİNNY GUEML VİŞET İTRİ6İLAMLE4SVİ, 8. Y2A01M8A -N 2O0Ğ2L0U R., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, AL-Sİ ESASLI MALZEMELERİN TOZ 9. YMIELTMAALZU TR.J, İYSAİ MİLAEN ÜORĞELTUİM Rİ. ,V PEr oAjŞeIcNt MSuAp pÖoZrEtLeLdİ bKyL EHRigİNheİNr EGdEuLcİaŞtTioİRnİ LInMstEitSuİ,t i2o0n1s7, C -A 2M0 1E8LYAF TAKVİYELİ POLİAMİT İ6Y,6İL KEOŞTMİPROİLZMİTELSEİ,R 2İN01İN6 M- 2E0K1A8NİK DAYANIM VE KIRILMA TOKLUĞU ÖZELLİKLERİNİN EŞ ZAMANLI OLARAK 10. GYAELMİAŞTNİORĞİMLUİŞ RT.İ, TUAZNUYNUEMR HAL., APŞroIMjeLcAt SRuINppINo rTtOedZ bMyE HTiAgLhUerR JEİdSİu İcLaEti oÜnR IEnTsİtMituİ,t 2io0n1s5, A- N2T0İ1B7AKTERİYEL ÖZELLİKLERİ 11. ÖYazemllaiknloeğril uG Rel.i, şKtiorlialmyliış F T.,i tEafneynudmi E A., lUaşzıumnlearr ıHn.ı,n P Trojze Mct eStuapluprojirstie idle bÜyr eHtiigmhie ,r 2 E0d1u5c -a t2io0n1 7Institutions, Antibakteriyel 12. 2Y0A1M5ANOĞLU R., Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions, DEMİR DIŞI METAL TOLARININ…, 2014 - 13. mZEaRlzEeNm Ael.e, YriAnM trAibNoOloĞjLikU ö Rz.e, lPlirkolejercint iSnu gpeploişrttireidlm beys Hi, i2g0h1e3r E- d2u0c1a4tion Institutions, Al / Grafit kompozit esaslı yatak 14. MZearlezenm Me.l, eYrainm Tarniobğolluo jRik., ÖPzreoljleikclte Srui, p2p0o1r3te -d 2 b0y1 4Higher Education Institutions, Al/Grafit Kompozit Esaslı Yatak 15. TYaAkMvAiyNe OMĞaLlzUe Rm.,e Psir oOjleacrta Sku Epnpdoürstterdiy beyl KHaigtıh Aetrı kEladruıcna Ktiuolnla Innısmtiıt,u 2t0io1n2s ,- P2o0l1im4er Matrisli Kompozit Malzemelerde 16. EZnEdRüEsNtr Mis.i,n YdAeM KAuNllaOnĞılLaUn RT.o, zP rMoejetactlu Srujipkp Toirtatendy ubmy HAilgahşıemr lEadrıuncınat Aioşnın Imnsat iÖtuzteiollinksle, Hrianvina cGıleıkli şvteir oilmtoemsoi, t2iv011 - 2013 A1w. arYdamsanoğlu R., Arge Proje Pazarı Ödülü, Kou Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi, October 2019 2. 2Y0am17anoğlu R., Efendi E., Daoud I., Best Paper Award, World Academy Of Science, Engineering And Technology, May Scholarships Doktora ASoranşrtaırsmı Aar Başutrırsmu,a Y BOuKr, s2u0, 0T9U B- 2IT0A1K0, 2014 - 2014 Articles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI Indexes 1. SBtarheandgotrh A–.d, Iuscsatirliiytayp baat lAa.,n Ucme eodfa p Jo., wYAdMerA NmOeĞtLaUll uRr.,g Pyr uTni–cu2 FCe., –A2mWri na lAlo., yK oenxdtoruh dKe.d at high-temperature 2. UJolutrranfailn oef- Mgraateinri aflosr Rmeasetiaornch a anndd iTmecphrnoovleodgy m, veocl.h1a4n, picpa.6l 7p7r-o69p1e,r 2ti0e2s1 o (fJ onuorvneall Ienxdterxuedde idn STCi-I FEex-pWan adleldo)ys wBaithha dcoorm Ap., lUemtee sdoa lJi.d, Y sAoMluAtNioOnĞ LoUf Rtu., nAgmsrteinn A., Alhazaa A., Kondoh K. