Celebrating 45 Years of Travel V I VA L D I I N V E N I C E F E AT U R I N G J A M E S H E P O KO S K I YA L E P RO F E S S O R O F M U S I C H I S TO RY S E P T E M B E R 1 5 TO 2 2 , 2 0 1 3 orn in in 1678, Antonio Vivaldi is recognized YALE FACULTY B as a virtuoso violinist and one of the most important composers of the period. Discover Vivaldi’s Venice J A M E S H E P O K O S K I is Professor of Music History in during a week in La Serenissima, staying at the elegant Hotel the Yale Department of Music, Europa & Regina on the . View the incomparable where he has taught since 1999. museums and frescoed churches of this exquisite city and dine He is a popular lecturer with the AYA educational travel program, at an historic palazzi. Special events include a visit to the and as on past AYA trips, joining Vivaldi Museum, a private Vivaldi recital, and a tour of famed him on this tour will be his wife, La Fenice Theater prior to an evening performance. See St. Barbara. Professor Hepokoski is a Mark’s Basilica after hours and walk in the former ghetto, specialist in operatic, symphonic, and chamber music from the virtually unchanged since its establishment in 1516; and on eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, the island of Murano, visit the studio of a glass artist. n Professor James Hepokoski. with particular expertise in musical style and its political and cultural implications. He is the author or coauthor of seven books and dozens of essays on a variety of topics and has also PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS given several lectures at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall. n Enjoy lectures and discussions with Yale At Yale he teaches a generous selection of music courses, Professor James Hepokoski among which are a much-praised survey of European music n Six nights’ accommodations at the elegant Hotel history as well as numerous seminars ranging from Mozart Europa & Regina, overlooking the Grand Canal and Beethoven to American Music, 1920s Blues, and Cole Porter songs. Students have remarked on his lively and n Private, after-hours visit to St. Mark’s Basilica entertaining lectures, which illuminate central aesthetic and n Extensive time at sites significant to Vivaldi’s life historical points embedded in the classical repertory. In and career, including the Vivaldi Museum and the 2010 he was awarded Yale College’s Sidonie Miskimin Church of Santa Maria della Pietà Clauss Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Humanities. For n Tour of the city’s former ghetto, established in 1516, this program, his presentations will provide a look at and its well-preserved synagogues Venetian composer Antonio Vivaldi’s works and influence: The Four Seasons and beyond. n n Guided tour prior to an evening performance at La Fenice Theater, gloriously restored

n Private concert by a trio from the Venice School Murano of Early Music Ensemble

n Farewell dinner at a private palazzo Lagoon Ghetto of Venice Can and al Gr

St. Mark’s Basilica San La Fenice St. Mark’s Square Sebastiano Doge’s Palace Accademia G San Giorgio iud ecc Maggiore a Ca nal San Marco Santa Maria Canal La Giudecca della Salute

Enter your four best photos from this program in the 2013 AYA Photo Contest! The Grand Prize is a free trip on Dutch & Flemish Landscapes in April 2014. V I VA L D I I N V E N I C E SEPTEMBER 15 TO 22, 2013

VENICE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Wednesday, September 18 A morning visit to the Santa Maria della Pietà Institution includes the Church of la Pietà, the Vivaldi Museum, and the Cantorie, where the famous putte, the young orphan ladies, were looked after and educated musically. Nearby see Chiesa di San Giovanni in Bragora, where Vivaldi was baptized, and stop at the 16th-century Church of San Francesco della Vigna, begun by Jacopo Sansovino and further enhanced by . After lunch, walk to the Calle del Paradiso from where Vivaldi’s house can be seen, and arrive at the Church of Santa Maria dei Derelitti (or Ospedaletto). a c u L

e Designed in 1575 by Palladio, this church is where a hospital D a i r o l once welcomed the poor and infirm. It was in the Music G

© o t Room, one of the few areas that remain of the original “little o h P hospital,” that the putte sang in public concerts hoping to win a Detail of Doge’s Palace. rich husband. Attend a private concert by a trio from the Venice School of Early Music Ensemble. The afternoon U.S.A. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 concludes at Palazzo Querini Stampalia, a cultural complex with Sunday, September 15 Depart the U.S.A. on an overnight an interesting art collection as well as three original instruments. flight to Venice. The evening is at leisure. VENICE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Monday, September 16 Arrive this morning in Venice and transfer to the elegant Hotel Europa & Regina, near St. Mark’s Square and overlooking the Grand Canal. Gather in the early evening for an introductory lecture by James Hepokoski, followed by a welcome dinner. VENICE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Tuesday, September 17 Begin the day at the Correr Museum, the museum of the city, where displays include everything from first-rate paintings to objets and costumes. Then see Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, the Republic’s state library, featuring ceilings by Veronese and changing exhibitions of books and images from the collection. Continue to the v e r a

former ghetto, established in 1516 and virtually intact. Lunch is z a L

y r t followed by a walking tour to view some of the historic i m D

© synagogues, which served Jews of Italian, German, Levantine, o t o h Spanish, and other origins. In the evening a private after-hours P visit to St. Mark’s Basilica is arranged. Mosaic in St. Mark’s Basilica.

