!"#$%#$&'()*+,',"-'.+,+/-'*.'0#$-1(%#$&2' 3$4+/#$& 4+4,(#$()5- 6/*.#,()#5#,7 ($8'.#$($9#$&2 !"#$%&'()*"%+,-.

Because I know that only through sustainability can we offer our children a future worth living. !"#$%&'%(&)#

“You do it because it's the right thing to do.“

Rebecca Solnit

The buzzwords of our time

What sustainability really means

Figures, data, and facts

SDGs and Paris Agreement

Key levers and opportunities

Best practices M!-N,OPP-$"N.!0??-QP-$NOQN*+>N=+"+>-


Globalization | Film Digitalization | Film Competitive Enterprise Inst. HR Forecast !""#$%&&'''()*+"+,-(.*/&'0".!12345 !""#$%&&'''()*+"+,-(.*/&'0".!123?@A 67"6894:;<=-0"+>-3)*+"+(,- )BCD+E*F R!0??-QP-$ OQN"!- =+"+>- 3N*##*>"+QO"O-$ OQN"!- =+"+>-S Climate change | Film Population growth Porto Protocol and poverty !""#$%&&'''()*+"+,-(.*/&'0".!123GH I4+JKIEL$

Environmental Wars and political destruction violence

Manipulation of the (social) media etc. .%/0"1'$,-"+2'3$455',1#$65$7$"+($8$('2&''#$9"&0/+2

The likely effects of climate change

Temperature rise in relation to the pre-industrial period (1850 to 1900)

Effects on: 1°C 2°C

Freshwater supply small Andean glaciers disappear, potential reduction in water supply by 20 endangering the water supply of to 30% in some regions (Southern Africa, 50 million people the Mediterranean area) !"#$%

Foodstuffs and agriculture slight increases in yields declining crop yields in tropical regions &'#() in the temperate zone (from 5 to 10% in Africa) !"#$"%&'"()

Health at least 300,000 people die annually from 40 to 60 million more cases of malaria in diseases caused by climate change Africa *''+ &'",-'(

lower winter mortality in the higher latitudes

Coastal regions increasing flooding damage up to 10 million people affected by flooding

Ecosystems at least 10% of terrestrial species are 15 to 40% of all species threatened with threatened with extinction extinction

increased risk of bush fires

Sources: IPCC, 2007b; Stern, 2007 !"# $%&#'(## )*('#) +, -#*,+./#0%1+)" )"# 2+//%*3&%4

60 trillion globally 5 trillion ! ! by 2030 per year

With conventional technology & energy efficiency (e.g. in power plants) !"#$%&'()*%+,' -..')&/(0+(1#+'$%2#+,

Premature budding & flowering increased frost hazard more frequent and severe storms eroded soil drought stress & sunscald new pests and (fungal) diseases harvesting at high temperatures lower yields altered sugar-acid interplay altered flavors thicker grape skins etc

Quelle: Vinaria, 4/2016: Sachstandardsbericht Klimawandel (AAR14) J. Eitzinger & H. Formayer !"#$%&##'()*&+# ,)- #"#./$%/0$+$.1 7"#./$%/0$+$.1 $# )"- ,"."-& < /+#)'&=)%)($=/++1>

!2324567',)- 8$%&(/9&-#

it pays economically :575;3 80% of consumers see the increasing Austria is positioning itself worldwide as a relevance of sustainable (2016: sustainable nation by 2030 Aus) 16% of consumers in Germany are prepared to pay more for sustainable wines (2012: Ger) markets in the USA and Scandinavia are demanding organic wines rising demand for green events can use sustainability for positioning fulfillment of climate change targets (SDGs) !"#$%&'&$#()#*(+($,%-.#)&

Corporate sustainability is not about what you do for a living, but how you earn my money. !"#$ ;1)$0(*'$(1)& &"1'+F #)F%;#) Business in the service of ;1-7#)(.& #//10F /10 &'&$#()#*+. F.3.+17-.)$<


Planet Prosperity

“What is true corporate sustainability?“ !"#$%/01- $". 2)(3.0&($,%1/ 4$5%6#++.) "$$7&899:::5,1'$'*.5;1-9:#$;"<3=>?@A2"BCD-E !"#$ %& $"' &()%#* )(+$,%-.$%(+ (/01%+',%'&2 2"0*'()%+'!"#$ &"#$'3

!"#$ %&'()* $#+,)-#+ %+.'/"&( #/-"0(%+( %&&*( "1'()* 1%0/*0 45!567!" CO2-neutral on Austria's entire Value investment & Basis of high quality acreage by value enhancement wines 2030

Livelihood Habitat for insects of the children and animals 8%,) -#*,* "1'9#+*:%0. #& %'-%0( "1'()* ;)"$*<

Oxygen donor CO2-sink

Social responsibility !"#$"%&'(")* With the plants also come animals, birds and insects back. In the , embankments, meadows and fallow land.