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, vol.875, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 3. NYAeMwA MNaOgĞnLeUs Riu., mBa Choadmopro As.,i tKeo wnditohh MK.g, G1Ü7MAlÜ1Ş2 S I.,n Gtoekrcme eSt.,a Mlliucr aPtarl tOi.cles 4. FPOabWrDicEaRt iMonE TMAeLtLhUoRdGsY oAfN PDo MroEuTsA LT iCtEaRnAiuMmIC ISm, 2p0la2n1 t(sJ obuyr nPaol wInddeerx eMd einta SlCluI)rgy TYRAAMNASNAOCĞTLIOUN RS., OBFa hTaHdEo rIN AD., IKAoNn IdNoShT KIT.UTE OF METALS, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 5. AEftfoemcti zoefd M Toi6 AAdl4dVit iAolnlo oyn the Mechanical and Wear Behavior of Plasma Rotating Electrode Process JYOAUMRANNAOLĞ OLFU M RA., TBEaRhIaAdLoSr EAN., GKIoNnEdEoRhI NKG. AND PERFORMANCE, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 6. PKrheossshunraew aFs.,s Yisatmeadn boğolnud Ri.n, Bg apsrcio Uc.e Gs.s , oMfu srtaatainl steel on titanium alloy using powder metallurgy 7. Maicterroisatlsr uCchteumries tgrylo abnudl aPrhiyzsaictsio, vno ol.2f 5h9i,g 2h0 2o1x y(gJoeunr ncaoln Incednextreadt iino nSC dI)ual-phase extruded Ti alloys via pBoahwaddeorr Am.,e Utamleludrag Jy., Grhoauntdevar H., Bakar T. A. A. , YAMANOĞLU R., Issariyapat A., Kondoh K. 8. SMtarteenrigatlhs eCnhianrgac etevraizluataiotino, nv oal.n1d7 2h, i2g0h2-1te (mJopuerrnatl uInrdee bxedh ainv iSoCrI) of Ti-Fe-O-Cu-Si alloy MBaAhTaEdRoIrA AL.S, USmCIeEdNaC JE., AYANMD AENNOGĞINLEUE RR.,I NAGbu A B-SaTkRaUr CTT. AU.R , AKLo nMdAoThE KR.IALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND 9. DPReOfoCrEmSSaItNioGn, v mol.e8c0h0a, n20is2m1 (aJnodur ennalh Ianndceexded p irno SpCeI)rties of Cu-TiB2 composites evaluated by the in-situ tBeanhsaidleo rt eAs.,t U amnedd am Ji.c, Yroamstarnuocğtluur Re. ,c Ghhaarnadcvtaerr iHz.a, tIsiosanriyapat A., Abu Bakar T. A. , Kondoh K. 10. PJOhUyRsNicAoLm OeFc hAaLnLiOcYaSl ApNroDp CeOrMtiePsO UoNf DpSo,r vooul.s8 4m7a, 2te0r2i0a l(sJ obuyr nsapl aInrkd epxleads min aS CsIi)ntering SAOzaLrTnAiyNaİ NAE., JAAzDa rMn.i,y Hao As.s, eSiAnFi AHV. Rİ .M M. .S ,. e, tA aHl.MADİPOUR M. F. , Seraji M. E. , SOVİZİ S., SAQAEİ M., YAMANOĞLU R., 11. ECrFiFticEaCl TR eOvFie wSIsL iVn ESRol iCdO SNtaTteE NanTd OMNa tTerHiaEl sW ScEieAnRc eAsN, vDo l.M45E, CnHo.A1N, pIpC.A22L- 6P5R, O20P2E0R (TJIoEuSr nOaFl IPndOeWxeDdE iRn SCI) MYAEMTAANLOLĞULRUG RIC., AKLh oTsih-n5aAwL -F2.,. 