To see further details of all Yale Educational Travel Programs, visit www.YaleEdTravel.org VENICE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Thursday, September 19 Explore the treasures of Venice’s greatest museum, the Accademia, housed in the former Scuola della Carità. Continue to the remarkable Peggy Guggenheim Collection in her former home on the Grand Canal. Lunch and the afternoon are at leisure. In the early evening, depart for the famed La Fenice (“the Phoenix”) Theater. Aptly named, this opera house burned to the ground in 1998—not for the first time—and has now returned to its former glory after years of reconstruction. Enjoy a tour prior to the evening performance of La Traviata. (Subject to schedule availability.) g r e o G

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Glassblowing on Murano.

VENICE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Saturday, September 21 Depart via private water taxi for a morning on the island of Murano, established as a major glass-blowing center after Venice’s glassmakers were exiled here in the 13th century. See the renowned Museo Vetrario (Glass Museum) and the Romanesque Church of Santa Maria e San Donato, one of the earliest of the Lagoon churches. A private visit is arranged at the studio of a glass artist. Return to the hotel for an afternoon at leisure. This evening, celebrate your trip at a festive farewell dinner in a private palazzo. VENICE 1 U.S.A. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Sunday, September 22 Transfer to the airport for the flight to

the U.S.A. n

“Comedy” on the façade of La Fenice.

VENICE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Friday, September 20 This morning visit the Ca’ Rezzonico art gallery and the Scuola Grande dei Carmini, an 18th-century gem with ceilings by Tiepolo. At the Renaissance Church of San Sebastiano, marvel at the wall and ceiling paintings by Veronese. Following lunch, view the Basilica of , designed by the architect Longhena. Today one of the city’s most iconic landmarks, the Salute was built in the 17th century as a

o plague church—a votive offering for the ’s t o h P r e g

deliverance from the devastating outbreak of the epidemic in g i r T


1630. Continue to Palladio’s imposing Church of San Giorgio o t o h Maggiore, embellished with works by and Longhena. P Dinner and the evening are at leisure. Canalside homes.

Reservation contact: 203-432-1952 or [email protected]

o t o h P r e g g i r T


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Church of .

P RO G R A M R AT E $ 6 , 9 9 5 (per person, double occupancy) S I N G L E S U P P L E M E N T $ 1 , 3 9 5 (limited availability) R AT E I N C LU D E S

n n Lectures and discussions with distinguished Evening performance of La Traviata, pending schedules Yale Professor James Hepokoski n Escorted sightseeing by water taxi and entrance fees for included visits n Six nights at the Hotel Europa & Regina, Venice n Airport / hotel transfers and porterage n Breakfast daily, three lunches, and two dinners with bottled water, coffee/tea, and local wine n Taxes and service charges; gratuities to guides and drivers Not Included in Rate International airfare; passport fees; alcoholic beverages other than wine at lunches and dinners; personal items and expenses; airport transfers for those not on suggested flights; baggage in excess of one suitcase; trip insurance; any other items not specifically mentioned as included.

Reservation contact: 203-432-1952, fax: 203-432-0587 or [email protected] To see further details of all Yale Educational Travel Programs, visit www.YaleEdTravel.org

Y A L E E D U C AT I O N A L T R AV E L 1 R E S E RVAT I O N A P P L I C AT I O N VIVALDI IN VENICE 1 SEPTEMBER 15 TO 22, 2013 To reserve a place, please complete and return this form with your deposit of Accommodations $1,500 per person (of which $350 is non-refundable for administrative fees) Hotel Room Preference q Double q Twin q Single (supplement of $1,395) payable to Academic Arrangements Abroad. Please mail form and deposit to: The Association of Yale Alumni, Yale Educational Travel, Box 209010, I wish to share a room with ______New Haven, CT 06520-9010 (Telephone 203-432-1952, Fax 203-432-0587). Or you may make a reservation online at www.YaleEdTravel.org/venice13. Form of Payment q Enclosed is my check (payable to Academic Arrangements Abroad). ______NAME IN FULL AS ON PASSPORT q Credit card (for deposit only; final payment must be made by check). ______q Visa q Mastercard q American Express DATE OF BIRTH YALE AFFILIATION ______NAME IN FULL AS ON PASSPORT NAME AS ON CREDIT CARD 3- OR 4-DIGIT SECURITY CODE ______DATE OF BIRTH YALE AFFILIATION ______CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE ______ADDRESS Each participant must sign below. I/We confirm that I/we have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions of this program. I/We agree to full payment by check 120 days prior to departure. ______CITY STATE ZIP ______SIGNATURE REQUIRED DATE TELEPHONE (HOME) (BUSINESS) ______FAX E-MAIL SIGNATURE REQUIRED DATE k c a l S