!"#$%&'()&*+(),%-+$./0&1(2+,".(34()567+.+07,1(3+$0(84(9+:&1(!/&;&(<4(9$+//&.1( 2+..&(=&.>/,,". +.: <+;7:(?6&7*.'(@.,&%/ A".,&$;+/7". 7.(B>$7%#6/#$+6 C+.:,%+D&,1(!4(EFE(7.(!/&G+$/1(B2BH(I&G1()8H(C&G7,(J)(K&:,4L(@.,&%/ A".,&$;+/7". =7"6">51(M$"%&&:7.>, "N /-& 8"5+6(O./"P"6">7%+6 !"%7&/5Q, RE$:( !5PD",7#P1(AB=@ !"#$%& '("&)*+&,-. ./%&,#("123&"4 $%&#.$*+&%026&,. !"#$%"&##$'())*&+$,-$+.+%*(/*0)#$1(/#2*3(/4 5(%(6.)%.&# (+ ,/)7 +.+%*(/*0)# 1"#/ *))$%"&## '())*&+ *&# +#&8#9:

=#,')# <,6(#%7 the winemaker as an advocate and defender of culture

;6,),47 ;6,/,27 the winemaker as a resource- the winemaker as a responsible conserving, environmentally entrepreneur conscious land manager =)*/#% =&,+'#&(%7 >=#*6# ?$=*&%/#&+"('@

People (society) – Planet (ecology) – Prosperity (economy)! )*+,-./, *001#012*., %,*341,3 5$-*''-*1,*36-7,#0',-8 7'*$,.-8 71#30,12.&9

:#"2,.& !"#'#(& !"#$#%&

employees CO2 emissions fair pay influence on peers soil fertility job security association activities energy use well-maintained equipment Political engagement water use key figures & transparency etc bottles punctual taxes & duties air travel incorruptibility agricultural machinery and etc labor associations etc 9,.42/$$)5$:57'&,$"& ;)5$&$"&'2"

!"#$%&'"( '")&*$ &$+, - '& .+/%0 9,.42/$$)&75"2#$5 '% $<.$"%'#$0 12&'#+&$3 .$2.4$ *+#$ ,25$ 67" +"3) .$5625, 8$&&$5 +&)&*$ %+,$ &',$0 =.)&2)>?@AAA)B further education (for a middle-income manager) teambuilding measures family-friendliness gender equality creating meaning through values = employee loyalty fair pay common rooms & housing good catering ( time) etc !)*$+%,'$ -.+%.#$%/012%3"*$+%4.**3$%.5%+$&%("#$

6%*.%7//%3"*$+' .5%()*$+8 !"#$%#$$&'%()*$+ CO -footprint: 1,155g at every stage of production 2 2 throughout the supply chain Biodiversity: 2.66/m in the vineyard * depending on the region, irrigation, cooling, etc Water footprint, carbon footprint & biodiversity: Study by the University in distribution of 2015 (Château Larose Trintaudon certified according to AFAQ 26000, not organic) 30 to 50% of the annual water use occurs during the harvest !"# $"%&'() #'$)* +",-.&/$0", &"*) -.-$'0,'12) 3'$)*%0- $4) 1'-0- "5%".* /*"-/)*0$67

3'$)*8-'90,: &)'-.*)-

Irrigation only when required Alternative cooling methods

Drip irrigation Wastewater utilization (also protects from frost)

Greening mixtures for drought Water recycling (attention: ;/%$"%<=>%"5%#'$)* +', 1) -'9)? (location) foodstuffs) -0&/26 16 Only shallow loosening Measured water use in 0,+*)'-)? '$$),$0",7 of the soil sanitary systems

Rainwater tanks …. ,(("&-..(+/"'0+")-."'(12+

,"<5?+ (+@+0 :-0 (-=+01)? #$A%+;1//1-)/B

!"#$%!" Raw materials, production, transport 3('//"&-..(+/ 4"56".-"789" -:".-.'("+;1//1-)/ &%'#(%' )%*+,-./ 12 to 17% lower CO -emissions (production) :0-; .<+ =1)+0> !