5DFaoEu-xdA I.g, EAfeLnLdOi YES. IJnOdUeRxNeAd Lin O SFC MI)INING AND METALLURGY SECTION B-METALLURGY, vol.56, no.1, pp.119-125, 2020 (Journal 12. SPirnetsesruinregl eWsist hSopuatr kP rPelassumrae Sintering: A Perspective from Conventional Sintering to Accelerated PYOAWMADNEORĞ MLEUT RA.LLURGY AND METAL CERAMICS, vol.57, pp.513-525, 2019 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 13. CToitnadnituimon-3s04L Stainless Steel Joining by Powder Metallurgical Uniaxial Pressing under Vacuum ATECLTLAİ PMH. YBS. I,C YAA PMOALNOONĞICLAU AR,. ,v ŞoAl.N13L4I ,H n.o.1, pp.37-40, 2018 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 14. tSrpibaroklo pgliacsaml par soipneterrtiensg ovfe rTsi5uAs lh2o.5t Fper easllsoinysg–densification, bending strength, microstructure, and PYoAwMdAeNrO MĞeLtUal lRu.r, gDyA, OvoUlD.6 1I.,, OnoL.E2V, pSKp.Y1 7E8. A-1.86, 2018 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 15. PYAroMdAuNcOtiĞoLnU a Rn.,d E FmEeNcDhIa En.i, cKaOl LpArYoLpI eFr.,t UieZsU oNfE TRi H-5.,A DlA-2O.U5DFe I-.xCu alloys for biomedical applications 16. MBIIOCMREODSITCRAUL CMTAUTREER ICAHLSA, RvoAlC.1T3E, nRoIZ.2A, 2T0IO18N ( AJoNuDrn QalU InAdNeTxIeTdA inT ISVCEI) ANALYSIS OF COPPER ALLOY MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH WC-xNi POWDERS PREPARED BY SPONTANEOUS INFILTRATION JDOAUORUNDA LI., OMFi rMouINdI NDG., YAANMDA MNEOTĞALLUL RU.RGY SECTION B-METALLURGY, vol.54, no.2, pp.169-177, 2018 (Journal 17. FInadieluxreed iann SaClyI)sis of wire-breaks in aluminum conductor production and investigation of early failure rKeAaRsAoBnAsY f oS.r, EtRraTnÜsRmK iAs.s Tio. ,n Z lEiRnEeNs M., YAMANOĞLU R., KARAKULAK E. 18. PENroGdINuEcEtiRoInN Go fF pAoILrUoRuEs ATNi5AALlY2S.I5SF, veo al.8ll3o,y p pv.i4a7 p-5r6e,s 2s0u1r8e l(eJossu rsnpaal rInkd pelxaesdm ina SsCinI)tering JYOAUMRANNAOLĞ OLFU A RL.,L GOÜYLSS AONYD N C., OMlePvsOkUyN ED. SA,. v, oGlÜ.6L8S0O, Yp pH.6. Ö54.-658, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI) 19. EYAnMhaAnNcOeĞdL sUu Rr.f, aEcFeE NprDoI pEe.rties of iron by in situ hard nickel coating 20. MAecThEaRnIAicLaSl TpErSoTpINeGrt, iveosl .5o8f , hnyop.2o, epupt.1e5c1ti-c1 5A4l,- N20i 1a6ll (oJyosu rwniatlh I nAdle3xNedi iint SeCrIm)etallics MKAARTAEKRUIALLASK
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