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Portrait of Antonio Vivaldi (top), photo © Hulton Archive/Getty Images. St. Mark’s Basilica (bottom). T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N S AIRFARE Academic Arrangements Abroad (AAA) will be pleased to assist with air travel arrangements for this program, including specially negotiated group airfare when available, suggested group flights or your own individual requests for a processing fee of $40 per person. Complete details will be provided in your confirmation mailing. PAYMENT SCHEDULE A deposit of $1,500 per person, payable to Academic Arrangements Abroad, of which $350 is non-refundable for administrative fees, is required with the reservation application. Final payment, by check only, must be received 120 days prior to departure. Mail deposit to: The Association of Yale Alumni, Yale Educational Travel, Box 209010, New Haven, CT 06520-9010 (Telephone 203-432-1952). HEALTH All participants must be in good health. This program involves extensive walking over uneven surfaces, climbing stairs at monuments and other locations not handicapped accessible, and climbing in and out of various conveyances. Any condition that may require assistance or special medical attention must be reported at the time of your reservation. INSURANCE TRIP CANCELLATION / EMERGENCY MEDICAL EVACUATION / BAGGAGE / ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE PROTECTION IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. CANCELLATION PENALTIES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED. We will send you a brochure from Travel Insurance Services or you may obtain coverage through a company of your choice. CHANGES IN ITINERARY & COSTS The itinerary is subject to change at the discretion of the Association of Yale Alumni (AYA) and AAA. All prices quoted are based on prevailing fuel prices, airfares, and currency exchange rates in effect at the time of brochure printing and are subject to change without notice. Deviations from the scheduled itinerary are at the expense of the individual. RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE The participation of AYA is limited to educational sponsorship of the program described in this brochure (The Program). AAA acts only as an agent for the participant with respect to transportation, accommodations, and all other services, relating to The Program. AAA, AYA, and/or their agents assume no responsibility or liability for any act, error, or omission, or for any injury, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity which may be occasioned by reason of any defect in any aircraft, ship, train, bus, or other carrier, or through neglect or default of any subcontractor or other third party, which may be used wholly or in part in the performance of their duty to the participants of The Program. The passage ticket issued by the carrier is the sole contract between the participant and the carrier. Nor will AAA or AYA and/or their agents be responsible for loss, injury, damages, or expenses to persons or property, due to illness, weather, strikes, local laws, hostilities, wars, terrorist acts, acts of nature, or other such causes in connection with The Program or anything beyond their reasonable control. AAA is not responsible for transportation or other program delays and changes, nor additional expenses or loss of time that may be incurred. In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for the comfort or well-being of the participants, or for any reason whatsoever, to alter the itinerary at any time, without notice to the participants, such alterations will be made without penalty to AAA or AYA. Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the participants. Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of the participant at all times. AAA and AYA reserve the right to accept or decline any person as a participant at any time, or to require any participant to withdraw from The Program at their own expense when such an action is determined by AAA or AYA to be in the best interest of the participant’s health and safety, or the general welfare of the other participants. CANCELLATION POLICY AAA must strictly adhere to its cancellation policy to offset costs incurred prior to the commencement of The Program, which may include but are not limited to: advance payments to land operators; train charters; communication expenses; development/promotional expenses; and the loss of time that might have permitted resale of reserved space. All cancellations must be made in writing to the offices of the Association of Yale Alumni, and are subject to a $350 non-refundable administrative fee. All refunds are limited to amounts actually received by AAA and are the sole responsibility of AAA; AYA shall have no liability for refunds. At the time AYA receives written notification of cancellation, the following cancellation charges will apply: cancellations received between 120 and 91 days prior to departure, 20 percent of the program cost per person; those received between 90 and 61 days before departure, 50 percent of the program cost per person; no refunds will be given for cancellations received within 60 days of departure. No refunds are given for cancellation on or after the day of departure, or for unused portions of the tour, for any reason. Air cancellation charges, if any, will be assessed in accordance with airline regulations. All group fare tickets must be issued no less than 30 days prior to departure. NOTE: Neither AAA nor AYA shall be liable for any airline cancellation penalties incurred by the purchase of a non-refundable ticket. In the case of a cancellation due to shortage of participants, AAA will attempt to notify all participants at least 45 days prior to departure. However, AAA reserves the right to cancel The Program prior to departure for any reason and, in such case, reimbursement of refundable costs of the trip by AAA shall constitute full settlement with the participant. In the unlikely event that a dispute arises between a participant and AAA or AYA, the following conditions will apply: (a) the dispute will be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in New York, NY; (b) the dispute will be governed by New York Law; (c) the maximum amount of recovery to which a participant shall be entitled under any and all circumstances will be the sum of all monies actually received from the participant by AAA. The participant agrees that this is a fair and reasonable limitation on the damages, of any sort whatsoever, that a participant may suffer. Upon payment of the deposit to AAA, the participant agrees to be bound by the above terms and conditions. Copyright © 2013 Arrangements Abroad, Inc. CST 2059789-40

On the front cover: Gondolas and Santa Maria della Salute Church. On the back cover: View of the Grand Canal from the Doge’s Palace, photo © Keith Robertson (top) and the Torre dell’Orologio, photo © lillisphotography (bottom) on St. Mark’s Square. V I VA L D I I N V E N I C E S E P T E M B E R 1 5 T O 2 2 , 2 0 1 3



V I VA L D I I N V E N I C E S E P T E M B E R 1 5 T O 2 2 , 2 0 1 3