#$ %&'(')*+!"" energy (60%) proportion! of recycled glass Weight transport to the bottler transport method (rail, trucks) national recycling quota !"#$%#&'() '"*+#(,&- .,&#/*0#"1 .,'2 *3(*"-#3455'6",&' B"*,& '"*+#( C"#*'#1 16*C# 45" .5"0 D *&:3*3"#(*8#: ,:(# E

78*/6(# 543*3'",6 '5395":#*%8 ;<=>?@30/=3'2"## 6#56(#A Total annual CO budget per person: 2,300 kg ! Rail: 20 kg CO /person CO calculator, e.g. www.co2-rechner.at ! ! Auto: 70 kg CO /person ! Plane: 500 kg CO /person Sustainable footprint per person: 1 gha ! Footprint calculator e.g. www.mein-fussabdruck.at

Compensate for flights directly with the airline, or e.g. with www.atmosfair.de 7006("3 ("&0 &8- %-)+ 98- :;-'&(4(-. <$%&)(")*+- !$%&'()=#%&')&-3,

!"#!$%&'()" %$%&)(")*(+(&, +)*-+ )".#)"# $"/012+(/)&-. 3$(.-+("- 40' )#5("-1)6("3 %$%&)(")*(+(&, %&')&-3,

guidelines for sustainable viticulture a practical timetable through all core areas self-evaluation tool certification – by independent inspecting bodies (e.g. Lacon) 2%0$)3)/($)4*& /0%($% /456(0(+),)$#7.8'$ -)$" -"($9 :"% 0%(&4*& 340 (.;2%0$)3)%1 <'&$()*(+,% ='&$0)(>

!"# $"% &'&$()*(+),)$# ,(+%, -(&./0%($%1

pressure from the retail food undustry (their own certifications) internationally comparable system to counteract climate change consumer demand for sustainable wines !+,-*.("/"-$("+'# $01$2# -.*$(* (.3#(4 5%&$'($)*#,6,%"#$%&$'($)*# +/,78*.("/"*% 93#($"'$:0* 53#(."$;

5%&$'($)*# !"#$%&$'($)*# simple entry consumers expect organic a guide through all three pillars no herbicide ban covers all areas many recommendations instead of clear reduced complexity guidelines provides a quick overview therefore low participation by organic low-threshold farms self-evaluation free of charge recertification only every three years cost-effective audit evaluation not given in key figures no target requirements (climate targets!) little known among consumers !"##$%&' (')'&"*+',- #-'*# ./0"1&# 23'4-$5$6$'4-/718991&-$0/:;#-4$1

Results also as valid key performance indicators (KPI) Mandatory conformity with climate targets (40% CO2 reduction by 2030, share of energy from renewable sources of at least 32%, increase in energy efficiency by at least 32.5%) Ban on herbicides clearer guidelines instead of recommendations (biodiversity!) Stricter controls annual evaluation NHA Gold = organic as an incentive for the next level

True sustainability is always a development! !"#$%&'()$*)"#+%,"-*-."' ,*-"'/ <"-$'(8%!9'."-8(-6=>9#$'*(%?%!(84=@9-.('/

Reduction, wherever CO -free heating 2 possible 01%2")$('"# 34%5*36/-(7*)(88/ )98$*:($"6 :*-"/('6# *-%$;3 )39-$'*"#

Cooling with Involvement of the groundwater employees

Humus formation: Photovoltaic system & green power 12,000t CO2 storage/10 years

Electric fleet 2018 Climate Protection Award (electric tractors!) (Republic of Austria) !"#$%&'()$*)"#+%,($$-'*(%.(%/*(00( =<#)(98

CO -neutral since ! Avoidance of plastic 2014 1+233%4")$('"# -5%6*-789(:*) (;'*)<0$<'"

A circular economy in Use of graywater many areas

Target: 20 % lower energy > 10% of transport by consumption rail

36% of energy from Team: photovoltaics 160 people (target: 60%) from 25 countries !"#$%&'()$*)"#+%,(-*-).' /*-"'0 >.9$3%?0'.8

!""#$%&'()(* %+$,-' .(/'0*0%.(/ 1'2230 natural ventilation system 12%3")$('"# .4%5*.60-(7*)(880 )98$*:($"6 earth sensors with a heat exchange pump :*-"0('6# .-%;(<"%=(8$"'- hot water via wood chip heating glass windows for daylight natural ventilation

4.0,-'0 5.5,3)(36)2),7 8'35.0'5 solar cells sowing for increased biodiversity sheep & chickens in the vineyards breeding grounds & hiding places for animals & insects electric autos (most electricity from hydropower) !"#$%&'()$*)"#+%!,-".(#%/,''"# *0%1&(*0%2%1,3$4%56"'*)(

7"(#3'"# (#%,8%9:;< =>?")$*@"#

Further areas certified organic Target: eco-sustainability

11% annual investment of Biomass heating profits by 2020 Purchase of 6,000 hectares of CO2-reduction by 30% Lighter bottles forest

Similar measures required of researchingthe recyclability of

suppliers CO2

More efficient water 25% of energy from management photovoltaic & solar systems by 2030 CO2-neutrality & 100% More efficient transport Trials with old indigenous organic grape varieties !"#$ %&' ()*+,-%./0.12' 3'4'2#5$'0%*6#.2-*#7 %&' 8."/-*9:"''$'0% ;&'*$#-% /$5#"%.0% :#.2- .0< %.":'%- 7#" =/0'"/'-

+,-%./0.12' ?#0-,$5%/#0 @*5"#<,?%/#0 12.2 Sustainable management & efficient use of natural resources 12.5 Prevention, reduction & recycling of waste

>/4/0: #0*%&' 2.0< 15.1 Conservation, restoration & sustainable use of ecosystems !"#$%&$'()* !"#$%%"&'"'()*+",-+.," /(0%-11 0"1"#+*$&

Agricultural & Food Economics: agrifoodecon.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/2193-7532-1-9 American Association of Wine Economics: Climat Change & Wine Production: wine-economics.org CSWA. Sustainable Water Mangagement Handbook: sustainablewinegrowing.org/.../CSWA_Sustainable_... Die Zeit. Climate change - the deluge is coming: zeit.de/kultur/2018- 10/klimawandel-schuld-anerkennung-klimakrieg-weltklimakonferenz FAZ. Insect mortality: faz.net/aktuell/wissen/leben- gene/insektensterben-75-prozent-weniger-insekten-in-deutschland MDPI. Water Footprint of the Wine Industry: mdpi.com/2071- 1050/7/9/12190/pdf OIV Wine & Sustainability: oiv.int/en/viticulture/wine-and- sustainability Robinson, Jancis lighter bottles at Tesco: jancisrobinson.com/articles/tesco-launches-lightest-ever-bottle Science Direct. Sustainability in the Global Wine Industry: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210784316300067 Solnit, Rebecca. Don‘t despair! The climate fight is only over if you think it is. theguardian.com Vinaria: It will be a wine (future scenarios): www.vinaria.at/News_Detail.aspx?id=1533 WWF Living Planet Report 2018: www.wwf.at !"#$%&' ()*+&',-,./0)'

Competitive Enterprise Institute: A film about globalization. http://www.ipencilmovie.org Sylvia Petz: Supply chain image Austrian Wine Marketing: Winemaking regions of Austria image (modified by Sylvia Petz) Austrian Wein Marketing: Logo and diagram: Certified Sustainable Austria Porto Protocol: A film about climate change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L9IuPX9WGs Swissman: A film on Digitization & Industry 4.0. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQLbVVPNTMQ University of Bordeaux, 2015: Image: Wine footprint University of St. Gallen: A film on corporate sustainability. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=8rwjMc -Ziug UNO: Sustainable Development Goals Vinaria, 4/2016: Wine & climate changel. Subject Standard Report on Climate Change (AAR14) J. Eitzinger & H. Formayer !"#$%&'%"()*+,

-#./%!$01&#%23"45%-!* -#6"37%(8 !)6"#&'#9&0&"$ :%;36<('6&903 -#'#.3=3'" >3 (7.#'&43 3'?($=3'" Gumpendorfer Strasse 16/Stg.1/8 1060 Vienna | Austria tel.: +43 1 905 34 38 email: [email protected] www.sylvia-petz.at

Translated by Eric Arn Photos: Andreas Hofer/respekt-BIODYN, Andrea Paller, Shutterstock, Bodegas Torres, Fattoria La Vialla, Archiv BILDRAUM 2004, ÖWM, sylvia petz